Altai mumiyo is the most complete instructions for use for medicinal purposes. What does mumiyo treat: healing properties, how it is useful for prevention and how it helps in treatment

Both the properties and composition of mumiyo are quite complex. Shilajit is a unique substance consisting of more than 80 different components.

The composition of mumiyo is variable and depends on the natural conditions in which it originates. So, what are all kinds of tablets, ointments and medicinal tinctures made from?

The natural substance, purified from impurities, is an elastic, shiny biomass that looks like resin. Its color is uniform, ranging from brown to black.

The product has a specific balsamic smell, in which impurities of oil and dark chocolate are felt, as well as notes of wormwood and juniper. Its taste is bitter.

What does mumiyo consist of?

Chemical and spectral analysis of the natural mixture made it possible to identify in its composition such elements as cobalt, silicon, aluminum, manganese, lead, iron, magnesium, calcium, nickel, lead, titanium, and phosphorus.

It also contains essential oils (including zoomelanoidic acid ), fatty acid , , vitamin P And Group B , resins, humic bases, as well as a number of substances, the properties of which to this day remain incompletely studied.

Release form

As an active component, the substance is included in tablets, oil tinctures, pills, creams, ointments, aqueous extracts, and applications. It is also available in capsules, in the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories, and aqueous-alcoholic tinctures.

pharmachologic effect

Shilajit belongs to the group of medicines that affect the condition digestive tract and flow metabolic processes .

The drug has regenerating, immunomodulating, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, moderate bactericidal, mucolytic And secretomotor action.

It regulates the processes occurring in the body metabolic processes , renders reparative and adaptogenic effect . Normalizes link condition indicators humoral, , level, and in, and also increases production endogenous interferon and NK cells . Accelerates fusion bone tissue after injuries and liver cells after suffering hepatitis A (both viral and toxic), has a pronounced antioxidant effect and protects cell membranes from damage.

In the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories, mumiyo helps reduce the number of relapses in frequent inflammatory gynecological diseases, restores the mucous membrane, has a positive effect on, eliminates the causes that provoke pathological changes in rectum , and also prevents the development of their negative consequences.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The beneficial properties of Altai mumiyo are determined by the presence in its composition of a large number of micro- and macroelements, which are balanced in terms of the physiological effect they have on the human body.

The substance has an effect on protein , lipid , water-salt , carbohydrate And mineral exchanges , as well as for the current redox processes .

It is assumed that the stimulating effect of the substance manifests itself even at the cellular level and that its components accelerate the processes of division and increase in the number of cells, activate exchange of nucleic acids and proteins , which is extremely necessary for a number of serious diseases.

Shilajit has the ability to accumulate in the body: the process of its elimination proceeds quite slowly, due to which Shilajit has a prolonged effect.

Indications for use: what treats mumiyo in various dosage forms

The use of mumiyo is advisable for a wide variety of diseases. It is used both as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic agent. For prevention, it is prescribed for disorders lipid metabolism , psycho-emotional and physical overload, stress.

For debilitated patients, the elderly and children, taking the substance for preventive purposes can increase the body's resistance to adverse factors.

What does mummy in the form of candles help with?

In the form of suppositories, the drug is prescribed for treatment anal fissures , inflammation of hemorrhoids , necrotic-ulcerative processes in the wall of the rectum.

The use of purified mumiyo in gynecology is indicated for inflammatory diseases that are accompanied erosive lesions of the cervix .

Indications for the use of tablets and other dosage forms

The use of mumiyo in tablets and other dosage forms is indicated for the treatment of:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, wounds (including purulent and infected);
  • fractures, sprains, dislocations, bruises ;
  • neuralgia related to injuries and illnesses musculoskeletal system ;
  • dermatological diseases ;
  • diseases digestive system And biliary tract ;
  • bone-tuberculosis processes ;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases peripheral nerve trunks ;
  • deep vein thrombophlebitis ;
  • gastritis ;
  • breast inflammation ;
  • inflammation of the middle ear ;
  • purulent otitis ;
  • conditions accompanied symptoms of dyspepsia ;
  • diseases affecting oral mucosa, teeth, gums ;
  • brain stroke ;
  • decrease in vitality;
  • burns, boils, acne ;
  • oncological diseases ;
  • post-infarction conditions etc..

It is also used to treat infertility in men and women, as well as to restore weakened sexual function and hyperaspermia in men.

Contraindications for mumiyo

In addition to the beneficial properties, there are also contraindications for mumiyo. Thus, the drug should not be taken by people with hypersensitivity to him, children under two years of age, as well as pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.

Before taking shilajit orally or using it in suppository form, you should consult your doctor to assess the potential benefits and contraindications for use.

Side effects

Side effects and toxic effects from the use of golden mummy in tablets or suppositories develop extremely rarely. As a rule, they are associated with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and are expressed in the form of signs.

Instructions for use of mumiyo

Use of the product in the form of suppositories

Candles with mumiyo have an intense restorative effect. They are intended for both rectal and vaginal use. Depending on the diagnosis, they are inserted deep into the vagina or rectum.

In the acute phase of the disease, adult patients are recommended to take one suppository twice a day, at regular intervals. Treatment is carried out in two ten-day courses, with an interval of seven days between them.

Children over two years of age are administered one suppository per day. The course of treatment lasts ten days. It is repeated if necessary.

For adult patients, for preventive purposes, as well as if the disease is mild, it is recommended to administer suppositories one at a time for one month. Preventive courses can be repeated at intervals of 3-6 months.

How to take mummy in tablets?

There are many recommendations on how to drink mumiyo. Most often it is prescribed to take one tablet two or three times a day for 10-12 days with a repeat course after a 10-day break. It is optimal to take the tablets 20-30 minutes before meals.

The instructions for golden mummy in tablets note that treatment involves a continuous course of taking the drug for 18-28 days. Depending on the severity of the disease, it is recommended to prescribe from 0.2 to 0.5 g of pure substance per day.

During treatment ulcerative colitis patients are prescribed to take 0.2-0.3 g daily, supplementing therapy with enemas with a 1% solution of mumiyo. They are given every other day, the dose of the substance is the same as for oral administration.

When treating patients suffering from skin diseases , apply bandages with a 1-2% aqueous solution or 2-3% ointment.

Burns and boils treated using 1-3% ointments or solutions. Affected areas should be treated as often as possible.

Therapy is often supplemented with the prescription of mummy tablets for oral use. The daily dose of the pure substance is 0.5 g. Treatment is carried out in ten-day courses, maintaining five-day intervals between them.

Many people are interested in how to breed mumiyo. It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since for different diseases, the methods of diluting this substance, as well as the dosages of ingredients for preparing the medicinal mixture, differ significantly.

Inflammatory ear diseases treated using a mixture of 0.35 g of pure substance, unripe grape juice and pure rose oil. The consistency of the mixture should be such that the proportion of the active substance in it is from 1 to 3% (depending on the clinical situation).

For treatment joint diseases (for example, ) 4 g of pure substance is mixed with 60 ml of water. Take the resulting mixture one teaspoon once a day (on an empty stomach). It is recommended to conduct four courses, with four-month breaks between them.

The use of mumiyo in combination with aloe is considered effective against all types of cancer. It is important that the plant is more than three years old. To prepare the medicinal mixture, 0.4 kg of aloe leaves are crushed through a meat grinder and mixed with a bottle (0.7 l) of strong red grape wine preheated to a temperature of 37 ° C and 0.5 l of honey. 2 grams of pure substance are dissolved in the mixture and left to infuse for a week in a dark, cool place. The finished medicine is taken for a month, one teaspoon three times a day, about an hour before meals, after which the dose is increased to one tablespoon. The frequency of receptions remains the same.

