The medicine of eternal youth. The hormone that preserves youth: a natural pill against old age! Top dietary supplements for preserving youth

“Rapamycin is produced by a bacterium that lives on Easter Island. She produces it to suppress the growth of fungi, just as fungi produce penicillin against bacteria. But aging is, to put it simply, a continuation of growth. Therefore, fungi stop reproducing and growing, but begin to live for a long time. The mechanism of action of rapamycin is very similar to that of a low-calorie diet. We are very lucky that it works not only on fungi, but also on mammals. But since it suppresses growth, it is only suitable for adults. So far it is used in organ transplantation to suppress the immune system, but in different laboratories there is a lot of work on its modifications that will allow it to be used as a geroprotector without side effects.”

Mikhail Blagosklonny, professor at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

2. Metformin

“Metformin is a medicine for the treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus. This is the only promising geroprotector that has been used in medicine for 60 years and has not shown any significant side effects. By the way, it was discovered in Russia. And it turned out that it is effective not only against diabetes, but significantly prolongs the life of laboratory animals, helps prevent cancer, cardiovascular diseases and even cognitive disorders. I take it myself all the time, but mostly because I have diabetes.”

Nir Barzilai, director of the Institute of Gerontology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

3. Hyaluronic acid

“Hyaluronic acid is produced by the naked mole rat’s body - it seems that its protective properties are why it lives so long. The hyaluronic acid molecule has a short and a long form. The short form is used for cosmetic purposes - in Botox - to smooth out wrinkles. But it causes inflammation. And the long one, which the mole rat has, on the contrary, is anti-inflammatory and, apparently, anti-cancer - it seems to tell the cells responsible for inflammation that they no longer need to divide. But its molecules do not pass through cell membranes: they are too large. If we want to treat cancer and aging with it, we need to come up with a way to deliver it or develop molecules that will interfere with the work of proteins that destroy hyaluronic acid in our body. This is what we do"

Vera Gorbunova, professor at the University of Rochester.

Today, scientists have already come close to solving the problem of prolonging youth, and radically, thoroughly, but many of us (especially women) are still looking for all kinds of rejuvenation products faces, necks, hands, associate the solution to this problem only with an external effect and often a very short-term one, and without even thinking at all about the consequences of such a decision.

Vitamins for rejuvenation

It is a secret to few that for normal functioning our body needs various vitamins, but few people know that they prolong life and “slow down” the aging process. For example, the famous two-time Nobel laureate L. Pauling argued that vitamins can extend a person’s life by 20-30 years (!) if they are taken from an early age.

Vitamins for rejuvenation Our body needs them in very large quantities and there can never be too many of them. For example, vitamin A is a very powerful antioxidant that prevents the development of aging processes in cell membranes. Among other things, this vitamin is a very good element for preventing cancer.
Vitamins B5 and B6, vitamins C, E, F (unsaturated fatty acids), vitamin P, vitamin H1 (novocaine) are also of particular importance for the rejuvenation of our body.
Therefore, when you purchase various medications for yourself, first of all, pay attention to the fact that they contain exactly the vitamins listed above. To rejuvenate the body, they are necessary first of all.

Preparations for rejuvenation

Today there are a very large number of different kinds of drugs and dietary supplements for prolonging youth, but when choosing them for yourself, you need to know the dosages of the substances used - this is the first thing that distinguishes a real professional from an amateur. An amateur will see some “pills for rejuvenation” and immediately buy them, eat them and expect a “miracle”. A professional will carefully study the drug, its composition, the concentration of nutrients, and only then will he make a decision on purchasing this drug. A real pro definitely knows what substances they should contain. preparations for rejuvenation and pays attention primarily to amino acids.

Amino acids are the structural parts of protein. Without them, our body simply cannot develop; they are the ones responsible for the functioning of our brain, central nervous system, responsible for the production of many hormones and much, much more. But there are amino acids that speed up metabolic processes and, accordingly, shorten life. And that is why you should never abuse protein foods.
We would also like to say that preparations for rejuvenation must necessarily contain the following amino acids: proline, methionine, lysine, threonine, ornithine, cysteine, phenylalanine, taurine...

There are means for rejuvenation of a wide variety of compositions and it is simply not possible to list them all, and this is not necessary, because we want to introduce you to a unique drug that has become the basis of the most effective program for rejuvenating the body.

