Is it possible to use Cholisal gel for teething and thrush in babies under one year old? Indications and contraindications, similar medications. Dental gel for gums Cholisal®

Minor diseases of the oral cavity in infants are accompanied by unpleasant sensations, which Cholisal for infants will help get rid of. This remedy copes equally well with inflammation of the gums due to stomatitis and other infections; it is often prescribed for teething.

Typically, Cholisal for infants is sold in the form of a transparent gel, less often in a suspension. The color of the drug is transparent or light brown, the product has a characteristic anise smell. When applied to the gums, the substance has a freezing effect and partially anesthetizes the affected area. The gel has a neutral taste, so the baby is not capricious during the procedure.

The main active ingredients in the required concentration are choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride. 96% ethanol, glycerol, hyaetellose, and methyl parahydroxybenzoate were used as complementary substances. At the pharmacy, the medicine is sold in 10-gram tubes, in a cardboard box.

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Cholisal for newborns with thrush and other problems: purpose

Prescription of the drug for children under one year of age is carried out strictly by a doctor, who will diagnose the problem in the oral cavity and prescribe treatment. Cholisal for infants is indicated for inflammatory and infectious processes:

  • gingivitis;
  • mechanical injuries to the mucous membranes of the mouth (burns, scratches);
  • after minor surgical interventions.

If problems are identified, the drug is used strictly according to the instructions or an individual doctor’s prescription.

Attention! Before using Cholisal for infants for the first time, it is important to make sure whether it can be given to your baby. To do this, perform a test application of the product on the gums in the problem area. If redness occurs and there is no auxiliary analgesic effect, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Cholisal for teething babies: instructions

In order to relieve gum pain in teething babies, Cholisal medicinal gel must be applied topically, following the instructions.

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Lay the baby on his back.
  3. Apply a small amount of gel to your index finger.

  4. Then apply it to painful gums (identified by swelling and the presence of white stripes and dots).
  5. We massage the gums a little, rubbing in the anesthetic.
  6. After a few seconds, a freezing effect will occur, which will relieve pain for 1-2 hours. It is recommended to use the drug no more than three times a day, preferably after meals.

    Note to moms! Cholisal syrup can be taken by newborns if the use of the ointment causes a gag reflex, that is, when the baby does not like the taste of the drug.

    Dental gel Cholisal: contraindications

    If you follow the instructions for the medication, there are usually no side effects, but if alarming symptoms appear: itching, rashes, inflammation, be sure to give the child an antiallergic drug (Fenistil, Claritin, Loratadine) and consult a specialist.

    When taking Cholisal for the first time for infants, it is recommended to use antihistamines

    Despite the fact that the medicine is intended for small children, it should be used with caution. It is very important not to self-prescribe. An allergic reaction to pharmacological agents is a contraindication; it is prohibited to take Cholisal for infants for complex infections without a medical examination.

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    Analogs of oral ointment Cholisal

    When contraindications are noted or there is no positive effect from taking Cholisal for infants, doctors recommend using analogue medications; in addition, dental drops for newborns can be prescribed. If necessary, ask your doctor to name cheaper analogues that are acceptable in infancy to relieve symptoms of teething, as well as eliminate pain from stomatitis or candidiasis. Usually recommended:

    Kalgel and Dantinox in the photo are drugs similar to Cholisal

  • Kalgel is an excellent helper for infants, it has the form of a liquid gel, relieves pain and itching in the gums, the estimated price is 250 rubles;
  • Baby Doctor - the product is available in the form of gel and drops, suitable for infants prone to allergic reactions, as it contains natural ingredients: echinacea, chamomile, marshmallow. Has an antiseptic and analgesic effect. Its approximate cost is 150 rubles;
  • Dentinox in the form of an ointment for gums relieves pain during the eruption of the first baby teeth, however, before use, it is better to consult a pediatrician. Costs from 100 to 200 rubles.

