The inexplicable possibilities and abilities of a person are an enchanted soul. Amazing human abilities, latest news, photos, videos

Many have the ability to sing beautifully, play musical instruments masterfully, or move gracefully to the rhythm of dance. But there are also people who are endowed with truly superhuman qualities from birth or who acquired them after experiencing life trauma. What amazing abilities of people amazed the world?

"Island of Genius" savants

History contains many cases when, as a result of developmental disorders or after suffering brain injuries, people display amazing capabilities in one or several areas of knowledge. Such people are called savants, which literally means “scientists” in French.

Areas in which the qualities of savants most often manifest themselves:

  • Music - they are able to play from memory a piece they have heard once or sing all the arias they have just heard.
  • Fine art is to reproduce images seen only once on TV or in a book.
  • Arithmetic calculations - easily recite the results of multi-digit multiplications.
  • Cartography – accurately reproducing a plan of an area on a piece of paper after a quick inspection of the area from above.
  • Calendar calculations - in a matter of seconds, determine which day of the week will fall, for example, on January 1, 3009.
  • Construction of complex three-dimensional models.

Many savants also exhibit a heightened perception of aromas, a sense of time, and the ability to learn foreign languages.

The world learned about people with such amazing abilities thanks to the film “Rain Man”, which received 4 Oscars. The main character of the film could easily reproduce complex arithmetic calculations in his mind. The prototype of the hero was the American Kim Peake, who has a phenomenal memory. He is able to remember up to 98% of the information he reads. By the age of 35, he had read and memorized 9 thousand volumes of specialized literature, including address books and train schedules.

"High-altitude genes" of the Sherpas

Representatives of the people living in Eastern Nepal are people who are famous for their amazing and truly incredible abilities to survive at a critical altitude of 4 thousand meters above sea level in harsh mountain conditions. They are indispensable guides and porters accompanying climbers during life-threatening ascents of Everest.

The main problem of living at altitude is the lack of oxygen in the body, which occurs due to low atmospheric pressure. In people of lowland areas, when a critical altitude is reached, an increase in blood viscosity is observed due to an increase in the number of red blood cells. This provokes the development of mountain sickness, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The secret of the amazing survival of the Tibetans was discovered only a few years ago. Scientists have found that 90% of representatives of this ethnic group have the EPAS1 gene. The high-altitude variant of the gene helps its owners, under hypoxic conditions, avoid excess production of red blood cells, thereby preventing the development of heart problems.

“Unity of feelings” of synesthetes

Synesthetes are people in whom stimulation of one sense organ provokes an automatic response from another. For example, they perceive letters and numbers in the form of colored images. They represent months and years in the form of three-dimensional maps or personify them with personalities. There are cases when a hypersensitive person, when pronouncing certain words and recreating images in memory, taste associations appear. When listening to their favorite tune, they can feel the taste of chocolate in their mouth, and when they hear the word “basketball,” they can clearly feel the taste of waffles.

A world-famous representative of synesthetes is a gifted Briton named Daniel Tammet - a man with an amazing ability to perceive numbers mentally. He believes that each number has its own unique shape, and therefore depicts them in the form of paintings and landscapes. According to him, the visual image of the number “Pi” is beautiful, “333” is especially attractive, and “289” is ugly.

A resident of Switzerland, Elisabeth Sulser, has synesthetic abilities as a result of a mixture of three senses of perception: taste, hearing and vision. With "color hearing", she can taste music and see colored sound waves moving at specific widths, heights and depths. These abilities greatly help the creative nature when composing melodies and symphonies from flowers.

Echolocation - orientation by sounds

Some people can see without eyes. In this they are helped by sonar vision, called echolocation. The method of reading information is based on the fact that it makes it possible to determine the position of an object by the delay in the return of the sound wave reflected from it. At the same time, the reflected sound wave activates the areas of the brain responsible for vision, forming a powerful visual illusion.

The most talented person with this amazing opportunity is Ben Underwood. The boy learned to navigate in space, determining the location and shape of obstacles by using his tongue to reproduce clicking sounds similar to those made by dolphins.

By picking up reflected signals, Ben can dance, climb trees, play basketball, skateboard and ride a bicycle. Hearing the echo of things, he can imagine landscapes in front of him, but not in color, but in form. Keeping the landscape he hears in his memory, the boy easily finds his way even in an unfamiliar place.

Through functional brain imaging, visually impaired people can even play video games. For example, Terry Garrett is able to unfold the levels of the game before his eyes only by adding the sounds accompanying the game.

Gutta-percha - people “without bones”

People who have developed the amazing ability to bend their body, literally tying it into a knot, erase our understanding of the limits of possibility.

Touching the top of your head to your heel, squeezing yourself through the hole of a tennis racket, putting your big toe in your mouth... Gutta-percha people can handle any of these tasks.

