Kovalkov's weight loss method, first stage menu. Kovalkov's diet - proper nutrition according to Kovalkov - three stages

Mono-diets, which require fasting, exhaust the body and cause great harm. They are being replaced by diets in which you can eat well and lose weight - this is exactly what Dr. Kovalkov’s diet is.

All women are beautiful, but many of the fair sex firmly believe in the famous saying “ There is no limit to perfection". Very ardent ladies are constantly looking for flaws in themselves and trying to correct them with the help of diets.

Wrong Diet Methods spoil women's health and the results do not exceed expectations. From this article you will learn a very effective and efficient Alexey Kovalkov's diet, which will definitely bear fruit in the form of a slender body.

How much weight can you lose on the Kovalkov diet?

Alexey Kovalkov is one of the most famous nutritionists who invented his own weight loss technique. It consists of several stages, a detailed description of which you will find below. This technique described in nutritionist books, his blog and is a frequent topic of discussion on women's television shows.

Dr. Kovalkov's diet is becoming more and more popular, because it is a chance to lose weight without fasting

If you intend to lose weight and never return to your previous shape, then this article is for you. Using the method described below, you can lose weight up to 27 kg in 4 months. Some women manage to lose about 7 kg in 2 weeks.

Try Kovalkov’s diet, perhaps your results will surpass others.

Video: Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov about the best diet

Express diet Kovalkova “Minus size”

A very effective express diet was proposed by Dr. Kovalkov called "Minus size". It is intended for girls and young people who dream of losing weight in a month. up to 10 kg of excess weight. Moreover, this technique does not imply fasting, but rather teaches people eat properly and fully.

Initially, a pleasant nuance in the nutritionist’s stories is the support for young people who have weight problems. There is a whole book dedicated to the express diet, which contains a lot of detailed information for people those who want to lose weight quickly.

The Minus Size Diet is designed for quick weight loss.

Book "Minus Size" Thanks to the famous author it costs a lot of money. It is quite voluminous, but there is a lot of information in it about proper nutrition techniques, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and their correct combination.

This is of course very interesting topics, but those who want to lose weight need a specific technique. Therefore, now you will learn general information about the products that you need to consume in order to lose weight with this express diet:

  • Lean meats and lean fish
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and other dairy products with a minimum percentage of fat content
  • Any virgin vegetable oil
  • Vegetables with minimal starch content
  • Nuts

Prohibited during the diet:

  • Various sweets, including sugar (honey, chocolate, sweet drinks - exclude everything)
  • Flour products - pasta, bread are prohibited
  • Cereals
  • Juices with excess sugar

The “Minus Size” diet prohibits the consumption of fast carbohydrates

One of the priority dishes in the express diet is vegetable salads and baked vegetables.

As you can see, this diet involves exclusion of many products from the diet and is intended for people who want to quickly lose those hated pounds. Therefore, before you start such express weight loss, consult with the attending physician, After all, the absence of certain foods in your diet can negatively affect your health.

The essence of the Kovalkov diet

Alexey Kovalkov can tell you about his personal diet method with all the details, since I tried it on myself. During the step-by-step implementation of his technique, the famous nutritionist lost 50 kg excess weight.

The doctor does not support many modern methods and methods that nutritionists offer, as he believes that such diets are too exhausting and difficult for the human body.

Dr. Kovalkov is an opponent of mono-diets, in which the body does not receive enough of the substances it needs

Anyone who wants to lose weight after visiting Dr. Kovalkov and going through all the steps of the prescribed recommendations not only gets rid of excess weight, but also completely change their lifestyle.

The nutritionist believes that all sorts of strict diets, mono-diets and fasting on certain days ineffective. His technique involves limiting the consumption of foods with excess amounts. simple carbohydrates and eating vegetable fats instead of animal fats.

The essence of the Kovalkov diet is of three stages:

  • Finding out the reason why a person is overweight
  • Nutrition control, promotion of proper nutrition
  • Setting goals and gradually but surely achieving them

The main thing that the nutritionist insists on is: it is a moral and psychological attitude. It is important not only to close the refrigerator in time, but also find strength in yourself cope with possible bad mood due to the lack of favorite sweets and buns in the diet.

Kovalkov's diet, permitted foods

The Kovalkov diet involves not only taking certain foods, but also physical activity. According to the requirements of a nutritionist, it is worth paying attention to physical exercise at least 40 minutes daily.

