Could there be a tumor in the breast? Diagnosis of breast cancer, prevention, surgery and other treatment methods. How does breast cancer manifest?

Breast cancer is medically known as carcinoma. The disease manifests itself as a malignant tumor and ranks almost first among cancer diseases. The location of the malignant tumor is the mammary gland. Breast cancer mainly occurs in women and affects one of the mammary glands. According to studies, malignant tumors appear more often in residents of European countries than in Japan.

Statistics regarding the development of breast cancer

Breast cancer is often diagnosed in women aged 45 years. Symptoms in the initial stage of the disease are practically invisible; they can be detected without appropriate examinations unless by accident. Many women are at risk of developing cancer in old age. The malignant tumor is mainly localized in the upper outer part of the mammary gland, near the armpit. The disease is considered exclusively female, although there are situations where cancer affects men, and there have also been isolated cases of the disease in children. Currently, it is noted that this cancer is the most common disease throughout the world, although some countries have managed to reduce incidence rates among the population. And all thanks to a well-established, mandatory and mass examination of women, as a result of which breast cancer can be detected, symptoms and primary signs can be suppressed, and the disease itself can be cured.

Factors contributing to the development of breast cancer

Women who care about their health should know what breast cancer is. Symptoms and signs of the disease can become life-threatening and health-threatening if they are not detected in time.

The main location of carcinoma is the mammary gland. Often its development is associated with excessive activity of a woman’s sex hormones or changes in the body at the genetic level. Thus, the cause of the tumor can be:

Involvement with the female gender;

Heredity, when cases of this disease have been observed in the family or relatives;

Increased estrogen activity;

First pregnancy after 35 years or its complete absence;

The presence of malignancy in other organs;

The presence of a mutation process in genes;

Cases of exposure to radiation on the body, frequent fluorography, etc.;

Various diseases of the mammary gland, including mastopathy, manifestation of a benign tumor;

Negative effects on the body of viruses, chemicals that provoke the manifestation of a malignant tumor;

Bad habits;

Long-term use of hormonal drugs in large doses;

Excess weight during menopause, tall height, lack of physical activity.

Despite the many causes of breast cancer, the symptoms of the disease appear only as a result of their total summation. Separately, neither obesity, nor high growth, nor a sedentary lifestyle, nor any other reason can become a death sentence and an alarming sign of the disease.

Symptoms, primary signs, proliferation of cells that make up the tumor, and further treatment of the disease are very difficult to predict. The course and manifestation of the disease varies for each woman. It happens that cancer manifests itself rapidly, the symptoms become noticeable almost at the very beginning of the disease, which makes it possible to begin a course of treatment in a timely manner. It’s a different matter when the situation is the other way around: cancer cells grow slowly, without visible causes or symptoms. In this case, the tumor in the mammary gland progresses for a long time, complicating the clinical picture and treatment. Therefore, every woman should know what symptoms of breast cancer may indicate cancer.

What are the initial signs of breast cancer?

Almost all malignant tumors in the early stages of development are very difficult to detect, and breast cancer is no exception. Symptoms of the onset of the disease can only be detected during a random examination.

A woman who feels pain in the mammary gland and discomfort for a long time for no apparent reason should immediately be examined by her doctor. The first symptoms of breast cancer are expressed by compaction, changes in the size and shape of the mammary gland, its swelling, and deformation. As the tumor develops, the nipple becomes deformed and bloody or yellowish discharge may flow from it. The skin at the site of the lesion changes somewhat, it becomes wrinkled, retracted, dry, and changes its color. The lymph nodes in the armpit become enlarged; in some cases, they are noticeably enlarged above or below the collarbone. A slight swelling appears in the shoulder and breast area. When you raise your arm from the side where the tumor is developing, a depression or dimple appears on the chest.

How often should you have a mammogram?

In order to detect the first symptoms of breast cancer in time and prevent the further development of a malignant neoplasm, a woman must independently conduct a breast examination. Doctors recommend regular examinations by a mammologist who specializes in breast cancer. Since the risk of developing carcinoma in women under 40 years of age is small (but not excluded), if they do not have a hereditary predisposition to developing a tumor, then preventive mammography is not necessary. At the same time, it is advisable for women aged 40 to 50 to undergo mammography once every two years, after 50 years and older - once a year.

Women who are at risk of developing breast cancer, regardless of their age, should consult a doctor. Using color mammography, you can recognize breast cancer, symptoms of the disease, and tumor development. Having discovered the first signs of the disease, the doctor will prescribe additional tests, according to which he will draw up a special treatment program and a course of prevention.

Examination of the breast at home for the presence of cancer

Many doctors recommend that their patients regularly examine their breasts at home. It must be done 5-7 days after the end of the menstrual cycle. Of course, no one can guarantee that changes will be detected at the first examination, so it is better to keep notes in a diary about each sensation. During a visual examination, it is necessary to pay attention to the right and left breasts, whether they are symmetrically located relative to each other, whether one of them has enlarged, what kind of skin it looks like, whether its color has changed in a certain place.

Breast cancer in women can also be determined by palpation. Symptoms of a malignant neoplasm can be detected both in a standing and lying position. It is necessary to lightly press on the breast with your fingertips in such a way as to feel if there are any changes, compactions, or nodes in the mammary gland and surrounding tissues. Particular attention should be paid to the nipples (is one of them retracted, is there any secretion). In this case, you need to pay attention to the lymph nodes in the armpit to see if they are too enlarged.

In case a woman does notice some changes in her breasts, she should consult a doctor who specializes in women's diseases. A suspicious neoplasm can be a benign tumor, mastopathy, so there is no need to panic and worry prematurely. Only after an appropriate medical examination will the doctor be able to establish an accurate and correct diagnosis.

Breast cancer, its forms and stages

What is a breast tumor and what forms can it take? This question interests many women who are worried about their health. Moreover, breast cancer differs in the form of formation, symptoms, stages and methods of treatment. Today, a generally accepted TNM system has been developed, with the help of which the stages of cancer tumor development are distinguished, while:

T - development of the primary tumor;

M - metastases that have penetrated into neighboring organs;

N - metastasis and damage to regional lymph nodes.

Only a doctor can assign a tumor to one stage or another after the patient has completed all the prescribed examinations.

Types of forms of breast cancer, their symptoms and clinical picture

The primary signs of a neoplasm have a direct impact on what form breast cancer in women belongs to. Symptoms, location of the tumor, stage of the disease and other factors play an important role in cancer; they help determine the form of cancer.

A nodular tumor is a neoplasm of a very dense consistency, when palpating it there is no pain. It may take on a round or irregular shape. As the tumor develops, it grows evenly in all directions and grows tightly together with the surrounding tissues. When a patient with breast cancer raises her arms, a small depression or dimple will become noticeable at the site of the tumor. In the initial stages, the skin at the site of tumor formation becomes wrinkled and dry, but as the cancer progresses, the skin becomes very wrinkled and ulcers may even appear. The mammary gland and lymph nodes of the cervical, axillary, supraclavicular and subclavian regions will increase in size.