American Daniel Smith is recognized as the most flexible person. Today he is a 5-time record holder of the Guinness Book of Records and a frequent hero of performances and entertainment shows. The “rubber” man easily folds into unnatural compositions. The record holder has been given unparalleled flexibility since childhood. And he brought it to the possible limit on his own.

In general, the flexibility indicator can be judged only after the completion of the formation of the skeleton. By this age, joints exhibit the ability to undergo various contractions and movements, becoming as nature intended them to be.

Research by scientists has shown that increased joint mobility is the result of insufficient collagen production, which occurs due to genetic mutations. Gutta-percha people have tensile ligaments that are prone to frequent dislocation in the event of careless blows or even slight falls to the ground.

Human magnetism

Magnetism is the amazing ability of people to attract metal, porcelain, glass and even wooden objects. This ability has nothing to do with the natural manifestation of the electromagnetic field, since it is based on another type of physical influence.

People-magnets met in the middle of the century before last:

  • Massachusetts College student Louis Hamburger in 1890 advertised his unique abilities to an astonished public when he touched and held a glass container filled with metal shavings in the air with his fingertips.
  • A resident of Missouri in 1889 became famous for literally being “magnetized” to the ground while walking. He moved with quick steps, because at the slightest stop his legs refused to listen to him. To get them off the ground, he asked his friends for help. At the moment of separation, a short flash occurred and the “magnetization” effect disappeared.

Such unique people are also found among our compatriots. Cheboksary resident Mikhail Vasiliev, who was able to “magnetize” an ingot weighing 165 kg to his own body, was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records. Moreover, the weight of the record holder himself does not exceed 60 kg.

Some scientists are of the opinion that human magnetism is caused by unusually sticky skin, others by its ability to draw air into itself, creating a vacuum suction effect. Plus, to consolidate the “magnet” effect, a person creates a small angle of inclination.

It is noteworthy that during laboratory tests, magnet people were even able to attract members of research groups. In addition, they shared their “charges of energy” with those around them, giving them the ability to also attract objects for a while. Scientists explain the appearance in recent years of a large number of people with amazing “magnetization” abilities by the complication of the environmental situation, which leads to a change in the constancy of natural wave interactions in the body.

Immortal cells of HeLa

Throughout all stages of evolution, humanity has been searching for the path to immortality. A person whose cells are capable of dividing indefinitely outside their native body, remaining immortal, is known to science today. This is Henrietta Lex. She was born in 1920 and died at the age of 31 after unsuccessful treatment for cervical cancer.

The surgeon who operated on her removed samples of tumor tissue, and Dr. George Guy multiplied them, creating an endless line of HeLa. Research has shown that the malignant transformation disabled their growth suppression program, making them immortal.

Today, HeLa cells are common in all laboratories. In the world of biomedicine, they are as popular and in demand as Petri dishes. The total mass of the recreated material is now several times greater than the weight of their ancestor. An infinite cell line that imitates the human body in vitro is actively used:

  • when cloning;
  • in cancer research;
  • for drawing up genetic maps;
  • when determining the influence of radiation;
  • to practice methods of artificial insemination;
  • when studying the molecular patterns of AIDS;
  • in case of poisoning with toxic substances;

It is noteworthy that HeLa cells feel comfortable in conditions of weightlessness. In December 1960, they were even sent on a satellite into outer space.

The malignant tumor that killed Henrietta made her cells truly unique. It is not known whether this woman wanted immortality, but she found it and at the same time saved more lives than any doctor can do.

Probably, many will be surprised to learn that those superheroes from popular films, comics and science fiction books live among us. In principle, they are ordinary people, but with extraordinary abilities and talents that science is not yet able to explain or refute...

1. Gino Martino: Anvil Man

Gino Martino is an American professional wrestler and entertainer who shocks audiences with his incredible ability to break hard objects with his head, including iron bars, baseball bats and concrete blocks. His skull could even withstand bowling balls falling from a height of five meters. According to doctors, Gino's unusual physical ability is due to the fact that he naturally has a super-strong skull. For this he was nicknamed the Anvil Man.

2. Tim Cridland: King of Torture

Tim Cridland, who performs under the stage name "Zamora - King of Torture", has demonstrated to the world for decades his unique ability - his exceptional tolerance for pain. He stabbed himself with swords, swallowed fire and swords, lay down on nails - and these are just a few of the dangerous stunts he performed throughout his career. Tim is a Guinness Book of Records record holder.

3. Wim Hof: The Iceman

Dutchman Wim Hof ​​has an amazing ability to withstand extremely low temperatures. He has run marathons barefoot in the snow, plunged into cold water and set a world record for staying in an ice bath of 1 hour and 52 minutes. In addition, Wim Hof ​​climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro wearing only shorts, for which he received the nickname “Ice Man”. The man claims that he has reached a state in which he does not feel cold at all, solely thanks to meditation. Researchers have confirmed that Vim is indeed capable of conscious control of his autonomic nervous system and immune system responses.