Facial rejuvenation products

Below we give several examples of recipes that are successfully used to rejuvenate facial skin.

1. 2 kg. bran, pour 5 liters of water, bring to a boil and boil for several minutes. This decoction should be filtered and poured into a bath of warm water.

2. Excellent facial rejuvenation product considered ordinary tea made from rosehip leaves, strawberries and raspberries.

3. Rejuvenating balm: pour one peeled head of garlic into a glass (200 ml) of fortified white wine, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. After this, the resulting liquid must be cooled and poured into some container along with the garlic. Drink 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals. Course: three times for three days with a week break.

4. An excellent remedy for facial rejuvenation is an almond oil mask. To do this, you just need to beat the almond oil with a whisk or spoon and saturate it with oxygen. In this form it gives an excellent antioxidant effect.

5. Tibetan recipe for youth: birch buds - 100 g., St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle flowers - 100 g each. Pass all this through a meat grinder. In the evening 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water (500 g) over a spoonful of this mixture, let it brew, add honey at the rate of 1 tsp. a glass of honey and drink it to bedtime. In the morning, do the same in 20 minutes. before breakfast.

6. There are products for facial rejuvenation based on chicken eggs.
In 1 tbsp. Add a spoonful of olive oil to the yolk and beat. Then add 2 drops of lemon juice or a spoonful of honey to this mixture. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes.
Second recipe: mix whipped egg white with 1 teaspoon of honey and add 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15 minutes.

You can find many similar recipes. But you should know that they only give an external effect that disappears within a short period of time. And everyone needs to understand that no “pills for rejuvenation” will help you if you have already brought your body to a deplorable state and have “damaged” your immune system with an incorrect lifestyle.

The most powerful rejuvenating agent

As we have already said, scientists have understood what makes a person young, what slows down the aging process. The immune system (IS) is the main “mechanism” that plays a key role in the rejuvenation of the body, and the loss of functionality of the IS is the main cause of aging of the body.
Relatively recently, based on this discovery, our scientists have developed a unique so-called rolling rejuvenation program, which gives amazing effects: after its completion, a person radically improves more than 100 (!) biochemical indicators, his biological age decreases by 5, 10, 15 and often for 20 years. What is this program and what is its secret?

The basis of the ongoing rejuvenation program is the immunomodulator Transfer Factor (TF). This is also a unique immune drug, which has no analogues in the world. It consists of immune molecules that, when entering the body, “correct” all violations in the chain of our DNA. It is these DNA disorders that are the real cause of all our diseases. TF brings the IS into complete order, which immediately affects the entire body and gives a fairly strong external effect. Today this is perhaps the most powerful rejuvenating agent in the world.

Do you want to look young and feel healthy? Then go through the ongoing rejuvenation program - you will never regret it.

For centuries, sages, healers, and healers have been looking for the answer to the question: “ how to prolong youth? In the 20th century, a whole science appeared - gerontology, which studies the problem of age-related changes in the body. In particular, he looks for the reasons why our body is destroyed, and develops methods to increase life expectancy. We bring to your attention an article in which we will tell you about some of the causes of aging, let's name ways to stop aging and significantly improve your health.

What does the science of gerontology say?
about the causes of body aging

Among causes of aging body science of gerontology highlights the main ones: natural wear and tear of the body, loss of the ability to self-renew, and the action of free radicals. If everything is more or less clear with the first reason, then figuring out the rest is not easy. For some unknown reason, the body's ability to heal itself declines over the years. In fact, nature tries to maintain the body only for the period during which sexual reproduction is possible.

Another important factor that causes the human body to age is action of free radicals. These are aggressive oxygen molecules that constantly are formed in our body as a result of metabolic processes. Such molecules enter into various reactions with the substances of body cells and slowly but surely destroy the body. These molecules provoke the development of cardiovascular diseases and oncology. Others are also named causes of body aging: weak production of hormones, stress, overwork, accumulation of harmful substances, etc. One way or another, various pathologies gradually develop, which accelerate the death of the body.

Scientists are confident that every person, if desired, can live to be 120 years old, although today this seems like a pipe dream to many. However, history knows cases of reaching a more advanced age. For example, the Azerbaijani shepherd Mukhamed Eyvazov managed to live to 148 years (according to other sources, up to 152). This fact has been documented and is beyond doubt. This man lived in a mountain village and believed that he owed his longevity to “healthy nerves and good character.”

