Sea. quotes, statuses, aphorisms and poems about the sea. sea ​​of ​​humor. Pictures. art. Quotes about holidays and travel

Like-mindedness creates friendship. Democritus

How hard you have to work to have such a rest! Alexander Mikheev

In life there is always a wide field for activity, but sometimes you want a small clearing for relaxation. Stas Yankovsky

The higher a mighty eagle soars in the skies, the longer it is forced to rest on earth. Alexandre Dumas the father

It is more difficult to rest your head than your body. Ilya Shevelev

A well-organized vacation is when everyone is tied to their beds. Mikhail Mamchich

If he is cheerful at work, then he is playful at rest. Russian proverb The world is a book and those who do not travel see only one page of it

Friendship achieves the same result as courage, but only in a more pleasant way. Francis Bacon

Only the devotion of friends is the treasure of rulers, it is more beautiful than all the riches of the world. Ronsard.

Friends help us live and prevent us from working.

Tourism is the best vacation, but vacation is better than tourism.

You have to pay for a vacation, but you have to overpay for a good one.

He who can rest is superior to him who can take cities. B Franklin Vincent van Gogh - walked along the seashore in the evening

How nice it is to do nothing and then relax! Spanish proverb

Timely rest is equal to work. Silovan Ramishvili

Anyone who has learned well that free cheese is only in a mousetrap does not even dare to relax without paying exorbitant prices. Elena Ermolova

Can rest be truly sweet without fatigue? Constant immobility is not even rest. This is nothingness, this is death. George Sand

The best rest is active, the best active rest is work. Evgeniy Kashcheev

Rest, I thought: I sighed and exhaled. Vladimir Borisov

You can't work all the time. Everyone needs a little rest, and I believe that the best time for this is the early morning hours - about five or six hours after you wake up. George Allen

Rest for those who are not tired is tiresome. Leszek Kumor

Nothing tires you more than someone else's rest. Andrzej Stock

Rest and work are inseparable, like the eyelid and the eye. Rabindranath Tagore

You need to learn to be happy in moments of relaxation, when you remember that you are alive, and not in moments of hectic life, when you forget about it. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

As long as you are happy, you have many friends; when times get dark, you're left alone. Ovid

One should know moderation in everything, everywhere. One must know when to stop in friendship and enmity. Saadi

It is better to be in darkness than without a friend. John Chrysostom

A true friend is not a bed, but you can rely on him.

With a friend it’s a thousand times easier to wipe away tears from tired eyes... With her, if you want, cry, but if you want, laugh... and if you want... get completely drunk with her, ha ha ha...

He sold everyone who bought him. Walking review of Talleyrand

We love our friends for their flaws. William Hazlitt

You know, you will always be my best friend, since you know too much about me.

Violation of friendship is, with wisdom, discord. Shota Rustaveli

We make friends not by receiving services from them, but by providing them ourselves. Thucydides.

Enmity between loved ones can be especially irreconcilable. Tacitus Publius Cornelius

When I was a girl, I only had two girlfriends, and only imaginary ones. And they only played with each other

I can call the most wonderful moment in my life the one when I realized that I had a friend, a like-minded person. William Rotsler

Quitting drinking is very easy, but convincing your friends of this...

There is no way to insult your friends! But pinning is a sacred thing!

One day a friend asked me: What will happen if one day I betray your trust? I answered: Trusting you is my decision, and whether to convince me of the correctness of my decision or not is only your choice.

Sometimes a person cannot have a better friend than loneliness, and a better friend than silence.

The happiness that has never deceived me is your friendship. Of all my passions, the only one that has remained unchanged is my friendship for you, for my friendship is a passion. Nikolai Platonovich

Make friends slowly, and do not reject those you have acquired. Solon.

A friend is known by love, character, speech, and deeds. Unknown author

You have found a devoted friend if, having risen, he has not become acquainted with you. Labruyère.

A true friend will never ask me why?

Both our friends and our enemies are our own creations.

What can you say about friends who have forgotten you? It’s better not to talk, but to do it - forget about them, they are not friends, they are acquaintances.

Mothers confess and are frank with their friends.

The best friend is the one who forgets about her problems because she understands that yours are much more serious.