This dosage is taken for two months. In cases where this is necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. A prerequisite is that the wine must be natural. Red grape wine is harmful to cancer cells .

How to drink mumiyo for fractures

For fractures, mumiyo is taken for three weeks. Treatment requires approximately 40 g of pure substance. To prepare a solution, 2 g of the substance is dissolved in 100 ml of water.

For ten days, the solution is taken orally, a tablespoon three times a day before meals. In the following days, the dose is increased to 1.5 tablespoons.

The instructions for use of Altai mumiyo also recommend another dosage regimen. Following it, for 7 days the drug is drunk one teaspoon three times a day before meals, in the next 7 days the dose is increased to a tablespoon, in the remaining 7 days - to two tablespoons.

It is also allowed to use mumiyo internally in its pure form for fractures. Take it for six days with a glass of milk. The daily dose is 5 g, the frequency of doses is 3.

Taking the drug for fractures in older people significantly accelerates scarring of bone tissue , restores the composition blood , normalizes calcium levels and effectively relieves inflammation .

It is recommended to supplement oral administration with the use of ointment or cream with mumiyo. It is also advisable for older people to take the drug from the company “Evalar” Mountain calcium D3 with mumiyo " It allows you to replenish calcium deficiency, which is observed in most elderly people.

Shilajit for allergies

For allergies, 1 g of the substance is dissolved in one liter of warm water. The product is taken once a day. The dose depends on the age of the patient: for children from one to three years old it is 50 ml, for children from 4 to 7 years old the solution is given 70 ml, after 8 years - 100 ml.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Store the drug in a cool, protected from moisture place. The optimal temperature is no more than +25 degrees Celsius. Keep away from children.

Best before date

In the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories - 3 years. In pure form and in tablet form - 5 years. In ointment form - 1 year.

special instructions

All about mumiyo: mumiyo - what it is, how mumiyo is useful, medicinal properties and contraindications

As an answer to the question “What is mumiyo?” Wikipedia provides the following description: Shilajit is a product created by nature with a complex chemical structure, which is used to increase the body’s nonspecific resistance to various types of harmful influences (biological, physical or chemical in nature).

Shilajit is wonderful biostimulant . It has practically no contraindications, but on the contrary, thanks to its protective and adaptogenic properties relieves fatigue and restores lost energy.

In folk medicine, it has long been used to speed up fusion bone tissue at fractures . Clinical studies have established that this remedy is simply irreplaceable for bones - in patients taking the drug callus during healing fracture forms approximately two weeks earlier than in patients who were not prescribed mumiyo.

Benefits and harms of mumiyo

The benefits of mumiyo cannot be overestimated. Thanks to its composition, this natural balm allows you to treat a wide variety of diseases. However, this does not mean that the drug can be taken uncontrollably and without any regard for doses, because mumiyo has both beneficial properties and contraindications.

The substance has the ability to accumulate in the body (cumulate), and with prolonged use it can provoke undesirable, although quickly passing, effects.

In addition, the presence of any substance in the body provokes an enhanced reaction, which is associated with its processing and elimination.

Some people believe that shilajit should not be taken because it is radioactive.

However, the radioactivity of the substance is very insignificant, and, in addition, a small dose of it accelerates restoration of bone tissue in case of fractures , stimulates redox processes in the body , the process of interaction with oxygen and hydrolytic reactions ; increases the physical and chemical activity of the substances that make up a living organism; normalizes the patient's condition when hypertension , flaccid granulating wounds , wound sepsis ; and also contribute to the activation of self-renewal processes of the body and its vital activity as a whole.

There is also an opinion that elderly people should not use the drug, since the biologically active substances it contains are potentially capable of developing cells of the suspected tumor, if it is present in the body of an elderly person.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Stone oil (white mummy).


Purified golden mumiyo Evalar, Kyrgyz mumiyo, Altai mumiyo “Balm of the Mountains”, Mumiyo Shilajit, Arakul dshibal, Brogshun, Kao-tun, Miema, Mommia, Mumeea, Mumeiz, Momie, Mumlaj, Mummy, Saljit.

Shilajit for weight loss: reviews and method of application

Mumiyo for weight loss is taken twice a day: once in the morning, the second - an hour before bedtime. A single dose is determined depending on the initial weight:

  • up to 70 kg - 0.2 g (one tablet);
  • up to 80 kg - 0.3 g;
  • up to 90 kg - 0.3-0.4 g;
  • over 90 kg - 0.4-0.5 g.

The course of admission is 20 days. For best results, 2 or 3 courses are required at five-day intervals.

Use during pregnancy

The drug is contraindicated in . You should not take it during .

Shilajit is one of the most beloved and most frequently used natural remedies in folk medicine. This popularity was facilitated by its extraordinary effectiveness in a number of diseases, availability and relatively low price.

As for availability, in our time mumiyo in tablets has become very popular, and in this article we will analyze how to use it correctly and in what cases.

Although I personally am not a fan of this product in tablet form and I prefer the natural product, someone may think differently and find it more convenient to use tablets. Well, the choice is yours. And for those who hear about mummy for the first time, it will be more useful to read.

In what cases do you take mummy tablets?

I will say right away that mumiyo in its pure form and the same product in tablets will essentially be different products, although they have the same name. The medicinal properties of the latter will be an order of magnitude lower, since in the manufacture of such tablets, in addition to the mummy itself, several other components are added, and the product also undergoes some thermal changes.

Therefore, if you are planning to take your health seriously, it is better to buy a 100% natural product without any additives. So, in what cases can you use mummy in tablets?

  • for diseases of the stomach and intestines
  • for respiratory diseases
  • for ENT diseases
  • after operations, for quick recovery of the body
  • , for their rapid healing
  • with high cholesterol (read about the most effective way to reduce it)
  • for neuralgic disorders
  • to strengthen the immune system
  • as an aid to weight loss
  • for hair loss

“Mountain tar” can be a very effective remedy for headaches. To do this, you need to take 1 tablet morning and evening for 3 weeks. You can mix them with honey or dissolve them in warm milk. After a 3-week course of treatment, a 10-day break is required, after which the therapeutic effect can be secured by repeating the course of treatment.

Mumiyo has also found wide application in cosmetology. For example, with its help you can strengthen and improve your hair, give your skin elasticity and a healthy appearance. Below I will give recipes for using this most useful product of nature.


Mumiyo is an artificial stimulant for the body of any person. This means that it should not be taken on a regular basis or for very long. The fact is that the human body gets used to it.

You should also not take alcohol in any form during the course of treatment. And so the contraindications for mumiyo in tablets are the same as for the natural product:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding period in women
  • Hypertension
  • Children's age (usually up to 12 years)
  • Allergy or individual intolerance

Instructions for using mumiyo in tablets

So, let's figure out how you can take them? There are both general recommendations and individual recipes. First, some general recommendations.

