Incredible cats coming home. Five incredible stories about cats who found their way home Mixed Scottish Collie and English Shepherd Bobby

This is the amazing story of one cat who was able to find her way home. She did not get lost in the traffic of the city, found her way through a forest clearing and came straight to the entrance of her house.

Many people know stories about how lost dogs find their way home, both from literature and from personal experience. But I’ve never even heard such stories about cats. But as it turns out, these amazing animals are also capable of traveling long distances to return home. If this incident had not happened to me and our cat personally, it would be hard to believe that a fragile and delicate animal would be able to independently endure all the hardships of a long journey on foot.

In mid-September, when it was the last days of Indian summer, my husband and I decided to take our cat Buska with us to the dacha. We think, let the animal run around on the ground and get some fresh air. The cat was already 3 years old, and before that we had never taken her out of the apartment anywhere. I took a bowl of dry food for her, remembering that we ourselves always developed an appetite in that air.

Buska apparently sensed something was wrong as soon as I tried to put her in the bag. She struggled and dodged wherever the strength came from. I felt sorry for her and thought, okay, I’ll carry her in my arms.

Alas, I forgot that a cat has claws and teeth. And I didn’t even think about what this ride would be like, having never driven a car. I carried her to the car, holding her close to me, and she spread out across my chest and seemed to hug me with her paws. And a small heart was knocking somewhere on my neck.

As soon as the car started moving, the poor cat went crazy. She began to howl and twitch. She bit my finger and scratched my arm so hard that I accidentally let go of her. We were sitting in the back, and she suddenly jumped up onto the seat towards her husband. Out of surprise, he turned the steering wheel, the car swerved... In 10 years of marriage, my intelligent husband never uttered unprintable words. And then he came up with something like this. Thank God I quickly leveled the car and we weren’t all lying in a ditch. I kept quiet and sat without making a sound. What can you do, it’s my fault...

Then she just as quickly jumped to the empty front seat, and from there to the shelf to the rear window. She huddled in the very corner and just sparkled with her huge eyes. Somewhere in the middle of the journey, she stuck out her pink tongue and began to breathe heavily. I watched in horror as the tongue stuck out more and more - I never thought that it was so long in cats.
I opened a bottle of water and tried to give it to her. Surprisingly, she somehow managed to lap up water from the bottle with her tongue several times.

The husband drove the car very quickly. He said that he had no desire for the cat to jump on his head, and told me to catch it if anything happened. But she sat there in her corner and didn’t move anymore.

Finally we arrived. Our country house and bathhouse were located 11 km from the city, right next to the forest. Right behind the neighbor's dacha there was a cedar forest, and the trees stood like a wall.

The cat didn't want to get out of the car. I left the door open. The incessant chirping of birds and the thick, spicy smells of herbs and forests finally lured the cat outside. She jumped down, pressed herself to the ground and trotted towards the house on half-bent legs.

And when she drank from a bowl of water, she slowly, like a businesswoman, walked around and sniffed all the rooms of the house. She seemed to like it there, because she felt more cheerful and cheerful walking around. I wouldn't like it! The floor in the house was gnawed by mice in many places, and every time I had to sweep away small black grains of mouse poop from the table.

After half an hour she felt completely at ease. And she sat on the lawn, waving her paw at the dragonflies flying past.

My husband and I were weeding the grass, and at what point the cats disappeared from the lawn, it’s even difficult to say. It seems like it was - and no longer exists.

The sun had completely set below the horizon, we were simply eaten up by clouds of mosquitoes, and we had to go home. No matter how much we called her, the cat did not respond and did not show up. The husband decisively said, that’s it, let’s go, he won’t die of hunger, he’ll catch mice.

Neither on the second, nor on the third, nor even on the twentieth day the cat appeared. Every time I poured food into the bowl, but it was unclear who ate it. Maybe the mice, surprised by such generosity, feasted on it. Maybe he ran in and ate the shabby Tuzik from the countryside.

It was already the first days of October. It became quite cold outside. We removed the vegetables and redid all the gardening chores. The last time we went was when the first snow fell. No wonder it is compared to a carpet. It lay fluffy and even all over the ground and blinded the eyes with whiteness.

And what was our happiness when on this untrodden snow we saw a chain of footprints, clearly those of a cat! This means that the cat Buska is still alive. Without her, the house was so empty and sad.
We just rejoiced early, we never found her. And then the car broke down. It was under repair for three days. The snow lay there and no longer melted - this is not uncommon in our northern regions.