Young women most often suffer from the edematous-infiltrative form of breast cancer. The disease is accompanied by the absence of pain or its mild severity. A thickening is noticed that extends to almost the entire area of ​​the mammary gland. There are pronounced traces of swelling on the skin around the nipple areola.

Despite the fact that mastitis-like cancer affects the mammary gland in women of different ages, its form is often found in young people. At the same time, it is expressed by an increase in body temperature, increased size of the mammary gland, and edema. When palpated, you can feel an increased temperature of the skin at the site of the lesion and a painful large compaction in the tissues of the gland.

Erysipelas-like cancer in its appearance resembles an erysipelas-type inflammation, something similar to a special purulent infection. Cancer is accompanied by compaction in the gland, reddened skin, increased skin temperature, and the absence of nodes when palpated.

Armored cancer is quite dangerous, since the malignant tumor affects the entire glandular tissue, fatty tissue of the breast, and can even spread to another mammary gland. Cancer is expressed by a reduction in the mammary gland, its limited mobility, the skin over the lesion is thickened and has an uneven surface.

A form such as Paget's cancer is special and occurs in very rare cases. Important symptoms indicating cancer: crust formation around the nipple, the affected area becomes red, erosion appears, bleeding and not very deep ulcers, itching. The nipple becomes deformed, as the disease progresses, it is destroyed, and a tumor forms in the mammary gland. If cancer is not detected in time, then metastases can affect the lymph nodes.

A thorough examination of the breast will help you find out what form of breast cancer it is and its symptoms. A photo taken using mammography is the best option in this case.

Can men get breast cancer?

Many people are most likely interested in the fact why a minimal percentage of men suffer from breast cancer, unlike women, although the chest of both has a tubular structure. The simple difference between a woman's and a man's chest is that the man's tubular structure is not developed.

Breast cancer usually occurs in men in old age. Symptoms and primary signs of the disease are noticeable by the retraction of the nipple and bloody discharge from it. When palpated, a malignant neoplasm can be detected in the gland, which is located at a short distance from the nipple, and the axillary lymph nodes increase in size. Pain is felt when you press on the nipple. During the progression of cancer, a man loses weight and constantly feels general weakness and malaise.

While breast cancer occurs for many reasons in women, in men the causes can only be genetic or environmental. Genetic predisposition is the presence of a female chromosome in a man’s body. Environmental causes include exposure to radiation, radiation, and undergoing radiation therapy treatment. The cause of breast cancer can be a disease such as cirrhosis of the liver, which provokes an increase in the level of female hormones in the body. Hormonal imbalance, excess weight, obesity, and other diseases contribute to the development of breast tumors in men.

Tests to be performed for breast cancer

As already mentioned, primary signs of breast cancer such as tumor shadow and microcalcifications can be detected using mammography. Secondary signs of cancer in women are increased vascularization, changes in the skin of the mammary gland, etc. If the mammary gland bleeds and secretes, a cytological examination and ductography are performed, which can be used to detect the presence of intraductal papilloma and papillomatosis.

Ultrasound echography is very important in diagnosing the disease. For this purpose, modern ultrasound machines are used, which make it possible to make a correct diagnosis with an accuracy of up to 94.5%. In order to establish the stage of cancer development and prescribe treatment, it is necessary to have accurate data on metastases or their absence in the lymph nodes and other organs, so a puncture is taken and its cytological examination is carried out. Distant metastasis is detected through a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Breast cancer - treatment

Treating a disease like cancer is not at all easy. There are many specially designed regimens that are used to treat breast cancer. Symptoms, the treatment of which requires an individual approach, are often confusing and therefore require a thorough examination of the breast. The most common methods of combating breast cancer are surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy.

The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, based on the clinical picture of the disease, the stage of cancer development, the condition of the tumor, the condition of the tissues surrounding the malignancy, the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases, and hormonal levels. Only by drawing up an overall picture of the patient and her disease will the attending physician be able to choose one of the treatment options. This can be radical, palliative, surgical, combined or complex treatment.

Today, breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer pathologies, but also the most curable.

A positive prognosis is primarily justified by the severity of the external symptoms of the disease, which make it possible to diagnose it at the initial stages of development.

Breast cancer is a fibrous neoplasm of an oncological nature that replaces healthy breast tissue. This type of tumor can be localized in any part of the organ, but most often affects the outside of the gland facing the armpit.

Despite the fact that this pathology is considered a female disease, it can also affect men.

Stage 1

This stage is characterized by smoothed external symptoms or its complete absence. Since the tumor is at the first stage does not exceed 2 cm, it is rarely possible to visually determine it.

Most often, changes in the structure of the gland are observed upon palpation. But in some cases, pathology can still manifest itself as external changes in the breast. At the site of tumor origin, skin can change your shade.

Typically, a small area becomes yellowish or brown. In appearance it resembles a healing bruise. In this area, the surface of the skin begins to slightly peel off, which is associated with malnutrition of soft tissues.

When the neoplasm is located close to the surface, a noticeable slight lump-shaped seal. It has clear boundaries, along the edges of which slight redness is localized.

On palpation a small tight knot, more often with a homogeneous structure. The node is motionless and has clear localization. In some cases, palpation is accompanied by pain.

Stage 2

The second stage is characterized by a more pronounced manifestation of the disease, which is explained by the growth of the tumor. At this stage of development, pathology can be determined by a change in the shade of the skin of the affected area, which becomes reddish or acquire a bluish tint.

At the same time, healthy breast tissue is characterized by pronounced pallor. On the chest, visually determined inflamed area, which is a seal with a diameter up to 5 cm. The surface of the pathological growth becomes coarsened and heterogeneous.

It marks multiple nodules and pits. The skin over the seal changes its structure. Observed deepening of pores what gives the skin type of orange peel.

When you press on the inflamed area, it deforms into a small depression. Restoration of the surface does not occur immediately. When this place is taken into a fold, the formation of numerous deep wrinkles, straightening out only within a few minutes after the fold is released.

Due to tumor growth, it can change the shape of the nipple, which is insignificant lengthens or retracts. It is also noted asymmetry of the sides affected breast. In the place where the formation grows, it becomes slightly enlarged. But when you raise your hands up, at the place of increase a depression is formed.

Upon palpation it is revealed node, resembling cartilage tissue, which has fuzzy boundaries.

Stage 3

As a result of tumor growth, pronounced resizing breasts and their appearance. Most often, the affected breast decreases in diameter or shortened. But there are situations when the chest becomes much more healthy, while her central some may sink.