  1. It is not recommended to use such tablets for more than 1 month without a break. Be sure to take a 10-day break, after which you can repeat the treatment
  2. Typically, the oral dosage regimen involves 2 doses in the morning (half an hour before meals) and in the evening (2 hours after meals). Taking more than 2 tablets per day is not advisable!
  3. The dosage for oral administration is calculated based on the patient’s weight and age.
  4. When treating chronic diseases with mummy tablets, multiple repetitions of courses are required with breaks between them

Recipes for use

For stretch marks during pregnancy

Shilajit allows you to deal quite well with stretch marks, which inevitably occur during pregnancy. To do this, you need to prepare a simple cream according to this recipe:

  • We take regular baby cream, boiled cooled water and 3 mummy tablets.
  • The tablets need to be crushed, dissolved in a small amount of water (a teaspoon or a little more), and then mixed with baby cream.

This stretch mark cream is applied to problem areas once a day for at least 2 months. After this you will be pleasantly surprised!

As an aid to weight loss

The so-called “Mountain resin” is an excellent aid for weight loss. But only auxiliary! By itself, one dose of mummy tablets is unlikely to help you lose extra pounds, but in combination with exercise and diet, it works! Tested more than once!

Shilajit is an excellent metabolism activator; moreover, when taken regularly it also reduces appetite, which also promotes weight loss.

They drink mumiyo tablets for weight loss in courses of 10 or 20 days, with breaks between them of 7-10 days (morning and evening). The dosage can be found in this table, it depends on weight

For hair loss and strengthening

  • Take 1 glass of fresh cranberries and 200 ml. warm water, mash the cranberries with your hands and add 2 - 3 mummy tablets and 4 tablespoons of honey to this paste.
  • This mask should be thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots and left on for an hour. After which the head is washed in the usual way.

1 more recipe:

  • We take 5 tablets, grind them into powder, add 2 chicken yolks, a tablespoon of propolis and 3 tbsp. spoons of almond oil. Mix everything and dilute with 50 ml. liquid honey.
  • This mask is applied to the hair for exactly 90 minutes, covered with a towel on top, and then washed off.

If you find it difficult to carry out such procedures, you can simply add mumiyo to your shampoo, which many people do. This useful supplement will also have a positive effect on the condition of your hair, strengthen it and give it healthy shine and volume.

Recipe for fighting acne

If you are tormented by pimples and blackheads, you can try to fight them with the following recipe:

  • Take 50 ml of liquid honey, add 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil 2 crushed mummy tablets.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin.
  • Hold for about 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For diseases of the stomach, intestines, ENT diseases and neuralgic disorders

For the above diseases, the dosage regimen and dosage are usually prescribed by the attending physician. Treatment is usually prescribed in courses (10 or 30 days). A break between courses is required.

Shilajit tablets are taken twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening - 2 hours after meals. For chronic diseases, it may be additionally prescribed to be taken at lunch (one hour before meals).

The method of application is usually as follows:

  • The tablet is dissolved in 2 - 3 tablespoons of warm (but not hot) water and taken orally. The taste is not very pleasant, but it is healthy!

For female diseases (inflammatory process, erosion, etc.)

  • For the treatment of female diseases, 1 tablet of mumiyo is dissolved in 50 ml. warm water and a tampon moistened with this solution is inserted into the vagina.

For joint pain, radiculitis

If you are plagued by constant joint pain, you can try using mummy in tablets according to the following recipe:

  • 2.5 tablets need to be crushed and dissolved in 100 grams of honey.
  • The resulting mixture is rubbed into the sore spot before bedtime for 30 days. If the effect is insignificant, the treatment can be repeated.

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Mountain resin, ozokerite, tears of giants, wax of the mountains, bragshaun, mummies, stone oil, blood of the mountain - this is all about the mummy, a remedy of unknown origin, overgrown with legends, which pushes people into countless disputes about the need for its use.

For more than three thousand years, people have known about it and used it in the treatment of various diseases, for the rapid healing of fractures, in cosmetology and to prolong life.

But not everyone considers mumiyo a panacea. Some argue that the improvement from taking mumiyo is simply a type of self-hypnosis and a placebo effect.

Much is said about the fact that it is simply ridiculous to believe in some product and expect that it will get rid of all diseases and illnesses, restore health and beauty.

So what does mummy treat and does it really heal?

Mumiyo is a plastic natural substance like resin. The origin is mineral-biological. The color of mumiyo varies from light brown to black, and colored ones are also found. Mumiyo can be smooth and with an irregular, crumbling structure, it can be viscous and similar to frozen glass, transparent and opaque. In any case, all mumiyo found in nature has a specific balsamic smell and similar properties and composition.

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Mumiyo is found in the mountains in various countries and regions, such as the Caucasus, Nepal, Australia, Iran, Central Asia, Altai, India, Mongolia, Russia, South America, North Africa and some others.

Mumiyo has been widely used in folk medicine for several thousand years. Traditional medicine has not yet fully studied what effect taking mumiyo has on the human body, and therefore does not trust this remedy much, but has come to the conclusion that it helps sick people cope with the disease faster and recommends using it in addition to a course of prescribed medications .

Let's figure out what mummy treats? To do this, here is a complete list of diseases and ailments:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, post-infarction condition, heart failure.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract: intestinal disorders, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, increased stomach acidity, decreased stomach acidity, cholecystitis, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, digestive disorders, increased appetite, decreased appetite, intestinal atony, hepatitis, gastritis, cholelithiasis, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, belching, constipation, poisoning.
  • Respiratory system diseases: runny nose, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tonsillitis, cough, nosebleeds, tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary hemorrhages, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, pansinusitis, sinusitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Eye diseases: stye, glaucoma.
  • Hearing diseases: purulent otitis media, hearing loss, inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system: cystitis, bladder ulcer, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis.
  • Oral diseases: periodontal disease, cheilitis, stomatitis, seizures in the corners of the mouth.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: fractures, radiculitis, dislocations, sprains, bone-tuberculosis processes, joint pain, rheumatism.
  • Endocrine diseases: diabetes, pancreatitis, elephantiasis.
  • Skin diseases: dermatitis, burns, purulent wounds, abrasions, hematomas, cuts, stretch marks, long-healing stitches, ulcers, acne, psoriasis, boils, eczema.
  • Prevention and treatment of colds: acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza.
  • Allergic diseases.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system: male infertility, female infertility, cervical erosion, vaginal erosion, weakened sexual function, inflammation of the mammary glands due to stagnation of milk, cracked nipples.
  • Blood diseases: anemia, radiation sickness.
  • Edema.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: epilepsy, headaches, neuralgia, migraine, dizziness, stuttering, sleep disorders, neurodermatitis, facial paralysis.
  • Low immunity.

So, we have found out what mummy treats, now let’s figure out how much mummy costs and where it can be purchased.

You can buy mumiyo at almost any large pharmacy or specialized retail outlets.

Also, a wide selection of mumiyos is presented in many online stores.

Mumiyo can be purchased in the form of capsules, tablets, pastes, balms or in the form of small briquettes and plates.

In pharmacies, mumiyo is sold in tablet form.. For a two hundred milligram package containing 20 tablets, you will be asked from 45 to 90 rubles. But in tablets, mumiyo is adjusted to the standard, diluted with additional components, so there is very little mumiyo left in the tablets.

Mumiyo in the form of a balm has a much higher concentration. This type of mumiyo is sold in small jars and has the appearance of uncured resin. For a hundred-gram jar of balm with mumiyo, on average in Russia you will have to pay 250-350 rubles.

But the most useful thing is peeled or whole mumiyo. Although the price of such a product is much higher. It is sold in the form of small plates. One such plate weighing two grams has a price of about 24-35 rubles.

