Can you call a dog your best friend? A dog is a man's faithful friend. Tandem of man and dog

Why is a dog a man's best friend? This saying has quite a few very real reasons.

Unconditional love

People very rarely love each other without any conditions - most often only mothers are capable of this in relation to their children. The relationship between those closest to you can be ruined by a mistake or even a careless word.

A dog does not choose its owner - it loves him all its life selflessly and devotedly without any conditions. And no offense will cancel this. A dog is capable of loving even someone who treats him poorly.


The famous story of Hachiko, which became the basis of the plot of the film, is in fact not at all unique. Dogs are faithful to the end, they are even ready to give their lives for their owner.

Intelligence and learning ability

The dog is one of the smartest animals among all that man has managed to tame. Here, of course, a lot depends on the breed, and each animal is individual. However, by deciding to get a dog, you get the chance to have a companion who truly understands everything.

Interestingly, these animals have excellent long-term memory and very poor short-term memory. In practice, this means that the dog will instantly forget that you just stepped on his tail, but will always remember that you are the best and most beloved person in the world. This is a feature of the brain of all dogs.

In addition, these pets are highly trainable, which means you can always be confident in your pet’s behavior.


Dogs are not only very emotional, but also perfectly imitate human facial expressions and perfectly capture the mood of their owner. When you are sad, the dog will be sad, when you are angry, he will growl. In a word, he will always share your feelings. And, when necessary, he will amuse you with his smiles and grimaces.


A dog is the best protector of the owner and his home. Even a fragile girl or child is not afraid to go out onto a deserted street late in the evening if a dog is walking nearby. He will protect his family member at any cost.

Of course, a small Chihuahua or Toy Terrier, despite all the courage of these kids, will not have enough strength to resist robbers on their own. But they will at least raise the alarm, and maybe even scare the intruder with their barking.


Thanks to their high intelligence and learning ability, these animals have become not only companions, but also human assistants. Police dogs find criminals and prevent crimes, rescuers search for victims under rubble, guide dogs guide people with visual impairments through life. There are dogs that warm people in hospices with their warmth, and those that help in the rehabilitation of disabled children in canistherapy centers.

You can find many more different reasons. But any dog ​​owner knows for sure that his dog is the best friend in the world. And this does not need proof.

Everyone knows that a dog is man's best friend. However, few people can say why exactly? Of course, we can say that dogs are loyal and cheerful, but all this will be just generalizations. What exactly do these pets do to deserve the title of the best?

Terrible short term memory

One of the most annoying things about having friends is the fact that they always remember everything. If you do or say something wrong, you will definitely be reminded of it later. Which is absolutely impossible with dogs simply because of the way their brains function. These animals very quickly forget everything that happened to them, so you can do whatever you want (within reasonable and humane limits, of course), and your dog will quickly forget about it and will continue to love you with all his heart.

Excellent long-term memory

Even if the dog forgets that you stepped on its tail, since it does not have the best short-term memory, then it will definitely never forget about what binds you together. The fact is that, unlike short-term memory, long-term memory is perfectly developed in dogs - this is precisely what explains their devotion and love for one person.


No matter what happens, the dog will protect its owner and its territory. Dogs are excellent protectors and will be able to fend off any attack on you or your property if they understand that it is a real threat. However, it is worth noting that dogs cannot always distinguish a real threat from a postman or courier, so their defensive reaction can sometimes be excessive.

Imitation of emotions

People very often do not understand when you are in trouble, angry or, conversely, incredibly happy. But dogs are real masters at this. If you are sad, your dog will look at you with big, sad eyes and drooping ears and tail. If you get angry, then your dog will start growling - not at you, but just like that, into space. Dogs share absolutely all emotions with people and almost never make mistakes.

Small dishwashers

Naturally, no one suggests washing dishes with dog saliva. But if there is too much food left on your plate to throw away, but too little to save for next time, you can offer it to your dog. She will be happy, and it will be much easier for you later to wash the dishes that were previously cleaned by your dog.