Use of Cholisal for children under one year of age: reviews

Cholisal-gel for infants has earned a positive opinion from parents; the following reviews confirm the effectiveness of the drug.

Anna, Ivanovo

We suffered a lot with our daughter when her first teeth began to emerge, we didn’t even know what to do, so we turned to a paramedic for help (there was no one else). He advised using Cholisal, but first examined the child. After the first use, which lasted for several hours, I breathed a sigh of relief for the first time during this difficult period, and the baby became calmer.

Arina, Khanty-Mansiysk

Cholisal is a very useful drug for children under one year old; it was prescribed to us when we caught stomatitis from our eldest son. This remedy perfectly relieved pain and had an antiseptic effect. We applied it after each treatment of the oral cavity with other medications and before bed.

In dentistry, the use of Cholisal Dental for the treatment and prevention of gum diseases is widely practiced. The cosmetic product contains ingredients that have a hemostatic effect. After applying the gel to the gums, inflammation and swelling are relieved, and pain disappears. It also contains aromatic mint oil, which freshens breath.

Unlike Cholisal, Cholisal Dental is not used to treat teething children. This drug is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity in adults. Cholisal Dental is non-toxic, well tolerated by the body, and does not provoke adverse reactions. But before using it, you should consult your doctor about the advisability and safety of treatment.

Holisal Dental is one of the representatives of the therapeutic line of dental products. A Polish manufacturer produces a drug for the prevention of damage to the oral mucosa. When wearing dentures, braces, or dental onlays, the gums and inner surface of the cheeks are often injured. Cracks, wounds, ulcers can occur under the influence of other external and internal unfavorable factors:

  • overly sensitive mucous membrane;
  • improper brushing of teeth;
  • eating food that injures the mucous membrane, for example, seeds, chips, salted nuts;
  • smoking, which worsens the condition of the oral cavity;
  • diseases occurring against the background of metabolic disorders.

Course use of the drug helps improve blood circulation in the tissues. They begin to receive biologically active compounds and nutrients. Damaged epithelial cells are quickly restored, tissue healing is accelerated.

You cannot compare Holisal Dental and Metrogyl Denta.

The latter is part of the group of pharmacological drugs for the treatment of dental pathologies. It will contain components that have bactericidal and antimycotic effects. Cholisal Denta exhibits such clinical activity to a much lesser extent. It is intended more for prevention, and is used in therapy as an adjuvant.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The gel refers to medications used to prevent dental diseases. It restores the integrity of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and prevents the development of the inflammatory process. Shows weak antimicrobial activity. Regular use of cosmetics helps maintain healthy mucous membranes.

Cholisal Dental contains ingredients that mutually enhance and prolong pharmacological actions. The drug is characterized by antiseptic activity. When the mucous membranes are injured, pathogenic bacteria quickly penetrate into the wounds. And with a decrease in immunity, they may become infected with pathogenic yeast-like fungi. This causes:

  • development of acute inflammatory process;
  • occurrence of dental diseases.

Most often, dentists diagnose gingivitis and stomatitis in such cases. After applying the gel to the gums, the oral cavity is sanitized. It is cleared of pathogenic microorganisms, and the affected tissues are gradually restored.

pharmachologic effect

The pharmacological properties of Cholisal Dental are based on the therapeutic activity of the ingredients. The cosmetic product contains aprotinin. It neutralizes the effects of adverse external factors on the oral mucosa. This organic compound inhibits broad-spectrum proteolytic enzymes. Aprotinin significantly reduces the activity of plasma and tissue enzymes. It is characterized by pronounced hemostatic effectiveness:

  • inhibition of the contact phase of coagulation activation;
  • decreased fibrinolytic activity of the blood.