4. Masutatsu Oyama: could knock down a bull with one blow

Masutatsu Oyama (1923-1994) was a martial artist and champion that no one could defeat. They say that over three days he fought one hundred fights lasting no more than two minutes with various opponents and emerged victorious from each one. Masutatsu Oyama also became famous for fighting angry bulls with his bare hands and being able to knock them down with just one blow.

5. Tibetan monks who practice tummo: are able to generate enormous amounts of heat with their own bodies

It is known that Buddhist monks who practice tummo (yoga of internal fire) are able to increase their own body temperature to an incredibly high level without moving a muscle. To demonstrate their extraordinary abilities, they place large towels soaked in ice water on their shoulders, and within an hour of deep meditation they become completely dry. Science has not yet been able to explain the ability of a person to consciously increase the temperature of his own body.

6. Master Zhou: “The Pearl of China”

Master Zhou is a healer and master of Tai Chi, Kung Fu and Qigong. The "qi" in the word "qigong" is translated as "heat"; This is precisely where Master Zhou’s extraordinary ability lies: he has the rare gift of heating objects with his own hands. He demonstrated his extraordinary talent by drying clay and bringing water to a boiling point. Master Zhou also uses his unique ability to cure tumors, body pain and a variety of other ailments that plague the common people. His patients included such famous figures as the Dalai Lama and members of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. For his exceptional gift, Master Zhou received the nickname “The Pearl of China.” He claims that the appearance of “chi” energy in his hands is the result of constant meditation.

7. Michelle Lotito: “Monsieur will eat everything”

It was not without reason that the Frenchman Michel Lotito (1950-2007) was called ‘Monsieur Mangetout’ in his homeland, which in Russian sounds like “Monsieur will eat everything.” Between 1959 and 1997, it literally consumed about nine tons of metal objects, including an airplane, seven televisions, 18 bicycles, 15 shopping carts, a coffin and part of the Eiffel Tower. What is the reason for Lotito’s manifestation of such a shocking ability? This rare phenomenon in science and medicine is known as pica, an eating disorder that involves craving non-food substances. This, along with the unusually thick mucous membrane of the stomach, allowed Lotito to consume a huge amount of metal, which, by the way, he cut into small pieces, poured with vegetable oil and swallowed with water. Michel Lotito died, oddly enough, of natural causes.

8. Isao Machii: Super Samurai

Isao Machii stuns audiences with his incredible sword skills: he is able to cut in half a plastic bullet fired from an air gun, traveling at over 200 mph. The stunt performed by Isao was captured on video; After viewing it in slow motion, the researchers were very surprised at how accurate and lightning-fast the young super samurai’s movements and reactions were.

9. Ben Andenrwood: navigated space using sounds

Ben Andenrwood was born in 1992; at the age of three, he underwent a complex operation during which both eyes were removed. But Ben was significantly different from other visually impaired people: he did not need a cane or a guide dog, and all because he learned to navigate in space using sounds. By the age of five, Ben had developed the ability to echolocate, a skill that allows him to “see” objects around him by perceiving sound signals reflected from them. Thanks to this, he, like all normal children, could skateboard, play football, defend himself from bullies, and so on. Unfortunately, Ben was unable to overcome the disease, which led him to complete blindness. He died in 2009 at the age of 16.

10. Natalia Demkina: X-ray vision

Natalya Demkina first discovered her unique ability to see through human skin at the age of ten and has since used it to diagnose people who turn to her for help. To prove or disprove the girl's claims that she has x-ray vision, medical experts conducted a number of extensive studies with her participation.

In 2004, the Discovery Channel released a documentary about the extraordinary abilities of Natalia Demkina entitled “The Girl with X-Ray Eyes.” During a study conducted by the Committee of Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), Natasha was asked to determine the health status of six volunteers who had undergone surgery or had physical abnormalities. The girl examined patients for four hours and was able to correctly diagnose four of them. Representatives of the KSI considered these results inconclusive, and the research ended there. Nevertheless, Natalya continues to help sick people to this day.

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If you want to see such people, first find out the cost of air tickets to Svyaznoy.Travel. You can visit Natalia Demkina at a lower cost, but tickets to other superhumans will cost a lot.

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Is this what you were looking for? Perhaps this is something you couldn’t find for so long?

Doctors, scientists, anthropologists, biologists and other specialists have been studying the human body for centuries. It is therefore not surprising that today we have such comprehensive knowledge of how the human body works and what it is capable of.
Naturally, a person’s physical abilities and his athletic performance have certain limitations. Despite them, there are many examples of incredible human abilities that go far beyond what most people think is possible.
From the man who attempted to climb Everest in shorts, to the teenager who survived 18 days without food or water, to the man who ate a plane, learn about 25 of the most incredible human abilities and feats!

25. Lifting a car with bare hands

In 2012, in Glen Allen, 22-year-old Lauren Kornacki saved her father, Alec Kornacki, after a jack supporting a BMW fell off and pinned a man underneath it. Lauren lifted the car, then performed CPR and saved her father's life.