Also, purified mumiyo can be sold in briquettes and have a slightly more plastic structure. For fifty grams of briquetted mummy you will have to pay five hundred to five hundred and fifty rubles.

It is worth noting

Having asked the question “what does mummy treat?” and having looked at the reviews on numerous forums dedicated to this product, analyzed and summarized them, we can conclude that the vast majority of people who use Shilajit are very satisfied with the effects of this natural substance.

Many people share recipes that include mumiyo, describe the entire treatment process, and the methods they used for various diseases. You can find various advice on intake, such as how to take: on an empty stomach or on a full stomach? What to dilute in: milk, water, herbal decoction or honey?

A huge number of reviews are devoted to the use of mumiyo in cosmetology. Many people have noticed positive changes in hair and skin care.

Most of the reviews put Altai mumiyo - a remedy of oriental alternative medicine - in first place among many types of mumiyo.

What properties of mumiyo are most relevant in our time?

The absolute advantage of mumiyo is that it is a unique natural product of natural origin, with a unique biological and mineral composition, but does not contain any “chemistry”. Has a wide spectrum of action.

A real high-quality mummy is a hard, shiny, dark brown or charcoal-colored substance resembling resin. Licking the mumiyo, you can feel the bitterness. Mumiyo disperses in the liquid without any residue, but unpurified, it contains inclusions of dust, sand, clay and similar foreign particles. When dissolved in water, the product turns out to be a rich coffee color.

The healing properties of mumiyo are unique. It helps in treating a huge number of ailments. During the treatment process, the healing properties of mumiyo directly affect the entire human body, including all processes occurring in it. When treating with traditional medicines prescribed by a doctor, we can be sure that we will find in each of them approximately six carefully selected components. The composition of mumiyo includes at least fifty elements, selected and arranged in a natural way.

Shilajit contains many important components: phosphorus, calcium, succinic acid and many others.

If you are not sure of the authenticity of the chosen product, you should pay attention to such a property of mumiyo as plasticity. In the process of kneading in your fingers, a high-quality mumiyo will begin to wrinkle after a short time, but the falsification will remain solid and nothing will change. In this case, it is even possible that this is a fake.

Quite interesting is the fact that mumiyo has virtually no contraindications for use. But still, you should not take it if you are individually intolerant to the components of mumiyo. You should also be careful during pregnancy, breastfeeding and when used by children under three years of age.

Even the irrational use of mumiyo in excessive quantities will not cause negative processes on the body. The healing properties of mumiyo envelop all aspects of the organs and the body as a whole, leaving nothing out of care.

The use of mumiyo in oriental medicine has been practiced for two thousand years. The positive medical impact of the healing properties of mumiyo on the human body is still not fully understood, but, for all that, the healing properties of mumiyo are recognized by both traditional and alternative medicine in every corner of the planet.

Adding even a small amount of mumiyo extract to products that help take care of hair, face and hands takes their quality to a completely new level and gives additional positive characteristics.

The sequence of conditions that determine the actions of this natural healer is incredibly difficult to understand, but it is irrefutable that Shilajit really has a special, good and beneficial effect on the organization and vital functions of a person. Taking mumiyo increases the body's defenses, stimulates them, and also normalizes disturbed conditions.

Let us list the main medicinal properties of mumiyo:

  • Active recuperation of bone and muscle tissue, skin and mucous membranes.
  • Activates the functions of the peripheral and central nervous system, helps fight headaches.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss.
  • Restores joints, strengthens cartilage, increases the elasticity of intervertebral discs.
  • Healing of various wounds, hematomas, cuts.
  • Natural restorative property.
  • Treatment of various cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, heart attack, sclerosis and similar diseases.
  • Help in restoring fertility and with female gynecological problems.
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, useful for oncology.
  • Reduces stretch marks.
  • Strengthens protective functions and increases life expectancy.

What is useful and what does mumiyo help with?

Mumiyo, due to its natural origin, is undoubtedly one of the best remedies for which we must say a big thank you to nature. His abilities are almost limitless.

It is worth noting

Shilajit is not a stimulant, but a stabilizer of all biological processes in the body.

Mumiyo is classified as an adaptogenic group. This means that mumiyo simultaneously tones and stimulates the body, thereby helping it adapt to various extreme and harmful conditions.

How is mumiyo useful? Because when consumed, it gently brings the body to a new level of self-defense against various infections by strengthening natural immunity.

Even with a short period of using mumiyo, an increase in vital energy is noted, the person becomes noticeably more active, blush appears and overall well-being improves, and health improves. This is due to the fact that taking mumiyo even in small but constant doses, a person increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood.

Undoubtedly, this clearly helps to improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients to human tissues and organs.

As a result, the performance of the entire organism as a whole is increased.

People who use alternative medicine have long stopped wondering what mummy helps with. There is only one answer: from almost everything! The natural healing properties of mumiyo could be explained by the presence of steroids, fatty acids, proteins and many trace elements in this preparation. All these elements are wonderfully combined in the structure of the mumiyo and distinguish its composition favorably.

Parents are often interested in the question: is it possible to use mumiyo to combat childhood illnesses? And what does mummy help with?

Shilajit can be given to children only in the form of an aqueous solution. To obtain the required proportion, one gram of mumiyo must be diluted in four tablespoons of water. A teaspoon of the resulting solution will contain one tenth of a gram of product.

When giving mumiyo to a child, you must remember the correct dosage of the product:

  • Up to three months The use of mumiyo internally is strictly prohibited!
  • From three months to a year daily dose is 0.03 - 0.06 grams
  • From one year to nine years daily dose is 0.15 grams
  • From nine to fourteen years daily dose is 0.3 grams

It is worth noting

Taking mumiyo stimulates the child’s immune system, and thereby increases the body’s resistance. In some preschool institutions, where children are given mumiyo, it was possible to reduce the incidence of colds by half, even in the autumn-spring period and during flu epidemics.

Modern science has proven the presence of fungi in the composition of mumiyo, similar in their effects to penicillin. Consequently, mumiyo can be used as a bactericidal drug in the relief of infectious diseases associated with inflammatory effects, such as ARVI, stomatitis, tonsillitis and the like.

The value of using mumiyo in treating children is that mumiyo is a herbal-mineral preparation and does not contain harmful chemical additives, which is certainly important for loving parents. The only negative is that not all children like the taste of mumiyo.

Children's fractures, dislocations, and simply numerous bruises and abrasions pose a big problem. For a speedy recovery of your beloved child, you can also use mumiyo. It contains all the substances necessary for this.

The benefits of using mumiyo in women are invaluable. Let's look at what mummy helps with in various female conditions.

During pregnancy, many women try to prevent stretch marks.

A simple recipe using mumiyo can help them with this:

  • Step 1. Crush 5 grams of mumiyo;
  • Step 2. Add a teaspoon of water and stir until completely dissolved;
  • Step 3. Add the resulting solution to one package of fatty baby cream and mix thoroughly.

You only need to use this cream on problem areas once a day.

It is important to know

Women in any condition always want to be beautiful, to charm, to shine. But often, instead of a princess from a fairy tale, in the mirror you can see sallow skin, dull eyes, dull hair and an aura of persistent fatigue. Is this a familiar picture? This is especially true in large cities, with an unbalanced diet and constant stress. It is known that with problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract, the body is unable to cope with toxic toxins coming from outside and function normally. The result, as they say, is obvious.

