Myositis symptoms and treatment at home. Muscle myositis: signs, types and causes Viral myositis symptoms

Back myositis is an inflammatory muscle disease that can occur due to various factors. Symptoms of this disease can vary, but generally there is pain in the affected area. There are other symptoms. It intensifies during movement and palpation. There is an increase in body temperature.

The disease occurs due to drafts or hypothermia, muscle injuries or damage, bacterial infections, toxic lesions. We can also talk about autoimmune lesions, acute viral infections, and long-term stress on the body.

Drug treatment for this disease can not only cure the underlying disease, but also eliminate the cause of the disease.

Therefore, it is very important to undergo a course of therapy under the supervision of a specialist. He will know exactly what means to use and will be able to help at any moment if something goes wrong. Moreover, you, as a patient, will be able to constantly take tests and monitor your health constantly.

All adults have at least somehow encountered inflammation of the back muscles. This is a very familiar feeling when, after a couple of days at the dacha, the lower back ache or a person does not feel comfortable straightening up. It is the inflammation of the back muscles that causes such discomfort.

The main symptoms of the disease are pain, which intensifies when palpated. Pain also intensifies during movement or when the weather changes. In addition, there are other symptoms. The inflammatory process is complemented by muscle atrophy, redness and swelling of the body, as well as muscle weakness.

It is very important to diagnose on time, then treatment will give a good result. The main signs of the disease include:

  • pain, aching in nature, that intensifies when the muscles are touched or when they move;
  • the presence of cords and nodules, which are painful inflammatory foci;
  • redness of the skin, the appearance of slight swelling;
  • presence of headaches and fever;
  • deterioration of the patient's condition (this is possible when adequate treatment is not available).

Main symptoms of the disease in children

Very often, back myositis in children can be recognized only by monitoring their behavior. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for young patients to talk about what and where they hurt.

There are local and general symptoms of the disease in children.

General symptoms of back myositis include the presence of pain, fever, weakness and other signs that indicate general intoxication.

Local symptoms appear depending on where the inflammation is located. But such symptoms do not differ, regardless of the form of back myositis.

Such symptoms are the presence of:

You can often notice the presence of the first signs of back myositis in the morning, after a seemingly normal preliminary state. The baby begins to behave differently. He is characterized by lethargy, he is capricious, and begins to cry. If you try to change the position, the baby starts crying more. An increase in temperature is very common. It is not necessary that a viral or bacterial infection be present.

When a doctor examines a child, tension in a specific muscle group is detected. It cannot be done without a spastic state, sharp pains when feeling the body. Often the area of ​​skin over the area of ​​inflammation is hot and red.

What medications will help adults?

Treatment of back myositis in adults is aimed at eliminating the inflammation process. Treatment of the main disease or factor that provoked the development of inflammation is also expected.

If we talk about traditional remedies, then in order to relieve inflammation, it is recommended to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • "Diclofenac".
  • "Ketorolac".
  • "Ibuprofen."
  • "Movalisa".

It is better to use these remedies as injections. But you should not use them for more than a week. This can lead to the appearance of medicinal ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, drugs that have a venotonic and angioprotective effect will have a good effect. Such a medicine could be L-lysine escinate. Thanks to it, swelling of soft tissues is eliminated, the inflammatory process is eliminated, and pain is reduced.

If the disease is caused by bacterial flora, then drugs such as antibiotics should be used. Sometimes surgical intervention is not possible, for example, in the presence of pus in the interfascial area.

Ointments during the treatment of back myositis provide a warming effect and relieve pain. The use of warming ointments (Finalgona, Zostrix, Apizatron, Capsicam) is recommended to relieve spasms and warm up the muscles. They are used in situations where the disease is caused by prolonged stress.

Improper application of the ointment causes skin burns.

Ointments that relieve inflammation can be taken for various forms of the disease immediately after diagnosis. They provide pain relief, prevent swelling, and fight inflammation.

Therefore you can use:

  • "Diclofenac."
  • "Indomethacin."
  • "Ketonal".
  • "Bystrum gel."
  • "Nise gel."

What medications will help cure the disease in children

Treatment of the disease in children should be carried out only after a specialist has established the correct diagnosis. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This could end in tragic consequences. Everything is due to the fact that under the guise of myositis, dangerous illnesses can be hidden.

The complex uses medications that can improve blood supply to the affected area and fight inflammation and pain.

To relieve muscle inflammation and pain, it is necessary to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the case of the disease is advanced, then hormonal drugs are used.

To improve blood supply and relieve the spastic state of the baby's muscles, treatment with ointments that can warm (rubbing, massages, compresses with a warming effect) helps. Treatment with physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, ultrasound and medications) also has a good effect on the child’s body.

What is important to know?

Treatment of myositis should be individualized. Only a qualified specialist can do this. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This way, the pain syndrome can be eliminated, and the cause of the disease will remain unnoticed. Therefore, the doctor must first conduct a serious examination. This is how the cause of the disease is revealed. After this, you can begin prescribing appropriate therapy.

The use of analgesics is usually recommended to relieve pain. They also prescribe medications that relieve inflammation. If myositis is local, then use ointments and creams with a local irritant effect. If the form of the disease is too acute, then the patient cannot do without bed rest. This way the affected muscles are at rest. The purulent form of the disease requires surgical intervention. In addition, it is recommended to prescribe massages, physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic exercises.

Neck myositis may occur due to hypothermia or an infectious disease. Usually, the muscles with myositis hurt when pressing, turning the head, pain is often concentrated closer to the cervical spine.

Treatment of neck myositis may include the following:

  • systemic treatment to relieve inflammation and muscle soreness. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are used for internal use (diclofenac, ibuprofen, nurofen, etc.). These remedies can be combined with injections of B vitamins: cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin;
  • local therapy involves the use of ointments, creams, compresses and rubbing. The most commonly used products are Voltaren, Fastum-gel, Diclofit and many others. Sometimes medicated patches (olfen) are used;
  • Massage treatments are an effective way to eliminate muscle spasms and inflammatory reactions. Massage movements accelerate blood flow, which helps expel toxins accumulated due to the process from the inflamed area. Massage can be performed at home or contact a specialist;
  • Physiotherapy methods are the use of an anesthetic to inject it directly into inflamed tissue. This effect can be achieved by applying a magnetic field or electrical impulses.

Treatment of back myositis

Inflammation of the back muscles can occur as a result of exposure to cold, wind, or draft. However, experts do not advise treating back myositis on your own: there are too many chances that muscle pain can be caused by an infectious pathology or associated with a pathology of the spine.

In order to begin treatment of back myositis, you must first clarify the diagnosis with a doctor. Only after this will the appointment of medical procedures follow. You may even have to use antibiotics (if an infection is detected).