24. Longest ice bath ever

Known as “The Iceman,” Dutch extreme sportsman Wim Hof ​​holds 20 world records, including the world record for the longest ice bath. In 2011, he broke his own previous record by remaining immersed in ice for 1 hour, 52 minutes, 42 seconds.

23. 50 marathons in 50 days

Calling it 50/50/50, American ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes ran 50 marathons in 50 US states over 50 consecutive days, starting with the Lewis and Clark Marathon in St. Louis on September 17, 2006 and finishing with the New York City Marathon on November 5, 2006. After completing his 50/50/50 project, he ran home from New York to San Francisco.

22. Balancing a car on your head

In 1999, John Evans, known as the "professional head balancer," lifted a 159-pound Mini Cooper on his head for 33 seconds. The owner of 32 more world records, he thus kept other things balanced on his head, including 101 bricks and 235 glasses of beer.

21. Longest insomnia ever

In 1964, Randy Gardner, a high school student in San Diego, California, stayed awake for 264.4 hours (11 days and 24 minutes), setting the world record for insomnia. Gardner appears to have fully recovered from the loss of sleep, as it did not have any long-term psychological or physical effects on him.

20. Longest breath hold underwater

On February 28, 2016, Aleix Segura Vendrell, a professional freediver from Spain, set a new world record for the longest free breath hold, staying underwater for 24 minutes and 3.45 seconds.

19. The helicopter that was dragged by the ear

Georgian Lasha Pataraia earned himself a place in the Guinness Book of Records by pulling a 7,734 kg military helicopter with his left ear. He set a world record by dragging the Mi-8 26 meters 30 centimeters.

18. Spider-Man

Known as Spider-Man, French rock climber and urban climber Alain Robert is famous for his solo ascents and conquering skyscrapers without climbing equipment. Robert has conquered landmarks such as the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Sydney Opera House, the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur and the Willis Tower in Chicago.

17. Lightning Rod Man

American game warden from Shenandoah National Park, Roy Cleveland Sullivan, survived 7 lightning strikes between 1942 and 1977. Known as the "lightning rod man", he is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the person who has been struck by lightning the most times than any other person.

16. Tightrope walking over Niagara Falls

Holder of 9 Guinness World Records, American acrobat, tightrope walker, trapeze artist, stuntman, tightrope walker Nikolas Wallenda is best known as the first person to walk on a tightrope stretched directly over Niagara Falls. To perform this incredible acrobatic feat, it took him 2 years to obtain permission from the authorities in Canada and the United States.

15. Water jump performed from the highest height

In August 2015, 27-year-old extreme sportsman Lazaro “Laso” Schaller was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the person who jumped from a tower (and at the same time from a cliff) from the highest height. A fearless cliff diver jumped into the water from a 58.8-metre cliff in Switzerland.

14. Surfing the biggest wave

American professional surfer and extreme sports enthusiast Garrett McNamara set a world record by conquering the largest wave. In January 2013, McNamara broke his own previous record by surfing a 30-meter wave off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal.

13. Longest survival without food and water

In April 1979, 18-year-old Andreas Mihavecz from Austria survived for 18 days without food or water in an isolation cell where he was placed as a passenger in a car involved in an accident. The police completely forgot about him, which is why Mihavec holds the record for surviving without food or water for the longest time.

12. Heroic Rescuer

Shavarsh Karapetyan, a Soviet scuba diving athlete, multiple world, European and USSR champion, saved the lives of 20 people in a road accident involving a trolleybus that occurred in Yerevan in September 1976.

A trolleybus with 92 passengers fell into Lake Yerevan, 10 meters deep. Shavarsh Vladimirovich jumped into the water, broke the back window with his feet and began to pull the trolleybus passengers out of the water. He managed to save 20 people before he himself lost consciousness from overwork and hypothermia.

11. The greatest weight lifted by a person

American weightlifter and powerlifter Paul Anderson performed a back lift, lifting a barbell weighing 2844.02 kilograms and getting into the Guinness Book of Records as “the largest weight ever lifted by a person.” Anderson may have lifted even more weight, but only this attempt was officially recorded and documented.

10. The man who moved the plane

Canadian Kevin Fast pulled a 188.83 ton CC-177 Globemaster III military transport aircraft 8.8 meters at a Canadian air base in Trenton, Ontario, Canada, September 17, 2009.

9. Buried Alive for 10 Days

In 2004, Czech fakir and magician Zdenek Zahradka spent 10 days buried alive in a wooden coffin. During the stunt, he was without food or water and could only breathe through a ventilation pipe. Zahradka spent most of the experiment sleeping and thinking about his life.

8. Rescue after falling without a parachute from the highest altitude

Former Serbian flight attendant Vesna Vulovic holds the world record for surviving a fall without a parachute from the highest altitude - 10,160 meters. Vulovich fell out of the exploding plane. As a result of the fall, she received multiple fractures and was in a coma for 27 days, but after that she fully recovered.