If blood appears on the gums while brushing your teeth, dentists recommend using Holisal Dental. This problem often occurs when wearing braces that rub the mucous membranes of the gums. The cosmetic product quickly stops bleeding and accelerates the healing of injuries. The therapeutic effect of aprotinin is also enhanced by other components of Holisal Dental:

  • propylene glycol. The chemical compound has the ability to retain water molecules in tissues. Propylene glycol moisturizes mucous membranes and protects them from drying out. It is the lack of moisture in the tissues that becomes the main cause of injury. Regular use of Cholisal Dental protects the gums, tongue, and inner surface of the cheeks from damage. Propylene glycol also exhibits weak antibacterial and antimycotic activity;
  • peppermint essential oil. The chemical composition of the plant is represented by menthol, organic acids, and bioflavonoids. After contact with mucous membranes, peppermint oil irritates cold receptors and stimulates the constriction of superficial blood vessels. It has pronounced antiseptic properties. When using Holisal Dent, the oral cavity is regularly cleansed of harmful bacteria and fungi.

The presence of a plant component in a cosmetic product strengthens local immunity. A course of use of Cholisal Denta increases the resistance of mucous membranes to bacterial, viral, and fungal infectious agents. The ability of aprotinin to inhibit enzymes that stimulate the synthesis of cytokines has been clinically confirmed. It is these bioactive compounds that are responsible for the development of gum inflammation.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After applying Holisal Dent to the gums, its ingredients are immediately absorbed by the mucous membranes. This is clearly noticeable by the instant cooling effect of the cosmetic product. It acts on receptors located in the submucosal layer, providing an analgesic effect. Local anesthetic and distracting activity occurs 3-10 minutes after application of the drug.

The ingredients of the dental gel do not penetrate the bloodstream. This explains the small number of contraindications and side effects. The action of Holisal Dent lasts about 2-3 hours. The components are metabolized in liver cells and are evacuated from the body with urine and feces.

Release form and composition

Holisal Dental is produced at a Polish pharmaceutical factory. It is packaged in aluminum tubes, each of which contains 15 ml of product. The drug is a gel with a jelly-like substance and a specific menthol odor. Secondary packaging is a cardboard box with instructions for use inside. The presence of any foreign inclusions is not allowed.

The composition of Holisal Dental is represented by the following active and auxiliary components:

  • distilled water;
  • propylene glycol;
  • hypromellose;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • essential peppermint oil;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • disodium edetate;
  • aprotinin;
  • sodium hydroxide.

Auxiliary ingredients ensure optimal absorption of aprotinin and peppermint oil into the mucous membranes. Some components enhance the healing properties of active substances.

The absence of dyes in the composition significantly reduces the list of contraindications for use.

Storage conditions and periods

Holisal Dental should be stored at room temperature in places protected from sunlight. Small children who may be attracted to the sweet taste and strong aroma should not have access to it. The shelf life of the cosmetic product is 24 months. Do not use it if a foreign odor appears, color or consistency changes.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use of the Cholisal Denta gel indicate that it should be used only after medical consultation. Despite being a cosmetic product, it can have side effects. Cholisal Denta is not a pharmacological drug, therefore it is used in therapeutic combinations. Dentists recommend combining its use with therapeutic rinses. You can use pharmaceutical solutions with an antiseptic effect - Miramistin, Stomatofit, Stomadin. Infusions of medicinal herbs significantly enhance the antimicrobial properties of the product:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • oak bark;
  • linden color.

There is no need to use cotton swabs or sterile wipes during the treatment procedure. Each package contains an applicator for convenient distribution of the gel on the gums. Before applying the gel to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, you should contact your dentist to remove plaque. It is this that often causes the development of the inflammatory process.

Indications and contraindications

The gel is used as a prophylactic for gum diseases. It is recommended by dentists to prevent bleeding and inflammation. The gel also effectively eliminates swelling localized on the inner surface of the cheeks. As an adjuvant they are used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis.

It can be used in the treatment of dental diseases, such as periodontal disease.