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures may be required, for which your doctor will prescribe a referral for you.

Treatment after the examination may include the use of topical pain relievers to relieve pain. Preparations based on viper or bee venom (apizartron, viprosal), as well as ointments containing hot pepper extract or turpentine (espol, finalgon) give a good effect.

Treatment of lumbar muscle myositis

Inflammation of the lumbar muscles must be differentiated from kidney diseases (pyelonephritis and urolithiasis), pancreatitis and spinal osteochondrosis. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis with a specialist. You may need a comprehensive examination, after which exactly the treatment you need will be prescribed.

The acute period of myositis of the lumbar muscles is tolerated more easily if bed rest is observed. Along with this, the doctor may prescribe the following treatment:

  • analgesics, in particular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac);
  • physical procedures (electrical stimulation sessions, cryotherapy);
  • injection blockade by administering novocaine and an auxiliary agent, most often a corticosteroid hormonal drug;
  • manual therapy, massage procedures, hardware muscle traction, reflexology.

Treatment of chest myositis

Treatment of chest myositis begins with bed rest, especially if it is painful for the patient to move or the temperature has risen.

The chest should be protected from exposure to cold and drafts, even if you have already completed the course of treatment for myositis.

Treatment of leg myositis

As with any other forms of myositis, treatment of leg myositis should be treated against the background of therapy for the underlying pathology, which may be the cause of the inflammatory process.

Basic measures for inflammation of the muscles in the leg:

  • creating muscle rest: the patient should rest, taking a position that is comfortable for him, relaxing the leg muscles;
  • for pain relief, injections of ketonal or voltaren are used; in mild cases, you can take tablets or limit yourself to ointments;
  • external treatment is used for almost any degree of the inflammatory process. As a rule, these are warming ointments and preparations based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (espol, dolobene-gel, diclak-gel);
  • if myositis is caused by injury, they often resort to the use of novocaine blockade with corticosteroids;
  • if there is no pronounced swelling, thermal and physical procedures are used;
  • after the acute process subsides, massage and reflexology sessions are prescribed.

Treatment of thigh myositis

Treatment of thigh myositis is carried out with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets or injections. This treatment gives a fairly quick effect, which is further supported by the use of external agents - ointments and creams. Such drugs reduce tension and spasm of muscle fibers, restore trophism in tissues, and soothe pain.

With myositis of the thigh, it is more important than ever to observe bed rest: the muscles need to relax and rest, and physical activity, of course, does not contribute to this. In addition, in this state, even normal walking at first can cause unbearable pain. In advanced cases, it is possible to inject the affected muscle area with novocaine to relieve pain.

Often, acupuncture is used to relieve acute pain. This method relieves pain within a week.

If myositis is complicated by the development of a purulent process, antibiotic therapy and sometimes even surgery may be necessary.

Treatment of lower leg myositis

Treatment of lower leg myositis primarily involves getting rid of pain. Pain due to inflammation of the lower leg muscles intensifies not only when walking, but also during sleep, in a calm state, and also during sudden changes in weather conditions.

The inflammatory process in the lower leg can be caused by prolonged stress on the lower limb, so first of all you should cancel any load on the lower leg and give the limb rest. Next, you should use an anti-inflammatory ointment on the affected area, and take one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs orally.

For patients who, for any reason, are contraindicated in the use of chemical medications, post-isometric relaxation (PIR) sessions can be recommended. This method is a stretching of muscles and ligaments and is one of the new types of manual therapy.

If myositis is caused by an injury to the lower leg, then in most cases the painful symptoms disappear on their own if the limb is given complete rest for several days. However, severe injury requires mandatory treatment, since significant damage to muscle tissue can develop into necrosis.

Treatment of myositis of the gastrocnemius muscle

Pain in the calf muscles is not always associated with myositis; most often this happens after prolonged and significant stress on the lower extremities: after long-distance running or cycling.

If the doctor has diagnosed myositis, then most likely you will have to temporarily give up training and stress on your leg.

Often, along with anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy (ketonal, diclofenac, nurofen), anticonvulsants (phenorelaxan, phenazepam) are also used for myositis of the gastrocnemius muscle, and massage and physical procedures are also actively used.

Physical therapy for myositis of the calf muscles is prescribed from the third or fourth day (at the doctor’s discretion). Classes begin with light exercises, gradually increasing the load every day. Remember to warm up your muscles before each workout and avoid sudden movements.

Treatment of hand myositis

Treatment of hand myositis is often complex. If the pain is significant, acupuncture helps well: the effect can be noticeable from the first session. A protracted process will certainly take longer to heal.

The method of electrical muscle stimulation promotes rapid regeneration of muscle tissue and improves local blood circulation.

A relatively new method of treating myositis – pharmacopuncture – is becoming increasingly popular. This type of therapy involves the administration of medications prescribed by a doctor to certain points. These can be vitamin or homeopathic remedies, biostimulants, etc. The duration of such treatment is from 2 to 15 sessions, which are carried out every day, or 1-3 times a week.

Treatment of shoulder myositis

Shoulder myositis, like other inflammatory diseases, is treated with complex methods: anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs, physical procedures and kinesitherapy.

Kinesitherapy is a treatment using active and passive movements, that is, a kind of therapeutic exercises.

At home, treatment of shoulder myositis can be carried out using warming ointments and creams, which we will discuss below. Painkillers may be prescribed for complex internal use.

If the shoulder joint is also affected along with the shoulder muscles, it becomes advisable to use natural-based chondroprotectors, as well as local massage treatments.

Treatment of myositis in children

Children are often diagnosed with a pathology such as muscle inflammation. The difficulty lies in the fact that parents are not always able to determine in a timely manner what exactly is bothering the baby. In this regard, pediatricians may prescribe incorrect treatment, which, of course, does not lead to a cure.

In childhood, myositis is most often formed due to hypothermia. For example, a baby can easily catch myositis by playing in drafts or near the air conditioner.

Sometimes the reason that a child has developed myositis may be inconvenience during the night's rest: an uncomfortable size of the crib, a pillow that is too large, a mattress that is too soft, or the location of the crib directly next to an open window.

Treatment of myositis in children can be delayed for the simple reason that a small child is simply not able to explain what is bothering him. Experts strongly recommend that fathers and mothers monitor the baby’s condition. If you notice that something is bothering your child, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do not rush to use drugs used in adults to treat your child on your own. This may harm the baby. Consult your doctor, he will advise you on the most effective and safe remedy for your baby.

To alleviate the child’s condition before the doctor arrives, you can use a product suitable for children and consisting of natural ingredients - “Doctor Mom”. The ointment is applied to clean skin of the painful area and wrapped in a warm scarf or scarf, up to 3 times a day. Be careful not to get the ointment into your baby's eyes when applying. After applying the ointment, you can use a light massage without unnecessary pressure or kneading.

