Sedentary dogs. The most unpretentious dog breeds. the laziest dogs

Sometimes it happens that a pet is your only friend and family member. In conditions of constant household worries and active career building, future owners are guided by the choice of dogs that do not require much time for walking and training.

It should be noted right away that keeping even the most unpretentious dogs requires some effort and, of course, responsibility. The animal will forever remain a small child, unable to take care of itself and requiring attention. However, there are a number of problem-free breeds that are ideal for lazy or overly busy owners.

Puppies are selected based on the following characteristics:

  • ease of care for the coat;
  • high immunity to various diseases;
  • no need for intensive training due to good memory;
  • good disposition and flexibility;
  • friendliness to children;
  • compatibility with other animals;
  • good adaptation to environmental changes;
  • lack of inclination towards dominant behavior.

In addition, you need to take into account the proportionality of the breed and living space, so that there is enough space for both pets and their owners.

Video “Which breed of dog to choose”

Video about how to choose a dog breed, guided by reason and practical sense.

Medium and small breeds

Almost all small dogs are ideal for living in apartments. The only nuance of keeping is that it is not advisable to have mini-breed animals in families with small children, as this is primarily dangerous for the pet.

Toy Terrier

Despite their miniature size, representatives of this breed have the spirit of a fighting dog and can stand up for themselves and their owner. At least try. The animals are sociable and friendly, able to get along with any fauna that does not show aggression.

Welsh Corgi

Representatives of this breed will be the best companions for families with children and other pets. Cheerful animals are very active and are able to make friends with almost the entire world around them. At the same time, you don’t need to walk such dogs for a long time. The Welsh Corgi is the most unpretentious breed of dog, with high scores on all points of selection.


Clean and disease-resistant animals. Natural bloodhounds with an almost supernatural sense of smell that needs to be developed. If you ignore this feature, then the pet’s untapped potential can provoke behavioral disturbances in the form of a constant vague search.

You need to walk your beagle in large areas so that the dog has room to turn around. These small animals are distinguished by their strong attachment to humans and can become devoted friends even to inexperienced dog owners, if due attention is paid to the intellectual and physical side of development.


Long-haired beautiful creatures fully correspond to the idea of ​​an ideal pet. They do not require special care, heavy loads, active training, and are also in good health. At the same time, Shelties are good-natured, understanding and absolutely non-conflict dogs, with whom you can confidently leave your children.

American Cocker Spaniel

A kind and sweet pacifist, averse to dominance and not averse to its manifestation in relation to his own person. Loves to play with children and gets along easily with other pets. However, if a rigid hierarchy is built among the latter, they may fall into a melancholic-depressive state.

Spaniels are responsive to gentle training methods, and are also suitable for both country living and life in a noisy metropolis. They are prone to allergies and require careful grooming.

Miniature Schnauzer

They are distinguished by a strong attachment to the owner, which can negatively affect the emotional state of the dog in conditions of long-term separation. A high intellectual level is accompanied by good learning ability. Active and friendly, Schnauzers are still wary of strangers.

In a comfortable environment they like to play pranks. Sometimes they are capricious, stubborn and jealous. Pets constrained by urban conditions will enjoy physically intense long walks. Among the features of care are regular trips to the hairdresser.


An ideal dog for lazy owners who prefer silence. Whippets are “laconic”; you can hear their barking only in exceptional situations. At the same time, pets are characterized by energy and optimism, which is revealed in play activities.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by good health and intelligence. However, they are very sensitive to the psychological climate in the house and do not tolerate negativity directed in their direction.

Major representatives

The fact that large dogs need a lot of space is only partly true. Sometimes representatives of large breeds show such phlegmatism that the toy terrier against their background seems to be a source of universal chaos.

Belgian Shepherd

A kind and sympathetic animal, combining gallantry and puppy curiosity throughout its life. Willingly meets new people and gets along with any animals except their relatives. In the process of education, he responds only to kindness and patience. Otherwise, the formed attachment to the owner may lose strength, and the pet will stop obeying.

Bernese Mountain Dog

When choosing a puppy of this breed, you need to take into account that the animal will feel best in an area close to the countryside. Mountain Dogs were originally used as herders, so they are comfortable in open, unconfined areas. This is a big and kind dog that will be attached to its person for the rest of its life.


