Viferon ointment for herpes. Viferon: instructions for use, indications and reviews from users. Features of treatment with this remedy

Anyone can become a carrier of the herpes virus. You may not suspect for years that an “aggressor” lurks inside the body. Stress and hypothermia often cause inflammation in the labial fold. Bubble formation appears in children whose immune system has not yet strengthened. How to cure herpes on the lips - choose an effective medicine to get rid of the disease.

Herpes is a virus that often affects the lips

Home Remedies

When a person gets herpes, it is difficult to think about anything other than this scourge. To prevent the disease from spreading over the entire surface of the lip fold, it is necessary to heal the blister.

At home, you can treat an itchy “disgrace” by using one of the following remedies:

  • salt;
  • toothpaste;
  • hot spoon;
  • earwax;
  • alcohol tincture of propolis;
  • aloe juice;
  • validol;
  • alcohol, brilliant green;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • slices of onion and garlic, lemon.

Sea buckthorn oil is an effective remedy for herpes

Inflammation can be eliminated on the second day. Over time, it will be much more difficult to remove the bubble.

Stages of the disease

The success of treatment depends on how quickly you respond to the symptoms of the disease. Let's figure out what stages of the disease are distinguished.

  1. Stage 1. There is a tingling and itching sensation on the lip. A small area of ​​the lip fold turns red.
  2. Stage 2. A cold manifests itself by the appearance of transparent blisters. The affected lip becomes swollen. By pressing on the problem area of ​​the skin, you may feel very severe pain. There is liquid inside the bubble formations. Opening a “pea” while washing a patient is a common occurrence. It also happens that a person scratches an itchy blister in his sleep. This situation can have a depressing consequence - the spread of the disease to healthy parts of the body.
  3. Third stage. The bubbles open. They burst on their own, without outside intervention. In place of the bubble formations you will see ulcers. These wounds are quite dangerous. Firstly, they bring severe discomfort to the patient. Secondly, drying microtraumas spread infection.
  4. Fourth stage. The wounds heal, the painful sensations subside.

Young ladies, noticing that an unpleasant “guest” has appeared on their lips, sometimes make a mistake. Instead of treating itchy herpes on the lips, patients try to hide the blemish with foundation. This is not recommended.

Acute herpes on the lips without proper treatment can become chronic. This type of disease has a devastating effect on human health. It is difficult to predict how much time and financial costs it will take to fix the problem. It would be much better to purchase drugs that stop the development of herpetic blisters.

Possible reasons

Men and women who strictly observe the rules of hygiene are scratching their heads wondering why every year their annoying “lip” disease worsens. Let us name the reasons for the occurrence of bubble formations:

  • nervous overload, depression;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of sleep;
  • hypothermia;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • diabetes;
  • smoking;
  • deterioration of immune functions.

Doctors remind that herpetic formations very often occur in people who have had a cold or sore throat. Sometimes fever occurs in women carrying a child. If the herpetic disease is recurrent, you may need immunity correction.

Effective techniques

How to effectively cope with herpes on the lips, how to treat it? There are many options that will help get rid of the problem.

    1. Salt. If a “sore” has appeared on the skin and is not allowing you to live in peace, you will be glad to see any effective remedy that is inexpensive and will ease your suffering. Regular table salt is effective in the first 2 days after the onset of the disease. Experts advise applying small grains of it to the problem area.
    2. Toothpaste with herbal ingredients will help stop the spread of the inflammatory process. All you need to do is lubricate the affected area with it. Improvement occurs faster than when using special ointments. But such treatment will bring a good effect only in the early stages of the development of the disease, gradually the quality of action will decrease.
    3. Hot spoon. This method effectively combats rashes on the lip folds. Some people who used it were happy that the herpes went away within a day. How you can treat a fever with its help: a teaspoon is dipped into hot black tea, heated, then removed from the boiling water and applied to the affected area of ​​the lip. You need to do this 3-4 times a day.
    4. Earwax. If you have a herpetic pea on your face, you can use regular sulfur to eliminate it. You will need to extract some from your ear. This substance is used to lubricate an itchy blister on the lip. By doing the procedure 2-3 times a day, many patients have overcome the annoying disease.
    5. Propolis tincture. You can cure herpetic lesions by using propolis tincture. The bee product, known for its antiviral properties, will eliminate the symptoms of the disease within a few days. The tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy or made at home. It is easy to use for medicinal purposes. Place a couple of drops of the “potion” on a clean cotton swab and lubricate the problem area with it. The method is not suitable for people who are allergic to bee products.
    6. Aloe. This plant is familiar to most people, but not everyone knows that using its juice you can get rid of herpetic lesions. You will need to lubricate the inflammation with juice squeezed from the leaves of the plant.

