Maria Maksakova 6. Singer Maksakova is suing her new husband over an apartment. Maria Maksakova's new husband put her apartment up for sale

and Voronenkova got married again. The wedding took place in the summer of this year, but it became known only now from the lawsuit that Maksakova filed against her new spouse on September 24 in the Presnensky Court of Moscow.

As it became known, Maksakova married a certain Dalkhat Khalaev in July in Kyiv, and as a wedding gift she presented him with an apartment on Krasnopresneskaya embankment in the Russian capital. However, the man sold his home almost immediately, without consulting Maksakova herself.

When the singer found out about this, she went to court to annul the real estate purchase and sale transaction.

In the lawsuit, Maksakova claims that she did not know about Khalaev’s intentions and did not give him permission to alienate jointly acquired property.

In addition to Khalaev himself, the buyer Murat Merzhoev is also a defendant in the case. At the same time, his name is in the bailiff database and, according to this data, Merzhoev does not pay his debts, reports.

Earlier, the press secretary of the Presnensky Court of Moscow, in a conversation with, said that Maksakova actually asked to recognize the deal for the sale of an apartment on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment as illegal. However, he did not provide other details of the lawsuit.

By the way, last year Maksakova was already in court over real estate in Moscow. Then she filed a lawsuit in the capital’s Presnensky Court against Denis Panaitov, the former head of the Odintsovo investigative department for the Moscow region. The co-defendant in the case was Ekaterina Voronenkova, the daughter of ex-deputy Voronenkov from his first marriage.

As it became known, Maksakova issued a power of attorney to Ekaterina for non-residential premises in the center of the capital worth $2 million. The girl had to sell the apartment, which she did.

The buyer was Panaitov, who had to pay 120 million rubles under the deal.

A few months later, Ekaterina sent her stepmother documents stating that she received only 38 million rubles in Voronenkov’s hands. Maksakova believed that Panaitov was trying to illegally take possession of her property and went to court.

Let us recall that the singer was widowed when Denis Voronenkov was shot dead in the center of Kyiv on March 23, 2017. A young man caught up with the politician on the street and shot several times at the deputy and his bodyguard. At the same time, the latter managed to mortally wound the killer, who died some time later in the hospital.

Voronenkov’s killer turned out to be a Ukrainian who had served in the National Guard of Ukraine since 2015. After the murder of Voronenkov, a combat participant’s ID was found near Parshov.

According to the investigation, the order of the murder was Maksakova’s former common-law husband, businessman Vladimir Tyurin, and the organizers and perpetrators were five citizens of Ukraine.

Maksakova herself also told reporters that the case contains evidence of Voronenkov’s involvement in the murder.

According to her, Tyurin regularly threatened her because he was jealous of Voronenkov.

She also said that she herself constantly received threats from Tyurin. “He called and shouted, and all this happened in front of people. Of course, he hated Denis. So don’t let anyone get you,” the widow remarked.

However, Maksakova noted that Tyurin is only a puppet in the murder of the ex-State Duma deputy.

“It’s not for nothing that everything was presented in such a way that Denis not only fled to Ukraine and testifies, but also took with him some terrible incriminating evidence, because of which, they say, heads will now roll in Russia and God knows what else. This is not about the Russian leadership, but about these notorious interested parties,” she emphasized.

Three weeks before Voronenkov’s murder, the Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested him in absentia for falsifying information specified in the Unified Register of Legal Entities. The ex-deputy was also accused of fraud on an especially large scale and an attempted raider seizure of an ancient mansion in Moscow.

Voronenkov and Maksakova left Russia for Ukraine in 2016. The deputy motivated his departure for political reasons, and the Investigative Committee said that the man was trying to hide from the investigation.

Journalists learned that Denis Voronenkov's widow got married. Dalkhat Khalaev became the new husband of Maria Maksakova. The wedding took place back in July, and in such a short period of time Maria Maksakova managed to transfer the apartment to her new husband, and he put it up for sale.

Maria Maksakova has been living in Ukraine for two years. She is afraid to return to the Russian Federation, believing that it is dangerous for her to be there. When Denis Voronenkov was killed, she looked inconsolable, all the time repeating how she loved her husband infinitely, how devoted she and her little son were to him. But, apparently, she did not suffer for long: this summer the singer got married.