The Kyrgyz mummy can help with this. Thanks to its unique structure, slightly different from other types of mumiyo, Kyrgyz mumiyo can successfully compete with multivitamins in its composition. What is useful about mumiyo in this case is that, by helping the liver and gastrointestinal tract remove “garbage” from the body, it restores the performance of all organs and systems, which in turn increases a person’s performance, tone, mood and quality of life.

During lactation, women may encounter problems such as cracked nipples and inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis). If you notice cracks on the nipple, you should immediately lubricate them with a 5% aqueous solution of mumiyo. Otherwise, there is a risk of breast inflammation. At the same time, the temperature may jump, and the chest itself becomes dense, as if sharp pains “shoot through” it.

Alas, in its advanced state, mastitis can only be treated surgically. And at the beginning of the disease, taking a water tincture of mumiyo with the addition of black currant juice, together with medications prescribed by a doctor, can defeat the incipient inflammation.

To prepare such a solution we will need:

  • One gram of mumiyo.
  • Two glasses of boiled water.
  • One glass of blackcurrant juice.

Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals for ten days.

What does mumiyo consist of?

Sometimes it is fashionable to hear questions: “what is mummy made of, what is it made of?” This is a product of organic origin. Shilajit is included in creams, shampoos, and medicines.

The composition of mumiyo includes:

  • alcohols;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • acids;
  • amino acids;
  • paraffinic hydrocarbons;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals;

Shilajit can be Altai, Siberian, Caucasian, Tibetan, Himalayan, Arabian, Iranian, etc. It is named after the place where it was discovered. Based on the metal particles, most found in mumiyo, it is divided into types.

Four main types of mumiyo:

  • Golden mumiyo from dark orange to burgundy color.
  • Silver mummy milky color.
  • Copper mummy azure or dark blue.
  • Iron mumiyo(the most common) all kinds of brown-black shades.

How to dilute mumiyo and how to drink mumiyo in tablets

For cosmetology and medicine, many recipes contain natural mummy. But you need to know the rules of how to breed mumiyo. The main thing is to use water at room temperature.

When using mumiyo in plates, they should first be crushed in a mortar and then dissolved by gradually adding water. For five grams of mumiyo you should take 50 milliliters of water. Taking a teaspoon twice a day before meals can quickly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

To get rid of and prevent the occurrence of wrinkles, you should wipe your skin twice a day with an ice cube prepared from such a solution.

Masks made from mumiyo solution will make your skin glow, give it elasticity and even out its color. Also, wiping your face with mumiyo solution will help get rid of acne.

To strengthen hair follicles and healthy hair, many use shampoo with mumiyo. But how to breed mumiyo in this case? Just put 7-9 mummy tablets in your favorite shampoo.

For good health, it is important to get rid of emerging diseases in a timely manner. After all, it is easier to prevent an attack of pancreatitis, rheumatism or a common headache by taking mumiyo than to suffer and treat it later. But what if you have allergies? Mumiyo will also help in the fight against it. How to drink mumiyo in this case: the main thing is to follow the dosage. The daily dose for an adult is 25 mg mumiyo.

We have dealt with mumiyo solutions, but how to drink mumiyo in tablets? It is best, of course, to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe a dose that is suitable specifically for you. But if this is not possible, then the rule of 25 mg per day for an adult also applies. Take mummy tablets half an hour before meals, twice a day.

And most importantly: when taking mumiyo, alcohol is strictly contraindicated!

The history of the use of natural organic balm - mumiyo - dates back more than 4 thousand years. The ancient Greek Aristotle mentioned the benefits of mumiyo in his works. The medieval healer Ibn Sina (known as Avicenna in the West) described the ability of mountain balm to thin the blood, rejuvenate the skin, and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart.

The priests of Ancient Egypt used mumiyo when embalming the dead and in various medicines.

Among the peoples of the world, mumiyo is called differently:

  • mountain resin;
  • mumiyo-asil;
  • chao-tong;
  • mummies;
  • mountain balsam;
  • mountain oil;
  • mountain wax

There is an aura of mystery and even mysticism around mumiyo.

Mumiyo has unique healing properties due to the complex composition of organic and mineral components. With the help of mumiyo it is possible to treat most existing diseases of various types. Mountain balm successfully copes with bone fractures and quickly heals them, increases the body's immune strength, and normalizes the metabolic balance in endocrine diseases. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract recede under the therapeutic influence of mumiyo. Malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and genitourinary system can also be treated with the help of mountain mumiyo. Allergy sufferers receive the desired relief when using the product in 94% of cases. Radiculitis, rheumatism, cystitis, hemorrhoids, otitis, eye diseases are treated with balm. The condition of patients after a stroke or heart attack is alleviated with the use of preparations made from mountain wax.

The healing effect of resin has been proven in practice by supporters of traditional and alternative medicine. Classical medicine began relatively recently to conduct experiments on the use of balm as a medicine. Difficulties arise due to the diversity of the chemical composition of rock wax from various deposits and sources.

Indications for the use of mumiyo are the following diseases and conditions of the patient:

  • all diseases caused by a malfunction of the body's metabolic process;
  • all diseases (except congenital pathologies) of internal organs;
  • immune, autoimmune disorders of all types;
  • injuries of various etiologies;
  • deviations in the functioning of the body with age;
  • rehabilitation after serious illnesses, stress, heavy physical activity;
  • an adjuvant in the treatment with medications of dangerous infections and diseases in severe forms.

In this case, you should definitely consult with your treating specialists and follow the dosages and treatment regimens.

For children, resin dosages are reduced and depend on age, weight and general condition of the body.

Ingestion of mumiyo by children is allowed if they have the following diseases:

  • bronchitis, sore throats, colds that do not require immediate hospitalization of the child;
  • diathesis, other manifestations of allergies;
  • runny nose, sinusitis, inflammation of the adenoids;
  • diarrhea, constipation, gastritis, initial form of stomach ulcer;
  • otitis at any stage of development;
  • hematomas, fractures, abrasions, burns, cuts, etc.;
  • enuresis, stuttering (not all parents know about the effectiveness of mumiyo in combating these problems);
  • acne, rash of non-allergic ethology;
  • stomatitis, periodontal disease.

Before using mumiyo when treating a child, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Composition and release form of purified mountain balsam

In addition to natural mountain balsam, pharmacists produce a drug purified from impurities.

The drug consists of two main parts of organic and inorganic origin. The drug contains the following components:

  • chemical elements (28 types);
  • macroelements, microelements (30 types);
  • oxides of various metals (10 types);
  • silicon in the form of silicate dioxide;
  • phosphorus anhydride;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins B (group) and P (group);
  • acids and organic substances.

Each element of the drug has a specific effect on the process of tissue regeneration. The presence of microelements contributes to the normalization of protein, mineral, fat, and hydrocarbon metabolism in the body and improves the process of hematopoiesis.

Mountain balm is available in capsules and tablets of 200 mg. The pack is packed in 30 pieces in blister packs.

Golden mumiyo – abstract, instructions for use

The Russian pharmaceutical company Evalar produces dietary supplements under the brand name “Golden Mumiyo”. The starting material is bat droppings. The material is mined in Altai.

During the technological process, mountain wax from Altai is purified from impurities and a drug is produced that is classified as a dietary supplement and supplies the body with an additional amount of humic acids.