Also, completely the shape of the nipple changes, which retracts in breast tissue, acquiring flat shape. Its foundation expands, merging with the areola. Their shade changes to more dark.

The surface of the chest becomes heterogeneous. Under the skin there are small numerous nodules and irregularities that do not have clear boundaries. The skin becomes hyperemic.

Gradually redness covers the entire chest and extends to the armpit in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Hyperemia has jagged edges, resembling flames.

As the tumor grows, it is observed violation of the integrity of the skin. Due to the deterioration of trophism, small wounds that do not heal well.

Their edges covered with scales or plaques. Often the pathology is accompanied by constant itching and peeling. They can be localized over the entire surface of the breast, including on the nipples and areola. The nipple, areola and surrounding skin become covered numerous deep wrinkles, which do not straighten even with tissue tension.

During palpation examination it is noted tissue heterogeneity and formation atypical nodule of round shape, with a knobby surface and completely blurred boundaries.

Stage 4

The fourth stage is characterized by tumor growth into the skin and other organs. If the growth does not affect the skin, then a deterioration in external symptoms is observed. Breasts gain almost flat shape, or excessively increases in sizes.

The skin becomes glossy due to overstretching. Can appear adhesions or stretch marks. Skin tone changes to cyanotic. At certain types, it becomes very dark, almost black.

If a tumor grows into the skin and beyond, it is completely replacement with fibrous tissue. The neoplasm has a heterogeneous nodular structure and is distinguished by a pronounced purple or bluish tint. In some areas, a process of necrosis is observed.

After operation

The only method that increases the chance of survival is surgical removal of the tumor. Depending on the stage of the disease, a partial or complete mastectomy (removal of the breast) may be used.

At partial removal, most of the mammary gland is preserved. Removal is carried out by cutting the tissue in the areola area. Wherein the nipple and skin are not affected. This operation is considered less traumatic and practically leaves no traces. The seam is located along the line of the areola and smoothes out over time, becoming invisible.

In case of extensive damage to the mammary gland, it is carried out complete removal together with the skin. During the operation, only a small part of the skin, intended to close the wound area.

In this case, the surgeon does elliptical cut, from the inner lower edge of the chest to the center of the armpit. After breast removal, the skin is tightened and stitched with absorbable sutures.

In the first few days the seam has high edges. Its surface acquires a dark red glossy tint. As it heals, a scar is formed, which later completely smoothed out. It can be noticed only by its shade, which is slightly darker than the intact surface of the chest.


Breast correction after breast removal worries every woman who has undergone this operation. And if just a few decades ago, women had to put something in their bra to simulate the presence of breasts, today you can find a lot of products and methods that restore breasts both visually and physically.

There are several options to solve this problem:

  1. Implantation. It is a complete replacement of the mammary gland with a special prosthesis and is indicated when the entire breast, including the nipple, is removed. This procedure can be performed either directly during a mastectomy or much later. Restoration is carried out in two stages. First, the breast itself is restored, and then the nipple and areola are formed.
  2. Breast reconstruction due to replacement of removed tissues with muscles, skin or fat from the patient's body. As in the previous case, surgery can be performed both during tumor removal and after it.

    To reconstruct the breast, a part of the superficial abdominal or back muscle is most often used. This technique allows you to get breasts that differ little from natural ones, but at the same time new scars form on the woman’s body at the site of tissue excision.

    Expander. Wearing an expander is used if only the mammary gland and part of the skin were removed during the operation. An expander is a special device implanted under the skin, which causes it to stretch as it is worn.

    Subsequently, the expander is removed, and the resulting cavity is filled with a special solution. As a rule, to achieve the effect, the expander must be used for 3 or 6 months.

    Vacuum former. It is a special device, under the influence of which the skin in the area of ​​tumor removal is gradually stretched and a fat layer is formed under it. This method is suitable for those women who have had only part of the breast removed.

    To obtain a positive result, the device is attached to the problem area and worn every day for 12 hours. It is worth noting that using this method, you can achieve only a slight breast enlargement, and the correction will be associated with pain.

  3. Shapewear. Now on the shelves of specialized medical stores, you can buy ready-made underwear that simulates the presence of breasts. As a simulator, foam rubber or other substitute material is sewn into the bodice. As a rule, such underwear has standard sizes corresponding to the sizes of underwear or clothing.
  4. Imitators. They are silicone attachments designed for fixation on the skin or bra. These nozzles can be purchased in standard sizes or made to order.

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In recent years, the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer has been rapidly increasing. It is very important to identify this disease as early as possible. Therefore, every woman needs to know what the first signs of breast cancer look like.

What are the signs that you should immediately sound the alarm?

  1. The appearance of discharge from the nipples. If liquid is periodically released from them (it can be of any color: from transparent to bloody or purulent green), you need to urgently seek advice from a specialist and undergo an examination. The appearance of discharge does not depend on the phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
  2. The appearance of small wounds on the nipples and skin of the chest. Further, these wounds can turn into ulcers, and the skin lesions can be quite extensive, so under no circumstances should the problem be neglected.
  3. Increased size of lymph nodes. One of the first signs of cancer is swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit, which may be accompanied by pain.
  4. Availability of seals. Here we must say right away that lumps in the chest are not yet a reason to panic. Most of them ultimately turn out to be benign and can be successfully treated. They can be detected by self-examination. Therefore, every woman, regardless of age, should regularly perform a manual breast examination, which can be easily done at home without outside help. When you first visit a mammologist, you should ask him to show you how to properly examine your breasts.
  5. Change in color and appearance of breast skin. With cancer, the color of the skin over the tumor site may become pinkish or even purple. Peeling or swelling of the skin may occur. If, when raising your arms above your head, depressions or the so-called “orange peel”, wrinkles and folds become noticeable on the skin of your chest, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  6. Changes in the shape of the breast or nipples. When affected by breast cancer, the shape of the breast may change: it becomes flattened or, conversely, elongated. An alarming signal will also be that the nipples have become sunken. The more advanced the disease, the more the nipples will retract.
  7. The appearance of pain in the chest. They do not occur in all women who are diagnosed with cancer, but the likelihood of their occurrence is still high. However, they should not be confused with the usual soreness and swelling of the breasts during a certain phase of the menstrual cycle.
  8. Irritation or sudden increase in sensitivity of the nipples, pain or even swelling.

What to do if you suspect breast cancer

If there is at least one symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to panic and, for fear of hearing an unfavorable diagnosis, put off a visit to the mammologist. There are many means of diagnosing cancer at an early stage.

All of them are painless and available to all women. Official statistics show that at least 70% of women who are diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer every year undergo treatment and are completely cured of the dangerous disease. The main thing is to detect and recognize the disease in time.

