Line of fate on the hand. Money triangle in palmistry. Sign of wealth

The patterns in which the features on the palm are formed are of great importance in palmistry. A triangle formed on the Life line can tell about a person’s financial well-being. However, depending on the size, intersection and depth of the arcs, this sign can be regarded as a warning of a possible threat.

The meaning of the triangle on the palm

The triangle is a special sign because three angles are the minimum number of vertices for a stable figure. In palmistry, this sign is associated with wealth and the acquisition of property. Also, this figure can cause a tragedy associated with fire.

The duality of meaning is explained by the fact that the triangle is under the protection of Mars. This planet is distinguished by its ambiguity, so a person’s fate is primarily influenced by the location of the sign.

By the direction of the peak one can determine the predominant energy of a person. If the triangle is located with its base towards the wrist, this is a sign of masculinity in character. Such people are characterized by creativity and innovation.

The base of the triangle is closer to the fingers - a person has more feminine energy. Such people are prone to conservatism and generosity.

What does the figure on the Life line symbolize?

The Life Line is the main sign on the palm from which one can draw conclusions about a person. The mark curves around the Mount of Venus opposite the thumb. A clear and deep Life line means a calm destiny. If the sign is interrupted, difficulties and dangers may arise. It is impossible to determine the exact future or past from one mark on the palm. A person's fate depends on other small signs and intersections.

A triangle on the Life line can appear on both the right and left hand. In palmistry, the leading hand is of primary importance.

Depending on the type and size of the lines, there are two types of signs: large triangle and small. The first is formed at the intersection of three main lines. This:

  • line of Life;
  • line of Fate;
  • line of Mind;
  • line of the Heart.

It is usually formed between the line of Life and Fate. The triangle belongs to one of two types of money.

The second monetary sign is a small triangle, which is formed at the intersection of the lines of Fate, Mind and Health. Such a mark is a rare occurrence, since the line of Fate should begin from the line of Life and no longer intersect with it. In palmistry, the small money triangle gives the owner good luck in financial matters. Also, under the influence of this sign, a person acquires the following qualities:

  • high intellectual abilities;
  • pragmatism;
  • rationality.

Big triangle

To determine the influence of this figure on a person’s fate, you should pay attention to its location and type of figure. Depending on them, the meaning of the mark may change.

  • If the apex of the sign points to the thumb, then the person will be financially successful. Any type of activity will bring him income. Such a figure also increases the possibility of making a large transaction.
  • The top of the figure is directed towards the wrist. This arrangement indicates financial difficulties. Such a person will be haunted by debts and economic failures.

The large triangle on the Life line may also differ in shape. Depending on the type of figure, the sign takes on additional meaning related to health.

  • Rectangular - a sharp exacerbation of a chronic disease, which can result in surgery.
  • An equilateral triangle predicts a disease that can be avoided. To do this, you need to monitor your health. A characteristic feature of this sign is its mirror projection in relation to the base, which turns the figure into a square.
  • Isosceles symbolizes a chronic illness with possible complications.

On the leading hand

If the owner of the mark is right-handed, and the sign is located on the right hand, then this always means financial wealth. By the shape and clarity of the figure, you can determine the source of income.

  • If a mark is formed at the intersection of the lines of Mind and Fate, it portends great success in the economic sphere. However, to achieve this goal you need to work hard and for a long time. Receiving large earnings will ensure a rational mindset of a person.
  • If the contours of the figure are clearly visible, and the sign itself is large, then this portends financial stability.
  • If the triangle on the right hand is poorly visible or small in size, then the influx of money will be stable, but weak.

Weak and broken lines promise economic problems for the owner. Such people do not know how to handle money, although they have the opportunity to improve their financial situation.

On the auxiliary hand

Signs on the left hand of a right-handed person mean hidden potential. The auxiliary palm does not guarantee the accuracy of the information; the fate of the sign owner may change under the influence of various factors. However, the marks on this hand can predict events in the near future.

A large triangle on the supporting hand indicates imminent financial changes. Their quality is determined depending on the clarity of the lines.

  • Weak contours of the figure indicate that income may become stable, but small.
  • A medium-sized mark indicates good security in old age.
  • A large sign indicates a short but prosperous period. A person's budget will be unlimited for no longer than one year.

