About the Beagle dog breed. Description of the English Beagle breed. Hunting with your favorite pet

The Beagle is the smallest and friendliest dog in the world, a great friend for both adults and children. They are cheerful and active, but like all hounds, they can be stubborn and their training requires patience and ingenuity.

Beagles were hunting dogs, and were used to hunt small animals, hares and rabbits. Nowadays they are more of a companion dog, but they are also used for hunting. A sensitive nose guides them through life, and they are never happier than when they find a new, interesting smell.

According to Oxford Dictionary in English(English Oxford English Dictionary, OED), the first mention of the word beagle in literature is found in the book “The Squire of Low Degree”, published in 1475.

The origin of the word is unclear, but it is believed to come from the French begueule - tinned throat, or the Old English beag - small. Possibly derived from the French beugler - to roar and the German begele - to scold.

  • The English Beagle is difficult to train; it is highly advisable to take the course - controlled city dog ​​(UCD).
  • They get bored if they are left alone for long periods of time. If you keep them in the yard, they will always find something to entertain themselves with. For example, they will start digging or try to escape.
  • Most common problem, because of which owners get rid of beagles - barking. Consider whether you and your neighbors are prepared for your dog to bark frequently.
  • They often become victims of attackers because they are expensive, small and good-natured.
  • English Beagles are hounds, and if they smell a scent...Their nose controls their brain, and if they smell something interesting, everything else ceases to exist. Her nose is always close to the ground, in search of an interesting smell. And in this nose there are about 220 million receptors, while in a human there are only 50. This is a nose on four legs.
  • Although they are cute and smart, they are also quite stubborn. An obedience course is required, but make sure the instructor has experience with hounds.
  • Beagles are gluttons and often suffer from obesity. Control the amounts of feed you give. And lock the cabinets, remove pots from the stove, and at the same time close the trash can.
  • Because of their appetite, they take their bowl and food seriously. Teach children not to bother your dog when he is eating or to tease him with food.
  • They are friendly to strangers and are poor guards, but good watchmen as they are sensitive and willing to bark.

History of the breed

Dogs similar in size and purpose existed in ancient Greece, around the 5th century BC. The ancient Greek historian Xenophon (444 BC - 356 BC), in his book “Hunting,” describes hounds that tracked game by smell. From the Greeks they came to the Romans and from there to the rest of Europe.

In the 11th century, William I the Conqueror brought white Talbot hunting hounds (now extinct) to Great Britain. They were slow, white dogs, descended from bloodhounds that appeared in the 8th century.

At some point, the Talbots crossed with , which gave them much greater speed. Long extinct, the Talbots gave rise to the breed of southern hounds, from which the Beagles descended.

Since the Middle Ages, the word beagle has been used to describe small hounds, although sometimes the dogs differed significantly from each other. Miniature breeds hounds have been known since the times of Edward II and Henry VII, both of whom kept packs of so-called “Glove Beagles” - dogs that could fit on a glove.

And Elizabeth I kept pocket hounds “Pocket Beagle”, reaching 20-23 cm at the withers, but nevertheless participating in the hunt. While ordinary dogs tracked game, these hounds pursued it through the bushes and undergrowth.

They existed until the beginning of the 19th century, when a breed standard was created, but then disappeared.

By the beginning of the 18th century, two hound breeds had emerged, intended for hunting hares: the northern beagle and the southern hound.

The Southern Hound is a tall, heavy dog, with square head and long, soft ears. Somewhat slow, she had endurance and an excellent sense of smell. The Northern Beagle is descended from the Talbots and was mainly bred in Yorkshire. It was smaller, lighter and had a more pointed muzzle. Being faster than the southern hound, he was inferior to her in the sense of smell. Since fox hunting had become popular by that time, the number of these dogs began to decrease, and they themselves were crossed with each other.

In 1830, Reverend Parson Honeywood brought together a pack of beagles in Essex, and it was the dogs from this pack that became the ancestors of modern dogs. Details are unknown, but both northern beagles and southern hounds were represented.

Beagles Haniwa were 25 cm at the withers, white, according to an entry in The Sportsman's Library from 1845. Honeywood focused entirely on breeding dogs for hunting, and Thomas Johnson tried to make them beautiful.