Aloe juice effectively treats herpes

  1. Validol. He helped many people get rid of a “fresh” blister on the skin of their lips. The tablet must be crushed and the resulting powder applied to the affected areas. This remedy will not help those who have a chronic illness. Without strengthening your immune system, you are unlikely to be able to cure herpes on the lips as quickly as you would like.
  2. Alcohol, iodine, brilliant green. When herpes appears on the lips, treatment should be immediate. Lubricating blisters with alcohol is a rather harsh therapy option. However, the remedy is effective for small herpetic “peas”. Iodine and brilliant green are also suitable for eliminating herpes. If a child is sick, you cannot cauterize a herpetic lesion using these methods. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid getting a burn on your baby. Young children should be treated with ointments. Sea buckthorn oil will also work. The wounds left on the skin after herpetic blisters are annoying with itching and cause discomfort. To make them heal faster, lubricate the affected areas of the skin with sea buckthorn oil.
  3. Garlic and onion. To cauterize the problem area of ​​the lip and prevent the virus from spreading further, some patients use garlic. It is better to rub blisters with it before going to bed. If you can't stand the smell, you can use fresh onions. A “paste” is made from it, which is applied to the area of ​​inflammation. If you repeat this procedure 4 times a day, you will soon notice that the blister has decreased or completely gone away.
  4. Lemon. If you are suffering from a cold on your lip, try lemon treatment. Citrus juice should be applied to the area of ​​inflammation. But you should not abuse it for medicinal purposes. The juice of this fruit is known for its bleaching effect. To get rid of a blister and not get an “unfortunate surprise” in the form of a pale area of ​​skin, use lemon alternately with other, mild remedies to eliminate the problem.

Help a child

Having noticed a herpetic lesion in a child, an experienced physician will understand that the cause of the trouble is contact with a carrier of the virus. In adults, fever may not appear. External signs of the disease occur in the most vulnerable family members.

If the herpetic lesion is small, you can try treating it with earwax or aloe juice. If the blisters on the child’s labial fold hurt and do not want to go away, it is worth showing the little patient to the doctor. For children of preschool and primary school age, pediatricians prescribe antiherpetic drugs in the form of ointments.

If a herpetic lesion appears in a person with enviable regularity, this indicates a decrease in the body’s defenses. Nobody wants to infect their loved ones. Prudent people ask doctors how to properly organize protective measures in order to protect household members from infection.

In most cases, people acquire the virus through intimate contact or kissing. The second route of infection is household. You may not know what herpes on the lips is, and you won’t be treated for the disease if you take personal hygiene seriously. Using dishes from which a sick person ate, the habit of wiping your face with someone else’s towel - all this “plays” in favor of the herpes virus.

The cause of infection for some people was a visit to an unscrupulous tattoo artist. If the tattoo was made with a needle that has not been sufficiently sterilized, the virus can enter the bloodstream.

If a woman has had herpes, there is a chance that she will pass the virus on to her unborn child. Moving along the birth canal, the baby can become infected. In infants, the symptoms of herpetic lesions manifest themselves differently than in adult patients. Your baby may develop rashes all over his face. Itchy rashes sometimes appear on the genitals. A young mother should be attentive to the slightest changes in her baby’s well-being. Only an experienced doctor can treat herpetic disease in infants.

Herpes in a nursing mother is treated with special ointments. If you notice that a blister is lurking on the lip fold, you should take precautions. Do not kiss your child so as not to pass on an annoying sore to him. The presence of blisters on the face is not a reason to stop breastfeeding your baby. The virus is not transmitted through breast milk. Moreover: when fighting the virus, a woman’s body produces antibodies. These substances present in milk protect the baby from disease.

