Macular retinal dystrophy treatment. Age-related macular degeneration as a threat to vision loss in pensioners. Procedure for performing the Amsler test

Macular degeneration is considered an eye disease that affects the central part of the retina called the macula. The macula is otherwise called the macula. It is located in the part where light is focused after the rays are refracted. It is in this place that the cells that transmit nerve impulses to the brain are located. Thanks to such cells, a person can read, write and clearly recognize objects. The most common is age-related macular degeneration, which occurs against the background of impaired cell nutrition and, accordingly, wear and tear of the visual organs.

The dry form is most common, as it is a provocateur of the wet form. It initially appears on one visual organ, but over time it moves to another. The main symptom can be considered difficulty in working with small parts and the inability to read without bright lighting. The patient slowly loses central vision, which is characteristic of many ophthalmological pathologies. Many people, especially in old age, do not attach any importance to this. Therefore, it is important to periodically visit an ophthalmologist in order to promptly identify any visual impairment.

The wet form of macular degeneration of the eye develops against the background of the dry form. Patients notice dark spots and haze before their eyes. Straight lines look wavy, and visual acuity is quickly lost. The wet form is characterized by the growth of new blood vessels, which are very fragile and brittle. This leads to hemorrhages because they burst. When examining the affected eye, you may notice yellow accumulations in the retina. Over time, it becomes difficult for the patient to distinguish small elements of images.

Causes of macular degeneration

In fact, the disease is multifactorial, since so far no direct causes have been identified. Factors include the following:

  1. Age-related macular degeneration occurs against the background of age-related changes. The disease develops starting at the age of 50.
  2. Female. For unknown reasons, women are most susceptible to developing macular degeneration of the retina.
  3. The hereditary factor plays an important role, since pathology is transmitted at the genetic level.
  4. Abuse of ultraviolet radiation. This means frequent visits to the solarium and prolonged exposure to the open sun without sunglasses. But everyone knows that ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect on the retina of the eyes.
  5. Tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use.
  6. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. For example, strokes, atherosclerosis, blood pressure changes, myocardial infarction, etc.
  7. Obesity and poor nutrition, vitamin deficiencies.
  8. Diseases of the visual apparatus and consequences after eye surgery.

Symptoms of macular degeneration

  1. Dark spots before the eyes and veils.
  2. Lack of image clarity.
  3. Inability to see small details.
  4. Difficulty reading without bright light.
  5. Distortion of the picture.
  6. Decreased visual acuity.
  7. Deterioration of color vision.

Rules for diagnosing macular degeneration

Diagnosis of macular degeneration of the retina is carried out using several methods:

  1. Anamnesis is being collected. That is, the doctor asks the patient about the symptoms that appear, etc.
  2. Diagnosis is carried out using the Amsler test. It is a rectangle (square) consisting of intersecting straight lines. There is a black dot in the center. The examination is carried out first on one organ, then on the other, one by one. Typically, a patient with macular degeneration exhibits distortions of straight lines. Dark spots may also be observed.
  3. Fluorescein angiography examines the eyeball. Cameras and contrast agents are used.
  4. Visiometry determines visual acuity.
  5. Ophthalmoscopy examines the condition of blood vessels and the retina.
  6. Bioophthalmoscopy is characterized by examination of the fundus.
  7. Optical coherence tomography allows you to examine the structure of the retina for degeneration.

How to treat dry macular degeneration

Treatment of dry macular degeneration of the retina is carried out only in a comprehensive manner. The technique and drugs are selected on an individual level. Basic treatment measures include the following:

  1. The use of antioxidant drugs and zinc-based medications. These funds will help slow down the progression of the pathology.
  2. Preparations containing a complex of vitamins C, E, A.
  3. Medicines based on lutein, copper, zeaxanthin.

How to treat wet macular degeneration

Because wet macular degeneration progresses rapidly due to the proliferation of blood vessels, it is necessary to use therapy that suppresses the formation of thin capillaries. Therapeutic measures:

  1. First of all, this is drug antioxidant therapy, similar to treatment for the dry form. The following drugs are also used: Lucentis, Avastin, Macugen, and so on.
  2. Photodynamic therapy is based on light exposure. The patient is injected intravenously with the drug “Visudin”, which spreads throughout the body. The substance fills pathological blood vessels. At this moment, the doctor produces light irradiation in the retinal area. This takes a maximum of one and a half minutes. A light beam is needed to activate the injected drug, which destroys thin vessels. This method allows you to stop the decrease in visual acuity and destructive processes. After the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to expose your eyes to direct sunlight. You need to avoid bright light in the apartment. These warnings are valid for a period of 5 days. Then the person can lead a normal lifestyle.
  3. Laser therapy is characterized by the removal of affected blood vessels. Capillaries are destroyed by directing a laser beam at them.

Preventive measures

Every person over 50 years of age is susceptible to developing macular degeneration of the eye, so it is very important to promptly prevent the possibility of the disease. In addition, there is a risk of relapse in those patients who once got rid of this pathology. Therefore, experts recommend following simple rules:

  1. Reading, writing and watching TV can only be done in normal lighting. Twilight is strictly excluded. Remember, your eyes should be comfortable.
  2. It is not advisable to overstrain your eyesight. Therefore, even if you need to sit at the computer all day, be sure to give your eyes a rest once an hour.
  3. It is useful to do special eye exercises.
  4. Don't go out in the sun without sunglasses. This provokes the development of macular degeneration of the retina.
  5. Follow the rules of proper nutrition. Avoid excessively fatty foods, stop smoking. Eat more fresh berries, vegetables, fruits.