7. The Deepest Dive

Austrian freediver Herbert Nitsch, nicknamed “the deepest man on Earth,” holds records in all 8 freediving disciplines.

The reigning freediving world champion has set 69 official world records, usually surpassing his previous records. His latest record dates back to June 2012, when he dived to a depth of 253.2 meters.

6. Climber in shorts

In 2009, Wim Hof ​​(the “ice man” from point 24) climbed to the top of Kilimanjaro (5895 meters above sea level) wearing only shorts. Two years earlier, he climbed Everest to a height of 6.7 kilometers, also wearing only shorts and shoes, although I didn’t reach the highest peak (8848 meters) due to an injured leg.

5. Catching cannonballs with bare hands

Danish stuntman John Holtum, also known as the "Cannonball King", was able to catch a 23kg cannonball fired at him by his assistant. Unfortunately, the first attempt to catch the cannonball ended in the loss of three fingers.

4. Sumermathematician

English writer, essayist, translator and autistic savant (an autistic person who shows extraordinary abilities in any area - approx. trans.) Daniel Tammet is endowed with an amazing memory, the ability for complex mathematical calculations and languages.

According to Tammet, each positive integer up to 10,000 has its own shape, color, texture and feel. He holds the European record for reproducing the number Pi: ​​he recited 22,514 decimal places in 5 hours 09 minutes. Daniel Tammet speaks 10 languages, and using the example of Icelandic (which is one of them), he proved that you can learn a completely unfamiliar language in a week.

3. “Gutta-percha boy”

American contortionist, actor, television host, comedian and stuntman Daniel Browning Smith holds the title of “the most flexible man in the world.” During one of his stunts, he folded his arms so that he could fit through the rim of a stringless tennis racket.

2. Metal eater

Michel Lotito, known as "Monsieur Eat It All", was a French entertainer who became famous for eating indigestible (inorganic) objects.

During his performances, he ate metal, glass, rubber and other materials. He dismantled, cut and ate bicycles, shopping carts, televisions and even a Cessna 150 airplane. It is estimated that between 1959 and 1997, Lotito ate almost 9 tons of metal.

1. King of Torture

American sideshow performer Tim Cridland, known by his stage name Zamora the Torture King, performs extremely painful stunts for fun: eating fire, swallowing a ball, piercing the body with sharp objects and even electrocuting.

There are a lot of talented people in the world with outstanding abilities. Some of them commit, others reach great heights in art and other fields. But there are also truly unique talents, whose incredible abilities are difficult for a reasonable person to believe.

However, their skills have been confirmed by representatives of official science, and modern scientists still cannot explain some of these abilities from a scientific point of view.

1. Dean Karnazes - a man with unusual endurance

American ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes has a unique talent - his muscles do not accumulate lactic acid during physical activity, and never get tired. The athlete discovered his unusual abilities while still on the school athletics team, when he was able to run 105 laps around the school stadium without stopping or resting.

Dean owns several world records, the most famous of which are: 50 marathons in 50 days in 50 states and a super marathon, when an athlete was able to run 560 km in three days, without interrupting for sleep and rest.

2. Natalya Demkina – a woman with x-ray vision

If you think that only superheroes have X-ray vision, that's not true. Russian Natalya Demina, thanks to her unusual gift, can look at the insides of a person and see diseased organs in patients.
She claims that she can even look at damaged areas of the body at a cellular level.

Scientists from New York conducted an interesting experiment: six volunteers with various diseases appeared before the girl’s eyes, and as a result, she made the correct diagnosis for four of them.

3. Thai Ngoc - the man who never sleeps

In 1973, Vietnamese Thai Ngoc caught a fever and was on the verge of life and death for several days. Fortunately, he was able to recover from this illness, but not without consequences. The man began to suffer from bouts of insomnia and eventually stopped sleeping completely.
More than four decades have passed, and he still hasn't slept a single night since 1973.

He was repeatedly examined by doctors and luminaries of world science, who did not find any abnormalities in his body, but also could not understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

Ngoc tried to sleep more than once, but all his attempts were to no avail. The only side effect of many years of insomnia was a change in the Vietnamese’s character; in his own words, he became too grumpy.

Some scientists suggest that the Vietnamese is constantly in a state of “micro-sleep”, when the brain turns off for a few seconds and thus receives short-term rest.

4. Chris Robinson has prophetic dreams

Scotsman Chris Robinson is the only person in the world who sees the future in his dreams. He discovered a unique ability when in one of his dreams he saw a terrible plane crash - two planes collided in the air. And since then, almost all of his dreams become reality. He keeps a diary of his dreams to note the events that he dreamed and happened in life.

Once during the experiment, he was asked to try to see in a dream the place where he would be taken tomorrow. The next morning after waking up, he wrote his destination on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. When he was brought to the given point, the experimenters opened the envelope and were very surprised; Chris absolutely correctly predicted the right place.

