Can menstruation be interrupted after cauterization of erosion? Delayed menstruation after cauterization of cervical erosion. What is the reason for heavy periods?

  • Do not lift heavy objects;
  • Try not to get too cold;
  • Do not take hot baths.

The most common method of treating cervical erosion is cauterization. It is carried out using chemical reagents, laser, low-temperature coagulation and galvanoelectrophoresis. To speed up the healing process, a woman must follow all the doctor’s recommendations:

  • Do not lift heavy objects;
  • Try not to get too cold;
  • Refrain from sexual intercourse;
  • Do not take hot baths.

Very often, after cauterization of cervical erosion, patients turn to the gynecologist with a new problem: some complain about cycle failure in the form of delays, and some, on the contrary, note heavy discharge with pain.

First menstruation after cauterization

The first menstruation after treatment for erosion may begin differently for each patient. For some, the cycle does not go astray, and menstruation comes on time, while for others there is a delay. Both options are considered normal.

The nature of the discharge may also change. With a disease such as erosion, the discharge is scanty, with the frequent appearance of blood clots. After cauterization, the nature of menstruation becomes the same as it was before. This can only be determined by the patient herself, who controls the menstrual cycle. After the elimination of the pathology and complete healing of the scar in its place, the nature and regularity of menstruation are completely restored.

When should your period start?

The first time after cauterization of your period you should wait only about a month.

Before they begin, discharge of various types is observed. At first it may be blood, and then clear discharge with a characteristic unpleasant odor. This is quite natural, as it indicates the healing of the scar.

The time of the onset of menstruation is also influenced by the size of the erosion itself. The larger the affected area, the larger the size of the scab, which will take a longer period to heal. The scar itself does not affect the appearance of menstruation. The effect is that the affected area is expanded and is subjected to greater processing during cauterization, which is stressful for the whole organism. In such situations, the appearance of the first menstruation after cauterization is considered normal, even after two months.

It is also possible for your period to start much earlier. This is the body's reaction to stress. But it is still worth contacting a specialist, since sometimes the appearance of heavy discharge can be bleeding caused by damage to the scab. It is worth noting that the period that menstruation will last is individual for each woman. It is important that it is no shorter than 3 and no longer than 7 days. Usually the first discharge after treatment lasts longer.

Why are periods late?

Delayed menstruation is quite common and is caused by the following reasons:

  • Psychological stress caused by worries about treatment;
  • The reaction of uterine receptors to the equipment used for cauterization;
  • The reaction of the tissues of the cervical mucosa to injury during the procedure.

As a result of such reasons, there may be a delay of 10-15 days, and not only for the first time.

For three or four cycles, women notice not only a delay, but also painful sensations. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen after erosion is a fairly common condition; after a while they disappear or become less noticeable.

Why is there a lot of discharge?

After cauterization of erosion, many patients report heavy periods, sometimes with the appearance of large blood clots. This is natural during your first period. The organ was subjected to severe stress after such a procedure, and this is how it responds to the intervention.

Other reasons for heavy discharge may be:

  • Various damage to the scar, they can be caused by lifting heavy things or other violations of the doctor’s recommendations;
  • The doctor can also damage the scab with an instrument during a careless examination, which is carried out some time after treatment, but then everything should stabilize.

In some cases, women may find the discharge to be excessively abundant, but in reality it is not. Indeed, under the influence of erosion they were more scarce, and the patient got used to this. In any case, only a doctor should dispel all doubts.

Should go longer. This is a natural state if their duration does not exceed seven days. With longer discharge, we are talking about bleeding, which is a very dangerous phenomenon for the body and requires medical attention.

Why is the discharge scanty?

It is also quite normal for menstruation to be more scanty, which is caused by the impact of instruments on certain areas of the cervix. Prolonged coagulation, which occurs during the cauterization process, sometimes leads to a narrowing of the canal. Signs of this condition are not only scanty discharge, but also sharp pain in the lower abdomen in the lumbar region.

It is much worse if after cauterization there are no periods at all.

This indicates that the discharge collects in the uterus, which threatens a rather severe inflammatory process. This explains after and during cervical erosion. This complication requires surgery.