And now my dacha story with the cat is coming to an end. Because when my husband arrived at the entrance with his car from repair, he found it on the porch. As he said, he even rubbed his eyes and decided that it was his imagination.

I didn’t rub my eyes when he walked into the apartment with the cat in his arms. I was simply speechless. How could a cat walk 11 km along roads where cars scurry around one after another, in the cold and snow? But I could. Apparently, she really wanted to live.

Moscow, November 15 –AiF-Moscow. The three-year-old cat independently returned home to Rostov-on-Don from the city of Krasnodon, Lugansk region (Ukraine), where the owners went to visit him.

“The cat Barsik returned home in an exhausted and exhausted state, his paw was sprained, but his health was not in danger,” said a representative of the Don Veterinary Hospital.

The owners took the cat to Ukraine, where Barsik escaped from the owner’s hands and ran away, frightened by the dog’s barking.

Five weeks later, the owners found the cat in the bushes near their house in Rostov-on-Don. To return home, the cat traveled 200 km, managing to cross the state border of the Russian Federation, Interfax reports.

Indeed, most animals have an innate ability to find their way home. Moreover, such a return can occur after a fairly long period of time.

Among all animals, cats are the best at oriented in space. Their return home occurs more often than that of dogs or birds.

Research by scientists

Researchers in Germany conducted a series of experiments to determine how developed a sense of orientation is in cats. At the first stage, animals were transported around the city in closed boxes and then released. They easily found their way to the house. After which the scientists complicated the task and took the cats out of town, where they placed them in a labyrinth where the animals had 24 exits, located in the cardinal directions. From above, the labyrinth was closed from light from entering, i.e. It was impossible for animals to navigate the sky. The cats were let inside, where they tried to find the right exit. What was surprising was that 98% of the animals chose the exit in the direction in which their house was located.

US scientists repeated this experiment. Before this, the cats were euthanized. However, this did not stop the animals from finding their way home, reports

In the course of such experiments, scientists came to the conclusion that the iron particles that make up the tissues of cats give them the properties of a kind of compass that reacts to the Earth’s magnetic field, thereby allowing the animal to return to the point of departure.

After a magnet was attached to the cat’s body, it ceased to be well oriented and began to get confused in choosing a road, which confirmed the data obtained.

Amazing Return Cases

The English cat reached home after three weeks, having run 70 km through the forest.

A cat from Holland spent five months looking for his way home, and in the end he walked 150 km.

An American cat from Georgia returned home after a 320 km journey.

A French cat who ran 700 km returned after seven months.

Record distances

The usual travel limit for cats is about 600-800 meters from home, according to However, the Persian koto Sugar made a record-breaking journey. Shagur lived with his owners in California until they moved to Oklahoma. During the move, the cat disappeared. The owners decided that the cat jumped out of the back seat of the car during another refueling at a gas station. They discovered his absence only a few hours later, so they did not return and look for Sugar.

14 months after moving to Oklahoma, the cat finally found its owners. He climbed into the kitchen through the open window. How Sugar discovered his owners’ new home in an unfamiliar place is not clear, especially considering that he had never been to Oklahoma.

Sometimes they come back

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Nine amazing stories about how pets found their way home, despite enormous distances and obstacles.

1.Irish Terrier Prince.

Distance: unknown
How long he was absent: unknown

In 1914, Private James Brown from Staffordshire was called to the front - Brown was in one of the first regiments sent to France for the war. At home he had to leave his pet Prince.

Brown's wife wrote to him about this in a letter, but the letter arrived too late: shortly before the mail arrived, Prince and James were reunited.

The dog found his master in the French trenches after swimming across the English Channel and was ready to fight with him against the Germans.

The detachment made the Prince their mascot and kept it, and in gratitude the dog served as a postman, passing notes on the battlefield.

2. Australian heeler Sophie Tucker.

Distance: 10 km by water
Length of absence: four months

Sophie Tucker not only did not drown, but also experienced many adventures: she swam 10 km side by side with sharks (it was not far from the Australian coast), landed on a practically uninhabited island and hunted wild goats there for four months to get food for herself. .

Sophie was discovered by rangers concerned that someone was stealing and killing the goats, and then returned home with an address tag.

3. Outbred cat Barsik.

Distance: 200 km

Quite predictably, but Barsik, who arrived in Krasnodon and was released from his bag, was instantly frightened by the barking dogs and the unfamiliar terrain, broke away from his owners and ran away - and not just anywhere, but home, across the border.

