Is it possible to refuse mantu to a child? And what to replace it with? Blood test for tuberculosis instead of the Mantoux test for a child: possible alternatives Blood instead of Mantoux, what is it called

A small prick on the inside of the arm that cannot be wetted - everyone has encountered this as a child in the school nurse's office. Some people call the Mantoux test an analysis, others a vaccination, but both are incorrect.

The Mantoux test, like a blood test (which is carried out separately and is more detailed), is a kind of test to identify people whose body got infected.

What is the name of the test that replaces Mantoux?

The Mantoux reaction, also known as the Pirquet test, is carried out using an intradermal or cutaneous test to detect tuberculin.

The reason for this is more than serious - in our country there is an increase in the number of tuberculosis patients. For every one hundred thousand people at eighty this serious illness was discovered.

Despite the fact that medicine has long learned to fight this terrible disease, mortality it is still quite high. The key to successful treatment of any disease is its early detection. It is for this purpose that examinations are carried out from early childhood.

However, few people know that this method also has disadvantages. The fact is that the Mantoux test is positive not only in sick people, but also in healthy people who have been vaccinated against tuberculosis at one time. It should be taken into account that today, due to mass vaccination, most children are vaccinated - accordingly, the result of the reaction will be positive. And for allergy sufferers, this method poses a threat.


Therefore, the question of alternative research naturally arose. These include:

  • analysis blood;
  • quantiferon test;

They are resorted to in cases where the Mantoux reaction raises suspicions (it turned out more than 6 mm), or the person is sent to tuberculosis dispensary. They make it possible to identify those who are actually sick with tuberculosis, without capturing those who have been vaccinated.

Photo 1. If the Mantoux test is positive, they resort to other testing methods to confirm the diagnosis.


The reaction is a laboratory test that is carried out in all children whose age has passed the mark one year. It is an injection with a special tuberculin syringe, which is why many even adults mistakenly call it a vaccination. But this definition is incorrect; the laboratory assistant’s syringe contains tuberculin. This is a substance that includes parts of microbial cells, waste products of pathogens and particles of their environment.

The body reacts unambiguously to any intervention - inflammation, this is a kind of signal that some kind of emergency situation has occurred. Accordingly, lymphocytes approach the site of intervention. It all depends on whether they recognize the “aliens” or not. Cells that have already “communicated” with tuberculosis pathogens and elements of its vital activity will react especially noticeably.

Important! Research needs to be done before production any vaccinations, because any of them can make the test results unreliable.

If the Mantoux test is positive, and inflammation will intensify - this is true evidence that the body has “recognized” the aggressor. But this is not necessarily evidence that the patient is already sick. The body reacts in the same way to the Mantoux test in people vaccinated against tuberculosis.

A study using the Mantoux reaction is carried out in all children up to fourteen years old age. To conduct the study, the patient must sit and not stand; the injection is made in the middle third of the forearm.

The injection is painless, almost instantaneous and almost imperceptible. In its place, slight redness appears, and the skin swells slightly (a papule is formed, which schoolchildren used to call a “button”).

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How to prepare for research?

To do this, you need to find out when the notorious “button” will be installed in the kindergarten or school.

Behind three(preferably five) days Before the planned testing, you need to remove all allergy-provoking foods from your diet. For example, honey, oranges, chocolate. The reason is that tuberculin can cause allergies even in those who have never complained of allergic manifestations before.

If the baby has already had a negative experience with the Mantoux test, which is associated specifically with allergies (enlargement of the papule), you can take an antihistamine that suppresses allergies these days. It is best to consult your doctor first.

Important! At the time of testing, the person must be completely healthy!

This means not only that he is feeling quite well at the moment, but that he should remain so for at least two weeks before the proposed study. If there were any disorders (not even necessarily a cold or inflammation, but for example, food poisoning), the study must be rescheduled.

Photo 2. If the child is ill (cold, runny nose), the Mantoux test must be transferred until recovery.

On the day of testing, your child should wear long sleeves. At the same time, the shirt or pullover in contact with the skin should not be synthetic or contain coarse fibers so that they do not irritate the injection site, which can already irritate. If the child couldn’t resist scratching it or forgot and ended up getting the wound wet, this is something that should definitely be mentioned. inform the doctor.