There is no enmity more vicious than that which love generates. Propertius

Violation of friendship - This is discord with wisdom. Shota Rustaveli

In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a reliable refuge. Aristotle.

Friendship is a great gift...

I bought a car, well then please yourself, your friends, those creditors, and those traffic cops.

Remember, friend: it is more difficult to find a Friend than a girlfriend. Lope de Vega

If you want to know the whole truth about yourself, ask your friends about it.

Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.

When so much is behind

In total, especially grief,

Don't expect anyone's support

Get on the train, get off by the sea.

Joseph Brodsky

We only feel the charm of our native speech when we hear it under foreign skies.

Bernard Show

The sea - it washes away melancholy and disappointment better than any medicine.

Tatiana Stepanova

Bernard Werber. Empire of Angels

Agatha Christie

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.

Aurelius Augustine

We will only regret two things on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little.

Mark Twain

It is not necessary to live. Traveling is necessary.

William Burroughs

Time lost in pleasure is not considered lost.

John Lennon

If you can randomly make your way to your own bed in complete darkness without hurting yourself, then it’s time to travel.

Boris Krieger

Rest is a change of activity.

Ivan Pavlov

To be able to manage your leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization.

Bertrand Russell

Traveling reveals not so much our curiosity about what we are going to see, but rather our weariness from what we are leaving behind.

Allen Carr

The best employees work harder than others and rest more than others.

Tom Hopkins

Ah, these “current affairs”: even if they all went to hell at the same time, well, at least for a few days; and then we, having freed our souls into “carelessness,” would immediately remember all the important matters, which in the “current bustle” are absolutely impossible for anyone to remember.

V. Rozanov

Rest: what you do when no one is telling you what to do.

Joseph Prendergast

Imagine a thousand people making a journey together; if each of them were observant, then each would write a book of impressions completely different from the others; and yet there would still be a lot of interesting and apt things left to say to someone who would go on the same journey after them.

L. Mercier

If you have absolutely no time to rest, then it’s time to rest.

Sydney Harris

If you can't find time to rest, you'll soon have to find time to heal.

John Wainmaker

When the razor has served its purpose and can no longer be pointed, the barber sets it aside for a few weeks and it sharpens itself. We take care of inanimate objects, but do not take care of ourselves. What strongmen, what thinkers we would become if only from time to time we would put ourselves on the shelf and sharpen ourselves.

Mark Twain

I have learned that there is no better way to find out whether you like or dislike a person than to go on a trip with him.

Mark Twain

Knowledge of the countries of the world is the decoration and food of human minds.

Leonardo da Vinci

Half the fun of traveling is the aesthetic of being lost.

Ray Bradbury

Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us find ourselves again.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Travel only with those you love.

Ernest Hemingway

Travel teaches more than anything else. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.

Anatole France

But, despite everything, travel remains my great and true love. All my life, from my very first trip to Russia at the age of sixteen using the money I saved (sitting with the neighbor’s kids), I knew that I was ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of travel, that I would not regret any money on it. I remained faithful and constancy to this love, unlike my other hobbies. I treat travel the same way a happy mother treats a terrible, colicky, screaming baby around the clock - I absolutely don’t care what challenges await me. Because I love. Because it's mine.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Travel develops the mind, if, of course, you have one.

Gilbert Chesterton

Is it fair to reproach a traveler for spending so much time on the road, when overcoming the journey is the subject of his journey?

Kozma Prutkov

No one realizes the beauty of travel until he comes home and rests his head on an old familiar pillow.

Lin Yutang

A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft, rounded shapes.

Jean Jacques Elisée Reclus

When you travel, the main thing is not to forget that the meaning is in the journey itself, and not in its end. If you rush too much, you will miss the purpose for which you are traveling.

Lamennay Felicite Robert

Travel must be serious work, otherwise it, unless you drink all day long, becomes one of the most bitter and at the same time the most stupid activities.

Gustave Flaubert

Traveling is a flirtation with life. It's like saying: “I would like to stay with you, I would like to love you, but I have to go out, this is my stop.”

Lisa Saint-Aubin-de-Teran

Traveling means debunking other people's misconceptions about other countries.

Aldous Huxley

Tourism turns a traveler into an inspector, his discoveries into an inspection, surprise into a statement, a wanderer into an unbelieving Thomas.