Five weeks later, Barsik found himself on the doorstep of a house in Rostov-on-Don, emaciated, with a slight sprain in his paw, but obviously happy.

4. Siamese cat Semyon.

Distance: more than 2000 km
Length of absence: six years

However, the obstinate cat did not accept this course of events, spent six years wandering to return home, and finally got there.

The case turned out to be so extraordinary that Semyon was written about in Murmansk newspapers, a short film “Love Story” was shot, and already in 2012 a monument to him was erected.

Now a sad bronze cat with a bundle sits on a bench near Semenovskoye Lake in Murmansk: they say that if you scratch him behind the ear and make a wish, it will come true.

5. A cross between a Scottish collie and an English shepherd named Bobby.

Distance: 4100 km
Length of absence: six months

Six months later, Bobby showed up at the door of an Oregon house: exhausted, with bleeding paws. Bobby walked through almost half the country, in winter, through plains, mountains, deserts, swamps, rivers and lakes, to be with his owners - it is estimated that he had to walk about 23 km a day.

His story touched Americans so much that they even made a silent film about Bobby, “The Call of the West,” and erected several monuments in Silverton, and a children’s parade is still held there every year in his honor.

6. Cocker Spaniel Tony.

Distance: 400 km
Length of absence: five weeks

Tony, unable to bear such a betrayal, did not stay with family friends and a few days after the owners left, he also disappeared.

Five weeks later, Mr. Doolen, returning home from work, saw a disheveled, dirty and thin dog that looked like Tony: the dog was wagging its tail and barking joyfully.

Mr. Doolen at first doubted that it was his Tony, but when he saw the address tag on the collar, there was no doubt left - it was a pet, which from then on was never left and was always taken with him.

7. Parrot Yosuke.

Distance: unknown
How long was absent:

Greater Tokyo, however, seemed less cozy to Yosuke than a cage, and very soon the prodigal parrot wanted to go home.

When the police found the parrot on the roof of one of the houses in Tokyo and took him to the veterinarian, Yosuke clearly, as he had been taught, stated his name: “My name is Yosuke Nakamura,” his address, and then sang several joyful songs, adding to this a request to take him home.

The family, when the parrot returned there, was very pleased that they had not spent two years in vain teaching Yosuke these important words.

8. Domestic mongrel cat Emily

Distance: 7300 km
How long she was absent: unknown

Leslie and Donnie McAleney of Appletown, Wisconsin, discovered that their 1-year-old cat, Emily, was missing.

As it turned out later, Emily accidentally jumped into a container with waste paper while walking, which, in turn, stood in the back of a truck that was heading to Chicago, from there to go to Belgium and then to France.

It was there that Emily was discovered by paper mill workers, exhausted and dying of thirst. Luckily, Emily had a collar with an address tag and was quickly returned home on Continental Airlines.

9. Jack Russell Terrier Jarvis

Distance: unknown, but took the ferry
Length of absence: two days

The owner of Jarvis's fidgety Jack Russell lost him when Jarvis chased the bird into the bushes while she and her two-year-old granddaughter were walking in a park in Cornwall.

They both searched and called for Jarvis, but to no avail, so they had to return home to Devon without the dog.

They posted notices along the way and a woman responded to one, calling to say that Jarvis had been seen on the ferry from Cornwall to Plymouth. Before the owners had time to hang up, they found Jarvis calmly trotting home from the ferry.

Why is this happening?

Marc Bekoff, a behavioral ecologist at the University of Colorado, cannot explain this phenomenon: “Domestic animals have never been studied for their navigation in space.

Another thing is migratory species: birds, turtles, insects. Yes, we know for sure that they find their way home by the sun, orient themselves by the Earth’s magnetic pole, and also using olfactory cues.”

Dr. Bradshaw from the University of Cambridge, like his other colleagues, suggests that the fact that dogs most often find their way home is explained by their relationship with wolves, and they navigate the terrain using magnetic signals.

Cats, on the contrary, smell very well, even from many kilometers away, and go to it, cutting off distances. National Geographic and the University of Georgia created a new study in 2011 - the Kitty Cams Project, allowing you to see the secret life of a cat. 55 pets had small cameras attached to their collars, which recorded what the cat saw and where it went.

In particular, the study revealed that some cats live in two houses (which their owners are unaware of): in one they receive food, and in the other, say, love and affection.