Use of biostimulants

Each case of the disease is individual. It is clear that the recovery time from a cold varies from patient to patient. If you started to fight a herpetic lesion as soon as your lip turned red and began to hurt, treatment for herpes on the lips can last only a day. For people with diabetes, treatment may take more than a month.

Diabetics can fight herpes for more than a month

To strengthen the body's protective reserves, therapists advise using immune stimulants. Preparations of natural origin have helped many patients overcome the disease faster.

Echinacea tincture is known for its strengthening effect on the immune system. 20 drops of alcohol solution are diluted with a glass of water. Then the drug is drunk. By taking a diluted echinacea tincture once a day for 10 days, you can eliminate the chronic type of herpetic inflammation.

Pomegranate juice can give strength to the body and make it less vulnerable to viruses. Fresh cabbage, spinach, oranges and lemons also strengthen the immune system.

By eating citrus fruits, fresh cabbage, spinach, boiled turkey and baked mackerel, you can get rid of herpes on your lips for a long time and forget how to treat it with tablets and ointments.


How to properly treat herpes on the lips: drug therapy consists of using ointments. Tablets also give good results. People who have serious immune disorders may be prescribed drugs in injections.

  1. "Acyclovir". The drug blocks the reproduction of the virus in cells and eliminates foci of inflammation. The medicine is available in three versions: as an ointment, tablets and solution for injection. The ointment eliminates herpetic blisters within 1-2 days.
  2. Tetracycline ointment. To treat inflammation on the face, 3% tetracycline ointment is used.
  3. "Viferon". This modern remedy contains a protein compound that inhibits viruses. With the help of Viferon you can cope with different types of herpes. The drug is available in the form of gel, ointment and suppositories. The latter are used for genital herpetic lesions. Ointment will help eliminate colds on the face.

No medical treatment can destroy the virus forever. But it is possible to silence the disease.

By taking care of proper nutrition, hygiene, and devoting enough time to sleep, you can strengthen the body’s protective reserves. Then you won’t have blisters on your face for many years.

Cold infections always overtake us at the most inopportune moment, especially if they are accompanied by a rash on the lips or near the nose. To combat herpetic diseases, several dozen medicines have been created, which literally flood the shelves of pharmacies. But what about those who are faced with the disease for the first time and do not want to limit themselves to eliminating only the symptoms? Which medication is safe for pregnant women or children to use?

Agree, it is difficult to make an informed choice, despite the abundance of available options. However, you should not rack your brains in search of a suitable liniment that would satisfy all the listed requirements. It has long been developed by pharmacists and is very popular among our compatriots. The drug Viferon is simply irreplaceable for herpes. What makes this antiviral drug unique?

Today’s material will be devoted to this and other topical issues.

The peculiarity of this medication is that it not only eliminates the symptoms of herpes on the lips or mucous membranes, but also eliminates pathogenic viruses. To be more precise, it relieves the disease, prevents its spread to healthy tissue, and has an immunostimulating effect. Today, Viferon ointment is considered one of the safest and most effective means of combating herpes and viral infections.

No pharmaceutical drug can completely cure a patient of herpes. But the liniment in question manages to quickly “put to sleep” the disease and significantly improve the quality of life of patients. The main condition is to use the medication in a timely manner (best in the early stages).

How to use the drug for herpes infection

Viferon ointment helps get rid of herpes on the lips, especially when it comes to a blistering rash. But the tricky thing about herpetic infections is that they can occur without visually noticeable symptoms. Many people do not even suspect that 2-3 watery pimples are a signal from the body that the immune system is weakened and is unable to contain pathogenic microorganisms.

Dermatologists focus on:

  1. For herpes, complex therapy is indicated; ointments and gels alone cannot overcome the disease.
  2. In addition to local effects on skin infections, it is important to take immunomodulatory and antiviral medications.
  3. It is necessary to activate the protective functions of the body, thanks to which it could actively fight viral agents and pathogens.

