Medicine for syphilis: what is prescribed for syphilis and what is effective? Treatment regimen for late syphilis Basic drugs for the treatment of syphilis

The basis of the treatment method for syphilis is non-surgical treatment of organs with antibiotics containing penicillin, iodine and bismuth. Such therapy in the shortest possible time allows you to get rid of the causative agent of syphilis - treponema and its effect on the body.

Syphilis is a common disease of our time, an infectious disease that is transmitted sexually, rarely through household contact. The causative agent of the disease is Treponema syphilis, which affects the mucous membranes of all organs. Patients in the early stages of the disease pose the greatest danger.

  1. Early (infectious). A form of the disease in which a healthy person without symptoms of syphilis has positive titers for two years after infection.
  2. Late (non-infectious). A form of the disease in which a healthy person, without symptoms of syphilis, has antibodies from microorganisms in the blood for more than two years after infection.

Acquired syphilis occurs due to the penetration of the pathogen through damaged blood vessels, mucous membranes, cells and blood. The infection period is on average 3 weeks.

According to the manifestation of the disease and the appearance of symptoms, acquired syphilis is:

  1. Primary syphilis is characterized by the formation of painless hard ulcers, headache, and muscle pain. In men, the first signs of syphilis itself are blood during urination. Treatment at this stage will take from 3 to 10 weeks.
  2. Secondary is characterized by fever, malaise, rash, and the appearance of brown and red spots.
  3. Tertiary is characterized by damage to the cardiovascular system or central nervous system. The age of such a disease is from 6 to 10 years from the moment of infection. This stage is considered virtually non-contagious.

Congenital syphilis is transmitted from a sick mother through the placenta to the child.


Syphilis can be treated at all stages; timely treatment is desirable - the results will be more effective and the prognosis will be more favorable. Appropriate treatment is established after the diagnosis is determined.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory tests, detection of the causative agent Treponema syphilis and the results of blood serum examinations (RSC, MRP (RPR, VDRL) RIBT, ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), RIF, RPGA). ELISA is the most common method for determining sexually transmitted infections (when the body produces antibodies).

Specific treatment is prescribed for people with confirmed syphilis. According to statistics, 30% of people who have sexual intercourse with a patient with primary syphilis can become infected. They are prescribed - Preventive treatment.

Therapy and prevention of infection development

Preventive treatment is prescribed to people with congenital syphilis, former patients with syphilis, pregnant women or their children. The most modern method of treating syphilis is the use of antibiotics containing penicillin. The peculiarity of the mechanism of penicillin is associated with a decrease in the growth of microorganisms and causes their death. The causative agent of the disease dies when exposed to these agents (bactericidal effect).

The main advantages of this treatment are:

  • Prevention of the spread of infection, that is, if the patient is treated with penicillin, he will not infect others;
  • Rapid reduction of negative clinical indicators;
  • After treatment, reappearance of the disease is extremely rare;
  • Effective and quick results in improved analysis, which indicates successful treatment.

Syphilis therapy includes therapeutic and preventive measures to improve the patient’s body from treponema and prevents the development of seroresistance (these are persistent positive non-treponemal tests for syphilis microreactions, after accurate and complete treatment).

A group of drugs based on penicillin

The main drugs that represent this group are benzylpencillin, ceftriaxone, ampicillin. The advantages of these drugs are rapid absorption into the blood and removal from the body.

Durant benzylpenicillin drugs are the most effective among penicillin drugs. Such drugs that have a longer therapeutic effect than other antibiotics containing the same medicinal substances.

According to laboratory studies, durant drugs are not effective in the treatment of latent primary syphilis and the first six months of secondary syphilis. Positive microreactions to treponema.

That is, the antibodies of the disease remain insensitive and resistant to long-acting penicillins. Such drugs form a low concentration of the substance in the blood serum and are insufficient for antibactericidal action.

Then the patient is administered an improved formula of the drug - benzylpenicillin, a fast-acting drug, or Procaine-penicillin, a drug of “medium” duration. Both substances are safe for use at home. The treatment mechanism is simple, it is necessary to maintain a certain contraction of the substance, for this an injection is given intramuscularly every 3 hours.

Treatment regimen for adults: bicillin - 1,200,000 units is administered intramuscularly over six days. The best medicine in the treatment of syphilis, despite the disadvantages of administration, is benzylpenicillin. Therapy takes place in the hospital, with an average of 4-6 injections per day.

This drug is relevant in the treatment of a disease after six months of infection or in late periods of the disease, as the medicine has an average speed of action. The concentration is achieved sufficient to kill typical treponemas and other modified forms of microorganisms.

Other types of antibiotics

However, it is not always possible to treat with penicillin. Some patients experience allergic reactions to penicillin such as urticaria or anaphylactic shock. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly select treatment for each patient according to all laboratory tests. An alternative to treatment with penicillins is the use of cephalosporin antibiotics.