Neither comb, nor expose water In no case should the injection site be used. There is no need to smear the wound with any means and seal it bandage. An exception is if suppuration has formed at the site of the Mantoux test. In this case, it is treated as a normal abrasion.

If all the rules were followed, and the reaction to the Mantoux test was positive, there is no need to be afraid, this does not mean that Koch bacilli have appeared in the young body. This is just a reason for another study, more detailed.

Carefully! There are also a number of contraindications to the tuberculin test.

These include:

  • exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • allergy;
  • Availability skin diseases;
  • epilepsy.

The sample results are checked for the third day.

Blood test for tuberculosis instead of the Mantoux test

It is carried out in district clinics, public and private medical centers. Usually the result is ready at most after three days(in a private clinic they write a specific date in the price list).

To prepare for analysis, you need to follow several rules:

  • Behind a week before the intended blood draw completely eliminate from the diet fatty, spicy foods, as well as alcohol.
  • In the coming three or five days Before the study, strong psychological shocks should be avoided.
  • Not to drink antibiotics. If you have been taking them for some time, be sure to tell your doctor before the test.
  • Blood test done early in the morning on an empty stomach(at least five hours).

The term "blood examination" should be properly understood in this regard. It must be said that the very composition of the blood of a person exposed to infection does not change. For the test, a laboratory technician takes a blood sample into a test tube with an anticoagulant (a drug that prevents blood from clotting). After this, the plasma and cell sediment are separated. If there is an infection, then there is a change in the rate of sediment red blood cells(in the sick person it is increased). The norm is up to 10 mm/hour(men) and up to 15 mm/hour(women).

Also being studied leukocytes. The normal formula is 5—12×10 (9). The indicators of patients, especially those suffering from exacerbations and severe forms of fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis, can be 12—15x10(9). Much attention is also paid to the nuclear shift of neutrophils.

Treatment of tuberculosis, if it is not the initial stage, is very long and requires the use of drugs with a negative effect on the body. In order not to bring the disease to a severe phase, when it is difficult to cure and it has already caused irreversible damage, an analysis is performed to determine the presence of the tuberculosis bacillus.

The Mantoux reaction is the most popular way to detect Koch rods in the human body. However, such a tuberculin test is not the only method by which tuberculosis can be detected. Let's talk about whether a blood test for tuberculosis is a full-fledged alternative instead of the Mantoux tuberculin diagnosis, and whether there are any other options for detecting the causative agents of this disease.

The most popular test for detecting tuberculosis is known as the Mantoux test. The technique is used to detect tuberculosis infection based on the specific local skin reaction that appears (where tuberculin was injected). The advantages of the Mantoux test include simplicity, painlessness, and the fact that it can be used to examine children.

At one time, the tuberculin test was indeed the most accurate, but many decades have passed since then, and other diagnostic methods have appeared - more informative and accurate ways to detect tubercle bacilli in the body. However, due to the continuous nature of checks for preschoolers and schoolchildren, it remains a “no alternative” method of tuberculin diagnostics, the reason for which, to a large extent, is bureaucracy.

The Mantoux test is widely used to identify allergies (before BCG vaccination), as well as to control post-vaccination conversion. Tuberculin diagnostics does not involve the introduction of live or inactivated tuberculous mycobacteria, which is a plus, since there is no chance of infection, albeit minimal. It is allowed to be performed by patients with chronic diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, and so on.

The body's reaction to Mantoux allows us to give a preliminary conclusion about the presence or absence of tuberculosis, and this is a positive point. But the answer is not always clear, and this is the negative side. Each organism is unique, so a tuberculin test can sometimes give false responses. That is, a positive reaction can be observed in the absence of disease.

Contraindications for Mantoux

There are contraindications to the Mantoux test, so a preliminary examination by a doctor is necessary. This diagnostic method has many disadvantages. To test for tuberculosis, it is sometimes better to resort to alternative methods.

One of the disadvantages is ambiguity. There is a widespread misconception that the “big Mantoux” indicates the development of the tuberculosis process. It has been established that dimensions exceeding a certain threshold do not help in the unambiguous interpretation of the test. An enlarged papule does not provide reliable information about the activity or inactivity of the disease, about distant or recent infection.

60% of tuberculosis patients have questionable samples, and positive tests are often recorded in those who are completely healthy, that is, there is a high probability of a false reaction. The tuberculin test can give a positive result after BCG immunization. It does not provide information about the form of the disease and the localization of the process; complications are likely.