Viferon is one of these universal, complex drugs. It has long been used as part of a therapeutic complex for herpetic infections. The drug is available in the form of rectal suppositories, gel and ointment.

  • To eliminate skin rashes, ointments and gels are used. They are effective for lips and mucous membranes.
  • Genital disease is treated with rectal suppositories.
  • Suppositories are suitable for complex suppression of pathogenic microflora.

Before starting therapy, you should consult with your doctor, who will determine the optimal treatment regimen and give dosage recommendations.

Efficacy of the drug

The effectiveness of the drug in the fight against herpes is due to its pharmacological properties. The saying is appropriate here - no magic - only chemistry!

All of the above is achieved thanks to the unique active ingredient of the drug - recombinant human interferon.

Description of the drug

Viferon ointment for lesions of herpetic viruses acts specifically on the problem area. The medication is characterized by a pronounced antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. It helps strengthen the immune system and prevents viruses from multiplying, capturing healthy cells.

The main active element of the pharmaceutical product is a synthetic analogue of human interferon of the recombinant type alpha-2b.

The main component of the drug normalizes lymphocytes and leukocytes, activates biochemical processes aimed at the synthesis of antibodies. One course of treatment is enough to record positive changes:

  1. The duration of the acute phase is reduced significantly.
  2. Watery blisters containing pathogenic microorganisms dry out.
  3. The regeneration of damaged cells and tissues is activated.
  4. Painful symptoms are relieved.
  5. The likelihood of re-infection and exacerbation is eliminated.
  6. A stable and long period of remission ensues.

After taking Viferon, there are practically no cases of side complications, which indicates the safety of the composition.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The drug belongs to the MIBP cytokines (interferon, antiviral). Suppresses the activity of most viruses except HIV. It is characterized by a pronounced immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

pharmachologic effect

Recombinant interferon, upon contact with pathogenic cells, inhibits their protein synthesis, which is accompanied by a disruption in the sequence of a number of biochemical reactions vital for the virus. As a result, subsequent replication of pathogenic genomes becomes impossible.

The effect of the medication is not limited to this:
  • activates the synthesis of interferon;
  • increases the body's protective functions by improving the immune system's response to foreign agents;
  • normalizes the condition of microphages responsible for the destruction of pathogens
  • strengthens general immunity.

Thanks to the above, Viferon is actively used for herpes zoster. The ointment is indicated for use by pregnant women and children.

Release form and composition

In pharmacies you can purchase the medicine in several forms, differing in the concentration of active substances and method of application.

Regardless of the form of release, the composition of the drug is similar in active ingredients, and differs in auxiliary ones. The key element of the drug is recombinant human interferon alpha 2b. Of the additional ingredients, the main role is delegated to vitamins (E, C), as well as highly active antioxidants.

Instructions for use

Depending on the location of the problem area, different forms of medication are used. Let's look at each method in more detail:

You must first consult with a specialist who can objectively assess the patient’s condition and prescribe optimal therapy.

Indications and contraindications

Viferon ointment has long been “settled” in the home medicine cabinets of many of our compatriots, which is quite expected.

Indications for use of the drug:
  • prevention of ARVI and influenza during seasons of high activity of colds;
  • respiratory diseases of infectious etiology (including acute forms);
  • herpetic cervicitis;
  • herpes infection of the genitourinary tract, mucous membranes and epidermis;
  • hepatitis;
  • complex therapy;
  • infectious diseases of the urogenital type.

However, you should not self-medicate and treat the skin with ointment or gel at the slightest sign of herpes. You must first undergo an examination by a doctor, who will determine the form of the disease in each specific case.


  • during pregnancy (up to 14-15 weeks);
  • individual intolerance to the composition;
  • high sensitivity of the skin.

During pregnancy, when herpes occurs, it is important to seek help from a doctor. He may prescribe rectal suppositories, since the virus is potentially dangerous to the fetus in the womb.

Directions for use and doses

The exact dosage of Viferon is calculated by a specialist based on the diagnosis, age, condition and well-being of the patient. If you refer to the instructions for use, an individual amount of the composition is selected for each method of use.

If a therapeutic effect is not observed after 5-7 days, it is necessary to reconsider the treatment regimen.