Indications for use of Cholisal Dental include wearing dental implants, braces, and dental onlays. It is not prescribed to children under 14 years of age and to patients with hypersensitivity to active and auxiliary components.

Directions for use and doses

According to the instructions for use of the Cholisal Denta gel, it can be used 2-4 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the attending physician. It takes into account the number of complications that have developed and the degree of progression of the pathology. If necessary, the cosmetic product is used continuously. Its use is not difficult:

  • clean the gums with a cotton pad from formed plaque;
  • using an applicator, distribute 1-1.5 cm strips of the product squeezed out of the tube onto the inflamed areas;
  • Lightly rub the product in for better absorption.

To prevent gum inflammation, it is enough to apply Cholisal Dental 1-2 times a day after brushing your teeth. After using it, you should not consume drinks or food for 15 minutes.

Side effects and special instructions

In rare cases, after applying the gel, a local allergic reaction develops. If it is swallowed, dyspeptic disorders are possible - flatulence, nausea. People with gastrointestinal diseases should be careful when using it.

The therapeutic line also includes the dental gel Cholisal. It contains other active and auxiliary ingredients. This drug is intended to eliminate discomfort during teething in babies. Therefore, when purchasing Cholisal at a pharmacy, you should clearly tell the pharmacist what product is needed.

Pregnancy and lactation

Cholisal Dent can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But the dosage regimen should be discussed with your doctor.

Use in childhood

The drug is not intended for the treatment of children under 14 years of age.


There are no cases of overdose of Cholisal Denta gel described in the medical literature.

Drug interactions

Cholisal Denta can be combined with all drugs used in the treatment of dental diseases.

Prices and conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dental gel Cholisal Dental 15 g can be bought at a pharmacy for 215 rubles. A prescription from a doctor is not required for the holiday.


When choosing what to prescribe to a patient - Cholisal or Metrogyl Denta, the dentist will prefer the latter remedy. It is characterized by pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity. Holisal Dental is used only for preventive purposes. The gel analogues Stomatodin and Stomatofit have a similar effect.

Cholisal is a drug with a combined effect. It has analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. People with weak immune systems often have to deal with various inflammations in the oral cavity associated with pathogenic bacteria. In such cases, Cholisal or its cheap analogue is used.

Instructions for use and composition

Active component of the gel - Choline salicylate, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The substance reduces the activity of neutrophils and macrophages, cyclooxygenase and prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins. The components of the composition do not lose their medicinal properties when exposed to an alkaline environment, and also have antifungal and antimicrobial effects. Cholisal is quickly absorbed through the mucous membrane.

An additional component of the gel, tsetalkonium chloride, destroys gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, viruses and fungi. Propyloxybenzoate has an antibacterial effect. Due to its viscous consistency, Cholisal is not washed off from the surface by saliva.

Analgesic effect starts to appear after 4 minutes after using the medicine. The drug does not contain sugar and is well tolerated by patients.

To achieve an analgesic effect, Cholisal should be used 2 times a day. The gel is best applied after meals and before bed. For a person over 18 years of age, the dosage is 1 cm of gel, for children - 0.5 cm. The medicine should be rubbed with light circular movements into the affected area. If the composition is part of a complex treatment of periodontal diseases, then the gel is used up to 2 times a day. After using the medicine, you need to avoid eating for 30 minutes. The duration of use of Cholisal gel is determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s indicators.

Instructions for use for periodontal disease

Cholisal is very effective in treating this disease. At the first stage, the doctor removes the cause of the disease and tartar. And only then Cholisal is applied to both the outer and inner parts of the gums. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, the gel must be delivered exactly into the gum pocket. Composition required apply 3 times a day.

Instructions for use for gingivitis

Cholisal effectively counteracts gum inflammation. But before using the medicine, you need to get rid of tartar. If you ignore the cause of the disease, it can lead to tooth decay.

For gingivitis, Cholisal is applied 2 times a day. In order for the composition to stick better to the surface, it needs to be dried using a gauze pad.

