False pregnancy in a sterilized cat. False pregnancy in a cat. What can cause a false pregnancy?

False pregnancy in cats is a relatively rare occurrence in veterinary practice. A similar state of the body manifests itself in females that have not been mated, that is, fertilization of the egg has not occurred. In this case, characteristic behavioral and physiological signs of pregnancy are present. According to veterinarians, this deviation is most often caused by changes in hormonal levels.


Although this condition is quite rare, owners should understand that this condition negatively affects the emotional and physiological state of their furry pet.

The reasons can be very diverse. Felinologists believe that over-domestication of pets is the cause of false pregnancy, which, as a rule, occurs 1-2 months after the end of the last estrus.

Individuals who do not leave their house or apartment do not have the opportunity to communicate with their relatives, in particular with cats. Still, it is inherent in nature that any female should bear offspring. Instincts are preserved and cats have to pretend motherhood. In addition, pets are often subjected to castration and sterilization, which leads to disruption and changes in hormonal levels in the body.

This condition can also develop after a planned, accidental mating, as a result of which, for one reason or another, fertilization did not occur. For example, if the female was mated with a sick, sterile male. In this case, stimulation has occurred, the corpus luteum is formed, the uterus is ready for fertilization, the implantation of a zygote, but there are no embryos.

The main causes of false pregnancy:

  • hormonal imbalance (increased concentration of progesterone in the blood);
  • irregular breeding activity;
  • unbalanced, too nutritious diet;
  • breed, genetic predisposition;
  • individual physiological characteristics of the body;
  • severe stressful situations.

The condition can occur due to diseases, acquired, or congenital pathologies of the reproductive system. A similar condition often occurs if owners give animals special drugs that reduce sexual desire (Contrasex, Stop Intim, Sex Barrier), or oral contraceptives, which provoke hormonal imbalance.

Signs of false pregnancy

During false pregnancy, animals experience similar symptoms as during normal pregnancy. As a rule, this condition occurs 1-2 months after the last estrus (estrus). First of all, behavior and emotional state change. Fluffy pets may show nervousness, be in an excited state, may not make contact, and constantly meow. Some pets become more affectionate and require increased attention from their owners.

To other characteristic symptoms of false pregnancy in cats can be attributed:

  • enlargement of the mammary glands, abdomen;
  • inadequate response to external stimuli;
  • drowsiness, apathy;
  • increased appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • disruption of digestive processes;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • mucous discharge from the vagina.

Animals are looking for places where they can set up a maternity “nest”. They begin to carry slippers, socks, children's toys, and other objects in their teeth, mistaking them for their “kittens.” When pressed, milk bags release colostrum. The animal can hide in secluded, quiet places, trying not to be seen by its owners.

Treatment of false pregnancy in cats

The condition carries certain risks, both in terms of health and psychological state. In animals, against the background of a similar condition, mastitis can develop - inflammation, suppuration of the mammary glands.

If an imaginary condition in a pet manifests itself frequently and has pronounced symptoms, such a condition can provoke diseases of the reproductive system (endometritis, pyometra). The condition often leads to disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system. And this is not to mention the nervous-emotional state.

Drug treatment for false pregnancy in a cat should be prescribed by a veterinarian. Hormonal, sedative, and symptomatic medications may be prescribed. For mastitis, anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed for general and local treatment, antibiotics to prevent the development of infection, and cold compresses.

To reduce the risk of this condition, owners should monitor the nutritional value of the diet. If the above-described symptoms of false pregnancy appear in cats, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food, especially the consumption of fermented milk products containing carbohydrates, water, and increase physical activity, trying to distract the animal with active games. It is very important to monitor the condition of the animal's milk bags to prevent the development of mastitis.

Try to pay more attention to your pet, avoid stressful situations, help your pet cope with psychological problems, and correct the animal’s behavior. After mating, carefully monitor the condition of the animal. It is best to do an ultrasound two to three weeks after mating for control.

In some cases, if the condition has become frequent, sterilization, castration, and hormonal therapy are performed.

Hello, Alya! False pregnancy in cats is not that common. Whether it occurs in a particular cat depends on:

Heredity. There are high and low milk lines of cats;

The living conditions in which the cat lives. So, if the cat has enough food, there is no overpopulation of the territory with other felines, leading to stressful situations and loss of milk, she can “afford” to become falsely pregnant. In your case, the presence of another actually pregnant cat apparently provoked a false pregnancy in the other. Cats are quite social animals and are capable of raising kittens from different litters together.

