Can a fat face lose weight? What to do with your face when you're losing weight

The face takes the blows of fate more often than other parts of the body - it is from it that one can at first glance determine a lack of sleep, a tendency to overeat, and even a craving for overly fluffy pillows. The plumpness and puffiness of the figure can be skillfully draped with clothes, but hiding the face is not customary in European culture. So, don’t wait for the weather by the sea, declare a fight on your cheeks and double chin right today, and finally learn fun but effective exercises for losing weight on your cheeks. So, how to quickly lose weight in your face? We are exploring options!

Chubby cheeks may seem cute to anyone - but, as a rule, not to their owners.

Three reasons why your face looks full

Excess weight

Subcutaneous fat easily accumulates on the cheeks and cheekbones, as well as near the temples and in the neck area - often in quantities that change features beyond recognition.

Strain aging

It is connected not so much with age, but with the degree of degenerative disorders of the facial muscles and skin. Risk factors are heredity, smoking, hormonal disorders. The tissues become flabby, loose, sag, the face looks full and puffy.


Disturbances in the life schedule, lack of sleep and fresh air, sedentary, secluded lifestyle, abuse of alcohol, as well as simple carbohydrates and salt, diseases of the excretory systems and thyroid gland often lead to thin facial skin retaining fluid. In this case, actual facial weight loss may not be required; it is enough to restore drainage and establish metabolic processes. Of course, with the assistance of a doctor.

How to lose weight in your face: will diet help?

Let's start with the bad: it is physically, chemically and technically impossible to make one specific part of the body lose weight. As a rule, all the shortcomings of diet and lifestyle first of all appear on the face, and the older we get, the more obvious this dependence becomes. However, there is good news: the result of any positive changes, as a rule, becomes visible first of all in the mirror from the cosmetic bag.

It is believed that women of the “apple” type (the so-called abdominal type of obesity, in which deposits are concentrated around the waist and are the slowest to be expelled from there) are the ones who dream most about their cheeks losing weight - they have already succeeded, but the waist has not “cut through”, and the cheeks are nowhere don't share).

This sad phenomenon is based on the genetic characteristics of the figure, which determine the structure of the body and its individual parts. Most often, the “cheek problem” is not associated with the soft tissues themselves; it is based on the special proportions of the face, the location of the bones of the skull, etc.

Even a very thin person's face can remain wide and large - in this case, you should rely on cosmetic camouflage products. Losing weight on your face is an inevitable consequence of losing weight in general. If the measures taken to get rid of excess weight are systematized and thought out, the person will inevitably lose weight, although it may take some time for the effect of the diet to “reach” it.

It is highly not recommended to use it for losing weight on the face - the result may be exactly the opposite of what you expected, since a woman’s face can quite eloquently react to deprivation with traces of fatigue and distortion of the outline.

To help your skin stay clear and supple, try California dermatologist Jessica Wu. In addition, when creating a diet for slimness and health and planning to lose weight on your face, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • drink at least nine glasses (180 ml) of plain, clean, still water daily;
  • To make your cheeks thinner, you should completely give up alcohol;
  • eat raw fruits and vegetables at least six times a day (separately or as part of meals);
  • increase your calcium intake (at least 1200 mg per day, consult your doctor about the amount and sources!);
  • limit the consumption of salt and sugar as much as possible;
  • visit the bathhouse, sauna (if there are no contraindications) and regularly do stretching exercises - this improves blood supply and elasticity of the muscles, including the face.

How to lose weight in the face: special massages, masks and exercises

Daily grimacing is a great way to quickly lose weight in your face. And even if these funny exercises don’t make your cheeks “deflate” right away, a good mood will appear instantly!

Morning massage to make your cheeks thinner

Fights excess chins and sagging cheeks. Moisten a small and not very thick terry towel in a warm infusion of chamomile, sage, linden, yarrow (to prepare the infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed dry herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain). Make several sharp movements like an accordion, sharply spreading the ends of the towel to the sides so that the fabric slaps on the chin.

For better results, “herbal” days can be alternated with “salty” ones. In this case, the massage towel is moistened in a strong salt solution (1 tablespoon of sea or iodized salt per 1 liter of water). It is important to consider your skin type: for dry skin and skin with visible capillaries, the solution should be less strong and at room temperature, and for normal and oily skin, the solution can be made more concentrated and hot.
After the procedure, apply a cream suitable for your skin to your face and neck.