Instructions for use during teething

Cholisal can be used for children who have reached the age of 1 year. The composition has a fruity smell, which does not cause rejection in the baby. The medicine helps well with teething, but it should not be used frequently. You must strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions.

Cholistal does not contain lidocaine, to which some babies have an allergic reaction. Before using the composition, you need to pre-treat the oral cavity. Take a glass of boiled water and add a little soda. Take a sterile cotton swab, dip it and wipe your gums. After the procedure, you can apply Cholisal. Judging by the reviews, most people use the drug for this very purpose.

Side effects and contraindications

Cholisal should not be used:

  • In case of hypersensitivity to one of the components.
  • During pregnancy.
  • Children should be given the drug only after consulting a doctor.

At the first signs of an allergy to Cholisal, the composition must be washed off and consult a doctor. Slight burning sensation, for 40 seconds, is not a side effect. And some people, judging by the reviews, perceive this as a manifestation of an allergic reaction. The use of the composition together with painkillers, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs enhances their effect. Side effects from the drug may occur due to its long-term use or exceeding the dosage. You must carefully study the instructions before use.


Judging by the reviews, due to the high price of Cholisal (300 rubles per 10 grams), many people are looking for medications with similar effects, but cheaper. Choosing the right analogue is not so easy, because you need to take into account many factors. This is especially true when used together with other drugs. You can make the process much easier by reading reviews on the Internet.


This is a homeopathic medicine that has a complex effect. It is prescribed to patients suffering from tonsillitis, gingivitis, and stomatitis. The composition of the drug includes: sage, laccone, belladonna, snake venom. The medicine can be used from 12 years of age. Thanks to its natural ingredients, Vokara has no contraindications. Price - 200 rubles.

Dentamet gel

The medicine is widely used in dentistry to treat the following diseases: periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis. The drug contains: metronidazole - which destroys pathogenic microorganisms; chlorhexidine - has disinfectant properties. The drug has no age limit, but children and pregnant women should take it only after consulting a doctor. There are many positive reviews on the Internet. Price - 110 rubles.

Anti-Angin Formula

A very effective analogue of Cholisal, prescribed for inflammation of the pharynx and oral cavity. Available in the form of spray and tablets. The composition of the medicine includes: tetracaine, ascorbic acid, chlorhexidine. The first component has an analgesic effect. Ascorbic acid helps reduce swelling and stimulates regeneration. Chlorhexidine destroys most gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. The medicine can be used from 5 years of age. Cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Price - 110 rubles.

Metrogil Denta

The gel is a popular analogue of Cholisal. According to the instructions, it contains the same components that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In the absence of allergic reactions to the components, the gel is prescribed from 6 years of age. Price - 205 rubles.


The drug has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The main components of the gel are lidocaine and chamomile tincture. Thanks to this, the gel can be used starting from 3 months. This greatly facilitates the process of teething in children. A large number of positive reviews on sites for mothers. Price - 250 rubles.


Another popular analogue of Cholisal, which is used in ENT practice and dentistry. The drug is prescribed for infections of the oral cavity and larynx, stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis. The medicine begins to be used from 3 years of age. There aren't many reviews. Price - 145 rubles.

One gram of Cholisal dental gel contains the following active ingredients: Choline salicylate 87 mg, cetalkonium chloride 100 mg + excipients ( methyl parahydroxybenzoate, hyaetellose, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, ethanol, purified water, anise seed oil).

Release form

Dental gel for teething in tubes (10 grams each). The gel has a specific smell of anise oil, colorless, transparent.

pharmachologic effect

Pain relief , relieves inflammation, has antimicrobial action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The effect of the drug is due to the combination of two active components.

Choline salicylate It relieves pain well at the site of application and relieves inflammation. The substance reduces activity neutrophils And macrophages , cyclooxygenase . In the presence of pH acidic environment in the oral cavity may also have antifungal And - microbial action. The effect of the painkiller lasts on average from 2 to 8 hours.

