Liarsine for dogs: instructions for use, release form, dosage. Available instructions for liarsine and its use for dogs. Can liarsine be combined with ranitidine for a dog?

The medicine "Liarsin" is an effective homeopathic remedy that is used to treat diseases in animals, in particular in cats. The drug can be prescribed to both adults and small kittens.

Like other homeopathic substances, the remedy is made on a plant basis, has an immunostimulating effect, and forces the body of sick animals to turn on protective functions. Produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection.

Pharmacological properties

The medicine is the first homeopathic medicine produced in Russia, used for the treatment of animals. Very often, veterinarians recommend using Liarsin for cats. The drug effectively eliminates the effects of long-term use of antibiotics. It allows you to normalize the metabolism in the body. Other beneficial properties of the drug “Liarsin” are also known. For cats it is suitable for various ailments. The substances included in the product do not accumulate in the body, which makes the medicine practically safe for warm-blooded creatures.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of animals of any age. The product "Liarsin" (for cats) is used for poisoning, pancreatitis, and allergies. The medication is used in the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal system, gastroenteritis, colitis, gastritis. The drug is effective for metabolic disorders, skin diseases, eczema, urticaria, dermatitis.

Liarsin product: instructions for use

The injection solution is injected under the skin, as well as into muscle tissue. Animals will need a dose calculated from their weight (0.1 ml per kg). The average volume of medication is from 0.2 to 4 milliliters. You can also use Liarsin tablets. For cats, in this case, one capsule per day will be enough.

If the individual weighs more than 20 kilograms, then two pills should be given. To make the animal take the medicine better, it was made to have a pleasant, sweet taste. If necessary, the drug can be crushed and mixed with water. You can give Liarsin (reviews say so) between meals; cats eat the tablets with pleasure. Injections are considered more effective. To treat pets, two to five injections are sufficient. After this, the animal feels much lighter. For chronic forms of pathologies, the duration of treatment can range from two weeks to a month.

Special conditions

Despite the fact that homeopathic remedies are relatively safe medicines, it is not recommended to use them on your own. Take the pills or do better under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian. If signs of individual intolerance to the drug occur - urticaria, diarrhea, vomiting - treatment should be discontinued immediately. The medication should be stored at room temperature, away from children. You can use tablets for five years, injections for three years.

Liarsin is a complex drug that is prescribed to animals for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system. The product restores metabolism and is indicated for dysmetabolic disorders in the body. Thanks to homeopathic components, Liarsin is safe and has virtually no contraindications.

Description and dosage forms of the drug

Liarsin is intended for the correction of metabolic disorders, as well as the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in ungulates, as well as minks, dogs and cats. The drug contains homeopathic ingredients, it is effective and safe to use.

Liarsine is available in two dosage forms:

When is Liarsin indicated?

The range of indications for the use of Liarsin is quite wide. It is used for the following indications:

  • Liver dysfunctions of various origins, liver diseases.
  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including damage to the intestinal walls associated with impaired fat metabolism.
  • Pathological changes in the kidneys that occur against the background of obesity.
  • Weakness of the heart.
  • Fatty lesion of the heart.
  • From the bronchopulmonary system: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngotracheitis.
  • Neurological disorders, expressed in nervousness, hyperexcitability.
  • From the skin: furunculosis, eczema, urticaria.

Directions for use and dosage

Each dosage form of Liarsin has its own dosage regimen, strict adherence to which will help avoid unwanted negative reactions.

Medicinal form Mode of application
Tablets for oral administrationA single dose for a cat is 1 tablet.

For acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the frequency of use is from 4 to 6 times a day, the duration of treatment is until the symptoms disappear.

For chronic diseases, the animal should be given 2-3 tablets per day until a stable positive effect appears. The exact duration of therapy for a chronic disease is determined by a veterinarian, based on the characteristics of the pathology and the dynamics of symptoms during the treatment.

InjectionA single dose for cats ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 ml. The solution can be administered to animals either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For preventive purposes, 2-3 injections are given with an interval between them of one to one and a half weeks. The therapeutic dose is 4-6 injections with breaks of 1-2 days

Liarsin bottles must not be reused. They must be disposed of with household waste.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

When using Liarsin, negative effects are unlikely. Contraindications to the use of Liarsin are diagnosed individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

Loose stools, vomiting, and frequent illness are common signs of metabolic disorders. To eliminate them, metabolic normalizers are used, which include liarsine for the treatment and prevention of cat diseases. The homeopathic remedy has a wide spectrum of action, allowing you to normalize the pet’s condition with impaired activity of the liver, pancreas and other organs that cause signs of intoxication and impaired digestion.

