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You can feel it not only by consuming it pure form, but also in cocktails. What should you mix Jägermeister with, and what other drinks go well with it, revealing its rich taste? We'll tell you in our article.

In the article:

Features of Jagermeister liqueur

It is worth describing some of the features of this legendary balm to understand what it is. Jagermeister belongs to the group of bitters - bitters and balms. Used as a digestif after meals. This fragrant drink is obtained by macerating 56 plant components, which are combined in strict proportions. The drink has a strength of 35 degrees.

Ice shot

The classic use of this drink is an iced shot.. Chilled Jägermeister is poured into ice-cold shot glasses and drunk in one gulp.

Another option in its pure form is warm, at room temperature.

But there are many who like to use herbal liqueur as part of cocktails. Cocktails based on Jägermeister are very popular in bars, this a good option for those who prefer to dilute strong alcoholic drinks. In this form, the balm shows its excellent taste and aroma no less well.

Cocktails with Jagermeister liqueur

There are many interesting and original cocktails featuring aromatic Jagermeister; every lover of alcoholic mixes will find one that suits their taste.

Most Jägermeiter cocktails are shots. Such mixtures are directly prepared or served in small glasses, the volume of which does not exceed 100 ml. The contents are drunk in one gulp at a time.

Shots with Jägermeister:

Among long drinks - cocktails of a fairly large volume - there are also mixtures with Jagermeister, which are no less popular and tasty:

What else is Jägermeister mixed with?

Herbal German balm is good couple citrus juices. It is mixed with lemon or orange juice in equal proportions. It is also good in tandem with sodas, for example, cola and sprite, cocktails with which taste good and are refreshing.


A popular mix in nightlife venues is Jagermeister with Red Bull energy drink, called the Jagerbomb.


When asked how to drink Jägermeister with beer, you can answer that experts do not recommend doing this because of the strong intoxicating effect of such a mixture. However, there is a mix called “Submarine”, very popular in bars in Finland, where one part of liquor is mixed with two parts of beer.

Cocktails featuring Jagermeister will bring true pleasure and enjoyment of the taste and aroma of herbs mixed with other ingredients.

At the moment, varieties of Jägermeister liqueur are divided into 2 types: classic liqueur and Jägermeister Spice. Despite its long history, few people know how to drink this liqueur correctly.

Jägermeister in its purest form

The manufacturer's recommended method of consuming Jägermeister liqueur is to use ice shots. But in the absence of similar ones, ordinary glass stacks are perfect ice-chilled or from the freezer.

To begin with, a bottle of liqueur is cooled in a freezer for several hours at a temperature of minus 18-20 degrees Celsius. Then it is poured into chilled vodka glasses, called shots in Europe and America. A shot of ice-cold Jägermeister is drunk as a digestif, and always in one gulp. In this case, you can fully experience the unique flavor bouquet of the drink, which is not distorted by alcohol during cooling.

You can also consume Jägermeister at room temperature. This is usually done in medical purposes, for example, when colds or to improve digestion. At the same time, the herbal component of the drink is especially clearly revealed. However, you should not get carried away with treatment. Remember that 250-300 milliliters of this rather strong drink can cause severe alcohol intoxication.

Jägermeister in mixes and cocktails

If there is no desire or opportunity to drink Jagermeister in its pure form, it can be used in a variety of mixes. So, it is often mixed in a 50/50 ratio with citrus juices, mineral water or a sprite.

And finally, Jagermeister is a fairly common ingredient used in mixing several dozen generally accepted, exotic and even semi-marginal cocktails. Among the most common drinks containing German liqueur are Mirage, Cucumber, Black Blood, Jägermonster and Alligator on acid.

Suitable snacks

Speaking about snacks that are best paired with Jägermeister, it should be noted that in their historical homeland, people most like to eat this drink with local fried sausages. In the United States, liqueur is usually served with orange slices flavored with cinnamon, while in Russia they prefer salted lemon slices. But, in principle, there are no strict regulations in this case.

