Normal body temperature in dogs. Body temperature in adult dogs and puppies. How to measure a dog's temperature Normal body temperature for a puppy

To provide first aid to an animal, it is important to know the pet’s exact body temperature. Normal body temperature in dogs ranges from 38 to 39.2 degrees Celsius. If your pet's temperature does not correspond to this indicator, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Body temperature above 40 degrees is a sign of the need to urgently seek help.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is that under no circumstances should you try to measure body temperature in the oral cavity. You risk being bitten! Even if the dog allows you to do this, the measurement results will be far from the truth. The most effective way to measure an animal's body is rectally. To do this, you will need an electronic thermometer and a special water-based lubricant. You can also use regular baby cream or Vaseline.

Most dogs, for obvious reasons, do not like certain manipulations in the rectum. Therefore, it will be nice if someone helps you carry out this procedure. Have your helper place his hand around the dog's neck and place the other hand under the animal's belly, thus enclosing him in a hug. Lift the dog's tail and slowly insert the lubricated thermometer into the dog's rectum to a depth of about a centimeter. Press the start button on the thermometer and wait for the sound signal.

Tips for measuring your dog's body temperature:

  • For a quicker measurement of your dog's body, use a digital thermometer.
  • A thermometer is a must-have attribute of any veterinary first aid kit!
  • When using a mercury thermometer, be extremely careful and ensure that the dog does not make sudden movements.
  • Avoid using glass thermometers, especially if you have a very active animal. It happens that thermometers burst and harm the pet.
  • Some dog owners use ear thermometers. Their use is not prohibited, but the results of such measurements are approximate, so you cannot be sure of the accuracy of the set temperature.
  • A person is unable to assess the body temperature of an animal by touch. A warm or dry nose is also not necessarily a sign of fever, and also does not indicate the presence or absence of health problems, this is a myth.

Can't measure your dog's body temperature rectally?

If you cannot measure your temperature rectally, there is another, albeit less effective, way. Place the appropriate tip of the thermometer under your dog's armpit and press firmly until the beep sounds. As a rule, such a measurement will take a little longer. One more degree needs to be added to the results. Keep in mind that such measurements are ineffective, and their results are very approximate. Therefore, you should not rely on them!

A dog's hot, dry nose, rapid breathing, and high body temperature often indicate the development of problems in the body. Against the background of some pathologies, indicators do not increase, but fall, which in most cases indicates health problems or the influence of negative factors.

What should a dog's temperature be? The norm for representatives of small breeds, the reasons for the increase and decrease - important information for owners of Chihuahua, Pug, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Maltese, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Toy Terrier, Yorkie and other small pets. It is useful to know what additional signs, in combination with temperature fluctuations, require urgently taking the animal to the veterinarian.

How to take a dog's temperature

Be sure to allocate a separate thermometer for the procedure. A mercury or electronic thermometer is suitable. The first option is cheaper, but the second is more practical: the speed of assessing indicators is much higher, which reduces discomfort during the procedure. For small pets who often find it difficult to sit still, the electronic type of thermometer is optimal.

The process of obtaining indicators is simple; owners use two positions for the animal: standing and lying down. The first option is suitable for more experienced dog breeders, the second - for inexperienced owners of small animals.

For playful, nimble pets who find it difficult to stay still, an electronic thermometer and the “lying down” option are suitable. It is advisable to invite an assistant to gently hold and distract the dog. If the pet is calm and not afraid of procedures, then you can measure the temperature while standing.

It is advisable to periodically measure the dog's temperature. If a pet gets used to procedures and manipulations from the first year of life, then in case of illnesses, acute conditions and temperature fluctuations, it will be easier for the owner to determine the indicators without the risk of breaking the thermometer or harming the pet.

How to measure a dog's temperature:

  • calm the pet, communicate, ensure that the animal is as nervous as possible and does not make sudden movements;
  • wash your hands, prepare a thermometer and Vaseline;
  • lubricate the tip with a greasy paste so that when inserted, the device does not cause pain to the pet;
  • lay the dog on its side or place it higher so that the owner is comfortable. Some breeders recommend carrying out the procedure on a covered floor so that the animal is less nervous;
  • lift the tail with your left hand, slowly insert the thermometer with your right, without sharp pressure. If the procedure is carried out together, then the assistant should stroke and distract the pet;
  • insertion depth for small animals - no more than 1 cm;
  • After 1-3 minutes (depending on the type of thermometer), you can take out the device. It is important to praise the dog for obedience;
  • The thermometer must be washed, wiped, and stored in a special case. Hands should also be disinfected.