When studying a figure, it is important to pay attention to the vertices. If the lines intersect closely, then a person will be able not only to earn large sums, but also to invest them profitably.

Also, when interpreting symbols on the auxiliary hand, you should definitely compare it with the leading palm. The best option is to have triangles on both hands. This means that a person is destined to get rich, and whatever path he chooses, it will lead him to a stable financial state.

If the figure is located only on the auxiliary hand, this is a bad sign. In palmistry, such a phenomenon means an incorrectly chosen path that will not lead a person to the desired result. In this case, experts recommend considering other activity options. A new job or a change in life guidelines can lead to a large money triangle appearing on the leading hand.

Small figure

A small figure can occur when side lines are adjacent to the Life line. Such a mark means that a person is successful in business, but it is not a decisive sign in fate. The meaning of the figure is also influenced by location and age.

If the triangle touches or merges with the Life line and is on the outer side, it means that in the future the person should beware of fire. This sign foretells fire and death from suffocation.

If the figure is located on the inside of the Life line, property and capital will suffer. The cause could be a real fire or a bad investment, inflation or economic instability.

If the triangle is located between the lines of Life and Fate, a person may have an accident. There is also a possibility of meeting with robbers.

Other signs on the palms of a person at the age of thirty can complement the meaning of the small triangle. So, the following marks indicate danger from fire:

  • four points on the hills of Apollo or Mars;
  • a square on the lower mount of Mars;
  • cross on the upper or lower mount of Mars.

If the owner of the triangle is over forty years old, then the meaning changes. The following traits may indicate danger:

  • cross on the upper hill of Mars;
  • square between the hills of Apollo and Mars;
  • cross under the hill of Apollo.

Torn Line of Fate

A similar name is given to the combination of two small triangles. One crosses the line of Life and is located with its apex towards the wrist on the Mount of Venus, and the second is located on the outer side of the Mount of Apollo and ends on the line of Fate. This combination of signs means that an unexpected influx of money will appear. This could be an inheritance or a valuable find.

If the second triangle appears at the end of the Mind line near the Mount of Mercury, the person will receive a scientific grant for his contribution. Other crossings of the Mind line guarantee the receipt of money from the older parent.

Mole inside

The fate of the owner of the sign is influenced not only by lines, but also by other natural marks. If a mole appears in a triangle on the palm, its meaning may change.

  • A round, large and convex mole means danger. Such people should be careful when dealing with money.
  • An oval birthmark predicts failure in life and low self-esteem. A person's fate can change due to his indecision.

Typically, a mole in a large money triangle on the dominant hand indicates the owner's self-sufficiency. Such people create their own destiny and are not influenced by society. Such behavior can have two effects: a person can build a fortune or remain destitute.

If a birthmark appears on the auxiliary hand, it crosses the line of the Mind, the person’s fate is predetermined. Owners of such a mark are not able to make decisions themselves; any attempts to change what was destined can result in big problems.

A mole in the center of the triangle means a person with good willpower. Such people have talents in any field, but use them only for enrichment. A birthmark on the pointing vertex increases wealth. If the spot is located at the end of the base, then the person’s fate will be full of difficulties.

Open figure

If the lines of the triangle do not fully intersect, a person will not be able to make a profitable investment, which will lead to bankruptcy and debt. If there is a mark of this type, you should entrust the conduct of business to a competent specialist.

The triangle does not have one side - a person is prone to waste. If the owner of the sign cannot overcome himself, then he will not be able to achieve financial stability.


The triangle on the Life line plays an important role in palmistry. This figure allows you to determine a person’s financial capabilities.

Depending on the location and shape of the mark, the owner of the marks can build a fortune or face bankruptcy. This body type also predicts dangers associated with fire.

In this article we will talk about what one of the main palmistry lines can tell about its owner - the line of the mind or, as it is also called, the line of the head.

The line of the mind is one of the most controversial and interesting in palmistry. Many people think that everything is simple: the longer the head mark, the more intelligent the person. However, everything is much deeper and more interesting.

Mind line in the palm - which hand is it on: photo

Finding this mark is quite simple - you just need to look at the middle of the palm. This one of the main lines originates between the thumb and index finger, and goes towards the opposite edge of the palm.