Cetalkonium chloride has a strong antiseptic action. He is active both in relation to gram-positive , and – negative microorganisms. The effects on the kingdoms of fungi and viruses are also detrimental.

The helium base itself and the substances in its composition also have antifungal And antibacterial properties. Thanks to its special structure, the gel is well absorbed into tissues and quickly reaches nerve endings and holds on mucous membrane lining of the oral cavity for a long time. IN systemic blood flow practically does not penetrate.

Indications for use

Cholisal ointment is prescribed for inflammation and damage to the oral mucosa:

  • stomatitis, ;
  • violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane when wearing prostheses, mechanical damage;
  • cheilitis;
  • pain relief and prevention of inflammation after minor surgical interventions;
  • the use of ointment is justified when lichen planus on the mucous membrane;
  • gingivitis ;
  • when young teeth erupt in children.


  • on the composition of the drug;
  • children under one year old, pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects

Instructions for use of Cholisal (Method and dosage)

According to the instructions for the Cholisal gel, the medicine is used exclusively topically.

The ointment is applied 15 minutes before meals or after, or at night, rubbing into the affected area using a clean finger. The procedure is performed 2 to 3 times a day. Children squeeze out half a centimeter of gel, adults – one centimeter.

The medicine can be injected into the formed gum pockets or compresses can be made from gum gel.


No cases of overdose have been reported. The medicine should not be swallowed. Apply externally only.

If a large amount of gel gets on the mucous membrane, rinse your mouth generously with water. In case of getting into Gastrointestinal tract - rinse the stomach. Treatment is based on the symptoms that appear.


In therapeutic doses it does not interact with other drugs. In doses significantly higher than therapeutic ones, they can intensify antipyretic And painkillers properties of other medicines.

Terms of sale

You do not need a prescription to buy Cholisal gel.

Storage conditions

Store the ointment out of the reach of small children. Temperature range from 0 to 24 degrees, do not allow the gel to freeze.

Best before date


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Gel analogues are: oak bark, St. John's wort, dental drops, anginophyte, smotatophyte, bronspray, kamident, faringin, , sage herb, , phytodent, phytosept, eucalyptus grass, faringin .

Which is better: Cholisal or Kalgel?

Much weaker in action than Cholisal. This is especially true for eliminating discomfort and whims in young children when they are teething. The price of Kholisal is slightly lower than its analogue.

Which is better: Cholisal or Metrogyl Denta?

Metrogyl Denta is slightly cheaper than Cholisal. But, unlike the original, the analogue contains other active ingredients and practically does not penetrate the affected tissues. It acts predominantly on the surface, which leads to relapses and is less effective.

For children

Instructions for use of Cholisal by children: Gel for children is not recommended for use under the age of three. For treatment stomatitis In children, the drug can be applied to the affected areas 30 minutes before meals. Or rub in half a centimeter of ointment for two minutes.

Gel Cholisal for children has many positive reviews.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the medicine can be used after consulting a doctor and under his supervision.

Reviews for Holisal

Reviews for Cholisal teething children and adults are good. The medicine quickly and effectively relieves inflammation, cools, and relieves pain. If you apply the drug before bed, its effect lasts almost the whole night. Has an antipyretic effect. Many people like that the medicine does not contain lidocaine, as it can cause severe allergic reactions.

Cholisal gel is a modern combined preparation for treating the oral cavity. The product has anti-inflammatory, active antimicrobial, and good analgesic effects.

There are few drugs on the dental gel market with a complex effect on the affected tissue. Cholisal is effective and safe for patients of any age. Study the instructions for use, learn about the benefits of the drug, and read the list of indications.

Composition and components

Dental gel has the appearance of a homogeneous, transparent mass and does not contain dyes. Anise seed oil gives the composition a characteristic odor.