The causative agent of syphilis is hypersensitive to the drug of this group. Cephalosporins act like penicillin drugs and are suitable for treating late-stage disease. The course of treatment takes 20 days. Therapy with cephalosporins can achieve positive results.

“Love diseases” are also treated with other types of antibiotics: erythromycin, tetracycline, doxycycline. The effectiveness is significantly less than that of penicillin and cephalosporin. Analogue drugs limit the reproduction and growth of treponema, but do not completely destroy the infection. These medications are used if allergic reactions to the main drug have been observed. They are used for preparatory therapy before the main treatment of late syphilis.

In case of intolerance, ceftriaxone tablets are used for 14-28 days or intramuscularly.

Prevention of syphilis

To prevent syphilis, preparations based on bismuth salt are recommended. Bismuth therapy has become a new milestone in the treatment of syphilis - the powerful effective results of the drug were overshadowed by individual intolerance and side complications. Bismuth nanoparticles are less toxic and have a good effect at the molecular and cellular level.

For prevention, it is recommended first of all to lead a correct lifestyle and nutrition. Choose your partner thoughtfully and selectively and use protective equipment. If there is any suspicion, carry out sanitization with Meratin.

After sexual intercourse, go to the toilet, wash your hands and genitals with soap. Prepare the required area for treatment. Then wipe the intimate area with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of sublimate 1:1000. Using a pipette, drop a 2-3 percent solution of protargol into the urethra; 0.05 percent solution of hibitan, do not go to the toilet for 2-3 hours for effectiveness.

You should not self-medicate with traditional methods and methods. Be healthy!

Syphilis is a dangerous and common disease throughout the world that requires immediate medical intervention as soon as it is detected. Over the past few centuries, different drugs have been used to treat syphilis. Some of them were more effective, others less. However, due to the fact that the causative agent of the disease, Treponema pallidum, did not mutate during this period, it was possible to try different remedies for syphilis and develop general schemes for primary and backup therapy. To date, drug treatment of syphilis is the main and only confirmed method of therapy. Drugs for syphilis can be prescribed not only to patients, but also to people who are in close contact with them, for example, their children or cohabitants.

Drugs and products for the treatment of syphilis

Medicines for syphilis

Patients should be aware that this disease is very serious and without proper regular therapy, it can lead to the death of the patient. You should not self-medicate by taking medications for syphilis that are not prescribed by a doctor, or by increasing or decreasing the dosage yourself. This is due to the fact that the disease often manifests itself as a variety of concomitant HIV diseases, negatively affecting the mucous membranes, skin, and, over a long period of time, the functioning of many organs. In addition, many possible forms of development may be resistant to certain anti-syphilis drugs. For example, in the fight against neurosyphilis, it is necessary to use those agents that easily penetrate into the cerebrospinal fluid. Otherwise, therapy will be ineffective.

Treatment of syphilis with tablets

Treatment of syphilis with tablets, as a separate form of therapy, is justified in the initial stages of the disease and only if the patient does not have other HIV infections. Also, preference for anti-treponema drugs in tablet form is given if, as a result of long-term therapy, changes have occurred in the muscle structure that prevent the normal absorption of injected medications. Many modern drugs, produced in the form of tablets, successfully fight such a difficult form of the disease as neurosyphilis. As already mentioned, this form of drug release allows one to avoid destructive changes in the gluteal muscles and unnecessary trauma to the blood vessels, but the gastrointestinal tract bears the brunt of side effects. At the first manifestations of a peptic ulcer, inflammation of the kidneys or liver, most of these drugs have to be abandoned.

In addition to the main therapeutic effect, tablets for treponema therapy are used as an auxiliary therapeutic agent, immunostimulating or anti-allergenic. In the latter case, they are prescribed before the first injection of a drug not previously taken, half an hour before the injection.

Syphilis injections

Syphilis injections are given either intravenously or in the upper quadrant of the buttock. In most cases, the second option is much preferable, since it does not have such a negative effect on the blood vessels as in the first case. However, in especially severe cases, intravenous injections are prescribed. Intramuscular injections are always made in the buttock, each time choosing a new place for the next puncture. Correct calculation of the thickness of subcutaneous fat is very important for systematic treatment, since drugs are absorbed from subcutaneous tissue much more slowly, and repeated injections into the same place will cause pain in the patient, severe swelling of the muscles and excessive growth of connective tissue with subsequent scarring. Therefore, in medical institutions, the first injection is made closer to the line of the spine, each time moving further away from it, alternating between the right and left buttocks for the next punctures.

Recently, more and more often you can find advertisements for the treatment of syphilis with one injection, but as practice shows, this is just another way to lure money from patients, and even if the symptoms of the disease temporarily disappear, neither 1 nor even 4 injections can cure a person! But they will be able to transfer the disease into a latent form, thereby aggravating the situation.

Treatment of syphilis with mercury was one of the very first means of combating this disease, which began to be used back in the 16th century. And although Hg helped fight the disease in many cases, unreasonably large dosages of drugs containing mercury, tablets based on it, injections into a vein and inhalation of vapors often led to side effects that were much more difficult to deal with than the disease itself. Therefore, patients treated with this drug had a very high mortality rate.