So far it has not been possible to invent an elixir of immortality, but it is possible to delay the departure from this world. The list of products that help rejuvenate the body is very extensive. This includes: regular training, hardening, cleansing the intestines, using natural vitamins and medicinal herbs, diets.

Effective ways
prolong youth

So, let's name the main ones ways to prolong youth. Of course, most of them are well known, but it doesn’t hurt to refresh this knowledge in your memory.

  • Proper nutrition. Meat foods make it difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to function, so it is better to switch to a plant-based diet.
  • Don't overeat. In the East there is a proverb: “Eat too much and poison the body.” Gradually train yourself to eat in moderation, gradually reducing portions.
  • Communicate more. British researchers have concluded that loneliness shortens life. Communication is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prolong youth.
  • Get rid of negative emotions: anger, irritation, envy and fear. It is strong experiences that provoke the development of many diseases, leading to strokes and heart attacks.
  • Therapeutic fasting. Today, more and more authoritative experts are talking about the benefits of hunger. For example, scientists from Harvard Medical School have found that during hunger, our genes turn on protective systems that can prolong the youth and life of our body's cells.
  • Move more. There is a proverb: “First comes laziness, and then death.” It has been proven that you need to walk at least 5 km a day For normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Intellectual activities lengthen life. Reading books and solving puzzles and crosswords stimulates brain function.
  • Laugh more often. Many articles and books have been written about the fact that people with a sense of humor live longer. Try to smile more, do it at least 10-15 minutes a day.
  • Give up bad habits. It has long been proven that smoking does not helps prolong youth, so if you smoke, quit immediately. The same goes for alcohol. Despite the fact that the media talks about the benefits of red wine for the heart, this statement is controversial. It is especially harmful for diabetics because it causes fluctuations in blood sugar.
  • Drink only clean water. The urban environment promotes the accumulation of toxins in the body, so drink only spring or filtered water.

What foods are good for the elderly?
About the benefits of the amino acid L-arginine

Starting from the age of 35-40, both in the male and female body, the production of hormones, which are necessary for the functioning of a number of systems, decreases. What to do? As mentioned above, proper nutrition is of great importance. Therefore it is necessary to know what foods are good for the elderly.

First, the body must receive the required amount of amino acids. Particularly important for the endocrine system are: lysine, glutamine and glycine. An increasing number of scientists are talking about the amazing properties amino acids L-arginine. They are confident that this substance maintains cholesterol levels at a safe level, promotes rejuvenation, helps maintain potency, and is important for liver function. This substance also improves blood supply to organs, which is extremely important in adulthood.

It should be added that lysine enhances the effect amino acids L-arginine. Therefore, it is recommended to use them together for optimal effect. It is in this combination that these substances are found in drone brood, one of the components of a number of drugs Parapharm company.

Note that amino acid L-arginine necessary for the synthesis of growth hormone (somatotropin) in the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the rejuvenating effect. Therefore, your diet must include dishes rich in this substance. Many people are interested what products most useful for the elderly. First of all, you need to use:

  • chocolate;
  • seeds (pumpkin, flax);
  • nuts (walnuts, peanuts, pine)

In addition, avocados, apples, apricots, and berries are very useful for old age. Apricots contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary for our heart, as well as vitamin C, which is one of the best antioxidants and fights the effects of free radicals.

Healthy heart and blood vessels
- the key to a long life

To prolong youth, first of all you need to take care of your weight so that prevent cardiovascular diseases. Doctors and nutritionists unanimously say that healthy heart and blood vessels are the key to a long life.

Today you can increasingly hear the diagnosis "hypertonic disease". As you know, high blood pressure can lead to stroke, so they try to reduce it. Of course, you need to fight hypertension, but it is important to do it correctly. Today, doctors usually prescribe statins, which reduce cholesterol production, thereby thinning the blood. But you can’t thoughtlessly remove cholesterol. The fact is that our body needs it to build hormones. As a result, the body, not receiving cholesterol, begins to take it from the brain, and this gives impetus to the development of other diseases.

At present, sufficient evidence of the dangers of these drugs has already been accumulated. American scientists have established a direct association between Parkinson's disease and statin use.