And lastly: when raising a glass of this well-deserved liqueur in a male company, do not forget to say the classic Jägermeister toast: “To the hunters!”

Brief history of the drink

The well-known and beloved German herbal liqueur Jagermeister originated in 1934 in Lower Saxony. Its name can be translated into Russian as “senior hunter” - an allusion to a court position that once existed in numerous German states.

Jägermeister is by its nature much closer to tinctures than to liqueurs. Jägermeister strength is 35 degrees. It contains 56 different ingredients, including: water, alcohol, sugar, caramel, anise, ginger, licorice, coriander, spicy cloves, cinnamon, saffron, orange peel and many others. It is not surprising that such an intricate drink requires a special approach.

In one of the comments I read:

I haven’t consumed alcohol at all for about 30 years. But I recently discovered that one hundred grams of Jägermeister can cure a cold overnight so what..

Since cold season is coming, I’m interested)

A century ago, this liqueur was consumed not for the sake of “lifting the mood,” but as a medicine that had a beneficial effect on digestive system. In fact, it is an ordinary digestif that improves digestion, like most other sweet drinks. In this article you will learn how to drink Jägermeister correctly, partly paying tribute to tradition, but to a large extent simply enjoying the truly amazing taste of a foreign potion.

For those who don't know. Jägermeister is a popular German liqueur produced since 1935. The strength of the drink is 35%. Literally, Jägermeister translates as “senior huntsman,” that is, a master over hunters, which has some basis, which we will talk about below. For some reason, in the CIS countries, the liqueur is often called “Jäger-Master”, which is fundamentally incorrect, however, “Jägermeister” is also far from the truth - in Germany the name is pronounced as “Jägermeister”.

Jägermeister composition and production

The history of the drink begins back in 1878, when Wilhelm Mast opened his winery in the city of Wolfenbüttel (Lower Saxony). The company grew quickly, but the real breakthrough was not made by Wilhelm, but by his son, Kurt. It was he, a professional taster with a delicate taste, who began experimenting with herbal extracts. In 1934, Kurt Mast created a unique and inimitable recipe for an herbal liqueur, which he dedicated to hunters, naming it in honor of St. Hubert (according to legend, it was he who saw a deer with a cross in the antlers in the forest, after which Hubert took monastic vows and founded a number of Catholic monasteries) , the patron saint of the latter. Today, by the way, almost every hunt in Europe ends with drinking a bottle of Jaeger.

Jägermeister liqueur is produced by maceration from 56 components. The exact composition, as is often the case, is classified and known only to selected technologists of Mast-Jägermeister AG. It is known to contain various plants, roots and peels, including licorice. During the maceration process, the crushed components are poured several times with a water-alcohol mixture, which draws out essential oils. Maceration lasts several weeks, after which the resulting mixture is placed in oak barrels and aged for about six months. Afterwards, the aged drink is diluted with water, caramel and sugar syrup are added to it and again sent for six months of aging.

In Jägermeister's production everything is brought to perfection. The drink is aged in 445 skillfully made barrels, which are located in the city of Krauterkellerey. Each of them is made from unique oak species that grow in the forests of the Pfalzerwald. But German perfectionism does not end there. The bottles into which the finished liqueur is poured have unique shape, which was invented by Kurt Mast himself. If you drop it from high altitude on an oak floor, the chance of breaking a bottle is 1 in 10 - hunting, excitement... you understand.

Jägermeister began to be popularized back in the 1970s. Famous rock and metal bands brought enormous popularity to the drink: Nightwish, HIM, Slayer, Stamina and even the legendary Metallica. Inkubus Sukkubus even wrote a song about Jägermeister, calling it “the sweetest blood from deer antlers”; subsequently, it became the basis for many crazy people to claim that the liqueur contains deer blood - of course, this is nonsense, and maybe the subtlest advertising ploy. Today, Jaeger manufacturers sponsor rock concerts, as well as auto racing, including Formula 1.