A mercury thermometer is dangerous if the pet twists out and the device falls to the floor. Another advantage of an electronic device is that the readings appear on the screen within a minute; with a mercury thermometer you will have to wait 3 times longer. Not every dog ​​will stand or lie quietly for such a period.

Standard indicators for small breeds

The average permissible normal temperature in dogs is always higher than in humans. This fact should not frighten owners: four-legged friends are more active, the speed of metabolic processes is higher.

Indicators for small dogs depend on the age of the pet:

  • puppies - from 38.6 to 39.3 degrees;
  • adult females and males - from 38.5 to 39.0.

Dogs of medium and large breeds have slightly lower temperatures than small dogs.

Conditions in which veterinarians do not consider a moderate increase in temperature to be dangerous:

  • fear, anxiety, severe stress;
  • great physical activity;
  • after vaccination in puppies and adult dogs;
  • being in a stuffy, hot room (you cannot keep your pet in such conditions for a long time);
  • estrus period in bitches;
  • in puppies during teething.

Frequent stressful situations, excess physical activity, and keeping your pet in a hot room should not become the norm. The listed situations not only lead to an increase in temperature, but also negatively affect the health of small breed dogs.

Important! A slight change in temperature is often associated with increased activity of the pet and outdoor games. Indicators below normal may indicate a deficiency of substances, without which optimal metabolism and filling the pet’s body with energy is impossible. If the temperature deviates sharply from the norm, it is important not to equalize the values, but to eliminate the reason why the thermometer column deviates from the norm.

Chronic diseases and temperature fluctuations in small dogs

Metabolic disorders, allergic reactions, and low-grade inflammatory processes are often accompanied by chills or fever in the animal during an exacerbation. Dog owners need to be aware of diseases that may be indicated by periodic increases or decreases in temperature.

A dog’s body temperature sometimes fluctuates due to chronic pathologies:

Temperature fluctuations also provoke acute conditions:

  • hypothermia;
  • purulent wounds, abscesses;
  • severe tissue burns;
  • internal bleeding;
  • intoxication after consuming stale foods or chemicals.

Increased performance


This is a question many owners ask. Wrong actions can harm your pet: you should always remember this.

Do not give antipyretic tablets or powders: be sure to show the animal to a veterinarian, especially in the presence of accompanying negative signs. If you immediately lower the temperature, it will be difficult for the doctor to understand what the true picture of the pathology is.

How to act correctly:

  • moisten the animal's fur with cool water;
  • be sure to give him something to drink, add more water to prevent dehydration;
  • in a stuffy room, place a fan, but do not direct the air flow directly at the animal;
  • You need to cool the air and your pet’s skin until the readings drop to 39.5 degrees;
  • As prescribed by the veterinarian, the owner must give antipyretic drugs to eliminate the cause of the disease, suitable for a particular pet. It is prohibited to independently select medications of various categories: An incorrect dose without taking into account the animal’s weight can lead to serious consequences for the animal’s body.

Go to the address and read about the rules and features of keeping the Chinese Crested dog breed.

Reduced values


  • hypothermia;
  • anemia;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • poor nutrition, weakness of the animal due to vitamin deficiency.

How to increase

To normalize the indicators, the factor that caused the animal to become unwell and lethargic is eliminated. The veterinarian will give precise recommendations after receiving the test results.

In case of hypothermia, the animal is placed in a warm place, wrapped up, given drink and high-calorie food. If the problem arose due to poor quality nutrition, then you will have to change the diet, add more fortified items or change the food. The premium class food category does not meet optimal nutritional standards; veterinarians advise switching a weakened pet to super premium class food or dietary brands such as “holistic”.

If problems with hormonal levels are detected in an animal, or chronic lesions of the thyroid gland, it will be necessary to undergo a course of hormonal therapy.

Associated symptoms that require contacting a veterinarian

A visit to the clinic is mandatory if negative signs appear:

  • apathy, lethargy;
  • overexcitement, nervousness, excessive aggressiveness for no reason;
  • convulsions;
  • thirst;
  • salivation;
  • putrid odor from the mouth;
  • copious discharge from the eyes;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the dog often rubs its ears and whines pitifully;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin, gums, eyelids, and ear canal;
  • vomit;
  • shiver;
  • diarrhea in a dog;
  • wheezing;
  • drowsiness for two to three days;
  • bleeding from the anus;
  • unsteady gait, trembling limbs;
  • acute allergic reaction.

Changes in a dog's temperature occur for physiological reasons, from heat/cold, during stressful situations, and due to overwork. In most cases, fluctuations in indicators develop due to diseases, infectious lesions, and metabolic disorders. It is important not to take rash steps and contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. The doctor will give advice on how to identify the causes of deviations and normalize the dog’s temperature.