5. Sherpas are the owners of a unique gene

Sherpas live in the mountains of Nepal and Tibet - unique people who are able to live in the mountains at an altitude of up to 4 km without consequences for their health. Sherpas are guides for climbers and tourists who want to conquer Everest and for many of them, they have become “guardian angels” who saved their lives.

The thing is that Sherpas have the EPAS1 gene, which allows them to consume 40% less oxygen than an ordinary European requires. Scientists suggest that the Sherpas inherited this gene from the Denisovans, an extinct species of ancient people.

6. A woman immune to fear

SM is an anonymous nickname for a woman who feels absolutely no fear after suffering a brain disease, as a result of which the amygdala, which is responsible for the feeling of danger and fear, was almost completely destroyed.

Since then, she has completely stopped being afraid. In her life, SM found herself in many terrible circumstances, which she endured with complete calm.

One day, an inadequate drunk man put a knife to her throat, to which she, with the equanimity of a nun, said, “that before he kills her, he will have to go through her guardian angel.” The criminal, taken aback by this behavior, quickly retreated.

7. Elizabeth Sulser sees sound and tastes music

Synesthesia is a condition in which the senses are mixed together. For example, a person may try a yellow candy and notice the strong taste of lemon, although the candy may have a completely different aroma.

Much more interesting are the feelings of Elizabeth Sulser, who can see sound and taste musical notes. At the same time, for a long time the girl considered herself an ordinary person and thought that all people feel music and sound the same way as she does.
Sulser has become a professional musician, her ability to create harmonious melodies. A side effect of synesthesia in a girl is severe headaches when she is in very noisy places.

8. Tibetan monks

In Tibet, not only Sherpas have amazing abilities, local monks have also become famous for their unusual talents. Many monks are able to control their body temperature through a meditation practice known as tum-mo. In this state, they are able to raise and lower their body temperature through willpower.

9. Eskil Ronningsbakken – a unique gymnast

Even as a five-year-old child, Ronningsbakken began to show interest in balancing on various objects. He is now one of the most famous gymnasts in the world. When Eskil turned 18, he began working in the circus, where he continues to amaze people with his tricks for more than 11 years. And his stunts are truly amazing and incredibly dangerous.

He rode a bicycle upside down on his hands along a rope stretched over Norwegian cliffs at an altitude of 1000 meters, did handstands on parallel bars attached to a balloon in flight and rode a bicycle backwards along the most dangerous mountain path in Norway .

For this person, risk is a necessary element of his life.

10. Orlando Serell – a reluctant mathematician

Savant syndrome is a condition in which a person who has suffered a brain injury exhibits abilities that he did not have before, mainly mathematical gift and excellent visual memory.

In 1979, while playing basketball, Orlando Serell was hit in the head with a ball. The guy stopped playing games, but over the course of a whole year he began to suffer from severe headaches, sometimes lasting several hours a day. He soon discovered that he could solve complex mathematical problems. He can also instantly calculate, for example, how many Fridays there were in 1990. Serell perfectly remembers every detail of the days since his injury and can easily say what he was doing at 12:30 on the afternoon of September 14, 1986.

Despite the uniqueness of each person, from the point of view of anatomy and physiology we are all similar. That is why people with unusual abilities or external characteristics always cause great interest. There are few such individuals, and in most cases these phenomena are carefully hidden from the public for their own good. This material contains real facts about the most unusual people that have received wide publicity.

In May 1934, a sensational event occurred, which was called the “luminous woman from Pirano.” Reports about this moved from the pages of medical publications to newspapers around the world. Signora Anna Monaro suffered from asthma, and for several weeks a blue light emanated from her chest while she slept. Many doctors observed this phenomenon, which each time lasted for several seconds intermittently.

One psychiatrist suggested that "the phenomenon is caused by electrical and magnetic organisms that have become quite developed in this woman's body and are therefore emitting a radiance" (in other words, another way of saying "I don't know").

Another doctor, talking about firefly people with unusual abilities, proposed the theory of electromagnetic radiation, linking it with certain chemical components found in the patient’s skin, which was close to the then fashionable theory of bioluminescence. Dr. Protti, who made a lengthy statement regarding his observations of Signora Monaro, suggested that her poor health, together with fasting and piety, had increased the amount of sulphides in the blood. Human blood emits rays in the ultraviolet range, and sulfides can be made to luminesce by ultraviolet irradiation - this explains the glow emanating from Signora Monaro's chest.

The proposed theory about people having such unusual abilities did not explain the strange periodicity or localization of the bluish flashes, and soon the baffled researchers fell completely silent. Harvey talked about glowing bacteria that feed on human sweat, but according to Protti, Anna Monaro began to sweat profusely only after her chest emitted a glow, at which point her heart began to beat twice as fast as usual. Many textbooks and scientific works on toxicology describe wounds that emit a glow. This is usually explained by the presence in wounds of luminescent bacteria or secretions that contain the biochemical substances luciferin and luciferase, as well as ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which, as a rule, do not combine, and if they are combined, they begin to emit light. A similar process occurs with the glow of fireflies and fire flies. However, if these theories could be applied to the case of Signora Monaro, then her entire body should glow.