Prevention of complications

To minimize possible complications that may arise after cauterization of cervical erosion, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor:

  • It is important not to use tampons during the healing period of the scab, which can injure the remaining scar. To protect laundry from secretions, you should only use pads.
  • Every woman should protect herself from lifting weights, hot baths and visiting saunas, steam baths, and swimming pools for at least a month.
  • Sexual activity should be resumed only with the permission of a doctor.
  • It is very important to monitor the nature of the discharge after cauterization. Do not confuse an unpleasant odor with a putrid odor. And if the discharge also acquires a yellow and greenish color, then you should immediately go to the doctor. This condition indicates the penetration and development of infection.

Certain disruptions in the menstrual cycle after cauterization of erosion should be considered normal. But you should not let the recovery process take its course, and if there is the slightest change in condition or deviation from the norm, you should immediately go for a consultation to find out the causes of complications.

Erosive damage to the epithelium of the cervical mucosa is a gynecological problem faced by women of different ages. If conservative therapy is not effective, more radical treatment methods (cauterization) are used, aimed at eliminating the affected layers of cervical tissue. After coagulation of erosive damage, the uterus needs some time to renew its mucosal cells, so the frequency and nature of menstruation may change. For each woman, menstruation after cauterization of cervical erosion is individual, and its duration and intensity are directly dependent on the time and volume of surgical manipulations. For some, there is a delay after cauterization of the erosion, and for some patients, menstruation comes a little earlier than expected. What are the features of rehabilitation and what is considered normal, you need to understand.

Is the nature of menstruation different from usual in the presence of erosion?

Erosive processes on the cervix develop differently in each woman. The asymptomatic course of the disease in many cases leaves the woman in the dark about the presence of pathology. Its detection occurs during an examination, the regularity of which the patients do not observe. But a woman who is attentive to her health may notice some distinctive features during menstruation.

Menstruation with cervical erosion begins with spotting brownish discharge. When maintaining an active sexual life, almost all patients with erosive pathology experience spotting for 2-3 days before the onset of the critical days, since the erosion areas swell at this time, and increased separation of the damaged epithelium occurs.

Sometimes brownish discharge may appear at the end of intimacy or the intermenstrual period. In most cases, the menstrual cycle is normal. With a long-term progressive disease, deviations may appear that affect the regularity and abundance of discharge.

Choosing the time to perform the cauterization procedure

To avoid complications, erosion must be treated.

Many people are interested in what period of time is most favorable for performing the procedure of cauterization of erosion: before or after menstruation? The nature of the manipulation is such that as a result of its implementation, areas of tissue that need healing remain on the mucous membrane. Is it possible to cauterize erosion before menstruation?

It must be taken into account that if you cauterize an erosive lesion, one or more wounds will appear at this location. They should be delayed, so the procedure is not carried out on the eve of the start of menstruation, so that menstrual flow does not come into contact with the cauterized tissue and does not lead to irritation.

So when is erosion cauterized? The preferred period is during menstruation or immediately after its end. At this time, the uterus has a softened consistency, the cervix opens slightly, making it easier for the doctor to examine and treat the changed areas of the cervix. If a woman has light menstruation, moxibustion can be performed on the 3-4th day of her period, otherwise - a day after its completion.

It is important to take into account the nature of cauterization. Diathermocoagulation of the affected tissue, that is, exposure to electric current, leads to the formation of a scab. It needs time to be rejected so that it can be replaced with healthy tissue before the next menstruation begins.

After cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves, no scar remains, this is the advantage of the radio wave method, the regenerating abilities of the tissues are not affected, so the healing process is much faster. The decision on how to cauterize the erosion is made by the treating gynecologist, based on the clinical picture of the pathology.

Changes in the nature of menstruation after the procedure

Many women have a question: how soon will the first menstruation begin after cauterization of erosion? This is individual for a particular patient. Menstruation can be expected within the expected period and will proceed normally. There may be a delay, as well as the fact that menstruation that began after erosion comes ahead of schedule.

Why did they start earlier? The delay in menstruation could be due to the procedure performed, or there are other reasons for this - questions that concern all patients who have encountered abnormalities during menstruation after cauterization of erosion.

There are situations when a woman’s menstrual cycle was regular, but after surgery she does not have periods for a long time.