Face slimming mask

Ingredients: for oily skin, use a base of live yeast, lemon juice and egg white (mix everything to the desired consistency); for dry and normal skin, oatmeal, bran and 2-3 drops of retinol are added to the base.
Process: apply the composition to the face, neck and décolleté (2-3 layers). Lie down with your head thrown back to tighten your chin area. Wash off after 15 minutes. The mask must be done once a week.

Exercises to combat a double chin

In addition to strengthening the muscles of your face and neck, you will also strengthen your cervical spine. Facial fitness masters recommend doing facial exercises in front of a mirror, after smearing problem areas with cream or wiping with lotion.

1. Move your jaw. Throw back your head as much as possible, push your chin forward and try to capture your upper lip with your lower lip.
2. Close your teeth. Pull your lower lip down.
3. Lower the corners of your mouth and tense your neck muscles, then relax.
4. Support your chin with your fist. Forcefully lower your head and interfere with yourself with your hand. Movements can be up and down or lateral.
5. Resistance in reverse direction. Lower your head (it is advisable to touch the dimple between your collarbones with your chin), clasp your hands at the back of your head, lift your head with force and press towards it with your hands.
6. Bow your head to your left shoulder to touch it with your ear. Place your right hand on your right temple. Tilt your head towards your right shoulder, overcoming the resistance of your hand. Do the same in the opposite direction.
7. Tilt your head and alternately stretch your chin to your right and left shoulder.
8. Turn your head to the right, place your palm on your left cheek and turn your head to the left - through the counter resistance of the pressing palm. Change hands and direction.
Do 5-10 times in each direction.

Yoga for face weight loss

A simple complex for daily use. Follow the instructions in the pictures and the result will not be long in coming.

5 more ways to make your face lose weight

  • 1 Watch your posture.
    Despite the unobvious connection, the habit of slouching often causes a chubby face and the appearance of a double chin. Simply redistributing your weight, keeping your shoulders back, your chin up, and breathing deeply can bring amazing results in just a week.
  • 2

    Change your pillow.
    Reading while lying on your back can be a habit that is good for the intellect, but rather harmful for those who strive to slim their face. A lush pillow during rest and sleep contributes to the weakening of the facial muscles and the appearance of the hated additional chins, as well as swelling. The solution: read in a chair, and sleep on a thin pillow, an orthopedic pillow, or no pillow at all.

  • 3

    Get your hair cut right.
    Failure on the head can spoil ideal external data, so do not tempt fate if you know your weak points very well. A chubby, heavy face is contraindicated with bobs and bobs in the style of silent films (at the lower cheekbones or above), as well as short “flat” haircuts. A hairdressing master will help you choose the shape of your hairstyle and coloring tricks that visually make your face thinner and thinner.

  • 4

    Don't neglect painting.
    If your cheeks are more noticeable than you would like, choose lighter shades of lipstick: dark lip makeup emphasizes the imperfections of the face and makes it look older, but a calm, neutral shade, on the contrary, adds freshness to the image. Sculpt the area around your eyes and cheekbones with foundation and blush - when used skillfully, concealer can literally remove excess from your face. Alas, after washing the spell will dissipate, but still!

  • 5

    Trust your cosmetologist.
    Injection and, especially, surgical techniques are, perhaps, the islands of last hope, but in the arsenal of modern specialists there are technologies that make it possible to make the face thinner without cutting off or injecting anything. For example, sculpting massage with the hands of an experienced specialist or hardware isometric contraction of the facial muscles gives good results. It makes sense to do such procedures in courses in order to achieve the most noticeable and lasting effect. Special creams with a draining and tightening effect will be a good help, but don’t expect too much from them: the creams themselves, even the most expensive ones, will not make your face lose weight and will not turn Renee Zellweger’s cheeks into Marlene Dietrich’s cheekbones.

My face has lost weight! What's next?

So, now you are completely savvy on how to quickly lose weight in your face. However, remember that if you lose weight dramatically, your face is unlikely to immediately look fresher and younger - after all, the skin after “deflating” is not able to shrink in the blink of an eye. Therefore, it makes sense to go to a cosmetologist and ask what masks and what procedures will help you (taking into account your skin type, age and other initial data) increase the elasticity of your skin, as well as give it a “blooming” and healthy look.

Exercises for losing weight on the face will sooner or a little later give their results - the cheekbones will become more pronounced, the “childish” puffiness of the cheeks will disappear, and the face will no longer appear round. And this is exactly when you will come in handy... recipes for masks for facial skin elasticity!

How to lose weight quickly in your face so that your cheekbones appear and your cheeks fall in? How to lose weight on a girl’s or a man’s face in 3 days and relieve puffiness? How to remove a chin - now you will find out everything. Go!