Cases of false-positive reactions have been recorded when chemicals enter the injection site (for example, shampoo, although there is no exact evidence), as well as when using certain foods and medications (and here, too, there is no clear opinion on the exact correlations).

The sample is influenced by the individual reaction of the body to tuberculin, the presence of helminthic infestation and chronic diseases. It is also difficult to identify Koch's bacillus if a person is allergic and has skin pathologies.

At least a month must pass from the moment of recovery from an acute illness. Similar rules apply to quarantine measures in preschool educational institutions and schools (Mantoux is set only a month after their end). It is important to maintain the same interval if you are vaccinated.

This type of diagnosis cannot be prescribed on the same day as routine vaccination. The delay in obtaining the Mantoux test result is another disadvantage, especially in comparison with alternatives. The check is carried out in two to three days, maximum – in a week.

The release form of the drug is solution for injection.

Blood tests as alternative methods for diagnosing tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is dangerous and difficult to cure; the result depends on how early the disease was detected. In the absence of timely treatment, the mild, sluggish form becomes severe. This is why systematic examinations are needed to detect the presence of Koch's bacillus. What to do instead of the Mantoux reaction?

Linked immunosorbent assay

An antibody test (ELISA) is highly sensitive, simple, but not cheap. It is based on the strict selectivity of antibodies, which react exclusively with certain antigens. The result is affected by food, allergens, and medications. False positive results are excluded (as opposed to false negative results). ELISA does not detect the stage of the disease, and of all forms of tuberculosis, it most effectively detects the bone stage. It does not provide a 100% guarantee, since the presence of antibodies to tubinfection does not always indicate illness.

Biochemical analysis

A biochemical blood test is useless at almost any stage of the disease, especially with a latent form. It is informative only in acute cases (shows a reduced concentration of albumin globulin). A large number of leukocytes and eosinophils makes it possible to judge tuberculosis infection, and not other pulmonary diseases. A high level of ESR indicates not only tubinfection, but also other infectious or inflammatory processes. The method is more suitable for monitoring the effectiveness of therapy. In case of unclear results of the Mantoux test, it will not add unambiguity.

T-SPOT study

The method allows identifying the disease with 97% confidence. The blood sample determines the number of lymphocytes involved in the production of interferon gamma. The immune response clearly indicates the presence of tubinfection. T-SPOT detects even a hidden form, is applicable for allergy sufferers and those suffering from chronic diseases, is less dependent on the influence of BCG, does not give a false positive result, has no contraindications, and can be administered to a child.

Is it possible to replace Mantoux with a blood test: comparative characteristics of the reaction

Indeed, might it be better to donate blood for testing? No. A blood test only makes it possible to establish the fact of a change in the leukocyte formula, that is, it informs about the presence of any inflammatory process, but not specifically tubinfection.

It is known that the composition and properties of blood vary depending on the stage of tuberculosis. In the latent form and at the onset of the disease, the number of monocytes decreases, the number of neutrophils increases; in the active form, the number of lymphocytes increases, and the number of neutrophils decreases. In the absence of tubinfection, the proportions of blood particles are close to normal (if there are no other infectious diseases).

What other test can be taken instead of Mantoux?

X-rays are informative, but are not done on young children, as they negatively affect the growing body; they can be prescribed in exceptional cases. It is used as a method of additional diagnostics when tubinfection has already been detected using other methods. X-ray shows pathological foci in the lungs, suitable only for identifying the pulmonary form of tuberculosis. It gives a quick result and at the same time reports the presence or absence of other pulmonary abnormalities.

The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method is considered a good alternative to classical diagnostics. It is highly sensitive (accuracy approaches one hundred percent), detects any form of tuberculosis, and is harmless. PCR for tuberculosis instead of Mantoux is not recommended in the post-vaccination period and immediately after anti-tuberculosis therapy. Due to the fact that remnants of mycobacteria are still present in the body, this affects the result, since the presence of Koch bacilli is recorded, without distinguishing whether they are alive or not. Therefore the test will be positive.

The Quanteferon test provokes an immune response to tubin infection, has no contraindications, is safe, but is expensive. A positive test result does not always indicate infection, and a negative test result does not exclude active disease (it is not detected in a quarter of patients). Suitable for detecting latent forms of tuberculosis after BCG. At the same time, the technique does not distinguish between the latent form of the disease and the active one. The accuracy of detecting tubinfection is 99%, but the probability of an erroneous result is also high.

