Is it possible to run every day? Is running really that beneficial?

Running is a popular sport among amateurs because running is very easy. To run, you don't need anything other than desire. You can run in the city, forest, park or stadium, wearing the simplest clothes that do not restrict your movements.

Running gained widespread recognition in the United States after Frank Shorter won the marathon at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. Following him in 1977, American running ideologist James Fix released the best-selling book Complete Book of Running. The two have inspired tens of millions of people in the US and Europe to run regularly.

Jogging, also called jogging, has become part of the lifestyle of a successful person.

At this time in the USSR, jogging was not so widespread and was more associated with adherents of a healthy lifestyle and athletes, of whom there were also many in the Union.

Running is promoted by sportswear manufacturers, athletes themselves and famous people who, for various reasons, have fallen into the cycle of a healthy lifestyle. For some, running has become a reason to get rid of bad habits.

Sobering came when Olympic long-distance runners began to die from heart attacks. James Fix died unusually early, at 52, while jogging. Conflicting data about the benefits and harms of running are reflected in modern folklore.

Thanks to recreational running, people get heart attacks in much better health than before.

Aphorism by an unknown author

The reaction also appeared in journalism. German physician Peter Axt in his book “The Lazy Live Longer” openly calls for a less active lifestyle and saving energy. His longevity program is based on walking and stretching exercises.

Still, running is healthier than not running. The results of the study were published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology Leisure-Time Running Reduces All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk., which lasted 15 years. Scientists observed the lives of 55 thousand people from 18 to 100 years. In the study group, among joggers, there were 45% fewer deaths from cardiovascular diseases and 30% fewer deaths from any cause. On average, joggers lived three years longer.

The study found that the risk of dying from a heart attack was reduced even among those who ran short distances once or twice a week.

It is important to understand that death during or after running should not be blamed on running, but on the body not being ready for such stress. James Fix suffered a heart attack due to a blocked coronary artery - a consequence of poor nutrition.

Experienced athletes, and especially professional athletes, suffer from occupational diseases and syndromes. The heart, enlarged from constant stress, coped well with its work while the body needed such a volume, but with the onset of old age, physical activity decreases and the heart begins to become decrepit: heart failure occurs. And hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or thickening of the ventricular wall, as a consequence of “sports” enlargement of the heart, is the cause of 36% of the deaths of young athletes.

How to start running without hurting yourself

1. The main thing is not to overdo it with loads. Moderate jogging “for pleasure” is the best choice for people who are far from sports and use physical activity for the purpose of health improvement or weight loss. A poorly trained body should not be fully loaded, or even better, with the help of a doctor, make sure that running is not a contraindication.

2. Start training three times a week, using running mixed with walking in a ratio of 1 to 2 or even 1 to 3: 2/4 minutes or 30/90 seconds. In the second week and beyond, increase your running time. The total duration of one workout is 25–30 minutes. A detailed guide for beginners on Lifehacker.

3. Train yourself to use the correct technique. Keep your head level, look forward, not down, bend your elbows 90 degrees and form your palms into fists, but do not clench them, land in the middle of your foot, but push off with your toes, take small steps. And don't slouch.

4. Start each workout with a warm-up and end with an equally thorough cool-down. Warming up ensures a more active flow of blood and oxygen to the muscles, and the final stretching will allow the muscles to recover faster.

Perhaps it would be worth ending the material with advice to go out for your first run right now, but it is better not to make hasty decisions and think about your equipment. You can run in sneakers, but running shoes do a better job of preserving the musculoskeletal system under conditions of increased stress. Take a closer look, but remember that technique and the right training regimen are more important.

Running is a popular sport among amateurs because running is very easy. To run, you don't need anything other than desire. You can run in the city, forest, park or stadium, wearing the simplest clothes that do not restrict your movements.

Running gained widespread recognition in the United States after Frank Shorter won the marathon at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. Following him in 1977, American running ideologist James Fix released the best-selling book Complete Book of Running. The two have inspired tens of millions of people in the US and Europe to run regularly.

Jogging, also called jogging, has become part of the lifestyle of a successful person.

At this time in the USSR, jogging was not so widespread and was more associated with adherents of a healthy lifestyle and athletes, of whom there were also many in the Union.

Running is promoted by sportswear manufacturers, athletes themselves and famous people who, for various reasons, have fallen into the cycle of a healthy lifestyle. For some, running has become a reason to get rid of bad habits.

Sobering came when Olympic long-distance runners began to die from heart attacks. James Fix died unusually early, at 52, while jogging. Conflicting data about the benefits and harms of running are reflected in modern folklore.

Thanks to recreational running, people get heart attacks in much better health than before.

Aphorism by an unknown author

The reaction also appeared in journalism. German physician Peter Axt in his book “The Lazy Live Longer” openly calls for a less active lifestyle and saving energy. His longevity program is based on walking and stretching exercises.