Frederic Beigbeder (99 francs)

Travel is like marriage. The main misconception is to think that you have them under control.

John Steinbeck

Don't think about what you'll say when you get back. Time is here and now. Seize the moment.

Paulo Coelho (Aleph)

To change the world, you need to see it.

Will Traveler. TV series Traveler

Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before.

Dalai Lama

The great secret of education is the ability to ensure that physical and mental exercises always serve as rest for one another.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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world-famous quotes about the sea and relaxation, vacation and freedom...

I asked the mighty sea, What is the great covenant of existence. The sonorous sea answered me: “Be always full of sound, like me!” Konstantin Balmont

What is happiness? This is white sand, these are azure skies and salty sea. Frederic Beigbeder

In any case, he smells of the sea wherever he pleases, that’s his nature. He wants it here, he wants it a thousand miles away. It didn't care about distances. Such a great guy. Max Fry

I love the sea and freedom more than anything in the world...

On the open sea, the air is fresh, wounds heal faster, and the silence is so dense that you can bear unanswered questions without being tormented by your own silence. Arturo Perez-Reverte

A man at sea is never alone. Ernest Hemingway

“The sea, the sea is a bottomless world” Yuri Antonov

He was amazed that the sea was blue, that it roared incessantly - in a word, all the most banal things that could amaze the ocean, but if they had told him at that moment that all this was banal, he would only have gasped in amazement. Francis Fitzgerald

Each of us has our own sea. Elchin Safarli

...At the Black Sea, who appeared to me
In the blooming acacias the city
In the blooming acacias the city
Near the Black Sea... Leonid Utesov “Near the Black Sea” (quotes about the Black Sea)

Sea and relaxation are made for each other

Living by the sea, people become wise. They are not locked in the mountains and are not tied to a monotonous plain. The sea has plenty of space for the eyes. This probably helps people think freely. Annika Thor

The sun was happy that it was shining; the sea - by what reflected its jubilant light. Maksim Gorky

And only a few understand the language of the sea. And it is simple, like the voice of a mother who sings a song to her unborn child: “You and I are of the same blood, there are no differences between us, drop by drop...” Elena Gordeeva

It will forever remain in my memory with color repetitions, the day when I see the sea... 30.02, “When I see the sea”

When you look at the sea for a long time, you begin to miss people, and when you look at people for a long time, you start to miss the sea. Haruki Murakami. Listen to the song of the wind

One day you will find yourself by the sea, and it will carry away the pain of memories on its waves. Each of us has our own sea. Elchin Safarli

When I look at the sea, it seems to me that its waves carry away my sadness. Elchin Safarli

I will never cease to be amazed by the beauty of the sea. Looking at him, I seem to look into my soul, allowing my consciousness to rethink a lot. Alexandra Bulgakova

It seems to me that more people come here for fresh air, of which there is so little. The sea air is completely different. It smells like people's dreams. Dhobi Ghat

We all came from the sea, but we are not all children of the sea. We, the chosen ones, flying on the crest of a wave, are drawn to return to it again and again. Wave Conquerors

The sea is outwardly lifeless, but it is full of monstrous life, which cannot be comprehended until you go to the bottom. Brodsky

The sea itself is a mystery. It is the space where the world of the living and the world of the dead come into contact with each other. Koji Suzuki

The sea and love do not tolerate pedants. Alexander Green

Sea and sky are two symbols of infinity. Giuseppe Mazzini

The sea smelled like an inflated sail, in which water, salt and cold sun were entangled. It smelled simply, this sea, but the smell was both large and unique, so Grenouille did not dare to split it into fishy, ​​salty, watery, algae, freshness, and so on. Patrick Suskind

The sea is calling. You will understand this, the sea is nothing more than a constant call. Alessandro Barrico

Sea! When you say this word, it seems that you are going out for a walk, looking at the horizon. Sea.. Alexander Green

The sea is the best thing that can happen to a person... Max Fry

On the seashore I chew on my old and fresh grievances. And I immediately feel how funny it is to engage in self-care when a spectacle of such breadth is before your eyes. Emil Cioran

The best cure for all ailments is salt water... Sweat, tears and the sea...