The area of ​​the hand along which the mark of the mind passes is called plain of Mars. This arrangement is relevant for both the right and left palms.

Mind line on the right and left hand: what does it mean?

As a rule, they guess by what is displayed right hand. This is not surprising, because current state of affairs and hints for the future are imprinted on it.

However, ignore left palm neither is it possible - it contains potential. In other words, those qualities that are inherited.

IMPORTANT: Ideally, you need to guess on both hands - only such a comparison can give an objective picture. For example, if the marks coincide, it means that the person managed to find his path and follow it.

It is a fairly common opinion that long head line Very smart people have it. This is actually a misconception. That is, a person can really be smart, but this long and clear mark will only indicate the ability to delve deeply into the essence of the matter, analyze and anticipate various options for events. Such people are simply irreplaceable in economics, analytics, and accounting.

Scrupulous people, analysts, have a clear and long line of mind

Wherein narrow line inherent in individuals with lightning-fast reaction. Whether the right decision will be made is a question, but the fact that it will be quick is a fact.

Wide the stripe indicates that the person thinks long enough. He believes that in order to effectively weigh all options, one should not rush.

IMPORTANT: You should not treat such individuals as fools.

Should be monitored bend:

  • Down– present wild fantasy. Everything related to fortune telling is very attractive for such people.
  • A little higher - attachment to money. This person loves money and, accordingly, has considerable demands. And either he will throw all his energy into finding a wealthy partner, or he himself will become an excellent entrepreneur.
  • Straight- imagination cannot be called developed, but they prevail practicality and the ability to stand firmly on your own two feet. A person knows how to control, weigh, and trusts exclusively in himself.
  • winding– inherent polar natures. They can easily flare up even over a trifle, but they calm down with lightning speed. Think outside the box. Workaholics.

IMPORTANT: You can communicate or have some kind of work with them without fear, since these emotional natures, oddly enough, will not let you down. They are straightforward, not prone to cunning and meanness.

Absence of the mind line in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

It doesn’t happen often, but it happens that this one of the main stripes on the palm is missing. The person will likely experience frequent dizziness. He should also be careful because there is a high chance of fatal injury.

However, this may simply indicate laziness. A person may have a tendency to mental imbalance, Therefore, the nervous system must be protected.

What does a broken line of the mind in the palm of the hand mean?

It happens that the mark barely noticeable has unclear and sometimes disappearing contours. It means that mental energy the owner's palm A little. Everything related to intellectual work is difficult for him.

IMPORTANT: If the line is also narrow, frequent mistakes cannot be avoided.

However, the strip may have normal clarity, but at the same time interrupted. This means that a person constantly doubts, fears. His thinking is characterized abstraction.

What does a short line of the mind on the palm of the hand mean?

Short and yet straight stripe indicates cunning man. He savvy, able navigate with lightning speed in the circumstances. However, unfortunately, with lightning speed, there is a lack of insight into the essence of the issue and concentration.

Such a person has talent to win people over. He can convince you of something. Such personalities can most often be found in politics, management, and law enforcement agencies.

IMPORTANT: You should behave carefully around them - they can easily turn their backs.

The line of the mind bifurcates into two branches at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end on the right and left hands: what does this mean?

A fork in the head line in the middle, at the end or at the beginning is a seal well-developed imagination. Moreover, this interpretation is relevant for both the right and left palms.

No wonder this fork is called "writer's"- a wild imagination, a lot of ideas are inherent in these creative people. Moreover, what is typical, the owners of such signs know how to turn their ideas into reality. They can also find themselves in the career of an artist or in the entrepreneurial field.

Aliveness of mind- a significant advantage of the character of such individuals. True, in contrast to him, they suffer impermanence.

IMPORTANT: If the fork is directed towards the Mount of the Moon, you should treat the person with caution - namely, do not expect too much from him. Such exactingness can squeeze the object of demands to the limit.

A branch at the very beginning of the line can be considered a warning. It means that a person has a tendency to split consciousness.
A split in the middle of the head line indicates a tendency toward depression. “Woe from mind” - that’s what they say about such individuals.

What does a triangle on the line of the mind on the right and left hand mean?