Despite this, many doctors continued to poison their patients with incorrectly calculated doses or suggested constantly carrying with them special bags containing evaporating mercury. And only in 1865, Russian scientists Konoplev and Sokolov proposed the use of sublimate injections, which made it possible to more accurately calculate the dosage of the drug administered to the patient.

Today, traditional medicine prescribes drug treatment for syphilis with mercury in some cases. Representatives of homeopathy also continue to use this remedy. As for traditional medicine, the administration of small doses of Hg to newborns and young children is justified if they have lesions of the skin or mucous membranes. Typically, substances are administered in the form of a mixture or powder, so a doctor, suspecting treponema pallidum, may prescribe them secretly while awaiting examination results.

Sometimes mercury ointments are used to rub into the skin, but only in cases of unsuccessful conventional treatment or poor absorption of the gluteal muscles.

Another remedy used today in the treatment of patients is mercury injections, the indications for which are the same as for conventional antibiotic injections. At the same time, the course of treatment is longer, and there are more side effects.

Treatment of syphilis with antibiotics

In modern medicine, the use of antibiotics for the treatment of syphilis is the most justified solution, since these medications, in most cases, show rapid results in the fight against Treponema pallidum with minimal side effects. Antibiotics for syphilis can be prescribed both in the form of tablets and in the form of injections, depending on the stage of development of the disease, the presence of chronic diseases, allergic reactions and much more.

At the moment, the most common antibiotics are penicillin drugs. They are appointed first. In case of contraindications to them, they begin to use other drugs: macrolides, cephalosporins, tetracyclines.


Treatment of syphilis with penicillin was first used back in the 40s of the last century. Due to the fact that the virus has not mutated during this time, it remains the No. 1 drug in the treatment of this disease. Penicillin for syphilis shows an effectiveness that is not available to many other broad-spectrum antibiotics, but it often causes an allergic reaction. Therefore, as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed, an allergy test is taken from the patient, and if the result is negative, drug therapy is started. Penicillin, after its administration, begins to quickly act in the body, which is its undoubted advantage, but the speed of its removal from the body forces doctors to prescribe injections at intervals of 3-4 hours, which makes outpatient treatment with this drug impossible and requires hospitalization of the patient.

In the case of a positive allergy test, the doctor decides for himself what drugs to treat syphilis in this particular case.


Bicillin for syphilis is prescribed either as the main drug or as a medication to complete successful treatment of the disease. There are 4 types of drugs with the common name - bicillin. They differ in the concentration and composition of the main active ingredients, which affects not only its antibiotic properties, but also the different frequency of injections during therapy. Thus, Bicillin 3 is usually administered twice a day, while drug number 1 is administered once a day. For outpatient treatment or to help other antibiotics against pathogens, bicillin 5 is often prescribed, which is eliminated from the body in 4-5 days, which allows 1-2 injections per week, while the same penicillin requires 3-4 injections in a day.

In case of pronounced allergic reactions to penicillin drugs or bicillin, prescribing this drug is prohibited.


Ceftriaxone for syphilis is prescribed in case of allergy to penicillin drugs. It has unique properties and effectively fights against most pathogens, including Treponema pallidum. The drug has a slightly less pronounced effect compared to penicillin, but its half-life is about 8 hours, which allows injections to be given once a day without requiring hospitalization of patients. Conducted studies have shown its effectiveness as a backup medication for primary and secondary forms of syphilis, however, little experience in its use and the lack of data on harm to pregnant women does not allow recommending the drug to pregnant women and children.


Doxycycline is another antibiotic that has been widely used since the 90s. On average, taking doxycycline twice a day, treatment for syphilis lasts 10-30 days, which is only slightly longer than with benzylpenicillin drugs. The release form of this medication is ampoules. The patient is prescribed 2 injections of 1 g per day, trying to distribute them over equal intervals. Doxycyline has a slight photosensitizing side effect on the skin, so in the summer during the treatment period, patients are advised to stay in the sun as little as possible. The drug also negatively affects bone growth, which should be taken into account when prescribing it to children.

Sometimes doxycycline is used at the stage of preparing patients for subsequent penicillin therapy, especially for cardiovascular syphilis.

When choosing doxycycline, the doctor must take into account that this drug should not be prescribed to pregnant women.


For syphilis, sumamed is used as an analogue drug. This drug is usually classified as a bacteriostatic, which does not prevent it from showing an association constant with ribosomes that is 8 times higher than that of other azalide medications. This makes it possible to achieve effective suppression of protein synthesis in the early stages of the disease, and prevents the disease from developing. If the patient does not have an early form of the disease, sumamed can be prescribed as an additional nonspecific medication to speed up recovery from neurosyphilis, congenital form of syphilis, recurrent or latent type of the disease, as well as in the presence of other pathologies.