Dogs love to be active, they need movement, they want to run, play, frolic, especially when they are still young. Therefore, you can use your dog as a way of motivation - take it with you for walks and runs, play active games with it outside, and you can keep yourself fit by combining walks with your dog with exercise.

Dogs are incredibly smart

It's no secret - dogs are some of the smartest pets you can have. Naturally, a lot here depends on the breed, as well as on luck, but if you are lucky, you will get a pet that is able to understand you perfectly, do what is required of it, and also live its own full life, which will be a real pleasure to follow. pleasure. Because every time you will be amazed at the things your dog can do.

You won't be alone

Pets are the best way to combat loneliness. It's always nice to have someone alive in the same room. However, if you have a rat or rabbit, then you are unlikely to feel much company, and the fight against loneliness will not be as effective. In this regard, dogs are the best option. After all, the dog will always be next to you - when you eat, work, watch TV or sleep. You can order her to stay in another room, and she will do so, but with an incredibly sad expression on her face. Because her main instinct is to be close to her owner all the time.

Dogs won't let you down

How often does every person have a situation when friends with whom you agreed to meet call at the last minute and say that they cannot come. All plans are ruined, the day is broken, and nothing can be done about it. But if you are friends with the dog, this will never happen. The dog itself will constantly want to spend time with you - and it will only be happy if you suddenly decide to go for a walk. She will not have any plans, unexpected situations, and so on. Moreover, she will be ready to go with you even if she feels bad.

Dogs know how to live

Simply put, dogs behave exactly the same way humans would behave if they didn't have the burden of their "intelligence." The life of a dog is simple - it wakes up, enjoys every day, eats, sleeps, walks and goes about its business. And at the same time, she is always happy - she does not think about the bills that she needs to pay, about the job that she needs to go to again. Naturally, such a life for a person would be quite boring, given that the human intellect is much better developed, but the dog is always satisfied and happy with his life.

"...Did you see how the dog licks the beating hand?" - Mayakovsky’s lines, albeit in a figurative sense, refer to dog fidelity. How often do we hear “loyal as a dog”, “a dog’s devotion” and other phraseological units? Boundless devotion, unconditional love... Do we know how to appreciate this? Can we love the same way? Can we always, like them, console without words? But it often happens that the most faithful are betrayed. And dogs too.

"Faithful Ruslan" by Georgy Vladimov is a wonderful story about a dog. Living by orders alone, unconditionally trusting any word from his master and so wary of strangers that he won’t even accept food from a stranger, Ruslan, after many years of service, finds himself on the street. Unable to imagine life outside prison and its prisoners, lost and lonely, the dog does not understand street life, and firmly believes that his owner will soon call him back to the inspection, and life will get better.

Having lived for a long time in painful freedom, Ruslan, fortunately for himself, meets his Corporal again. But the joy did not last very long. Having experienced yet another, much worse betrayal from his closest friend, the dog falls into despair, reproaches himself for the mistakes he has not made. But the core of him remained service, which he continued to carry out despite everything, waiting to see if he would be accepted back, fed with good food, put back in an enclosure, or trusted to monitor the prisoners again. He continued to believe and be faithful until the very end. A difficult and incredibly sad story makes us understand that pity can be a fatal mistake, and that not everyone is ready to answer for these mistakes, preferring to look noble, while at the same time endlessly betraying the trusting dog’s soul. After all, what is a dog's life worth? And what does it mean to “live like a dog”?

“White Bim, Black Ear” by Gabriel Troepolsky is also a story about a dog who lived a difficult life. Bima's owner suddenly falls ill, and after some time he leaves forever. Can you imagine the pain and confusion of the poor dog when the only meaning of his life is gone? He stops eating, misses his owner and looks for him. In his search, Bim comes across different people: bad and good, kind and evil. All of them influenced his future fate. These are all people, their actions, souls and lives, they show themselves from very different sides. Someone helps the unfortunate dog, someone is cruel to him. And even though bad people imagined themselves to be kind and noble, they showed their true nature when they met a defenseless creature. This difficult, difficult work opens our eyes not only to dog loyalty, but also to human vices.