The drug has a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, bringing metabolism to normal levels. In addition, “Golden Shilajit” exhibits other medicinal properties, namely:

  • restores tissue;
  • relieves swelling;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • acts as an antiseptic;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • removes phlegm (mucolytic);
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • promotes expectoration of sputum during wet cough;
  • restores liver cells after hepatitis;
  • activates the process of fusion of bone tissue after fractures and injuries;
  • normalizes the metabolism of substances.

The drug based on natural raw materials increases the ability to protect cell membranes from the penetration of pathogens from the outside.

The rich composition of the drug, which includes a whole complex of macro- and microelements, contributes to an almost universal healing effect on the human body.

The drug acts by accumulation and has a stimulating effect on reactions of oxidation and restoration of metabolic processes, increases the body's immunity, activates cell division and reproduction in large volumes. In this case, proteins are processed faster.

The prolonged action of the drug provides positive therapeutic dynamics.

The shape of the tablets resembles a flat cylinder with brown and black tones. One tablet contains 200 mg of the active substance - purified resin. The tablets are packaged in blister packs of 20 units. One cardboard box contains either 20 or 60 tablets.

How to take mummy in tablets? The method of taking the drug is oral. Adults, as well as adolescents over 14 years of age, are recommended to swallow 1 tablet at a time, ideally during meals.

You are allowed to take 2 tablets per day.

The minimum course of taking tablets is 20 days. When treating fractures and other damage to bone tissue, the course of treatment with tablets is extended to 60 days. The manufacturer does not recommend that pregnant and breastfeeding women take this dietary supplement. If the patient has a negative reaction to the components of the drug, then the use should be stopped and consult a doctor.

As such, there are no pronounced side effects with the “Golden Mumiyo” drug. Allergic reactions may occur.

The drug is freely available without a prescription.

Warranty period of suitability is 5 years from the date of production.

Recipes for using natural remedies for various diseases

For a natural remedy, there are general recommendations for use. If you are wondering: how to use mumiyo, then you should take it on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed at night. Mumiyo is diluted with water, honey and milk in the proportions of one part mumiyo to 20 parts liquid. Grape juice and cucumber juice can be used as a liquid for diluting natural mumiyo.

The period of treatment with mountain balm categorically excludes the consumption of alcoholic beverages!

When treating liver and gastrointestinal diseases, it is necessary to adhere to a gentle diet.

Here is a recipe for using natural mumiyo for certain diseases.

Rheumatism. For treatment, a mixture of mumiyo with vegetable oil is used. Up to 0.8 g of mountain balsam will be required. The mixed consistency is applied to painful areas, and internal use is also possible.

Fractures, bruises, sprains.

Treatment is carried out by ingesting mumiyo before night rest at a rate of 0.2 g to 0.5 g. Additionally, injured areas are rubbed with ointment with mumiyo (concentration 3%). Treatment lasts 21 days. You can rub the sore spots with ointment for longer than the indicated period. Taking mountain balm orally involves a pause of 5-10 days, followed by continuation of the course of treatment.

The recipe for bone and joint fractures is as follows. On an empty stomach in the morning, drink 0.2 g of mumiyo every day for 10 days. Using this recipe reduces the time for bone fusion by at least 14 days.

A break is taken for a decade, and then the course continues. The total duration is 2 or 3 courses of ten days.

Joint pain. A mixture is prepared from 100 g of thin honey and 0.5 g of mumiyo. At night, apply a compress to the sore joints. In parallel, in the morning, an hour before meals, 0.2 g of balm is taken orally and so on for a decade. To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is advisable to take 2-3 courses.

Tuberculosis of bones. A mixture is made of 1 part mumiyo (0.1 g - 0.2 g) and 20 parts honey and milk. The mixture is drunk in the mornings and evenings for a course of treatment of 25 days. In the middle of the course there is a break for 10 days.

For neurodermatitis, neuralgia, plexitis and radiculitis, such recipes are used.

Rub the prepared 10% mummy rub onto the painful areas for 5 minutes. One course of treatment will take 21 days. A break of 5 to a maximum of 10 days, then treatment begins with a second course. In this case, you can simultaneously drink a milk-honey mixture with mountain balsam.

Radiculitis is effectively treated with a mixture of honey and mumiyo on the affected areas. The remainder of the mixture is used as a night compress. A total of 5 to 7 procedures per night will be required.

For headaches, migraines, epilepsy, facial paralysis, such formulations are used.

On an empty stomach, in the morning and before bed, drink a milk-honey mixture with mumiyo (0.2 g-0.3 g) for 25 days. The proportions of the components are given above in the text. In case of prolonged illness, after a ten-day break, it is advisable to take another course.

Taking 0.2 g of mumiyo before bed will relieve headaches in 10 days. A break of 5 days is taken.

Migraine, epilepsy, facial paralysis are treated with a decoction of marjoram (the decoction can be replaced with juice from it) mixed with 0.07 g of mountain resin. You need to drink this. The patient's condition during lethargic sleep is alleviated by decoctions of elecampane, creeping thyme with the addition of mumiyo (0.125 g). Drink after boiling.

For stuttering, a recipe using honey (5; 8 parts) and 1 part mumiyo will be effective. 0.2 g of the mixture is consumed at one time. The disease can be cured in 4 months.

The second option is to lubricate the tongue with such a mixture.

Treatment of skin diseases. For boils and purulent inflammations, the patient has a choice between using ointment (3%) or rubbing (concentration from 5% to 10%) from mumiyo. You will definitely need to take 0.2 g of mumiyo at night.

When applied externally to inflamed areas, a tingling sensation may appear on the skin. Mumiyo quickly disinfects wounds from pathogenic microflora and purulent discharge. Mumiyo inhibits microbes resistant to penicillin, affects staphylococci and E. coli.

Water-based solutions of mumiyo are usually taken orally or as eye drops.

To prepare aqueous solutions, distilled water is used, brought to a boil, boiled for a quarter of an hour, then cooled to a temperature of 70 degrees and only after that the mumiyo dissolves.

Skin lesions with eczema are treated by applying lotions of 2% mumiyo solution for 30 minutes twice a day - in the morning, in the evening. In cases of remission, it is recommended to use ointment (3%) twice a day.

The composition of the balm helps relieve itching and inflammatory processes on the skin. Positive dynamics of therapy occurs already on the 3-5th day of using mumiyo.

For burns and abscesses, use water (200 ml) and mountain balm (10 g). Layers of cotton wool are soaked in the solution, and a compress is placed on the affected areas of the skin. It is recommended to change such compresses 3 times a day.

According to another recipe, it is good to moisten the burn areas with a weak solution of mumiyo (1%-3%). For severe burns, novocaine (0.5%) and streptomycin are added to the solution for pain relief. At the same time, 0.25 g of mountain wax is taken orally for 10 days, 1-2 hours before meals. If necessary, oral administration of mumiyo can be resumed after a pause of 5 days.

A recipe for an ointment with a high concentration of mumiyo (10%) is also used. The ointment is prepared by wetting the balm mass with a few drops of boiled water. You should get a viscous consistency into which you add interior fat (goose, chicken, pork). Knead until smooth without the formation of small lumps of ointment.

With the help of mumiyo, open wounds are quickly restored from necrotic tissue and undergo antimicrobial treatment. As a result, the patient has virtually no keloid scars.

Damages of the cardiovascular system. For heart failure and high blood pressure, combine 0.5 liters of water with 8 g of mountain oil. It is necessary to adhere to a certain treatment regimen with the mixture, namely:

  1. Week one. 3 times a day - only 120 drops.
  2. Week two. 3 teaspoons per day.
  3. Week three. 3 tablespoons (morning, lunch, evening).