Two lines appeared - smooth-haired and wire-haired beagles. Wirehairs existed until the 20th century, and there is even evidence of their participation in the exhibition in 1969, but today this option does not exist.

In 1840, the standard for the breed that we know as the modern English Beagle appears. The difference between northern beagles and southern hounds has disappeared, but they still differ from each other in size. However, they are still not popular and quite rare.

By 1887, the threat of extinction had diminished, and there were 18 breeders of this breed in England. In 1890, the Beagle Club appeared and the first breed standard appeared, and the following year the Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles appeared. Both organizations are interested in development and popularization, and by 1902 there were already about 44 breeders.

Beagles have been imported into the United States since 1840, but the first dogs were imported exclusively for hunting and differ from each other. Considering that Honeywood only started breeding them in 1840, it is unlikely that those dogs were similar to modern ones. A serious attempt to breed purebreds was made only in 1870.

Since 1889, the Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles began holding shows in Peterborough, and the Beagle Club since 1896. These shows promoted the development of a single type, and the dogs gained popularity until the outbreak of the First World War. After which the struggle for survival begins again, lasting until the end of World War II.

A purebred breed, beagles have always been more popular in the United States and Canada than in their native Europe. The National Beagle Club of America was created in 1888, and with the outbreak of the World Wars the breed was much more represented overseas than at home.

In North America, beagles are confidently among the ten most popular breeds, and from 1953 to 1959 they occupied first place. In 2005-2006 they were in fifth place in popularity in the USA, while in England they were only 28.

Description of the breed

Outwardly, the beagle resembles a miniature foxhound, but its head is wider, its muzzle is shorter, its paws are shorter and, in general, its silhouette is significantly different. At the withers they reach 33-41 cm, and weight ranges from 8 to 15 kg. At the same time, females are slightly smaller than males. Life expectancy is about 14 years, which is good for a small dog.

There are so-called American beagles. The American Kennel Club divides beagles into two varieties: up to 13 inches at the withers (33 cm) and up to 15 inches (3-38 cm).

However, the Canadian Kennel Club does not make such a division, limiting only the maximum height to 38 cm. The English Kennel Club and the Fédération Cynologique Internationale do not divide the breed, and define a maximum height of 41 cm at the withers.

Beagles have a smooth, slightly domed, square muzzle. middle length and a black nose. The eyes are large, brown or brown, with a characteristic hound look. The large ears are set low, pendulous, long, hanging along the muzzle and rounded at the tips.

Beagles have a medium-length, strong neck that allows them to easily hold their head to the ground to search for scent. The chest is wide, the stomach is wedge-shaped. The tail is long, slightly curved, with a white tip. This tip is called a flag and it was specially designed because it allows you to see the dog when it follows the scent with its head bowed. The tail is not curled, but raised when the dog is active.

Colors can vary, although tricolor (white with large black spots and light brown areas) is the most common. But beagles can be of all colors accepted for hounds, except liver.


Along with bloodhounds and, Beagles have one of the strongest senses of smell. In 1950, John Paul Scott and John Fuller began a study of dog behavior that lasted 13 years.

Part of this study was to determine the sensitivity of smell different breeds dogs. To do this, they placed a mouse in a one-acre field and noted the time it took the dog to find it. The Beagle found it for one minute, while the Fox Terrier took 14 and did not find it at all.

Beagles perform better when scent searching on the ground than in the air. because of this, they were expelled from the mountain rescue teams, choosing in favor of them, which are more obedient and use their eyesight in addition.


Beagle dogs have a unique character, and experienced owners say that it is unlike any other. Their hunting instinct is as strong as he was a hundred years ago, but at the same time he is a devoted family member and a magnificent domestic dog. Call yourself a hound and forget about the pursuit? This is definitely not about them.

Beagles get along well with children and the elderly, they have lots of energy and a cheerful personality and can play for hours. Since puppies are very active, it is best for you to supervise small children, however, for children over 8 years old they will become best friends. The beagle will follow the child as a shadow, play with him and protect him.

As for pets, you need to remember that this is a hunting dog, with all the ensuing consequences. They get along well with other dogs, but not well with small animals.

