Wash dishes in someone else's apartment. Why you shouldn’t wash dishes at a party – signs and superstitions. Frequent guest washes dishes after himself

Many people are interested in this sign - why you can’t wash dishes at a party. In ancient times, it was believed that dishes had powerful energy and were connected specifically with the owners of the house, and touching them with someone else’s hands while washing could take away the happiness of the family.

From this article you can learn about a sign that explains why you should not wash dishes at a party. Almost every person does not mind helping hospitable hosts around the house when the feast comes to an end. But you cannot do this, even if you are afraid of seeming impolite or lazy. There are reasons for this, because by providing such help, you can deprive the owners of the house of luck and even destroy the family.

There are several versions of the sign that you cannot wash dishes in someone else’s house. It is known that water not only stores positive or negative information, but can also wash it away. Washing any thing is its cleansing not only in the physical sense, but also in the energetic sense. In other words, during washing, cutlery is cleaned not only of food residues, but also of the energy of those who ate it.

This information is no secret to anyone - each house has its own energy. Most often it is filled with the energy of those who permanently live there. By helping the owners of the house with washing plates and mugs, the guest fills it with alien energy, most often negative - it is difficult to find a truly happy person who does not wish harm to another. If at the same time the guest is in a bad mood, offended that he was asked to wash the dishes, or simply wishes you harm, trouble may begin in the house. In addition, the brownie may be offended by such laziness of the owners.

Washing dishes in someone else's house is a sign of trouble

In the old days, after festive gatherings at the table, guests were rarely tasked with washing the dishes. At a minimum, it was considered indecent for guests in festive attire to engage in such a dirty business. As an exception, in the past, close relatives and friends were trusted to help wash cutlery.

Previously, it was believed that a person who would wash dishes at a party, having bad intentions, a bad mood, or simply feeling antipathy towards the hosts or one of the guests, could cause serious harm. In the old days they knew how to notice things that became signs after a few hundred years.

Washing dishes in someone else's house means washing away happiness and prosperity from it. Because of this, the family may conflict and experience financial difficulties. The residents of the house will no longer be lucky. Another version of the sign is that if a guest washes dishes in someone else’s house, he will take away the family’s material well-being and spoil the money.

Washing dishes at a party - signs about marriage

It is considered especially bad luck to wash dishes in a house in which at least one unmarried girl lives. Moreover, if she has had no luck finding a suitable husband yet. It is believed that the one who helps with washing the dishes will take away all the suitors from her or, according to some versions of the belief, will wash them out of the house. In some regions they even believe that they do this solely for the purpose of harming or stealing their husband. Even now, many people believe that a girl in whose house strangers wash dishes will never get married.

Another sign prohibits an unmarried girl from washing dishes at a party if she is invited to visit a married couple. It is believed that this can destroy a family. According to ancient superstitions, the husband will definitely leave his wife. Moreover, they used to believe that her rival would be the one who helped with household chores after the feast.

Some signs for marriage are related to housekeeping. The fact is that before, the best wife was primarily considered a good housewife. In the past, little attention was paid to the feelings of young people; they tried to choose a wife so that living with her would be comfortable. Therefore, there are signs that warn girls who have not yet married, and those who have just recently become wives, against laziness in household chores.

Overall, we hope that you now better understand why you shouldn’t wash dishes at a party, unless, of course, you have malicious intent towards the owners of the house, and also why you shouldn’t trust strangers to wash dishes. The exception to this is always relatives.

Sign - why you can’t wash dishes at a party - all the secrets on the site

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There are many signs and traditions associated with dishes. Washing it is the prerogative of the woman, the mistress of the house. When she washes the cups and plates, she washes away selfish feelings and selfish desires from her soul. This makes sense.

If none of the household members wants to wash dirty dishes, then there is no mutual understanding and happiness in the house. There cannot be happiness in a family where selfishness and selfishness prevail. I wonder if you can trust your dishes to strangers? How about helping yourself in someone else’s kitchen? They say no. Why can't you wash dishes when visiting?

Should I wash other people's plates or not?

Oddly enough, most modern people will answer in the negative. Are we all selfish and selfish in our feelings?! And we don’t want to help our neighbor in a difficult moment of struggling with a mountain of dirty dishes?! Or are there compelling provisions that explain the ban? We have collected all the information on this matter. How true and real it is is up to you to decide.

Traditional opinion

Read: “superstition.” Interesting fact: well-wishers know exactly whether it is possible to celebrate a birthday in advance, but they cannot explain the reasons. The same is true with kitchen utensils.

Washing plates and glasses has a mystical meaning. This is a method of bringing happiness and wealth into your home. Dishes left in the sink overnight are like leaving the front door open. The family's well-being will go away.

A good housewife always takes care of her utensils. She will not allow dirty plates to accumulate. Even while preparing breakfast or lunch, everything will be rinsed. And the latter will thank you for your careful attitude towards yourself. Clean dishes attract only good guests to the family. Dirty calls only evil people. In turn, guests can easily understand: should they stay longer in this house or not? If the plates are not washed before sunset, it is better to leave the inhospitable house.

Such a “close” relationship between home and dishes does not tolerate interference from outsiders. According to folk superstitions, a guest who washes plates and spoons washes out of the house

a) happiness and piety;
b) luck and money;
c) suitors of a young, unmarried housewife.