Is a very good sign. He talks about how the owner of the hand will be able to realize himself, and quite successfully, in the scientific field.

As for character, we can safely say that in front of you is a person solid. Definitely him has personality.

IMPORTANT: In difficult life situations, he is able to show courage.

What does a square on the mind line on the right and left hand mean?

In principle, the sign is quite happy. Man with him often takes risks, which can be regarded as a tendency to get into unpleasant situations. However, at the same time he knows how to deftly get out. However, it protects the square when the line of the mind seems to be inside him.

If outside, which means that a person is constantly inclined to do something get hung up. He is very dependent and can change the course of his thoughts and actions if they begin to control him.

Often found among people involved in politics.

A square on the line of the mind in some cases is a sign of obsession

The meaning of intersections of the line of the mind with the line of life, fate, heart in the palm of the hand

Sometimes it happens that the line of the mind makes a circle and crosses the life line. Fortunately, this happens infrequently, since this sign is considered the seal of a suicide. The mind prevents such a person from living happily.

It is also rare, but it happens that the head line goes up and crosses the heart line. This symbolizes victory of reason over spirituality.

IMPORTANT: You should be wary of such people. They are big egoists and heartless. Among them there are many thieves or even murderers.

Intersection with the line of fate indicates a person with well developed logical thinking. She will always find a way out even from a seemingly hopeless situation. However, not only logic helps in this, but also well-developed intuition.

The line of the mind connects with the line of fate, life, heart in the palm of the hand: what does this mean?

If the line of the mind goes up and connects with heart strip, which means that a person is used to expressing his thoughts and feelings with a non-standard approach. He is completely and completely is under the control of his feelings. And this should be alarming. The feelings that drive such a person cannot be called bright. As a result, the owner of the palm can, as they say, go over their heads.

By analogy with the previous paragraph, connection of the stripes of mind and fate points to logics.

People with a logical mindset have a connection between the lines of mind and fate

Most often it occurs connection of the lines of the head and life. It happens at reasonable individuals with rational thinking and a balanced approach to solving a particular problem. These people are different enviable self-control, are able to resolve even the hottest conflict.

IMPORTANT: It is worth paying attention to where exactly the line of the mind begins. If from the beginning of the life line, it means that the person is devoted to the family, a conservative. If the connection occurs somewhere in the middle, it means that the owner of the palm is not confident in himself and is dependent on the opinions of others.

It also happens that on the left hand the lines of the head and life merge, and on the right they diverge. This is an indicator that the person was able to become independent, received liberation from conventions.

Cross on the line of the mind in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

But this sign is unfavorable. He promises injury. However, sometimes the interpretation turns out to be the other side - so, cross at the beginning of the strip talks about good luck.

But the mark in the middle of the strip warns about injury or any serious illness. You should also be wary if the cross marks your palm. at the end of the line.

IMPORTANT: It often happens that this sign symbolizes self-deception. The owner of the mark should think about what he is hiding from himself. Perhaps he is deceived about his goals in life.

A line parallel to the line of the mind, 2 lines of the mind on the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

This sign is very rare. And it is not surprising, because it is available geniuses. These people with extraordinary mental abilities always know how to get rich. They definitely know how to influence others.

At the same time, there is a significant degree of gullibility. Even excessive. Not always a useful quality, but it can be considered a cost of genius.

IMPORTANT: Guessing in the case of a sister line is not easy, because the meaning on one of the lines can be smoothed out by the interpretation on the other.

What does a mole on the line of the mind in the palm of the hand mean?

Warns about accident which may result in a head injury. However, you should not despair in advance: firstly, this is just a warning, and, secondly, neighboring lines may make adjustments to this interpretation.

As you can see, the line of the mind is not only an indicator of the level of intelligence. Palmistry is a multifaceted science and, we hope, we were able to present this one of the main lines from various sides.

Video: Palmistry - line of the mind on the palm of the hand

Triangle– basically a favorable sign. A triangle in the palm is an indicator of developed thinking, spatial orientation, understanding, calculation, learning, reasoning ability, etc. That is, a person with triangles is, first of all, an educated person who constantly loves to learn something new, master new professions and knowledge.