IMPORTANT! One woman said that she cured macular degeneration of the eye with folk remedies. Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to treat macular degeneration of the retina with folk remedies? Any sensible ophthalmologist will answer in the negative. Because traditional medicine cannot fully cure any disease. However, unconventional methods can be used in combination with drug therapy. Natural products contain many beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the visual organs. In addition, they can enhance the effect of drugs. So use recipes as aids!

Traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Be sure to eat sprouted grains. Legumes are also useful. To cook wheat, you need to take the grains, wash them, put them in gauze and add water. In a few days they will germinate. Next you need to rinse them again and pass them through a fine sieve in a meat grinder. The resulting mixture should be consumed within 3-4 days. In the morning you need to take 12-14 tbsp. spoons of the mixture, add water and let it swell. Consume throughout the day.
  2. A mixture of aloe and mumiyo will help restore visual acuity. For 20 grams of aloe juice you need to take 100 grams of mumiyo. It is recommended to instill the resulting mixture into the eyes and take it orally. Be sure to warm it up a little first! It is permissible to apply 1 drop twice a day to the eyes. Orally: 20 grams of the mixture twice a day.

If a patient is diagnosed with macular degeneration of the retina, treatment should begin immediately, since the disease affects the main part of the retina. Full vision depends on it, and if you don’t help a person, he can quickly go blind. Let's consider what macular degeneration of the retina is, the causes of the disease, its manifestations, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

The essence of the disease

Macular degeneration is one of the main causes of vision loss in older people. People who have already crossed the 50-year mark are especially vulnerable. The problem of vision loss from age-related macular degeneration is increasing. This proportion of the population is gradually becoming larger. With the increasing incidence of atherosclerosis and other concomitant pathologies, the problem of vision loss due to macular degeneration is becoming increasingly urgent. The disease does not choose its victim based on age, country of residence or social status.

The pathology is a type of chronic degenerative process in the central macula of the eye.

Normally, a huge number of cells responsible for light sensitivity are concentrated in this area. Due to the fact that they exist, a person can see normally. With the development of age-related macular degeneration, pathological changes occur in the eye:

  • the number of cells capable of sensing light decreases, as a result the quality of vision gradually decreases;
  • subsequently, the death of the photosensitive elements of the retina occurs;
  • the number of fat cells increases;
  • pathologically altered blood vessels grow (vascularization);
  • fat cells accumulate in tissues.

The danger of the disease also lies in the fact that pathologically altered blood vessels are susceptible to rupture. This causes hemorrhages to become more frequent, which further enhances the processes of retinal degeneration.

Why does this disease occur?

Macular degeneration of the eyes occurs for the following reasons:

  • the age of the person (usually over 60 years old; today there is a tendency towards rejuvenation of macular degeneration, which is why it also occurs in people under 50 years old);
  • unfavorable hereditary predisposition - when the family already has one of the relatives suffering from a similar problem;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • racial differences (it has been noted that this disease occurs among European residents);
  • some gene mutations;
  • consumption of large amounts of fatty, fried foods of animal origin (this causes atherosclerosis);
  • prolonged exposure to the sun (this includes inept use of solar procedures and the presence of sunburn);
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies (patients with arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis are at risk).

What you need to know about the symptoms of the dry form of the disease

At the beginning of its development, age-related macular degeneration of the retina may not manifest itself in any way; the person does not feel symptoms and does not see a doctor. People over 40 years of age who do not visit an ophthalmologist for routine medical examinations are especially at risk.

Over time, macular degeneration of the retina of the eyes begins to manifest itself by blurring the field of vision, black spots in the visual field and curvature of objects (the patient can mistake all this for age-related changes in the eye, and if he is also not indifferent to self-medication, then choose glasses on his own in which he “better sees everything"). Precious time is lost, and vision gradually begins to deteriorate, even to the point of blindness.

There are several forms of AMD. The dry variety is the initial stage of the pathological process in humans. Typically, dry macular degeneration can last for several years, while initially the patient does not notice a decrease in vision. The disease is characterized by the appearance of foci of fat cells on the retina - first single, and then generalized.

With this type of disease, vision loss occurs slowly.

This macular degeneration has several stages of development of the pathological process:

  1. At an early stage, the patient usually has several drusen - yellow deposits located under the retina. At this stage of the disease, vision deterioration usually does not occur.
  2. At an intermediate stage of development, a large number of drusen appear on the retina. There is a loss of pigment epithelium, which is responsible for normal visual acuity. Some patients describe a large blurred spot located in the center. They use bright light sources to read.
  3. At a later stage, the light-sensitive elements and other tissues of the eye are destroyed. A large blurry spot appears, sometimes black (scotoma). A person experiences great difficulty while reading; it is difficult for him to recognize people, even if they are at close range.

With the dry type of the disease, a person, as a rule, sees smooth contours of surrounding objects. If they are determined to be curved, then this may indicate that the patient is developing a wet form of pathology.