The appearance of other people's kittens on the cat's territory. As this happened in your situation, the cat’s natural instinct kicked in. In general, they have a highly developed instinct for procreation;

Individual characteristics of a particular cat. Among animals, just like among people, there can be bad and super-good mothers.

Experts approach the problem of false pregnancy in cats differently. Some believe that this is a disease associated with hormonal imbalance, and it certainly needs to be treated.

Others, on the contrary, believe that there is nothing terrible in this phenomenon. This is probably true if, despite all this, the false pregnancy does not torment the animal excessively. Sometimes, after some time, all the symptoms of a false pregnancy go away on their own, and the cat returns to its normal behavior.

However, if her behavior changes very much, lactation is observed and there are inflammatory phenomena in the mammary glands, you need to consult a veterinarian. You should not prescribe any medications to your cat yourself. Since this phenomenon requires hormonal correction, it will be better if it is prescribed after examining the cat by an experienced veterinarian. If the situation with a false pregnancy recurs in the future, removal of the ovaries is recommended. To avoid false pregnancy, owners are also advised not to be too zealous in feeding the animal in order to provoke a semblance of a stressful situation.

Your cat may actually have produced milk. The appearance of kittens in the first cat could provoke lactation in the second non-pregnant cat, and the kitten that appeared temporarily was also able to “suck” the cat until milk appeared in that cat. Observe the behavior and condition of the cat in order to notice possible pathological changes in time and contact a veterinarian.

Interesting information on this topic can be read at the link: http://kiskavasha.ru/lozhnayaberemennost.php

It cannot step on - this is typical only for dogs. However, in fact, this phenomenon does happen in veterinary practice. Owners of pet cats often encounter it and help their pet survive this difficult period.

What is a false pregnancy

This is the name for a special condition of a cat, which, in the absence of fertilization, experiences all the symptoms characteristic of pregnancy. This is a rather complex process associated with the neuropsychic state of the animal and any hormonal disorders in the body.

The corpus luteum, formed during ovulation, does not die in the absence of fertilization, but begins to produce hormones characteristic of a pregnant body. One of them is prolactin, which is responsible for lactation. The pet's behavior in this regard is not much different from how a pregnant cat behaves. Physiological and psychological changes occur in the body aimed at expecting an imaginary offspring.

Signs of false pregnancy

First of all, owners usually notice changes in the pet’s behavior. This could be excessive drowsiness, apathy, or refusal to play. During this period, cats are characterized by a sharp change in mood - the animal either refuses close contact, or, on the contrary, requires increased attention to itself. Often a cat tries to build a nest - dragging clothes from place to place, rummaging through closets. Sometimes he even carries small toys in his teeth, which act as imaginary kittens. Some try not to be seen again, but sit out in secluded corners. Others behave very noisily - meow loudly, scratch closed doors, etc. Any attempts to rein in and call to order only strengthen this behavior.

Physiological symptoms confirm that a cat has a false pregnancy. Approximately 1.5-2 months after the end of estrus, slight discharge from the vulva is observed. On examination, you may notice an enlarged abdomen. and colostrum is released from them. Body temperature rises slightly, appetite either increases or disappears. The severity of certain symptoms is influenced by the type of animal’s nervous system and the level of various hormones. Only a veterinarian and an ultrasound examination can confirm the fact that a cat has a false pregnancy, the signs of which are described above.

Causes of the disease

Experts find different explanations for the physiological and psychological failure in the animal’s body:

  • One of the most common reasons is mating with a male who is unable to produce offspring.
  • Disturbances in the reproductive system.
  • Finding a pregnant cat in your neighborhood. In this case, a situation of replacement occurs, and the animal subconsciously feigns the expectation of offspring.
  • Psychological stress is often the reason why a cat develops a false pregnancy. Serious trauma can be caused by separation from a beloved owner, moving, loss of the pet itself, etc. In this case, a psychological reaction arises in the animal’s mind, giving the cat a feeling of being needed by someone (in this case, kittens).
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Individual qualities.
  • Overfeeding can sometimes cause this problem.