Smart, friendly, non-aggressive animals. Show obedience and understanding even in the absence of appropriate training. They quickly remember commands and can even show off tricks they picked up somewhere “on the side.” Thanks to their intelligence, kindness and love for children, they are rightfully considered nanny dogs. They are unpretentious in grooming, despite their long and thick coat.

Labrador Retriever

Cheerful, not prone to aggressive behavior, representatives of this breed will fit perfectly into a large family with older children. Retrievers love the world around them and strive to actively show this love, which is sometimes fraught with destruction or a defensive reaction from other animals.

In terms of the educational process, these dogs require patience, which beginners do not have: pets often disrupt events by trying to attract the owner to play. The Labrador Retriever is a cheerful bundle of nuclear energy that must be curbed through systematic training and active walks.

Most, if not all people adore dogs as pets. Although, as far as the breed is concerned, there are differences between people. Some dog lovers like small pets, while others prefer large breeds. At the same time, some people like physically active dogs that can keep up with them. Other people like calmer, less active dogs.

Some dogs or puppies are "lazy" when it comes to physical activity. These people will prefer to just walk at a measured pace, not run, and lie down from time to time to sleep or rest. If you are the type of person who prefers such dogs, then this list will give you a guide in choosing a “lazy” (the most accurate definition is “soft”) dog breed that can become your favorite.

Think of the Newfoundland as a big teddy bear, as well as a gentle giant, thanks to their cute, sweet, friendly and friendly personality. Preparing them for social life is a must, so try to surround them with different people, challenges, sounds and sights. Proper socialization training will result in a well-behaved dog.

The Newfoundland requires a spacious home environment, is prone to drooling, has a thick coat that requires regular grooming, and grows luxuriantly in cold climates. If you want to train a Newfoundland, you may need some positive support. Finally, you may notice that this dog is the same breed as Nana from Peter Pan, who was the Darling family's nanny.

The Basset Hound is the most common image of the Hush Puppy advertising sign. This dog is usually calm and lazy around the house, but has a loyal, pleasant and friendly personality. In fact, a dog of this breed is not irritable, it is too calm due to its gentle behavior. Due to the fact that it is a pack breed dog, it loves to be close to its family and any other pets.

House training a Basset Hound can be a challenge due to its stubborn nature. The best way to motivate your pet is to use positive training methods and some tasty food as a reward for achieving the skill being trained. Well-behaved Basset Hounds have personality but can get along with children and other pets.

The Alps are cold and there is also a lot of snow, which causes many travelers to get sick. Fortunately, St. Bernard helps poor travelers. The Saint Bernard is a large, strong dog that is like a giant compared to other breeds. But, despite its size, it is a gentle, intelligent, good-natured and friendly dog. The fact that St. Bernard helps travelers in the Alps is proof that he is man's best friend.

In the domestic environment, the St. Bernard is a beloved family friend. If you can tolerate excessive drooling, then you will love this breed. Oddly enough, despite being a rescue dog, the Saint Bernard does not require much training. A daily walk is more than enough physical activity for a dog. Saint Bernards have a very thick coat, so if you live in a warm climate, make sure your pet has shade and fresh, cool water.

The Chow Chow dog was the favorite dog of the ancient Chinese imperial family. She looks like a combination of a furry lion and a small bear. The dog is aloof by nature, but is also attentive and loyal to its owners, even if it has a quiet disposition. Socialization is important for a dog so that it can become protective of its owners and its territory, which can cause the dog to become aggressive or shy to other people. A Chow Chow that has been raised correctly will be more open and friendly.

It is preferable for Chow Chows to live indoors instead of in a backyard or kennel. For training, a daily 15-minute walk will be enough to keep your dog happy and healthy. Be careful in hot weather or climates as the Chow Chow cannot tolerate heat. Keep your dog indoors if he suffers from too high a temperature.

Even though it is a good-natured type of dog, the Bullmastiff is good at being a guardian for its family. Outwardly, it is clear that the Bullmastiff has a large build and is a large dog that can be an impressive obstacle to thieves and robbers. Despite being a guard dog, the Bullmastiff can be a family-loving pet that is noble, trustworthy and reassuring.