On lines:

  1. Small triangles on the Life line or next to the Life line, in the area of ​​the Mount of Venus, are signs of easy wealth: a big win, a large inheritance, an unexpected decent material reward, etc.
  2. If the triangle is located on the line of Life or next to the line of Life, between the line of Life and Destiny, then these are real problems: lack of money in a given period, specific troubles at work or in personal life.
  3. A clear triangle at the end of the life line - a person devotes so much time to public affairs and charity that he completely forgets about his family. As a rule, lonely old age.
  4. Triangle on the Head line - such a person has various talents of an active and business nature. As a rule, intuition is also developed. Learning something in the moment. In general, such a person really loves to learn everything. And this is not necessarily theoretical teaching of the subject. This can also be professional improvement of skills, skills and qualifications at work. Also, a triangle on the winding line of the Head with numerous islands can also indicate severe devastation, life without prospects, difficult circumstances of a given period (hospital or prison).
  5. A triangle on the line of Destiny means monotonous work without prospects, career failures, in a word – not Destiny.
  6. A triangle on the Marriage line is a sure sign of many obstacles in family life and serious problems in marriage.

The onset of activity begins at the nearest corner in the direction of the dating line and reaches a peak at the apex of the triangle, then there is a decline in activity, and ends at the far corner.

On the hills:


  1. Triangle on the Mount of Venus - the ability to control and restrain oneself, love relationships or marriage, only by calculation.


  1. Triangle on the Mount of Jupiter - managing people, the ability to persuade, diplomacy and politics.


  1. Triangle on the Mount of Saturn - ability to occult sciences.


  1. Triangle on the Mount of the Sun - great achievements in the field of art and science. But in combination with a short thumb - pathological justice and fanatical religiosity.


  1. Triangle on the Mount of Mercury - a successful businessman, a cunning, enterprising person.


  1. Triangle on the hill (–) of Mars - self-control, concentration of will, talent in the military field or sports.
  2. A triangle on the hill (+) of Mars is a real warrior, an example of courage, a talent for a commander.


  1. Triangle on the Mount of the Moon - a nature rich in ideas, great intuition and developed imagination. A penchant for parapsychology, a gift for music.


  1. Triangle on the Mount of Neptune - extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, telepathy.


  1. The triangle on the mount of Pluto is a conscious choice of the need for change, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s destiny.

On fingers:


  1. A triangle on the upper phalanx of the thumb - attention and will are concentrated on science, such a person knows how to think clearly and logically.
  2. The triangle on the lower phalanx of the thumb is a prerequisite for deep and philosophical thinking.


  1. A triangle on the upper phalanx of the index finger - interest in metaphysics and parapsychology.
  2. A triangle on the middle phalanx of the index finger - political, philosophical inclinations.

Middle finger:

  1. A triangle on the upper phalanx of the middle finger means a person’s character is bad.
  2. A triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger is a penchant for the occult and parapsychology.
  3. A triangle on the lower phalanx of the middle finger is a sign of an unlucky person, failure in his career.

Ring finger:

  1. A triangle on the middle phalanx of the ring finger - abilities in any one area.
  2. A triangle on the lower phalanx of the ring finger is a sign of intelligence and diplomatic abilities.

Little finger:

  1. A triangle on the upper phalanx of the little finger means interest in science.
  2. A triangle on the middle phalanx of the little finger is an indication for parapsychology.

"Conditional" triangles

  1. A large triangle formed by the intersection of the lines of Life, Head and Health is an indicator of the overall strength of the body.
  2. A pronounced right-angled triangle formed by the lines of Head, Fate and Health is a sign of longevity, developed flair, intelligence and insight. And if there is a line of intuition - "magic triangle" , extrasensory ability.
  3. A triangle formed by the lines of the head, fate and a certain oblique line - the so-called « money triangle" , a sign of guaranteed income thanks to one’s own labor, and then, provided that this triangle is closed. If one of the sides of this formation has some gaps, then money will constantly flow out, and you will not make a fortune.