The Suslov test is a blood test. Based on specific features, a conclusion is made about the presence or absence of Koch’s bacillus in the biomaterial. It is chosen in case of allergies and in young children, it is harmless, but has a significant drawback, which is poor sensitivity. Based on the use of complexone and tuberculin, it is one of the less common ones. Lung diseases are difficult to identify using this method.

Diaskintest is based on the skin reaction to recombinant tuberculosis protein. It is an improved variation of the Mantoux test. The immune response is assessed after three days by measuring the diameter of the papule. The positive aspects of diagnostics include high accuracy and simplicity. Minus - in the presence of other infectious diseases, there is a high probability of a false result and an adverse reaction in the form of general malaise. This method of research has been very popular in recent years.

The Ziehl-Neelsen technique detects the presence of tubinfection by a specific saliva test. The method is complex and involves a series of sequential chemical reactions. Harmless, applicable to children, allergy sufferers, and those with chronic diseases. It simply records the presence of the tuberculosis bacillus in the body, without identifying the degree of the disease, localization and other features; it is almost not common.

Urinalysis, as an alternative to Mantoux, is not informative enough. When the disease occurs, tuberculosis microbacteria are often present in the urinary system, this indicates the presence of the disease, but not always. The method is suitable for diagnosing extrapulmonary tuberculosis forms, it is harmless, but the information content is affected by food, medications, and lack of sterility. The presence of Koch's bacillus in urine is determined by one of three methods: bacterioscopy, bacteriology, bioassay. Not suitable for detecting tubinfection in young children.

Phase contrast microscopy allows the observation of living mycobacterium tuberculosis. The technique involves the use of special equipment. Diagnostics is safe, allowed even for small children, but not widespread in our country. It does not give false-positive or false-negative results and allows one to ascertain the stage of the disease and its various forms.

Luminescence microscopy is based on the reaction of affected areas to ultraviolet rays. Detection is based on the fact that with such exposure, tuberculosis mycobacteria begin to glow. The technique makes it possible to detect tubinfection of various localizations, does not give erroneous conclusions, but is not widespread.

Where is the best place to test your child?

The Mantoux test is mandatory when examining children in Russia. In addition, everyone undergoes preventive medical examinations, which, as a rule, includes this tuberculin test. If for some reason the child missed the Mantoux reaction test, or the injection was not given at all, it will definitely have to be done at the clinic, otherwise there may be problems with access to a preschool educational institution or school.

Detection of the disease using alternative methods is carried out in private clinics. Experts advise conducting at least two different tuberculosis tests, preferably in different medical institutions.

The first assistants to doctors in diagnosing diseases are tests that show the presence of foci of diseases in the body - not only obvious, but also hidden, “dormant”, and therefore even more dangerous. The last group includes tuberculosis, one of the most common diseases of our time. Several tests are used to diagnose it. Let’s take a closer look at how to figure out which ones are most effective, whether it’s possible to take a blood test for tuberculosis instead of Mantoux, whether other tests are necessary.

Tuberculosis: brief description

Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Koch's bacillus. The pathogen is very resistant to various types of influences and is able to remain active on objects for several months.

The main target of damage is the organs of the respiratory system, but specific mycobacteria are capable of attacking other structures of the body. It is characterized by special danger, rapid spread by airborne droplets, duration and complexity of treatment. The spread of infection from a sick person to a healthy person occurs from infected saliva sprayed when coughing or sneezing. Once in a new environment, the infection slowly but actively begins to spread, “inhabiting” a healthy organism. The period of development and activation can last several years, while the carrier of the virus may not be aware that he is a carrier of the infection. Infection most often occurs in spring or autumn, when the virus is most active.

Experts believe that the reason for the steady increase in incidence is difficult social living conditions, poor nutrition and bad habits.

Tuberculosis is diagnosed by several methods, including tests - vaccination (test) for the Mantoux reaction or blood flow studies. The fundamental difference between them is that the reaction to the sample is carried out inside the body, while the blood flow analysis is carried out in external conditions, using a laboratory method.