Hamsters, rabbits, Guinea pigs— it’s too much of a temptation for a beagle. Their sensitive nose will catch the smell, and their paws will follow the trail until they catch it. Even if you put an animal in a cage, it will be stressful for both.

The beagle will bark and run around her, and the animal will die of fear. It is better for future owners not to keep rabbits, hamsters, mice, rats, ferrets and other small pets in the house. If you already have such an animal, then you need to keep it out of sight and in a place where the beagle cannot reach it.

Should the character allow a beagle and a cat to get along in the same house? Many of them live comfortably in the same house. But for this they need to grow up together and be familiar with each other. If they ignore each other then it's good sign, because it means that they do not see each other as a threat.

Quite rarely, but it happens that a cat and a beagle become friends. However, the opposite situations are also possible, because on the one hand there is a hound, and on the other, there is often an old family member, a cat who is not used to change.

As for relationships with other dogs, this is a classic pack dog, which means it knows how to get along with others. A companion in the house will help her brighten up those hours while the owner is not at home. The fact is that beagles have a lot of energy that needs to be released.

In general, one walk a day for an hour should be enough; you can divide it into two, half an hour each.

Any activity at this time is welcome: running, games, frisbee and other entertainment. Such walks help prolong the dog’s life, relieve stress and boredom.

If a beagle sits cooped up all day, and even on its own, then it will become destructive - it can chew objects, whine, bark, and show disobedience and aggression.

Some sources even state this as normal behavior, but in fact it’s from excess energy that has nowhere to go, plus they are prone to obesity. Without people or other dogs, they feel bored, miserable and lonely.

Beagle brave dog, especially considering their small size, plus they warn the owner about strangers by barking. They are always alert, and their nose detects the slightest odors. They are good watchmen and will always warn you about strangers in the protected area.

They are also very curious, and a new smell can captivate a beagle so much that he forgets about everything and runs off into the sunset. Owners need to keep an eye on them and keep them on a leash during walks to avoid problems.

If he lives in the yard, then you need to check the fence for holes through which you can leave this yard.

As for training, the beagle is a typical hound - smart, but willful and stubborn. When it comes to teams, they have selective hearing, what they don’t like and don’t hear. They simply ignore commands, although they understand perfectly well what they want from them.

Plus, they quickly get bored with the same type of training, and they stop accepting them. Variety is the key, but it's best to consult a professional trainer.

Although these dogs are sociable and good with other people and dogs, socialization should begin as early as possible. Introduce your beagle puppy to new places, animals, people, smells, sensations.

By doing this, you will lay the foundation for a calm, cheerful, sociable dog in the future.


Beagles have smooth, short hair that repels water. You need to comb it out using a glove or brush at least once a week. They shed, but since the fur is quite short, it is almost unnoticeable.

By winter, the coat becomes thicker, so that spring shedding is more abundant. They are a clean breed (except when they need to roll around in something really cool), so they don't require frequent bathing.

Since beagles have floppy ears, air does not circulate well in them, dirt accumulates and there is a risk of infection. Check the cleanliness of the ears once a week, make sure that there is no leakage from them. bad smell, there was no redness or dirt.

If you notice that your dog is shaking its head or scratching its ears, be sure to check their condition.

Trim his nails once or twice a month if your dog does not wear them down naturally. If you hear a clicking sound on the floor, they are too long. Please note that they contain blood vessels, and if you trim too much, you can damage them.

In general, there are no problems when caring for a beagle, but the more you begin to accustom the puppy to procedures, the better. Don’t forget that they are stubborn and smart; if they don’t like the process of leaving, then you will search for a long time each time.

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The cheerful, cheerful beagle is the smallest representative of the hound family. However, small does not mean the worst. Beagles have an excellent sense of smell, the speed is such that a beagle can chase a hare, and he is not lacking in diligence, energy and readiness to follow his owner everywhere.

Origin of the breed

History has preserved references to beagles as dogs that accompanied the knights of the legendary King Arthur. In Russia, this breed became known during the reign of Elizabeth I. At that time, court ladies especially valued “pocket” beagles, whose height at the withers barely reached two tens of centimeters, and men really liked larger beagles - they were used for hunting.