Video about how to correctly measure a dog’s temperature and what the normal readings are:

Body temperature is a very important physiological parameter of a living organism. Normal body temperature in dogs is approximately 37.5 – 39°C. The temperature depends on the breed of the dog, its age and physiological state at the time of measurement.

Puppies and dogs of toy breeds have a higher body temperature compared to adult large dogs (38.5-39.2°C). This difference is associated with an increased intensity of metabolic processes. In this regard, the temperature in dogs is normally higher than in humans.

An increase in temperature of 0.1-0.3°C can be observed in the following situations:

  • stress (for example, during a clinic visit)
  • during heat
  • at high air temperatures (heat, traveling in a car without air conditioning)
  • after prolonged physical activity

Temperature in a pregnant dog before giving birth is decreasing by 0.5-1°C.

Each dog's body temperature is normally individual. It is necessary for the owner to know what indicators of this parameter are typical for his pet. For these purposes, you need to periodically take temperature measurements in a quiet environment at home.

Causes of fever in dogs

Temperature deviates from the norm in various diseases. The reasons for its increase may be the following:

  • heatstroke
  • endometritis (in bitches)
  • plague
  • piroplasmosis
  • teething in puppies aged 3 – 9 months
  • vaccinations
  • stress, also called Shar-Pei fever
  • wounds, abscesses after advanced skin lesions
  • joint inflammation
  • allergic reactions
  • infections

Causes of low body temperature in dogs

  • helminthic infestation
  • parvovirus enteritis in puppies and young dogs

How to measure a dog's temperature

Temperature in a large dog
It's better to measure together

For this purpose, you can use a regular medical thermometer. Mercury is certainly cheaper, but it requires you to wait about five minutes while keeping the animal calm. If you take an electronic thermometer, the measurement will take about a minute. It is better for the dog to have a separate thermometer.

The dog's temperature is measured in the rectum. The procedure is not complicated, but careful handling of the pet is required:

  • first, the thermometer should be reset to zero, the tip should be lubricated with Vaseline
  • The dog should be laid on its side, the tail should be carefully lifted at the base, and the thermometer should be slowly inserted into the anus 2 cm
  • It is important to measure temperature in a calm environment to avoid excitement or fear, which could cause the dog to jump up, break the thermometer, or injure itself.
  • You need to praise the animal during the procedure and after it is completed.

What to do if your dog has a fever

An increase in temperature indicates a malfunction of the dog’s body.

Since temperature is only a symptom of a disease, an accurate diagnosis is necessary. Therefore, you cannot do without a visit to the veterinarian. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse.

If you are sure of the reason for your dog’s fever, you can lower it with the help of a triad. Troychatka is a mixture of analgin, no-shpa, diphenhydramine (suprastin) in a certain proportion. All this is drawn into one syringe and injected into the muscle.

If you are not sure of the cause of the rise or fall in temperature, you should urgently seek veterinary help.

Typically, when a dog's temperature rises, the veterinarian will order a blood test to determine the content of red and white blood cells. This analysis will allow you to diagnose the presence of an inflammatory process in the body or a blood disease.

In some cases, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to perform a chest x-ray to check the condition of the lungs. Perhaps the animal has a tumor in the lungs or a metastatic process is developing, in which the clinical picture is not obvious.

A urine test may also help identify the cause of the fever.

Certain types of microbes and viruses affect the kidneys and parts of the digestive system, causing a constant increase in temperature with an uncertain clinical picture; in this case, the dog is prescribed special tests.

An increase in temperature has a negative effect on parts of the central nervous system. Today, veterinarians are abandoning the use of antibiotics and instead prescribing antipyretic drugs while awaiting test results.

A Pomeranian or Chihuahua is not just a pet to buy as a fun toy, it is a living organism that requires careful supervision and care, and you bear full responsibility for its health.

The temperature of a dog or puppy of a Yorkshire terrier, Pomeranian, Chihuahua or dog of another breed is a very important indicator of its well-being. An increase in your dog's temperature may indicate that your dog is sick. Therefore, in case of any illness in a puppy or an adult dog, the first thing to do is measure the dog’s temperature before visiting the veterinarian; your information will be very important and necessary for him.

Signs of fever in dogs

  • hot and dry nose
  • lethargy
  • refusal of food and water
  • nausea,
  • pale gums and tongue

If you take all the necessary measures in time, the chances of recovery increase greatly.