Hello friends! A sharp weight gain instantly affects the two most vulnerable areas of a person: the face and stomach. As a result of poor diet, sleep patterns, or a predisposition to obesity, soft cheeks appear and the chin disappears. How to give your face beautiful contours?

The formation of adipose tissue has a very strong effect on the surface of the skin. Due to loss of elasticity, it begins to sag and premature wrinkles appear. Excess weight primarily affects the cheeks, neck and chin. What to do to lose weight on your face?

  • proper nutrition;
  • set of exercises;
  • massage;
  • cosmetics for correction.

How to lose weight in your face in a week with nutrition

To reduce the volume of your face, you need to eliminate the excess percentage of subcutaneous fat. There is no exercise or diet that will help you lose weight in just one part of your body, even in the gym. What to do in this case? A smart way is to use a combined approach of exercise and diet. Basic recommendations on how to lose weight in your face:

  • Drink water. Purified water without gas maintains the stable functionality of the body, as it promotes the transport of oxygen. It improves cellular metabolism and promotes cleansing. It is important to remember to avoid drinking liquids at night, as this can cause your face to swell the next morning.
  • More protein and slow carbohydrates. Protein does not turn into fat, but breaks down into useful amino acids, which take part in the formation of new tissues. Slow carbohydrates are found in cereals and porridges (buckwheat). Forget about fatty and fried foods, they will only make your face wider.

  • More fiber. A good way to control your food intake is to take in fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits. Such heavy fibers settle on the walls of the stomach and swell, causing feelings of fullness. The portion of food is significantly reduced.
  • Pay attention to the way the food is prepared. Vegetables and fruits are consumed raw, because many useful vitamins and microelements are lost during cooking. Meat and other products can be baked, boiled or steamed. It's tasty and healthy!
  • Give up alcohol. It contains practically no useful microelements, but a lot of calories.

How to lose weight in your face with exercise

Physical exercises using the facial muscles are a kind of modeling of the desired shape. Thanks to daily training, you can reduce the volume of the chin, cheeks, neck and relieve swelling, increasing blood circulation in the tissues. An easy complex can be performed even at the workplace to make cheekbones appear. Two classes a day are enough to get the first results in 3 days.


If you start exercising suddenly, you can accidentally damage your jaw or ligaments. We start with ordinary grimaces, without opening our lips. Alternately change facial expressions from anger to a smile, trying to use all areas. When making a grimace, tense your muscles and fix your facial expression at one point for two seconds. Static load will be useful for the facial muscles.


How to do the exercise? It's very simple:

  • close your lips together and pronounce the letter Sh;
  • open your mouth wide, as if pronouncing the letter O;
  • tense the muscles in the cheekbone area as much as possible and hold in this position for two seconds;
  • Perform 30 repetitions without stopping.


To engage all facial areas and tone the tissues, remember how sweetly people yawn before bed. To perform the exercise, you need to open your mouth as wide as possible for 4 seconds. Then close it back and repeat. Be careful: if you open your mouth too quickly, you can accidentally damage a joint or ligaments.

This helps to work out expressive cheekbones, using the cheek area closer to the temples. To do this, buy sugar-free chewing gum, or simply chew your food actively for 2 minutes. You can use this method at every appointment. Moreover, saturation comes only after 20 minutes. This method will help reduce the amount of food consumed and the portion of food.


To make it easier to imagine the principle of performing this exercise, imagine the smile of a Cheshire cat. This is exactly what you will have to imitate. The tips of the lips should rise as high as possible; at the highest point you fix this position for a while. In the same way, you can lower the corners of your mouth down, including the lower area of ​​your face and neck in the work.


Having created a vacuum in your cheeks, pull them in as much as possible and form your lips into a tube. Three approaches of 15 times will be enough for daily training. The principle is the same: we perform it, fix it for a while and relax.


At the end of the program, you should put universal exercises to touch all areas. So:

  1. close your eyes, lower your eyebrows, tense every cell of your face;
  1. expression as if he had eaten a very sour lemon;
  1. you smile sharply and relax.

Tongue lift

Your task is to try to reach your nose with your tongue. At this moment, the cervical spine and décolleté area are actively activated. The set should consist of 10 repetitions of two circles.

Also try raising your lower lip. Completely cover the lower one with the upper one, trying to pull it towards your nose. You can tell if you're doing it right by the characteristic tension in the muscle fibers.