Psychological help

In order to find the right treatment methods, it is important to establish the reason why the cat developed a false pregnancy. What to do next will be clear depending on this. If a cat lacks love and attention, then you should surround it with care, spend more time with it, pick it up more often, stroke it, and even allow it to sleep next to it. It will take 1 to 4 weeks for your cat to stabilize. All this time you need to make sure that she feels needed and loved. Walking and playing together helps with this. For cats, the feeling of being needed is very important. When it appears, then the desire to show pseudo-motherhood will quickly fade away.

Medication assistance

Not only psychological problems, but also physiological disorders in the body can cause false pregnancy in a cat. Treatment in this case will require the use of medications. All of them should be prescribed only by a veterinarian after examining the animal. Sedatives are usually used to stop lactation. Adjusting your cat's diet to reduce the amount of dairy products and carbon-containing ones will help reduce milk production. A prolonged lactation process can lead to mastitis and other problems. Therefore, it is recommended to take all possible measures - massage the mammary glands, cool compresses, apply compression bandages. If mastitis does start, you cannot do without antibiotics.

Doctors often recommend the drugs Naloxone or Cyclozocine. Their dosage must be calculated individually for each animal and applied no more than twice a day. Medicines have a large number of side effects and contraindications. Naloxone can cause nausea and vomiting, so before taking it, it is advisable to give the cat an antiemetic, for example, Cerucal or Metocloramide.

What are the dangers of false pregnancy?

Timely seeking help from a veterinarian and following all his instructions and recommendations will most likely lead to the fact that the pet’s condition will stabilize and no health problems will arise. But if a false pregnancy occurs regularly in a cat, this contributes to the depletion of its body and mental disorders. Often the consequence is the development of mastitis, which sometimes leads to death if treatment is not started.

Repeated false pregnancy threatens the occurrence of endometritis, pyometra, inflammation of the reproductive organs, malignant tumors, disruption of the thyroid gland and other serious diseases. Therefore, you should not leave this problem unattended and expect that everything will go away on its own. At the first suspicion of it, you need to show your pet to a doctor.


Owners of cats prone to this disease need to more closely monitor the health of their pet. Mating should only be carried out with cats that are known to be healthy. A few weeks after this, be sure to do an ultrasound examination in order to make sure that pregnancy has occurred.

One of the most important preventive measures is proper diet. Overfeeding an animal can affect not only metabolic processes, but also hormonal processes, causing them to malfunction. In addition, the cat must be protected from possible stress and shock, which can also provoke a false pregnancy.

Pedigree predisposition

It was long believed that this condition could occur in any cat. However, today experts agree that there are 3 breeds that are most vulnerable. These are the Rex, the Sphynx and 15% of individuals of these breeds have had cases of false pregnancy. In this case, the observed symptoms in a mother cat are necessarily inherited by her female kittens.

Usually, if fertilized during the next heat, the cat is able to carry and give birth to healthy offspring. If it is not a breeding animal, veterinarians recommend sterilizing such an animal. A false pregnancy in a cat brings too much harm to physical and mental health. After sterilization, it happens that swelling of the nipples is observed, but then this quickly passes and does not recur.

It is believed that false pregnancy is more of a dog problem. But, recently, this phenomenon is becoming more common in cats. There can be many reasons for this. One of them is the excessive domestication of cats. Many owners never let her go outside, limiting all communication outside the apartment. This negatively affects the mental and emotional state of the animal.

What is a false pregnancy

False pregnancy in cats usually lasts 3-4 weeks

False pregnancy is a rather unpleasant disease caused by hormonal imbalance in the body. In this case, the unfertilized animal begins to show all the signs of pregnancy. A false pregnancy lasts about 3-4 weeks, sometimes a little more. This neuropsychic state is very dangerous for a cat.

False pregnancy is more common in dogs. And the reason for this is natural instincts. In their natural habitat, dogs live in packs. And false pregnancy is a form of survival. In each pack, several dogs can give birth at the same time. If for some reason one of the dogs that gave birth dies, then the other, in a state of false pregnancy, can feed the orphaned babies.

This behavior is not typical for cats. By nature, they are less social than dogs. Often they do not accept other people's kittens and can even kill them. However, there are exceptions. Nature, therefore, took care of the preservation of the offspring, so that even a cat who had never given birth could feed the kittens.