Treatment of myositis during pregnancy

It must be remembered that not all medications can be used during pregnancy. Treatment of myositis during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the safety of a particular drug.

The safest use is Doctor Mom ointment. It consists of natural components that do not have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy and the unborn baby.

As for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, their use during pregnancy is contraindicated. Among such prohibited drugs are ketorolac, ibuprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac, as well as analgin, baralgin, etc. The only non-steroidal analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug that is approved for the treatment of myositis during pregnancy is paracetamol. The active substance of this medication is able to penetrate the fetus, but does not have a harmful effect on it.

Despite the fact that this drug is approved, it should not be abused, and in case of severe pain, you should definitely consult a doctor.

For muscle spasms, you can use no-shpu (drotaverine). This drug will have the expected antispasmodic and analgesic effect.

Ointments containing snake and bee venom (apizartron, viprosal), as well as dimexide, are also prohibited during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, massage and thermal procedures (dry heat) can be safely used to treat myositis.

Treatment of chronic myositis

Chronic myositis is often a consequence of an acute form of myositis or the result of a chronic infectious disease. Treatment of chronic myositis is often carried out at the time of exacerbation of the pathology.

When treating chronic myositis, the same drugs are usually used as for acute myositis. The emphasis is on drugs that are necessary to eliminate the root cause of chronic pathology: these are drugs for the treatment of infectious, autoimmune or inflammatory processes in the body.

The effectiveness of such treatment is increased by the use of therapeutic patches, in particular, the analgesic anti-inflammatory patch Nanoplast forte or Olfen.

Therapy for the chronic form of myositis is usually supplemented by physiotherapeutic procedures, massage sessions, therapeutic exercises, and adherence to a special diet. Spa treatment is welcome.

Treatment of infectious myositis

Treatment of infectious myositis must necessarily be carried out using antibacterial drugs, anesthetics, and often with the use of surgery and physical procedures. Surgical treatment is prescribed for purulent infectious myositis: the abscess is opened, necrotic tissue is excised (without damaging the demarcation shaft), followed by enzyme therapy and drainage installation.

Treatment procedures for infectious myositis must be comprehensive. Antibiotics are prescribed depending on the causative agent of the infection, which may be staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, etc. Antibiotics can be combined with other bactericidal drugs, for example, sulfonamides.

Dry heat is applied locally.

When treating advanced cases, steroid medications are often required.

After stopping the acute infectious process, exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy and balneotherapy are recommended.

Treatment of myositis ossificans

Unfortunately, treatment of myositis ossificans does not bring the desired effect. The condition of individual patients can be alleviated by prescribing alternating courses of intravenous injections of calcium-disodium salt of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid.

Uncomplicated manifestations of pathology are treated with the use of anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, vitamins C and B.

In severe cases, intensive therapy methods are used, in particular, steroid hormones are used. Prednisolone-based drugs are preferable in this situation: they have fewer side effects than other steroids. It is possible to use hyaluronidase.

Therapeutic measures for myositis ossificans must be accompanied by therapy for the underlying disease: this can be treatment of injuries or pathologies of the nervous system. In cases where ossifications seriously affect functionality, they are removed (operation of extirpation of calcareous areas).

Drugs for the treatment of myositis

First of all, we will consider systemic drugs for the treatment of myositis. These are medications for internal and injection use.

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:
    • Movalis - used from the age of 15. Daily dosage – no more than 15 mg, standard – 7.5 mg;
    • celecoxib - used for adults 100 mg twice a day, or 200 mg once a day;
    • nimesulide – 100 mg orally twice a day, if possible after meals. Daily dosage – maximum 400 mg;
    • etoricoxib - orally, once a day from 60 to 120 mg;
    • ibuprofen - use from 400 to 600 mg 2-3 times a day, daily dosage - maximum 2.4 g;
    • ketanov - 1 tablet orally every 5 hours. For elderly patients and those who suffer from kidney disease, the dosage is obviously reduced;
    • diclofenac - intramuscular injections of 75 mg up to 2 times a day for acute myositis or exacerbation of the chronic form. The course of therapy is from 4 to 5 days;
    • ketorolac - intramuscular injections from 10 to 30 mg every 5 hours. The daily dosage should not be more than 90 mg for an adult and 60 mg for the elderly;
    • indomethacin is an oral drug taken after meals. The initial dose is 25 mg twice a day, then the dose can be gradually increased to 100-150 mg three times a day. In the chronic form of myositis, it is recommended to use indomethacin by injection (intramuscular 60 mg 1 to 2 times a day);
    • peroxicam - 10-30 mg orally once a day, or intramuscularly from 20 to 40 mg to relieve the acute period of inflammation.
  2. Analgesics-antipyretics:
    • analgin - administered orally from 0.25 to 0.5 g up to 3 times a day, for children - from 5-10 mg per kilogram of weight up to 4 times a day. Intramuscularly - up to 2 ml of a 50% solution, for children from 0.2 to 0.4 ml of a 25% solution for every 10 kg of weight;
    • antipyrine – orally from 0.25 to 0.5 g up to 3 times a day;
    • miolgin – from 1 to 2 capsules three times a day;
    • phenacetin – from 0.25 to 0.5 g up to 3 times a day. The maximum single dosage is 0.5 g, per day - no more than 1.5 g;
    • paracetamol - adults are prescribed a maximum of 0.5-1 g three times a day, children - 60 mg per kilogram of weight in three doses.

What do you need to know about taking the medications listed above? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics should not be used for more than 7-10 days, as such drugs can cause a lot of undesirable effects. One of the main complications after taking them can be damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. This condition is accompanied by dyspepsia, and in difficult cases leads to the formation of erosive and ulcerative processes.

For drugs that are used externally, in the form of ointments, the risk of undesirable consequences is significantly lower.

Treatment of myositis with ointments

Ointments containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can provide the maximum content of the active substance directly at the site of application. At the same time, the negative effect on the body is less pronounced than with oral use of the medicine. Among the disadvantages of such ointments is that the components of the drug have varying degrees of absorption from the surface of the skin. In addition, the drug may partially remain on clothing or be absorbed into dressings.

Gel preparations are absorbed into tissues better than ointments, so their systemic effect is more effective.