Side effects

Viferon is exceptionally well-tolerated, with virtually no side effects. As an exception, some patients may experience allergic reactions in the form of itching and dermatitis. To eliminate them, it is enough to stop taking the medicine.

Review of analogues

Like any other medicine, Viferon is easy to replace if necessary, because There are plenty of drugs based on human interferon. Let's look at some of them.

  1. - almost a complete analogue of the composition in question, except that the drug has a natural plant base. It has immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Suitable for children, effectively resists herpes viruses. Intravenous administration is allowed.
  2. Genferon is a suppository similar in composition to Viferon. Prescribed for herpes and urogenital infections. There are no contraindications for use.
  3. Interal-P - injected into the muscle, applied topically or to the problem area. It is forbidden to use pregnant women, as well as patients prone to severe allergic reactions.

There are analogues that are cheaper, but they have different indications for use and many contraindications and side effects. A complete substitute can only be prescribed by a doctor.

If you need to decide what to choose: Viferon or Oxolinic ointment, you should compare these products according to the main parameters. The mechanism of action, indications for use and contraindications are studied. It is important to take into account the likelihood of developing negative reactions to the main components in such products.

Characteristics of Viferon

The drug can be purchased in the form of suppositories (for rectal use), gel, ointment. The last 2 forms of this remedy are used externally. The active component is human recombinant interferon alpha-2b. Its amount varies from 36,000 (in 1 g of gel) to 3,000,000 IU (suppositories). Suppositories contain a more significant dosage of interferon. In addition, when a product of this type is introduced into the rectum, the active component is absorbed more quickly by the mucous membranes.

Main properties of interferon alpha-2b:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiviral;
  • antiproliferative.

The drug affects the process of growth of phagocytic activity of macrophages. At the same time, there is an increase in the cytotoxicity of lymphocytes towards target cells. Thanks to these factors, there is not only an immunomodulatory, but also an indirect antibacterial effect. This means that the drug does not directly affect pathogenic particles, but creates unacceptable conditions for their reproduction.

The immunomodulatory effect is manifested by increasing the efficiency of the body's response to harmful microorganisms. At the same time, there is a change in the level of immunoglobulins of different types. Thanks to Viferon, the endogenous interferon system is restored and increased in efficiency. This allows the body to independently cope with the virus and other pathogenic particles.

The advantage of this remedy is the absence of complications during therapy. In addition, there is no development of a negative reaction of the body in the form of the production of antibodies that could neutralize the antiviral properties of Viferon. This allows it to be used without strict restrictions. Considering the indirect antibacterial effect, it becomes possible to reduce the number of antibiotic drugs. This allows you to reduce the intensity of the negative impact on the body of the latter of these drugs.

The antiproliferative effect provided by this drug is manifested in a decrease in the intensity of tissue proliferation. In this case, the drug affects the mechanism of cell division, which avoids the formation of warts and papillomas when infected with viruses.

Viferon can be used in the treatment of patients of different age groups, including newborns. Indications for use of the drug:

  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract: bronchitis, pneumonia, including pathological conditions complicated by bacterial infection;
  • intrauterine infection: candidiasis, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmosis, etc.;
  • as part of complex therapy for infection with different types of herpes, and the medicine is used when affecting children and adults;
  • various viral diseases provoked by urogenital infections, including herpes, HPV, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.

Contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • individual intolerance to the drug, and a reaction can develop to any of the components;
  • pregnancy period (1st trimester).

During lactation, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, there are no restrictions on the use of Viferon, but you should not use it independently to increase immunity. This is due to the mechanism of operation of the product. Thus, Viferon influences the body’s immune system and helps to increase the effectiveness of its action.

The drug should be used for a limited period: from 5 to 14 days. The frequency of its use, as well as the duration of treatment, depend on the type of disease and type of infection. In most cases, the drug is easily tolerated by the body. Rarely, the development of an allergic reaction is observed, which is manifested by the appearance of itching and rash. There is no specific treatment. In such cases, it is necessary to stop the course of therapy with Viferon. Allergy symptoms will disappear on their own.