The dog's short coat makes it easier to groom, although he may drool. In addition, the wool does not shed much, so it is easy to clean. The Bullmastiff is not a very energetic dog, although he has a lot of energy when young. For training, simply take your pet for outdoor play or short walks to keep him fit and healthy. When training your Bullmastiff at an early age, make sure he understands that you are the head of the family to make later training easier, as well as curb his independence.

6. Greyhound or English greyhound

The Greyhound is a gentle dog who prefers to stretch out by the fire next to his owner and family, but he has a more active purpose. English greyhounds have an aerodynamic body shape, a narrow head, and long and muscular legs. The dog's physique is due to the fact that it is a hunting breed. Now this breed participates in dog racing. In fact, when you mention a greyhound to another person, the first thing that comes to mind is the dog racing track. Capable of reaching speeds of 40 to 45 miles per hour, the Greyhound is considered the Ferrari of dogs.

Greyhounds excel in a variety of competitions such as competition, conformation, lure trials, and training. The dog is non-aggressive and friendly, although it may keep aloof from strangers. Abuse of a Greyhound will cause it to become timid or shy. Proper training and socialization will give you a dog that is playful and curious. In addition, you have the opportunity to adopt a puppy or an adult dog who has finished his racing career.

A drop of lion, add a couple of teaspoons of rabbit, two ounces of a domestic cat, one jester, a little ballerina, a pinch of old man, a little beggar, a tablespoon of monkey, mix one part of baby seal, a drop of teddy bear mixed with Chinese and Tibetan dog. This long description is how American composer and teacher James Mumsford describes the Shih Tzu dog.

The Shih Tzu is wonderful, friendly, loyal and lively for his family. The dog's cute little size and adorable demeanor make it a favorite pet for many people. The dog feels great both in an apartment and in a large country house. Children and others are not a problem for the Shih Tzu, although you will need to supervise children who play with the dog.

Unlike other dog breeds, the French Bulldog is not glamorous or showy, but it is still a beautiful dog. The dog is small in stature, with bat-like ears, but his body is powerful and muscular. The French Bulldog has a short coat, making it easy to care for. Previously, dogs of this breed were rat catchers, but now they are a favorite family pet and exhibitor of dogs who like to relax in a comfortable place.

Training a French Bulldog is easy due to its intelligence. Make training like a game to keep your dog interested. The French Bulldog loves to show his affection to his family, but some kind of socialization and training is required.

The English Bulldog is a fierce-looking dog. Wide, muscular with powerful shoulders, drooping upper lip and strong lower jaw, this gives the dog a fierce appearance. However, it is a playful, friendly, determined and courageous dog. He is a little stubborn, but with a quiet dignity and is ready to protect his family.

The English Bulldog was originally bred as a fighting dog for competition. Fortunately, they became beloved pets rather than fighters over the years. The English Bulldog today wants nothing more than to attract attention and enjoy sleeping next to their owner.

Most dog breeds were bred as working dogs for hunting and guarding; The Great Dane is one of those breeds. Today's Great Danes have lost their ferocity as hunters and guards, but they have not lost their courage and determination to protect the human family. The large size and loud barking of the dog will, if not frighten, then stop intruders.

Families may ask for a more adorable pet that is very affectionate. But in fact, the dog has a peaceful, playful disposition and is gentle with children. Obedience will further improve your attitude towards your Great Dane.

Remember that despite the "lazy" behavior of these dogs, they still need a little exercise to maintain good health and a healthy life. All the dog breeds mentioned above will easily fit into a home whose owners don't want a lot of fuss. You couldn't ask for a more easy-going, calm dog breed that is determined to be on your side.

Review of lazy dog ​​breeds, representatives of which can become your best friend if you are just as lazy:

If you decide to buy a decorative breed dog, then it is likely that your choice in favor of a baby rather than a large pet is due to the fact that such dogs do not need to be walked. That is, everything is possible. Don't go out with him anymore. Or go out whenever you want.

Theoretically, this is true. But in reality everything is much more complicated. The fact is that many decorative breeds not only need daily walks, but require long active games and running around in the fresh air. If the dog does not receive this, it suffers both physically and mentally. This is, for example, the Pomeranian Spitz, which is completely unsuitable for those people who do not want to walk the dog every day or who are going to walk it slowly on a leash.

At the same time, some large breeds of dogs need active movements and long walks much less than kids.