How to lose weight in your face with massage

Physical activity increases blood circulation in tissues and helps relieve swelling. Cosmetic exercises, in turn, help to draw the correct shape of cheekbones, cheeks, forehead and chin. This procedure stimulates the deep layer of skin, restores the natural elasticity of the surface, and rejuvenates the appearance. Before starting a massage, read the list of contraindications:

  • rehabilitation period after facial surgery;
  • skin infectious diseases;
  • presence of damage to any of the areas of the massage;
  • birthmarks.

How to lose weight in your face by doing a massage?

  1. Warm up the surface of the skin. To increase blood circulation and cellular metabolism, use hot compresses based on natural herbs. This allows the face to quickly burn fat.
  1. Use oil. No anti-cellulite products, only special massage oil.
  1. Light movements. You should start manipulations from the cheekbones, smoothly moving towards the neck. The procedure is performed with bunches of fingers, carefully clockwise.

Using this method, you can lose weight on your face at home, provided you regularly do it for 10 minutes a day for one week. The results appear literally in 2 days: the skin becomes elastic and tightened, the surface acquires a pleasant matte shade.

How to lose weight in your face using cosmetics

Proper nutrition, massage and exercise are approximately 80% of success. Everything else will depend on proper care of your appearance. The fact is that with sudden weight loss, the skin loses its tone due to loss of nutrients. The main task at this stage is to moisturize and saturate the epidermal cells with nutrients.


Such a cosmetic product helps not only to look beautiful, but also to lose weight correctly in given areas. You should prepare your own mask from natural ingredients, which will not contain products that can cause allergic reactions. As a rule, they are made from:

  • herbal decoction of chamomile and other plants;
  • coffee;
  • eggs, honey or bran;
  • special clay, oils and herbs.

Coffee shop

What you need to prepare the product:

  • ground coffee and cocoa (one tablespoon);
  • sour cream for the desired consistency.

Mix everything and apply to the face and neck, avoiding sensitive areas under the eyes and above the lips. We try not to move our facial muscles for ten minutes. Afterwards, rinse off under warm water, do not go out into the cold for another hour. The procedure is carried out 2 times a month, no more.

Five best masks

All ingredients can be found at home or in the nearest store. There is no point in buying expensive products - nature has taken care of us. What can you cook?

  1. Protein. Beat two tablespoons of black clay with egg whites and get a product that has a lifting effect.
  1. Oatmeal. Beat the flakes in a blender along with sour cream and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Gently apply a homogeneous substance and wait 5 minutes.
  1. With bran. Mix four or five spoons together with the separated yolks.
  1. Multicomponent. Pour about two tablespoons of green tea or 200 grams of medicinal chamomile into one glass of boiling water and leave overnight. Strain the liquid, add white or black clay, mix with a drop of olive oil.
  1. With green tea. Grind two tablespoons of large-leaf tea into grains, adding sour cream or heavy cream.

Bottom line

Only the right approach and the use of various combinations of exercises will allow you to achieve the desired effect in losing weight on your face. Applying makeup also helps in this matter, which can hide most imperfections.

Losing weight in three days is very difficult, because first you need to remove a large percentage of subcutaneous fat. In this case, it is very important to create a proper diet for yourself, because there are no techniques that affect only one part of the body. How to do this without harming yourself?

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Only babies like chubby cheeks. With age, cheekbones become an object of admiration.

Once you gain a little weight, this is primarily reflected on your face. When you lose weight, thank God, the first thing that loses weight is your face. By working on overall weight loss, you will also get rid of excess swelling.

There are many reasons why fat accumulates in the cheeks and neck area; The main reasons are genetic predisposition, addiction to alcohol and, mainly, obesity. How to make your face lose weight? The following methods will help you get rid of chubby cheeks to a certain extent:

1. Exercises

It is believed that consistent contraction and relaxation of the facial muscles works wonders and perfectly burns excess fat. Even simple exercises such as those listed below can help:

  • Make a big “O” shape with your lips, hold this position for 30 seconds, then relax your muscles. Repeat 10-20 times.
  • Puff out your cheeks and lift your head towards the ceiling for 30 seconds, relax and repeat. This will help strengthen your jawline.
  • It's also helpful to alternate your lips as if you were going to say "i" and "o."
  • Breathing exercises not only help you lose weight, but also help you relax. Pay attention to some yoga poses, for example, pulling the shoulders to the ears.
  • And the best exercise for the cheeks is a warm and sincere smile.

2. Drink enough water

Water is a unique tool on the path to health. It helps get rid of toxins. Drinking enough water can help you feel less hungry, which can help prevent you from overeating. On average, an adult needs to drink 8 glasses of water (preferably warm) per day, children 5-6 glasses.