  • Traumeel C is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulating drug. Used for relatively small areas of skin. The drug is rubbed in 3 to 5 times a day. Can be used with phono- and electrophoresis. Duration of therapy is from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Gevkamen is a distracting and analgesic ointment, used for external rubbing. Use 2-3 g of ointment up to 3 times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the form and severity of the inflammatory process.
  • Mephenate is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointment, the therapeutic effect of which can last up to 20 hours. The ointment should be applied to painful areas of the skin with a special device, which is supplied in the kit, up to 3 times a day. It is allowed to apply the ointment under the bandage.
  • Espol is a complex pain-relieving, warming, anti-inflammatory drug based on capsicum. The effect of the ointment is observed a few minutes after application and lasts up to 2 hours. Apply espol to clean skin up to 3 times a day.
  • Fastum-gel is a drug based on ketoprofen, it is applied in a small layer up to 2 times a day to the painful area and rubbed gently. You can use the gel in combination with phonophoresis or iontophoresis.
  • Roztiran is an ointment based on essential oils of fir, eucalyptus, nutmeg, and menthol. The ointment can be used by both adults and children over 2 years old. Roztiran is applied up to 4 times a day, the duration of treatment is up to five days.
  • Turpentine ointment – ​​has a local irritant and anti-inflammatory effect, used externally for rubbing.
  • Deep Relief gel 5% is a complex preparation based on ibuprofen and levomenthol. The gel should be applied to the painful area and rubbed until completely absorbed into the skin. There should be at least four hours between rubbings. The course of rubbing is up to 10 days.
  • Diclak-gel is a drug based on diclofenac that effectively relieves swelling, pain and inflammation. A strip of up to 5-8 cm is applied to the skin up to 3 times a day. Treatment is continued for 1-2 weeks.
  • Diclofenac sodium gel 1% is a domestic and cheaper analogue of Diclak-gel. Can be used by children from 6 years old. Duration of therapy is up to 5 days.
  • Dolaren-gel is an effective combination of diclofenac sodium and methyl salicylate. The gel penetrates perfectly through the skin into the underlying tissues; it is recommended to use it up to 4 times a day for 10 days.
  • Indovazin gel is a combination of indomethacin and troxevasin, which complement and enhance the effect of each other.
  • Apizartron is an ointment based on bee venom, used up to 3 times a day until complete healing. After applying the ointment, wrap the affected body surface warmly.
  • Viprosal is an ointment that contains viper poison. The drug should be rubbed into the affected area up to 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 30 days.
  • Vipratox is a liniment based on snake venom. The standard regimen of use is from 5 to 10 ml of the drug up to 2 times a day.

Drug treatment of myositis can be supplemented with other medications: muscle relaxants, antispasmodics, antibiotics. The appropriateness of prescribing such drugs is determined by the doctor.

Treatment with any of the above remedies should be carried out taking into account the individual sensitivity of the body. If you are prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to first try the external product on a small area of ​​skin, and only then proceed with the full application of the drug.

Treatment of myositis at home

The first steps to recovery are resting the affected muscle and applying dry heat. You can simply wrap the affected area with a woolen scarf or apply a heating pad. In combination with a warming ointment, the effect will occur quite quickly.

Of course, if the illness does not subside within a few days, you should still seek medical advice at the nearest clinic or emergency room.

What else can be done to treat myositis at home:

  • take a fresh cabbage leaf, beat it a little with a rolling pin until soft and apply it to the painful area, tying a scarf or warm handkerchief over the leaf;
  • rub the affected area with homemade apple cider vinegar, and also take an internal drink of the same vinegar with honey and chilled boiled water (a spoonful of vinegar, a spoonful of honey and 200 ml of water);
  • make compresses from pork, badger or nutria fat with salt (100 g of base and a tablespoon of salt), wrapped on top with cellophane or parchment and a warm scarf.

For successful treatment of myositis and general strengthening of the immune system and muscular system, you should adhere to certain nutritional principles: forget about alcohol and smoking, do not get carried away with spicy and salty foods. It is useful to periodically arrange fasting days on dairy products, cereals with water, vegetables and fruits.

Such small changes in diet will not only help in the treatment of myositis, but will also serve as good prevention of the disease in the future.

Traditional treatment of myositis

As we said above, an effective remedy for myositis is the application of dry heat. Traditional treatment for myositis suggests applying boiled “in uniform” potatoes, wrapped in a towel, or rock salt heated in a frying pan, placed in a fabric bag and wrapped in a scarf, as such thermal procedures. The compress must be applied to the sore spot and kept until it cools completely. After this, remove the compress, rub the affected area with vodka or herbal tincture and wrap it with a scarf. This procedure should be performed at least several times for consistent results.

You can prepare a special warming ointment for myositis: take the yolk of a chicken egg, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. turpentine. You can rub this ointment in at night and sleep wrapped in a warm scarf.

For uncomplicated myositis, applying an iodine mesh helps a lot: iodine is applied to the damaged area in the form of a mesh using a cotton swab and left until the drug is completely absorbed. This procedure is best done at night.

Myositis is successfully treated with burdock leaves. Take burdock, pour boiling water over it and fix it with a scarf to the sore spot, preferably overnight. By morning the pain should subside.

Take 0.5 liters of water at a temperature of 45-50 °C, add 5-8 drops of laurel, eucalyptus, fir or sea buckthorn oil. We soak a woolen cloth in this solution and apply it as a compress to the painful area.

Take a teaspoon of homemade butter, soften it and mix it with a quarter of the same spoon of bodyaga. Rub the painful area before going to bed.

If you are not ready to follow complex recipes, you can simply apply natural honey to the area of ​​skin affected by myositis. It is necessary to massage with honey until it is almost completely absorbed into the skin. Then the remaining honey should be washed off with tincture of chamomile, or St. John's wort, or other anti-inflammatory herbs. After the procedure, wrap yourself in a scarf.

If myositis visits you often, try to follow a few simple preventive rules:

  • avoid drafts, dress appropriately for the weather, do not overcool;
  • do not bring your muscles to a state of overstrain; start training with light warm-up exercises;
  • treat colds and infectious diseases in a timely manner;
  • periodically visit the massage room and conduct a course of massage of problem areas;
  • - temper yourself, take sunbathing, relax in the fresh air.
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Pain in the neck area is most often considered a clinical manifestation of osteochondrosis or myositis. Their main difference is the onset of pain several hours after exposure to the provoking factor.

Symptoms of neck myositis are characterized by increasing pain, the intensity of which increases when trying to turn the neck or lower the head. The pain can spread to the shoulder area, head (back of the head and front), and also moves to the back and shoulder blades.

The pain persists even at rest and does not decrease in intensity after an overnight rest. In order to reduce its severity, a person tries to move his head and neck less, since physical activity provokes tension in the affected muscles.

Symptoms of neck myositis include the sensation of dense cords along the muscles and their soreness when palpated. In some cases, hyperemia is observed over the area of ​​inflammation.

The condition of the muscles worsens when exposed to even the slightest cold factor, such as draft or rain. As a result, the pain becomes much brighter, and movements are even more limited.