The cause of false pregnancy in cats can be both stress and heredity.

A false pregnancy appears a couple of months after estrus. Many factors can serve as prerequisites for the occurrence of such a condition. This may be heredity, stress and personality traits.

The main causes of false pregnancy:

  • mating or sterile cat;
  • reproductive dysfunction in a cat (congenital pathology, latent infection, systemic diseases);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • severe psychological stress;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • lack of attention;
  • proximity to pregnant cats (replacement situation).

The tendency to false pregnancy can also be determined by the breed of the cat. Oriental cats, sphinxes and rexes are more often susceptible to this condition. It is the owners of these breeds who need to pay more attention to their pets after mating. You should protect such cats from any stress, mate only with healthy cats, and monitor the health of your pet. Take the animal to the veterinarian at least 3 times a year. 2-3 weeks after mating, it is necessary to do a control ultrasound. This is the only way to find out if a cat is false or real.

Signs of false pregnancy

False pregnancy in a cat has a number of differences from normal pregnancy

Based on physiological symptoms, it is difficult to distinguish a false pregnancy from an ordinary one.

Signs of false pregnancy:

  • the cat's belly is enlarged;
  • mammary glands swell;
  • appetite increases;
  • mucous discharge appears from the vagina;
  • strong thirst begins;
  • temperature rises;
  • diarrhea and vomiting may occur;
  • milk is released from the nipples.

The behavior and character of the cat changes greatly. She becomes restless, can sometimes show aggression, hides and tries to set up a den for herself in a secluded place. At the early stage of false pregnancy, the cat becomes lethargic and passive, stops playing its favorite games, and sleeps a lot. Often a cat mistakes various soft toys or slippers for kittens. She carries them in her teeth, takes care of them, licks them and tries to feed them with milk, hides them and protects them from their owners and other animals.

What to do with a false pregnancy in a cat

At the first suspicion of a false pregnancy, you should show the animal to a doctor. Only he can accurately determine the causes of this condition. False pregnancy can be dangerous for a cat and cause serious complications, for example, mastitis (suppuration of the mammary glands), inflammation of the ovaries and uterus, and tumor of the thyroid gland.

To avoid consequences, it is necessary to reduce the amount of milk produced. To do this, the cat is placed on a dairy-free, low-calorie diet and fluid intake is limited. You can use various creams and gels that reduce lactation. They are carefully rubbed into the animal's mammary glands.

In this state, the cat is very sensitive and vulnerable. She needs to be given as much attention and care as possible. Perhaps the cat’s psychological problems were provoked precisely by a lack of love and affection from the owner. It is worth spending as much time as possible with the animal, distracting its attention with games, picking it up more often, and removing all objects that incite the cat to express its maternal instinct. If the cat feels needed and loved, then within 2-4 weeks its emotional state will stabilize.

How to treat false pregnancy

False pregnancy in dogs is a conditionally normal phenomenon that does not cause much concern. In cats, this condition is considered a pathology and requires immediate treatment. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor after examination and ultrasound diagnosis. As a rule, sedatives and medications that reduce the level of the hormone prolactin, responsible for milk production, are used.

False pregnancy is extremely stressful for a cat.

Veterinarians often prescribe Naloxone or Cyclozocine. These drugs are morphine antagonists and are used no more than 2 times a day. The dose of the drug is calculated individually for each cat (per 1 kg of weight - 0.01 mg of the drug). However, this medicine has many side effects. It should not be used for severe kidney and liver diseases, or heart disease. Nausea and vomiting often occur after using Naloxone. Therefore, half an hour before taking the medicine, it is necessary to give the animal a tablet of any antiemetic (Cerucal, Metocloramide).

To prevent mastitis, local massage of the mammary glands, cooling compresses and tightening bandages are performed. If mastitis does begin, then treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory ointments is used. You can use lotions made from oak bark infusion. In advanced cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

After proper treatment, already at the next heat, the cat will be completely ready for mating and will become fully pregnant. But, there are cases when false pregnancy occurs regularly, after each estrus. Only . will help here. Such violations are dangerous not only with mastitis, but also with cancer, endometritis and pyometra.