What you need to know about wet macular degeneration

Wet macular degeneration is less common and more dangerous. It is characterized by fairly rapid progression, therefore, if the patient does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, this leads to complete loss of vision in almost 90% of cases. The wet form contributes to the appearance of hemorrhages, swelling, and newly formed vessels on the retina of the eye, which burst even with a slight load.

There is also the so-called choroidal neovascularization. This is a pathological process based on abnormal vascular growth. This is how the body mistakenly tries to create a new network of capillaries in the affected macules. This occurs in order to provide nutrients to the eye tissues. These phenomena lead to areas of gross scarring appearing on the retina, causing the person to develop loss of central vision or absolute scotoma.

This is the name of a large dark spot located directly in the center of the visual field.

The patient retains peripheral vision. Its sharpness gradually decreases due to visual overload that the affected eye is forced to experience. The patient cannot distinguish small objects and has difficulty seeing in the dark.

Diagnosis of pathology

Before starting treatment, the patient must undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the body. Only then is it possible to prescribe traditional medications. No traditional methods of treatment, homeopathy or other types of alternative practices can stop the pathological process.

Diagnosis of the disease includes the following measures:

  1. An initial ophthalmological examination, during which the doctor can determine signs of age-related changes in the retina.
  2. Fluorescein angiography makes it possible to determine the location of the blood vessels of the eye. The specialist determines the advisability of further laser treatment of macular disorders.
  3. ICPA is an eye examination using special green dyes. After this, certain areas of the eye tissue are photographed using infrared rays. This type of diagnosis makes it possible to determine the form of dystrophy.
  4. OCG helps to obtain sections of retinal tissue.
  5. Perimetry or visual field diagnostics makes it possible to detect where pathological areas of the retina are located.
  6. The Amsler test involves the patient looking at the ratio of horizontal and vertical lines. When a person has macular degeneration, the ratio of such lines will be distorted, unclear and faded. If the patient says what exactly these lines are, then the ophthalmologist will have a clear idea of ​​all the processes that occur in the eyes.

Sometimes you may need to undergo a general and biochemical blood test, and an MRI of the eyes. These types of diagnostics are prescribed as needed. Only after conducting a series of studies will it be possible to begin treatment of age-related macular degeneration.

Methods of treating the disease

Patients turn to the doctor too late when symptoms of such a pathology appear. In advanced cases, treatment of macular degeneration of the retina becomes significantly more complicated, and sometimes becomes futile and useless. In most cases, we can only talk about preserving existing poor vision.

Those patients who practice treatment with folk remedies are especially at risk.

Drug therapy is possible in the early stages of the disease. At the same time, the person still has high vision. There are a large number of drops that can be administered for this disease. The doctor decides which medications each specific patient needs.

The use of vascular-strengthening, vitamin and tissue preparations in combination with laser stimulation of the retina is indicated. The doctor individually decides whether the patient can be prescribed Aspirin, which has the property of “thinning” the blood. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

If AMD is combined with edema, then laser coagulation is necessary. The goal of this treatment is to occlude vascularized areas. This way you can reduce the intensity of swelling of the retina.

Features of treatment of the wet form of the disease

The wet type of AMD is especially dangerous for the patient - it threatens rapid loss of visual functions. It will be impossible to restore them. Such a disease can be successfully treated only when the patient consults a specialist in a timely manner. In advanced cases, even satisfactory restoration of vision, that is, at the level of residual values, may be questionable due to the severity of the pathological process and its intensity.

Among the therapeutic measures used for the wet form of macular degeneration, intraocular administration of vascular formation inhibitors is becoming increasingly common. They block the mechanisms of vascularization of the retina. The formation of new vessels gradually closes.

Today, Lucentis is officially used in our country.

It is an angiogenesis inhibitor that is used for ophthalmic purposes. Leading eye clinics have successfully studied the effect of the drug, which allowed it to be tested in ophthalmological practice for the treatment of macular degeneration.

The drug can be injected into the vitreal cavity of the eye. This is done only in an ophthalmic operating room. This medical operation does not require hospitalization and can be performed on an outpatient basis. The patient is subsequently re-examined by a doctor (he monitors the effect of such a drug). A month later the injection is repeated. The frequency of such manipulation depends on the severity of the pathological process.

If the patient has undergone a course of treatment, he needs to be re-examined by an ophthalmologist. The fact is that the disease is prone to relapsing, and the patient must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. The effectiveness of AMD treatment is determined by an increase in visual acuity and the disappearance of edematous phenomena in the retina. The growth of pathologically altered vessels must stop.

Today, only Lucentis is officially registered for use in ophthalmic practice. Other drugs are either not effective enough or are simply useless in treating such a severe pathology. Eye drops may also be ineffective in most cases.