Symptoms of back myositis

Myositis occurs under the influence of various factors that provoke inflammation or injury to muscle fibers. The most pronounced clinical manifestations of myositis are observed in the morning, since the muscles, after prolonged immobilization or being in an uncomfortable position, quite difficultly acquire their usual location. This process is accompanied by pain.

It is caused by an increase in swelling at night, resulting in a reflex spasm. In addition, do not forget that the muscles have already succumbed to the influence of the provoking factor.

Symptoms of back myositis as a result of exposure to a traumatic agent appear after a few days. Clinical manifestations of the disease gradually increase and persist for a long time.

Symptoms of back myositis include aching pain, swelling and hyperemia of the skin over the affected muscles, and an increase in local temperature over the pathological focus.

Palpation reveals compacted nodules, located asymmetrically in large numbers in the lumbar region. Any physical activity (bending, turning), which is accompanied by muscle tension or stretching, provokes an increase in pain.

General clinical manifestations of myositis include the appearance of general malaise, rapid fatigue and reduced performance due to the inability to make movements.

Symptoms of leg myositis

Leg diseases are especially acute, since walking is an integral part of our lives. So, if you can try not to move your head with neck myositis or not move your arm with shoulder myositis, then even a slight load on the legs provokes an increase in pain.

Symptoms of leg myositis appear as a result of muscle damage and are characterized by local redness of the skin, soreness of the legs, swelling or slight pastiness, as well as an increase in local temperature and a decrease or even absence of motor activity.

In addition to the listed clinical manifestations, headaches, periodic muscle spasms, chills and a decrease in the sensitivity threshold of the skin are possible.

Myositis of the legs most often manifests itself in the area of ​​the calf muscles, which are most actively involved in motor activity, in particular when walking.

Symptoms of leg myositis, such as muscle weakness, increased severity of pain during movement and severe limitation of mobility of the joints of the lower extremities, are the most common when the leg muscles are affected.

Symptoms of thigh muscle myositis

Damage to the thigh muscles is possible as a result of exposure to a traumatic or inflammatory factor, which provokes an increase in the intensity of the pain syndrome. As a result, a person’s motor activity is disrupted, which affects his quality of life.

Symptoms of myositis of the thigh muscles are much less common than, for example, myositis of the neck or back, but you should still remember about its clinical picture.

The symptoms of myositis of the thigh muscles are largely no different from the clinical manifestations of myositis of other muscles. Characteristic signs are local soreness, which can intensify and spread to other areas - the lower back, groin and leg with significant physical activity.

In the process of muscle tension, their contraction occurs, which is prevented by tissue swelling. As a result, pain increases and mobility in the joint is limited. With a long course of myositis, an increase in muscle weakness is possible until the onset of atrophic processes in the muscle.

Symptoms of myositis of the calf muscles

This disease can not only cause intense pain in the legs, but also interfere with any physical activity. The calf muscles are directly or indirectly involved in performing various movements (walking, running, lifting weights, bending).

As a result, all these movements cannot be performed if there is pain in the legs. In addition, it is physical activity that increases the intensity of pain and forces a person to give up pain for several days.

Symptoms of myositis of the calf muscles occur after exposure to an infectious pathogen on the body or a traumatic factor. In addition, it is worth paying attention that prolonged walking in heels contributes to an increase in pain.

The characteristic symptoms of myositis of the calf muscles make it possible to distinguish it from many other pathological conditions. When muscles are damaged, the pain is aching in nature and intensifies under the influence of physical activity.

When you try to palpate the affected calf muscles, you can provoke the appearance of more intense pain. In addition, dense areas of muscle with isolated nodules and cords are felt by palpation.

Symptoms of myositis in children

Children suffer from myositis to the same extent as adults, even in some cases (when exposed to a traumatic factor) - even more often. Symptoms of myositis in children mainly appear in the morning, when the muscles are still “cold” and there is slight swelling.

In addition, the affected muscles are prone to even greater swelling, which provokes a reflex spasm, which leads to pinched nerve endings. The result is intense pain, which intensifies due to physical activity.

The first symptoms of myositis in children develop a few days after the influence of the provoking factor. The pain can spread to surrounding muscle groups, further limiting the baby's mobility. If nerve plexuses are involved in the process, pain may occur in more distant parts of the body that are innervated by this plexus.

Clinical manifestations of myositis increase in intensity if left untreated and can lead to complete immobilization of a certain area of ​​the body. However, it is worth remembering that the pain syndrome gradually decreases, but muscle spasm increases and in the future can lead to asymmetry of the face, skin folds on the neck, or back.

Symptoms of thoracic myositis

The prevalence of thoracic myositis is quite high, since these muscle groups are directly involved in breathing, which is an integral part of our life.

Symptoms of thoracic myositis are practically no different from damage to other muscle groups, but it is worth remembering that if pain occurs in the neck with myositis of the cervical muscles, then a person can limit movement in this area, which cannot be said about the muscles of the chest.

No matter how hard you try to limit respiratory activity, pain cannot be completely prevented. Pain is present at night, when a person’s breathing is not so deep and frequent, and even after a long night’s rest, the pain syndrome does not disappear.

Symptoms of thoracic myositis are characterized by an increase in tissue swelling due to muscle damage, redness of the skin over them and an increase in local temperature. There is also a decrease in the sensitivity threshold of the skin, as a result of which any touch is perceived very sharply.

In the case of severe myositis, the muscles of the larynx and pharynx may be involved in the pathological process. As a result, there is difficulty in swallowing, shortness of breath and coughing increase. These symptoms are caused by increasing swelling of the laryngeal muscles. In the future, headaches and dizziness are possible.

Symptoms of intercostal myositis

At the beginning of the development of myositis, it is very difficult to independently differentiate myositis from intercostal neuralgia, since both pathologies are characterized by pain, which intensifies when the chest moves during breathing.

Symptoms of intercostal myositis, in addition to pain, also include tissue swelling, hyperemia and increased sensitivity of the skin over the affected muscle area.

Distinctive symptoms of intercostal myositis include an increase in pain when pressing on the muscles throughout the entire intercostal space, the presence of pain after a long rest and at rest.

Upon palpation examination, compaction of muscle fibers and the presence of small nodules are observed. The difficulty lies in turns, bending of the body, as well as active breathing movements.

In addition, it is necessary to highlight that when exposed to the cold factor, the pain syndrome increases its severity, and the temperature above the muscles becomes higher than in neighboring areas.

Symptoms of hand myositis

When the arm muscles are affected, clinical manifestations typical of myositis are observed. As a result of exposure to the provoking factor, after a few days the pain syndrome begins to bother.