This is due to the fact that a dog’s need for physical activity is determined not by its size, but by its energy. Dogs with “low energy” need much less exercise than those with high energy.

Below are 11 dog breeds that are suitable for people who do not want to actively walk and play with their pet. And most of these breeds are far from decorative.

The Basset Hound is always relaxed and good-natured. Moves slowly and does not require active exercise. For dogs of this breed, slow walks are suitable, without running or chasing.

Bulldogs love daily walks, but jogging, as well as long trips over long distances, are strictly contraindicated for them.

Bullmastiffs grow to very respectable sizes. However, despite this, they are perfect for keeping in an ordinary city apartment, as they do not require active movements. And most of all they like to relax by lying down.

Very affectionate dogs with a psychotherapeutic effect. The only exercise they need is walking on a leash.

This dog breed is known to be very fun and playful. However, physically short daily walks are enough for them.

Like mastiffs, despite their large size, Great Danes live well in small apartments and do not suffer from this, since short walks are enough for them. The main thing is a soft lounger on which you can relax to your satisfaction.

Greyhounds have a very athletic build and are capable of great speed. However, among dog breeders this breed is known as “the fastest lazy person in the world.” Greyhounds love to lie on sofas and don’t even think about active sports.

Bobtails are large, but very lazy. They love to play from time to time. But they do not require significant physical exercise. Known as pet dogs.

The Pekingese is an ideal choice for those who need a decorative breed dog that does not like active games and long walks. All your Pekingese needs is a slow walk on a leash.

Pugs are the largest representatives of decorative dog breeds. Very playful and cheerful. But physiologically, walking on a leash is enough for them. In hot weather, you can’t walk with pugs at all.

Dogs of this breed are similar to Morse and Pekingese. But still a little more active. Therefore, during a walk, you should sometimes let them off the leash so that they can run around.

A dog is the best and most faithful friend you can ever dream of. But sometimes dreams of having a pet never come true. What stops you is the thought that you will have to look after the dog a lot, devote almost all your free time to it, and it is difficult to cope with all this without being an experienced dog breeder.

In practice, the situation is completely different: there are unpretentious breeds of domestic dogs that can be kept in an apartment or private house without any problems.

Which ones are easy to maintain and care for?

First, let’s define what we mean by “unpretentiousness.” This concept includes:

  • minimal hair care (the animal does not need to be washed and combed frequently);
  • good health;
  • agreeableness, good-natured character;
  • ability to grasp on the fly;
  • contact with other animals and children;
  • ability to adapt in any conditions (from an apartment to a private house).

For apartment

Little ones

Belgian griffin

Decorative small dog, weighing up to 5 kg, with a relatively high life expectancy - 15 years. Playful, obedient, easy to train and funny dog ​​with a characteristic beard. After eating, it will have to be cleaned and periodically combed, but otherwise caring for the dog is simple.

My health is excellent, although I may have problems with my eyes and skin. You can walk with the griffin only once, for about an hour, or you can take it out twice a day for 20 minutes. Gets along well with other pets. This is the easiest small dog to care for.


An incredibly beautiful (weighing up to 4 kg) small breed dog with exquisite long hair. It was once the pride of French kings, but today it can bring joy to any apartment.

Despite its thick coat, the Papillon does not require careful grooming: It has almost no seasonal molting, just like . Moreover, he is hypoallergenic, highly intelligent and very affectionate with children - an ideal dog!

Coton de Tulear

This is an exotic dwarf (weighing 7 kg) dog from the island of Madagascar with a stunning white coat. The white thick fur does not shed and does not cause allergies, so there will be no special problems with caring for it. Moreover, the Coton de Tulear is considered a very healthy dog ​​- according to statistics, only one puppy out of 100 has a risk of getting a hereditary disease.

A real furry cloud :)

True, this dog cannot be called completely problem-free: The Coton de Tulear is not friendly towards other pets and has a very difficult time being alone. But the breed takes part in all their games with pleasure.

The Coton de Tulear also has the amazing ability to jump high, raising all four legs! From the outside it looks very funny.

Toy Terrier

A tiny, literally pocket dog weighing 2-3 kg, which will be able to bark loudly, protecting its owner, and will live with him for quite a long time (up to 15 years). Toy terriers with proper nutrition have almost no health problems, however, in winter the animal will have to be carefully dressed.