First menstruation after manipulation

Many people ask: when does menstruation begin, which will be the first after cauterization of erosive defects? As a rule, menstrual bleeding begins within a month, counting from the day of surgery, and lasts, on average, 5-7 days. Immediately after the procedure, the woman experiences bloody discharge, which is replaced by pinkish and then clear discharge, which has a specific odor. Such manifestations are characteristic of the normal healing process of epithelium that has undergone high-temperature coagulation or exposure to extremely low temperatures, as during cryodestruction manipulation.

If the cauterization procedure is performed according to all the rules, the woman does not have concomitant gynecological pathologies, removal of erosion will not greatly affect the systematicity and intensity of the first menstrual flow.

Why is there a delay?

Erosion of the cervix during its treatment can cause a delay in menstruation. Perhaps the female body needs more time to recover so that the treated areas of the mucous membrane can regenerate well. The larger the erosive defects, the longer the tissue recovery time will be. This may affect the onset of the next menstrual cycle.

Delayed menstruation after cauterization of cervical erosion is not an abnormal phenomenon.

Small deviations in the timing and intensity of discharge are acceptable, but these indicators will stabilize over 2-3 subsequent cycles. Therefore, there is no need to be alarmed if your periods are late. In practice, there are cases when menstruation came 1.5-2 months after the manipulation.

A long delay in the onset of menstruation is caused by:

  • specific reaction of mucosal tissues to traumatic intervention;
  • the reaction of receptors to the use of extreme temperature conditions;
  • the general stressful state of the woman’s body due to the procedure.

What is the reason for heavy periods?

Some women face the problem of heavy menstrual flow, which they consider excessive due to the presence of blood clots. This phenomenon is acceptable during the first menstruation and is not considered a deviation from the norm.

An increase in the frequency of menstruation may be due to:

  • with non-compliance with the rules of the recovery period, which provide for the exclusion of excessive physical activity and heavy lifting, which provoke the detachment of the scab and the appearance of bleeding;
  • with non-compliance with sexual activity, from which you should abstain for 1 month;
  • performing hygiene procedures that should be avoided until complete recovery, for example, visiting a bathhouse or steam room;
  • damage to the wound surface due to inaccurate use of gynecological speculum during the first postoperative examination.

Therefore, when, after cauterization of erosion, the release of blood clots during menstruation may begin, you should not be alarmed if it lasts no more than 6-7 days. You should be concerned if this condition does not go away and bleeding continues to occur profusely after a week. A woman must urgently visit her gynecologist.

Scanty or absent menstruation

If previously a woman had intense menstrual bleeding, after cauterization it often has a similar character. When, after the manipulation, the first menstruation begins, characterized by scanty discharge, is accompanied by painful sensations inside the vagina, you should see a doctor. Perhaps only the first menstruation changed its intensity, and then everything will return to normal. But another situation is also possible, when we are talking about the development of a postoperative complication. If the required coagulation time for cervical tissue is exceeded, this can cause a narrowing of its canal (stenosis), which provokes the appearance of scanty menstrual flow.

The situation is even more serious when, after cauterization, the patient waits a long time for her period to begin, but it does not come at all. Menstrual blood remains in the uterine cavity, without the possibility of natural release, it stagnates, which threatens the development of a dangerous inflammatory process throughout the uterine cavity.

The woman is bothered by intense pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region, and pressing sensations inside the vagina. This situation requires resolution using surgical techniques.

Recovery period rules

Compliance with the rules of the recovery period will enable the tissues of the cervix to regenerate faster, and the patient will recover in a short time, avoiding the development of complications. To do this you need:

  • do not lift heavy objects and generally reduce the intensity of physical activity;
  • take a shower, not a hot bath, and even more so, do not take a steam bath;
  • use sanitary pads and not tampons, which, if inserted carelessly, can mechanically damage the wound surface of the cervix;
  • exclude sex for the recommended period of time;

High-tech techniques make it possible to treat cervical erosion as gently and painlessly as possible, ensuring a quick recovery for the patient and preserving her reproductive function.

Erosion is damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix, which appears as a result of microtrauma, mechanical damage, and also as a result of infectious diseases. From the article we will learn why menstruation is delayed after cauterization of erosion.