What you need to know about preventing macular degeneration

Treatment of any form of this disease is complex, and a high therapeutic effect is possible only if the patient, especially at an older age, consults a doctor in a timely manner. The following recommendations will help prevent the development of such a disease:

  1. A person is strongly advised to quit smoking. Nicotine leads to vasoconstriction, which affects the development of pathological processes in the retina of the eye.
  2. The same applies to alcoholic drinks. A complete abstinence from alcohol can not only improve a person’s overall well-being, but also prevent the development of pathological processes in the eyes.
  3. In summer, in sunny weather, it is recommended to wear sunglasses. At the same time, you need to beware of fakes and choose only high-quality optics - with a high degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation.
  4. It is necessary to eat properly, excluding animal proteins, fatty and fried foods from the diet. Patients are recommended to add more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and microelements to their daily menu.
  5. If there is a risk of AMD and other eye pathologies, heavy physical work, sports associated with lifting weights, and jumping are prohibited. It is not recommended to play football.
  6. You should be extremely careful during icy conditions, as a fall can adversely affect the condition of your eyes.
  7. It is necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure, because patients with arterial hypertension are at increased risk of macular degenerative changes.

Timely detection of eye diseases helps maintain high vision and good performance. AMD is dangerous because it can cause irreversible vision loss only if a person seeks help from a specialist too early. If you check your eyes every year, and if there are risks, 2 times a year, then the likelihood of irreversible vision loss will significantly decrease.

The quality of vision plays an important role in a person’s life. A disease such as macular degeneration in children and adults significantly affects life activity and performance. Everyone should know about its occurrence in order to prevent the occurrence of this disease.

Age-related macular degeneration of the eye occurs in people over 50 years of age, mainly in women. Due to changes in metabolic processes, age and circulatory disorders, a degenerative process occurs in the central region of the retina. With this lesion, the photoreceptors that a person needs to see the contours of an object and objects located in the distance are also affected. Serous or hemorrhagic detachment of the RPE begins. It is necessary to prevent the situation from worsening, because against the background of pathology, other problems can often develop. These include vitreomacular traction syndrome, when cystoid macular edema occurs due to detachment of part of the vitreous body. As a result, the degenerative process begins.

The main reasons for the appearance of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or a through hole include genetic predisposition and the presence of excess weight. It can also appear if the body already has chronic diseases. In addition, age-related macular degeneration can develop due to injury or constant work with laser radiation. Age-related macular degeneration is often found in people diagnosed with myopia.

Age-related macular degeneration develops in people over 50 years of age.

Causes of appearance in children and adults

Most often, macular degeneration occurs in older people. The following reasons may influence its appearance:

  • smoking;
  • frequent use of the computer;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • diabetes;
  • ultraviolet action;
  • the presence of congenital injuries, idiopathic myositis;
  • transmission of chromosomes from mother to child;
  • presence of oncological diseases, cancer;
  • blood pressure problems or coronary artery disease.

Most often, older people suffer, since the body needs more vitamins during this period of life, and increased pressure has a negative effect on the eyes. The main cause of the disorder is considered to be insufficient nutrition of the macula, due to which light-sensitive cells are destroyed and a heterogeneous disease develops. Nutrition is disrupted due to problems with blood circulation and atherosclerosis. This type of disease changes the central part of the retina. This leads to significant loss of vision, its defect, without recovery.

Macular degeneration can be transmitted from mother to child.

Children can damage their vision due to heavy load on it, increased physical activity, which increases blood pressure. Eye maculopathy can be present either from birth or appear in the early years of life. It is possible to determine a pronounced violation in the case when, when the light is turned off, vision does not adapt well to the dark and some blindness appears, colors change. There is a concentric narrowing of the visual fields.

The appearance of dystrophy in children can be caused by other reasons. First of all, the disease can develop due to kidney disease or disruption of the cardiovascular system. Malfunctions of the endocrine system also cause vision problems. Retinal dystrophy can develop against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection or a child with influenza.

In children, this disease is divided into several types:

  • Spot white dystrophy. Dotted white occurs in infants and can also develop with strabismus. Upon examination, the ophthalmologist discovers white spots that are located in the fundus. In addition, the perception of color changes, and the child does not adapt well to the dark; his ability to quickly get used to light or darkness slows down.
  • Retinal pigmentary dystrophy can be passed from mother to son, so it is most often found in boys. At the first stage, children often have headaches, the skin around the eyes, sometimes there may be flashes in the eyes, and poor orientation in the dark. At the second stage, vision problems begin to develop, which gradually worsen.
  • Best's disease manifests itself already at the age of 10 years. Her description: it all begins with the fact that the shape of objects becomes distorted, as if a dystrophic veil or mottling appears before the eyes. Upon examination, yellow pigment in the macular area and hemorrhage will be clearly visible. Myopic astigmatism may appear.

There are three types of macular degeneration in children.

Development of macular degeneration

The beginning of the development of the disease can be considered dry macular degeneration. Yellow spots containing drusen tissue appear on the membrane of the eye. At an early stage, a small number of these drusen appear, but they do not cause any discomfort and do not change the quality of vision. You should know that degeneration of the macula and posterior pole means that these are the consequences of the gradual development of the disease.

At the next stage, the number of such yellow spots increases, they deform the central part of the retina, its ganglion cells. A barely noticeable deterioration in vision and macular edema begin. At the last stage, the supporting tissue of the retina of the eye is destroyed, and the pathogenesis of the retina, as well as light-sensitive cells, begins. The part that is affected becomes dark and deformed. Both eyes are affected, the entire pole, and the disease can affect the cornea.