Stages of the disease

Stage 0

At this stage of the disease, the presence of pathological cells is detected in the walls of the gland ducts. This is a non-invasive form of cancer because the cancer cells do not spread beyond the walls and do not penetrate into healthy tissue. Sometimes stage 0 is not considered an oncological process. However, there is a high probability that under the influence of unfavorable conditions or in the absence of proper treatment, the damaged cells will continue to change and cause the growth of a malignant tumor. The stage is asymptomatic.

Stage 1

It is considered the beginning of invasive oncology. Cancer cells form a small tumor, the size of which does not exceed two cm in diameter. It remains within the organ. When you palpate the gland, you can detect a small, painless lump. It should be taken into account that cancer is most successfully treated at this stage. Complete recovery occurs without excision of the mammary gland. Consequently, a woman retains not only her breasts, but also the possibility of natural feeding.

Stage 2

At this stage, oncology develops in four directions:

  • The size of the tumor may remain the same, but cancer cells are detected in the lymph nodes in the armpit.
  • A malignant neoplasm can grow up to 5 cm; single cancer cells are not detected in the axillary lymph nodes. The diameter of the formation is 2-5 cm, the appearance of cancer cells in the lymph nodes located in the axillary region is noted.
  • There are no single cancer cells in the lymph nodes, the diameter of the tumor becomes more than 5 cm.
  • Feeling the breast can help detect a small lump. There are usually no other symptoms.

Stages 0, 1 and 2 of breast cancer are considered early forms of the process.

In the early stages, it is possible to use gentle treatment methods to preserve the natural shape of the breast and the functionality of the mammary glands.

If the disease develops into a late stage, complete excision of the gland will be required. There is no need to give in to despair, since modern medicine has methods of surgical treatment with simultaneous breast surgery. If there are no contraindications, plastic surgery is performed immediately after tissue excision.

Late stages of the disease

As the process progresses, symptoms become more pronounced.

Stage 3

This form belongs to the category of locally common oncology and is divided into 3 types.

  • Stage III A is diagnosed if there is a tumor with a diameter of no more than 5 cm. Metastases continue to spread to the lymph nodes. Damage to the retrosternal lymph nodes is possible. As the size of the tumor increases, cancer cells infect adherent or separately located lymph nodes.
  • Stage III B is defined as a tumor of any size growing into the skin of the gland or into the chest area. Pronounced signs of breast cancer in this case are the appearance of tissue swelling and small nodules on the surface of the skin. Sometimes the mammary gland acquires a reddish tint and severe swelling as a result of blockage of the lymphatic vessels.
  • Stage III C means the presence of a tumor of any size growing into surrounding tissue. Lymph nodes in the axillary, retrosternal, as well as in the subclavian or supraclavicular region may be affected.

Stage 4

Metastases grow into other internal organs. This degree is called metastatic cancer. Sometimes the process is irreversible. Then the treatment is designed to reduce the symptoms of the disease, but cannot eliminate its cause.

Cancer is an insidious disease that can recur even after complete recovery, as it seemed. Sometimes relapse occurs due to single cancer cells not destroyed by treatment, or metastases located in hard-to-reach places. Recurrence of cancer in the mammary gland is not necessary. Recurrence may affect the lungs, bones, brain or liver.

Causes of breast cancer development

Despite the high level of modern medicine, doctors cannot reliably establish what exactly causes the development of a malignant breast tumor. However, a number of prerequisites have been precisely established that significantly increase the likelihood of breast cancer.

Bad habits

Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages have the most negative impact on a person. This includes causing breast cancer. So try to get rid of these bad habits.

Chest injury

The mammary gland is a very delicate substance. And injury can lead to the development of malignancy. Therefore, breasts must be protected.


Doctors trace a clear connection between a woman's abortions and the subsequent development of breast cancer. The more abortions there are, the higher this risk. Especially if the very first pregnancy was artificially terminated.

Refusal to breastfeed

Women who breastfeed their babies are less likely to develop breast cancer. And the longer breastfeeding continues, the lower this risk.

Deodorants – antiperspirants

Doctors have another hypothesis suggesting that the development of malignant tumors of the mammary glands can develop as a consequence of the systematic use of deodorants and antiperspirants.


If a woman suffers from mastopathy, she should be especially attentive to her health. With this disease, small nodules begin to form in the mammary gland, reaching their maximum size before menstruation. However, they may disappear on their own immediately after menstruation. And it is these cells that form nodules that can transform into malignant ones. Therefore, treatment of mastopathy is necessary. You shouldn’t hope for “maybe” and wait for everything to go away on its own. Otherwise, there is a high risk that you will need another treatment - treatment for such an insidious disease as breast cancer.

Breast self-examination

There are simple self-examination techniques that every woman should know.

First stage of examination

With your hands down, stand in front of the mirror and completely relax. Look carefully for changes in breast size or shape. They are visible to the naked eye even in the earliest stages of the disease - it is impossible to miss them.

Then raise your arms above your head and look for any changes in the contours of your breasts, any bulges or indentations, or wrinkled areas of the skin. Check for nipple discharge. To do this, gently squeeze them. Beware of sudden and rough movements to avoid injury to the nipples.

Second stage of verification

When you have examined the mammary glands, proceed to the next stage - a manual examination. Raising your hands up one at a time, carefully feel the mammary glands with your fingers. They must have a homogeneous structure and no compactions should be visible. Pay attention to painful sensations - normally there should not be any.

Third stage of verification

For some reason, this stage often turns out to be undeservedly forgotten - and in vain. Raising her hands, the woman should carefully examine the armpits and mammary glands from the edge to the nipple. There should be no seals. And palpation should be painless.

Diagnosis of the disease

Even if you know all the symptoms of breast cancer, you should not diagnose the disease yourself - consult a doctor immediately. The doctor will carefully listen to the woman’s complaints, learn about a family predisposition to cancer, and conduct a manual examination of the mammary glands and lymph nodes. If necessary, other examination methods will be prescribed.


This X-ray examination allows you to detect breast cancer one and a half to two years before the woman herself or even her doctor can do it. It is safe to say that mammography is the most reliable way for early diagnosis of breast cancer.

The principle of diagnosing a disease is simple and 100% error-free. Almost all malignant breast tumors have a large accumulation of calcium salts. They are formed as a result of the process of cell breakdown. In the image these clusters are visible as white lines.

However, mammography can be prescribed not only to diagnose breast cancer, but also to clarify the stage of the disease. Using X-ray examination, the size of the tumor is determined. By the way, the malignancy of a tumor is also easy to determine using mammography.

Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands

An ultrasound examination will allow the doctor to determine the structure of the tumor in the breast and the size of the tumor.


If necessary, after all the studies, the doctor prescribes a biopsy. A biopsy is the removal of a small area of ​​the tumor for subsequent laboratory testing. The cells themselves are studied - whether they are malignant or benign, and where they come from - from the lobes of the mammary gland or the milk ducts. It is also determined whether there is invasion into neighboring tissues.

