Macro photography of a cat's tongue. Why does a cat have a rough tongue? Tongue diseases in cats

A cat in the house is a full-fledged member of the family who can not only give affection, but also make claims. How to understand the innermost thoughts of your pet, learn cat language and establish relationships? Learning the language of cats.

Who said "meow"?

It is curious that most of the cat's words are reserved exclusively for people. To communicate with their fellow cats, cats only need body language. Our pets make sounds in the same way as a person, passing air from the lungs through two elastic ligaments of the larynx. Unlike humans, a cat does not use its tongue to form individual sounds, but produces thirteen distinct vowels by tension in the throat, sinuses and lips. To change the resonance, it opens and opens its mouth, changing its shape. Cats make three main groups of sounds: purrs, calls and screams. The first are heard from a closed mouth, the second pass through an open mouth, and the third - from a tense and constantly open mouth. In addition, the cat produces about eight consonants. Since cats combine possible sounds, the range of their “speech” is much wider than that of humans. Having this information, you can not lose hope of teaching Murka the simplest phrases or at least the sentimental “mother”.

Have you ever been licked out of excess by your beloved cat? If so, then you probably noticed how rough her tongue is. Sometimes it feels like your skin is being rubbed with sandpaper! Owners of dogs whose tongue feels completely smooth to the touch are usually especially surprised.

The roughness of a cat's tongue is given by capillary papillae - keratinized sharp projections. on its surface, directed back towards the larynx. First of all, a cat needs them in order to bring beauty: after all, thick fur cannot be combed out exclusively with claws. Therefore, the protrusions on the tongue work like the teeth of a comb: the cat licks itself, they additionally comb the fur and fluff.

In addition, scientists say that a rough tongue helps the cat - a predator, as we know - to better separate meat from the bones of its prey and, accordingly, eat more of it.

But the rough tongue also has one very serious drawback. Due to the fact that the capillary papillae are directed inward and not outward, the cat cannot spit out what is caught on them. In such a situation, the cat reflexively begins to swallow, and from this, what gets on the tongue goes even deeper into the animal’s throat and stomach. This is how cats swallow whole threads with needles that pierce the stomach, or Christmas tree rain, which is not digested by the digestive system and can lead to intestinal obstruction. Remember this and hide dangerous objects away from your pets! If you are not already familiar with the complete list, be sure to read and remember it.

Everyone knows what a cat's tongue is, and many are even familiar with it by touch. No less interesting is its complex structure and functionality.

This rough cat tongue

Such a wonderful cat organ as the tongue consists of several muscle groups that contract in different directions, giving the tongue the mobility it needs. The uniqueness of the cat's tongue is that on its surface there are some semblance of spines, which are called papillae. These spines give the cat's tongue its famous roughness, which has several useful properties, including the ability to use the tongue as a self-moistening brush, which is very useful when licking fur.

In addition, the cat's tongue has such useful functions as:

  • measuring food temperature;
  • food tasting;
  • removing food debris from the animal’s face and mouth;
  • assistance in daily care of your fur coat;
  • assistance in swallowing food;
  • assistance in the process.

A cat's tongue has a number of useful functions, such as drinking liquids

What should a cat's tongue be like?

If the cat is healthy, the color of its tongue will be pink. But if the color of the tongue changes in one direction or another, or if it changes its shape, then this can be considered as evidence of health problems, the danger and nature of which must be assessed by a veterinarian.

Why is a cat's tongue rough?

The roughness of a cat's tongue is associated with the papillae located on its surface. All of them can be divided into four types:

Cone-shaped (filamentous) papillae. They are the most common form of papillae. They grow in the opposite direction to the sky, and are essential in grooming. They are located mainly on the front of the tongue. It is they who create the feeling of roughness, well known to cat lovers, when a cat licks, for example, a person’s hand.
Leaf-shaped papillae. Among all types of papillae, they are the largest in size. They are located in two groups on each side of the tongue in front of the circumvallate papillae, which will be discussed below.
Fungiform papillae. As the name suggests, they are similar in shape to a mushroom and are located on the sides of the cat's tongue.
Vital papillae. Found on the back of a cat's tongue. In a V-shaped row they are located behind the fungiform papillae.

What about a cat’s sense of taste?