The drug can be combined with different drugs. At the same time, there is no change in the level of effectiveness of Viferon. The exception is ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol acetate. In combination with these agents, an increase in the antiviral activity of the drug in question is observed. Thanks to this, the immunomodulatory effect of Viferon is enhanced. At the same time, the activity of the body’s own immune response increases faster.

The cost of the drug varies between 160-1000 rubles. Suppositories can be purchased at a higher price. The gel is cheaper (up to 200 rubles). The cost directly depends on the concentration of the active component, the form of release and the amount of the substance in the package.

Characteristics of Oxolinic ointment

You can purchase the product in the form of a nasal ointment. The active component is oxoline (dioxotetrahydroxytetrahydronaphthalene, or oxonaphthylene). 1 g of the drug contains 2.5 mg of active substance. This medicine belongs to the group of antiviral drugs. Considering that it can only be used externally (in the nasal area), the level of effectiveness of the ointment is moderate. For this reason, it should not be used as a primary treatment measure.

In most cases, the drug is used to prevent influenza. This is the main direction of use of Oxolinic ointment. Additionally, the drug is used as an auxiliary measure in the treatment of viral rhinitis. Russian doctor E. O. Komarovsky expressed the opinion that there is no evidence of the effectiveness of this drug; it can be considered a medicine of unproven medicine.

However, in previous years, when this remedy was developed, its effect on the body was assessed. Based on the research results, a positive effect of the ointment was revealed. Thus, when assessing the results of studies in which several thousand subjects participated, a decrease in the morbidity threshold is noted. The use of Oxolinic ointment helps prevent the disease in 43% of cases. The remaining subjects experienced the appearance of milder symptoms of the pathological condition.

The mechanism of action of the drug in question is based on blocking the areas where the influenza virus binds to cell membranes. This allows you to create a barrier to the penetration of harmful particles. At the same time, it is noted that the active component disrupts the replication process of the virus upon penetration into the body. In addition, although to a lesser extent, some other viruses still show sensitivity to oxolin:

  • herpes simplex and herpes zoster;
  • Molluscum contagiosum virus, infectious warts.

The disadvantage of the ointment is low absorption (5% of the total volume of the applied product). This result can be obtained by treating leather. If the product is applied to the mucous membranes, the intensity of absorption increases to 20% of the total volume. As a result, the active component in the ointment begins to act more intensely, and the positive effect is achieved faster.

The only contraindication to the use of this product is hypersensitivity to the active component.

The only side effects noted are the possibility of a burning sensation in the area where the drug is applied. Rarely does cyanosis appear in this area. This symptom goes away if you stop using the ointment.

It is recommended to use this remedy for 25 days if the goal is to prevent influenza infection. The medicine is applied to the outer surface of the nose during an outbreak of influenza or before direct contact with a patient.

Comparison of drugs Viferon and Oxolinic ointment

The drugs belong to different groups because they differ in their mechanism of action. Viferon affects the entire body, while Oxolinic ointment affects only the areas where pathogenic particles bind to cell membranes. Both drugs contain different medicinal substances. Thus, thanks to the interferon that Viferon contains, there is a direct effect on the immune system.

Oxolinic ointment is characterized by a weaker effect on tissue. It does not have a direct effect on various systems and organs. This eliminates the risk of complications and severe adverse reactions. The ointment acts locally, in most cases it is used for prevention. Unlike Viferon, oxolin can be used without restrictions. When an immunomodulator is used, caution should be exercised during pregnancy (there is a ban on its use in the 1st trimester).

Which is better: Viferon or Oxolinic ointment

Considering that these drugs belong to different pharmacological groups and differ significantly in their mechanism of action, it is not advisable to compare them. Viferon is used for various diseases, Oxolinic ointment is characterized by a narrower scope of application. Each product exhibits a moderate level of effectiveness. However, Viferon eliminates the cause of the disease, acting from the inside, and the purpose of using oxolin is to prevent the development of the disease and alleviate its course.

Herpes is a viral disease localized on the mucous membranes. Manifested by the formation of crusts and blisters. The disease has eight types and is treated with antiviral drugs. Viferon ointment for herpes, which has proven itself effectively in the treatment of herpetic inflammations.