Using a laboratory test, it is possible to determine whether the neoplasm cells are sensitive to the influence of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. If sensitivity is confirmed, the doctor may decide to prescribe hormonal therapy.

Breast cancer treatment methods

Once a doctor diagnoses breast cancer, he will select treatment for the woman. There are many ways to beat cancer. Which treatment option you choose depends on the stage of the cancer, the type of cancer cells, and other factors. However, all treatments can be divided into three main types.


Surgery is most often used to treat breast cancer. Although surgery is almost always combined with chemotherapy and/or radiation. Surgical intervention also varies. The most gentle is the organ-preserving method, when only the part of the mammary gland affected by the tumor is removed. And in advanced stages of the disease, a mastectomy is performed - complete removal of the breast cancer tumor.

If doctors perform a complete removal of the mammary gland, then, as a rule, the lymph nodes in the armpits are also removed. After all, these nodes in most cases also turn out to be affected by a malignant tumor. Please note that removal of lymph nodes almost always leads to the development of severe swelling of the arm. In order to eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary to perform special exercises that relieve swelling and restore hand mobility.

Many women panic when they learn about the need to remove the mammary gland. And this is quite understandable, because the aesthetic side suffers greatly. Today this deficiency can be easily corrected - doctors perform reconstructive surgery. For example, the introduction of silicone implants.

Radiation therapy

In most cases, after surgical removal of a malignant tumor, doctors prescribe a course of radiation therapy to the woman. During which X-ray irradiation of tissue areas and lymph nodes near which the malignant tumor was located is performed. This measure is necessary in order to destroy the remains of cancer cells that could remain there after the operation.

Radiation therapy is a serious burden on a woman’s already weakened body. Side effects such as swelling of the mammary glands, redness and flaking of the skin, and the appearance of blisters at the site of irradiation often occur. In rare cases, symptoms of general malaise may appear - cough, weakness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting.


You cannot do without chemotherapy - medications that neutralize the negative effects of hormones. They should only be prescribed by a doctor - so we will not give the names of the drugs. Self-treatment can lead to irreversible consequences.

Therapy is carried out using cytostatics - antitumor pharmacological drugs that negatively affect cancer cells. If a woman has breast cancer, it will be impossible to do without chemotherapy.

Doctors use two types of chemotherapy:

Adjuvant chemotherapy

This additional drug therapy is prescribed for operable breast cancer. Sometimes it can be prescribed both before and after surgery.

Curative chemotherapy

This type is prescribed at an advanced stage of breast cancer, when metastases begin to spread far beyond the breast. The main goal of such chemotherapy is to reduce the size of the tumor. This therapy is prescribed to reduce the size of the tumor so that it can be surgically removed.

It is very difficult to predict the effectiveness of such treatment; in some cases it is not effective enough. But often such treatment allows, if not completely defeating cancer, then significantly improving the quality of life of the sick person.

This treatment has many side effects. A sick person experiences damage to blood cells, severe nausea and vomiting, hair loss, and weakness. This happens due to the fact that drugs, in addition to malignant cells, also affect healthy cells of the body.

In conclusion, I would like to once again remind women of the need to be attentive to themselves. Regularly perform breast self-examination and visit a mammologist.

Discussion 0

Symptoms of a breast tumor in women in the early stages of development often do not manifest themselves at all. This is where their danger lies. All types of breast tumors are divided into benign and malignant. The number of these diseases continues to grow steadily and become younger. Benign tumors in the mammary gland are classified as mastopathy, and there are more than 50 types of them. Clinicians distinguish between the most common forms - nodular and diffuse mastopathy.

Symptoms of a breast tumor in women in the early stages of development often do not manifest themselves at all.

2/3 of the mammary glands consist of glandular tissue, which ensures their functioning. And when the cells of this tissue begin to divide uncontrollably, various neoplasms arise. All breast tumors are mostly hormone-dependent, so hormonal imbalances are ripe ground for the development of tumors.

The exact reasons are still unknown today, but a number of provoking factors have been identified that can serve as a trigger:

  • genetic predisposition - with it the risk of cancer doubles in descendants;
  • old age - from 55 to 65 years;
  • early menarche;
  • late menopause - after 55 years;
  • prolonged menopausal syndrome;
  • absence of pregnancy and childbirth before age 30;
  • the woman did not breastfeed;
  • frequent abortions;
  • lack of sex life;
  • late childbirth and pregnancy - after 35 years;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ovaries;
  • infertility;
  • any tumors and cysts of the ovaries;
  • endocrinopathies - diabetes, disorders of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary tumors;
  • long-term use OK;
  • any trauma to the mammary glands;
  • radiation;
  • obesity;
  • physical inactivity;
  • stress;
  • tight underwear;
  • hypovitaminosis A, E, D, C;
  • smoking and alcohol - drinking even small portions of alcohol, but regularly, increases the risk of breast cancer, CSA by 50%;
  • insolation, topless sunbathing;
  • bad ecology;
  • hepatitis;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital area.

Symptoms of breast cancer (video)

Benign formations

Mastopathy is a hormone-dependent growth of connective and glandular tissues in different proportions. Therefore, diffuse and nodular mastopathy are distinguished. Diffuse mastopathy occurs more often at a young age and responds well to conservative treatment. This pathology is characterized by small, multiple growths distributed throughout the mammary gland. Diffuse mastopathy is characterized by a connection with the menstrual cycle; in its second half, chest pain and swelling of the glands are always detected. In the nodular form, single nodes are formed; this is typical for the elderly. The only treatment is surgical - excision of the node.

Forms of mastopathy:

  1. Fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM) - mainly affects the connective tissue of the mammary gland. They grow, which leads to a decrease in the lumen of the milk ducts or their complete blockage. Over time, cysts begin to form in such a gland.
  2. Cysts are cavities in the mammary gland filled with liquid contents. They can vary in size in the breasts and are usually associated with menstruation. Cysts occur when the duct is blocked, and the secretion of the milk duct accumulates and, having no outlet, turns into a cyst. They can be single or multiple. More often, with small sizes, they do not manifest themselves at all, but then before menstruation a burning sensation and pain in the chest occur. If the cyst is filled with milk, it is called a galactocele. It is an expansion of the milk duct and occurs in nursing women who have had problems with breastfeeding in the form of lactostasis or mastitis.
  3. Fibroadenoma is characterized by the proliferation of connective and glandular tissues. This tumor in the chest looks like a dense, hard lump. Fibroadenomas are the most common. They look like round tumors with clear boundaries - soft, elastic, mobile and not fused to the underlying tissues. They appear more often in women under 35 years of age. Can reach 5 cm in diameter. Fibroadenomas are either ordinary or leaf-shaped. They are considered hormone dependent. A phylloid or leaf-shaped tumor is defined as a type of fibroadenoma - it is also benign. It is the least common, but is considered the most dangerous in terms of malignancy and degeneration into sarcoma (in 10% of cases). Its signs: clear boundaries, absence of a capsule, immobility, pain on palpation. This type of tumor can only be treated surgically, without attempts at conservative therapy. During operations, not only the tumor itself is removed, but also neighboring tissues. Even after such treatment, relapses are possible within 4 years.
  4. Lipoma is a benign formation of adipose tissue, a wen. The formation is usually soft, elastic, spherical. Lipoma does not require treatment, it grows very slowly and does not manifest itself. Only if, as it increases, it begins to compress blood vessels and nerves, it is surgically removed.
  5. Intraductal papillomas - outgrowths of tissue resembling papillae are formed from the epithelium of the ducts. Their structure is similar to skin papillomas, which is why the pathology got its name. With this form of mastopathy, a characteristic symptom is discharge from the nipples, often brown in color. Their volume varies - from copious amounts to 2-3 drops per day. They are dangerous because they can degenerate, so sectoral excision is carried out.
  6. Lipogranuloma is most often the result of injury, radiation, or sudden weight loss. In this case, any area of ​​injured, usually adipose tissue, ceases to receive nutrition due to destroyed capillaries and begins to transform into aseptic fat necrosis.
  7. Adenoma is a hormone-dependent benign tumor in the mammary gland. Develops from glandular epithelium. It occurs at a young age and does not occur after 40 years. Presented as an elastic ball under the skin, usually shallow, so palpation is possible. It can be single or multiple, on one or two mammary glands. Treatment involves only surgery.

Malignant breast formations

These formations have a very complex classification according to the localization and metabolism of cells - more than 10 types. In addition, they are divided into sarcomas, adenocarcinomas and carcinomas. According to biochemical parameters, they are divided into hormone-dependent, invasive and estrogen-dependent, primary and secondary tumors.

Malignant breast tumors often also develop from the ducts. The body cannot control the uncontrolled growth and division of cells, and the cells, growing, begin to penetrate into neighboring areas. Breast cancer is a disease of older women. If under the age of 30 breast cancer occurs only in every 400 women, then after 50 years it occurs in every 38.

Forms of malignant tumors:

  1. Nodular - a compaction in the form of a painless node that does not have clear boundaries.
  2. Erysipelas is a very aggressive breast tumor that quickly metastasizes.
  3. Edema - there is no specific compaction, but the skin thickens diffusely, it is hyperemic, and has dense edges.
  4. Mastitis-like - symptoms resemble mastitis; differential diagnosis is required.
  5. Diffuse - has the form of a diffuse infiltrate that affects glandular tissue in different organs. Also an aggressive form of cancer.
  6. Hidden - with it, the reaction occurs from the lymph nodes, which hypertrophy, metastases appear in them, and signs in the gland itself are delayed.

Clinical forms of cancer:

  1. Nodular cancer is the most common. It is usually localized in the upper outer quadrants of the mammary gland. Quickly grows into the underlying tissues. Its risk of occurrence increases with age. The nodes in this cancer are dense and do not have clear boundaries. With rapid growth, the manifestation of this type of cancer is characterized by the change of nodes to tubercles, which grow on the surface of the skin and open in the form of bleeding ulcers. Over time, the tumor disintegrates and a foul odor appears. Necrosis may extend to the bones. Patients suffer from pain. Secondary infection and death easily occur.
  2. Diffuse cancer is less common, but has an unfavorable prognosis. The gland turns out to be completely riddled with this tumor, it increases in size, turns red, swells and hurts. It has no clear boundaries. Diffuse cancer has several types. The edematous form is characterized by skin in the form of a lemon peel. The mastitis form leads to necrosis. Armored - the gland is reduced in size, the nipple is retracted, the breast is severely deformed. The gland tissue and subcutaneous fat are completely damaged. There is a scattering of pinkish nodular infiltrates over the entire surface of the skin of the chest. This form of cancer metastasizes quickly.
  3. Nipple cancer, or Paget's disease, is the third form of breast tumors. This is intraductal carcinoma of the breast. It can also occur in men. Externally, nipple cancer is similar to eczema in the area of ​​the nipple and areola. Its first signs are in the form of scales on or around the nipple. The nipple gradually begins to retract, and the dense infiltrate around it increases and grows into the underlying tissue. The skin in this part of the gland becomes inflamed and the color becomes crimson. Weeping ulcers form and periodically become crusty. The tumor grows slowly, metastases in the lymph nodes can occur in the absence of treatment. Treatment is only a mastectomy followed by radiation and chemotherapy, as well as hormonal treatment. The patient should be constantly monitored by a mammologist, because the tumor is prone to frequent recurrence.
  4. Breast sarcoma is also a malignant neoplasm of the gland. It develops from connective tissue, this differs from breast cancer, which more often occurs when the epithelium grows. Sarcoma is an aggressive tumor with rapid growth, germination and metastasis. On palpation it is lumpy, dense, the skin over it is thinned, hyperemic, the venous network on the chest is strengthened. Mastectomy for sarcoma is only extended - with complete removal of all axillary and subclavian lymph nodes. Next, radiation and chemotherapy are prescribed.

Symptomatic manifestations

At an early stage, any breast tumor in women is small and often undetectable. But benign tumors from the very beginning appear more vividly and painfully than malignant neoplasms. As they grow in various pathologies, they begin to compress neighboring tissues, blood vessels, and nerve endings, and then obvious symptoms appear.

The initial stage occurs without any signs; a tumor is discovered at this stage of development, often by chance during other studies. The first signs are the appearance of compactions, determined by palpation. You may also notice:

  • changes in the structure of gland tissue, breast shape, skin color;
  • peeling;
  • the skin of malignant neoplasms is always wrinkled over the tumor;
  • permanently retracted wrinkled nipple;
  • if you put your hands behind your head, pits appear on your chest;
  • discharge from the nipples: transparent or yellowish - this is mastopathy, green - a sign of infection and with blood - in case of malignant formations;
  • unilateral enlargement of lymph nodes;
  • discomfort and chest pain.

At an early stage, any breast tumor in women is small and often undetectable.

Symptoms at different stages of cancer

Breast cancer has 4 stages and zero. Clinical symptoms become more obvious in stage 2. The treatment effect is maximum at stage 1 - 96%.

Stage zero is a non-invasive course. This means that the tumor is growing but has not yet invaded nearby tissue. Dimensions do not exceed 2 cm, detected during self-examination. There are no other manifestations.

The first stage is when the tumor is already invasive. The size becomes more than 2 cm and begins to grow into neighboring tissues. At this stage, a change in skin color may appear: redness, peeling, wrinkling, but there is no pain or discomfort yet.

The second stage is when the tumor size is more than 5 cm. Atypical cells begin to spread into the lymph, and the lymph nodes react. They enlarge, the breast skin turns red, and discomfort appears. Stages 0-2 are considered early, treatment prognosis is very encouraging.