The treatment course leads to normalization of blood pressure, the patient’s overall tone rises by 50%, and the body’s gas exchange is activated.

Treatment of conditions after a heart attack.

A 1.6% solution of mumiyo is taken. The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • the course lasts 10 days;
  • Reception begins with 15 drops;
  • every day another 3 drops are added;
  • towards the end (day 10) – 42 drops;
  • a break is taken for 5 days;
  • The treatment cycle consists of 5 courses of 10 days.

Mumiyo normalizes the circulatory system, stabilizes the heartbeat and the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle.

For thrombophlebitis, treatment with mountain wax leads to vasodilation and a lasting anticoagulant effect.

Mumiyo is taken twice a day, 0.3 g for a course of 10 days. Positive dynamics are observed on day 5. The general tone increases, the pain syndrome dulls, blood circulation reaches standard levels, and swelling decreases. After 10-12 days of treatment, the temperature background of the skin is normalized. In severe stages of thrombophlebitis, a high concentration of mumiyo solution is used - 7%. For the first ten days, take 1 teaspoon per day. Second decade: the daily dose increases - 1.5 teaspoons. Third decade – daily norm – 1 tablespoon. Fourth decade – 1.5 tablespoons per day. For the last 5 days, the daily dosage is reduced to 1 teaspoon.

To consolidate the therapeutic effect, it is advisable to repeat 3-4 courses.

Problem areas with constant pain are lubricated with an ointment based on peach oil (substitute - Vaseline) and a concentrated solution of mumiyo (20%).

The list of practical recipes with mumiyo can be continued for a long time. If you wish, you can obtain information from specialized literature and the Internet.

How to give mumiyo tablets for allergies to children, how to take them to adults?

Natural mountain resin helps fight allergies. Why mummy in tablets? Pharmaceutical companies offer medicinal products based on purified resin raw materials. Each tablet has a fixed content of active substance. How to take mumiyo for allergies? Treatment is carried out according to this scheme. Every morning, take one tablet and wash it down with clean water. In case of severe manifestations of allergic reactions, the dose is increased to two tablets per day (morning, evening). If mumiyo is in tablets, instructions for use for children

says that children's dosages are halved and the tablets are taken in the same way as for adults with allergies. Instead of water, children can take the tablets with milk or natural juices.

The effectiveness of the Altai drug for stomach diseases

Mumiyo tablets – indications for use. Doctors recommend that patients with low acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers take medications containing purified resin.

The mineral is capable of regenerating damaged tissues and normalizing the gastrointestinal tract.

For gastritis, mumiyo is used with great practical results.

Thanks to a unique set of ingredients, mountain wax has a beneficial effect on the stomach.

For gastritis, take mumiyo (3 g) and dissolve with 1 liter of boiled, cooled water. The solution is drunk at the rate of a glass a day before meals. Treatment lasts 10 days. Then a break is taken for 2 days. If after the first course no side complications are identified, then treatment continues for at least 2 more courses, maximum 5 courses. After each course there are breaks.

In case of advanced gastritis, the daily dose is increased to 3 glasses per day. The patient will feel better within 14 days. Pain will go away, sleep patterns and gastrointestinal activity will normalize.

In cases of high acidity, the medicine is taken 1.5 hours before eating. With low acidity, the time for taking mumiyo is limited to 30 minutes before meals. Normal acidity allows you to take the drug 1 hour before meals.

The daily intake is 1.5 g. An overdose can cause sweating and increase the temperature.

When treating ulcers, mumiyo is taken as a method of therapy concomitant with medications. Mountain resin has the following effects on ulcer therapy:

  • wounds in the stomach heal faster, without negative consequences;
  • does not lead to poisoning by toxins;
  • good compatibility with dosage forms.

The treatment regimen is agreed upon with a gastroenterologist.

The course of treatment is carried out using the above prescription composition for 25 days with a pause for a decade. A total of two courses are required. The medicinal infusion is taken in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. The dose is calculated taking into account the patient’s body weight:

  • less than 70 kg – 0.2 g with one dose of solution;
  • more than 70 kg – 0.4 g.

According to Shakirov’s method, 0.1 g of mumiyo is assumed per day in two doses (morning - on an empty stomach, evening). Duration – 24 days. This scheme is universal and does not lead to side effects.

According to Professor Kozlovsky, 10 g of mumiyo should be diluted in 1.5 liters of water. During the first ten days, the patient drinks 1.5 tablespoons before meals. Second decade: daily norm – 1 tablespoon. The third decade according to the scheme of the first decade. The method has proven its effectiveness, it heals gastritis well, the pain disappears.

The recipe using honey tastes good and is healthy. The proportions are as follows: 5 g of honey, 20 mg of mumiyo and a glass of water. The course of treatment lasts 3 months.

Natural remedies for coughs, colds and runny nose

Mumiyo is used in the treatment of cough in both adults and children. The simplest recipe. Take 3 g of mumiyo for a glass of warm milk and dilute it. The product is drunk twice - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening. The norm for children is reduced to 1.5 g.

Inhalation through a nebulizer is good for coughing. Take 10 g of balm for 200 ml of water.

For colds, these recipes are used.

For a glass of warm water (can be replaced with milk), take 0.3 -0.5 g of balm, stir, add a teaspoon of honey and drink 3 times during the day before meals.

You can simply put 0.3 g of balm in your mouth and hold it until completely absorbed without drinking. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.

Colds and coughs can be treated for up to 10 days; if necessary, you can take mumiyo for a few more days in consultation with your doctor.

Runny nose. Camphor or peach oils are used in proportions of 1 part balm, 5 parts camphor oil or 10 parts peach oil. Place 1 drop in the nose per nostril, no more than 5 times a day.

How is mumiyo used in cosmetology?

Mumiyo has a number of effects on the skin of the face:

  • prevents the appearance of pimples and acne;
  • effectively fights wrinkles, rejuvenates the skin, makes the skin elastic and moisturized;
  • eliminates the presence of keloids and scars;
  • works as a cleanser, removes toxins, opens clogged pores.

Adding mumiyo to your regular shampoo will make your hair elastic, silky and healthy. The scalp also feels the healing effect of using the balm.

Women after childbirth suffer from stretch marks on the body. Using the balm you can restore skin elasticity and velvety. Problems with cellulite are also successfully solved.

Can there be an allergic reaction from mountain wax?

Mumiyo is a substance with a minimum set of contraindications.

The human body reacts to external irritants in the form of allergic reactions. Very rarely, allergic reactions may occur from the use of mountain wax. In such cases, it is necessary to determine the source of the allergen and undergo tests according to an expanded program.

Is it possible to drink and use mumiyo during pregnancy?

Doctors unanimously declare that the use of balm by pregnant women is inadmissible. The reason is not that mountain wax harms the mother and fetus. This issue has simply not been studied sufficiently. Scientists do not give an answer to how the ingredients of mumiyo can affect the growing fetus and lead to negative reactions. Therefore, it is easier to classify mumiyo as prohibited during pregnancy. An expectant mother can use mumiyo externally to combat stretch marks and skin rashes. The solution is prepared using water or tea. In this case, there is no concern for the development of the fetus; the main thing is not to overdo it.