If a cat’s sense of smell is unusually developed compared to a human’s, then they have significantly fewer taste buds. There are only 473 of them, while people have nine thousand of them! Taste buds are located on the groove-shaped, mushroom-shaped and leaf-shaped papillae, but they are absent on the filiform papillae.

Whether cats are able to distinguish sweet tastes or not is not yet known. Some people express the opinion that cats can feel this taste, it’s just that it is poorly developed compared to the sense of bitter, sour or salty.

In addition, a cat's tongue has developed sensitivity to temperature and the most preferred temperature is 30 degrees Celsius. This is why cats do not like food taken straight from the refrigerator.

Tongue diseases in cats

Among the cats that can affect the condition of their tongue are the following:

  • Glossitis is inflammation of the tongue.
  • Foreign bodies - the tongue can be injured by fragments of claws, thorns accidentally falling into the oral cavity, or a thread accidentally wound around the tongue.
  • Ulcers – These can be caused by viral infections or eosinophilic granuloma.
  • Cancer - first of all, of course, tongue cancer is dangerous.

Why do some cats like to stick out their tongues?

Why do some cats like to stick out their tongues?

It is a fairly common occurrence and, as a rule, it can be observed after the animal has slept or after licking its fur coat. Usually only a small part of the tongue sticks out, and not as much of it as possible. In this case, there is nothing to worry about - this is a completely normal phenomenon - for some reason the cat simply forgot to return its tongue to its place.

Perhaps every cat lover has experienced that amazing feeling when a pet licks him with his tongue. It feels as if sandpaper has been rubbed across the skin. Why is a cat's tongue so rough? The cat's tongue is designed in an amazing way, there are many reasons for this.

A cat is a very neat animal; it always keeps its fur in order. Observe her behavior. Before curling up into a cozy ball, a cat will certainly groom its fur, wash its face with its paw and its tongue plays the most important role in this matter.

Natural comb for cats

Its entire surface is covered with small points that resemble hooks. They are directed towards the pharynx, covered with keratin (our nails are made of this substance). That is why, by licking you, showing its love and tenderness, a cat can cause minor pain, discomfort, small hooks scratch like sandpaper. This quality of a cat's tongue can be compared to the action of a comb. Just as a person combs and smoothes his hair, a cat performs similar actions with its tongue.

Cats are given the opportunity to carefully care for their fur, which cannot be said about dogs; they do not have such sharp hooks on their tongues, they are not able to untangle tufts of fur. It is worth noting that although cats have such an effective grooming tool, they do not always use it. Very often, lazy cats, overweight cats, sick animals, or simply spoiled, self-satisfied specimens do not bother to lick all areas of the body. They often leave this work for their owners.

If you have already taken on the responsibility of a cat caretaker, then carefully inspect the fur to avoid the formation of stray lumps (tangles).

Functions of a cat's tongue

What functions does the rough tongue of cats and cats perform?

Hair care product

The tongue of cats, as an effective tool for grooming, also has its pitfalls. Imagine that you are combing your hair in a hurry, as a result, some part remains on the comb. The same thing happens in cats, only when they fall out, the hair remains on their rough tongue. Subsequently, it enters the stomach and intestines, which can cause serious problems.

It’s good if the lumps form, the cat will be able to burp, or they will come out with feces. Otherwise, the matted fur may not come out, and then you will have to resort to laxatives or even surgical intervention. To avoid such problems, carefully groom your pet, especially if it has very long fur. Comb out the dead layer, so it will be easier for the cat to lick itself.

The most important organ of taste

The amazing properties of the cat's tongue are truly impressive. Not only is it a grooming tool, the cat's tongue is an important organ of taste. Many cats are too picky about food, because their super sense of smell affects their sense of taste. The perception of tastes can change for any reason: a change in the temperature of the food, the texture of the product, its smell, and other factors that are unclear to a person.

Hooks on a cat's tongue help keep food in the mouth, this can be considered a positive quality.

If you notice that your cat is licking something slippery (thread, tape), make sure that it does not swallow it, as there is a high probability that the object will get caught in its mouth. In its shape and structure, a cat's tongue can be compared to a spoon; its shape makes it easy to lap up liquids.