Symptoms of hand myositis cause an increase in pain when trying to perform any movement that requires the affected muscle groups. Muscle contraction due to tension provokes an increase in pain intensity as a result of pinched nerve endings.

When palpated, an increase in symptoms is also noted. In addition to pain, tissue swelling occurs, as a result of which the arm increases in diameter, as well as redness and increased sensitivity of the skin.

In order for the symptoms of hand myositis not to have such pronounced intensity, it is necessary to reduce its motor activity. Thus, with prolonged immobilization of the arm, muscle weakness and subsequent atrophy may develop.

The pain may spread to surrounding areas, such as the neck, shoulder blade or chest.

Symptoms of shoulder myositis

Under the influence of cold, infectious or traumatic factors, muscle damage occurs, which manifests itself as pain at rest, during movement and palpation.

In the process of muscle contraction to perform the necessary movement, nerve endings are pinched, which provoke increased pain.

The symptoms of shoulder myositis are so severe that not only the shoulder joint, but also those around it cannot perform their functions. With a mild form of myositis, clinical manifestations may disappear after a few days, but subject to adequate treatment. Warmth, rest and painkillers are usually sufficient.

Symptoms of shoulder myositis may return after repeated exposure to the triggering factor. Thus, the clinical picture may repeat itself, resulting in myositis becoming chronic. Severe myositis requires complex treatment and long-term rest for the shoulder joint.

In the chronic form, muscle atrophy comes to the fore, leaving behind hyperemia and increased sensitivity of the skin.

Symptoms of eye myositis

Myositis can affect all muscles that are exposed to cold, injury or infectious agents. Orbital myositis belongs to this group of diseases and is characterized by clinical manifestations typical of the pathology.

Myositis can affect either one muscle or several at the same time, which determines the intensity and nature of the symptoms. Thus, the clinical picture of the disease includes acute pain, which intensifies when trying to move the eye to the side, upward, in general, with any physical activity.

Symptoms of ocular myositis also include swelling of the eyelids, their incomplete opening, and in some cases double vision. An injection of blood vessels is noted above the affected muscles.

Slight exophthalmos is also possible. Symptoms of ocular myositis in acute illness can disappear after 1.5 months, provided that the rules are followed and effective treatment is selected.

In the case of a chronic course, the duration of which exceeds 2-3 months, and maybe years, myositis can provoke the development of restrictive myopathy. Over the entire period, the disease is characterized by relapses and periods of remission.

Symptoms of myositis depend on the activity of the damaging factor, the duration of its influence and the degree of activity of the inflammatory process in the muscle. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and prescribe effective treatment, you can get rid of myositis in the shortest possible time without developing complications.

What it is? Myositis is an inflammatory lesion of one or a group of muscles in the cervical, lumbar or thoracic spine. The course of the disease is accompanied by severe pain, muscle weakness and muscle atrophy (reduction in their volume and degeneration of fibers).

Lack of treatment for myositis at an early stage leads to damage to a large muscle mass (polymyositis), inflammation of the skin (dermatomyositis), nerve fibers (neuromyositis) and joints (arthritis with myositis).

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Causes of occurrence and mechanism of development

The inflammatory process in the muscles can be caused by the following reasons:

The mechanism of occurrence and course of myositis is determined by a combination of several processes. The most common cause of development is the presence of infection in the body - these are viruses, E. coli, staphylococcus and streptococcus.

In this regard, muscle inflammation complicates the course of an infectious disease (for example, influenza, sore throat, tonsillitis, pneumonia).

A purulent infection in the body also provokes the development of myositis (purulent foci, muscle abscesses or sepsis). Its formation in muscle tissue is provoked by trauma to the skin without subsequent compliance with antiseptic rules.

An autoimmune infection can cause myositis - this process is as follows: when microbial toxins enter the body, the immune system releases antibodies that attack the connective tissue of the muscles. The body, in response to the stimulus, attacks itself.

In an autoimmune process, collagen and elastic fibers, fibrous muscle capsules, tendons are first damaged, and then the muscle tissue itself. This is how myositis develops in rheumatism, etc.

Endogenous (internal) intoxication causes the development of toxic myositis. This process is as follows: failure of internal organs (for example, heart or liver), caused by an endocrine disorder (for example, toxicosis, diabetes), causes the formation of endogenous toxins in the muscles.

  • External poisoning with drugs, alcohol or industrial emissions also provokes the development of myositis.

Myositis ossificans (inflammation of muscles due to injuries and bruises) leads to muscle ossification, which is caused by the deposition of salts in them. The pathogenesis of this type of myositis is not fully understood today. It is also known that it can be transmitted by heredity.

Symptoms of myositis by localization of pain

Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, the patient may experience different manifestations of the disease.


Cervical myositis is usually provoked by a draft. Its manifestation occurs in the morning, one or two days after the person’s neck has been “blown out.”

  • difficulty moving the head;
  • pain in the frontal region, back of the head and ears;
  • violation of the swallowing process;
  • constant increase in pain: at first aching pain appears when moving, later it is present even at rest;
  • weather changes affect the severity of pain;
  • swelling in the neck area;
  • redness of the skin of the neck;
  • muscle weakness;
  • increased body temperature (sometimes fever).

Small of the back

Myositis of the back muscles is characterized by a long course. Patients complain of severe headaches and general malaise, pain that intensifies when bending or turning.

Symptoms of back muscle myositis can appear all at once or gradually as the disease progresses:

  • aching pain in the lumbar muscles;
  • thickening of muscle tissue;
  • painful sensations when feeling the muscles;
  • joint pain;
  • body temperature rises;
  • a state of chills appears;
  • constant muscle tension is felt;
  • mobility is limited.

The pain syndrome may intensify with changes in weather or atmospheric pressure.

Pectoral muscles

Thoracic myositis is characterized by an increase in pain. The pain does not leave a person even at rest.
Symptoms of thoracic myositis:

  • general weakness;
  • chest pain;
  • a feeling of muscle spasm (numbness) (especially in the morning);
  • pressing on the muscle increases pain;
  • the muscles of the chest can be easily palpated (felt);
  • body temperature rises and a state of chills appears;
  • the skin over the problem area swells and turns red;
  • when palpated, the muscles appear lumpy;
  • weather changes increase pain.

Features of myositis symptoms in children

In children, signs of muscle inflammation develop a little differently. Often parents begin to treat a viral infection without medical advice, thereby putting their own child at risk. Symptoms of myositis in children:

  • the child complains of pain;
  • his body temperature rises;
  • the child becomes weak and “lethargic”;
  • he is limited in movement (depending on location);
  • muscle spasms are observed;
  • the skin turns red and swells (in the place where pain is present).

The severity and rate of increase of myositis symptoms indicate the severity of the disease: acute or chronic form.