A positive property of the drug is its ability to accumulate in tissues to a concentration exceeding its content in the blood by 50 times, while sumamed will be excreted from the body for at least seven days. The disadvantage of this medication is considered to be impermeability to the cerebrospinal fluid and a negative effect on the liver and kidneys.


For syphilis, azithromycin began to be prescribed relatively recently. Since this drug is new, we immediately conducted experiments on its harmlessness and a comparative test for effectiveness. The tests were carried out in the USA over seven years. The test results showed similar effectiveness of the medications and an almost complete absence of side effects. But mild side effects were observed quite often and accounted for about 60% of all cases of treatment with azithromycin, but serious dysfunctions of the body were manifested to a much lesser extent than in the control group taking penicillin.

Despite the encouraging results of the experiment, the effect of the drug on the body of pregnant women has not been studied. In addition, if the patient has several concomitant HIV diseases, azithromycin may be almost completely useless.


Treatment of syphilis with tetracycline is prescribed mainly in the initial stages of the primary and secondary disease, if the patient needs to switch from injections to tablets. Tetracycline should be taken four times a day, at regular intervals for 15-40 days, depending on the form of the disease.

When prescribing this drug, it is necessary to warn the patient about the undesirability of consuming milk during therapy, as well as substances that reduce stomach acidity. If therapy occurs in the summer, then they warn about the need to take shelter from the sun's rays.

Tetracycline is not prescribed for preschool children and pregnant women.


Erythromycin is almost never used for syphilis, if it is possible to use the much more effective benzylpenicillin, however, as a reserve drug, it has proven itself well. Erythromycin is classified as a macrolide.

Erythromycin is often prescribed to young children, as today it is considered the safest anti-syphilis drug. For neurosyphilis, this remedy is useless, since it does not penetrate into the cerebrospinal fluid.

The harmlessness of erythromycin has a negative impact on its aggressiveness towards the causative agent of the disease, so this drug is often combined with various types of bismuth drugs or a longer course of therapy is prescribed.


Amoxicillin for syphilis is used as a semi-synthetic analogue of penicillin. The advantage of this product is its wide spectrum of action. Its acid resistance, which makes it possible to produce it in tablets for oral use, and the speed of action after taking medication, allows it to reach its maximum concentration in the blood within 2 hours. Good absorption of amoxicillin allows you not to tie the hours of administration to meals. The main thing is to maintain equal intervals between taking the drug.

It is not advisable to use this drug instead of penicillin in the absence of allergic reactions, since it is significantly inferior in effectiveness to benzylpenicillin. Also, you should not combine amoxicillin with antibacterial agents, as they will suppress each other.


For syphilis, ampicillin is used as a semi-synthetic analogue of penicillin. The structure of the drug is extremely similar to penicillin, both in terms of its effect on gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. Therefore, it is often prescribed as a broad-spectrum medication when the disease has already been clearly established, but there is no specific data on its etiology.

The similarity with penicillin makes it possible to use not only the advantages of the drug, but also its disadvantages. For example, if the disease is caused by microorganisms that destroy penicillin, then ampicillin will also be destroyed.

Good results can be achieved by combining ampicillin treatment with vitamins B and C.

Traditional treatment of syphilis

Treatment with folk remedies for syphilis as a separate method of therapy, without contacting a doctor, is not able to cure the patient, but will only trigger the disease, which can cause death.

But the use of various herbs as an additional method of influence will not only speed up the patient’s recovery, but also reduce, and in some cases help to avoid, the negative consequences of taking antibiotics that have a detrimental effect on the human body.

But before you start taking certain herbal infusions, you should consult with your doctor to find out what effects they will have on the medications you are taking, and whether they will harm the body more than they will help.

Treatment of syphilis with homeopathy

Treatment of syphilis with homeopathy began to be used back in the 18th century. The principle of this unconventional effect on the body is an attempt to awaken an immune response in the patient by giving him drugs that can cause symptoms of treponema pallidum in a healthy person. Usually, for this purpose, drugs with diluted mercury and iodine are used, but in small proportions, which are drunk weekly, alternating with each other.

From a theoretical point of view, this is interesting, but after diluting the active substance in a ratio of 1/100, it is not possible to talk about benefits or harm, since such small numbers are within the limits of mathematical errors.

No matter what medications you use to start the fight against syphilis, the main condition for successful treatment remains the systematic use of prescribed medications in the dosage specified by the doctor.

Despite the fact that the disease is treated successfully, the process is quite complex. It is necessary to start therapy as early as possible; it is important to select the correct dosage, duration of therapy, and much more.

There are many diseases that the body can cope with on its own. But as for this pathology, the lack of therapeutic action can play a cruel joke. How to treat syphilis, and whether there are 100% ways to do this, we will consider below.

Syphilis is one of the diseases that is transmitted through sexual contact. If a partner is intentionally infected, liability may be criminal, since there is a threat to the population. You can notice the first symptoms some time after infection. During this period of time, the patient can infect someone else.