Dry macular degeneration develops into wet macular degeneration. In the early stages, a symptom such as yellow deposits, which are localized under the retina, is detected. At an intermediate stage of development, the pigment epithelium will be destroyed, and visual acuity will deteriorate significantly. Characteristic signs will be dyspigmentation and the appearance of pink lesions. At a later stage, photosensitive particles are destroyed. The appearance of a large blurred spot is the main sign of the development of deformation. At this stage, it is already difficult for a person to recognize other people and objects. In some cases, complete loss of vision occurs. Vitreomacular syndrome may also develop.

If a blurry spot appears before your eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Types of macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is divided into several types:

  • wet;
  • dry;
  • senile;
  • Stargardt's macular degeneration.

Wet macular degeneration causes severe damage to the retina of the eye. She can deform it in a few weeks or months. It is characterized by the fact that the development of pathological blood vessels begins under the macula behind the retina. Because they are fragile, they can fill with blood or fluid, which will raise the macula above its level. This type of disease significantly affects central vision, worsening it significantly every day. It can be divided into two types: hidden and classic. In the latent type, the hemorrhage of the eye is not very noticeable; only the first symptoms of central vision impairment appear. With the classic type, hemorrhages are already noticeable and will significantly reduce vision. Uveitis may begin.

The dry form of macular degeneration is considered the very first form of development of the disease. Thinning of the tissue of the macula, the retina in the central region, and the deposition of pigment in it become the main causes of dry macular degeneration. A doctor can determine the presence of this form by examining the eye. If yellow spots with liquid have formed, this means that the development of the disease has begun. Retinal rupture and injury can occur due to traction of the vitreous.

Each type of macular degeneration has its own distinctive features and symptoms.

Senile macular degeneration is a vascular lesion, as a result of which the retinal tissue succumbs to oxygen starvation. The functioning of the macula deteriorates, and central vision gradually fades. In some cases, this can lead to complete loss of vision.

Stargardt's macular degeneration begins to develop at the age of 6 years. This type cannot be treated, so glasses and magnifying glasses are used to improve the quality of vision. This species is genetic.

Symptoms of the disease

Each type of macular degeneration has its own symptoms. Therefore, it is very important to listen to yourself and understand what has changed.

Wet macular degeneration is characterized by the appearance of spots before the eyes, loss of letters or individual words when reading. Straight lines become curved. There is a particular risk for people over 50 years of age, since at this age people most often complain of vision complaints.

Dry macular degeneration is characterized by the fact that it first affects one eye. Papules may appear on the skin. Vision deteriorates noticeably, but a person can still see quite well with the second eye. In some people, dry macular degeneration develops into wet macular degeneration. The light-sensitive cells in the macula are destroyed, causing some blurred vision. If the disease progresses, a dark spot may appear in the center of the eye, which will not be visually visible.

Depending on the stage of development of macular degeneration, the blurring of the picture increases.


First, you should check your vision status yourself using the Amsler grid. It can be done at home. To do this, you will need a 10x10 cm checkered piece of paper, in the center of which you need to put a black dot or make a small round hole. The leaflet is attached to the wall, refrigerator or convenient place, after which you need to move away from it. The left eye closes, and the right eye needs to look at the point and gradually approach. When there is a distance of 15 centimeters to the leaf, it is important to stop and understand whether spots or other black dots on the leaf have become visible and whether the lines on it, its zone, have become blurred. If this does not happen, then vision can be considered fairly normal. It is worth remembering that those who wear glasses should carry out diagnostics wearing them.

Before making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must do an ophthalmoscopy, assess the condition of the retinal vessels, check it for distortions and thinning. To check your general condition, a clinical and general blood test can be performed. The doctor will also check the fundus of the eye using a special lamp. When primary signs of the disease occur, diagnosis should be made using optical coherence tomography. You need to understand: macular degeneration of the retina is dangerous to health, that this is a disease that will take a long time to be treated.

The Amsler grid helps to perform self-diagnosis.

Treatment with traditional medicine

The most effective treatment process is considered to be using laser or photodynamic therapy. Dedystrophic agents, immunomodulators, peptides, antioxidants, and medications will help to slightly improve the condition, but only if the disease is only at the very initial stage. Laser therapy will cure macular degeneration of the eye if it is just the beginning of the disease and it has a low probability of relapse.

Photodynamic therapy may also be used. Its advantage is that it does not destroy the retina itself, the posterior pole and the membrane of the fundus. The medicine is administered intravenously, and in the meantime the laser beam will heal the tear and help smooth out the defects. Retinal swelling decreases and visual acuity improves. Traction treatment will be no less effective.

Epimacular membrane, or epiretinal fibrosis, occurs due to the accumulation of collagen. The most effective treatment will be surgical treatment. In some cases, vitreoretinal surgery is used. The operation should be carried out if in addition to this disease there are no others. In this case, the nerve of the eye will not be damaged and swelling will not occur. The full stage of the postoperative period will last at least a month. All defects will be smoothed out, which could result in blindness. Macular degeneration can also lead to sclerosis of the subretinal neovascular membrane.

To reduce the growth of blood vessels, laser coagulation is prescribed. The disadvantage of treatment is that the effect is temporary. Capillaries can grow very quickly, this is the prognosis many doctors will say.

Another treatment option may be internal radiation therapy. It is quite brief, but can stop the growth of blood vessels. Partial removal of dangerous vessels occurs.