The appearance of chronic myositis is a consequence of the lack of proper treatment for the acute form of the disease. With inappropriate treatment, the symptoms of chronic myositis worsen.

If you notice symptoms of myositis, you must consult a doctor who can diagnose the disease. He will collect a detailed history and consider the patient’s complaints. Depending on the degree of neglect of the disease, tests are prescribed:

  1. General and biochemical blood test to determine whether there is an inflammatory process in the body;
  2. Antibody test to rule out autoimmune disease;
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging to establish the exact location of muscle tissue damage;
  4. Electrophotography: electrical stimulators test muscle functionality;
  5. Biopsy of the back muscles, which is a last resort in diagnosing myositis.

The treatment regimen for myositis depends on the cause of its occurrence. The main method of therapy is to take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ortofen, Analgin, Diclofenac, Voltaren.

The operation is accompanied by the introduction of medications into the body to eliminate intoxication, such as immunostimulants and vitamins.

  • warm compress;
  • rubbing with ointments;
  • exercise therapy.

In the hospital, the patient will undergo massage and physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • electrophoresis,
  • phonophoresis,
  • diadynamic currents and others.

As a preventive measure for myositis, sanitary-resort treatment can be prescribed.

Treatment of myositis using traditional methods can also be effective, but it is better when such procedures are carried out with complex drug therapy and in consultation with the attending physician.

Healing ointments prepared from willow bud powder and butter, crushed chamomile flowers or lilac alcohol tincture will help relieve inflammation and field syndrome.

The treatment of cervical myositis is well facilitated by the application of warm boiled and mashed potatoes or cabbage leaves, which are previously rubbed with laundry soap and sprinkled with salt.

You can make compresses from burdock leaves scalded with boiling water or honey wraps.

Tinctures of honey and apple cider vinegar diluted with water, a decoction of adonis herb or burdock root work well against muscle inflammation.

Prognosis and possible complications

As a preventive measure, you should simply take care of your health, adhering to the basic recommendations not only regarding myositis, but also other diseases:

  • prevent body hypothermia;
  • do not be in drafts;
  • avoid carrying infectious diseases on your feet;
  • exercise;
  • when doing sedentary work, take breaks to warm up;
  • diversify your diet with foods high in vitamins and minerals.

Myositis causes the development of muscle weakness - a person feels difficulty climbing stairs, it becomes difficult for him to move, and is in an upright position.

Lack of treatment leads to damage to new muscles. With cervical myositis, the larynx, pharynx and esophagus become inflamed. Inflammation in the respiratory muscles causes severe shortness of breath.

Myositis must be treated promptly to avoid muscle atrophy, which can last for the rest of life. If you notice symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Myositis is a muscle lesion of an inflammatory, traumatic or toxic nature, resulting from the influence of various factors and manifested by pain, the development of muscle weakness and sometimes atrophy. Myositis refers to inflammation of one or more skeletal muscles: neck muscles, back muscles (lumbar muscles), chest muscles. In the event that many muscles are involved in the pathological process, they speak of the development of polymyositis. In some cases, the lesion affects not only the muscles, but also the skin; the disease is called dermatomyositis.

Myositis causes

A common cause of myositis is muscle overstrain due to unusual physical activity or muscle injury.

Classification of myositis

There are acute and chronic myositis; according to their prevalence, they are divided into localized and diffuse.

Let's take a closer look at some types of myositis: dermatomyositis, polymyositis.

Dermatomyositis most often occurs in young and middle-aged women. The origin of the disease is not precisely determined; presumably, the pathology can be initiated by a virus or genetic factors (hereditary predisposition). The trigger mechanism is stress, colds, hypothermia and even sun rays. Damage to the skin is expressed in the appearance of a characteristic rash on the hands, face, and upper body. The rash is red or purple in color, and sometimes there is swelling of the eyelids. Associated symptoms are weakness, chills, fever (usually low-grade fever), sudden weight loss. The deterioration in health can be either rapid or gradual. Dermatomyositis has a lot of unpleasant consequences for the patient - for example, flabbiness and shortening of muscles may persist for a long time, and accumulation of calcium salts under the skin may occur, causing pain to the patient.

With polymyositis, as mentioned above, several muscle groups are affected. However, unlike local myositis, the pain is not as pronounced, and the main symptom is muscle weakness. At first, it is difficult for the patient to climb stairs, then he cannot get up from a chair, later the neck muscles atrophy and the patient is unable to even hold his head in an upright position, the last stage of the disease is atrophy of the swallowing, chewing muscles, as well as the muscles involved in the act of breathing. Sometimes polymyositis is accompanied by swelling of the muscles and swelling of the joints - arthritis develops. All of the above symptoms disappear if treatment is started in a timely manner, and complete recovery occurs.

Myositis has two stages - acute and chronic. As a rule, untreated acute myositis becomes chronic and then periodically bothers the patient - the pain intensifies with hypothermia, changes in weather conditions, manifesting itself at night and with prolonged static position of the body.

Chronic myositis can result from an infectious disease, such as a cold. Sometimes the patient does not even realize that he is affected by this disease until the symptoms become too obvious. Acute myositis develops after local infection of the muscle during a generalized acute infection, as well as due to injuries and muscle strain (especially in combination with hypothermia).

Myositis primarily affects the muscles of the neck, lower back, lower leg, and chest. In the event that local myositis (and not polymyositis) occurs, pain and muscle weakness extend only to a specific muscle group. The main symptom of myositis is pain, which is aching in nature and especially intensifies with movement and touching the muscles. During palpation, painful foci are felt - cords and nodules. Slight swelling and hyperemia (redness) of the skin occurs in some cases. Sometimes myositis is accompanied by fever and headache. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply without adequate therapy.

One of the most common forms of the disease is the so-called. cervical myositis. Its “popularity” is explained by the fact that the neck is most often exposed to hypothermia. The main symptoms are a nagging, dull pain in the neck that radiates to the back of the head, spreading between the shoulder blades and covering the shoulder girdle. In this situation, the disease should be differentiated from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - X-ray studies are carried out, in the absence of degenerative lesions, the mobility of the vertebrae is preserved.

Myositis symptoms

With myositis, aching pain appears in the muscles of the arms, legs, and torso, which intensifies with movement. Often, dense nodules or cords are felt in the muscles. With an open injury, as a result of infection, purulent myositis can develop, which is manifested by increased body temperature, chills, a gradual increase in pain, swelling, thickening and tension of the muscle, and redness of the skin over it.

Acute myositis occurs immediately, often unexpectedly, during acute infections, after injuries, or sudden muscle tension.

Chronic myositis can be an outcome of acute or a consequence of any infection. The muscles of the neck, lumbar region, chest, and calf are most often affected.