How to drink Jägermeister correctly

Like most bitters, including the no less legendary Becherovka, Jägermeister is drunk primarily in its pure form. The Germans prefer to do this in the form of an ice-shot. To do this, the bottle with the drink is sent to the freezer, where it must cool to -18 degrees, and then poured into a shot glass, which, of course, also needs to be taken out of the freezer. Low temperature makes the liqueur viscous and thick, reveals some flavor nuances that cannot be fully experienced at room temperature. You should drink a digestif in one gulp after a heavy meal.

However, it is not necessary to cool the drink to extreme temperatures. You can simply add a couple of ice cubes to it and savor it in a cozy atmosphere - We recommend this method! Connoisseurs prefer to drink Jägermeister at room temperature - this is how it fully reveals its taste qualities, which is quite logical (read the article on drinking whiskey, where everything is written in detail about temperature). It is not recommended to mix bitters with beer - the effect is unpredictable. Also for the evening It is not recommended to drink more than 300 g of drink, because herbal collection can cause stomach upset, as well as a terrible hangover due to large quantity impurities in alcohol, which will certainly complicate the functioning of the liver.

Cocktails with Jägermeister

Be that as it may, Jägermeister fits perfectly into the bar industry and has become an excellent component for many interesting cocktails. In most cases, these are shots, but there are also more “voluminous” mixed drinks, which, in combination with German liqueur, can please even the most picky mixologist. Actually, we give you several recipes for cocktails with Jägermeister. For the minimalists, try spicing up your Jaeger with a good dose of Red Bull.

Mad Dog

  • 25 ml Jägermeister;

  • 25 ml Baileys.


Mix liqueurs in a shaker with ice and pour into a shot glass. Drink in one gulp, or savor from a cocktail glass.


  • 20 ml Jägermeister;

  • 20 ml absinthe;

  • 20 ml sambuca;

  • 20 ml Kahlua;

  • 20 ml Cointreau;

  • 20 ml Baileys.


Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Pour through a strainer into a rocks glass, first filling it with ice.


  • 30 ml Jägermeister;

  • 30 ml Grenadine;

  • 130-150 ml orange juice.


Fill a highball or any tall glass with ice. Pour in liqueur, juice to the top and tint with pomegranate syrup.

Black blood

  • 20 ml Jägermeister;

  • 50 ml Blue Curacao liqueur;

  • 25 ml lemonade and Sprite.


Shake the liqueurs with ice in a shaker and pour through a strainer into a cocktail glass with ice. Add soda.

Mirage / Mirage

  • 10 ml Jägermeister;

  • 15 ml menthol liqueur;

  • 15 ml Baileys;

  • 15 ml Cointreau.


Using a bar spoon, place the ingredients in a shot glass in layers in the following sequence: menthol liqueur, Baileys, Cointreau, Jägermeister.

Having analyzed the above recipes, we recommend that you drink cocktails with Jägermeister only if you don’t need “tomorrow”. So, now you know how to drink Jägermeister correctly and you can show off your knowledge to your friends and acquaintances. We will not prepare liqueur at home, since the composition is very complex and it is unlikely that it will be possible to recreate the original taste.

Fans of hard rock are well familiar with the German drink Jägermeister. The manufacturer of the drink is a regular sponsor of several rock bands, at a certain period it sponsored Formula 1 (until it decided that sports and strong alcohol are not compatible). Thanks to a successful advertising campaign, the drink became especially popular among fans of rock musicians and extreme sports enthusiasts. The drink also found its admirers among hunters, because it was created in honor of St. Hubert, who is considered their patron. It was to him, according to legend, that a deer with a cross in its antlers appeared, the image of which adorns the bottles of Jägermeister, and the name of the drink is translated from German as “senior huntsman”. This herbal liqueur began to be produced only in 1934, but managed to take a strong place in the ranks of elite alcohol, and a certain culture of its use has developed. If you intend to try this balm, it will not hurt you to find out how to drink Jägermeister correctly.