A beautiful, calm and reasonable dog with thick red fur that always attracts attention. Of the large breeds, the collie will be the most unpretentious and comfortable for a city apartment. Collies are smart and affectionate, but not obstinate or annoying. They are very easy to train and love to please their owner by mastering and repeating new complex tricks.

Collies experience happiness from the feeling of being useful. Therefore, they will happily bring newspaper and slippers, play with the kids, and keep the owner company in everything. The collie's coat is long and silky, but does not require special care: it is enough to brush it twice a week. Health problems are also not expected - provided that you take regular walks.


An ideal dog for allergy sufferers or lovers of silence - the peculiarity of the Basenji is that this breed makes strange gurgling sounds instead. Basenjis are native to Africa and are among the healthiest dogs in the world, so frequent visits to the vet can be forgotten. As well as about an unpleasant smell or falling out fur.

The Basenji knows how to create a special emotional connection with its owner, becoming a best friend. There is only one thing: It is strictly not recommended for families with small children and other pets to have a Basenji. In addition, the breed is wary of strangers.

Karelo-Finnish Laika

A hardy, strong and healthy dog ​​that easily adapts to new conditions, including a city apartment. Laika, of course, will require physical activity, but in moderation, and its relatively small size will allow it to fit perfectly into city life. It is much more important for her to receive food for thought– This breed is easy to train and enjoys following commands.

Peaceful towards children and pets, but only if she knows them well; Can make an excellent family dog. Karelo-Finnish huskies are extremely clean and do not have an unpleasant odor. However, it does not need to be brushed regularly, only during shedding. And this animal is recommended only twice a year!


It's no secret that "yard terriers" are considered the most problem-free of dogs: they are unpretentious in food and get along calmly both outside the city and in an apartment. They are also smart, incredibly loyal and rarely have health problems.

What charming dogs: it doesn’t matter that their breed is a court terrier!

When making a choice in favor of a mongrel, it is worth remembering that this is to some extent random: it is difficult to guess in advance what kind of character and even what dimensions the selected puppy will have. But he will absolutely repay the owner with sincere love.

For a private home


Which small dogs are best for home:

A small, very fluffy, affectionate and active ball, one look at which improves your mood. Spitz are playful, active, have no serious health problems and are very attached to their owners, including children.

Between a walk and sleep, a Spitz will always choose a walk, which is why it is worth keeping him in a private house, where the baby can run around. The fluffy coat will have to be thoroughly combed, but only a couple of times a week.

Miniature Pinscher

A strong, muscular and very active dog that simply cannot help but be in perpetual motion. She won’t get along in an apartment, but in a private house - quite well, this is the ideal and most unpretentious breed of small ones. The Pinscher will easily get accustomed to a certain place in a country house where he needs to go to the toilet.

Its coat is easy to care for, and the dog rarely gets sick, but does not tolerate cold well. Pinschers are good with children, especially those who can already share their active games with them. And the pinscher is excellent!

This is a smaller version of the English bulldog, which does not have a drop of phlegm. A dog of this breed loves to play and frolic a lot, and, if necessary, will defend its owner.

Her short, coarse coat requires no grooming at all.; The French bulldog also boasts excellent health. His appetite is no less excellent, so it is important not to overfeed your pet.

King Charles Spaniel

This is a dog for a large and friendly family who will be happy to participate in everything. She loves to fool around and be petted, practically does not need training and is definitely not capable of harming a child.

The King Charles Spaniel's coat is quite long and thick, so it needs to be brushed every day, but Brushing is easy and the animal likes it u. It does not need bathing, there are no health problems.


Basset Hound

The only problem with this gentle, loyal and cheerful dog is that it loves to run and is absolutely not suitable for keeping in an apartment. But for a private home it is difficult to come up with a more successful and unpretentious breed.

The animal is devoted to its owner, easily and happily learns commands, and stoically endures children's games. It has a beautiful tricolor coat that is easy to care for with a brush. Basset Hounds are distinguished by good health and a mischievous disposition until old age. True, not everyone likes the fact that the dog drools very actively.

Another unpretentious dog, which is often kept even in apartments. But without constant activity, it’s easy for a dachshund to become overweight, so it’s better to keep this breed in a private home, where it can frolic properly. The dachshund's smooth coat does not require special care. The animal is smart, cheerful, but prone to self-will, which should be taken into account when raising.