There are two versions regarding the name "beagle". According to the first, it comes from the French “begueule”, which means “tinned throat”. Beagles are truly masters of barking loudly and loudly. According to the second version, the Old English word “begle” - “small” - was fixed in the name of the breed.

Breed Features

The Beagle breed standard has been in effect since 2011. According to him, the beagle is a compact, strong hound dog. Her weight is between 8 and 11 kilograms, and her height is from 33 to 40 centimeters.

The head is proportional, without folds. The ears are quite long. If you stretch them, they will touch the tip of your nose. The peculiarity of the ears is that during a hunt they do not hang limply, but twist outward a little, so that by this sign alone a person notices that his four-legged comrade is on the alert. A real hunting dog.

The Beagle's eyes are different shades of brown, large, and not very deep set. The nose is wide, the nostrils are open. The jaws are strong. The neck is long enough to allow the dog to lower its head and study tracks. The back is strong and straight. The lower back is flexible. The tail is not very long, raised high; experts say about such a tail: “The dog carries it “gaily.”

The body is long, and it is well matched by the length of the legs, which are not very short. Almost everything about this dog is harmonious - it does not give the impression of being fat or thin.

Males are larger and more powerful than the “young ladies”.

The coloring allows for variety, but the classic options are: three-color (black, white and red) and two-color (red and white). And (no options) the beagle should always have white: muzzle, belly, chest, legs and tip of the tail.

By the way, according to experts, white tip tail as a sign of the breed once again confirms that the Beagle’s function is hunting. Thanks to the white tail, which is also cheerfully raised up, the hunter will see his friend and assistant in any, even the most remote, thickets.

The life expectancy of dogs of this breed is on average 12-15 years.

Character and relationships with people

The beagle has a wonderful character. This dog is an optimist and a cheerful fellow. The main thing is that the owner is “on the same wavelength” and not prone to melancholy and despondency. The character of the beagle is very similar to the character of small children - spontaneous and inquisitive.

Like kids, the beagle loves to play pranks, but here you need to understand that he does this not out of malice, not out of harm, but because energy and explosive temperament burst out of his small, strong body. The dog is tireless in its readiness to explore the surroundings, jump over ditches, wade through dense thickets, rush after a cyclist, play football with its owner, and of course, bark loudly throughout the area.

However, he will also enjoy a quiet rest on the lap of his beloved owner or in an embrace with children. The Beagle has a stable psyche, he is loyal and loving - a full member of the family.

Unfortunately, such communication also has back side: Left alone (when the whole family disperses or goes to work, school, or a business trip), the beagle begins to feel sad. Accordingly, the character deteriorates - the dog behaves irritably and nervously. According to experts, best way out– get a second dog so that communication with a living creature (two-legged or four-legged) is not interrupted.

In the book “Dog Intelligence,” the Beagle ranks 72nd out of 133 in its ability to perform complex commands owner, undergo training. Not the best result. However, experts are convinced that this indicator is not directly related to intelligence: beagles are stubborn by nature, and not at all stupid.

Moreover, they like to make decisions themselves, but do not like having them imposed on them. By the way, the breed is not created for monotonous, long hours of training - monotony irritates them. This means that training with your dog should be dynamic.

Beagles are very smart. Dog handlers even note that dogs of this breed are masters of manipulation - they are sensitive to a person’s uncertain behavior, his weaknesses and are ready to take control of everything. Here it is important for a person not to retreat from a leadership position and make it clear who is boss in the house.

One of the means of manipulation is the sad expression in the eyes, characteristic of representatives of the breed. It's a look that will melt anyone's heart, and beagles seem to know they have a "secret weapon" when it comes to asking for something tasty or ignoring their owner's "uninteresting" commands.

Health and care features

Beagle is a dog with good health. Experts recommend paying the main attention to the dog’s ears - they are long, and after walks in nature, dirt and dust can get into them, which is fraught with any dangerous infection. To prevent this from happening, your ears must be cleaned (thoroughly, but very carefully) at least once a week.