3. Eat a balanced diet

An important step on the path to losing weight is nutrition. Don't starve, eat the right and healthy foods that provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. Whole grains are a great addition to your nutrition plan. Products containing iron, calcium and other minerals allow you to be energetic and alert all day. Never skip a meal, this causes your body to store fat. Try to eat at the same time and at regular intervals. A balanced diet should contain:

  • Green vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Skimmed milk
  • Soya beans
  • Lean meat
  • Fruits
  • Foods containing iron, calcium and minerals

4. Eat right

Fruits and vegetables, even in large quantities, prevent you from gaining fat, and at the same time contain enough nutrients. Therefore, try to reduce the amount of sugar, salt, burgers, pizza, rice and other things. Instead, eat more lean meats, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and skim milk. Remember, instead of fruit juice, it is better to eat the same fruits, so you reduce the amount of sugar consumed and the overall calorie content of the dish. Caffeine should also be avoided when losing weight.

The normal daily calorie intake for men is 2500 calories, for women - 1500. Just 100 grams of sugar contains 387 calories. This is why you should avoid excessive sugar consumption if you are trying to lose weight.

5. Get enough sleep

You may be wondering what the connection is between sleep and facial weight loss. In the course of studies, it was revealed that with a lack of sleep, not only do circles appear under the eyes, but also the elasticity of the facial muscles decreases, which gives a swollen and tired appearance. Dark circles create the illusion that your face is even more swollen than it actually is. A decrease in muscle elasticity can lead to the appearance of a double chin, which will definitely not add tone to your face.

Try to sleep 8 hours a day. The following foods will help you fall asleep:

  • Glass of warm milk
  • Rice based products
  • Cereals with milk
  • Peanut butter
  • Protein-rich foods

6. Chew gum

Facial muscles are the same as muscles throughout the body. The more you exercise, the more toned they are. And the easiest way to train your cheek muscles is to chew gum. But give preference to sugar-free chewing gum, you don’t need extra calories. If you like to chew gum, then this kind of “workout” is a great find. But don't overdo it, don't chew all day, 2 hours is more than enough.

7. Learn special makeup techniques

Makeup, of course, will not help you lose weight, but it will help create the illusion. Why not use this to even out your skin tone, hide dark circles and excessive cheek puffiness.

  • Concealer will allow you to hide dark circles, and blush will create the illusion of elastic cheeks
  • Contouring is especially popular now. By highlighting certain parts of the face, you can “sculpt” whatever you want.
  • The arched shape of the eyebrows works wonders, visually hiding chubby cheeks and a double chin.

But remember, this is only a temporary solution.

8. Massage your face

A good massage, if performed regularly and by a professional, will significantly tighten your skin and tone your muscles. Today, many salons offer this service, so just look for a specialist in your city. Massage stimulates blood circulation, which gives the skin a healthy tone and glow. Massage also helps get rid of a double chin and dark circles under the eyes.

9. Choose the right haircut

A good haircut, like well-applied makeup, will help you look slimmer and more attractive. Give preference to short haircuts, this will visually reduce your cheeks. Here are some examples of suitable haircuts:

  • Layered haircut with bangs
  • Waves
  • Elongated bob

10. Make masks

Masks tighten the skin of the face, especially those containing natural clay. Constant use of masks tightens the skin and, accordingly, removes hints of a double chin. Fruit and vegetable masks also have a similar effect. Many masks can be easily made at home. If you prefer professional treatment in a salon, make sure that the masks used do not contain harmful substances. Give preference to the following masks:

  • Natural clay mask
  • Banana mask
  • Vinegar mask
  • Milk mask
  • Yogurt and mustard mask

11. Resist the temptation to take the easy way out.

Some people want instant results so much that they prefer to take the easy route with a variety of pills that are heavily advertised on television and the Internet. But any good doctor will tell you that none of this works.

The use of tablets and injections can negatively affect health and entail a number of side effects. In addition, these medications can cause water retention in the body, which has an effect similar to the effect of constant alcohol consumption. Smoking and chewing tobacco weakens the elasticity of the skin, making it flabby.

12. Don’t forget about an individual approach

Fat accumulation can occur for various reasons. Therefore, do not try to act on your own; first of all, consult a specialist to find out exactly the reasons. If the doctor says everything is fine, then just relax and be happy.

Also, find out about the health of relatives. If they all have chubby cheeks, then no diet will help.

Ideal proportions are presented in Leonardo da Vinci's drawing "The Vetruvian Man".

But this does not mean that everyone should be seven and a half heads tall.