Still, running is healthier than not running. The results of the study were published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology Leisure-Time Running Reduces All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk., which lasted 15 years. Scientists observed the lives of 55 thousand people from 18 to 100 years. In the study group, among joggers, there were 45% fewer deaths from cardiovascular diseases and 30% fewer deaths from any cause. On average, joggers lived three years longer.

The study found that the risk of dying from a heart attack was reduced even among those who ran short distances once or twice a week.

It is important to understand that death during or after running should not be blamed on running, but on the body not being ready for such stress. James Fix suffered a heart attack due to a blocked coronary artery - a consequence of poor nutrition.

Experienced athletes, and especially professional athletes, suffer from occupational diseases and syndromes. The heart, enlarged from constant stress, coped well with its work while the body needed such a volume, but with the onset of old age, physical activity decreases and the heart begins to become decrepit: heart failure occurs. And hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or thickening of the ventricular wall, as a consequence of “sports” enlargement of the heart, is the cause of 36% of the deaths of young athletes.

How to start running without hurting yourself

1. The main thing is not to overdo it with loads. Moderate jogging “for pleasure” is the best choice for people who are far from sports and use physical activity for the purpose of health improvement or weight loss. A poorly trained body should not be fully loaded, or even better, with the help of a doctor, make sure that running is not a contraindication.

2. Start training three times a week, using running mixed with walking in a ratio of 1 to 2 or even 1 to 3: 2/4 minutes or 30/90 seconds. In the second week and beyond, increase your running time. The total duration of one workout is 25–30 minutes. A detailed guide for beginners on Lifehacker.

3. Train yourself to use the correct technique. Keep your head level, look forward, not down, bend your elbows 90 degrees and form your palms into fists, but do not clench them, land in the middle of your foot, but push off with your toes, take small steps. And don't slouch.

4. Start each workout with a warm-up and end with an equally thorough cool-down. Warming up ensures a more active flow of blood and oxygen to the muscles, and the final stretching will allow the muscles to recover faster.

Perhaps it would be worth ending the material with advice to go out for your first run right now, but it is better not to make hasty decisions and think about your equipment. You can run in sneakers, but running shoes do a better job of preserving the musculoskeletal system under conditions of increased stress. Take a closer look, but remember that technique and the right training regimen are more important.

Recently, it has become very fashionable to play sports. But since not everyone has extra money for fitness clubs, people’s choice falls on more affordable types of physical activity. One of these is jogging. All you need is a pair of comfortable sneakers, sportswear and a suitable place (your own yard, a treadmill at home, the nearest park, etc.). But to benefit from running, you need to follow a number of rules. We will talk about them in this article. We will also try to comprehensively consider this type of physical activity, so that even beginners after reading do not have the question: “Jogging - what is it like?” So let's get started.

Who can run?

Only absolutely healthy people can exercise regularly without medical supervision. If you have acquired or congenital heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, vision problems (changes in the retina), then be sure to go to the doctor for a consultation. This cannot be neglected, because few people know about all their illnesses. For most people, a minimal screening (ECG, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels) will be sufficient.

What time should you run?

For men, there is no clear answer to this question, so they can choose the most convenient training time. For the fair half, this is definitely evening jogging. The benefits of it are associated with an exclusively female feature: the amount of hormones that support high physical activity reaches its maximum only at the end of the day. Have a light snack before your evening workout. Don't run on an empty stomach.

Where to begin?

We advise beginning runners to divide their training into two stages - temporary and distance. On the first day, you run slowly and for no more than 15 minutes. Every two workouts, increase the time by 5 minutes until you reach 40. If you manage to run this entire time period easily and without shortness of breath, then you can move on to the distance period. On the first day you run 4 kilometers, on the second - 2, on the third - 1. The fourth day is rest, the fifth - 2 kilometers, the sixth - 4. It turns out a six-day non-tiring cycle.

By the way, when discussing training programs on forums and on social networks, a discussion very often arises on the topic: “Jogging: benefit or harm?” Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Benefits of running:

Strengthening muscles (especially the heart);

Improved metabolism;

Reduced pressure;

Increased immunity;

Improved psychological state;

Reducing the amount of bad cholesterol;

Increase in life expectancy by 5-6 years (according to research by Danish cardiologists);

Oxygen saturation of body tissues and cells.

The harm of running

This type of physical activity is associated with serious stress on the spine, as well as on the muscles, ligaments and joints of the legs. Therefore, unlike regular walking, running is much more dangerous. During it, the human body is almost completely torn off and falls back to the ground. You could even say that this is a small fall from a height (albeit controlled). When landing, the spine and leg joints experience loads many times greater than a person's weight. The impact force increases if the running surface is hard (asphalt) or the athlete is overweight.