Mantoux - sample features

The fight against tuberculosis begins in early childhood - preschoolers and primary schoolchildren are required to be vaccinated with the Mantoux test, this is the primary analysis. The test is often called a vaccination, but this is incorrect. Vaccination creates immunity to pathogenic microbes and bacteria that can cause diseases of various types, while the Mantoux test is done to determine the body’s immunity to tuberculosis.

The procedure is as follows: a small portion of tuberculin (a special extract from mycobacteria) is injected subcutaneously through a needle. A slight swelling forms at the puncture site (the common name is “button”). By its type and size, the predisposition to tuberculosis or its presence is determined. To obtain the most reliable result, the puncture site must be protected from external influences to prevent bacteria and infections from entering the wound. 3 days after the procedure, the seal is examined: measured, external pattern and color assessed.

To determine the size of the “button” and decipher the indicators, a table of values ​​is used:

  • From 1 to 4 mm – the body has no immunity to tuberculosis (there is practically no reaction to the causative agent of the disease);
  • From 4 to 16 mm – the body is able to resist the disease;
  • From 16 mm and above - the body is infected, additional tests and examinations are required. With this indicator in an adult, we can talk about the presence of an allergic reaction, or a recent serious infectious disease.

The bright color of the area around the puncture is also evidence of a positive reaction.

The results indicate a negative reaction (at the test site there is no more than 1 cm of compaction, the skin color is not changed) or a positive reaction (diameter is more than 17 mm, the redness is pronounced). If a positive result is obtained, a repeat procedure is required to obtain an accurate answer - whether the body is infected or not.

The test is carried out at certain intervals, observing the nature of the changes. Based on the results obtained, a conclusion is made either about the existence of Koch’s bacillus in the body or its absence.

There are contraindications for the procedure:

  • Chronic diseases at the time of exacerbation;
  • Presence of skin diseases, allergic conditions;
  • Epilepsy.

In such cases, even an experienced doctor will not be able to predict the body’s reaction to the analysis. The result is distorted data, which leads to incorrect diagnosis and subsequent incorrect tactics for further treatment.

Features of analyzes

The material is submitted for examination if the reaction to the Mantoux test is positive, but it is often carried out instead of the test - it is believed that this is a more modern and faster examination. The procedure requires sterile conditions to exclude the slightest possibility of microbes and bacteria entering the material from the outside.

A blood test reveals the presence of antibodies that the body produces with the help of existing Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Unlike the Mantoux reaction, the blood test has no contraindications; it is best used for chronic incompatibility. Blood for tuberculosis is most often tested by two tests called:

  • ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, differs from the test in more accurate results, more often prescribed to adults);
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction, considered the most sensitive type of blood test, is prescribed in case of unclear or controversial results of previous tests).

Diagnosis using PCR is today the most modern research, quickly gaining popularity. This analysis is used more often and more successfully than other research procedures. In addition, PCR testing for tuberculosis is recognized by doctors as almost 100% accurate in determining the disease.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. A small amount of blood is placed in a glass flask with a pre-prepared anti-clotting agent.
  2. The cells are separated from the plasma and an attempt is made to identify the causative agent of the disease through a microscope.
  3. At the final stage, substances are added to the sedimentary composition to carry out the reaction, the necessary temperature conditions are created, obtaining updated DNA material as a result of the process. The result of the process is evidence of the presence/absence of tuberculosis in the body.

PCR analysis helps not only to detect the presence of tuberculosis, but also contributes to the correct choice of treatment method. The analysis has no age restrictions (it can be performed on children), and is indispensable when it is necessary to quickly detect a disease, as well as its source - in this case it is carried out instead of Mantoux and ELISA.

In addition, unlike ELISA, a PCR test can accurately determine not only the presence of specific bacteria, but also show their exact quantity.

Most often, the test is prescribed to determine pulmonary tuberculosis. In exceptional cases, the result may be false - due to non-compliance with sterility or poor timing of the procedure.

Purpose of the analyzes

To better understand the difference between blood tests and the Mantoux test, you need to clearly understand the difference in their purpose:

  1. The Mantoux reaction works successfully in determining infection, so it is advisable to use it for the prevention of tuberculosis. However, the test is practically useless for diagnosing the disease.
  2. ELISA works well in determining the ability of tuberculosis to progress, but it cannot participate in determining possible infection due to the low threshold for diagnostic efficiency.
  3. PCR is not suitable for diagnosing infection, but the method gives excellent results in identifying the disease.