13. Maintain good posture

A slouched back can cause thick cheeks and a double chin. Always keep your back straight and look straight ahead.

This will not only boost your self-confidence but will also prevent fat from accumulating in your chin area. By keeping your head low, you increase your chances of getting a double chin.

They say that if you breathe deeply, it is very difficult to hunch over; the body itself wants to straighten up. If you find it difficult to maintain your posture on your own, contact a specialist who will help you choose special exercises to improve your posture.

14. Be on guard

There are now many calorie tables available online. Watch your diet and consider the caloric content of your own diet. Determine your ideal weight and try to stick to it. And it will be better if you consult a nutritionist first.

They say that inner beauty is reflected in appearance. So it is our sacred duty to look elegant and demonstrate our beauty to others. But a thin face does not guarantee a beautiful appearance. All of the methods listed are of course effective, but there will be no effect if there is no motivation and desire to change. Start with daily skin care.

Wash your face every time after a walk and you will very soon notice positive changes. And remember that the fullness of your face is influenced by the condition of your body, genetics and a number of other factors. And if you are healthy and comfortable with your weight, then don’t torture yourself for fashionable cheekbones, just accept it as part of yourself.

Recent studies have shown that people with chubby cheeks who are happy with this fact live longer than those who spend their entire lives on dieting and losing weight. In addition, most people around them seem attractive. And, most interestingly, people with full faces later develop wrinkles.

Of course, it is important to exercise regularly, eat healthy, eat enough fruits and vegetables, be happy and smile, avoid alcohol and smoking, but more importantly, be yourself and accept yourself.

You are more than chubby cheeks and a thin enough waist. You are a person with a beautiful soul. If you love yourself, then those around you will see it and treat you accordingly. Many people hate their figure, but this is not a reason to give up happiness.

Don't try to change yourself to fit someone else's standards. Change only if you need it, if it is necessary for your comfort.

If you want to change something about yourself just because you hate yourself now, then once you change, you most likely won't love yourself again. If you want to achieve what you have always dreamed of, because you like it and it is important to you, and not to society, then boldly act.

Slightly sunken cheeks, well-defined beautiful cheekbones, and a defined chin make the face more attractive and interesting. And this applies to both women and men. However, it often happens that even those with a slender figure still have a round or even somewhat plump face. In this regard, people are divided into three types: some, when losing weight, their cheeks and chin immediately “fall off”, others gradually evenly transform their entire body, and others, no matter how hard they try, remain with rosy, rounded cheeks. And the third option occurs so often that many are interested in how to lose weight in the face, making it more beautiful, interesting and expressive.

Is it possible to achieve facial weight loss urgently, in a matter of time? No. But you need to start today. Without special techniques and manipulations nothing will work. And it's not just about losing weight. The fact is that the face often does not take on the most attractive shape due to various stresses and lack of sleep. The reason for the inability to achieve the ideal may even lie in the use of lush pillows. However, most often the problem is solved with a double blow: switching to proper nutrition and performing special exercises, thanks to which the cheeks and chin will become smaller. And all this can be easily done at home. The main thing is persistence and consistency.

There may be three main reasons here. And to find relevant solutions, you must first understand a specific case. So, the most common situations are:

  • A person is overweight - from relatively small to large amounts.
  • Strain aging occurs.
  • It's all due to swelling.

So, the most obvious reason for facial fullness is the presence of excess weight as such. The fact is that on the cheekbones and cheeks, in the neck and chin area, as well as in the temporal area of ​​the face, fat accumulates quite quickly and easily. At the same time, a person’s appearance can change dramatically. This problem, of course, can only be solved with the help of general weight loss - diet, exercise, massages, etc. Deformation aging of the face is largely related to the condition of the skin and muscles. The reason for its progression does not necessarily have to be age. Degenerative disorders of the skin and facial muscles are associated more with the actualization of certain risk factors than with the passing of years.

Attention! One of the main risk factors for facial deformities is smoking. For this reason, to lose weight in your face and have healthy skin, you should give up this bad habit.

However, deformation aging can be caused by a genetic predisposition, as well as a hormonal imbalance in the body that has arisen for a number of reasons. The tissues of the skin and facial muscles become flabby, loose, and begin to sag. As a result, the face looks plump. Losing weight won't help here.

Swelling is a common phenomenon in modern times, as it is usually caused by a disruption in the normal healthy schedule of life. In addition, dependence on alcohol, absorption of large amounts of carbohydrates and salts may be the reasons. Due to the accumulation of the latter, the facial skin does not remove fluid well, and the face swells. Under such conditions, we should not be talking about losing weight as such, but about establishing all processes in the body. You need to establish a clear daily routine, get enough sleep, and try to eat right. It would be advisable to consult a doctor. Medical intervention will consist of restoring drainage.