Composition and release form

The therapeutic effect is dictated by three ingredients - Lycopodium, Phosphorus and Arsenicum album, classified as polychrestas. The components included in Liarsin are natural regulators of metabolic processes. The composition also contains excipients: granulated sugar, sodium chloride, calcium stearate (only in tablets).

Liarsine is a homeopathic medicine intended for the treatment of cats.

The product is produced by a Russian company (AlexAnn) in two forms - tablets (20 and 50 pcs) and ampoule bottles (100 and 10 ml) intended for injection. The solid version of the medication has a small tablet volume (snow-white color), as well as a pleasant taste and smell, which simplify the process of administering the drug as a food additive. The rounded edges also make swallowing easier.

Fact. Medicinal components contained in ultra-small quantities do not accumulate in the body of cats.

Indications for use of the drug

A common purpose is degenerative changes in liver cells (hepatocytes), which lead to the appearance of cirrhosis, fatty degeneration of the organ, and others. Changes in its structure are also diagnosed during hepatitis infection.

Rational use for:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • piroplasmosis;
  • weeping eczema;
  • hives;
  • furunculosis.

If the problems of the dermis are dictated by food allergies, then taking Liarsin is also rational. For preventive purposes, it is used for weak gastrointestinal tract, as well as frequent intestinal and toxic dysbiosis.

Liarsine is used for liver problems in cats.

Among cat owners, another method is used, associated with taking Liarsin, in the case when the kitten is separated from the mother cat during the feeding period. The introduction of a homeopathic remedy allows you to prevent it when changing the type of food.

Important. Elderly cats are at risk for developing diseases of the urinary and digestive systems, and a course of therapy with Liarsin helps maintain the health of an aging pet.

Contraindications for use

The instructions contain no stated restrictions on use, except for the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. There are also no restrictions on the age of the animal when taking Liarsin.

Instructions for use and dosage for cats

A single injection involves the administration of 1 ml of Liarsin for medium-sized cats, 0.5 ml for kittens, and up to 2 ml for large pets. In severe cases, administration is carried out 2 times a day for 25–27 days.

Common therapy options (ampoules):

  1. Prevention. 2-3 injections are carried out in a course with breaks of 7-10 days.
  2. Treatment. Injections are given at intervals of 4 to 6 times with a time interval between injections of 1–2 days.

The dosage of the drug Liarsin is calculated based on the weight of the cat.

Prophylactic injections will be repeated 2 or 3 times a year, usually in spring and autumn. When using tablets, the daily norm is observed: 1 tablet is given to both adult animals and kittens. It is allowed to mix the tablet with food.

Features of introducing tablets into the diet:

  1. Prevention. 1 tablet daily for 14 days.
  2. Treatment. Without breaks, 1 table. within 14–30 days.

In the presence of chronic diseases, the number of tablets taken can be increased by the veterinarian to two (taken in the morning and evening). During the therapy period, the instructions indicate the permissibility of combined use of animal products with Liarsin. To eliminate the clinical signs of gastritis, it is possible to feed a homeopathic supplement up to 4-6 times a day. Duration - until the painful condition disappears.

Advice. To make the injection easier for the animal, it is permissible to inject it not into the withers, but into the leg or other place where there are muscles.

Side effects of the drug

Negative reactions occur only with an overdose, which disrupts the process of assimilation of the components of the veterinary drug. Diarrhea, weakness, itching are common consequences of violating the recommendations specified in the instructions.

Side effects appear only if the drug was not used according to instructions.

Veterinarians often prescribe this remedy with other medicinal medications, including Veracol. With most drugs, toxic reactions do not develop when taken simultaneously.

Pharmacological properties of Liarsin

The components of the drug, which are included in the polychresty group, do not have pronounced pharmacological effects characteristic of drugs - antiseptic, antipruritic or laxative. The ingredients deliver missing elements to the body (iodine, potassium, etc.), allowing the body to independently restore the regulation of all internal processes.

Liarsin, as a homeopathic drug, is not a medicine in the traditional sense, therefore it is not recommended for use in acute attacks of the disease or as a drug for stand-alone treatment. It is better to combine it with medications if the pet’s life is at risk.

Fact. The use of Liarsin normalizes appetite in most pets.