Without paying attention to the disease, you can face many troubles: infertility, damage to internal organs, death.

There are several types of pathology:

  • primary, secondary and tertiary– the difference lies in the manifestation of symptoms;
  • acquired and congenital– type of infection;
  • early or late- depends on when it was detected.

The bacteria that causes syphilis are Treponema pallidum. They tend to spread quickly and internal organs may suffer. Even after recovery, immunity to the disease will not arise; this may cause re-infection.

Main signs of the disease

The cause of the development of the disease is pathogenic bacteria that enter the human body through mucous membranes or lesions on the skin. The virus is difficult to see even under a microscope, and the whole point is due to its unclear coloring.

You can notice the first symptoms only after the incubation period, which lasts from two weeks to several months:

  • after adaptation, the bacteria enter the blood, and a nodule is formed at the site of their introduction, dense to the touch;
  • the nodule contains a large number of pathogen cells;
  • the patient is considered to be particularly contagious during this period;
  • blood analysis does not show the presence of infection.

At the first stage, painful ulcers appear, in addition to this there are other symptoms:

  • tissues swell;
  • lymph nodes enlarge in the groin area and neck;
  • syphilomas fester;
  • discharge from the genitals with an unpleasant odor;
  • the appearance of rashes on the body of different colors.

After some time, the ulcers heal, leaving age spots on the body. The discharge disappears, the symptoms subside, and the disease becomes latent. But, despite the fact that outwardly everything indicates the onset of recovery, the pathology continues to progress.

How and with what to treat syphilis and is it possible to get rid of it at all? Yes, it is indeed possible to recover, but only if therapy was started in a timely manner. The disease can also be treated in later stages, but provided that the nervous system and parts of the brain are not affected.

The photo below shows the symptoms of syphilis.

Who treats and diagnoses?

Before thinking about how and how to treat syphilis, you need to undergo an examination. To do this, you must undergo certain tests. Diagnosis and treatment is carried out by a dermatovenerologist.

The first thing a specialist should do is listen to the patient’s complaints, identify signs of the disease, and conduct an examination of the whole body.

Subsequently, laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • dark-field microsporia - material is taken from the primary focus of infection;
  • polymerase chain reaction.

Most patients are worried about how to cure syphilis if time has already passed and the disease has already reached a severe stage of development? Treatment methods are determined only by a specialist after receiving all test results.

People in this group should be identified for symptoms as soon as possible:

  • pregnant women;
  • patients immediately before surgery;
  • military personnel;
  • children;
  • workers of medical institutions.

The video in this article explains how the diagnosis is carried out.

First visit to the hospital

On the first visit to the hospital, the specialist collects all the necessary information about the patient. Information required to identify:

  • condition of the lymph nodes;
  • is there a rash or chancre on the body, what is the condition of the genitals;
  • whether you had sex without a condom in the past month;
  • whether the patient knew that his partner was ill.

If any rash is detected on the body, additional laboratory examination should be carried out:

  • Wasserman reaction;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • treponemal tests;
  • study of serological reactions.

Thus, it is possible to determine at what stage of development the pathology is, and an individual treatment regimen is determined.

In the secondary or tertiary form of the disease, it is recommended to adhere to bed rest. Folk remedies for syphilis are acceptable, but only at an early stage and only after permission from a specialist.

Treatment of syphilis at an early stage

The therapy must be carried out by a qualified specialist, since treatment can involve many difficulties. Treatment of syphilis with folk remedies, despite the availability of many recipes, is not recommended.

Interesting! At the initial stage, the disease is easily treatable. If there are no contraindications to penicillin, the drug is prescribed by injection.

If you are allergic to the drug mentioned above, other antibiotics based on Tetracycline, for example, Doxycycline, are prescribed.

In modern medicine, some drugs can be combined for treatment: Bicillin and Bismuth. Instructions for taking medications are given by your doctor.

Some patients are admitted to hospital for treatment. Sometimes it is necessary to undergo two to five courses of treatment. Immune system stimulants are used as a supplement.

Late stages

Stages of the disease following the initial stage require a more complete examination. To identify treponema pallidum, a biopsy is taken from the lymph nodes, and the cerebrospinal fluid is also studied.

How can you treat syphilis at the secondary stage? The medications are exactly the same as in the previous case. The main task is to maintain the level of Penicillin in the blood until the main symptoms of the disease are eliminated.

Untreated syphilis can easily develop into the tertiary form. This is fraught with serious consequences for the body. More than 25% of patients die.

But if the nervous system and brain are not damaged, you can still restore health:

  1. It is recommended to adhere to bed rest. Erythromycin and Tetracycline are used for up to two weeks.
  2. Patients should be observed in hospital until serological signs disappear completely. It is worth noting that it takes a lot of time to restore blood.

The disease is completely curable only if the patient seeks help in a timely manner.

Modern methods of treatment

How can you cure syphilis?