The clinical picture of myositis is characterized by local pain, the intensity of which increases. The pain sharply intensifies with movements that cause contraction of the affected muscles, as well as when palpating them.

Swelling, swelling of soft tissues, and sometimes redness of the skin (for example, with purulent myositis) may appear. Protective muscle tension develops and movement in the joints is limited. Due to the presence of pain, muscle weakness occurs, and less commonly, atrophy.

Possible fever, headache, increased skin sensitivity. With myositis of the masticatory muscles, the jaws are convulsively clenched and the muscles are very tense. The pain sometimes becomes so severe that the person is unable not only to chew, but also to speak. Soreness in tight muscles increases not only with movement, but also at rest, at night, and when the weather changes. In mild cases, the pain usually goes away after a few days, but under the influence of unfavorable factors such as cold or excessive physical stress, frequent relapses of the disease can occur.

How to treat myositis

In any case, analgesics (painkillers) and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed; NSAIDs (diclofenac, nurofen, ketonal) are most often used, both orally and parenterally; in addition, for local myositis, therapy with warming ointments (apizartron, nicoflex, finalgon) has a good effect. These drugs improve muscle trophism, have a local irritant effect and help reduce muscle tension, and, consequently, reduce the intensity of pain.

A warming ointment like finalgon helps well, and in the case of myositis in children, the ointment from the “Doctor Mom” series has proven itself well. Massage and physiotherapeutic procedures on the affected muscle are also useful. Chronic myositis requires treatment at a resort.

During the acute period of the disease, rest is necessary; if the muscles of the back, legs, or abdominal wall are affected, bed rest is necessary. Painkillers are prescribed (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - reopirin, indomethacin, brufen, etc.), and for purulent myositis - antibiotics. For rheumatism, as well as for tuberculous or syphilitic myositis, specific therapy is carried out. It is necessary to use dry heat and physiotherapeutic procedures. The duration of treatment depends on the activity of the process and the timely initiation of therapy.

In acute myositis, the patient is advised to rest in bed and limit physical activity. At elevated temperatures, it is possible to take antipyretic drugs. The affected area (neck, lower back, lower leg) should be kept warm; warming woolen bandages can be used - effectively so-called. "dry heat"

In case of purulent myositis, you should consult a surgeon - it is possible that the source of infection will be opened, the pus removed, and then a drainage bandage will be applied. In this case, antibiotics are used not only parenterally, but also locally (ointments, powders).

To treat myositis, physiotherapeutic methods, massage (contraindicated for purulent myositis), physical therapy, and a special diet are used.

Prevention of myositis

Preventive measures: avoid muscle strain, hard work in the cold, drafts, treat colds and other infectious diseases in a timely manner (you should not endure the disease “on your feet”).

Myositis of the neck

Cervical myositis is an acute inflammation of the muscles of the cervical-shoulder girdle, which can occur in anyone, even an absolutely healthy person, as a result of stress, hypothermia, sleeping in an unfortunate position or working in an uncomfortable position. But often cervical myositis is triggered by a draft.

The disease usually manifests itself in the morning after sleep, a day or two after the previously mentioned traumatic influences. During this time, the “cold” inflamed muscle fibers swell, their reflex spasm occurs, which causes irritation of the nerve endings and severe pain.

Pain caused by myositis usually spreads along the side of the neck from the back of the head to the shoulder; but if the cervicobrachial plexus and major nerves are involved, the pain may spread down the arm to the very tips of the fingers. According to the observations of doctors at the KAILAS clinic, this occurs in 10-15% of cases.

Inflammation of the nerves during myositis is almost always asymmetrical: pain is stronger on one side than on the other. Regardless of where the inflammatory process has reached, the pain with myositis is always very strong: the patient is absolutely unable to turn his head or move his inflamed arm.

When correct treatment measures are carried out, in 70% of cases the attack goes away without a trace within a period of 3 days to 2 weeks. If left untreated, the attack drags on. The pain becomes less intense, but the spasmodic, inflamed muscles “distort” the neck and provoke the development of further damage: displacement (subluxation) of the intervertebral joints of the cervical spine or the appearance of a herniated disc.

Treatment of cervical myositis

Despite the terrible pain, cervical myositis is treated quite easily (if treatment is started immediately and the attack does not become protracted).

Firstly, an experienced doctor will advise the sick person to be as completely at rest as possible. The affected area should be lubricated with a warming ointment, and an anti-inflammatory drug should be taken internally. The best effect is given by novocaine blockade - injecting the most painful areas of the affected muscles with novocaine with the addition of a corticosteroid hormone. The therapeutic effect of novocaine blockade appears almost immediately after the procedure: muscle inflammation decreases and pain disappears.

However, for those who have contraindications to chemical treatment, the doctor will recommend a series of post-isometric relaxation (PIR) procedures. PIR is one of the most useful procedures in the treatment of cervical myositis. PIR (muscle and ligament traction) is a relatively new therapeutic method of manual therapy, which involves active interaction between the patient and the doctor. The patient is not passive during the procedure; he tenses and relaxes certain muscles. And the doctor, while relaxing, stretches his muscles. During the procedure, the patient is surprised to notice that tension and pain disappear right before his eyes. The number of PIR procedures is prescribed depending on the patient’s condition.

Myositis of the back muscles (lumbar muscles)

Myositis of the lumbar muscles is a common cause of lumbar pain. The disease is characterized by a long course. The pain in the lumbar muscles is not as intense as with lumbago, mainly aching. The muscles are tight, painful when touched and stretched. In patients with chronic infections and metabolic disorders, myositis of the lumbar muscles can be combined with joint pain.

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More information about the treatment of myositis

Consultation on treatment using traditional oriental medicine methods (acupressure, manual therapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, Taoist psychotherapy and other non-drug treatment methods) is carried out at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Lomonosova 14, K.1 (7-10 minutes walk from the Vladimirskaya/Dostoevskaya metro station), with 9.00 to 21.00, no lunches and weekends.

It has long been known that the best effect in the treatment of diseases is achieved with the combined use of “Western” and “Eastern” approaches. Treatment time is significantly reduced, the likelihood of disease relapse is reduced. Since the “eastern” approach, in addition to techniques aimed at treating the underlying disease, pays great attention to the “cleansing” of blood, lymph, blood vessels, digestive tracts, thoughts, etc. - often this is even a necessary condition.

The consultation is free and does not oblige you to anything. on her All data from your laboratory and instrumental research methods are highly desirable over the last 3-5 years. By spending just 30-40 minutes of your time you will learn about alternative treatment methods, learn How can you increase the effectiveness of already prescribed therapy?, and, most importantly, about how you can fight the disease yourself. You may be surprised how logically everything will be structured, and understanding the essence and reasons - the first step to successfully solving the problem!

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