Lucentis injections stop the growth of abnormal blood vessels.

Treatments such as injections of the drug into the vitreous body of the eye can also be used. The most commonly used injection is Lucentis. The active substance, which penetrates the macula tissue, stops the excessive activity of the protein, which is why the growth of pathological blood vessels stops and does not develop into cystic. Over time, these vessels become damaged, and the abnormal fluid gradually resolves. For eye diseases, tears, and swelling, microsurgery will be effective. In addition to such treatment, it is important to take other medications, especially decongestants. Ozurdex is taken to relieve macular edema. You must follow the doctor's recommendations to avoid the development of retinopathy.

Treatment with folk remedies

More than one generation has gotten rid of diseases using folk remedies. Basically, all health problems are due to poor nutrition. In the case of macular degeneration, it is important to add more vegetables to the diet, as well as foods containing carotene and lutein. To strengthen the retina, herbal infusions will help. One of these can be considered a tincture of homemade calendula. For a cup of water, you need to take a tablespoon of flowers and boil for a couple of minutes, then leave for half an hour. Two drops for each eye will be enough to strengthen the retina. You can also take the product orally to increase effectiveness.

One of the healthiest grains is oats. Whole grains must be washed and soaked in water for a couple of hours. It is important to drain the liquid that is not absorbed into the grain and add new liquid, then put it on the fire and cook for half an hour. Take the resulting product before meals. It will be very effective when the violation has just begun.

Traditional methods of treating macular degeneration can be used only after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Effective prevention

First of all, you need to pay special attention to your diet. It should contain a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, which contain all the essential vitamins. Zeaxanthin and lutein are the main elements that are necessary for the prevention of macular degeneration. In addition to such nutrition, it is important to add a complex of vitamins for vision, which can be purchased in pharmacies. Taking such drugs will be very useful for older people.

In summer, you should not give up sunglasses, because the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the eyes can be very harmful. It is advisable to wear a wide-brimmed hat to avoid direct sunlight entering your eyes.

It is necessary to do scheduled examinations with an ophthalmologist in a timely manner, because only he will be able to see the abnormalities and prescribe the correct treatment in a timely manner. To avoid any problems, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, move more and try to sit at the monitor as little as possible; therapeutic exercises are advisable. Even something as insignificant as reading a book on your phone can cause irreparable harm to your eye health.

The appearance of macular degeneration of the retina should cause concern, since letting this disease take its course is extremely dangerous. To avoid losing vision forever, it is better to start treatment at an early stage of development. It is almost impossible to identify the disease and prescribe treatment without a doctor. Therefore, the main thing is to listen to yourself and identify any disturbances in the body in time.

Nov 28, 2017 Anastasia Tabalina

Meanwhile, our experience shows that it is possible and necessary to fight for your vision. Since 2009, several patients diagnosed with “wet macular degeneration” have gradually regained their vision from the stage of non-vision and returned to independent life.

Let's take a look at one case history:

Mikhail Petrovich, 79 years old

When straight lines began to seem wavy and difficulties with reading began, Mikhail Petrovich simply attributed it to pressure. But one day he could not recognize his grandson on the street. At an appointment with an ophthalmologist, I was given the terrible diagnosis of wet eye disease (AMD). The prognosis is complete loss of central vision; there is no treatment.

Alas, carrots have no effect on wet macular degeneration. In wet AMD, vision deterioration and loss of central vision occur very quickly. A gray spot is growing in the center and threatens to turn black any day.

Mikhail Petrovich is a retired military man. He was not going to meekly wait for disability and live in the dark. He learned about Professor Kovalev through word of mouth and the next day, in December 2013, accompanied by a driver, he came to the reception. Diagnosis: age-related macular degeneration (wet form) of the retina of both eyes, pseudophakia of the right eye, immature cataract of the left eye. Visual acuity of the right eye is 0.05, left - 0.07. Correction is not possible in both eyes.

After three sessions, Mikhail Petrovich sees with his left and right eyes - 0.2 (not corrected). The gray spot became much smaller, the fields of vision expanded. Fundus examination revealed a significant improvement in the picture. He reads, gets to know his loved ones, gets behind the wheel again and drives independently.

What is the wet form of age-related macular degeneration and why is it not curable?

Macular degeneration goes through 3 stages: dry form, wet form and scar stage. Official medicine cannot offer effective treatment for any of the forms.

It begins with a disruption of the pigment epithelium at the base of the macula - it atrophies. So the macula stops receiving adequate nutrition and begins to deteriorate.

This appears as a growing gray patch in front of one or both eyes.

The disease progresses steadily, and at some stage turns into a dangerous, wet form. At this stage, vision loss rapidly accelerates. The count goes on for weeks, and the process ends literally within a few hours with the complete loss of central vision.

The wet form of AMD is characterized by so-called neovascularization, when new vessels begin to grow directly under the macula - where they should not be. There is a hypothesis that this is how the body tries to compensate for the deterioration of nutrition and the functioning of the macula.

One of the signs of wet macular degeneration is the apparent curvature of straight lines. New vessels are very fragile and often provoke micro-hemorrhages, which stratify and displace the visual cells. The resulting optical effect bends and distorts the shape of objects.

This stage is dangerous for two reasons.

On the one side, unnecessary fluid provokes retinal detachment - one of the irreversible causes of vision loss.