Beagles are characterized by the so-called “reverse sneezing.” A person encountering a similar problem for the first time may panic: is his dog suffocating? Fortunately, there is no cause for alarm: air continues to flow freely both through the animal’s nose and mouth. "Reverse sneezing" does not cause him any harm.

From spring to autumn, as long as there is green grass around, the beagle should wear an anti-tick collar. In addition, after each walk you should inspect your dog for ticks. Monitor your eyes and wash them if necessary to prevent infections.

The dog's coat does not require any special care, even during the molting period: just wipe the dog's body with a damp terry towel. However, don’t be lazy about brushing your beagle’s coat – he loves this procedure and will be grateful to you for it.

To keep your dog healthy, be sure to take him for a full walk – jogging, playing. It is advisable to walk your beagle three times a day. Sedentary image life risks turning into overweight, and overweight leads to problems with the spine, which is not designed for excess weight. This can also have a negative effect on the paws - they can become distorted.

You can feed your beagle either dry food or homemade food. natural food without mixing these two types of food. Do not overfeed your dog: no matter how much you feed your beagle, he will still want more. These animals love to eat and quickly gain weight, which can have a detrimental effect on their health.

Beagle: pros and cons of the breed

When choosing a dog, we want to get as much as possible more information about the breed, analyze good and problematic qualities. This is what experts note about the beagle.

Advantages of the breed:

  • neatness (do not drool, do not have an unpleasant odor);
  • the coat practically does not shed;
  • ability to communicate with children;
  • peaceful coexistence with other pets;
  • high intelligence;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • good, cheerful mood.
  • difficult to train;
  • retains hunting instincts in behavior, because of this he is prone to “escapes”;
  • quickly gains weight when overfed;
  • loves to bark – loudly and for a long time.

Purchasing a Beagle

A puppy is purchased when it reaches two to two and a half months. Experts recommend “keeping an eye” on the biggest and boldest and are sure that he himself will be interested in you and will immediately come up to meet you, will be friendly and curious.

Be sure to ask the breeder about the animal’s pedigree, the conditions in which your potential pet grew up, and what it was fed. Pay attention to the mother - she must be healthy and do everything that babies require from a caring mother - feed them without irritation, lick them, and not demonstrate any aggression. Be sure to find out whether the puppies have been vaccinated.

Buying a puppy with a pedigree is quite expensive; the price can vary from 400 to 1200 dollars.

Interesting facts about the beagle

In Australia, these dogs are used to find termite colonies.

In the USA, the responsibilities of beagles are especially wide: they are used to control the quality of drugs; when inspecting luggage of passengers at airports and train stations (dogs help detect various prohibited substances).

The image of the beagle is often used in films - fiction and animation, for example, in the films “Superdog”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Cats and Dogs”.

Frisky, friendly and inquisitive, the Beagle is an excellent hound dog whose ancestors came to the UK from Italy and Greece. Only aristocrats could afford to own such dogs for hunting hares and foxes. Today you will learn about the main varieties and colors of the breed.

According to the standard, a typical representative of the species should have 33-40 cm at the withers, and average weight The animal varies between 10-18 kg (females are smaller than males). There is an American beagle, which is larger than the English one (height 41 cm and 38 cm, respectively). There are French and mini handsome beagles, the differences of which we will discuss further.

French beagle

The Beagle Harrier appeared thanks to the efforts of Baron Gerard, who crossed the two breeds. The new type standard was adopted in 1974. Height French dog is 45-51 cm, weight - from 19 to 21 kg. Proportionally built, muscular body. The head is large, the neck is long, the eyes are brown, the ears are set high. The animal is endowed with excellent hunting qualities, calm and friendly. It comes in different shades, but the most popular is tricolor.

Mini beagles

The hunting small and cute beagle was known during the reign of Elizabeth the First. At that time such a dog was called a dwarf dog. Hunters placed dogs in a bag on the saddle of a horse, and nobles gave them to kings and rich ladies. Sometimes breeders offer mini-beagles with a height of 20-29 cm. Officially, there is no such breed, since this is only a variety of the wonderful beagle breed, and pets that reach less than the standard 33-40 cm at the withers may have congenital diseases.