Ask the sailors about the sea. Japanese proverb

When so much is behind everything, especially grief, don’t wait for anyone’s support, get on the train, land by the sea. Joseph Brodsky

The ocean calms my restless soul. Leigh Bardugo. Siege and storm.

How nice it would be if each of us had a river leading to our own sea. Alessandro Baricco

it is very difficult to describe the sea. Do you know what description of the sea I recently read in a student notebook? "The sea was big." But only. I think it's wonderful! Ivan Bunin

And later, when he learned from stories that the sea was large and you could sail on ships all day long without encountering land, he usually imagined himself sitting on such a ship high above, in a basket on the very front mast, and flying somewhere into the distance along the endless smell of the sea, which is not even a smell at all, but a breath, an exhalation, the end of all smells, and with pleasure he seems to dissolve in this breath. Patrick Suskind

Now he understood the difference between land and sea. On earth you don't think about the earth. And when you are at sea, you constantly think about the sea, even if your thoughts are about something else. Chingiz Aitmatov

If you look closely, you can see that the sea is blue differently every day. Maria Parr

The sea sometimes has a good character, sometimes a bad one, and it is impossible to understand why. After all, we only see the surface of the water. But if you love the sea, it doesn't matter. Then you accept both the good and the bad... Tove Jansson

For me, the sea has always been a creature you can trust, a friend who readily listens to any story, never betraying the secrets entrusted to him, a comrade who gives the best advice: everyone interprets the sound and splash of the waves as best they can. Ernesto Chegevara

A man on the seashore is always a poet. Banana Yoshimoto

In the sea, in the sea and in the weightlessness of the depths - where all dreams come true and two souls merge, the most cherished desires come true. "Sea Inside"

I looked at the lonely sea, not daring to go into it even up to my waist. I was afraid that it would dissolve me...

“The sea is everything! His breath is pure and life-giving. In its vast desert, a person does not feel alone, because around him he feels the beat of life.” Jules Verne

Wonderful quotes about the sea and vacations of famous people: poets, politicians, writers, musicians...

Aphorisms and quotes about relaxation

After busy days, there are always weekends that you want to spend with benefit and pleasure. The human imagination is truly inexhaustible, as evidenced by aphorisms and quotes about leisure collected in different eras.
It will also be useful for our contemporaries to get acquainted with the accumulated material and read aphorisms and quotes about the holidays of different authors. In them they share their innermost thoughts and give tips on how to organize a true holiday for yourself.

“One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work”
Immanuel Kant

“To be able to manage your leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization”
Bertrand Russell

“Peace and rest owe their sweetness to work”
William Channing

“From time to time you should take a break from idleness”
Jean Cocteau

“Don’t start life where you have to end. Others will rest at the beginning of the journey, leaving work until the end. No, first - the main thing, and time will remain - secondary"
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

“Pension: rest forced on you when all you can do is work”
Georges Elgozy

"The shortest distance between two points: the distance between the start and end of a vacation"
Yanina Ipohorskaya

“No one needs a vacation more than a person who has just returned from vacation.”
Elbert Hubbard

“The higher a mighty eagle soars in the skies, the longer it is forced to rest on earth.”
Alexandre Dumas the Father

“Rest is a change of activity”
Ivan Pavlov

“Of all medicines, the best are rest and abstinence.”
Benjamin Franklin

“Alone with ourselves, we imagine everyone more simple-minded than ourselves: in this way we give ourselves a break from our neighbors.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“The bed is a place where you rest alone and get tired together”
Andre Prevost

"The best thing about Sunday is Saturday night"
Gilbert Sesbron

“Rest of the heart is best ensured by the work of the mind”
Gaston Levis

“We usually ask people about their weekend for the sole purpose of being able to talk about their own weekend.”
Chuck Palahniuk

“Rest after mental work does not consist at all in doing nothing, but in changing things: physical work is not only pleasant, but also useful rest after mental work.”
Konstantin Ushinsky

“If you have a fountain, shut it up; give the fountain a rest"
Kozma Prutkov

“No rush, but no rest”
Johann Goethe

"Vacation: two weeks on the beach and fifty broke"
Leonard Levinson

“Of course, lying in a hammock, you risk getting a ache in the lower back, but those who have not tried such a life are worthy only of pity.”
Frederic Beigbeder