Why are these triangles? conditional ? Yes, because these triangular formations only give a tendency towards the above-described abilities and capabilities, and do not guarantee their presence. The presence of such triangles, in most cases, does not mean anything. For example, the “magic triangle” itself, without a dozen other psychic signs on the palm (a cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger, a circle at the bottom of the Mount of the Moon, Solomon’s ring, etc.) is just a combination of lines and nothing more. The same thing applies to the “money triangle”. It should not be considered separately, but only in combination with other signs and lines (branches up from the life line, triangles near the life line, marriage lines - successful marriage, financial rise on the line of fate, etc.) in order to understand whether they will Is it real money, or is it just naive dreams.

From practice, I can say that in the hands of wealthy people who easily became rich as a result of their own entrepreneurial spirit, fraudulent actions, a successful marriage, patronage, great connections, an unexpected inheritance or winnings, "money triangle" is extremely rare, but in the hands of projectors - “dreamers of wealth” - quite often. This is why I do not want to discuss the “currency” sign in more detail in this article. What doesn’t really work in reality is not interesting.

Remember! A triangle formed from major or randomly intersecting lines is not a true triangle. A true triangle is a clear, small, independent and independent sign.

Explains in detail the meanings of all the lines and symbols on the hand, as well as the shape of the hand itself and fingers. The triangle on the life line has a different meaning from the triangle on other parts of the palm. It is believed that several triangles symbolize a person’s happy destiny, but let’s consider all the symbols in order.

To decipher the meaning of the symbol, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • size and clarity of shape;
  • apex orientation;
  • Which palm is it located on?

When determining the meaning of a figure, it is necessary to take into account the person’s age, as well as the location on the hand - right, left or both. On the right hand there are changes in fate, which was destined from above. On the left hand you can read the destiny intended for a person. Palmists have long noticed that a person’s actions can radically change one’s destiny—these changes are marked on the left palm.

Important! For left-handers, the leading hand is the left, so it indicates changes in life. For right-handed people, the signs of change are on the right palm.

If a triangle appeared on the leading hand, which was not a sign of fate on the other hand, it means that the person was able to change his life on his own. If a triangle appears on the left hand, but not on the right hand, the person was unable to realize the potential laid down by fate.

If you find triangles on both hands, this is a sign of a lucky person and a favorite of the gods. A person is given a chance to become rich if he realizes it.

Now let's look at the shape of the triangle and the lines that form it. Typically, the three vertices form the main lines of the palm - head, heart, and life. A money triangle appears in the center of the palms. It must be smooth, clearly defined and closed - only in this case the sign has a positive meaning. If the triangle is open or irregularly shaped, it shows financial failure. Basically, an open and deformed triangle indicates a leak of funds.

Location on the lines of the palm

How to determine which line on the palm is leading when interpreting a triangle? You need to find the main side of the sign.

Head line

If the main side of the triangle is formed by, the person will earn wealth thanks to his mental abilities.

If the sign is located with its apex towards the Mount of Venus (thumb), a person can achieve fame in the field of art through the realization of creative abilities. If the sign is located with its apex towards the Mount of Mercury, the person will achieve success through the sphere of scientific knowledge.

If the sign is located elsewhere on the line of the mind, this indicates the receipt of an inheritance or material benefits from the father.

Life line

If the sign is located in this area, it predicts natural disasters or fatal events. However, it matters which side the triangle is located on. If it is adjacent to the life line or located on the outside or inside, it is always a harbinger of trouble.

Only the Mount of Venus can soften the fatal meaning of the sign - if the triangle rests on it, troubles can pass by and not touch the person’s fate. If the top of the triangle faces the Mount of Venus, this is a sign of good luck!

Line of fate

A triangle on the fate line indicates good luck. However, a person must make an effort to achieve prosperity and success in life, because water does not flow under a lying stone. The triangle shows that in any circumstances a person will be successful if he does not miss his chance.

Heart line

The figure on the heart line speaks of a person’s ability to adequately assess the situation, reason logically and act. A figure on the heart line characterizes a person who builds a marriage relationship solely on calculation - these people do not know how to love and succumb to feelings.

A person with a triangle sign on the heart line is a scientist, professor, mathematician. They can also be excellent philologists and translators from foreign languages.

Dimensions and appearance

Now let's look at what a triangle looks like on a hand. It can be small or large, equilateral or isosceles. A large figure, as a rule, is formed by the leading lines of the hand - head and life. These people are characterized by strong will, determination and the ability to control everything.