In 1954, another experiment was carried out in Germany: cats were placed in a round maze with exits located in it every 15°. So, most cats chose the exit located closest to the house.

The only problem is that if the maze was set up more than five miles from the house, the cats' "accuracy" dropped and they began to go out into any other exits.

In Amazing stories about cats and cats returning home.

They say that there is no truer animal than a dog. They say that only dogs on the other side of the world are able to find their beloved owner. But this happens not only with dogs. Here are 11 short stories about how cats showed themselves as they walked home using an unknown navigator, covering vast distances. These stunning stories are a credit to our “mustachioed tabbies”!

1. Semyon the cat walked home for 6.5 years

A cat named Semyon is the hero of a popular urban legend in Murmansk. According to it, one day Semyon and his owners went to visit Moscow. The capital turned the cat's head so much that he got lost. The inconsolable owners went home, deciding that Semyon was lost forever.

However, six and a half years later, the cat Semyon, having covered two thousand kilometers, returned home. How he managed this, especially taking into account the harsh northern climate, no one still knows. However, the stories of Semyon’s tailed “colleagues” make us believe that the legend about the Murmansk cat has a basis in reality.

Murom residents love this hero so much that they erected a monument to him, where the traveler cat holds a bundle in his paws, sitting on a bench.

2. Mumoussa the cat walked faithfully home for 10 months

Monsieur Chirade, a resident of the French city of Exencourt, in 1963 went to visit his parents in the department of Maine and Loire. He took with him the cat Mumoussa, who by the time Shirade was going back had disappeared somewhere. Shirade left alone.

But 10 months later, one morning, opening the apartment doors, he found an emaciated and dirty Mumoussa on the threshold. The cat walked 747 km across half of France to get home!

3. Poldi the cat met his family after 16 years

The Hans family, living in Haching, Germany, having a little red kitten, who was given the nickname Poldi, could not imagine what an amazing story would happen to him.

When the cat was one year old, he suddenly disappeared. The owners searched for their pet for a long time, but he disappeared into thin air. All family members gradually came to terms with the loss of Poldi. A few years later the Hanses moved from Haching to Glonn. The ginger cat remained only in family memories, until one day, 16 (!) years after Poldi’s disappearance, they received a call from the cat shelter.

It turned out that the cat was found in the forest near Munich and a tattoo with a special identification number was found on its ear, by which the owners were found.

When 17-year-old Poldi met his owners, he recognized them and meowed joyfully, making people cry.

4. Pillsbury Cat, 40 times round trip

It is traditionally believed that cats, unlike dogs, are more attached not to their owners, but to the house. In the UK, an 8-year-old cat named Pillsbury decided to prove the truth of these words. In 1998, his owner Sarah French moved from Backwell to a new place of residence, taking the cat with her. Pillsbury categorically did not like the new home, although it was located relatively close to the old house - eight miles. The cat, despite the presence of highways, streams, pastures and forests on its way, went to its old home. The owner found it and returned it. The cat ran away again and was returned again.

In total, Pillsbury performed this trick 40 times, turning into a real boomerang. Sarah French, realizing that the cat always goes only to its old house, also simplified the task - upon arrival at its native land, the cat was caught by her former neighbor, who returned Pillsbury to its new place of residence.

5. Barsik the Cat, 5 months in the status of an illegal foreigner

The three-year-old cat Barsik, who lived in Rostov-on-Don, did not feel any particular desire to travel, and felt quite happy as a pet purr. But one day the owners gathered for a visit to the city of Krasnodon located in Ukraine, and took the cat with them.

Barsik did not like the trip, and the last straw was the barking of the Krasnodon dogs. Unable to bear the “woof” in Ukrainian, the cat broke free and ran away. Having searched for their pet and found no trace of it, the owners could state that the cat “chose freedom.”

However, five weeks later, Barsik showed up on the threshold of his home, starving and with a sprained paw. In order to return to existence in the form of a fluffy ball sleeping peacefully on a radiator, the cat traveled about 200 km and illegally crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border.

6. Joseph the cat found his way home in 4.5 months

21-year-old student Semyon Kurbatov, going from the village of Kochenevo, near Novosibirsk, to Omsk to visit his father, took with him his favorite cat named Joseph.

The student did not foresee any problems, because his father’s house also had pets. However, Joseph did not find a common language with them. Either the Omsk residents didn’t like the “foreign” name of the cat, or they simply didn’t get along in character, but the cat jumped out the window and was gone.