On the other side, hemorrhages end with the formation of scar tissue in their place - the second cause of vision loss. A tripe is like a desert. The eye in the scar area will never be able to see again.

All modern methods of controlling macular degeneration cannot preserve vision for any long time, much less restore it.

Some affect the symptoms or complications of the disease, others “stimulate” vision. But none of them restores the pigment epithelium and visual cells of the eye. The process of destruction against the background of classical treatment slows down only slightly, and over time it resumes in full.

As opposed to existing treatment methods, the regenerative therapy method is aimed at enhancing the natural regenerative processes of the eye .

Cell graft transferred to the macula area, restores eye structures (pigment epithelial cells and photoreceptors)and suppresses the pathological process -stops the growth of new pathological vessels and causes desolation of existing ones. The positive changes achieved thus reliably delay the progression of the disease for about a year.

Regenerative therapy is the only method today that RESTORES THE OWN STRUCTURE OF THE EYE.

“Modern ophthalmology has achieved success in replacing the eye lens, vitreous body, and cornea transplantation. But classical medicine is not capable of restoring the structure of the retina and optic nerve. Even the most modern methods of microsurgery are, in principle, unable to influence these disorders.

Our clinic successfully practices treatment of the wet form of macular degeneration using the . This unique method was developed and patented by Professor Kovalev and based on the activation of natural mechanisms for restoring the structure of the eye.

Our colleagues in Japan and Germany are moving along similar development vectors.

This technique allows you to restore vision and maintain vision even with optic nerve atrophy and macular degeneration, which classical medicine still classifies as incurable diseases and cannot treat.”

Marina Yurievna, chief physician of the UnikaMed clinic

Treatment of the wet (exudative) form of macular degeneration: what ophthalmologists are silent about

Classical medicine recommends the drugs Avastin and Lucentis for the treatment of wet macular degeneration. The drug "Lucentis", for example, is prescribed in a course of 3 injections and is administered at intervals of strictly 1 month. Then the injections are stopped and the dynamics of vision are monitored.

Without a doubt, Lucentis is a revolutionary drug. We use it in our practice as a preparatory stage of treatment, and in many patients it actually improves the condition of the retina.

But few people know that the Congress of Ophthalmologists, based on the results of clinical observations, adopted the recommended procedure for working with the drug: if 3 consecutive injections of Lucentis do not have an effect (and they do not work on all patients), the drug is discontinued.

Unfortunately, this medicine is used for unfounded speculation, and some ophthalmologists suggest that if vision decreases, “carry out another course of treatment with Lucentis.” Many patients are not made aware of the fact that Lucentis has no effect on the causes of macular degeneration: the pigment epithelium continues to deteriorate, and the person continues to lose vision.

Instilling unreasonable hope for improvement, the use of such a mono treatment regimen deprives the patient of the chance to turn his attention to other effective means for preserving and restoring vision.

“I am often asked the question whether it is possible to stop the development of wet macular degeneration.

Can. Moreover, it should be suspended for a very long time - several years or longer.

But you need to realize that macular degeneration is a chronic, progressive disease. We do not know the reason for the destruction of the pigment epithelium, and, therefore, we cannot “turn off” it.

During regenerative therapy, patients show significant improvement: They begin to see colors and objects again, and take care of themselves. But you cannot count on a 100% cure.

With regular maintenance treatment, the effect of therapy is maintained in all patients, vision does not decrease and shows positive dynamics for many years.

If we compare the method with the results of the famous International Center for Retinitis Pigmentosa named after Camilo Cienfuegos, Cuba, and the Muldashev Clinic in Ufa, regenerative therapy shows a significantly more pronounced and long-lasting therapeutic effect with a complete absence of complications.

The key factor in the success of regenerative therapy in the treatment of the wet form of age-related macular degeneration is the effect of desolation and “collapse” of pathological sky blood vessels. And all this without the use of surgery or drugs.

However, the wet form of age-related macular degeneration is an aggressive disease with a therapeutic window of 12 months. It gives a chance only to those who started treatment in the early stages, up to and including the “effusion” stage.

Regenerative therapy will no longer be able to help patients with retinal detachment and scar changes.”

How is the wet form of age-related macular degeneration treated at UnikaMed?

The regenerative therapy procedure is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure with same-day discharge.

It will require three procedures of regenerative therapy with an interval of three months and shows the effect after the first session. Maintenance treatment is prescribed individually. Typically one procedure per year is required.

Before the procedure We perform laboratory tests and MRI.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

In one of my previous articles we talked about the retina and its We talked about the fact that the retina of the eye has a central part - the macula (its other name is the macula).

It is responsible for the perception of colors and the clarity of central vision, as it contains the largest number of photoreceptors - cones.

And today I want to tell you about a fairly common pathology of the macula - dystrophy. Until now, scientists have not established the exact reasons for its development, just as there is no 100% effective method of treating this disease.

However, the factors that negatively affect the condition of the retina and its central part are reliably known. Therefore, people at risk are recommended to visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

And right now I invite you to learn more about macular degeneration (macular degeneration).

Pathology of the central region of the retina

You may have previously encountered the concept of macular degeneration. This disease has other names - age-related macular degeneration (AMD), involutional central dystrophy, macular degeneration.