Characteristics of the drink

Do not think that the only reason for the popularity of Jägermeister is a well-thought-out marketing policy. The drink has a more than decent taste, its quality is always at its best thanks to the precise adherence to a complex recipe and compliance with all the subtleties of a multi-stage manufacturing technology.

Initially, the drink was intended as a balm to get rid of digestive problems, and it copes well with this task. However, its main advantage is its rich herbal bouquet and unique taste.

The composition of Jägermeister is not known to many people. The information that is considered reliable is that 56 components are used to make the drink, among which medicinal and spices, roots and others herbal ingredients. It is known that these include ginger, coriander, anise, licorice, saffron, cinnamon, cloves, juniper, and orange peels. But, contrary to the opinion of some fans of the group Inkubus Sukkubus, who metaphorically compared the drink with the blood of a deer in one of their songs, there is no deer blood in Jägermeister - the producers spoke quite clearly on this matter.

The plant material is crushed and infused with alcohol, then the infusion is aged in oak barrels for six months, filtered, and after adding sugar and caramel, it is aged in barrels for another 6 months. The result is a viscous and aromatic alcoholic drink ABV 35%. Many people call it a liqueur because of its sweetness, but it is a herbal balm and stands on a par with Riga Balsam and Becherovka.

Rules for using Jägermeister

TO general principles The uses of “Jägermeister” include the following:

  • Being an infusion that improves digestion and has a sweet taste, the drink is best served as a digestif. Some people use it as an aperitif, which is not serious violation rules for its use.
  • Jägermeister is a strong drink; it is drunk from small glasses called shots.
  • You can drink no more than 300 ml of Jägermeister per day, and weak intestines even less. Otherwise, indigestion will remind you of what you're drinking medicinal tincture, not regular liquor.

The unspoken rule of drinking Jägermeister is to raise at least one glass to the hunters while drinking it.

What to snack on

Snacking on digestifs is not considered obligatory, but there is a tradition of serving snacks with Jägermeister. True, in different countries they are different.

  • In the homeland of the drink, in Germany, it is eaten with fried sausages.
  • In America, Jägermeister will be served with oranges sprinkled with cinnamon.
  • In Russia, the drink is most often enjoyed with a slice of lemon sprinkled with salt.

There are no strict rules for choosing a snack for Jägermeister, so you can choose any one, focusing on your own taste.

Ways to drink Jägermeister

There is a tradition of drinking Jägermeister in one of three ways.

  • Icy. This is how the manufacturer recommends drinking Jägermeister. The bottle of drink is cooled to 18 or even 20 degrees below zero. Shots under it are frozen. A serving is 20-40 ml. The drink is drunk in one gulp. It is not recommended to keep it in your mouth. When drinking the drink chilled, its sweetish taste is almost indistinguishable, but the subtle aroma of herbs is perfectly captured. A pleasant aftertaste remains in the mouth.
  • Room temperature. When Jägermeister is consumed warm, its bitter-sweet taste becomes clearly distinguishable. The rich herbal bouquet also sounds louder. But few connoisseurs like to drink it warm. More often, the drink warmed to room temperature is consumed for medicinal purposes.
  • In cocktails. Most often, shots are made based on Jägermeister - small-sized cocktails that are usually drunk in one gulp. But there are other cocktail options that include Jägermeister.

Depending on the taste preferences everyone can choose the appropriate way to use Jägermeister and a cocktail with it that they will like.

Cocktail “Submarine”

  • “Jägermeister” – 40 ml;
  • dark beer – 0.3 l.

Cooking method:

  • Fill the shot glass with bitters.
  • Place the shot filled with Jägermeister into the bottom of the beer mug.
  • Fill your mug with beer by pouring it into your Jägermeister shot.
  • Take out the shot glass and drink the foamy drink.