The Kovalkov diet allows for a large number of products from which you can prepare delicious dishes

fried food is banned, preference should be given only to steamed food. The nutritionist does not recommend consuming during the diet:

  • All products that contain sugar - honey, jam, ice cream, sweet juices and water, etc.
  • Potatoes, pasta, white bread
  • Cereals, especially rice
  • Corn
  • Smoked and overly salty dishes
  • Semi-finished products
  • Products with food additives
  • Alcohol, especially beer (an exception can be made for table wine)

The priority for those who want to lose weight should be:

  • Vegetables in different forms - both raw, steamed or baked
  • Dairy products with minimal fat content
  • Berries and fruits (except grapes and bananas)
  • Lean fish and meat

Vegetables and fruits are the basis of Kovalkov’s diet

A prerequisite during the diet is daily consumption at least 2 liters of water. Thus, you can flush out toxins from the body and slightly reduce the feeling of hunger by filling your stomach with liquid.

Be sure to stock up on vitamins, since if you exclude certain foods and even drink so much water, your body will need supply of micro- and macroelements to resist infections and diseases that attack weakened immunity.

Be guided by the principle "everything in moderation" in order not only to acquire beautiful forms, but also to have a healthy blooming appearance.

Kovalkov's diet stage I

Kovalkov's diet consists of three stages– preparatory, basic and consolidating. The benefits of the diet are:

  • No need to count calories
  • Balanced proper nutrition
  • The ability to choose a diet and create a menu according to your own preferences from a specific set of products
  • No need for dietary restrictions

Dr. Kovalkov’s diet is very convenient and easy to follow.

First stage is preparatory and lasts on average about a month. During this period, you just need to mentally prepare yourself not to look at the ice cream display cases and turn away from the stands with fresh baked goods.

The main thing is needed give up fast carbohydrates, these include fast foods, various baked goods and sweets. When consuming such foods, the pancreas produces insulin almost immediately.

At the beginning of the diet animal proteins are excluded; It is advisable to exclude flour products, alcohol and sweets for the entire duration of the diet. A prerequisite is the consumption of nuts and bran. An excellent solution would be to combine these ingredients with dairy products during breakfast. low fat.

According to Kovalkov’s method, meals must be taken 5 times a day

Number of meals in the first stage – 5 times, The portions are individually sized, but you still shouldn’t overeat. Mandatory use 2 liters of water in a day.

If you begin to gradually give up harmful foods, The gastrointestinal tract will be cleansed, its work is normalized, and the microflora is restored.

The nutritionist insists on eating protein foods instead of carbohydrates. At the first stage, those losing weight showed excellent results - 70% participants' weight decreased by 3-4 kg for the first 2 weeks. After successfully completing the first stage, move on to the second to achieve even more spectacular results.

Kovalkov's diet stage II

Second phase is basic and further strengthens the results obtained through physical activity. First you need to enter sports mode active walking. Start exercising gradually, from three times a week to daily race walking.

Strength loads are gradually introduced - active daily exercises at least 40 minutes. The nutrition is the same as in the first stage, but if desired, you can increase the number of servings. The number of meals can be adjusted depending on your daily routine.

At the second stage, the body should already get used to absence of harmful carbohydrates in the diet. The weight decrease is no longer so significant, but stable - approximately 200 g per day. The time for losing weight in the second stage is unlimited - with a stable weight loss, you should continue exercising and eating until the scales show the desired number.

During the second stage of the diet, more vegetables and fruits should be introduced into the diet, especially pay attention to grapefruit, which is famous for its fat-burning properties.

Gradually, you should start consuming it together with low-fat dairy products and lean meat with fish.

The final one is third stage, although it is not highlighted in a separate section, it is also very important. At the third stage, the person has already become accustomed to the diet, his main task is now maintain the result.

The amount of food can be increased and little by little you can introduce forgotten creamy foods into your diet. butter and white bread. But the majority of those who have achieved positive results do not want to return to consuming foods that can return them to their former weight.

It is also worth keeping the same amount of water consumption and active physical training. Consolidation period – from 1 to 1.5 years.

The final stage usually leaves the results obtained for a long time, provided that you do not flout the rules and eat junk food.

Kovalkov's diet menu for every day

For a more visual picture, we provide a sample menu so that you have an idea of ​​the approximate diet according to the diet of Alexey Kovalkov:

  • Breakfast - after waking up and 40 minutes of exercise, an hour later, prepare 100 g of bran with nuts and drink with a glass of kefir
  • Lunch – 2 apples
  • Dinner - 100 g bran with dried fruits and 2 apples, washed down with green tea without sugar or a glass of water
  • Dinner - 250 g vegetable salad with olive oil
  • 2 hours before bedtime - egg white of two hard-boiled eggs

This is a sample menu for the day, you can add nuts to dried fruits, replace kefir with skim milk or change ingredients depending on individual preferences, but according to the list of permitted products.