Based on the data presented, we can conclude that it is possible (and in some cases – an urgent need) to replace the Mantoux test with blood tests in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis.

Medical statistics indicate the high prevalence of tuberculosis: about 30% of the world's population is infected with tuberculosis, in some countries the figure is about 80%. The disease is gaining strength every year, so it is important to take timely measures to protect against possible infection. The best way to avoid “acquaintance” with the disease is to prevent it by first diagnosing it using tests at the nearest clinic or medical center.

In contact with

Modern medicine offers many ways to diagnose the body. Each of them has its own effectiveness and characteristics. For example, to detect tuberculosis, you can use both a blood test and a mantoux test.

The difference between these methods is that the reaction to manta ray occurs directly in the body itself, while a blood test is carried out in a laboratory setting. The question arises: which method will give the most accurate result? Let's try to figure it out.

Features of the blood test

In general, absolutely any biological fluid can be used for such a study: gastric mucus, sputum, urine, spinal fluid and, of course, blood. To make a more accurate diagnosis, as a rule, a number of tests are carried out, where blood testing plays a very important role. In this case, you will have to donate blood.

Tuberculosis travels within the body through the lymphatic vessels. This method of distribution is also called dissemination. Also, if mycobacteria are detected in the blood, it can be assumed that decay originated in the lung, which also involved blood vessels. The entry of the pathogen into the blood, in addition, provokes damage to other organs.

In order to make a diagnosis when testing blood for tuberculosis, you need to find at least 10 microorganisms in one sample. Although this result cannot be considered sufficiently true, since not all mycobacteria are pathogenic and provoke the development of the disease.

To obtain the correct reaction, the analysis must be carried out under absolutely sterile conditions so that third-party microorganisms do not in any way enter the test material.

You will need to donate blood into a test tube, which will first contain a special substance that prevents it from clotting.

Next, the cellular sediment is separated from the plasma in the blood, after which you can try to determine the presence of the pathogen under a microscope. And this is not the final stage, because for greater reliability it is necessary to carry out a special reaction by adding special enzymes to the sediment. Under certain temperature conditions, a process of transformation of genetic material occurs, by which the presence or absence of a disease is judged.

The diagnostic method described above is called PCR, which stands for “polymerase chain reaction.” Thanks to it, it is possible not only to identify existing diseases, but also to prescribe effective therapy. If we talk about the effectiveness of such a test, then the PCR analysis determines the correct result in 98% of cases. A false result may arise due to a violation of the rules of the procedure - if third-party elements get into the test material. Also, sometimes the analysis is carried out during an unsuccessful cycle of microorganism reproduction, and then the particles studied may simply not be enough.

At the same time, this method has a list of its advantages:

  • The analysis is quite fast, and if the result needs to be known as soon as possible, the entire procedure can take 4-4.5 hours;
  • using PCR, it is possible to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis, which is practically impossible with other methods;
  • this test helps to identify a specific fragment that is found only in a specific pathogen.

Despite all this, many still wonder why not do a mantu instead of a special blood test?

Features of the Mantoux reaction

Unlike a blood test for tuberculosis, which is carried out exclusively in a laboratory setting, mantu is an immunological test carried out primarily at the local level.

In general, the procedure is very simple: a mycobacterial extract called tuberculin is injected under the skin. The external reaction of the skin to this element shows how the body interacts with the pathogen, and whether it interacts in general. The solution itself is completely painless, and its dose is negligible, so the injection causes virtually no discomfort in the child.

Then, after 72 hours (or 3 days), the lump formed at the injection site should be measured. The result depends on the overall diameter of the reaction. The stronger the inflammation, the more T-lymphocytes are “attracted” to the injection site, and accordingly, the stronger the body’s interaction.

  1. Inflammation of 1-4 millimeters - the body is most likely not familiar with the causative agent of tuberculosis and does not have immunity.
  2. Inflammation of 4-16 millimeters – immunity is normal, the body resists the tuberculosis virus.
  3. Inflammation 17 or more - most likely the child is infected with tuberculosis.

If the compaction turns out to be larger than expected, and ulcers, wounds, and blisters appear as a reaction, then additional tests are needed. And they are carried out in the form of a blood test. That is, to say that mantoux can be done instead of laboratory analysis or analysis instead of mantoux is incorrect, since the mantoux test is the primary diagnosis. A blood test is necessary if the body gives a positive reaction.