Viferon is an immunomodulatory drug based on human interferon alpha-2. These are protein compounds that suppress viral microorganisms. In a person with a weakened immune system, their activity decreases and interferon drugs help restore them.

The element does not destroy the virus, but makes it unable to spread and weakens it.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • petrolatum;
  • lanolin anhydrous;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tocopherol acetate.

Viferon is available in the form of tablets, suppositories (suppositories), ointments, and gels. Intended to eliminate the virus and treat other ailments. The ointment has a viscous creamy consistency of pale yellow color and the smell of lanolin. It is used for infectious diseases of viral etiology localized on the mucous membranes:

  • herpes types 1 and 2;
  • papillomas, warts;
  • jaundice in children;
  • venereal diseases;
  • cold;
  • inflammation on the skin.

Before use, check for allergic reactions - apply the ointment to the inner surface of the wrist and wait a while. If there is no redness or itching, it can be used for treatment. Viferon should be used for herpesvirus according to the instructions and as prescribed by a doctor.

Effect of ointment for herpes on the lips

The herpes virus affects the lips, nose, ears, mouth, genitals, eyelids, and nervous system. 90% of people are carriers of the infection. The causative agent is the herpes simplex virus, transmitted through household, sexual, contact, and airborne transmission. Inflammation on the lips is common. The following symptoms appear:

  • painful sensations;
  • burning, itching;
  • swelling of the skin on the lips;
  • redness;
  • sores.

Viferon for herpes on the lips has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effect. A product with regenerating properties that prevents the proliferation of bacteria in the body. By starting treatment at the first signs of infection, the development of the disease at an early stage is suppressed.

Later use will require additional complex therapy in the form of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agents. Additional drugs are prescribed - Acyclovir, Zovirax, Valtrex. To determine the appropriate treatment regimen, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In the absence or improper treatment of herpetic formations, the following complications arise:

  • myocarditis;
  • stomatitis;
  • herpes eczema;
  • ophthalmoherpes;
  • angina;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis.

If a person has had a herpes infection, antibodies are produced in his blood and when the immune system is weakened, the inflammatory manifestations recur.

Instructions for use in the treatment of herpes rashes

The ointment is applied 3-4 times a day. Cleanse the skin and apply a thin layer to the affected area. Use until healing, but no more than a month. Available for external use in various dosages of the active substance:

  • for children under 2 years old - 2500 IU 3 times a day;
  • from 2 to 12 years - 2500 IU 4 times a day;
  • Children over 12 years of age and adults - 5000 IU 4 times a day.
  • kissing someone infected with the herpes virus;
  • using someone else's lipstick;
  • using other people's towels and bath accessories;
  • smoking one cigarette between two;
  • using utensils from a virus carrier or a recovered person.

The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator (temperature 2-8 degrees). When stored in a warm room, the healing properties of the ointment are lost, and the use of the product leads to allergies. The shelf life of the product after opening the package is 1 month.


Contraindications to the use of the drug: child under 1 year of age, intolerance to the components. Combination with drugs from other groups is not prohibited; it is recommended to supplement treatment with other drugs. In advanced forms of the disease, using Viferon alone is not effective.

The use of ointment is permitted during pregnancy. In addition to herpes infection, ointment is prescribed for the following indications:

  • gardnerellosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • vaginosis;
  • thrush;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • cytomegalovirus infection.

Viferon's analogs

If the ointment does not help get rid of herpes on the lips, other drugs with a similar effect can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  • Interal;
  • Lipint;
  • Infagel;
  • Panavir;
  • Bonafton;
  • Bepanten;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Herperax.

Some patients talk about the benefits of Viferon gel. It has a pleasant aroma, a wide spectrum of action and low cost. Use by infants is not prohibited. According to experts, both products are suitable for treating labial colds, but the ointment works more effectively and quickly.

When patients are looking for an effective remedy for colds on the lips, they can be offered Viferon for herpes. Despite the fact that this drug is not capable of permanently curing such a disease, it is quite capable of “putting the enemy to sleep” and significantly improving the patient’s quality of life.