It is much more useful to use herbal remedies to improve blood quality. This is especially important to do in the early stages of hypertension, so as not to become dependent on synthetic drugs. In our country, several plants grow that reduce blood viscosity, strengthen heart and vascular health. One of them is safflower, part of the vitamin complexes “Leveton P” and “Leveton Forte”.

To prevent hypertension, heart attacks and strokes, it is recommended to take the drug. It has coronary dilatation, antiarrhythmic, cardiotonic properties. Normalizes blood pressure, improves oxygen delivery to the heart muscle. This drug is also useful for those who have suffered a heart attack. The royal jelly contained in it stimulates the scarring process, helping the heart recover faster. And the May rosehip, which is part of Cardioton, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, which is very important for heart and vascular health. This plant is one of the leaders in vitamin C content, which is so important for counteracting free radicals.

How to improve your work

If you have set a goal for yourself - to become a long-liver, then you need to think about how to How to improve brain function. Unfortunately, very often after 60 years of age, people begin to complain about deteriorating memory, intelligence, coordination, and attention. Why is this happening? Modern life constantly tests us with various stresses. And during severe physical fatigue and a surge of emotions, free radicals are formed. These oxygen molecules have a negative effect on brain cells because it has a high fat (lipid) content. It has been established that fat is one of the main targets of free radicals.

In addition, the deterioration of mental activity occurs due to improper metabolism. In turn, this leads to atherosclerosis, the accumulation of cholesterol in cells, and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. As a result, the blood supply to the brain deteriorates, which receives less oxygen and glucose. Meanwhile, the intensity of energy metabolism in the brain depends precisely on the rate of consumption of these components. Poor brain nutrition will inevitably lead to deterioration in mental activity, intelligence and memory.

How to prolong the youth of the brain

To improve brain function It is recommended to take the biological supplement “Memo-Vit”, containing such components as red-stemmed buckwheat, drone brood, and rosehip. This drug normalizes metabolism, strengthens blood vessels in the brain, lowers cholesterol levels, improves cerebral circulation, and stimulates the formation of androgens. This is an excellent remedy for older people that will help maintain health for many years.

We've looked at several ways, thanks to which you can stop aging, prolong youth, improve the quality of life in old age. All these methods are simple and accessible to everyone.


Every year the ecology on our planet is getting worse and worse and this, of course, negatively affects us and our health. One of the most important questions. of concern especially to women: how to stay young after 40. We would like to say that the issues of preserving youth and health are identical and interdependent. Let's say right away: scientists have not yet made such youth pills, which, like a magic elixir, just drink and the matter is decided.
Restoring youth and health is, although not such hard work, it is quite painstaking and, most importantly, it requires a systematic approach.

How to stay young after 40

1. More than forty years ago, it was found that one of the main causes of aging is free radicals - atoms with an extra electron. These atoms start the oxidation process. What does this threaten us with? As an example, let's take the process of metal rusting - this is also an oxidation reaction. Free radicals cause aging of body cells.

To maintain your youth after 40 years, you must, first of all, change your diet by “introducing” foods rich in antioxidants - elements that neutralize free radicals. Such products are a real medicine of youth. These include, first of all, freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks, grapes, blueberries, sea buckthorn, currants, rowan berries, cranberries, pomegranates, green tea, red wine, cocoa.
Take as many dietary supplements as possible, including: coenzyme Q10, A, C and E, folic acid.

Limit yourself to fatty foods, especially pork; from vegetable oils, give preference to cold-pressed olive oil. Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.

2. Return of youth- this is, first of all, a return to an active lifestyle. It is necessary not only to work actively, but also to rest actively. Movement is life. The more you move, the more intense your metabolic processes are. And this, first of all, is active nutrition for your body and the active removal of all waste from it. “Slagging” of the body is not only the cause of aging, but also the cause of cancer. So consider that your activity is also your medicine of youth.

3. Give up your bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse. Alcohol destroys the immune system, which produces molecules that slow down the aging process and generally protects our body from various kinds of viruses and microbes. Smoking contributes to the formation of free radicals, and we already know the dangers of this.

4. To maintain youth after 40 years, you need to eliminate any conflict situations from your life as much as possible. Remember: nothing kills our immune system like stress and depression. Reconsider your life positions, become an optimist, understand that the most important thing for you is your health and not only you need it, but also your children, your family and friends. Your health is your most important asset.