There are other options for preparing this cocktail, when beer and balm are simply mixed in a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio. In some cases, beer is replaced with champagne. When choosing any version of this cocktail, you need to be prepared for quick intoxication and a severe hangover.

Cocktail “Mad Dog”

  • “Jägermeister” – 25 ml;
  • Baileys liqueur – 25 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Shake the drinks in a shaker.
  • Pour into a chilled shot.

The drink is drunk in one gulp. The creamy taste of the liqueur is perfectly complemented by the herbal bouquet of the balm.

Cocktail “Yagerita”

  • “Jägermeister” – 15 ml;
  • Cointreau liqueur – 15 ml;
  • tequila – 15 ml;
  • lime juice – 20 ml;
  • crushed ice – 200 g.

Cooking method:

  • Fill a tall glass with crushed ice.
  • Pour the drinks into a shaker container and shake them well.
  • Pour the mixture into a glass with ice.

The drink can be garnished with a slice of lime. It is served with a straw, as it belongs to the category of long drinks. Already from the name of the cocktail it is clear that its recipe was created for ladies.

Cocktail Sandbläser

  • “Jägermeister” – 50 ml;
  • light rum – 20 ml;
  • cola – 100 ml;
  • ice – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour ice into a glass.
  • Mix rum with Jägermeister.
  • Pour the alcohol mixture into a glass with ice.
  • Fill the glass with cola. At this time, abundant foam forms, which is normal.

Drink the drink slowly, through a straw. Many people try to translate the name of the cocktail using special services and end up with the phrase “sand blaster,” which does not accurately reflect the meaning of the word. A more accurate translation would be “sand blaster,” but for the Russian language this word would be a neologism.

The herbal liqueur Jägermeister, which would be more correctly called a balm, has millions of admirers all over the world. If you haven't tried it yet, it's time to rectify this situation, especially since there are affordable bottles of 40 ml and 200 ml on sale. Tips on how to drink this drink correctly will help you enjoy drinking it.

But also colorful products that, in addition to interesting aromatic and gastronomic incarnations, bring a lot beneficial effects? Pay attention to Jägermeister liqueur, which is a unique business card Germany.

This aromatic, sophisticated drink, produced at the factory of the same name, has been a best example standard recipe, which managed to win the hearts of a multi-million audience of strong alcohol connoisseurs around the world. To this day, the drink is not only enjoyed, but also treated for various diseases digestive system.

Did you know? Jägermeister is a very strong drink. Experienced tasters recommend consuming no more than 300 milliliters in one evening.

Jägermeister is a truly German product that is in an affordable price range. Therefore, liqueur cannot be classified as a liqueur, but its premium quality is in no way inferior to higher-priced products.

At the same time, if you are interested in how many degrees there are in Jägermeister, you should note for yourself that this product cannot be called light or feminine. The product's strength is 35% and it belongs to the category.


The visual performance of the balm stands out with its deep dark color, the result of aging in oak barrels.


The aromatic bouquet of the liqueur is based on subtle notes of cinnamon, saffron, cloves and ginger.


The gastronomic excellence is due to the tart herbal dominant note, lightly embellished with sweetness and richness of spices.

Production technology

The composition of Jägermeister herbs is kept strictly secret. What is known is that its recipe consists of 56 ingredients, among which are necessarily water, alcohol, sugar, caramel, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, saffron and coriander.

The drink is produced by long-term infusion of herbs followed by aging the general consistency in oak barrels. The production process itself is based on several stages. Initially, the herbs are collected, dried, ground and mixed in the required proportions. Next, the resulting composition is filled with alcohol and long time stands up. Afterwards, the resulting product is distilled and placed in oak barrels. The last stage is filtration with the addition of sugar and caramel, and then the product is infused for another six months in cellars with the appropriate atmosphere.