Today you can buy a dog of any color that is not a prohibited breed standard, so choosing a pet with a coat type that suits your taste will not be difficult.

Many people prefer bicolor or tricolor. The combination of three colors - black and white with red - is an excellent individual coloring of a representative of the species. The spots on the coat can vary in size, so tricolor can be shiny (more light), black (more dark) and variegated (a combination of all shades).

Puppies with a chocolate, that is, liver tricolor (from dark chocolate to lilac shades) are rejected from breeding.

Two-color dogs are popular both in the homeland of beagles and in our country. They come in white and red or black and white. The most common colors of Beagle dogs of this species are a combination of red, red, chestnut or lemon with white. The pure white beagle is a rare specimen. This is the only single-color color allowed by the standard.


Such animals have a color weakening gene. The muted coat color is blue. Sometimes breeders call it a weakened tricolor. Puppies start out with a gray-white coat color, which later becomes light or dark gray with various variations. There are quite a few dogs with weakened color.


The unusual coat color is represented by a combination of three main ones - solid white and spotted different sizes. Moreover, the light tone can be called more likely lilac or cream. Variegated colors include badger-pied, hare-pied, and lemon-pied. The dogs with the first color are the least common. Motley can be seen both throughout the dog’s body and in the form of a single dark line on the surface of the back. Cynologists are still arguing about which colors should be considered variegated.

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

The Beagle is a small hound dog. Incredibly agile, purposeful and energetic, the dog was bred to hunt hares and rabbits. In modern times, it is not used for its intended purpose, but is an excellent companion dog.

If there is a beagle in the house, be sure that you will be notified immediately of the arrival of uninvited guests, since a pet He will let you know about this with a loud, boisterous bark.

Interesting! The short and succinct word "beagle" comes from the Old English "Beagle" which means "small". There is another version: the name of the breed comes from the French word “Begueule" - tinned throat. Indeed, dogs are characterized by a ringing, melodious and loud bark.

Beagles belong to group 6 in the FCI classification and are representatives of the hounds.

The Beagle breed was developed in Great Britain. But the history of their occurrence is not limited to the events of the 18th-19th centuries. The roots of modern beagles go back centuries, so there is no reliable information about their origin. Everything is based on assumptions.

  1. Track hounds were known and widely used in Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. They were brought to Britain, where they crossed with local dogs. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, by the 18th century in England there were two types of hounds that were used for hunting hares
  • Northern Beagle – light, agile;
  • the southern hound is heavy and clumsy.

Northern beagles were small in stature. They were inferior to the hares in speed, but still overtook them thanks to their unique flair, perseverance and ability to follow the trail to the end.

  1. It is believed that the basis of the breed was dogs from a pack collected in England by the breeder Honeywood. Towards the end of the 18th century, hare hunting became less popular. Hunters began to become interested in chasing foxes, in which faster dogs took part.
  2. Thanks to the efforts of some breeders in the 30s of the 19th century, interest in the breed reappeared. Hunting with beagles is becoming popular in America, where until this time dogs were also used to hunt hares, which were more like basset dogs and dachshunds. The first English beagles were brought to the USA in the 70s of the 19th century.
  3. In 1884, the American English Beagle Club was formed, whose activities were aimed at improving the exterior of the breed. The breed standard was created in 1957.

Characteristics, description, character

The Beagle grows to 33-40 cm at the withers, and weighs from 8 to 14 kg. This is a medium height dog with long ears reaching the tip of the nose. She has a muscular body, powerful jaws, big eyes, neck of medium length, wide rib cage, thick, high tail, round paws.

The most common color of beagles is tricolor: white background, black and light brown areas. There should always be a red mask on the face. There are pure white beagles.

Beagles are used for hunting in a pack. The characteristics of the Beagle prove that it is a dog with an impeccable sense of smell; it can pick up a scent even in cold weather and follow the trail to the end. A strong physique and endurance allow the dog to withstand even prolonged hunting.

Beagles are characterized by responsibility for their prey, intelligence, and persistence in pursuing game. In modern times, beagles are companion dogs; in their homeland they are used for hunting; in some countries they are entrusted with the job of searching for explosives at customs and airports.