Features of drug storage

Liarsin should be stored in a dry place with the lid tightly closed. Temperature variations - from +3 to +25 degrees.

An open bottle of Liarsin for injection is stored for no more than 28 days.

Best before date:

  • Pills. From the moment of manufacture they are stored for 5 years; after opening, the shelf life does not change.
  • Ampoules. 3 years from the date of production, an open bottle is stored for no more than 28 days. The opened bottle should be stored in the refrigerator.

The special smell of the product may be of interest to children, so children’s access to the drug should be limited. However, Liarsin is not a highly toxic drug, since the assigned hazard class is type 4 (low toxic).

Description Liarsin, solution for oral use, vial. 20 ml:

Due to the presence of glucose, sodium chloride solution and other equally effective components in its composition, the drug is indicated for use in cases of diagnosed infectious diseases, severe infestations, and inflammatory processes localized in the gastrointestinal tract.

Liarsin for cats and dogs is also very effective for normalizing all metabolic processes, including fat and carbohydrates. Gastritis, enterocolitis or colitis of various etiologies are also indications for the use of the drug.

How should I use Liarsin? The instructions for use recommend using the product taking into account the animal’s body weight, as well as the severity of its condition and the duration of the disease.

The duration of use in acute cases should be until symptoms disappear completely and is 4-6 times a day. In case of chronic course, the duration of the course cannot be more than 1 month with two or three doses of the drug per day.

ATTENTION! The given description of the drug is not an instruction.


on the use of LIARSINA
(Manufacturer LLC AlexAnn, Moscow region)

1. Liarsin is a complex homeopathic medicine containing homeopathic components Lycopodium D8 as active ingredients; Arsenicum album D12; Phosphorus D30 and as excipients sodium chloride and water for injection (injection solution) or granulated sugar, calcium stearate (tablets).
2. Liarsin is produced in the form of a sterile solution for injection, packaged in 10 and 100 ml glass bottles of appropriate capacity, hermetically sealed and rolled with aluminum caps, as well as in tablets - 50 tablets in polymer jars for medicines, closed with polyethylene lids or jars made of orange glass of appropriate capacity.
Store Liarsin in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature of 0 °C to 25 °C.
The shelf life of Liarsin, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of manufacture (injection solution), 5 years (tablets). Do not use Liarsin after its expiration date.

3. Liarsin is a homeopathic complex drug that has a regulating effect on protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism, and restores impaired functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
4. In terms of the degree of impact on the body, the drug is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), and does not have a local irritant or sensitizing effect.

5. Liarsin is prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to animals of all age groups with disorders of protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, as well as for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastroenteritis).
6. Liarsin solution for injection is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously: in severe cases, daily (1 - 2 times a day) until clinical signs disappear. For chronic diseases, 2 - 3 times a week for a course of 21 - 28 days. A single dose of the drug per animal is:
horses 10.0 - 15.0 ml
cattle 5.0 - 10.0 ml
pigs 2.5 - 5.0 ml
goats, sheep 2.0 - 2.5 ml
foals, calves, piglets 2.0 - 2.5 ml
dogs of large and medium breeds 2.0 - 4.0 ml
small breed dogs, cats, puppies, kittens 0.5 - 2.0 ml
ferrets and ferrets 0.5 ml
rodents 0.2 - 0.3 ml
7. Liarsin tablets are prescribed orally: for acute gastritis and gastroenteritis 4 - 6 times a day until clinical signs disappear; to achieve the fastest effect - every 15 minutes for 2 hours. For chronic diseases, 2-3 times a day until a positive effect appears. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but not more than 1 month. A single dose of the drug per animal is:
large breed dogs 3 tablets
medium breed dogs 2 tablets
small breed dogs, cats, puppies, kittens 1 tablet
ferrets and ferrets ½ - 1 tablet
rodents ¼ - ½ tablet
8. Liarsin does not cause side effects or complications when used in accordance with these instructions.
9. The use of Liarsin does not exclude the use of other medications.
10. Livestock products during and after the use of Liarsin are used without restrictions. The components included in the drug in ultra-small doses do not accumulate in the animal’s body.

11. When working with Liarsin, you should follow the general safety rules provided for when working with medicines.
12. It is prohibited to use Liarsin bottles for food purposes.

The medicine Liarsin for dogs is often used. After all, now almost all dog breeders know that dogs can have the same diseases as humans. Luckily, there are pharmaceuticals that can help with this.