Semyon searched for his missing friend, who had lived with him for seven years, but in vain. The student decided that Joseph had become a victim of the Omsk dogs.

However, after four and a half months, having covered about 700 km, the thin, dirty, scared, but alive cat returned to its owner in the village of Kochenevo.

7. Cat Chapa - on vacation for 1.5 thousand km

The Oleinik family, living in the Sverdlovsk region, decided to relax on the Black Sea in the summer. Together with everyone else, a pet cat named Chapa was supposed to enjoy the surf and the games of dolphins. But no one asked Chapa himself about his summer plans, and he was clearly not attracted to the Black Sea beaches.

The family went on a trip in a Zhiguli, but during one of the stops Chapa got off. When the cat was missed, it was already too late - the tailed hero disappeared somewhere in the Russian expanses.

After the vacation, the Oleinik family returned home, experiencing the loss of their cat, but soon Chapa himself appeared on the doorstep. Chapa did not talk about where he was vacationing. But it is known that he traveled at least 1,500 km from the place of disappearance to his home.

8. Timothy the cat walked for a year and a month

In Australia there lives a cat so tough that even alligators are afraid of him.

In the summer of 2009, Timothy the cat, who lived with his owner Camilla Brooks in Brisbane, was playing in the garden. It is unknown what hit the pet, but it suddenly disappeared. The owner searched for him for a long time, but he disappeared into thin air.

Timothy was discovered 13 months later in the city of Townsville, which is located 1,300 kilometers from Brisbane.

A microchip helped identify the cat. Officers from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals who discovered Timothy were shocked at how far the cat had managed to climb.

9. Kuzya the cat named Beast

Yakutia is an amazingly beautiful region, but also extremely harsh for travelers even in summer. And for sure, the taiga forest is not the best place for domestic cats to walk.

But if you have a real goal in life, no obstacles are scary.

The two-year-old cat Kuzya lived in a house in the village of Olenek, in the Efremov family, and felt great. However, the owners decided to take the cat to Yakutsk, closer to everyday amenities and modern cat food.

Kuzya, however, did not appreciate the city's charms and ran away on the third day. The searches undertaken by the owners did not yield any results. Three months later, having arrived at their old house in the village of Olenek, they saw Kuzya there. The cat was emaciated, very shabby, bite marks were visible on his tail, his claws were worn away, but happiness was visible in his eyes.

To get to the house dear to Kuzy’s heart, he traveled at least 2,150 km through the Yakut taiga, through passes, rivers and lakes. A route that will honor any traveler!

10. Lizzie the cat, 2 months on the road

Several years ago, many newspapers and magazines around the world published a photograph of a cat and next to it a geographical map, where the path that this cat had taken was drawn. Taken from Oslo and left in northern Norway, Lisi - that was the cat's name - returned home a few months later, having covered more than six hundred kilometers.

11. Musya, who spent 3 months looking for a way home

One day a cat was brought to the clinic of the Moscow Veterinary Academy. It must be said that the owners of all the returned animals - both dogs and cats - say that the animals were in very poor condition - covered with wounds, scratches, scabs, and severely emaciated. Apparently, on the road they did not have time to think about themselves - they were looking for a way to their owners. But the sight of Musya, the cat brought to the clinic, amazed even seasoned doctors: in addition to general exhaustion, the doctors noted that the paw pads were severely worn out, the fingers were inflamed, and the claws were broken.
She was so exhausted that she couldn’t even meow - she just opened her mouth.

It turns out that Musya was given by her owners to people living in Yuryev-Polsky, Vladimir region. But she lived with her new owners for only three days. And she walked home for three months!

There have been other cases in history about how cats return home, and what unknown force helps them determine the path is unclear!

The Kiev cat Glafira, having escaped from her owners in the Crimea in the summer of 2001, then set off to catch up with them. She walked for six months, covered more than a thousand kilometers, wore out her paws and lost half her tail, but returned home! An incredible case...

In fact, such stories are not uncommon. In France, the cat Pompon once became famous in the same way, having covered a distance of 900 kilometers and came to his owners in Fontainebleau. Then the newspapers told about another brave “Frenchman”. His name was Milush, and he traveled with his owners in a car. The cat ran away on the road, but after 11 months he returned home: thinner, exhausted, with worn-out paws. Well, the record was set by his fellow Australian, Pussy. The owner, having gone on vacation, took the cat with him. Fascinated by the delights of rural life, the cat did not want to return home so quickly, getting lost in the surrounding area. A lot of time passed before a thin and very weak creature, who had traveled 2,400 kilometers, appeared on the threshold of his home. “When I called him by name,” this man said, “his eyes lit up and he purred loudly.”