Delayed menstruation after cauterization of erosion with electric current

A distinction is made between true erosion, which is formed due to a defect in the epithelium, and pseudo-erosion, which appears when pathological replacement of areas of the mucous layer of the cervix with cells of the cervical canal. If the first can go away on its own within 14 days, then the second is subject to special treatment. And in this case, women are concerned about the problem of whether the cycle will be disrupted after the end of treatment, whether a delay in menstruation is possible after cauterization of cervical erosion, and how long the recovery period will take.

To answer these questions, we will analyze the existing methods of treating this pathology, among which the most common is cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current.

Diathermocoagulation is used most often. The essence of this procedure is to apply electric current to the affected area. It is carried out 2 weeks before critical days, for 20-30 minutes. A scab forms at the site of the wound, falling off after 10-14 days.

Delayed menstruation after cauterization of erosion with radio waves

Laser is also used for therapeutic purposes. The beam specifically acts on the damaged surface, destroying diseased cells with the formation of a scar, which then gradually recedes. Disturbances in the cyclic process also occur in this case, and the delay of menstruation after cauterization of erosion with current does not differ from laser exposure. The disadvantage of this method is the occurrence of bleeding in the event of a burn to the vaginal mucosa.

Less traumatic is the use of radio waves, which seem to dry out damaged cells, which evaporate and turn into a layer of protective film without scarring. It is carried out on the first day of the end of menstrual bleeding. The advantage of this method is that after the film is rejected on days 7-8, there is no bleeding and recovery occurs within 3-6 weeks.

Delayed menstruation after cauterization of erosion with Solkovagin

For nulliparous women, Solkovagin is used for treatment. It promotes the death of pathological tissues with the formation of a protective layer, which peels off after a few days. The manipulation is carried out on days 8-9 of the cycle. A month later, the doctor repeats the procedure if necessary.

Cryodestruction is less commonly used, when liquid nitrogen is applied to the focus of diseased cells on days 7-10 of the cycle. When exposed to low temperatures, they freeze. The disadvantage of this method is the presence of copious watery discharge. The delay in menstruation after cauterization of erosion in this case is individual, and the healing period of the mucous membrane is the longest, up to 3 months.


In general, how long the period will be delayed after cauterization of cervical erosion depends on the reaction of the uterus to this intervention and on the degree of stress caused by fear of the procedure and anxiety for a successful outcome.

Cauterization of erosive areas of the cervix is ​​a widespread procedure. Previously, having diagnosed erosion, specialists most often used wait-and-see tactics, but recently, if any changes are detected on the surface of the cervix, therapy begins immediately. Cauterization is considered one of the most effective ways to treat erosion.

After such a procedure, it is important to follow the doctor's instructions. During the recovery period after cauterization of erosion, you need to carefully monitor any changes in your body, including the menstrual cycle. It is with this that most of the patients’ questions are related - when should menstruation begin and is it normal that it comes ahead of schedule or, on the contrary, is it delayed?

Features of rehabilitation

During the procedure, the erosion site is cauterized by exposing it to an electric current (electrocoagulation method) or using other methods (cryodestruction, laser destruction or radio wave radiation). After cauterization, a scar remains on the cervix. Its complete healing will take several months.

After 7–10 days After the procedure, many women experience slight spotting that intensifies over the following days. Minor bleeding may occur due to natural causes associated with the healing of the cauterized area. Blood clots formed due to a burn break down after a while and leave the body, which appears as bleeding.

Bloody discharge may also be associated with scar damage. The scab (crust) that forms on it can be injured during sexual intercourse or when lifting heavy objects. Therefore, after cauterization of cervical erosion, it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity for at least a month, and also avoid physical exertion and overexertion.

After 10–14 days After the procedure, the stupa begins to be rejected, and the woman may experience discharge of a different nature. Most often they have a watery consistency and have an unpleasant odor. This discharge is a serous fluid that is formed due to the natural reaction of the body and tissues to a burn, and there is no need to worry about them.

What to do if you have menstrual irregularities?

Menstruation after cauterization of cervical erosion usually occurs on time and is not accompanied by pain. However, your menstrual flow may be heavier than usual. But if the procedure was carried out immediately after the regulation, then there should not be heavy menstruation.