Should you restrict yourself in diet?

If the reason for the fullness of the face is the presence of excess weight as such, it is, of course, extremely important to improve nutrition in order to lose weight. The problem is that losing weight in any specific place on the body will not work. This is technically impossible. If a person loses weight, then he loses weight everywhere. On the other hand, this process is also relevant in the other direction.

With the slightest weight gain, every extra kilogram will be reflected, at least partially, on the face. This tendency becomes especially noticeable with age. In general, the question of what to do to lose weight in the cheeks is most often asked by women associated with the so-called “apple” type.

These are ladies whose excess weight dominates in the area of ​​the waist, cheeks, and chin. It is easy for them to lose weight in their legs, but at the same time it is more than difficult to lose weight in their belly. And the reason here is solely genetics. Diets will not help if the problem turns out to be actually far-fetched. The point is that the fullness of the face is not always determined by the presence of fat. Very often it is a matter of the very structure of the skull, the proportions of the facial bones and their location. For this reason, even very thin people can have wide faces, but their cheekbones will not stand out. The closest to reality way to solve this problem is a banal correction with the help of cosmetics.

So, losing weight in the face with the help of a diet is quite possible, but the goal should be to lose excess weight in general. Ideally, exercise and proper nutrition.

It is important! Strict and quick diets may not only not give a positive result in terms of losing weight in the face, but also have the completely opposite effect: the body will primarily react to stress and fatigue, which is why the face will become even more sagging and lose its attractiveness.

You can use long-term diets, which ultimately involve giving up unhealthy foods and switching to healthy, natural ones. In addition, you need to follow a number of immutable rules:

  • Drink at least two liters of pure water without gas per day (regardless of the volume of juice or tea you drink). This is important not only when losing weight.
  • Stop drinking alcohol. Forever, you can’t even drink wine on holidays, no matter what they say about its benefits.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits that have not been cooked.
  • Consume an increased amount of calcium daily, which should exceed 1200 mg. Here the exact numbers are very individual, so it is better to consult a doctor before starting your appointment.
  • Reduce sugar and salt intake to a minimum. If possible, exclude them from the diet altogether. If necessary, you can replace these flavor enhancers with healthy herbal seasonings. This will also help you lose weight in general.
  • Regularly go to the bathhouse or sauna (except for those who are prohibited from doing so due to health conditions).
  • Accustom yourself to daily workouts that develop flexibility and stretching. This will improve blood circulation and muscle tissue will become more elastic. And this also applies to the face.

Morning massage for facial slimming

This procedure is intended primarily to overcome the horror of a double chin and avoid the problem of sagging cheeks.

Herbal massage

To provide such a massage, you will need a terry towel - small in size, with medium pile, quite thin. It will need to be soaked in a special herbal infusion, which includes plants such as:

  • Field chamomile.
  • Sage.
  • Linden leaves.
  • Yarrow.

The infusion is prepared very simply: just one tablespoon of the mixture of these herbs is poured into a glass of water, which is brought to a boil. The infusion will brew for 20 minutes, then you need to strain it so that there are no leaves or twigs left in the liquid. Next, the towel is folded into a kind of accordion and soaked in the infusion. For massage, they take the ends of this “accordion” and sharply move them apart. As you straighten up, the towel taps your chin, which needs to be repeated several times.

Salt massage

Another massage option involves salt. It is logical to assume that in this case you will have to prepare a saline solution. So, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of salt - iodine-enriched or sea salt - in one liter of water.

Note! The strength of the solution should be determined by your skin type. So, for dry and those on which capillaries are clearly visible, it is better to provide a lower salt concentration and cool the liquid to room temperature; for normal and oily, you can use a saturated hot solution.

Physically, this procedure duplicates the one described above. An exception is that after completing such a massage, it is advisable to apply skin cream to the affected areas. It is most effective to alternate the herbal and salt versions of the morning massage for facial weight loss.

A set of the best exercises

And yet, how can you lose weight in your face so that your cheekbones appear and your cheeks fall in, if in general there are no problems with being overweight? In order to lose weight locally, you will have to resort to a set of exercises. Facial fitness is a fairly popular trend today.