5. The simplest advice: drink more water. Water not only carries useful substances throughout the body, water is also the main “transport” for removing “toxins” from our body. Any amount of water will never be superfluous. Your daily dose should be 1.5 - 2 liters depending on body weight (this dose does not include any other liquid - only water). Water is another one of yours medicine of youth.

Transfer factor - youth pills

We have left the most interesting things for you in this subsection. Not long ago, scientists identified the main cause of aging - damage to the DNA of cells. DNA is like the “software” of the functionality of our body. When this “software” is damaged, the body begins to get sick, cells do not function properly, metabolic processes are disrupted and the aging mechanism starts. We said above that the immune system produces molecules (transfer factors) that repair damaged DNA. In young years, there are sufficient transfer factors in our body quantity and recovery processes are proceeding quickly. Over time, fewer and fewer of these immune molecules are produced, DNA stops being restored, and the body begins to age.

Once scientists learned to isolate these immune molecules from cow colostrum and chicken egg yolks (transfer factors are the same in all vertebrates), the return of youth became a reality. Based on these molecules, a unique immunomodulator was created, which has no analogues in its effectiveness - Transfer Factor. These are real youth pills.

Our domestic scientists, based on the use of this drug, have developed an INCREASING REJUVENATION PROGRAM. Its results exceeded our wildest expectations. Judge for yourself: the biological age of a person who has completed the program is reduced by 5-15 years, and in some cases by 20, and significant improvements in biochemical parameters are observed in more than a hundred parameters (!). One might think that this is a fairy tale, but everything is scientifically confirmed.

It's no secret that in the 21st century, beauty, health and youth are the result of a competent approach, which is based on the right lifestyle. However, you cannot do without progressive components that work real miracles. We study drugs and products that are the secrets of the beauty and health of stars.

1. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is a substance that synthesizes energy for the body. Needless to say about its importance: this drug is actively used in the field of oncology, neurology, combating stress and fatigue, as well as for rejuvenating the body - all scientists agree that during the aging process, Q10 is useful to take even for healthy people. A rare cream that increases skin elasticity and relieves dryness by retaining hyaluronic acid does not contain this component. To achieve the maximum anti-aging effect, cosmetology uses local application of coenzyme - in capsules.

2. Oxytocin

Oxytocin is called the love hormone, as it is involved in the formation of emotional attachment. It was used for a long time to treat people with autistic disorders, and then it was discovered that oxytocin helps not only stabilize emotions, but also heal wounds, and is also involved in the renewal of muscle tissue. Oxytocin is used today for rejuvenation and treatment of sexual dysfunction. But its main purpose remains the same: oxytocin is the best assistant in stabilizing social behavior and cognitive functions: it helps to remember better, speak, and has a positive effect on intelligence.

3. Vitamin D

In recent years, there has been more and more talk that vitamin D is the main component of health and beauty. It is a hormone that our body produces when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. Children need it to grow and avoid rickets, and adults need it to strengthen bones. In recent years, studies have proven that without vitamin D, bones weaken, skin ages, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, immunity declines, and stress becomes more severe. Thus, doctors today prescribe it to their patients as part of complex therapy to improve metabolism (those wishing to lose weight need vitamin D, as it regulates carbohydrate metabolism), increase libido, relieve depression and stress, strengthen bones, and even prevent cancer. It is recommended to take it in tablets or intramuscularly - however, injections of this vitamin are currently practiced more in the West.

4. Omega-3

During the Soviet era, fish oil was the main and only dietary supplement. Omega 3 is a story from the same area: we are talking about polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are the energy reserve of our body. They are the nutrient medium for cells, and on their basis many compounds necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems are synthesized. These acids are especially necessary for the cardiovascular system and normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as for protecting joints, the nervous system, and combating chronic fatigue and depression. Omega-3s are also responsible for beautiful skin and hair. The diet of a healthy person should contain at least 40% fatty acids, but, as practice shows, we do not get all of them from food. Hence the conclusion - it is worth taking fish oil in capsules.

5. "Laennec"

And finally, the main point of our program is the revolutionary drug “Laennec”, which has become practically a panacea for all diseases. This absolutely unique remedy helps rejuvenate the body and restore health, since it is an immunomodulator - that is, it helps improve immunity. I can proudly say that Rhana Clinic is its official distributor. The safety of Laennec is guaranteed by the Japanese National Research Program.

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