Four-legged friends can hardly tolerate air temperatures above 30 ⁰ C; the temperature of dogs rises and, to cool down, they breathe intensely by sticking out their tongues. Also, the temperature in dogs can increase due to other factors: during estrus (in females), physical activity, anxiety, fear.

What is the normal temperature for dogs?

A dog's body temperature is different from a person's body temperature, it is slightly higher. Also, a puppy’s temperature is different from that of an adult dog. The body temperature of an adult healthy dog ​​is on average 37.5-38.5 ⁰ C, while a healthy puppy’s temperature is half a degree higher (39.0 ⁰ C). Also, a dog’s temperature can fluctuate depending on breed, age, body weight, and height. Large breed dogs have a lower body temperature than small breed dogs (Yorkshire terrier, Pomeranian spitz, Chihuahua).

Table of average normal temperatures for puppies; temperature in adult dogs of small, medium and large breeds (⁰С):

  • Small breed dog puppies - 38.6⁰C-39.3⁰C
  • Medium breed dog puppies - 38.3⁰ C – 39.1⁰ C
  • Large breed dog puppies - 38.2⁰ C – 39.0⁰ C
  • Adult small breed dogs - 38.5⁰ C – 39.0⁰ C
  • Adult dogs of medium breeds - 37.5⁰ C; -39.0⁰ C
  • Adult large breed dogs - 37.4⁰ C – 38.3⁰ C
How to measure a dog's temperature?

To measure the temperature of a dog (adult) or the temperature of a puppy, you can use a medical mercury thermometer or an electronic one. If you use a mercury thermometer, then for accurate readings you need to measure for 3-5 minutes, and an electronic thermometer, which is more convenient, gives readings within 10-15 seconds. It is advisable to allocate a separate thermometer for the animal so that family members do not use it for hygienic reasons.

How to measure a dog's temperature

Many people ask us how to measure a dog's temperature? The process of measuring temperature itself is not difficult, but it is not always pleasant for your pet, therefore, from puppyhood, accustom your pet to this procedure.
  • The dog's temperature is measured only through the rectum.
  • Secure the dog in a standing position; if this is not comfortable, then in a lying position.
  • Prepare the thermometer, reset the readings to zero, lift the dog's tail and slowly insert the thermometer 1.5-2 cm into the anus.
  • If this is the first procedure for your adult dog, then you need to constantly talk to him kindly and calmly, and under no circumstances should you shout, so that the dog does not get scared and is not in a stressful state, as this may affect the dog’s temperature readings . If words of praise are not enough, then use treats as encouragement to keep the dog calm.
  • Carry out this procedure wearing disposable gloves.
  • After this procedure, wash the thermometer under warm water and disinfect it with alcohol.

Owners and breeders of large breeds of dogs know how important it is for the pet to be healthy (according to the generally accepted rules, large dogs are considered height at the withers exceeds 60 centimeters and weight exceeds 26 kilograms).

Body temperature in such animals is an important indicator of condition. If you suspect a deterioration in the well-being of your pet or his body, the first thing to do is before seeking help from a specialist.

Important! Extremely dangerous for dogs is 1-2 degrees gradually, systematically. And below 36 degrees it can even be life-threatening.

Normally, a dog's body temperature can increase by 0.3-0.5 degrees for short periods of time.

Normal body temperature indicators for large breed dogs may be associated with the characteristics of each specific breed:

  • Deerhound – from 37.5°C to 39°C;
  • Labrador – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • French bulldog – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • greyhound – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • mastiff – from 37.5°C to 39.3°C;
  • Alabai – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • Great Dane – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • Shepherd – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • setter – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • pointing dog – from 37.5°C to 39°C;
  • Laika – from 38.5°C to 39.4°C;
  • Dalmatian – from 37.5°C to 38.5°C;
  • – from 38°C to 38.5°C;
  • retriever – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • wolfhound – from 37.5°C to 38°C;
  • sentry – from 37.5°C to 38.5°C;
  • Saint Bernard – from 38.5°C to 39°C;
  • Malamute – from 38°C to 38.5°C.

By lowering the temperature with antipyretics, you will improve your pet’s well-being for a short time, but this may make diagnosis somewhat difficult.

If at home you are unable to bring the animal’s body temperature to the required values, and you do not observe any visible reasons, urgently consult, and perhaps make an appointment with your pet at the veterinarian to determine the specific reasons for changes in temperature indicators and prescribe an adequate course.

An unreasonable increase in the temperature of an animal’s body temperature may indicate the presence of complex, non-noticeable diseases. Timely treatment will help your pet continue a happy, healthy and fulfilling life next to you.

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