In his work Death: Its Causes and Associated Phenomena, Hereward Carrington talks about a child who died of acute indigestion. When the neighbors were preparing a shroud for him, they noticed that the boy’s body was emitting a bluish glow and warmth was spreading from it. It felt like it was on fire. Attempts to extinguish this radiance did not lead to anything, but after some time it stopped on its own. When they moved the body, they discovered that the sheet underneath was burnt.

In the medical literature, cases of a person's unusual ability to glow are usually associated with pathology. For example, in the monumental monograph Anomalies and Curiosities in Medicine (1937), they talk about a woman who suffered from breast cancer: the light emanating from the damaged area of ​​​​the breast was sufficient to see the dial of a watch located several feet away.

The only case in the world when unusual people “emitted light” while being practically healthy (not counting, of course, saints) was described in the journal “English Mechanic” dated September 24, 1869. One American woman, going to bed, discovered a glow in the upper part of the fourth finger of her right legs. When she rubbed her leg, the glow increased and some unknown force pushed her fingers apart. There was a stench coming from the leg. The light emission and smell did not stop even when the foot was immersed in a basin of water. Even soap could not extinguish or reduce the glow. This phenomenon lasted three quarters of an hour, and was observed by the woman’s husband.

Perhaps these are the most unusual people on the planet, since such phenomena are quite rare, and at the same time have absolutely no explanation.

"Electric" people with unusual abilities

One of the very first cases of scientists studying very unusual people dates back to 1846. We are talking about the so-called “electric” people. On January 15, Angelique Cotin from La Perrière (France), who turned 14 years old that day, experienced a strange condition that then lasted 10 weeks. As soon as she approached objects, they immediately began to bounce away from her. The lightest touch of her hand or dress was enough for even the heaviest furniture to start spinning and jumping around the room. It was absolutely impossible to hold something if Angelica was also holding it: the object immediately began to twitch and slip out of her hands.

The French Academy of Sciences appointed a special research group to study this one of the most unusual abilities of people, one of whose members was the famous physicist of the time, Francois Arago. His report on the investigation was published in the February 1846 issue of the Journal de Debate. According to the scientist, the power that the girl possessed was akin to electromagnetism (in her presence, for example, the compass needle began a real “St. Vitus’ dance”); it usually increased in the evenings and seemed to be concentrated on the left side of Angelique's body, more precisely, on her left wrist and elbow. The poor thing happened to convulse when this force manifested itself with particular activity; while her heart rate was 120 beats per minute. She herself was so frightened by what was happening that she often ran away from home at breakneck speed.

Probably the most famous example of such the most unusual people in the world was the case of Lulu Hearst, who even demonstrated her extraordinary abilities in front of the public. In 1883-1885. she performed as the “miracle from Georgia” until she left the stage after marrying her entrepreneur.

She, as expected, in the classic version with “evil spirits,” began to feel within herself after the age of 14. In her presence, porcelain cups were beating, and at night in the bedroom where she was, strange knocks on the door and heavy blows began to be heard, which frightened her younger sister, with whom she slept together, to death. The next day after the strange noises began, Lulu handed over a chair to one of her relatives, which at the same time began to spin in her hands, clearly not wanting to pass on to the new owner. The four men could not pull it over, and in the end the chair fell into pieces and all four fell to the floor.

Her family persuaded the girl to turn her illness into art. The number she performed was that Lulu had to demonstrate her superiority over several adult men. Let's say a girl was holding one end of a billiard cue, and two strong men were trying with all their might to no avail to snatch the cue from her hands, bend it to the ground, etc. She lifted three men sitting on each other's laps in a chair by simply touching her palms his back, lightly touched the heavy object - and he moved away, although before that five strong men could not move him from his place. Edwards described such unusual abilities of people in his book Strange People (1961). He wrote about Lulu that, according to the testimony of many contemporaries, she allowed any “inspectors” to approach her, who could make sure that she performed her numbers without any tension, without resorting to tricks and tricks.

These photos show unusual people on the planet with unusual appearance and abilities:

The most unusual people on the planet, immune to fire (with photos and videos)

It is unlikely that anyone in their right mind would risk walking barefoot through a pit filled with burning coals or hot stones. It can be assumed that people demonstrating this are in some special state. No one has yet explained how, while walking on fire, they manage to perform this incredible trick without any damage to themselves.

One of the first experiments with fire walking was organized in September 1935 in Carshalton, Surrey, on the initiative of the University of London. The experiment involved a young Muslim man from India, Kuda Bax, who walked through a 20-foot-wide pit of coals four times without being burned.