Many patients, after exposure to the cervix, may experience a temporary change in the menstrual cycle: there are complaints about delays in menstruation or that they began much earlier than they should have.

Delay of menstruation. If your period is late, this may be completely normal. Disruptions in the menstrual cycle after cauterization of erosion are far from uncommon, so if nothing else bothers a woman, she will only need to watch her cycle over the next month. As a rule, it returns to normal in the second month.

My period started earlier. Premature menstruation is a reason to consult a doctor who cauterized the erosion. The specialist must find out what is causing too early menstruation and monitor the healing process of the scar.

Even if the menstrual cycle is not disrupted and the woman does not observe any suspicious symptoms, she will still have to visit a gynecologist some time after the procedure, since the specialist needs to monitor the process of epithelization of the cervix and, if necessary, take all necessary measures in a timely manner.

Any surgery on the female reproductive organs can cause menstrual irregularities. After cauterization of cervical erosion, critical days should appear on time, but a very real situation may arise when there are heavy menstruation or a delay in menstruation. This is usually caused by hormonal imbalance due to stress and surgical trauma. However, other reasons are possible, so if there is a delay or irregularity in menstruation, you should consult a doctor.

In what phase of the cycle is cauterization performed?

To treat erosion, methods are used that are used in different phases of the menstrual cycle:

  • diathermocoagulation is carried out in phase 2 so that menstruation comes against the background of a scab covering the wound after surgery;
  • cryodestruction is used before the onset of menstruation to prevent the risk of endometriosis;
  • Radio wave and laser therapy ensures rapid healing of the wound, so the operation is performed after menstruation on days 5-7, so that by the first day of the next critical days there are no problems on the cervix.

It is important to strictly follow the rules for preparing and performing surgery to remove cervical erosion, which will be the best prevention of long-term complications.

What are the causes of menstrual irregularities

Problems with the menstrual cycle associated with cervical surgery arise due to various reasons, which are identified individually in each case.

  1. Stress. Any operation is always stressful for a person. At the stage of preparing and taking tests, the woman begins to worry, and by the time of the procedure, emotional stress can increase many times over. For some women, these psycho-emotional disorders can provoke problems with the timely arrival of menstruation.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. There are many hormone receptors in the area of ​​the cervical canal and cervix. Any injury leads to changes in the endocrine background with temporary disruption of the ovaries after surgery to remove the eroded surface.
  3. Reflex reaction. The cervical canal contains pain receptors. Irritation of these structures during and after cauterization provokes reflex changes that affect the nervous system and the regulation of the reproductive system.
  4. Pregnancy. Delayed menstruation is one of the signs of pregnancy, even if there has recently been cauterization of cervical erosion. A woman needs to take a pregnancy test in order to find out about the changed situation in a timely manner.
  5. Gynecological diseases. Heavy periods may indicate the following diseases:
    • polyp of the cervical canal;
    • hyperplastic processes in the endometrium;
    • uterine leiomyoma;
    • endometriosis.

If menstruation is disrupted after cauterization of cervical erosion, we must try to find the reason in order to return the woman to a regular cycle.

What to do if your period is late

If, in due time after cauterization, there are no typical cervical erosions from the vagina, then the first thing to do if there is a delay is to do a pregnancy test. Even if conception occurs after surgery on the cervix, there is no reason to fear: after cauterization, you can bear the fetus.

If the pregnancy test is negative, anovulation may be a possible cause of menstrual problems. The absence of an egg becomes the main factor influencing the untimely arrival of menstrual periods. The delay in menstruation in this case is explained by serious hormonal changes. The doctor will prescribe treatment that will ensure normalization of the cycle.

What to do during heavy periods

Most often, severe bleeding from the uterus after cauterization of cervical erosion occurs against the background of worsening gynecological diseases. If the doctor previously detected leiomyoma or endometrial hyperplastic processes on an ultrasound, then after surgery on the cervix, problems can be expected. To prevent complications associated with female diseases, the doctor will give recommendations for treatment.

The first menstruation that comes after cauterization of erosion can be long and heavy, which is associated with reflex or hormonal disorders. Sometimes there is a delay in menstruation, during which it is necessary to check the possible occurrence of pregnancy.

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