There are other properties

In addition to all this, the cat's tongue serves as a heat dissipator. In extreme heat or when there is excessive stress, the animal breathes often, sticking out its tongue, this helps to cool the body. Having gone through long stages of evolution, the cat’s tongue has turned into an indispensable tool, so be patient with your pet’s caresses when he can lick your face with his “sandpaper.”

A cat is an amazing creation of nature. No animal is as expressive in the manifestation of feelings as this beast. A cat conveys all its emotions and attitude through facial expressions, body movements, sounds, and smells.

These furry purrs can convey information in a variety of ways: using their ears, tail, or other gestures and sounds. Now let's talk about what the habits of a domestic cat are. If you are the owner of a furry pet, you have probably noticed something interesting behind it. So we'll look at how to learn

Audio communication

This type of communication can include, for example, the fact that a pet greets its owner, begs for food, or expresses protest. The language of cats is an amazing lexicon. In each individual case, the purr produces corresponding sounds that differ in tone, strength or timbre. Note that the state of pain, aggression and fear is accompanied by lower sounds, and complacency and satisfaction are accompanied by high ones.

If you know a little about the language of cats, you can understand their psychology. For example, purring means that the pet is not aggressive. With this trill, mother cats call their kittens. These animals also purr when the owner returns home.

Rumbling is a warning sound to others. Low is a sign that the cat is ready to defend itself. Snorting and hitting the ground with a paw is a signal for a fight with a more serious enemy.

Another interesting sign that a cat gives is the chattering of its teeth. This signal can be seen when it sees prey.

Meowing is conversation. however, the cat uses it very rarely when it wants to go out or eat.

Communicating with facial expressions

How to understand the language of cats? Simple, if you know her facial expressions. The entire arsenal of cat gestures is innate. The half-closed eyes of a cat signify relaxation and tranquility. Wide eyes indicate concern.

If the environment frightens the cat. Looking point blank is a challenge, and the same thing is meant. If she looks to the side, then this is how she shows submission.


Ears are another tool of communication for this animal. Those pressed down symbolize fear, those lowered by the gods - an aggressive mood, and those facing the rook forward - relaxation. Nervous twitching of the ears is a sign of uncertainty or irritation.

Cat's mouth

If it is closed or slightly open, then this is a sign of bliss. An open mouth with teeth raised in a grin means that the cat wants to bite.

A “grin” or “Flemin smile” is a sign of interest in the smell. A yawn is complete relaxation. A sign of confusion is rapid licking of the lips.


A sniffed cat shows submissive behavior. When an animal touches their noses, it means that they are friendly towards each other. A cat rubs its head against your leg - it shows a feeling of affection. If she butts, that is, rubs her forehead against the forehead of a person or cat, then know that this is a certain element of intimate affection, not everyone receives this.


Another tool for communication is paws. If the cat is irritated or worried, then it delivers a sharp blow with its front paw. When a pet touches the owner’s face, she expresses her request in this way, for example, to be allowed under the blanket. Moving its paws to the beat of purring is an expression of satisfaction.

Communicating with body movements

Now let's look at their meaning. The tail is particularly expressive. If it is raised up, then the animal is friendly. Remember how kittens' tails stand. Of course, upward, because they are just learning about the world, they are interested in everything new. If a cat is scared, its tail is between its paws. Fluffy is a symbol of an aggressive attitude.

Dominant cats have their tails held high, while subordinate cats have their tails lowered. If a pet knocks on the floor with it, then it becomes angry. When the tail moves quickly from side to side, this is a sign of severe aggression. Lightly waving the tip of the tail means the cat is relaxed.


Now you have become a little acquainted with what a cat’s tongue is, we will present its translator below, but for now let’s look at the poses. They are all different, depending on who they are addressed to.

The distance at which a cat feels safe around an opponent is called the “flight distance.” First she scares her enemy so that he does not cross this line. If the enemy animal crosses this line, the cat flees.

Threatening pose: the back is practically not hunched, the hair is not bristling, only slightly fluffed on the tail and withers. At this moment, the animal looks the enemy in the eye and howls. In this position, they remain motionless for a surprisingly long time, thus the cat tries to suppress the fighting spirit of the enemy. The tail hitting the gods is a sign that a fight could start at any minute. This is followed by a paw blow to the nose. The one who attacks tries to strike the back of the enemy's head. If he succeeds, the enemy is captured.