The difference is that if there are certain suspicions, a blood test can be done immediately, since it has no contraindications. Mantoux is a different matter, because there are a number of certain conditions under which a test for tuberculosis cannot be carried out under any circumstances:

  • If the child has any skin diseases;
  • if the medical record shows acute chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • if the baby is in an allergic condition (for example, food allergies, dermatitis or allergies to medications);
  • if the child has epilepsy.

In such cases, the body’s reaction and test results can be the most unpredictable, so in case of temporary health complications, it is better to postpone manta until better times. In turn, chronic incompatibility is exactly the case when it is better to use a blood test for tuberculosis instead of mantoux.

Video “Mantoux test” - the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the features of the Mantoux tuberculosis vaccination and explain why it is or is not worth getting it

Reliable medical sources state that a third of the world's population is affected by some degree of tuberculosis. For some it is an open form of the disease, for others they are simply carriers; in some countries the number of patients even exceeds 80%. But even in developed regions, the incidence is increasing, which should prompt people to think about mandatory annual examinations, since the situation with the immunity of modern society is very unfavorable.

Tuberculosis can be diagnosed using various methods. We all remember how in childhood we were given the Mantoux test, then the equally well-known fluorography, but as practice shows, based on their results you cannot make an accurate diagnosis, especially since very often they give a false-positive answer. Therefore, in medical practice, blood tests for tuberculosis are becoming increasingly popular.

Let's think about tuberculosis itself. This is an infectious disease caused by certain microbacteria, most often Koch's bacillus. It affects in most cases the main organ of the respiratory system - the lungs, although it can also affect other structures, such as the genitals, kidneys, intestines and even bones. The danger of tuberculosis lies in the way it spreads. Koch's wand can pass from a sick person to a healthy person during a conversation if he sneezes or coughs. Even after infection, tuberculosis may not appear immediately. In some patients, it took more than five years for the infection to become active, and the person did not even suspect where exactly he picked up the infection, although he himself had been spreading it all this time.

The clinical picture of pulmonary tuberculosis is as follows:

  • The patient develops a regular, severe cough, during which copious amounts of sputum are produced;
  • As the disease progresses, the sputum is supplemented with blood, and then also with pus;
  • The person becomes weak;
  • He will begin to rapidly lose weight;
  • He will suffer from night sweats.

If you, your relatives or friends have similar signs, then it is urgently necessary to be fully examined for tuberculosis, both for this person and his close circle.

Blood for tuberculosis - test instead of mantoux

The intradermal Mantoux vaccination is familiar to each of us, because it was mandatory for all schoolchildren. This is required in order to introduce a small dose of tuberculin into the body. If a person is infected, the mantu will react - the area of ​​skin at the puncture site will swell and turn red. Otherwise, no reaction is observed. But very often such a vaccination gives a false answer, which is why people needlessly worry and waste their time traveling to tuberculosis clinics.

Therefore, various tests have begun to be in great demand, because blood is an incredibly valuable source of information about the body. Laboratory studies turned out to be more convenient and faster, in contrast to mantoux with fluorography. The two most used analyzes are called:

  • Enzyme immunoassay, also known as ELISA;
  • PRC diagnostics for tuberculosis.

A blood test makes it possible to determine the presence of antibodies produced by tuberculosis microbacteria present in the body. Unlike mantoux, ELISA results are always plausible and as accurate as possible.

As for the diagnosis of PRC, it is rightfully considered the most sensitive type of analysis. It is mandatory if any ambiguities arise during other methods.

There are no preparatory measures and subsequent prohibitions, such as with manta rays, which cannot be wetted. The only thing a doctor can warn you about is limiting your consumption of certain foods for a while, and stopping taking certain medications.

Analysis for pulmonary tuberculosis

In addition to a blood test for tuberculosis, if there is a suspicion of lung damage, experts may strongly recommend giving a sputum sample for testing. The material being tested is placed in a container with special substances that stimulate the growth of tuberculosis bacteria. If microorganisms begin to grow, the result will be positive; if not, then the person is healthy. Sputum is given on an empty stomach. Drinking, smoking and brushing your teeth are also prohibited. The disadvantage of analysis is that it takes too long for a reaction to appear. Minimum one week, maximum eight.

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