In modern medicine there are several ways to do this:

  1. Specific therapy. Treatment begins from the moment an accurate diagnosis is made, and can be carried out in a hospital or outpatient setting.
  2. Preventive treatment- This is a whole range of measures aimed at preventing the disease. Persons who were in close proximity to a sick person are given special attention.
  3. Preventative treatment. For pregnant women who are sick or have had the disease, antisyphilitic drugs are used. Prevention affects babies born to sick parents.
  4. Trial therapy. If symptoms of damage to internal organs appear, this therapy is resorted to.

It is difficult to predict how long treatment will take. It all depends on the stage of the disease and the medications used for therapy. Primary syphilis can be cured in just a few weeks, secondary syphilis can be cured in a couple of months, and tertiary syphilis will have to be treated for up to a year.

Family members must understand that infection can also be caused through household means, which means that everyone should use their own personal items and belongings. Women who have recovered from syphilis can plan pregnancy no earlier than several years after that.

Treatment with antibiotics

Penicillin drugs are the basis of specific treatment. In hospital settings, water-soluble penicillin is used. The drug will be able to provide the proper level of concentration of the substance in the body. However, it is eliminated from the body quickly, which means it needs to be administered several times a day.

Durant drugs can be used for treatment in an outpatient clinic. Foreign drugs include Bicillin-1, Retarpen and their analogues.

In addition to antibiotics, immunomodulators are prescribed. A strong immune system will be able to suppress new outbreaks, all toxins and destroyed bacteria will be removed from the body. Thanks to immunotherapy, the effectiveness of treatment will be increased, and the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

In order to achieve the best results in the treatment of syphilis, physiotherapy may be prescribed.


This is one of the types of electrotherapy. The technique is based on the use of a high-frequency magnetic field. It is recommended to use this method for patients.


It is used to strengthen the body after taking so many medications. It is recommended to use inductors along the spine.

Microwave therapy

This is another type of physical therapy used to improve the condition of the patient's nervous system. Blood circulation improves and metabolism levels increase.

Control and surveillance

If about six months have passed since contact with a sick person, control is carried out using serological tests. The examination should be carried out twice, an interval of two months.

If more than six months have passed since contact with a sick person, then a serological test is carried out only once. Patients who have been diagnosed with gonorrhea or some other sexually transmitted infection should undergo a follow-up examination every six months.

Persons who are in contact with patients with early forms of syphilis, but who have completed preventive treatment, may not be tested in the future. You can visit your doctor every few months if you wish.

Traditional methods of treatment

How and how syphilis is treated is discussed above. At an early stage of the development of the disease, at the request of the doctor and with the permission of a specialist, traditional methods for treatment can be used. We will look at the most common ones below.

Garlic and wine

In order to prepare the medicine, you should take 200 grams of strawberry jam and one hundred milliliters of water. Mix everything, put on fire and bring to a boil. Add apple juice and 400 milliliters of red wine to the resulting mixture, stir and let cool.

Chop a few heads of garlic, add to the tincture, and let it brew for three hours. Strain the drink, drink 100 milliliters three times a day.

Sand sedge root

To treat the disease with herbs, it is recommended to use sedge root. Clean it and grind it. Separate 20 grams, fill them with water. Place on the fire and simmer until the liquid is reduced by half. The finished broth should sit for two hours. Drink 200 milliliters of the drink throughout the day.

Yakut field grass

Pour two glasses of boiled water over two tablespoons of the plant. Let it brew, strain, drink one spoon five times a day.

Burdock root

Grind the burdock root, separate one spoon and fill it with 200 milliliters of water. Place the mixture on the fire and remove after 20 minutes. Take the strained broth one tablespoon at a time, but no more than 4 times a day.

Important! Treatment with the remedies listed above is permissible only after consultation with a doctor.

Most of these recipes can be used as adjuvant therapy.

Prevention of syphilis

The disease is considered one of the most contagious; it can be contracted using different methods. Moreover, if pathology is expressed in the form of eczema, ulcers and rashes on the body, then the chances of getting sick increase several times.

If you are surrounded by people suffering from the disease, you should avoid all contact with them. And you can’t even touch the patient.

Medical workers highlight several general rules that will protect against infection:

  • You should have sex with one regular partner;
  • it is necessary to use contraception;
  • Avoid any dubious connections with random partners.

Emergency prevention is carried out immediately after contact with a sick person. The genitals should be washed thoroughly; for men, an antiseptic is injected into the urethra, and for women into the vagina.

The best way to treat syphilis should be decided by a specialist. Without his help, it is simply impossible to get rid of the disease. The pathology will not go away on its own. Fortunately, today in medicine there are enough methods that give positive results in treatment.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

What is preventive treatment

It so happened that I had sex with a patient with syphilis. The hospital said that you need to undergo preventive treatment, I would like to know what it is?