In all parts of the world, immunity to fire is achieved using a wide variety of methods. Apparently, among Indians (whether in India, Sri Lanka or Fiji) the most important element of ritual is a state of trance or religious ecstasy. However, Kuda Bucks and many others have demonstrated their immunity to fire while being in a completely normal state. However, for some, complex preparation is required, which includes singing, dancing, sexual abstinence, while others can walk on coals with no preparation at all or after a simple symbolic ritual.

As you can see in the photo, such unusual people do not receive any damage when walking on hot coals:

E. D. Dingwall's book "Amazing Incidents of People" (1947) tells in detail about a certain Marie Saunay, who lived in Paris in the 50s. XVIII century This woman, who suffered from attacks of St. Medara, received the nickname “fireproof”. Wrapped in a sheet, she could lie over the fire for a long time, resting her head and legs on chairs. She would stick her stockinged and slippered feet into a brazier of coals and hold them there until the stockings burned to ashes. In this regard, the question arises: why did the stockings and shoes burn, but the sheet did not? By the way, this is not the only such example. In the book “Secrets of Science and Miracles,” M. F. Long cited D. G. Hill’s story about a walk on hot stones on one of the islands of the Tahiti archipelago with the participation of a certain European. Although the pit was so hot that the skin on his face peeled off, his leather boots were completely undamaged by the fire.

What happens when you walk on fire? Most likely, the walker is in an exalted state, in which pain sensations are suppressed, as, for example, during hypnosis sessions. However, in some cases, participants do without trance or ecstasy. However, there is no evidence indicating that damaged tissue heals so quickly that no traces are left at all (a similar phenomenon is sometimes observed among dervishes, residents of the island of Bali and other “initiates” who master the art of piercing their bodies).

The author found the most daring explanation for such an unusual deviation in people in the work of D. Pierce “A Crack in the Cosmic Egg,” devoted to the question of different degrees of perception of “reality.” Peirce believes that walking on coals is a classic example of the creation of some new reality (albeit only temporary and on a local scale), in which the fire does not burn as usual. Everything goes fine as long as this reality persists, but in the history of walking on fire there are cases of monstrous sacrifices and terrible injuries of those whose faith suddenly broke, and they again found themselves in the world where the fire burns. The magical state in which a person becomes immune to fire is apparently created by the person presiding over the firewalking ceremony.

It is likely that the ability to walk on fire cannot be explained by spiritual or psychological reasons alone, and here we are talking about some physical phenomenon that is not yet understood and has not found its explanation.

How else can one explain the fact that in Bulgaria they still take tourists to one of the villages where every evening local residents walk on hot coals.

Here you can watch a video of unusual people who are immune to fire:

Very unusual people with abnormalities: a “boiling” person

The so-called “boiling people” are considered one of the most unusual people on earth. When scientists from Lima, having climbed very high into the mountains, met Augusto Moravira, they were terribly surprised, says Echo of the Planet. The fact is that the snow, falling on the Indian’s body, instantly melted, flowing down in streams. And the mountaineer’s handshake was incredibly hot and wet.

When Augusto's body temperature was measured, the thermometer went off scale. And a special laboratory thermometer, which was used to measure this person’s temperature, showed 43.5 °C.

However, the phenomenon of people with such anomalous deviations is explained quite simply. Scientists believe that normal high body temperature is caused by increased blood pressure, which in turn depends on high-altitude atmospheric pressure. However, after living for some time in Lima, Augusto lowered his body temperature to 37 ° C with a pressure of 120/80. At the same time, he began to freeze even on fine days. But he has no plans to return to the mountains. It's nice to feel at the center of a sensation.

The most unusual abilities of people on earth: super-acute hearing and vision

Józef Powołło-Rzeszowski's parents moved from Poland to Sweden when he was only two years old. At first, the father and mother did not notice any abnormalities in the child. But one day, four-year-old Yuzef recounted to his mother a conversation between two people who were a little more than a kilometer away. Of course, Yadviga did not believe her son. And he actually had super-acute, simply supernatural hearing: the boy could easily pick up human speech sounding one and a half kilometers away.

After some time, he began to amaze those around him with another unusual ability - super-acute vision, thanks to which he could freely read newspaper text at a distance of 1 km.

And cases of such unusual capabilities in humans are far from isolated.

People with unusual appearance by nature and their photos

The most famous people with unusual appearance are considered to be a child with the face of a dog and a tower woman of gigantic stature.

When a puppy's whining was heard in the maternity ward of a clinic in Toronto (Canada), the doctors who delivered the baby were shocked.

Linda and Derrida Jameson were a wonderful couple, but they needed a child to be completely happy. The specialists could not help them, and the couple had to turn to the services of a sperm bank. No one can now say how Linda was inseminated with dog sperm. Doctors monitored the progress of the pregnancy, and if they had timely determined which fetus was developing in the womb, the emergency could have been avoided. But a man with an unusual appearance by nature was born: the child’s body was human, and his face was that of a dog. And he began to bark like a puppy.

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