Of course, our four-legged fellow countrymen did not stay away from such adventures. The story of the cat Semyon, who was lost by his owners in Moscow and spent six and a half years traveling to his home in Murmansk, has probably gone around the whole world. In the 90s, a short film “Love Story” was made based on this plot, where the famous Siberian cat Stepan starred in the role of Semyon.

Probably, these cases will seem all the more surprising if we remember that cats are not fans of long journeys. Their usual limit is 600-800 meters from the house. But if the return of cats to the place of their former home can still be somehow understood, then the case of the Persian cat Sugar plunges us into a real mystery. This luxurious Persian lived with his owners in California until they moved to Oklahoma. During the move, the cat disappeared. The owners decided that the cat jumped out of the back seat of the car during another refueling at a gas station. They discovered his absence only a few hours later, so they did not return and look for Sugar. It's been 14 months since the family settled in Oklahoma.

And suddenly one day the cat calmly appears in the kitchen through the open window. If Sugar had the gift of speech, he could rightfully ask a rhetorical question: “Were you expecting?” And indeed, they didn’t wait. After all, even knowing many stories about returning cats, it is simply impossible to understand how Sugar discovered his owners’ new home in an unfamiliar place - after all, he has never been to Oklahoma!

Despite the fact that the next representative of the feline, returning to her home, covered only 25 kilometers, this case must be considered even more unique (it is described in Jean Pierre’s book “The Soul of Animals”), because the cat that walked this path was... blind. Her name was Amado, and she belonged to an elderly farmer from Provence. One day this farmer felt bad and, thinking that her days were numbered, decided to take care of her blind friend. The woman took Amado to her friend, who lived 25 kilometers from her house, on the other side of the Rhone River. 15 days have passed. The elderly farmer’s bad assumptions did not come true, and she, continuing to live alone, was confident that Amado had been with a friend all this time. Suddenly, one day, plaintive moans were heard under the door. Opening the door, the owner saw her poor blind cat. She looked exhausted, but then she appeared and crossed her native threshold. How was blind Amado able to find the way to her home? Her return will seem simply incredible if we take into account that in the entire area there was only one bridge across the Rhone River.

So they return to their owners. Why? It is believed that if the distance separating the cat from the house is small, then in search of the way back he can use sight, smell and hearing. In the case of longer distances, such travel is less explainable. And it’s completely incomprehensible how a cat comes to its owners in a place where it has never been before (the case of Sugar). This is where the time comes for arguments in favor of the sixth sense. Many supporters of this explanation claim that there are cats as mediums.

After all, today we use waves to transmit images and sound that were completely unknown to our ancestors a hundred years ago. Perhaps in the future we will learn even more advanced ways of transmitting information if we carefully observe animals. The Swedish theosophist Swedenborg said that animals are compasses, the control of which comes from spheres completely unknown to man. A similar opinion is shared by the famous Tibetan physician, Lama Lobsang Rampa. However, in Russia Lobsang Rampa is better known as a writer - his books can be found in any large store, in the esoteric department. He claims that the cat has pronounced telepathic abilities. If this is so, then its connection with the owner becomes clear, which is not interrupted even at a great distance. There is an opinion that a cat is capable of having a telepathic connection with those people who are themselves predisposed to this kind of communication. They can influence the cat, initiating certain actions. For example, Dr. Karlis Osis of the American Society for Psychical Research performs such an experiment by placing two cups of food at the ends of a box made in the shape of the letter T, using thought transmission to make the cat prefer one of these cups. They say that in most cases the scientist manages to impose his menu on the cat...

Some researchers argue that the phenomenon of the “returning cat” is akin to the abilities of birds and some other animals to navigate in space. The idea is that, like pigeons returning home, cats must have the ability to determine the right direction. They, in all likelihood, sense changes in the planet's magnetic field, and this is what allows them to find their way to their home. The hypothesis was confirmed after magnetic collars were put on the test cats, and they immediately lost their navigation abilities. It is also known that cats sense the subtle energy fields of a person and like to heal him by lying on sore parts of the body. Maybe they sense it even at great distances. One way or another, the answer to the question of whether cats have a “sixth sense” is known so far only... to the cats themselves.

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