This is a kind of prevention for those people who have had close contact with a sick person. But it is carried out if no more than two months have passed since the moment of contact.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted sexually transmitted disease. When infected with Treponema pallidum, the skin, internal organs, mucous membranes, nervous and skeletal systems are affected. The disease must be treated in specialized dispensaries under the supervision of a doctor. But at the initial stage of its development, doctors allow treatment with tablets and injections at home.

General information and symptoms

Syphilis is a chronic sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The main route of transmission of the disease is sexual, and it is also possible to transmit it from mother to child during the birth process. The disease affects the mucous membranes, skin, organs and tissues, bone and nervous systems.

When infected with treponema pallidum, a person develops general signs of the disease:

  • general malaise;
  • weakness;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia.

Syphilis is divided into three stages. The table describes the symptoms of the disease, which appear depending on the stage of the pathological process.

Stage Characteristic Photo
Primary syphilis

During this time, a painful sensation appears on the labia of women or the head of the penis of men. This is an element with a dense base and smooth edges of brown-red color. Ulcers form at the site where the pathogen enters the body.

After 2 weeks, the lymph nodes that are in close proximity to the rash become enlarged. This is a sign that Treponema pallidum is spread through the bloodstream throughout the body and affects the vital organs of a person. The ulcer heals on its own after a month, but the infection continues to develop.

By the end of the first period, the patient develops specific signs:

  • general weakness;
  • migraine;
  • decreased appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • pain in joints and muscles.

During the first period, doctors prescribe antibiotics for treatment at home

Chancre with syphilis

Secondary syphilis

After the end of the first phase, it develops. This period is characterized by the following features:

  • the appearance of a symmetrical rash throughout the body;
  • upon palpation the patient complains of pain.

If the disease is not treated with antibiotics, it goes into a latent course that lasts for years with periods of exacerbations.

During a relapse, the rash is smaller and the elements are faded. The patient experiences hair loss and flesh-colored growths in the genital area.

Rashes due to secondary syphilis

Tertiary syphilisTreponema pallidum affects vital organs, gunas or foci of inflammation appear on the mucous membranes, organs, eyes and bones of a person. The bridge of the nose sinks, and food falls into the nose when eating. Nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord die, paralysis and dementia occur

Tertiary syphilis

Treatment with tablets and injections for syphilis at home is allowed only in the first stage of the disease. During the secondary and tertiary stages, the patient is in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor.


Treatment of syphilis is a complex task that requires complex action. The basis of therapy is medications: antibiotics and antibacterial agents.

To treat syphilis, the patient requires a course of antibiotic therapy. Doctors prescribe drugs of the penicillin group, since Treponema pallidum is the least resistant to them. The drug is prescribed for oral administration or as an injection. In advanced cases, a complex effect is necessary: ​​the use of penicillin in the form of tablets and an injection of an identical medication an hour later.

Effective medications for Treponema pallidum:

  • Retarpen;
  • Bicillin;
  • Extensillin and others.

Drugs of the penicillin group act on Treponema pallidum and have a low threshold for the development of an allergic reaction.

If the patient has individual intolerance to the penicillin series, then the doctor decides to prescribe drugs from the macrolide group:

  • midecamycin;
  • Rovamycin;
  • Sumamed;
  • erythromycin and others.

Tablets for syphilis are prescribed at the initial stage of the disease, and the course of treatment is 3-4 months. The drug and dose are selected individually.

At an advanced stage, when the disease becomes chronic, therapy is carried out over a long period of at least a year. In this case, toxic drugs are used, since treponema becomes resistant to antibiotics.

The table describes effective medications for treating syphilis at home.

A drug Characteristic Photo
RovamycinThe drug belongs to the macrolide group and has a persistent bactericidal effect. Affects the pathogens of meningitis, chlamydia and syphilis. Prescribed in complex therapy. The medicine is available in tablet form and in powder form for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration. The tablets are well tolerated by humans, but if the dosage is incorrect, nausea and vomiting occur

The active ingredient of the drug is doxycycline. The tablets have an antimicrobial effect. Affects Treponema pallidum. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

Possible development of adverse reactions:

  • skin rashes;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea and vomiting

MiramistinMiramistin is highly effective in the treatment of sexually transmitted pathologies. Affects gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including Treponema pallidum
BicillinPreparations of the penicillin group of natural origin. The action is based on suppressing the synthesis of cell membranes of the pathogen, which prevents their further growth and reproduction. Bicillin affects gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. It should not be used during pregnancy. To reduce the risk of spreading a fungal infection while taking the drug, doctors prescribe a course of vitamins C and B
PenicillinA common drug with a wide spectrum of action, available in the form of tablets or injection solution. It is prescribed in the form of injections, as the solution has a high percentage of effectiveness. Penicillin is not used if you are hypersensitive

Cephobit or cefoperazone has a wide spectrum of action. The drug is active against Staphylococcus aureus, Treponema pallidum, Chlamydia and other pathogenic microorganisms.