Now let's talk about how these animals express complacency and satisfaction. Cats lying on their sides or on their backs are in a state of peace and tranquility. Another confirmation of complacency is that the paws are spread out to the sides, and the pads are compressed and unclenched; the eyes, as a rule, are half-closed at this moment.

Interestingly, the cat shows indecisiveness. This condition is always accompanied by licking. The more decisive the movements of the tongue, the more difficult the problem the pet solves at this time. Licking is a kind of calmer that removes incipient irritability.

Cat language: translator

If a cat reaches out its paw to your face, then it is asking for affection and attention.

Wide-open pupils indicate fear.

When a cat stomps its paws, slightly releasing its claws, it means that it is very happy, adores you, and wants to do something nice.

When a cat squints, it demonstrates calmness and peacefulness.

Does your pet quickly lick its lips and nose? She's confused.

Beating its tail means it is angry or hunting.

Large eyes and pupils indicate that he is angry or playing.

A tail with a trumpet is a sign of joy, a kind of greeting.

If she moves the tip of her tail, it means she is interested in something.

The cat stares at you - this is a challenge (usually to play catch-up).

Quick licking of the front paw is a sign of excitement.

A tail frozen at the bottom indicates disgust or disappointment.

The fact that a cat rubs its head against a person speaks of love, devotion and a thirst for affection.

Strong tail swings in different directions are a sign of irritation, small waving indicates curiosity and excitement.

If the ears are pressed to the head, then the pet is preparing for an attack. If at this time the cat makes circles with its tail, it means that it is irritated.

The fact that the pet is interested in something or is ready for action is indicated by the fact that the whiskers are directed forward.

A sign of curiosity is the ears are vertical.

If the cat looked around and then began to lick itself thoroughly, this indicates complete or feigned (during play) calm.

The tail is raised vertically, the tip relaxed - a sign of joyful excitement.

If a cat is pressed to the floor, then it is either hiding or preparing to attack.

The fact that your pet is rubbing against your legs means that it is marking you. Purrs have scent glands on their faces. All her relatives should smell “their” scent.

A cat's meow is a greeting or a request.

This cat's behavior indicates a warning: the eyes are large, the ears are back.

If a cat scratches its claws loudly, then it wants to be paid attention to.

Is your mustache down? This means that the pet is worried about something, is sad, or is sick.

Does the cat raise its tail and turn its back towards the owner's face? Know that this is a greeting gesture between cats (the dominant one sniffs first). Also, such behavior is a sign of respect and trust.

The cat's purring indicates calmness.

Rumbling indicates dissatisfaction.

If you hear a short cry, then the cat is scared of something.

Intermittent meowing is a response to human contact.

Is the cat rolling on the floor? Know: this is how she demonstrates her attractiveness.

Howling indicates that the cat is angry.

Fully extended paws indicate self-confidence, while bent paws, on the contrary, indicate uncertainty and timidity.

Hissing is a sign of readiness to fight, a kind of warning to your opponent.

A muffled purring that ends with a dissatisfied rumbling is a sign that patience has run out.

A pressed, bunched mustache speaks of concern and anxiety.

If a cat arches its back and grumbles, then know that in this way it scares its opponent, and also shows irritation and readiness to defend itself.

The restrained rumbling of a nursing pet is a warning to babies from possible danger. If the purring ends in a raised tone, then she warns people or other creatures not to approach the kittens.

When a cat is relaxed and calm, its whiskers hang down on the sides of its face.

If an animal runs away from you at a fast pace, with its head drawn in, then it means it has done something bad.

When a cat hides its head in a corner, it is hiding like this.

A dissatisfied purr is a sign that something is bothering your pet.

Is the cat sitting with its paws tucked in, its tail wrapped around itself? Know that she is simply observing.

If your pet dances, lifting her front paws off the floor, then know that she is greeting someone she loves.


And lastly: how to learn cat language? Just remember what is written in our article, and you will communicate with furry purrs very easily. We hope that now you understand what it is, the language of cats.

We have described this topic in detail so that you don’t have any questions in the future, and communication with your pet is simple and clear! If you suddenly forget the cat language, the translator we compiled above will definitely help you! Good luck!

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