Kovalkov's diet menu for the week

Now let’s look at the menu on a larger scale - we’ll try to present your diet for a week during a diet. For the first day, you can use the example from the previous section. Menu from the second day (don't forget about morning exercises):

  • Breakfast - 200 ml kefir and a handful of nuts
  • Lunch – 2 apples
  • Dinner - fruit salad or 1 grapefruit
  • Dinner - 250 g vegetable salad with olive oil and 20 g cheese
  • 2 hours before bedtime - a glass of warm milk, you can add just a little honey, no more than ½ tsp

Day three:

  • Breakfast - 200 ml low-fat yoghurt
  • Lunch – grapefruit
  • Dinner - vegetable salad
  • Dinner - 250 g steamed vegetables and 50 g fish
  • 2 hours before bedtime - white of 2 boiled eggs

Day four:

  • Breakfast - 250 g steamed or stewed vegetables, a cup of green tea
  • Lunch – vegetable juice
  • Dinner - bean or pea soup
  • Dinner - vegetable salad
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 apple

Day five:

  • Breakfast - 100 g bran with dried fruits, a cup of green tea
  • Lunch – glass of low-fat yogurt
  • Dinner - 200 g steamed vegetables, 100 g chicken meat
  • Dinner - fruit salad
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 grapefruit

Grapefruit is given a special place in Kovalkov’s diet, because it is a well-known fat burner

Day six:

  • Breakfast - 200 g ryazhenka
  • Lunch – a handful of nuts and dried fruits
  • Dinner - 200 g fish, vegetable salad
  • Dinner - 2 apples
  • 2 hours before bedtime - white of 2 boiled eggs

Day seven:

  • Breakfast - white of 2 boiled eggs, a cup of green tea
  • Lunch – 100 g bran with dried fruits and 2 apples
  • Dinner - vegetable salad
  • Dinner - 200 g fish, steamed vegetables
  • 2 hours before bedtime - 1 grapefruit, glass of kefir

This is an approximate weekly diet according to the Kovalkov diet. If desired, you can change the ingredients according to the list of approved products. The result will definitely please you.

Thanks to Kovalkov’s technique, excess weight is hidden before our eyes

Kovalkov's diet recipes

Having learned the sample menu, you may wonder about recipes for preparing salads or meat, fish. For convenience, we present Example of a few simple dishes:

  • Curd and tomato salad– cut 2 tomatoes and mix with 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, pour in olive oil and sprinkle with lemon juice
  • Cabbage salad– chop white cabbage, mix with chopped bell pepper, sprinkle with herbs and season with olive oil
  • Beijing salad with beans– cut a head of Chinese cabbage or tear the leaves and mix with canned or boiled beans, add herbs and olive oil
  • Baked fish/meat– Rub fish or meat with your favorite spices and brush with olive oil. Place a layer of carrots and onions in foil and place the selected product there, place in the oven for 40 minutes

These recipes will be a godsend for you during a diet, since almost every day will include vegetable salads or meat/fish dishes.

Kovalkov's diet, contraindications

The Kovalkov diet is quite effective, but even for it there are certain contraindications. Therefore, before going on a diet, you need to consult a doctor who will determine whether the diet is right for you.

Women who breastfeeding, pregnant women should abandon such diets. First of all, you should think about the child, and already after childbirth and breastfeeding, pay attention to yourself. We are not persuading you to forget about taking care of yourself, under no circumstances, but a diet in this situation is not the best solution.

People who have chronic diseases They should also forget not only about this diet, but also about any food restriction in general.

Again, this is not a call to eat without measure, but recommendations to a balanced, nutritious diet. Since chronic diseases tend to worsen and health problems even with a beautiful body will not bring the desired effect.

In any case, you should not get carried away with diets without consulting a doctor, because health is much more valuable than any form.

Kovalkov's diet: reviews and weight loss results

Kovalkov’s diet is considered one of the most optimal and gentle. The author of the idea took it as a basis balanced healthy nutrition, combined with moderate physical activity, which brings positive results.

Thus, losing weight if you follow all the recommendations will definitely see the results t, but at the same time, the consequences of the diet will not negatively affect your health.