In case of overdose, side effects from the gastrointestinal tract develop:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, the medicine is not prescribed

CefotaximeThis is a third generation antibiotic that can be used during pregnancy. Used in the treatment of syphilis. Contraindications include individual intolerance to the penicillin group of drugs. It should not be used if you have liver dysfunction.
MinolexinMinolexin is a tetracycline drug with high bacteriostatic properties. Available in capsule form for oral administration. It is not prescribed simultaneously with penicillin, as the effectiveness of Minolexin is reduced. Duration of treatment is 20 days


BismoverolAn antisyphilitic drug that is used at every stage of therapy. Used for adults and children. It should not be used for certain diseases: diabetes mellitus; liver and kidney dysfunction; acute heart failure

Tablets, injections and ointments for syphilis are selected by the doctor on an individual basis. Self-medication is inappropriate.

At an advanced stage of the pathology, the patient is prescribed potent drugs or injections. For example, the antibiotic Azaran is a modern medicine of the 3rd generation of group III cephalosporins. Has a bactericidal effect, suppresses the development of Treponema pallidum.

Available only in solution for intramuscular injection. The components of the drug are absorbed into the bloodstream, providing a rapid therapeutic effect. Digestibility by cells and tissues reaches 100%, which allows for rapid recovery and elimination of treponema from the human body.

  • Clavocin;
  • ceftriaxone;
  • Augmentin and others.

All information is provided for informational purposes only. Considering the possibility of a latent course and serious complications, treatment should be carried out by a qualified specialist. Only a doctor is able to select correction methods that help completely get rid of treponema pallidum. Self-medication muffles clinical manifestations and can be fatal to human health.

Tablets for syphilis are medications for oral administration. This infectious disease is caused by Treponema pallidum, which affects the mucous membranes, skin and organs. Infection occurs through microtrauma or during fetal development. Syphilis occurs in 4 stages, each of which has its own treatment regimen. It will take a long time to take the pills. They are prescribed immediately after confirmation of the diagnosis.

Currently, there are various drugs for the treatment of syphilis that give results at any stage. First of all, these are antibiotics and iodine compounds. In the past, the tablets contained mercury, to which Treponema is sensitive. Currently, such anti-syphilis drugs are prohibited for use due to their high toxicity.

Are oral medications effective?

Treatment of syphilis with tablets is carried out at any period of the disease. However, complete recovery is possible only in its primary and secondary forms. Oral administration of drugs is switched to when destructive changes appear in muscle tissue after frequent injections. However, the pills have side effects on the digestive system. With prolonged use, it is possible to develop ulcers and liver damage.

The basis of drug treatment for syphilis is penicillin antibiotics. Treponema pallidum has not developed resistance to them. Ancillary medications such as immunostimulants and vitamins are also used in tablet form. In certain cases, before giving an intramuscular injection, the same drug is taken orally.

Long-acting antibiotics can be used to treat syphilis in an outpatient setting. These effective drugs quickly destroy Treponema pallidum, but may have side effects. In the presence of allergic reactions to penicillin, antibacterial agents of other pharmacological groups are used:

  • tetracyclines;
  • cephalosporins;
  • macrolides;
  • streptomycins;
  • aminoglycosides.

Primary syphilis is easy to treat. In this case, the tablets are taken for 3 months, after which complete recovery occurs. In advanced forms, the therapeutic course can last more than 2 years. By the time syphilis passes into the tertiary period, the causative agent of the infection develops resistance to antibiotics. In this case, arsenic and bismuth preparations are used.

The patient is considered healthy if there are no symptoms of syphilis and tests give a negative result within 5 years after stopping taking the pills.

How do medications work?

The mechanism of action of such drugs depends on the substances included in their composition. Penicillin prevents the formation of the cell membrane of Treponema pallidum. The betalactam substance reacts with bacterial proteins. This promotes the activation of enzymes that promote self-destruction of the bacterium.

Penicillin is not destroyed by gastric juice. The maximum concentration in the blood is achieved 2 hours after taking the tablet. The cure for syphilis gradually spreads to all tissues and biological environments of the body. Its concentration in the blood gradually decreases. Part of the active substance is excreted unchanged by the kidneys within 6 hours after administration. The elimination period is extended in the presence of diseases of the excretory system.

Types of tablets

There are many medicines that can be used to cure syphilis. By combining drugs from various pharmacological groups, the doctor draws up the most effective schemes for eliminating sexually transmitted diseases:

Rules of application

Modern methods of treating syphilis involve individual selection of drugs. This takes into account the stage of infection, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Tablets should be taken every 8 hours half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease and the results of its use in the first days. During the treatment period, you must refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking. Do not exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment regimens for secondary and tertiary syphilis include drugs from several pharmacological groups. This increases the effectiveness of therapy and speeds up the healing process. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of drugs. Penicillins, which are effective against proliferating bacteria, cannot be used in combination with bacteriostatics (aminoglycosides).

When interacting with anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs, antibiotics may be eliminated from the body more slowly. Most of them reduce the effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives. Intravenous administration of glucose while taking penicillin can provoke the development of allergic reactions.

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