The third stage is 3A and 3B. Stage 3A - there is an accumulation of cancer cells in the lymph nodes, the tumor size exceeds 5 cm. Stage 3B - the neoplasm grows into the underlying and neighboring tissues. Pain and discharge become constant.

The fourth stage is the last. General symptoms and distant metastases develop - to the lungs, liver and brain.

General differences between neoplasms

Benign breast tumors are characterized by slow growth. They do not grow into neighboring tissues, but only push them apart and rarely recur. Mastopathy can recur when the tumor has a base (pedicle). Benign tumors develop from any tissue, and malignant tumors often develop from the epithelium. Among the symptoms of benign formations:

  • nagging chest pain in the second half of the menstrual cycle;
  • feeling of breast swelling;
  • feeling of heat;
  • compactions on palpation.

There is no severe pain with benign tumors. There is no wrinkling of the skin, swelling of the breasts or discharge from the nipples.

Malignant neoplasms affect the mammary gland more often in the upper-outer quadrants; they are less common in the lower sections. Oncological tumors grow quickly and everywhere. Benign ones do not cause general symptoms, causing only local discomfort. Cancer has common symptoms such as intoxication, pallor, and weight loss.

In mastopathy, the lumps are mobile, painful on palpation, lymph node growth is not observed, and there is a dependence on menstruation. The tumor is usually smooth and elastic.

A malignant neoplasm of the mammary gland often does not hurt, it looks like a large dense fixed node. The axillary lymph nodes are enlarged, and bloody discharge from the nipples is observed.

Differences between cysts and malignant tumors: a cyst is formed from normal tissue, there are no atypical cells in it. It does not grow into adjacent tissues, is small in size, and can twist and tear. The tumor never ruptures.

Differences between fibroadenoma and malignant tumors: fibroadenoma is always smooth, elastic, spherical, and mobile upon palpation.

Diagnostic measures

The gold standard for diagnosis is three studies: mammography, ultrasound, and biopsy. Along with this, CT, MRI, and ductography are used. In the latter case, a contrast agent—water-soluble X-ray contrast—is injected into the mammary duct.

There is a type of research called thermography. In this technique, the doctor determines the size of the tumor and the percentage of breast damage using the monitor based on the temperature difference in different parts of the breast.

Determining tumor markers in the blood - special proteins that are produced by atypical cells - can help. They help detect a tumor earlier than conventional methods. Breast tumor markers CA-15-3.

Primary signs of breast cancer (video)

Principles of treatment

Benign tumors can be treated conservatively and surgically. Treatment of malignant tumors is only surgical. Taking into account the size and germination into the lymph tissue, 2 types of operations are performed: organ-preserving and mastectomy.

Organ-preserving techniques:

  1. Tumor embolization - an embolus is injected into the largest vessel feeding the tumor, which creates ischemia for the tumor. This leads to her death.
  2. Quadrantectomy - a quarter of the breast is removed along with the formation and axillary lymph nodes.
  3. Radical resection is performed in the early stages of breast cancer. The affected sector of the chest, part of the pectoralis major muscle and part of the lymph nodes are removed. The size of the tumor should not be more than 3 cm, it should be localized only in the upper outer quadrant. For other locations and diffuse formations, this method is not used.

After sparing operations, radiation therapy of the remaining part of the mammary gland is mandatory to reduce the risk of relapse.

Mastectomy is performed in 4 ways:

  1. A simple mastectomy is the removal of only the gland.
  2. Modified radical mastectomy - the entire gland is removed, as well as the axillary lymph nodes and the sheath of the pectoralis major muscle.
  3. Radical mastectomy according to Halsted - is performed when the tumor grows into the chest muscles. It involves removing the gland, both pectoral muscles, fatty tissue and lymph nodes in all neighboring areas.
  4. Bilateral (two-sided) mastectomy - removal of both glands. This is used for cancer in both glands. This operation is also carried out at the request of the woman if she fears relapses.

Any operations are performed under anesthesia.

Drug therapy

Chemotherapy is given immediately after or before surgery to shrink the tumor. In case of metastases, chemotherapy does not lead to recovery, but only improves the quality of life.

Hormone therapy is used only for hormone-dependent tumors. It aims to prevent the fusion of estrogen and progesterone with the hormonal receptors of a malignant breast tumor, because such fusion accelerates the growth of cancer. 65% of atypical cells have hormonal receptors. The female hormone estrogen is of great importance in the development of breast cancer. The agonists used to treat LH-RH (Leuprolide and Goserelin) block the production of estrogen in the ovaries. They are used as injections into the abdominal area. Another method of eliminating estrogen is to remove the ovaries, which are the main producers of this hormone. After removal, estrogen levels drop sharply. In postmenopausal women, removal of the ovaries has no effect.

Palliative therapy is carried out in the last stages of cancer not for recovery, but only to improve the quality of life and reduce pain. For this purpose, narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics are used.

After operations it is necessary:

  • Perform monthly breast self-exams;
  • visit a doctor - in the first year every 3 months, in the second and third years - once every 6 months, then - once a year.

For prevention you should:

  • have a mammogram every year after age 50;
  • plan pregnancy before age 35;
  • fully breastfeed the baby after childbirth;
  • normalize weight and hormonal levels under the supervision of a doctor;
  • take OK only under the supervision of a gynecologist;
  • for hereditary cancer, prophylactic mastectomy, removal of the ovaries and taking tamoxifen can help (tamoxifen slows down the growth of existing atypical cells and reduces relapses; taken for a long time - for 5 years);
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • have sex regularly.

60% of patients after cancer surgery in the early stages can live another 5 years. At stages 3 and 4, the survival rate is only 35%.

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that is most common among the female population. According to statistics, every 10th woman is at risk of this aggressive disease.

Determining the first symptoms of breast cancer is not so easy, since their appearance occurs almost unnoticeably. If you do not pay proper attention to your body, the progression of the disease to later stages often leads to a sad outcome. Therefore, every woman should know how to recognize breast cancer in order to protect her life.

Risk factors

Unfortunately, the current level of development of medicine does not suggest the exact reasons contributing to the occurrence of breast cancer. An important task for a woman is to independently determine the first symptoms of breast cancer.

However, statistics have made it possible to identify a number of factors in which the risk of developing cancer is especially high:

  • Personal medical history: diabetes, gynecological diseases, injuries and diseases of the mammary glands (such as mastitis, mastopathy, fibroadenoma).
  • Presence of cancer in close relatives.
  • Age. Typically, the risk of various types of breast cancer increases from age 45 and is especially high after age 60.
  • Radiation therapy to the chest organs.
  • Living in an area with poor ecology.
  • Early or late menopause.
  • Work night shifts.
  • Systematic stress.
  • Overweight, smoking and alcoholism.