Lover of nature and fun games. When training a beagle, it is important to arrange games for him, during which he will look for something, otherwise it can turn into an obsession for the dog. Otherwise, the breed is easy to train and gets along with children and other pets.

Beagles are resistant to various diseases and infections, but sometimes they can’t control their own appetite– this should be controlled by the owner. Beagles are absolutely unpretentious in grooming; this breed is clean in itself and does not require frequent bathing. Overall, the breed is ideal for beginners.


An incredibly cheerful and impetuous dog that will not only frolic with its owner on the country lawn, but will also happily accompany him on a bike ride. The whippet needs constant physical activity, under this condition the dog can boast of excellent health.

This breed enjoys games, training and communication with children. Whippets are neat and clean; their short coat requires periodic brushing.


Belgian Shepherd

Not the most famous breed, which is also called Laekenois, can be an excellent option for a country house. The animal is very unpretentious and easy to train - in terms of training it is suitable even for beginners (but will not tolerate rude treatment).

Attached to the owner and his family, does not demonstrate aggression towards strangers. At the same time, she has a negative attitude towards other dogs, which is why she can only be owned by herself. It is enough to brush the Laekenois once a week, and wash it only if the dog is very dirty. No serious health problems have been observed in the breed.

German Shepherd

This smart and beautiful animal can often be found in city apartments, but outside the city it will still be better. The dog does not have excessive aggressiveness, which is often manifested in large guard breeds, listens to its owner and is ready to protect him. At the same time, it is important not to show her fear and be able to insist on your own - that is, you won’t be able to let the training take its course.

Tolerant of children (but you still shouldn’t leave them alone). In terms of care, the “German” is relatively unpretentious; it does not need to be washed or combed. But, like other large breeds, the German Shepherd will require a balanced diet based on meat or good dry food. Conclusion: this is the most unpretentious guard breed, but it has its own characteristics.

Golden retriever

A companion dog that is used for therapy in many countries around the world. If there are elderly people or children in the family, then a retriever will be an ideal dog. The breed is almost ideal: affectionate, beautiful and calm.

Another plus is that dogs of this breed are equally attached to all family members, without choosing their owner, and they obey everyone equally. Retrievers love to swim, and cleaning them will not be a problem. But you will have to comb your pet every day.

Important: Retrievers are absolutely not suitable for the role of a chain dog, they simply do not have aggression.


Another big charming good fellow, only this time – black and white. This dog will also have to be brushed daily, but it is not necessary to wash it. In return, the Landseer will repay with love and affection for the whole family, especially the kids. This dog can be safely appointed as a nanny– they are tolerant of everything, even painful pranks.

Serious Pie

He socializes well and can get along with other animals, especially dogs. The breed is very hardy and persistent; in an active family, a Landseer will feel very happy and live to a ripe old age.


Another amazingly unpretentious dog breed:


The list of unpretentious dogs can be continued, but the most versatile of them are collected above. Someone easier to keep, such as a Caucasian Shepherd or Alabai, may prove unmanageable in terms of training if they fall into inexperienced hands. And the good-natured St. Bernard, because of his coat, poses a serious test for his nerves. So you should choose an unpretentious dog from this list.

It is important to remember: there is no animal that could go without the attention of its owner for days, eat waste, not visit a veterinarian and still remain healthy and happy. The problem-free nature of a dog is not so much a successful choice of breed as the caring and competent attitude of the owner towards it. If you don’t want to regularly care for your pet, then it’s better to opt for a plush puppy - it definitely won’t get sick or shed.


Too many people want a cutesy little dog to love, so they spend a lot of time and money searching for the perfect dog. A few months after acquiring it, when the novelty effect wears off, they stop paying attention to it, and then the realization comes to them that a dog is a kind of work.

A dog is not a lawn ornament. In addition to meeting the basic needs of water, food and shelter, a dog requires attention, affection, physical activity and mental closeness with its owner. Still, those who want a dog, but are not ready to walk it for half an hour every day, spend time and money on training it, can read the list presented below. With these dogs you will have minimal problems.