The sad thing is that the herpes virus can affect not only the rim of the lips, but also the porch of the nose, eyelids, cheeks, ears, forehead, oral mucosa, genitals, and even the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system. The most common and safe type of this pathology is the herpes simplex virus. It is carried by 90% of people worldwide, but only 5% of them exhibit clinical symptoms.

Features of treatment with this remedy

The use of Viferon for herpes is completely justified due to its pharmacological properties:

  • increases the body’s own immune response to the penetration of microbes;
  • prevents the fixation and active division of viral particles on the epithelium of the mucous membranes;
  • suppresses the replication (reproduction of offspring similar to itself) of the genetic material of viruses.

All this is possible thanks to the main component of this medicine - recombinant human interferon. And excipients help maintain its biological activity.

Taking into account the variety of possible herpetic eruptions, 3 standard forms of release were developed: gel and ointment for external and local use, as well as rectal suppositories.


The use of Viferon ointment for herpes has become a common practice in many families. It is also actively used during the cold season (acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza) as an effective preventative. In addition, the ointment can be used in pediatrics (young patients from 1 year old), as well as pregnant women (after 14 weeks) and during breastfeeding, since interferon acts mainly at the site of application.

Apply a thin layer of ointment to areas affected by the herpes virus up to 4 times a day. Treatment procedures can be continued for up to 1 week. Typically, patients do not experience any particular discomfort or significant adverse reactions when using this ointment, but when applied to the nasal mucosa, a slight burning sensation, sneezing and the release of watery mucus may occur.

For the ointment to really help, it must be stored correctly. The temperature range is suitable for her - from 2 to 8 °C, so she definitely needs a refrigerator. If you keep the ointment at room temperature, you can’t expect a good result. In addition, if the product is in an aluminum tube, then after opening it is good for 1 month, and if it is in a polystyrene jar - only 2 weeks.

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Manifestation of herpes on the back, main causes and treatment


Viferon for herpes on the lips in the form of a gel is also used quite often. Moreover, it is even preferred due to the fact that it has an increased duration of action. In addition, Viferon in this form is recommended for a larger number of pathologies:

  • acute infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • false croup (acute narrowing of the lumen of the larynx);
  • herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, including the genitourinary tract;
  • herpetic cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix).

If the gel is used for herpes on the lips, then squeeze out a pea-sized amount (about 5 mm) of the product and distribute it with a cotton swab on pre-dried lesions up to 5 times a day. Therapy is continued until all clinical manifestations of the pathology disappear. Usually 5-7 days are enough for this.

For gynecological purposes, squeeze out up to 1 ml of the product and apply it with a cotton swab to the lower segment of the uterus, which is previously cleared of mucous secretions. The manipulation is repeated in the morning and evening for 1 week, and if the clinical picture requires it, then for 2 weeks.

In addition, the gel can be used to lubricate the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity or tonsils. In the case of the latter, you need to act very carefully - do not touch them with a medical swab, but only with the gel, which will spontaneously flow down the palatine tonsils. And you can do this 30 minutes after eating.

“After 30-40 minutes, a thin film appears in the places where Viferon gel was applied, which does not have to be washed off, although this can be done before the next application of the drug.”


Viferon suppositories are a very versatile drug that is actively used in pediatrics and neonatology, including premature babies. Therapeutic regimens in the treatment of children differ from adult practice in dosages. Rectal suppositories can contain from 150,000 IU of interferon to 1,000,000 IU.

Along with the treatment of mild and moderate forms of primary or recurring herpetic infections of the skin and mucous membranes, suppositories with interferon are used for the following pathologies:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of infants (inflammation of the membranes of the brain under the influence of enteroviruses, herpes, thrush);
  • infectious liver damage (hepatitis B, C, D) in a chronic form in patients of different age categories;
  • urogenital infectious diseases.

The drug is rectal, so it is administered into the rectum. Adults are recommended to take 1,000,000 IU suppositories 2 times a day with a 12-hour break. The treatment course can be 10-14 days depending on clinical indications. Despite the fact that suppositories are positioned as rectal, gynecologists sometimes prescribe them for vaginal use.

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