To make your cheeks hollow, your chin thinner and your face transformed, experts in this area advise performing the following actions:

  • Throw your head back, put your chin forward and move your jaw. For simplicity, you can try to grab the upper lip with the lower one.
  • Clench your teeth and lower your lower lip as low as possible towards your chin.
  • Lower the corners of your mouth and then tense your neck. Afterwards you need to relax.
  • Place your fist under your chin. Lower your head down, with your hand, on the contrary, moving the skull up.
  • An exercise mirroring the previous one: place a fist above your head.
  • Bend your head and try to reach your shoulders with your chin alternately.

This technique is best practiced in front of a mirror. Even before the start, it is advised to apply a suitable cream to problem areas. Practicing exercises in front of your own reflection will allow you to most correctly and accurately study the technique of performing them, which contributes to a significant increase in efficiency. Thus, losing weight in the face is a long and painstaking process that requires an integrated approach. First you need to determine the cause of the phenomenon, and then begin to solve it. If we are talking about excess weight, diet, massage and exercises should be used at the same time to achieve the fastest possible results.

What do you need to lose weight on your face?

Fat tends to be deposited not only on the body, but also on some areas of the face. Women who are overweight, stooped, or who have the habit of walking with their heads down or reading while lying down, sooner or later face the problem of a double chin. Both for body correction and for losing weight in the face, the most effective method is exercise, which must be combined with proper nutrition. First of all, you need to stick to a diet, sleep on a flat pillow or without one at all - on a hard mattress, try to always keep your head straight during the day and periodically arrange for yourself a home beauty salon - massages, masks, compresses and other cosmetic procedures.

What exercises to choose to lose weight on your face

Only special gymnastics for the face will help you get quick results. Here are a few simple exercises that, if performed systematically, will help those who want to make their face thinner.

Exercises for facial muscles

1. It is recommended to do facial exercises once or better twice a day. You can perform it both standing and sitting. It is necessary to tilt your head back strongly, open your mouth wide and close your jaws, feeling the tension in the chin area. Repeat at least 15 times. After resting a little, tilt your head back just a little to the side. And again open your mouth wide and close it, stretching the skin. Repeat 10 times, turning in different directions.

2. Straighten up and clench your teeth tightly. Pull your lower lip several times in a row.

3. Sitting at the table, place your fist under your chin and press with your face, feeling the resistance of the fist.

4. Lower your head down. Close your hands at the back of your head. Press your head and hands on each other at the same time, feeling resistance.

5. Press your head to your shoulder with your hand and move it in the opposite direction, overcoming the resistance of your hand. Repeat also on the other side.

6. Turn your head strongly to the right, trying to touch your chin to your shoulder so that you can look behind your back. Repeat in the opposite direction.

7. Place your palm on your cheek. Turn your head in different directions, overcoming the obstacle of your palm.

Facial massage with a towel

In the morning and evening, it is suggested to use a towel to massage problem areas of the face - the chin and lower cheeks. To do this, you need to twist the towel into a tube and lightly moisten it in the middle with a warm solution of chamomile, sage, linden or yarrow. Holding the rolled up towel by the edges, slap your chin and cheeks, spreading your arms sharply to the sides. 10 claps on each side will be enough. In addition to the herbal infusion, the towel can be soaked in a strong solution of sea salt. And to enhance the effect, alternate herbal days with salty ones. After the procedure, do not forget to lubricate your face with cream.

Drawing lesson

It is necessary to hold a pencil between your teeth and write all the letters of the alphabet in the air, carefully using your head and neck. It is recommended to draw large letters; the letter “M” is recognized as the most useful.

Singing lesson

The exercise can also be performed either sitting or standing. Pull out your lips and sing all the vowels of the alphabet A-O-U-E-E-I-Y-Y-YA, opening your mouth wide where necessary. It is recommended to change the order of letters while singing.

Exercises for beautiful posture

Take a standing position. Place your right hand on your left shoulder, and vice versa. Press your hands on your shoulders, and at the same time try to stretch your neck as high as possible. In a position where the neck is stretched upward as much as possible, you need to take a deep breath. Try to hold your breath for 10 seconds. Then exhale and repeat 5 times.

The next exercise is also performed standing. Straighten your back and lower your arms. Smoothly tilt your head towards your shoulders and forward, pressing your chin to your chest. Perform slowly and make sudden bends, as it may make you dizzy.

The suggested exercises to lose weight on your face must be performed daily. Don't forget to massage in the morning and evening, and also devote 5-10 minutes to exercise. Then, after 2-3 weeks, the face will take on beautiful, clear contours, the skin of the cheeks will tighten, and the double chin will no longer cause inconvenience. It is also recommended to adhere to a dietary diet and use masks with a lifting effect once a week.

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