Dogs love it. Even if they don’t know how to speak, they can’t give advice in a difficult situation. But can they lie down on their sore legs on a sleepless night? Can they wipe away the tears from a hot face with a soft, cool tongue, as if kissing? Can they just sit next to each other during difficult hours of loneliness? Can people? Life turned out in such a way that I also witnessed the dog’s betrayal, but the owner made amends as best he could, and now they are constantly together, as if the dog does not remember the insult. Not all people are so generous and it is unlikely that anyone could forgive that person. But let the dog, with its unconditional love and devotion, set an example for us!

Can you call a dog your most faithful friend?

Perhaps a dog is the most interesting shaggy miracle that can happen in your life. Remember your four-legged pets, how happy they are to see you when you come home from work or school, how you walk into the room and there is a torn chair, an overturned flower pot and a surprise on the carpet, and the dog looks at you with such an arrogant and innocent look as if everything was in order, and the chaos in the apartment, in his opinion, was more an element of decor than a disorder.

Remember how, while walking in the park, you throw a stick, shout “Fetch” and eventually bring it yourself, and your friend looks at you with a stupid, incomprehensible look, and would rather run after Aunt Masha’s cat from the second entrance than after the stick. And what effort does it take to teach a dog commands... Prepare a bag of “goodies” and a wagonload of patience, because your dog will not give up so easily - he will eat everything, and will not lie down on command.

Dshosh Billings, a famous American writer of the second half of the nineteenth century, said that a dog is the only creature in the world that loves you more than itself. And indeed it is. Despite all the shortcomings, this is a devoted animal that will go with its owner through fire and water, or plunge into the hardships of family life.

And he showed this by his own example, in the autobiography “Marley and Us,” writer and journalist John Grogan. This is an amazing story about love and life with the most terrible dog in the world. A little Labrador named Marley joins the Grogan family when the young people are just beginning to learn the hardships of living together. He was accepted, not as a pet, but as a child, and the puppy quickly realized that he enjoyed special rights and privileges, and therefore did not try to be obedient. But the owners did not even hope that he would grow into a smart dog, and perceived him as such: naive, cheerful, and simply a wonderful Marley puppy, who had long been an adult dog. The dog gifted each family member with his care, warmth and attention. He taught us to appreciate the wonderful moments of life, helped us out in difficult situations, and gave us fun, joy and laughter. Marley loved and adored his family simply for having them in his life.

Now let’s remember the slightly childish and surprisingly bright story by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov “Kashtanka”. “The young red dog, a cross between a dachshund and a mongrel,” has forever captured my heart with her amazing devotion and wisdom. This story is not fictional, it actually happened to the trainer Vladimir Durov, and was mentioned by him in the story “Kashtanka, Bishka and Comma.” The dog lived with a carpenter's family and loved its owners very much, especially their son Fedyushka. Having gotten away from her owner, she searched for him for a long time, wandered around the city, and only when completely exhausted did she allow herself to rest a little in the gateway, where she was discovered by the clown Nekit Sukhanov. The dog finds a new family, friends, a nickname, it lives well, but does not forget its former family. Their meeting between Kashtanka and her former owners is incredibly touching; they meet at the circus, where the dog is performing. Several cartoons have been made based on the story, it has been filmed twice, there is even a very unusual musical in which, in addition to the main characters, stray dogs “play”.

So can you call a dog your most faithful friend? Of course, a dog is a sincere, devoted, loving, even caring creature. There are many more different stories and works, films and cartoons that show the incredible feats and actions of these amazing animals. And our task, people, is to learn to be just as sincere, faithful and able to give, and not just take and receive.

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