For any cat, a false pregnancy is a lot of stress. Therefore, every cat owner, especially a breed at risk, should be as attentive as possible to the health of their pet.

False pregnancy refers to the condition of a female that has not been mated, but exhibits all the signs of pregnancy. This often occurs in animals with irregular breeding activities. Previously, this phenomenon was considered the norm. Animal owners did not seek help from veterinarians with this problem. All recommendations boiled down to the fact that females were advised to feed and water less, distract them, and apply tight bandages to the mammary glands.

Signs of false pregnancy in cats

False pregnancy in cats is a disease, according to many veterinarians, that is associated with severe hormonal imbalance. Of course, such a disease must be treated without fail, since its consequences can become quite dangerous. A false pregnancy manifests itself in the fact that an animal, no matter a cat or a dog, after the estrus period has ended, can consider itself fertilized, after which, after two months, it seems as if it gives birth and begins to feed non-existent babies. As a result of this behavior, females may produce milk, which, if not sucked out, leads to mastitis, and sometimes to tumors. There is an increased body temperature. The animal’s psyche is also disturbed: it begins to build a den for its young, dig, and gut the upholstery of chairs and sofas. Often, “mothers in labor” mistake some soft and fluffy objects for their babies, which they begin to drag from place to place in their teeth. And sometimes they even protect their imaginary children from their real owners. It also happens that two adult cats can start playing the favorite children’s game “mother-daughter”. The worst thing is that even despite treatment, this condition in cats can recur from season to season. Naturally, the question arises: why do cats behave this way, what is the reason for this behavior? The answer, oddly enough, is very simple: the whole point is that animals have much more highly developed instincts for procreation, unlike humans. Moreover, this instinct extends not only to one’s own offspring, but also to others. The most interesting thing is the fact that adoption and guardianship of orphans is not at all an invention of mankind. People simply took the example of animals that are able to feed orphaned babies or help mothers with many children, while they themselves have lost their cubs. Also in animals there is an opposite tendency - the killing of other people's offspring - also associated with developed instincts for procreation. How a cat behaves depends on many different factors: the amount of milk and personal traits. Moreover, the desire to destroy other people's offspring often arises not only in cats, but also in cats.

Why do cats need false pregnancy?

However, let's return to the problem of false pregnancy. It would seem, why does nature need such a disease? After all, cats have such a developed maternal feeling, and they can easily feed their own cubs. In addition, if necessary, a cat who has never given birth in her life can feed and raise healthy kittens. And yet nature doesn’t do anything for nothing: a supply of nursing mothers never hurts. As you know, the cat community consists of several cats: the dominant link here is the mother cat, and the remaining links are her numerous cubs of different ages. A domestic cat usually lactates for three and sometimes four months. Although, in principle, there are also cases when a small kitten may not refuse to breastfeed for six months or even a year. Also, mother's milk is necessary for both early and late litters.

It should be noted that cats very often create nests in which they remain on duty and feed the babies in turn: first the older cats stay, and then the younger ones. This is done to make it easier to protect your territory from strangers. In this matter, in nursing babies, older cats receive invaluable help from their already adult daughters, who have never given birth. This becomes a very useful practice for them. However, for a false pregnancy to occur, the following conditions are necessary:

  1. Heredity - there are lines of cats with a high amount of milk and with a low one;
  2. Environment – ​​the occurrence of stressful situations such as sufficient food and lack of overcrowding, as a rule, leads to the fact that a nursing mother’s milk disappears;
  3. Behavioral in nature - the fact is that the presence of other people's cubs nearby can lead to increased lactation;
  4. Character traits - just like in people, cats have both good and bad mothers.

It should be noted that dogs are more susceptible to attacks of false pregnancy than cats, since they have this mechanism brought to almost perfection. The reason for this is very simple: dogs interact much more easily with the environment and with each other than cats.

Often, unsuccessful matings lead to false pregnancy, as a result of which the cat is not fertilized. There are also cases when domestic animals fell ill with false pregnancies, fed and protected imaginary babies. If you do not want your pet to suffer from a false pregnancy, contact your veterinarian. Prevention is also recommended: do not overfeed your pet. However, heredity can still take over. Cat breeds such as Orientals, Sphynxes, and Rexes are especially susceptible to this disease. And those cats and dogs that live together may well form a pack and have spare mothers.

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