Maria Maksakova's new husband put her apartment up for sale

The wedding ceremony of Maria Maksakova and Dalkhat Khalaev took place on July 12. Apparently, she fell in love with him so much that she immediately transferred the apartment to Krasnopresnenskaya embankment. But the man deceived her and put the apartment up for sale. Maria Maksakova did not expect such a betrayal; she filed a lawsuit against her newly-made husband in order to regain her apartment. At the same time, a buyer has already been found for the property - a certain Murat Merzhoev.

Nobody knows the story of how Maria Maksakova and Dalkhat Khalaev met. Journalists know nothing about the wedding ceremony, how it took place and where, as well as other details.

As soon as information appeared online that Maria Maksakova was suing, fans decided that she wanted to receive Denis Voronenkov’s inheritance. As you know, the official had elite apartments, a country house, and an office building, but all this was inherited by Yulia, his first wife. Maria Maksakova believes that Denis Voronenkov’s real estate was transferred to Yulia illegally.

A year earlier, Maria Maksakova was already suing the relatives of her deceased husband. This was after Ekaterina, his daughter, sold an apartment on Tverskaya for 120 million rubles.

09.07.18 12:25:17

-2.0 Terrible

The work of the skin and venous dispensary is disgustingly organized. I've already visited so many different clinics - this is the first time I've seen such an attitude. I needed a certificate from a dermatovenerologist to visit the pool. I called the reception desk to clarify the opening hours, whether an appointment is needed, and whether I need to bring any tests or reports from other doctors to obtain a certificate. At the very beginning of the conversation, I told the receptionist that I needed a certificate for the pool. To which they answered: “We work from 8:00 to 18:00. I don’t know about tests, come to the doctor, the doctor will tell you what you need.” Well, just in case, I made an appointment with Goryunova through Doctor30 (as it turned out, she is the one who issues certificates) in order to definitely get to the doctor and get a certificate. I come to Goryunova, to which she tells me that I need blood for RW, without this they don’t give a certificate. Okay, I donate blood to RW, get the result and again through Doctor30 I make an appointment for the nearest date and time with another doctor. I arrive and go to the reception desk to get a coupon. But at the reception they tell me that certificates are issued until 13:00 (and it was already about 17:00), and if I had already been to Goryunova, then I need to go to her again, and the certificate is paid, but their cash desk is already closed. This was the third trip to this organization, and again without success. However, the receptionist made an appointment for me to see Goryunova for another day and time so that I would definitely get to see her. I come for the fourth time at the appointed time, they punch me with a ticket. I go up to the office and get in line. The turn has come, I go into the office, show the result of the blood test for RW and ask the doctor to give me a certificate, to which the doctor says that she needs a copy of my test so that she can paste it into the card. I'm asking where I can get a copy. To which Goryunova says: “In the Kuvyrok store,” but they don’t have a photocopier. She asked the doctor to give me a certificate now, and I’ll run, make a copy and take it to her right away, so as not to have to queue up for her again, and people that day there was a lot. I asked because I had an 8-month-old baby in the car in the heat. To which Goryunova said: “No, when you bring a copy, then I’ll give you a certificate.” In general, I turned around and left, never set foot here again . I successfully received the certificate in a regular clinic in 1 appointment, and not in 4, as in OKVD (and even after 4 appointments I still didn’t receive the certificate). It’s just terrible. Why can’t the receptionist immediately tell me the correct opening hours for the office? issuing certificates and that I need a copy of the blood for RW? I don’t go for a consultation with a doctor, I don’t need an examination, I don’t need treatment, I need a standard certificate, which the OKVD has already issued hundreds of times. Is it really so difficult to immediately say what you need to bring with you and when exactly to come? The registrar says that I didn’t say anything about the certificate for the pool, although I said from the very beginning that it was I who needed the certificate for the pool, which means they are listening so carefully. Why couldn’t Goryunova warn that she needed a copy and that they didn’t have a photocopier? Why is there such a terrible attitude in no other public clinic? And they will tell you the correct working hours and what to take with you to obtain a standard certificate. If the doctor needs a copy, then in all clinics the medical staff independently make copies of my tests, because they need it, not me. Even if somewhere medical workers do not make copies themselves (there is no photocopier or it is broken), then the doctor issues certificates (documents, conclusions, etc.) without any problems and simply asks me to bring them a copy later when I have the opportunity . In general, OKVD has a disgusting organization for the provision of medical services.

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