Active substances per 1 g of medicinal gel:

  • cetalkonium chloride – amount 100 mcg. An effective antiseptic, has a detrimental effect on viruses, colonies of pathogenic fungi, and pathogenic bacteria;
  • choline salicylate – amount 87.1 mg. The substance actively penetrates tissue, has an antipyretic, local anti-inflammatory effect, and reduces pain. Pronounced antimycotic and antimicrobial effect on pathogens in an alkaline/acidic environment.

Additional Information:

  • the drug is packaged in aluminum tubes;
  • volume of the drug – 10 g;
  • Cholisal is good for three years;
  • storage conditions - at temperatures up to +25 C, in a place where children cannot reach;
  • The medicinal product is produced by Elfa FZ, Poland.


Dental gel has a combined effect on the affected areas:

  • the product blocks inflammatory mediators in soft tissues;
  • suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • relieves pain in inflamed areas.

Dentists consider Cholisal one of the most effective drugs that eliminate several negative manifestations of dental diseases at once. Compare:

  • - a modern drug with an active analgesic effect, but exhibits almost no antimicrobial activity.
  • – a popular gel for the treatment of bacterial lesions of the oral cavity. A product containing antiseptics and antibiotics kills germs, but provides little pain relief.

The effect of treatment with Cholisal will increase when rinsing with active antiseptics is prescribed - Miramistin 0.01% or 0.05%. The interaction of the components of the transparent gel-like mass and solutions will have the maximum effect on areas of inflammation. When properly processed, bacteria, fungi, and viruses reduce activity much faster.

Benefits of the healing gel

There are many positive points:

  • excellent fixation on the mucous membrane;
  • high anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial activity;
  • the product relieves pain in the affected areas well;
  • the composition is quickly absorbed, eliminates foci of inflammation deep in the tissues.


Please note two points:

  • the smell and taste of anise oil provokes profuse salivation. For this reason, do not use Cholisal in children under one year of age. The baby may choke on saliva, often there is irritation and redness around the constant wet mouth;
  • The dental drug has a fairly high price. With a product volume of 10 g, the cost starts from 360 rubles.

Indications for use

The dental drug Cholisal is used for many negative processes in the oral cavity as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic with a noticeable antimicrobial effect.

  • cheilitis;
  • lichen planus with signs of pathology on the mucous membrane;
  • various forms;
  • complex therapy of affected areas in Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  • in the oral cavity;
  • violation of the integrity of individual areas when wearing orthopedic structures;
  • of various nature;
  • mucosal injuries.


Please note the limitations:

  • allergic reactions to salicylates, anise oil, and other components of the product;
  • age up to 1 year (complications are possible with excessive salivation).

Important! Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding requires permission and supervision from a gynecologist. In the first trimester, it is not advisable to lubricate the affected areas with Cholisal: gums, inner surface of the cheeks, tongue.

Side effects

Complications and unpleasant manifestations after applying the composition occur quite rarely. If individual sensitivity occurs, a slight burning sensation may occur at the treatment site. After two to three minutes, the side effects disappear. Occasionally, other allergic reactions are observed: redness, itching.

The first negative symptoms are a reason to visit the dentist. Before visiting the doctor, stop applying the composition, take an antihistamine (Diazolin, Cetrin, Suprastin, Loratidine, Tavegil).

Interaction with other drugs

When Cholisal is combined with other analgesics, anti-inflammatory tablets, and syrups that reduce fever, an increased concentration of active substances is possible. Excess of antibiotics and antiseptics provokes allergic reactions and negatively affects the microflora of the oral cavity and intestines.

Instructions for use

Treatment of affected areas for various diseases has its own characteristics. Study the nuances of using Cholisal gel, and you will correctly apply the composition to inflamed areas.

The drug actively penetrates the mucous membrane and quickly begins to act inside the tissues: the effect is noticeable after a few minutes. The analgesic effect lasts from 2 to 8 hours.