The Beagle, whose character is both affectionate and decisive, has been included in the list of the most prestigious dogs for more than a century.

Despite their hunting background, beagles are great for keeping in an apartment. They get along with all members of the family, including children. The Beagle is not a dominant dog, so even a child can be his authority. Very often this breed is bought as true friend for children.

If there are other dogs in the apartment, the beagle communicates well with them. Problems can arise with cats and smaller pets, which may be perceived by the dog as prey.

Representatives of the breed do not like to be left alone long time. If the owners are away for a long time, the beagle can become nervous and destroy everything around it.

The dog is inquisitive and smart, she loves to be exercised and played. But it is not easy to train them, since the stubbornness of a hunting dog makes itself felt. Beagles, for example, do not want to sleep in the place designated for them; they rush around the house and fall asleep where they feel tired.

A dog's curiosity can sometimes cause inconvenience to its owners, as it can stick its nose wherever it wants.


A Beagle lives between 12 and 15 years, provided it is healthy and well cared for. He, like all hunting dogs, is distinguished by strong immunity. The breed's most common health problems are:

  • Beagles are prone to overeating, which can lead to obesity.
  • Epilepsy - genetic disease. If a seizure occurs, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.
  • Insufficient production of thyroid hormones – hypothyroidism.
  • Tendency to ear inflammation. Due to their large length, the ears are not ventilated enough, which is one of the reasons for the proliferation of bacteria and infection.
  • Eye diseases: iris dysplasia, glaucoma, cataracts.
  • Problems with musculoskeletal system. Beagles are often diagnosed with abnormal intervertebral discs. If a dog whines, cannot stand up or lie down, or has any movement disorder, this is a reason to urgently contact a veterinary clinic.

Attention to your pet, proper nutrition and careful attitude will allow you to enjoy his company for up to 15 years.

Care and maintenance

Beagles, which are not difficult to care for, are dogs of medium height, so they are suitable for keeping in private houses and apartments. Owners must comply with several important rules breed care:

  • Mandatory and regular physical exercise. Walks should be long. The Beagle is a hunter who needs to run for a long time without a leash following someone's trail, so he needs to get out into an area away from people once a month. The Beagle is a hound and will be happy to run up to ten kilometers a day.
  • Control over food intake. To protect your pet from overeating and obesity, you need to monitor the diet, frequency of meals and portion sizes. They should be small; the Beagle can eat everything in his bowl without feeling full.

Beagles have short and thick hair, it needs to be brushed 2-3 times a week, and the dog should be washed every 2 weeks. You need to wash your paws after every walk.

Long ears require careful attention: they need to be regularly inspected for dirt and inflammation. This should be done 2-3 times a month.

The beagle's eyes are one of the weak points, so they need to be wiped regularly with damp cotton pads. Can be used antimicrobial agents prescribed by a veterinarian.

Before getting a pet, you should find out how the beagle is kept in the apartment. So that after work the owners do not face destruction and damaged furniture, it is necessary that the dog has toys. The beagle will play with them not only during the absence of the owner, but also after walks, if he has not spent all the accumulated energy there.

Curiosity and activity are traits inherent in beagles. They are active not only on walks, but also at home. The dog does not lie on the couch, but explores new territories. The pet will be happy if the owner gives her the opportunity to run for a long time, walk, swim, and follow the scent.

Education, training

Beagles are difficult to train, so persistence and patience are required from the owner. For inexperienced owners It’s better to enroll your dog in a training course to be sure of the results.

Raising a beagle begins from the first days of its appearance in the apartment. Suppressing and punishing a puppy is unacceptable, as there is a risk of raising a cowardly dog. It is most effective to teach your beagle basic commands in game form, while walking. At the same time, the dog should feel the love and attention of the owner.

Raising a breed is a difficult task. At 5 months of age, the beagle becomes stubborn, like a teenager, and does not obey his elders. Early socialization, training in cleanliness and toilet training, and weaning from the habit of biting are important for a dog.

Beagles howl in the absence of their owners, restore order in the apartment, and are very curious. Proper education should solve all these problems.

While learning basic commands, the dog, due to its hunting instincts, may be distracted by the living creatures that it encounters. She would rather run after a cat than follow her owner's command. The result of successful training should be 100% compliance with the owner's command.