Dr. Kovalkov's diet has a lot of positive reviews

The weight loss program, as the Kovalkov diet is also called, can be divided into four periods - preparatory and three main. It is important to know that in order to achieve the desired result, daily morning exercises for 40-70 minutes are required, after which you must refrain from eating any food except water and bran for 2-2.5 hours.
Let's take a closer look at each of the periods of Dr. Kovalkov's diet.

Stage 1— the duration of the preparatory period is 2-3 weeks. During this time, confectionery products, sweets, chocolate, ice cream, sweet soda, alcohol, potatoes, and corn are excluded from the diet. Instead, your diet should include
10 glasses of clean still water per day vegetables fruits beans lentils
Period 2 assumes a menu with the following content

  • Breakfast 200 ml low-fat yoghurt bran nuts – a handful
  • Lunch tomatoes cucumbers bell peppers onions soy cheese olives in the form of salads
  • Season with olive oil only
  • For dinner, the whites of two boiled eggs
  • During the day, 3 glasses of unsweetened green tea and three green apples

The 3rd period can be conditionally called cleansing

  • Helps cleanse the intestines and restore its microflora.
  • An indispensable condition for successfully passing this period is drinking clean, still water every day on an empty stomach.
  • eating low-fat dairy products chicken fish vegetables and fruits.

The menu during this period could be like this:

Breakfast 200 ml low-fat yogurt bran nuts
Lunch vegetables and chicken or fish or 200-300 g low-fat cottage cheese
Dinner fresh vegetable salad with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
Before bed, the whites of two boiled eggs 700 g of fruit during the day
Period 4 is required to consolidate the achieved result.
To achieve this, you need to limit the amount of fat to 60 g per day.

  • Avoid complex carbohydrates after 6 pm
  • Don't mix fats and carbohydrates
  • Do not eat potatoes, sugar, flour, peeled rice.

If you try to show restraint and patience, the weight will stop at the desired result and will not return again.

Kovalkov's diet - stage 1

Dr. Kovalkov’s diet has gained undoubted popularity among those losing weight, so many people really gave positive feedback with tangible results! However, many people had questions about stage 1 of the diet...

And so, Kovalkov’s diet stage 1:

To some this period of the diet may seem the easiest, to others it may not, but no one will argue that this is one of the most Important stages of the entire Kovalkov diet, as it prepares our body for proper functioning, launches the processes of digestion and metabolism , sets us up for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

Duration: 2 weeks!

The most important thing in the first stage of the diet is to drink a glass of water daily, in the morning on an empty stomach! No sparkling water. You can have mineral water, but without gas!

Exact menu for stage 1 of the diet:

The first meal (breakfast) should be no later than 9 am!

It includes: A glass of kefir, preferably low-fat, nuts - any, bran and an apple in a couple of hours,

For dinner, a salad consisting of vegetables with cheese. The most famous is Greek salad.

For those who don't know, here's the recipe:

  1. Fetaki cheese, or similar
  2. Olives
  3. Leaf lettuce
  4. Bulgarian pepper
  5. Some people add cucumber
  6. Season with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.

Write your last meal an hour before bedtime - mostly protein! That is, 200-250 grams of milk + a couple of egg whites.

Another question that readers ask about the first stage is what to drink?

You can drink green tea in an amount of no more than 500 ml per day! But under no circumstances should you drink your food! Not earlier than an hour before or after meals! + you can add one grapefruit to your diet.

Everything else is prohibited! Do not make exceptions or concessions to the diet. After all, losing weight is your goal!

To the place of detention.

We all know how effective the Kovalkov diet is. Stage 1 plays a fundamental role in it! If you strictly follow the recommendations, by the end of this stage you can very easily lose up to 8 kg of weight! And this is just the beginning!

We wish you patience and tangible results.


A wonderful natural dietary supplement for weight loss, which has incredible fat-burning properties, can be an effective addition to your diet. Olga Buzova recommends a new method of rapid weight loss without diets based on the extract. This extract was developed specifically for the treatment of obesity in private clinics in Moscow and does not contain any chemicals or hormones!

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading about a new method for cleansing the body from Elena Malysheva.

The most sought-after nutritionist in Moscow, a certified doctor, author of the books “Lose Weight Smartly!” and “Victory over weight” Alexey Kovalkov became the first tester of his diet. The doctor’s own problem of obesity haunted the doctor for many years until he developed a complete and safe nutritional method that leads to weight loss. Using his own method, Alexey lost 50 kg in six months. After this, several thousand people sought advice from a nutritionist and successfully followed his experience.