Note! The more correct the figure, the more prosperous its meaning.

If the triangle formed by the lines of life and mind is equilateral, a calm, harmonious life awaits the person. If you see a small, but clearly defined figure, this indicates a creative beginning in a person. The triangle can resemble the shape of a tulip or a horn - this shows a creative mind.

If the figure appears at the wrist and crowns the life line, the personality has well-developed intuitive qualities. The main thing here is to learn to listen to inner cues and use intuitive knowledge in life.

Now let's look at the shape of the figure:

  1. rectangular;
  2. equilateral;
  3. isosceles.

If a right triangle is located on the heart line with its apex towards the index finger, this characterizes sociability and the ability to be friends. However, such people rarely achieve career growth - they are not adapted to this.

If a right triangle is located with its apex towards the middle finger on the heart line, the person has the qualities of a leader. The apex in the direction of the ring finger speaks of a jealous nature and irritability without reason. The apex in the direction of the little finger shows an obstinate, unpredictable disposition.

An isosceles triangle on the heart line with its apex towards the index finger characterizes a closed, unsociable person. The direction of the top towards the middle finger shows an egoist who has the gift of acting - this is a hypocritical, self-interested person. The direction of the top towards the ring finger shows a kind person who always comes to the rescue. The apex in the direction of the little finger characterizes a solid, harmonious nature that can handle anything.

An equilateral triangle near the index finger characterizes a successful person who can establish himself in any area of ​​life. The figure with its apex towards the middle finger shows a commercial vein. The figure with the tip towards the ring finger characterizes an incapacitated person who simply exists. A triangle with its apex towards the little finger characterizes a reliable spouse.


This symbol interests many people. Where is the wealth triangle located? It is formed by three main lines of the palm - Mercury, head and fate. The Mercury line shows an entrepreneurial streak, the head line shows the ability to think adequately, and the fate line shows the ability to set specific goals and achieve their implementation.

It is very important that the money triangle has a clear, solid shape; any deformation indicates damage. A person’s well-being also depends on the size of the figure: the larger it is, the greater the capital.

What will they talk about? If the gap is localized at the connection of the lines of the head and fate, the person’s work activity does not bring a stable income. A break at the connection of the lines of Mercury and fate shows that all finances are spent on providing for the family. If the gap is indicated at the intersection of the lines of the head and Mercury, money flows through your fingers.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The amount of money in accounts is an important factor influencing the feeling of happiness these days. In other words, without crunchy pieces of paper it is hard and sad for a person. But fate measures out different well-being for everyone. A triangle of money in the palm of your hand will help you find out what you were born with. Palmists have been studying palm readings for a long time, claiming that they can predict almost all the nuances of fate. Let's get acquainted with what the triangle of money and signs of wealth in the palm are.

Which hand to look for?

Palmistry is a rather serious branch of knowledge in which there are no trifles. The money triangle in the palm is a sign showing opportunity. They are looking for him on both hands. It has different meanings. The triangle on the left hand tells about what is inherent from birth, and on the right hand - what will be achieved through one’s own labor. Moreover, one should distinguish the work of the soul from that which is done in production.

The triangle of money in the palm of your hand shows whether a person has managed to realize himself and whether he is developing correctly. The ideal situation is when the patterns on both hands are the same. But that almost never happens. This situation is only accessible to angels or geniuses. During our lives, we all make mistakes, deviate from the intended path, so the drawings change. In addition, the fate of an individual depends on the situation in the country and the world. But our triangle can remain in its proper place, showing that its owner has the right attitude towards everything that happens.

A little philosophy

In order not to make mistakes and not to have false hopes, you need to understand what palmistry is. Where is the triangle of money in the palm of your hand - we will look for you a little later, but first think about the free will that the Creator gave us. No matter what a person believes, he realizes a simple truth: from birth he has some abilities. Each of us already understands this in middle school (and some in elementary school). But abilities should be developed! It is impossible to become rich by lying on the couch, staring at the monitor or TV and expecting that they will leave you an inheritance.