All these terms mean the presence of dystrophic changes in the central part of the retina, caused by impaired blood circulation. As a result, photosensitive cells are destroyed and central vision deteriorates.

As we already know, the retina of the eye is nourished by vessels from the underlying layer.

Due to age or other reasons, sclerotic changes and a decrease in the lumens of the capillaries occur, because of this, the macula tissue begins to experience oxygen starvation, becomes thinner and ages.

Without receiving the necessary nutrition, light-sensitive cells die, causing visual impairment - deterioration or loss of central vision.

Usually the disease affects one eye, so at the initial stage it is not always possible to notice its symptoms, since the healthier “brother” compensates for visual defects.

Changes in the second eye's retina usually occur within 5 years of the onset of macular degeneration in the first eye.

Macular degeneration does not cause a painful syndrome and does not lead to complete blindness, since peripheral vision is preserved.

However, if central vision is impaired, a person can no longer read or write, drive a car, or do minor work, which can cause significant discomfort in everyday life.

How does macular degeneration manifest?

Characteristic symptoms of the disease include:

  • color rendition disorder
  • visible broken straight lines
  • need for additional lighting when reading
  • difficulty recognizing small parts
  • visual hallucinations
  • the appearance of a blind spot in the center of vision

The main factors causing dystrophic changes in the macular region of the retina were identified:

  • age
  • genetic predisposition,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • hypertension,
  • ultraviolet radiation,
  • smoking,
  • malnutrition.

Most often, people over 50 years old suffer from macular degeneration, and by the age of 70 the probability of the disease increases to 75%. However, in the case of a genetic predisposition, this disease can occur at an earlier age.

The majority of those affected are women, although statistics explain this fact by the fact that they simply live longer than men.

Prolonged exposure to the sun without protective glasses can lead to ultraviolet damage to the nervous tissue of the retina, which also provokes degenerative changes in its structure.

Doctors consider one of the most common causes of the development of central retinal dystrophy to be a lack of vitamins A, C, E, zinc and antioxidants that enter the body with food.

There is probably no point in talking about the dangers of smoking once again. This harmful habit not only disrupts eye blood circulation, but also has a destructive effect on the entire body as a whole.

How can the disease be detected?

You can diagnose macular degeneration yourself at home using the Amsler test, which visually represents a grid with a black dot in the middle.

If you have macular degeneration, a person will see a distortion of straight lines and a blind spot in the center of the grid.

In an ophthalmology office, to detect the disease, you may be offered to determine visual fields, examine the fundus of the eye, and study the retinal vessels.

Classification of macular degeneration

It is customary to distinguish between 2 forms of macular degeneration: dry and wet. In turn, the latter is divided into hidden and classical.

Dry (non-exudative) macular degeneration develops in 9 out of 10 cases. This is a milder form, which is characterized by a slow course, low likelihood of vision loss, and mild symptoms.

Dry macular degeneration is characterized by the appearance of so-called drusen - accumulations of yellowish pigment under the retina. As the number and size of drusen increase, new symptoms of the disease appear.

With wet (exudative) macular degeneration, the formation of new blood vessels begins, directed towards the macula. This process is called neovascularization.

In this way, the body tries to compensate for oxygen starvation of the macula and improve its blood circulation.

The weak walls of the “young” vessels cannot withstand the flow of blood, frequent hemorrhages under the retina occur, and swelling of the surrounding tissues develops. The macula swells and detaches from the choroid, resulting in complete loss of central vision.

The wet form of malular degeneration usually develops from the dry variety, it progresses quite quickly and can lead to disability in 85-90% of cases.

In the case of a hidden type of exudative macular degeneration, the newly formed vessels are practically invisible, the hemorrhages are weak and few in number, and visual impairment is minimal.

The classic course of the disease is one in which there is accelerated growth of blood vessels, transformation of nervous tissue into connective tissue (scar tissue), which together leads to loss of vision.

Treatment of macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is considered an irreversible and constantly progressive disease. Therefore, the goal of treatment in this case is to diagnose the disease as early as possible and stabilize the condition of the retina. No doctor can restore former visual acuity if visible deterioration has already occurred.

In the early stages, predominantly drug treatment is used, selected as a whole complex.

You may be assigned:

  1. vasodilators
  2. means for strengthening the walls of blood vessels
  3. drugs that cause a decrease in blood viscosity
  4. vitamin complexes
  5. decongestants

This course of treatment must be completed several times a year.

To slow down the growth of newly formed vessels, the use of photodynamic therapy - the injection of a special drug into the eye that is activated under the influence of laser beams - has a good effect.

In case of further development of macular degeneration, various methods of retinal stimulation are used - magnetic, photo, electrical and laser stimulation, intravenous blood irradiation.

Laser coagulation will help stop hemorrhages in the wet form of macular degeneration.

Nutritious nutrition for AMD

Since pathological changes in blood vessels are often caused by a lack of necessary substances in the body, changing the diet can have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease.

Green vegetables, tomatoes, fruits and berries must be present in the diet of a person experiencing retinal problems

If a patient with macular degeneration was not previously aware of such a leguminous crop as chickpeas, it’s time to get acquainted with this product. It can be added to soups, salads, minced meat.

Be attentive to the health of your eyes.

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