Kovalkov power system not only allows you to quickly lose weight, but also normalizes all metabolic processes, makes you reconsider the quality and composition of your diet and significantly improve your lifestyle. The essence of the technique lies in the principles of eating foods with a low glycemic index.

The doctor is well versed in the processes of digestion and has thought through every detail in his system. The diet is suitable for those people who dream of dramatic changes in life and diet, are committed to long-term results and are ready to methodically, step by step, get used to new taste preferences and lose excess weight.

Kovalkov's diet. Stage 1

Basic provisions

Stage 1 of the method lasts 1 month. During the stage, it is necessary to completely exclude animal proteins from the menu, and it is also recommended to completely exclude products with a glycemic index above 60. The glycemic index is an indicator of the change in the amount of sugar in the blood as a result of consuming any product. For each type of product, the glycemic index is calculated separately.

At the first stage, a wide selection of different dishes is available for nutrition, so you can create your diet from your favorite foods without experiencing much discomfort from restrictions. The main task of the first stage is to gradually introduce a person to a new, healthy diet.

The following products are strictly prohibited:

Products required for consumption:

Recipes for stage 1

Greek salad

Ingredients (for 4 servings): cucumber, 4 tomatoes, onion, sweet pepper, 200 grams of feta cheese, half a glass of pitted black olives, 2 tablespoons of wine or apple cider vinegar, spices and salad dressings, salt and pepper to taste.

Preparation: cut the onion into rings, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cheese into medium squares, cut the olives in half, mix everything, pour vinegar, add spices, salt, pepper.

Cabbage salad with garlic

Ingredients: white or red cabbage (as much as you can eat), three to four cloves of garlic, olive oil, lemon juice.

Preparation: chop the cabbage, add a little salt and mash it so that it gives juice; add chopped garlic, season with vegetable oil and lemon juice, add salad spices, herbs, salt to taste.

Tomato and cucumber salad with egg

Ingredients: tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, chicken egg, vegetable oil.

Preparation: put all the ingredients into a blender, chop finely and mix, add salt and season with oil.

Chinese cabbage salad with cottage cheese

Ingredients: several leaves of Chinese cabbage, cucumber, bell pepper, 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, a handful of bran, vegetable oil.

Preparation: put all the vegetables into a blender and chop, add cottage cheese, bran, seasonings, herbs, salt and pepper.

The Kovalkov diet is more like a lifestyle than a diet. You don’t have to starve, torture yourself with strict restrictions and drive your body into a stressful state. You will simply radically change your attitude towards food. Your weight will begin to quickly decrease, your sleep will become healthier, you will get rid of existing problems with the digestive organs, your intestines will be cleansed, metabolic processes will be restored, you will receive an inexhaustible charge of lightness, vigor and energy.

During the first stage, it is recommended to refrain from intense training in the gym, since insufficient protein intake in the body will not allow you to recover normally after intense physical activity. Weight will begin to be lost by burning muscle rather than fat reserves. In addition, there will be a constant feeling of hunger and it will be more difficult for you to abstain from eating unacceptable foods. However, be sure to move; walking, yoga, gymnastics, and breathing exercises are allowed.

Stage 2

Basic provisions

The duration of stage 2 is from one month to six months, depending on the goals and the amount of excess weight. At the second stage, Kovalkov’s diet becomes even more comfortable and varied. Consumption of meat, fish, cereals, baked goods, and black bread is allowed. Restrictions apply to complex harmful carbohydrates and difficult-to-digest fiber; thanks to vegetables, you will receive a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fiber in a simple, easily digestible form. Of the substances obtained during the second stage, proteins predominate.

At this stage, be sure to visit the gym, exercise, be active in sports, and continue to walk daily. Preferably at a fast pace. During this period, great weight loss achievements depend on daily intense muscle training, which will lead to rapid disposal of fat deposits. Drink enough water (2-3 liters), just do not drink water with food, drink on an empty stomach. By adding lemon or lime juice to water, you will intensively cleanse the body of toxins, waste and other accumulated deposits of harmful substances.

Products prohibited at the second stage:

Required for use:

Kovalkov’s diet says: eat small meals, do not allow excessive mixing of foods, prepare a variety of dishes, mainly steamed, as you can see, the list of allowed foods is quite rich, there is plenty to choose from, eat often, but little by little, take intervals of 2-4 hours between meals food, start your morning by drinking a glass of water.