Large loads in the form of a very long distance or too high a speed are also harmful. If they are regular, then you can say goodbye to your health.

Jogging: what muscles work?

When playing any sport, it is very important to understand what exactly you are training. Jogging strengthens almost all leg muscles (thighs, calves). The abdominal and arm muscles are also involved. The latter help maintain balance and maintain coordination. But the main muscle working when running is the heart. The human “engine” is exposed to useful and natural stress, which is very good for overall health. Just a couple of weeks after starting training, your blood vessels will thank you.

Jogging technique

Compliance with it is extremely important, because if you move incorrectly, the load on the body will be distributed incorrectly.

Regardless of gender and age, every runner should improve their running technique. This will allow you to cover the distance with less effort and with more pleasure.

People who have not yet delved into the question: “what is jogging like?” often make the mistake of starting to exercise on rough terrain. This is a lot of stress for fragile ligaments, joints and muscles. They need adaptation. Therefore, start running training on flat terrain and only after a while switch to rough terrain.

Proper running technique is as simple and natural as walking. You walk upright with your upper body balanced in relation to your hips. At the same time, hands with thumbs turned inward perform smooth and light swings forward. This is how you should run in a relaxed manner.

But don't focus too much on your running technique. The main thing is to feel comfortable. Listen to your body and it will tell you the most convenient technique.

Basic rules of running

1. Suitable equipment

You don't need complex equipment for running. All you need is sneakers and comfortable clothes. It is better to buy shoes with thick, elastic soles that ease shock vibrations on the spine.

As for clothing, in hot weather it should be light. When it's cold, it's a good idea to wear multiple t-shirts to provide layers that will keep you warm. Of course, at the beginning of the workout you will be cool, but by the end you will definitely feel hot.

2. Moderation

The heart muscle should not be overstrained. So the best training indicator is fun. People who are just starting to exercise and don’t know the answer to the question “what is jogging like?” try to set distance and speed records. Don't be like them. For health, you need to focus only on the total training time.

3. Maintaining the interval

Running seriously loads the ligamentous apparatus, which needs post-workout recovery. Therefore, after each workout, one day of rest is necessary.

4. Choosing the right surface

A surface that is too soft (sand) or too hard (asphalt) is harmful for running. So choose something in between (turf, rubber surface). In addition, it is better not to run uphill or downhill. This is bad for the knee joints.

5. No pain

Even in the case of a minor injury (discomfort in the ligaments, a sprained tendon, etc.), you should stop training. In such cases, cycling or swimming are excellent substitutes for jogging. How to run correctly was indicated above. Learn this and the risk of injury will be minimal.

6. Ability to relax

When running, intense work of the leg muscles is required. But this does not apply to the rest of the muscles. Therefore, learn to relax your neck, shoulders, chest and upper back while jogging. This is easier to achieve at low speed.

7. Regularity

You need to make running a habit. After all, it will only benefit from regular exercise. Don't cancel your run because of the weather. Training in the rain will be a good strengthening agent for both character and the body as a whole.

We hope that this article was useful, and you will no longer wonder: “Jogging - what is it like?” We wish you health and productive training!

Without exaggeration, we can say that millions of people nowadays experience “muscular hunger.” And if appropriate measures are not taken, modern comfort slows down and begins to shorten a person’s life. Therefore, a person chooses running as the simplest and most accessible physical exercise.

There are a huge number of running enthusiasts in the world. All of them are deeply convinced that only running can help overcome all physical and mental ailments associated with age-related changes and emotional overload.

During relatively calm running, such as running, there is no release of steroid hormones, which are also responsible for the cleanliness of blood vessels. This is primarily about the importance of which for men he talks about in his program

Although, if you run segments of 100-200 meters at maximum speed, then hormones will be released, since there is already short-term mental stress. Conclusion - the release of hormones is important for the body, especially which is directly related to life expectancy in men. Testosterone deficiency shortens life.

Running for weight loss is running with maximum effort for short periods, up to 200 meters.

You cannot start running training while your body weight significantly exceeds 70-80 kg (weight = body length -100). In this case, you need to start with walking. Failure to comply with this rule leads to microtraumas in the knee, hip joints, and spine. In order to somehow reduce the load on the legs and joints, it is important to choose the right ones.

How many times should you do running training per week?

The optimal load in running training is 3 times a week for 30-60 minutes, running intensity - heart rate = 100-140 beats/min. If the load is exceeded, it is possible to deplete the glands of the endocrine system, reduce immunity, and overtrain, which, of course, is unacceptable in health-improving training.

Here's what Professor Seluyanov writes about the use of aerobic exercise, which includes slow running.