Note that outside help only brings bad things. The sacred attitude to washing dishes is also confirmed in the interpretation of dreams.

a) married people wash dishes - there is a lack of mutual understanding in the family, tense relationships hidden from prying eyes;
b) spouses - the family is worried about a chronic lack of money;
c) the dishwasher struggles with dirty dishes - it’s not easy for the housewife to make independent decisions.

a woman dreams that she washes herself, then thoroughly wipes the dishes - there is only love and fidelity between the spouses, their union is harmonious.

For everything to go well, a woman must monitor the cleanliness of kitchen utensils on her own. The happiness and well-being of your family cannot be trusted to anyone.

Energy aspect

Every person’s home is filled with the energy of all the people living in it. Moreover, this is protective, protective energy. No wonder they say: “My home is my fortress.” A stranger in the kitchen brings his own energy, alien to this house.

It’s good if your assistant turns out to be a well-wisher. But if an envious person who wishes you harm washes, quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided in the house. Unfortunately, not all bad people bear the appropriate stigma. Benevolent smiles can hide bestial grins for many years.

From a psychological point of view

Not all housewives allow strangers into their kitchen abode. They are used to doing everything on their own, in their own way. They don’t trust other people, even their own household, with everyday responsibilities. Perhaps the assistants are not rinsing off the product well or they are pointing the sponge in the wrong direction. You never know what worries the housewife, who jealously guards her kitchen.

Therefore, before you take care of someone else’s sink with someone else’s dishes, think again. You will still wash saucers, plates and pots your way. And the scrupulous housewife will begin to wash everything after you leave.

It's another matter when you were asked to help. It was late, there were a lot of guests, and you are the closest friend or friend who can be trusted without fear with happiness, luck, money, daughter’s suitors and the energy of the house. You won’t take anything away, and you won’t wish anything bad.

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A comment

Dishes are an integral attribute of every apartment. It is not surprising that so many signs and superstitions are associated with it. Washing it is the exclusive privilege of the apartment owners. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that washing dishes in someone else’s home can destroy and bring ruin to a family. Happiness, they say, goes away. But is this really so or is it all an invention of very cunning and smart guests who do not want to help the owners after a delicious treat?

The meaning of the sign: should you wash other people’s dishes or not?

Any housewife is not against a little help with household chores and cleaning, but is it worth asking for this help after the feast? Can you “trust” your dishes to your guests or should you do everything yourself?

There are several reasons why you should not allow even a close friend to wash your dishes:

  1. People have long known that each apartment has its own energy. Often, a house is filled with the energy of those who live there.
    A person who offers to help sort out a mountain of dirty dishes will not only fill the item with their own energy, but can also completely wash away yours. So they say that happiness comes from home and all good things flow away.
  2. A request to wash the dishes, because the housewife is too lazy to do the most basic things, can seriously offend and upset the brownie. And an apartment that is not looked after by a brownie, as they say, is a bad apartment. A good housewife is obliged to take care of the cleanliness and integrity of her utensils. She will not wait for the accumulation of dirty dishes and start washing when there is nowhere to put the dirty dishes.
  3. It is also prohibited for unmarried women to wash dishes while visiting a loving or married couple. If you believe superstitions, then this can destroy even the strongest family. Moreover, they used to be sure that the husband would leave his wife for the one who helped wash the dishes after the feast.
  4. Basic etiquette. A number of strict rules state that washing dirty dishes in someone else's house is prohibited. And the person who forces or asks a guest to wash the dishes in his apartment will be “rewarded” with the status of an ignoramus and a bad host.

It is considered especially bad luck to wash dishes in a house in which at least one unmarried girl lives. Moreover, if she has had no luck finding a suitable husband yet. It is believed that the one who helps with washing the dishes will take away all the suitors from her or, according to some versions of the belief, will wash them out of the house. In some regions they even believe that they do this solely for the purpose of harming or stealing their husband. Even now, many people believe that a girl in whose house strangers wash dishes will never get married.

How to help the housewife without harming someone else's home?

There is one way by which you will not bring discord into the house, take away happiness and offend the brownie - ask for a small, purely symbolic amount of money as a salary. And then, your work will be regarded as work, not help.

To believe or not to believe in various superstitions, omens, and folk tales is up to you. But nowadays, helping the owner of the apartment deal with dirty dishes is not considered shameful, especially if you had a snack with close relatives or with grandparents.

From a psychological point of view

Not all housewives allow strangers into their kitchen abode. They are used to doing everything on their own, in their own way. They don’t trust other people, even their own household, with everyday responsibilities. Perhaps the assistants are not rinsing off the product well or they are pointing the sponge in the wrong direction. You never know what worries the housewife, who jealously guards her kitchen.

Therefore, before you take care of someone else’s sink with someone else’s dishes, think again. You will still wash saucers, plates and pots your way. And the scrupulous housewife will begin to wash everything after you leave.

It's another matter when you were asked to help. It was late, there were a lot of guests, and you are the closest friend or friend who can be trusted without fear with happiness, luck, money, daughter’s suitors and the energy of the house. You won’t take anything away, and you won’t wish anything bad.

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