Contraindications, expiration date and side effects

Mumiyo has a small number of contraindications, namely:

  • Oncological diseases in a patient. The active substances of mumiyo can provoke uncontrolled growth of metastases.
  • The period of gestation and breastfeeding. The problem lies in the lack of knowledge of the effects of the active components of the balm on the fetus and baby.
  • Age restrictions: children under 14 and adults over 70 years old. Children's doses require a balanced approach. Old people may not be able to withstand the violent impact on the body.

Caution should be exercised when prescribing medicinal resin to patients with reduced blood clotting ability. Mumiyo slightly thins the blood.

Natural resin practically does not lose its healing properties when properly stored.

Mumiyo is stored in dark, cool places without access to moisture. Ready-made extracts and solutions do not lose their properties for 15 days when stored in the refrigerator.

Uncontrolled consumption of mountain resin, a natural mineral, in large quantities can cause adverse reactions in the body. Dizziness, nausea, itching, palpitations. If you have such symptoms, you should stop taking the balm. There are unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers on the market who sell outright low-quality crafts with a high content of toxic impurities. Beware of counterfeits, purchase balm from trusted suppliers, or better yet, in pharmacies.


Mumiyo is a gift from nature to humanity. A wide range of therapeutic effects on almost all known diseases. Variety of methods and uses. The decision to use mumiyo remains, as always, up to the people.

In the article we will deal with frequently asked questions about mumiyo, what it is, what it treats, how to take it, how much it costs, and some others that will be discussed in a series of other articles, including thematic videos that were prepared specifically for this project.

Just do not forget that the information presented can be used for informational purposes only and is not offered as instructions for action, because a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required before using something like this. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the thematic video. It’s worth reading about and what you need for this at home.

What is mumiyo, what is it for and mumiyo tablets, what are they for, is it useful and what does it cure?

Shilajit is a resin-like substance of natural origin. This is how real mumiyo is sold, representing a viscous mass with a characteristic odor and bitter taste. Mumiyo tablets are processed natural raw materials with various additives. The effectiveness of tableted mummy is much lower than its natural counterpart. Shilajit is called a panacea for all diseases, but despite this, the medicine is contraindicated for cancer patients, as well as people with reduced blood clotting and those suffering from hemorrhagic diathesis.

How to take mumiyo, healing properties, origin, composition, action

The healing properties of mumiyo were known to ancient doctors. This substance was considered a panacea for all diseases and cost a lot of money. The medicinal effects of mumiyo are still recognized today by our official medicine. Tablets, capsules, ointments and balms containing this healing substance have appeared on pharmacy shelves.

Shilajit sold in its pure form is considered more effective. In the “Composition” column in the instructions for the drug you can read that mumiyo contains macro- and microelements, as well as humic bases (rotten organic residues). However, the exact components of the drug have not been determined, and there are no “standards” for the content of various elements in it. Mumiyo, obtained in different areas, varies in composition, but does not lose its miraculous properties.

Doctors recommend taking mumiyo as a wound-healing agent that helps recover from injuries and fractures; it is used to treat ulcers, gastritis, colds, and insomnia. And this is not a complete list, but even from it one can see the wide range of applications and the positive impact of this unique substance on the human body as a whole. Mumiyo dissolves well in water, so it is recommended to use it in the form of an aqueous solution. You can also simply suck the mummy by placing it on your tongue, but this is not very pleasant due to the specific taste.

Shilajit for hair thickness, hair treatment, mask

Mumiyo perfectly tones the body, having a beneficial effect, among other things, on the condition and growth of hair. A positive effect is observed as a result of both internal and external use of mumiyo, for example, in the form of masks. To improve the general condition of your hair, you can purchase a ready-made shampoo, balm or hair mask with mumiyo included in their composition, or you can become a pharmacist yourself by adding a little of this healing substance to your favorite hair care products, having previously dissolved it in a teaspoon water.

Shilajit for hair growth for fine hair, color and effect

The following mask will be useful for thin hair. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 gr. in ½ glass of warm water. mumiyo and 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn or cranberry juice. Rub the mixture into the scalp an hour before washing. The effect of this procedure will become noticeable within a month. Your hair will become thicker and gain a pleasant shine.

Shilajit for the treatment of allergies in children, for infants, for fractures

Mumiyo for infants should be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, it is not prescribed at all for up to 3 months, although exceptions are possible. So, when treating allergies, the drug can be used externally. If Shilajit is prescribed orally, it is given to the baby along with water or food.

Mumiyo for the nose for children, dosage, contraindications

Mumiyo is prescribed for influenza, adenoids, sore throats and colds. Take mumiyo by dissolving it in water. An aqueous solution of the drug in a less concentrated form (1 g of raw material per 75 ml of water) can also be instilled into the nose. The daily dose of mummy is prescribed by a doctor and depends on the age of the child.

Why do you use and need Altai mumiyo in tablets and golden mumiyo Evalar?

The Altai or golden mumiyo preparation is used in almost all areas of clinical medicine, from therapy, cardiology and neurology to surgery and ophthalmology. Shilajit made in the form of tablets is more familiar to humans and makes it easy to control a single dose of the drug.

Why is mumiyo added to shampoo?

By adding mumiyo to shampoo, you can strengthen thin and brittle hair and get rid of dandruff. A better and faster effect will be achieved if you rub an aqueous solution of the drug into the scalp at night (or 2 hours before washing) - 5 tablets per glass of water.

Shilajit for scar removal, treatment, healing, resorption

To remove scars, heal wounds and resolve scars, it is more convenient to use mumiyo externally, in the form of an ointment. The ointment is rubbed or applied to clean and dry skin and is not washed off for 2-3 hours.

Shilajit for the treatment of stomach ulcers, thyroid gland, liver cirrhosis

Shilajit, like any other drug, must be prescribed by a doctor. This is especially true for such serious diseases as stomach ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, and problems with the thyroid gland. No miracle pill can replace urgent medical intervention for such serious diagnoses. Shilajit is prescribed only when the disease does not cause any particular concern or for preventive purposes.

Mumijo for the face for acne, eyebrow and eyelash growth

If, after washing your face in the morning, you wipe your face with a tampon soaked in a solution of water with mumiyo (2 tablets of the drug for 1 glass of water), you can get rid of acne and also enhance the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Shilajit for eye treatment drops

Shilajit has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, so its aqueous solution can be used to prevent glaucoma and treat inflammation or damage to the eye. The solution is instilled into the eyes before going to bed several times at short intervals - this way the medicine will be better distributed over the surface of the eyeball.

Shilajit for skin tightening and tone

If you dissolve 2 mummy tablets in 50 g. dry white wine, you will get an impeccable facial tonic that has the effect of tightening and rejuvenating the skin.

Mumiyo for feet, nails

Shilajit is a natural substance that can adjust the body to a working state, enhance skin regeneration processes, and improve the condition of hair and nails. In particular, to enhance the strength and growth of nails and get rid of hangnails on the fingers, a bath prepared from a glass of warm milk with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 2 mummy tablets is recommended.

Shilajit for the treatment of adenoids, arthrosis, sore throat, infertility, diabetes

Although mumiyo is recognized as a panacea for all diseases, it cannot cure adenoids, arthrosis, sore throat, infertility and diabetes. Shilajit is prescribed during the recovery period or as a prophylactic agent, and even then in combination with other drugs. The dose and duration of administration are selected by the doctor individually. It is believed to be used for arthritis, atherosclerosis, bronchitis, gums, joints, stretch marks, thrombophlebitis, cystitis, eczema and other diseases.

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