Dogs often chew dirty things and objects that are not intended for food. Also, during play, animals love to bite off toys. If such an object enters the stomach, the dog’s well-being may worsen. Sometimes there are problems with the liver and metabolism, so in most cases the veterinarian prescribes this particular drug. Let's consider how the tablets act on the animal's body, for what diseases, and what dose of the drug can be given to the animal.

In what cases should Liarsin be taken?

The drug is prescribed to dogs of different age categories. Before using the drug, you should initially seek advice from a veterinarian and, if necessary, undergo the necessary tests. Only after an examination can the doctor prescribe the drug. So, the medicine should be given to dogs that have the following health problems:

  • metabolic disorders due to poor nutrition;
  • inflammatory processes in the body, especially the liver;
  • excess fat deposition in tissue;
  • with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, small intestine;
  • in case of violation of the ratio and composition of microorganisms inhabiting the intestines;
  • for indigestion;
  • in case of toxic poisoning;
  • impaired renal function;
  • protracted skin diseases (boils, eczema, dermatitis);
  • after an intestinal infection;
  • during the rehabilitation period after the dog has whelped;
  • age-related changes.

The drug has no contraindications. Side effects are observed only in case of individual intolerance to a specific element included in the composition. The medicine can be given to a dog as a prophylactic to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. How to give the drug as a preventative measure should also be discussed with your veterinarian.

Composition and action of tablets

The instructions for use of Liarsin tablets for dogs contain information about the components, so this drug is constantly used in veterinary practice. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the composition of the medicine immediately before administering it to your animal. The tool consists of several elements:

Lycopodine- is an alkaloid that relieves muscle pain and also reduces the threat of the formation of chronic blood vessel disease and acute cerebrovascular accident.

Phytosterol- a biostimulator for activating hematopoietic organs, has a good effect on the endocrine system, enhancing the production of necessary hormones. Phosphorus is important for improving the exchange of elements.

If your pet is not picky about food and eats well, you can purchase the substance in pill form. All three components have a good effect on the animal’s body. It is worth noting that the functionality of all organs depends on metabolic disorders.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is effective for many diseases of the liver and kidneys, including chronic diseases and dermatological diseases, so it is considered a universal remedy. However, like any drug, liarsine has a precisely defined dosage. Therefore, the instructions for use of Liarsin for dogs contain the following information:

  1. medium-sized dogs are required to receive 2 pills per day;
  2. large breeds - 3 pills;
  3. Small puppies should be given one tablet.

The treatment period is about 3 weeks. In certain cases, for example, in case of severe infectious diseases, the veterinarian may extend the medication. However, you should not overdo it in treatment. Even including the fact that the medicine has no side effects, you should not prescribe the dosage yourself. Since you cannot be 100% sure that the dog’s well-being will not worsen. If you follow your doctor's advice correctly, there will be no side effects.

How to give a dog a pill

Sometimes animals can swallow the medicine themselves, but these are very rare cases. The dog does not like such procedures and has to constantly come up with options for the medicine to enter the body. The most common method involves opening the animal's mouth and placing a pill on the tongue. Let's take a closer look:

  1. Use your thumb and forefinger to gently press down on the hole between your teeth. This manipulation is necessary for the dog to open its mouth slightly;
  2. Carefully, but with a swift movement, place the pill on the root of the tongue;
  3. Raise your head up while stroking the animal's throat. Thus, the dog reflexively swallows the tablet;
  4. If the tablet is successfully absorbed, praise the animal.

If the procedure doesn’t work the first time, it’s okay. The dog will resist such a procedure and resist. Over time, she will stop being afraid. Remember, the deeper the tablet is placed on the tongue, the less likely it is that the dog will be able to spit out the medicine.

Dog breeders' opinions

People who have used Liarsin for dogs on the recommendation of a veterinarian have only positive feedback. Because we are satisfied with the medical result. “Liarsin” will help renew liver cells and has a positive effect on kidney function. Stimulates the work of various glands, forms a protective barrier against skin diseases, both in acute and protracted periods. The drug is indispensable for pneumonia of various etiologies, bronchitis and croup.

The advantage of the medicine is its cosmetic effect - the eyes and fur of your pets will acquire an amazing healthy shine and brightness. The product has no contraindications and belongs to non-hazardous substances. It does not accumulate in the body, but is excreted almost entirely by the kidneys. The only limitation is sensitivity to the product. However, the instructions for use included with the medication will help you figure this out.

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