10. Bolonka

This breed is believed to be descended from dogs such as the Bichon Frize, originally from Southern Italy. Lapdogs became popular among the royal courts and noble circles of Spain and other parts of Europe as early as the early 1800s. This is a small dog with no particular genetic health problems. The lapdog needs:

Space is minimal. Well suited for keeping it in an apartment. This “toy” breed has a strong body and weighs 4-6 kg.

The dog is playful, but not very active; long walks are required only from time to time.

This dog is smart and trainable, it may not interact well with strangers, however, it gets along easily with children and other animals.

Care is an average need. This is a long-haired breed with white "curls". It is easy to comb, sheds little and is considered hypoallergenic.

9. Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is also known as the Japanese Spaniel. In fact, it is believed that the breed originated in China and came to Japan as a gift from the Chinese Emperor. This dog breed was extremely popular among the Japanese royal family, and came to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. Japanese Chin needs:

Space is small. This is a small dog, no more than 30 cm tall and weighing from 4 to 6 kg.

Walking is a low need. This is an intelligent, calm and gentle dog that gets along with almost everyone: strangers, children, other animals. They are also very alert and sensitive to their surroundings.

Training is a low need. Exercising too intensely can lead to breathing problems. Short walks from time to time will be enough for them.

Care is moderate. These dogs require regular brushing to maintain good appearance. They shed all year round, but they are very clean and odorless.

Minuses – They are very difficult to raise during the first four months of life. Other problems are frequent heart disease, back problems, cataracts.

8. Greyhound

You might be surprised to see a greyhound on this list. Yes, they run fast, but they are not high-energy dogs. Throughout history they have often been used for hunting and herding, and were especially popular in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. These dogs need:

Space is small. This is actually true. Yes, this is a large dog (weighs 30-35 kg, height - about 70 cm), but in reality it can easily live in small spaces. Greyhounds are very quiet and gentle animals, they are even better than those who are smaller in size but more active.

Walking is a low need. These dogs are very obedient and get along well with strangers, school-aged children and other dogs. You may want to keep an eye on them if they have very young children or small pets around them.

Learning is a low to moderate need. Yes, greyhounds are sprinters and they love to run, but they don't require much activity. 20 to 30 minutes of even simple walks will help keep your greyhound in shape.

Maintenance – low need. Greyhounds have short, smooth hair, but they have no undercoat. These dogs are also ideal for your home if you suffer from allergies.

Minuses – some skin diseases and sensitivity to temperature changes.

7. Bullmastiff

Yes, the Bullmastiff is a very large dog, but nevertheless, the “operating” costs are extremely low. This guard breed originated in the mid-1800s as a cross between an English Mastiff and an Old English Bulldog. They were not designed to attack intruders, but to knock them down and deter them. This is a low energy dog. She need:

Space is small. Because of her size, you need to have enough space in the house for her to move around and just hang out. However, it is a very calm and reserved dog, so it fits really well in apartments.

Training is a low need. Some walking exercises are only recommended for very large dogs. This dog is very loyal to its family, it is balanced, calm and tolerant of children. In fact, they crave human attention and are quite affectionate.

Walking is light to moderate. The Bullmastiff is an extremely calm, low-energy dog, even lazy, and loves to lie down. However, due to her size, she may face the problem of obesity. Not very frequent long walks will be beneficial, and the dogs behave very restrained.

Maintenance – low need. They have a short and smooth coat that rarely sheds.

Minuses – they may develop hip dysplasia, vision problems, cannot tolerate extreme temperatures, and often cannot control their saliva flow.

6. Pug

Having appeared in China, pugs were probably "used" as royal gifts, spreading after that to Japan, Tibet, and later making their way to Europe. His needs:

Space is minimal. A pug can weigh a maximum of about 9 kg, unless of course you overfeed it, and its height is about 30 cm. It is ideal for living in an apartment.

Training is a low need. Despite their not-so-good-natured appearance, pugs are generally very affectionate dogs that children enjoy. They are also very stubborn. Consider training, if you don't want him to lie on the couch for days, be persistent.

Care is moderate. There is a drawback. While his coat is very short, he tends to shed heavily. Moreover, you constantly need to clean out its “wrinkles” to avoid irritation or infection.

Walking is a low need. Due to their unique head structure, Pugs breathe very compactly, meaning if they get any kind of overload, they will have a hard time recovering as they have difficulty controlling their body temperature. They definitely need very slow walks and exposure to moderate temperatures.