So, in order to receive it, you need to maintain good trusting relationships with your relatives. Yes, and an accidental inheritance must also be earned. Nothing in this world happens for nothing. Palmistry explains the possibilities, but it does not say anything about how you will use them. The left hand shows the makings, the right hand shows the result of the work of the soul. The lines can be changed if you set a goal or, conversely, do nothing. A triangle of money is drawn in the palm of someone who is able to change their destiny through hard work and perseverance. If you don't find it on your left hand, don't be upset. Find your talent and develop it. Wealth will come when the soul blossoms with creativity. Then either the lines will change or bumps will appear. Now let's look at everything in more detail.

Triangle of money and signs of wealth in palmistry

First study the left palm. You should look at the main lines. Our triangle is outlined by three of them. The one that runs almost parallel to the fingers is the line of the heart. Just below her comes the one that is responsible for the mind. goes around the thumb. They are crossed out by a strip showing fate. This line is the thinnest, not everyone has it.

See if the stripes are clearly defined and clearly visible on the palm. It is important. The desired triangle is formed and fate. These two stripes should intersect. The base of the money figure is considered to be the line of Mercury, which runs parallel to the side of the palm, under the little finger. Triangles are small and large. Some have two or more. The ability to have a lot of money is indicated by the bumps under the fingers. To identify them, open your palm and tense it. Look at the resulting plane. The more pronounced the bumps are, the more money you should have.

What do the signs on the palm say?

You should know that everyone has their own destiny. Comparing wealth is useless and destructive. A money triangle on your hand does not mean that you are destined to swim in banknotes or waste them indiscriminately. This is a sign that the person will not experience need. That is, those who have it have every chance of living well into old age. Only a few people actually get rich if they put in a lot of effort.

Triangles and lumps show fate rather than bank accounts. People who do not have them will face poverty and lack of funds for development. Those who have them have every chance of safely avoiding need. But everyone's income level is different. For some, an average salary is enough to be happy, while others, owning millions, do not feel sufficiently secure. The triangle does not indicate the level of necessary funds.

Important features of signs

We can extract a little more information from our own palm. First of all, you should look at the depth and color of the lines. The more clearly they are outlined, the brighter the described feature. So, if the triangle is visible right away, you didn’t have to look for it with a magnifying glass, it means that no problems with finances are foreseen, the person will constantly feel wealthy, or rather, will not suffer about it. Palmistry describes the capabilities of an individual. Achievements are the concern of the person himself. You need to compare the signs on your palms. If the left one has a triangle, but the right one does not, then you are going in the wrong direction. There is an urgent need to adjust goals and change guidelines.

The second thing to focus on is gaps. Sometimes the lines have so-called gaps. This is a bad sign. He says that funds do not linger in your life and go away as quickly as they come. It makes no sense to correct such a character trait, since it already exists. But make sure you spend your money wisely, and better yet, on your development, then even more will come.

Other triangles

Experienced palmists look for many signs on the palm that indicate the opportunity to get rich. Look, for example, at the fate line. If triangles rest on it, with their apex pointing to the thumb, then you are entitled to so-called easy money. Their location determines the years when luck will occur. The closer the triangle is to the base of the palm, the older fate will turn to face you.

Inside the main money triangle, you can see its small copies, outlined by the lines of mind and fate, closed by short stripes parallel to the Mount of Mercury. This is a sign that a person may have multiple sources of income. You need to open them, don’t be lazy. By the way, palmistry considers the triangle of money, the lines of which are poorly drawn on the right palm, to be a sign of parasitism. A person does not use all his abilities, prefers to have fun.

Meaning of lines in a triangle

Let's explain one more subtlety. If the brightest side of the money triangle is the line of the mind, then the person should focus on developing talents. He is destined to make money from ideas or science. The owner of a clear line of Mercury must engage in commerce. This person will sooner or later discover his ability to trade.

If the line of fate turns out to be the clearest in the triangle, it means that the individual has only one road to enrichment. This strip indicates the presence of some bright talent. It is advisable to develop it from childhood. Sometimes it is missing from the palm. Palmists say that this is a sign of a spender.


Lines on the hand are a very interesting topic. But don’t get carried away by the signs of fate when it comes to money. It is necessary to develop your abilities, work, reject laziness, and take care of your spiritual state. Even the richest people are subject to despondency, and this is a direct road to poverty. Conversely, many feel happy with modest income. And this feeling makes them truly rich!

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