For gingivitis and periodontitis

The drug is often included in the list of essential drugs in complex therapy. First, the dentist removes the soft plaque, which is unesthetic and harmful, and then the treatment begins. Without professional teeth cleaning, bacteria accumulated under mineralized plaque will further destroy tooth and gum tissue. (Read about professional teeth cleaning; the page is written about the procedure for sanitation of the oral cavity; a review of irrigators for cleaning the oral cavity can be seen in the article).

Treat your gums in the morning, a second time in the evening, before bed. Brush your teeth, rinse your mouth several times, dry the mucous membrane with a bandage, apply a little gel-like mass into the periodontal pockets.

Saliva will begin to be released more strongly, swallow it little by little, as always: a minimal amount of gel will not harm the stomach and intestines. If salivation is excessive, remove some of the secretions. After treatment, it is forbidden to drink for half an hour and eat for 3 hours. (Read about the treatment of gingivitis at home; periodontitis - article).

During the eruption of dentition in children and adolescents

Dental gel relieves pain well and alleviates the condition when baby/permanent teeth appear. Doctors do not recommend the drug for infants. An abundance of saliva after tissue processing creates problems.

Use Cholisal during teething to treat inflammatory processes on the gums and mucous membranes in older children. Treatment - twice a day, the same as for adults. The length of the active gel strip is up to 0.5 cm. (We have an article about dental gels during teething; read the page about other methods of teething pain relief).

To reduce the symptoms of stomatitis

Cholisal ointment actively relieves pain in damaged areas. The remedy is not able to eliminate the cause of aphthous or herpetic stomatitis, but the pain of the ulcers is noticeably reduced.

Carefully treat the inflamed areas, lubricate each formation. Don't drink for half an hour, eat after two to three hours. (Read about stomatitis in children; there is an article about aphthous stomatitis).

With severe eruption of capricious “wisdom teeth”

Third molars are often a problem for adult patients. Cholisal will not eliminate the cause of the pain; the remedy will only temporarily reduce the unpleasant symptoms. (Read about the eruption of wisdom teeth; the address is written about the possible consequences of removal.

Have you noticed swelling, redness, or discoloration of the gums above the wisdom tooth? Lubricate the swollen area with a gel-like mass, Contact your dentist as soon as possible. Lateral eruption, incomplete impaction, severe inflammation with accumulation of pus in the “hood” of the overhanging gum can only be eliminated by a doctor.

The processing method is similar:

  • no more than twice a day;
  • thin layer;
  • for adults, a strip of gel no more than 1 cm;
  • compliance with restrictions on food (3 hours) and drinks (30 minutes).

The cost of the drug varies slightly in different regions. An aluminum tube contains 10 g of medicinal gel; you can buy Cholisal at an average price of 360 rubles.

Effective analogues

There are almost no medicinal formulations with a combined effect for treating the oral cavity and inflamed mucous membranes on the Russian market. Some products kill bacteria, others provide better pain relief.

Sometimes dentists suggest replacing Cholisal with Munzidal gel. The product is a complete analogue of Cholisal, but the volume of the tube is smaller - 8 g, price - from 307 rubles.

On the forums you can find many positive reviews about Cholisal gel. Patients who treat the mucous membranes with a gel-like mass note a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. With regular application, bacterial activity decreases, redness, itching, swelling decreases, and bad breath disappears - clear signs of inflammation.

Not everyone likes the specific aroma and taste of anise, but for the sake of a good result you can be patient. Excessive salivation after tissue treatment is another nuance. For this reason, do not use Cholisal gel to relieve teething in infants.

The combined action drug is widely used in dentistry. The product is over-the-counter, but before use, consultation with a doctor is required. Follow the instructions for use, consider indications and contraindications. Competent therapy with Cholisal gel will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity.

Video - review of the use of Cholisal gel for teething in children:

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