Have a positive attitude, you are not sacrificing anything, on the contrary, you are getting the maximum benefit and improving your health. Play sports, socialize more, go for walks, enjoy life and the results of a proper, balanced diet.

The diet of Russian doctor Alexey Kovalkov is not innovative; it is based on the basic axioms of classical dietetics. The diet became quite popular and in demand because the doctor managed to harmoniously combine well-known rules into a nutritional system that was complete from a medical point of view, which he tested on himself, as a result of which he lost 52 kg in six months.

The theory of proper weight loss: the effect of a compressed spring or the Kovalkov diet versus any diets

Dr. Kovalkov does not accept current methods With weight loss, all kinds and others, suggesting a sharp and,. A period of great food restrictions will certainly be replaced by a period of irresistible gluttony. Weight lost too quickly has an unpleasant tendency to come back even faster than it went, taking with it a few extra pounds in addition. This expresses the so-called compressed spring effect.

Dr. Kovalkov's diet is not a diet, but a dietary nutrition system that implies a certain lifestyle.

From theory to practice: aerobic physical activity

The doctor pays special attention to aerobic exercise, namely walking. He considers daily walking to be the main key to a slim body; this type of physical activity does not require any effort or expense and provides an optimized load on the body. At the second stage, you will have to add to walking, otherwise you will not get rid of the already accumulated kilograms, but at the third stage and for the rest of your life you can limit yourself to walking only. This factor is given such great importance that it is recommended to purchase a pedometer.

Doctor Kovalkov's diet: menu and main stages

1. Preparatory stage. Duration 2-4 weeks

The first stage is considered the most difficult, since the withdrawal of simple carbohydrates and animal proteins may cause the body to experience withdrawal symptoms. Take food 5-7 times a day, evenly distributed over time, in small portions.

Example of a menu at the preparatory stage:

8.00 - Breakfast. A glass of low-fat kefir. A handful of nuts and bran.

10.00 - Second breakfast. Apple.

12.00 - Lunch. Half a grapefruit.

14.00 - Second lunch. The second half of the grapefruit.

16.00 - Afternoon snack. Apple.

18.00 - Dinner. Greek salad (vegetables + cheese).

For the night. A glass of milk or boiled egg whites.

Eliminate from your diet:

  • animal proteins - fish, poultry, pork, beef and any other meat;
  • products with a value exceeding 60, such products include, for example, bakery, confectionery, white rice, pasta, potatoes, carrots, beets;
  • strong alcohol, beer, sweet soda;
  • honey, chocolate, dried fruits.

  • - 100 g daily - drink with water or fermented milk products;
  • 5 glasses of water daily;
  • legumes;
  • coarse grains;
  • egg whites (no more than two eggs per day);
  • a handful of nuts for breakfast - walnuts, pine or almonds;
  • fermented milk products, feta cheese, Adyghe cheese;
  • fats - up to 30 g;
  • fruits, preferably apples - from morning to lunch;
  • Dry red wine is allowed - 250 g for dinner.

It is necessary to increase the duration of walking daily; in a month, the number of steps taken per day should reach 16 thousand. To make it easier to endure the first stage, it is recommended to spend more time in the sun.

2. The main stage is cruising mode. Duration from one month to a year or more

When observed in Dr. Kovalkov’s diet clinic, the main stage is calculated individually. There are still five meals.

  • cabbage,
  • radish,
  • cucumbers,
  • garlic,
  • spinach,
  • salad,
  • parsley,
  • apples,
  • pears,
  • citrus fruits, especially grapefruit,
  • berries,
  • nuts,
  • low-fat fermented milk products,
  • bran,
  • buckwheat.

Gradually, lean meat, low-fat cottage cheese, fish and seafood are introduced into the menu. Be sure to have a handful of nuts for breakfast, bran for lunch, and two egg whites at night. Strength exercises are added to walking, and to the diet. The second stage lasts until a normal weight is achieved.

It happens that the weight stops and never goes away. In this case, Alexey Kovalkov recommends organizing “loading” days 1-2 times a month, the essence of which boils down to a sharply increased volume of food by one and a half times. It should be cereals, vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. A “loading” day increases metabolism. From time to time, once a month, it won’t hurt to unload. To do this, you will have to eat only all day or two days - only.

3. Support stage

The essence of the final stage is to learn to maintain your normal weight throughout your adult life. It is allowed to gradually introduce previously prohibited foods, such as potatoes or butter. The serving size can also be increased slightly. Walking several kilometers every day should not be neglected.

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