How to distinguish a balm from a fake

When choosing French, German or in a store in your city, be careful, as the number of counterfeits on the market is rapidly growing. To protect yourself from counterfeiting, pay attention to the fundamental characteristics of branded liqueur. In the case of Jägermeister these include:

  • Bottles. The drink is supplied to the market in original rectangular containers, made strictly of dark glass, protecting the product from negative influence sun rays. Also, the Jägermeister balm is always decorated with a label with the image of a deer, between the antlers of which there is a cross. One more significant sign originality is the presence on the frame of the label of a poem by Oskar von Riesenthal, who is a German writer and forester.

  • Design quality. Bottles of branded balm must demonstrate a presentable appearance. If you notice traces of glue, chips or a deformed lid, return the container to the shelf, as it is not trustworthy.
  • Viscosity and purity. You will never encounter cloudiness or sediment in the signature drink. Its consistency must be high density, due to the long aging of alcohols in a barrel.

How to drink Jägermeister correctly

Modern consumers prefer to taste Jagermeister in two ways: as an iced shot or warm.

In the first case, the drink is cooled for a long time at a temperature of -18 degrees and subsequently poured into vodka glasses. This method involves tasting in one gulp, in one sip. In the second case, the drink is drunk at room temperature from special glasses in small sips with orange slices sprinkled with cinnamon.

What to drink Jägermeister with

There are no special rules about what to drink German balsam with.. Cinnamon and orange are just the fundamental ingredients that can complement the aromatic superiority of the product. You can also conduct your tasting with a more substantial appetizer, such as fried sausages and baked meat.

Important! Jagermeister is strictly not recommended to be mixed with beer. The effect of this combination is unpredictable.

Other uses

If you want to surround yourself with a variety of impressions during the tasting process, do not miss the chance to taste Jägermeister in exquisite cocktails. Today, bars, clubs and restaurants serve many mixes that can reveal the original taste of German liqueur. The most popular ones include Bulldog, Peace, Coffee Jamaica, Panama, Cold Lips, Tornado and.

Drinks of the same class and taste

If you are interested in purchasing Jägermeister in stores in your city, you can also look at other varieties of liqueurs with original taste characteristics. For example, you may like banana, mango or passion fruit. At the same time, if you really don’t want to make a mistake in your choice, pay attention to the following types of popular drinks in the same class as German balsam:

  • —Baileys Original—. An original product with a pleasant coffee-with-milk color. Its delicate aroma contains hidden notes of vanilla, caramel, cream and coffee, and its gastronomic characteristics reveal a warming and enveloping trail of chocolate.
  • . Liquor of transparent color with a rich fruity-floral aroma and taste of oranges.
  • . A golden drink with a bitter and tart aftertaste, as well as an expressive herbal aroma.

Historical reference

Jagermeister brand products have been manufactured by Mast-Jagermeister SE since 1935. The recipe for the balm was invented a year earlier. It was created by Kurt Mast, and he also gave it a name that translates to “senior huntsman.” The reason for this name is the fact that Kurt was an avid hunter.

We also note that this drink in its homeland is often called Goering schnapps, in honor of the Imperial Forester of Germany Hermann Goering, who in 1934 issued a law on hunting rules in Germany. Moreover, according to this law, he proclaimed himself “Senior Hunter”.

Since 1970, Jägermeister has been supplied to all corners of the planet.

A balm that has no analogues

When choosing the best aromatic liqueurs, you are guaranteed to not be able to pass by Jägermeister. This is a product with a delicate aroma, unique taste characteristics and a long, memorable aftertaste. It is purchased for personal home tastings, as healing balm to eliminate various diseases gastrointestinal tract, and also for gifts to loved ones. Moreover, especially for such situations, an original steel packaging was created in the shape of a bottle and with the same visual characteristics as the original container.

Go today for a bottle of German balsam, whose taste and standard content are still for a long time will remain in your language. And if you have not only tried, but have already appreciated this unique drink, be sure to share your impressions. Tell us in what form do you like it best: cold or warm, in cocktails or undiluted?

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