Minuses – they snore and often develop hip dysplasia, breathing problems and encephalitis.

5. Glen of Imaal Terrier

This dog is a type of working dog in Ireland, bred to hunt badgers and foxes. She needs:

Space is minimal. This terrier weighs up to 35 pounds (approximately 16 kg) and fits well into an apartment environment.

Training is weak to moderate. An intelligent and very easy to train dog, it gets along easily with other people and children, but can conflict with other dogs. She may also view other pets as toys, so she needs to be taught to treat them with respect.

Walking is a low need. These terriers have very short legs compared to their body and are not really built for running, jumping or other strenuous activities. Short, infrequent walks will do them good without them asking you to walk them every day. They love to walk in places where there are fences, as these terriers are big fans of digging.

The coat grows by 2-3 cm, if you do not take care of it constantly, it does not shed often.

4. Bulldog

The breed was developed in the 1600s to hunt bulls and later became used in dog fighting. When fighting was banned, bulldogs with a softer character began to be bred. He needs:

Space is minimal. A small, muscular dog, weighing 40-50 pounds (approximately 25 kg), is well suited to apartment living, however, it is best not to get one if you have back problems.

Training is a low need. An affectionate and very loyal dog, he gets along well with people, children and other pets.

Maintenance – low need. A dog with short hair, however, needs to have the "wrinkles" on its face cleaned regularly.

Walking is not really necessary. However, these dogs often develop obesity, so short but regular walks will only benefit him. It is worth remembering that hot weather and heavy physical activity can be dangerous to your pet's health.

3. Poogle

The Poogle is one of the more recently developed breeds and is a cross between a Pug and a Beagle. This is the so-called "designer breed". Puggles are small dogs, which makes them excellent pets. They need:

Space is minimal. Poogles are very small dogs that are ideal for apartment living.

Training is a low need. Poogles are very cheerful and laid-back, they are reliable, playful and affectionate. These dogs get along with everyone, including children and other pets. In addition, they are very loyal and often please their owners.

Walking is a low need. These dogs really don't have much energy to go on long walks, so casual walks or playing in the yard are the way to go. On the other hand, they get tired quickly. In addition, due to their short nasal cavity (inherited from the pug), long and strenuous walks are contraindicated for them, as they may develop breathing problems.

Care is low to moderate. They do not require much attention in terms of care, however, in the spring they shed a lot. They may also need wrinkle cleaning, depending on how many pug genes they have inherited.

Minuses – Due to the short nasal cavity, Puggles are sensitive to heat stroke.

2. Rat Terrier

The Rat Terrier is also known as the American Hairless Terrier. Originally bred in England, they became common domestic dogs in the United States in the early 20th century. They need:

Space is minimal. The upper weight limit of these dogs is 12 kg, height is about 30-35 cm. There is also a miniature rat terrier, whose weight is less than 5 kg and height is 20-25 cm.

Training is a low need. Rat Terriers are very friendly dogs that get along well with everyone, including cats. They are usually very cheerful, but can be very sensitive to changes in the surrounding atmosphere, for example, a deterioration in the mood of its owner. If you want to teach him something, it will be easy because he is very smart.

Walking is a low need. They would rather lie on the sofa or lap than run around the yard. However, they will enjoy occasional walks or games in the yard.

Maintenance – low need. These dogs have a smooth coat that rarely sheds.

1. Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world, named after the state of the same name in Mexico, where the dog was first discovered in 1850. Its origins are unknown, however, it is believed that the breed is a descendant of the dogs of Chinese or Spanish explorers. She need:

Space is minimal. Weighing 1-3 kg, and standing up to 9 inches (approx. 23 cm) tall, the dog can fit in your bag.

Training is a low need. However, if you have children or other pets, then it is better to take a closer look at another dog, because Chihuahuas are devoted to one person, so communication with several owners is often tantamount to stress for them.

Maintenance – low need. Both short and long coats require minimal grooming.

Walking is a low need. Still, you should sometimes walk with them, because they often suffer from excess weight, which is associated with the development of serious health problems.

Minuses – Chihuahuas are prone to developing certain genetic disorders, such as epilepsy and seizure disorders, and they often develop problems with the heart and respiratory system.

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