“The great secret of education is the ability to ensure that physical and mental exercises always serve as rest for one another.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“Who will remember the times when he actually rested on Sundays instead of Mondays?”
Frank Hubbard

“The greatest sensual pleasure, which does not contain any impurity or disgust, is, in a healthy state, rest after work.”
Immanuel Kant

"Eternal Vacation is a good definition of hell"
George Shaw

“The reader’s mind rests on many books, and the reason for this is very simple: the writer’s mind rested in the same way.”
Charles Colton

“Idleness is not rest”
James Cooper

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Quotes and statuses about vacation, no matter how beautiful they are, still cannot replace the vacation itself. But they will give you a reason to dream and, perhaps, plan your upcoming vacation.

The best antidepressant is a suitcase packed for vacation.

Vacation is when every next day you can rest from the previous one.

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss says when, the wife where...

Stop for a moment, you're on vacation!!!

Blessed is he who believes. But truly blessed is the one who lies on the seashore and is in no hurry.

The best way to relax is to escape from the people in the city to the jellyfish in the sea.

Take me away from here on vacation.

Only vacation pay ends faster than vacations.

Nothing tires you more than someone else's rest.

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss it so much now...

The frantic pace of life, the rapid flow of information, work, family - it’s natural that you want to take a break from all this. It was for such cases that they came up with temporary release from work or, to put it more simply, vacation. Officially, this is the time provided by the employer for rest. It is calculated in calendar days. But this definition is boring. In order to understand what it really is, we offer you cool quotes, short aphorisms and beautiful quotes about vacation.

Funny quotes about vacation and work

For some people, the only difference between vacation and work is that they sit at a different computer.

Vacations come and go, but you never want to work.

Labor turned a monkey into a man, but vacation shows how easily a person returns to his original state.

There are two types of leave: one for your own, and the second for your boss. Moreover, the second may be no worse than the first.

What you do at work will be decided by your boss, but you will have to plan your vacation yourself.

No matter how long the vacation, you still realize at the end of the first working day that you didn’t rest enough.

Eternity is the last two working hours before vacation.

How nice it is to do nothing and then relax!

No one needs a vacation more than a person who has just returned from vacation.

Work ennobles a person, but vacation makes him happy.

Short statuses about vacation without rest

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to, I’ll freak out and leave. To the dacha. I will water, weed, dig...

Stability is when during vacation a person exchanges his work computer for a home one.

Summer smells like vacation for those who have been on vacation. For everyone else, summer smells of envy and longing.

As always, the dream of a vacation turned out to be better than the vacation itself.

I was tired, but became exhausted - this is a vacation spent at the dacha.

The mother-in-law decided that the best vacation was renovation.

Find time to relax, as there is always work, but life tends to end.

For some, it turns out that vacation is designed to dream about vacation.

The sun shines for everyone, but only the lucky ones sunbathe.

Rest is a very rare opportunity to think about business.

Summer is considered the most suitable time of year for relaxation. The sun, the heat - it's time to relax. True, many of us don’t have very long vacations, so we don’t want to waste time. And, only having managed to slam the office door behind us with a satisfied smile, most of us immediately pack our bags and rush to the airport, train station, or bus station. Everything in order to fully enjoy the days allotted for rest. But, of course, it is advisable to think carefully about your entire vacation and prepare for it in advance. Well, so that it doesn’t turn out like in this quote: you’re just starting to feel like a free person, like you - you still have vacation, but there’s no money.

Aphorisms about vacation with meaning

There is nothing more hopeless than having fun according to plan.

I am never so busy as during my leisure hours.

You have to pay for a vacation, but you have to overpay for a good one.

Some work to relax, others relax to work.

It is more difficult to rest your head than your body.

Vacation: two weeks on the beach and fifty broke.

Rest is proper laziness.

The main thing on vacation is to relax without rest!

Tourism is the best vacation, but vacation is better than tourism.

You can't spend your vacation - it always ends on time.

Vacations are such a popular topic that people very often talk about them, who will go where, where is better, what are the prices, what to see and have time to do. To show off your intellect in such a conversation, these quotes and statuses about vacation will be quite useful. After all, vacation is meant to take a break, even from one’s own personality. Therefore, you can safely show off other people’s witticisms and aphorisms.

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