In the training of a normal person, aerobic exercise can be used: - as a means of warming up (increasing body temperature) in a warm-up, - as a means of increasing the metabolic rate, oxidation of carbohydrates or fats in muscle fibers, - as a means of reducing body weight, since to compensate for the energy spent in While training fats and carbohydrates, subcutaneous fat reserves can be used up.

It should be borne in mind that after training a person experiences a strong feeling of hunger, so they usually eat food containing carbohydrates and fats. Next, the pancreas releases insulin into the blood, and this hormone stimulates the synthesis of fat and glycogen in muscle fibers and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Therefore, weight loss should not be expected.

Only those who follow a diet will be able to lose weight, namely, after training, they will consume low-calorie foods (vegetables, mineral water) for 10-24 hours. With such a diet, you can expect a decrease in muscle mass.

The health-improving effect of aerobic training is very low, but if you give up running and choose walking, cycling or swimming as a means, then well-trained athletes can afford to perform training exercises 3 times a week lasting 2-4 hours. The fact is that as fatigue develops, mental tension increases, and therefore the release of hormones into the blood.

Consequently, preparing amateurs to participate in marathon competitions can have a healing effect, but the following rules must be observed:

- running cannot be used as a means of preparing for a marathon distance, as this leads to significant damage to joints, ligaments and muscles. Instead of running, you should use fast walking or cycling, or skiing or roller skiing; - It is not recommended to use long-term training - more than 2 hours, more than 3 times a week.

Thus, aerobic exercises are a low-effective means of health-improving training and can be used as an additional means when engaging in health-improving physical education.

The benefits of running: how to use this physical activity correctly

For those who are in love with running, the benefits and harms of this type of sports activity are not too important. They are ready to go to classes in summer and winter, in the morning and evening before bed, as many times a day as strength and time allow. Jogging gives them a feeling of joy and health, making them feel much younger at 40 or 50 years old. If you ask them a question whether running, for example, in the evenings after a working day, is useful, running fans will definitely mention how many men and women experience strong nervous tension every day, which worsens the functioning of the heart, exhausts the body so that a person in his 40s often looks like 60 years old, and you need to relieve this tension in the evening, before going to bed, by warming up with a jog on a treadmill or somewhere else, even if it happens in winter.

Another argument in favor of running is the health-promoting effect on the heart, confirmed by doctors, observed in both women and men. Leisurely jogging on a park treadmill or anywhere else is good for your health because each step causes your heart to pump vigorously, exercising your heart muscle. No dumbbells or other equipment can strengthen the muscles in this area. Such training is especially important for men and women after 50 years of age and especially after 60 years of age, when the risk of serious heart disease increases.

Why else is healthy jogging on a treadmill important for men - it’s good for potency. Exercises to activate the heart, especially on the street or in another place in the fresh air, improve blood supply to all organs by 50%, including the prostate - the so-called second heart of men. After 50-60 years, and sometimes in men at the age of 40, issues of potency arise very acutely; each of them is concerned with finding information about which therapy will be best for maintaining male health and increasing potency. The doctors' recommendations in this case are quite simple: if there are no contraindications due to chronic diseases, then there is no better activity than jogging in any pleasant place - on a treadmill in a park or at a stadium, in winter or summer. It doesn't matter whether you jog in the evenings before bed or in the morning immediately after waking up. Every day or several times a week (50 minutes or more) - the work of the heart to improve blood supply to organs will improve potency in men better than any exercise with dumbbells or barbells, and this will be useful for women.

How to avoid the negative consequences of running

Why do so many people talk about the possible harm of running when doctors often recommend that men and women use jogging - every day if possible - to prevent health problems associated with physical inactivity? Firstly, there are contraindications for running on a treadmill, which are better to ask your doctor about before you start jogging, and not after the dangers of running, for example in winter, have become obvious to you personally.

The second reason why health-improving running can become harmful is often the incorrect calculation of the running load, which has become unbearable for health. How much you can run personally - 40, 50 or 60 minutes, continuously or whether you need to take breaks, every day or not - you should find out from a specialist. In addition, jogging in the evenings before bed often becomes the reason for conversations about the dangers of running, because after such an exercise it takes a lot of effort to fall asleep. Sometimes weight loss fans, trying to maximize the fat-burning effect of jogging, run with dumbbells in their hands for weight, which is very harmful for the joints of the legs and for health in general.

The third reason for negative reviews about running can be called disappointment in expectations. Each type of running - for weight loss, for health, for potency - has its pros and cons that need to be taken into account before starting exercise. Women's main complaints about running usually concern the question of why exercise even every day does not improve their figure, forgetting that you can achieve what you want only simultaneously with a diet. For men, complaints mainly come down to questions about why running for weight loss or for potency does not give quick results, and how long it is better to run to get this result. Regarding weight loss, it all depends on the quality of running and the reality of your goals, and as for potency, it is better to maintain it by running all your life (not suddenly starting at 50 years old).

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