First signs

Regardless of the type of breast cancer, it is not always possible to detect it at the initial stage, which is due to the small size of the tumors and the absence of any pain signals at the early stage of the disease.

When the tumor begins to increase in size, the first signs of breast cancer become more pronounced and signs of breast cancer can be detected by palpation. In this case, the neoplasm is felt as a small painless lump that does not cause discomfort. This is the insidiousness of the disease at the initial stage, when treatment is most effective.

In the later stages of the disease, the symptoms of breast cancer in women become more obvious: pain may appear, with breast cancer noticeable lumps appear and the lymph nodes become enlarged. There are other symptoms, when they appear, you should be wary and rush to see a doctor.

How does breast cancer manifest?

Of the wide list of obvious signs indicating oncology, the most characteristic are the following:

  • unusual discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • breast swelling;
  • redness of the skin;
  • the appearance of ulcers, erosion;
  • retraction of the nipple, the appearance of abrasions and ulcers in the nipple area, colorless, bloody or purulent discharge from the ducts;
  • the appearance of damage in the nipple area.

Stages of disease development

When the first signs of breast cancer are detected, further prognosis and choice of treatment depends on the type of disease and the stages of its development.

In various forms of breast cancer, the stages of the disease are divided into five degrees of severity:

  1. The initial stage of the disease. It is where the tumor originates, but cancer cells have not yet begun to spread beyond its boundaries.
  2. The neoplasm reaches two centimeters in diameter, slightly growing into neighboring tissues. Lymph nodes begin to increase in size.
  3. The tumor continues to expand. Wrinkles appear on the skin. Damage to the lymph nodes.
  4. Certain areas of skin on the chest resemble “lemon peel”. The breasts swell, ulcers and discharge from the nipple ducts appear. The stage of metastasis begins.
  5. Cancer cells are transmitted throughout the body through the blood and lymph. They can be found in any organ or part of the body.


There are several main types of breast cancer in women: nodular, diffuse and Paget's disease.

Nodal form

It is the most famous type of breast cancer. A painless lump forms inside the mammary gland, integrated with the surrounding tissues.

The tumor has a clearly limited shape and, as it develops, grows evenly in all directions. The skin of the tumor area wrinkles, and the “lemon peel” symptom appears. Cancerous nodes grow outward and open in the form of bleeding ulcers.

Diffuse form

It is the most dangerous form of oncology. With diffuse cancer, the tumor does not have clear boundaries and a dense consistency, which means it is very difficult to detect it at first.

The following types of diffuse form are distinguished:

  • Erysipelas. The symptoms of the disease resemble erysipelas, which is where it gets its name. Signs of breast cancer: purple spots, pain appears, body temperature rises significantly;
  • Armored breast cancer. The breast decreases in size, its mobility is limited, and the skin on the surface begins to thicken, forming a kind of shell;
  • Edema-infiltrative cancer. Swelling occurs, the breast begins to thicken and enlarge. The skin in the affected area becomes porous. There are no nodular tumors.
  • Mastitis-like cancer sternum in women Its symptoms are similar to the disease of the same name, which is why an incorrect diagnosis is often made. At the initial stage, compactions that form a tumor begin to be felt. The breasts harden and the skin takes on a reddish tint.

Paget's disease

This form is the least common. How to identify breast cancer in women at an early stage of the disease? With Paget's cancer, the nipple area of ​​the breast is affected. Slight redness, peeling and slight itching of the skin of the nipple appear. Over time, the nipple begins to retract, and the disease grows into the subcutaneous tissue. Severe itching occurs, turning into pain. Discharge may appear from the nipple canals.

How does the chest hurt with cancer?

Pain is a signal that the body gives, informing about problems that have arisen. However, this is not always a characteristic symptom of breast cancer. Most often, the cause of breast pain in women (mastalgia) is hormonal imbalances or inflammatory processes that have nothing to do with oncology.

Do breasts hurt with cancer? There is a myth that the development of malignant tumors in the mammary glands is not accompanied by pain. Like any other myth, it is only partly true. Yes, the early stages of the most common forms of cancer are painless. However, it is worth taking into account the subjectivity of pain, so it is certainly quite difficult to answer the question “how does the breast hurt with cancer.”

In later stages of the disease, both mild and moderate pain may appear. Their main cause is metastases, which begin to spread throughout the body.

Signs of metastases

The appearance of metastases is a sure sign of progressive cancer. This means that cancer cells have spread beyond the breast and are beginning to spread to other tissues and organs.

Cancer spreads through the blood and lymph. In this case, pain may occur in the axillary and peri-thoracic lymph nodes, and the lymph nodes significantly increase in size. Then the cervical, subclavian and subscapular lymphatic vessels are gradually affected.

With the help of blood circulation, metastases can spread to any organ or part of the body. How breast cancer manifests itself during metastases largely depends on the area affected.

The range of symptoms that arise is very wide:

  • yellowing of the skin, enlarged liver, nausea;
  • cough, shortness of breath, bloody sputum with lung damage;
  • musculoskeletal pain, bone fragility;
  • migraines, pathological changes in the psyche.

Self-examination and early diagnosis

Treatment is most effective in the early stages of breast cancer. The chances of a favorable prognosis worsen when the cancer begins to take on open forms (the risk of death is 60%).

Speaking about how to detect breast cancer at an early stage, experts recommend self-examination - regular self-examination of the mammary glands.

You need to conduct a self-examination every month. This will allow us to study the features of the natural structure of the mammary glands and identify their changes. How do you know if you have breast cancer?

To answer this question, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Inspect the inside of the bra for any discharge. If any, you should examine their color and consistency.
  2. Examine the outer surface of the breasts: whether their shape and size have changed, whether there are spots, rashes or peeling.
  3. Inspect the areola of the nipple, gently press on it, checking for the presence of discharge.
  4. Slowly raise both arms up, check the mobility of the breasts and the skin under them.
  5. Lie on your back and feel your breasts, checking for lumps and tender areas.

It is important to consider that self-examination reveals only the most obvious symptoms of breast cancer in women. For more accurate readings, you should be examined by a mammologist and gynecologist every six months. Women over 40 years old should not forget about additional early diagnostic methods: ultrasound and mammography.

When to see a doctor

You should consult a doctor immediately if any suspicious changes are detected during self-examination. This may be the appearance of new lumps, changes in the color of the skin of the breasts, the presence of discharge from the nipples and other first signs of breast cancer in women. Many people often procrastinate, afraid of hearing an unfavorable diagnosis.

There is no reason to be afraid. Diagnosis at an early stage is painless and easily allows you to identify the first signs of breast cancer in women. According to official statistics, more than 70% of patients are completely free of cancer. The main thing here is to pay attention to your body and be able to recognize a dangerous disease in time.


Our video will tell you about the unusual signs of breast cancer.

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