From the first days, a beagle puppy must know the rules of behavior in the house. It is important to show him where his place to sleep is. The dog prefers soft, comfortable beds; she will periodically bring her toys there. The puppy’s character is such that he can choose his own place, and the owners will only have to bring his bed there.

Puppies love to chew things. Important in at a young age rid them of this habit, for example, take them away from the harmful activity of playing with a toy. When the beagle is left alone, put all objects out of his reach, as he will grab everything he likes. If he gets bored with his toys, everything around him will seem interesting to him.

After the vaccination quarantine, the world of walks opens up for the puppy. At the same time, the beagle is toilet trained and receives the necessary physical activity. During walks, you should start teaching the most important command “Come to me!” Be prepared for the fact that an enthusiastic dog, succumbing to the instinct of pursuit, may not pay attention to your call and commands.


A beagle, the price of which depends on many factors, costs an average of 20 thousand rubles. According to private advertisements, puppies can be bought for 7-19 thousand rubles, but most likely the seller will not provide any documents, and you will find yourself the owner of a dog without a pedigree.

In nurseries, prices vary depending on a number of criteria:

  • the quality of the litter and the number of puppies in it;
  • gender of the puppy;
  • prestige of the breed (the beagle is prestigious);
  • puppy class.

In Moscow, in well-known nurseries you can buy beagle puppies for $500-1700.

The first thing you need to know if you want to have a beagle at home is that puppies of this dog breed are energetic and active. They are considered loyal companions and excellent hunters. However, the dog owner needs to provide systematic care for it. It is not enough to just love your pet - it is important to know and follow all the rules for keeping a beagle. Only then will he be happy and healthy.

The first thing you need to know if you want to have a beagle at home is that puppies of this dog breed are energetic and active.

Caring for a Beagle puppy is not difficult. This is explained by the fact that the dog is of average height, making it perfect for keeping in apartments and houses. But owners must follow a number of rules.

First of all, you need to think about arranging a separate place for the dog. At first, the puppies ask to go to the bed with their owners, but they should not be allowed to do this, since it will be difficult for the matured animal to return to its place. It will simply ignore the bedding and will always climb onto the sofa or bed.

For arrangement special place A corner in the room is perfect for a pet. It is best to choose a light area. This place should be protected from drafts. Also, the sunbed will need to be located away from heating devices. It is advisable to purchase a special small mattress for your dog. It should have a removable cover for convenience (it will need to be washed periodically). A small house in the form of a booth is also suitable.

Beagle - training and training features (video)

Gallery: Beagle puppies (25 photos)

Control of food intake

Beagles are prone to overeating, so you need to keep an eye on how much food they eat. Otherwise, obesity will develop. To protect your pet from such problems, you must always think through his diet, monitor portion sizes and frequency of food consumption. The portions need to be small, since the dog itself is not large.

Physical exercise

They are mandatory for the beagle, so they must be carried out regularly. Walks must be long. Beagles are excellent hunters, so they can follow a scent for a long time. Experts recommend organizing such a race for your dog at least once a month. To do this, you need to go to an area that is located away from people. Beagles are hounds, so the dog will be happy to run 10 km.

On a normal walk, a dog will always follow its hunting instincts. You need to be prepared for the fact that she sniffs out everything and loves to chase various animals and birds. It is imperative to provide the beagle with the process of searching for prey. By the way, many dogs love to pick up food from the ground, from such bad habit The puppy needs to be weaned from the very first days.

It is recommended to arrange active walks for pets so that they have an outlet for accumulated energy. Various are best suited active games in searching for objects, since the dog by its nature is not only very cheerful, energetic and active, but also curious. So a beagle requires a full walk, and the walk itself should be long. Moreover, you will have to walk the dog in any weather, so you need to be prepared for this.

It must be taken into account that beagles do not often get along with other animals, especially if they are birds, rodents or cats. Most likely, the dog's hunting instinct will awaken and it will regard them only as prey. So you shouldn’t take risks if there are already other animals in the house.

Hygiene procedures

One of the advantages of beagles over other dog breeds is that they are very playful and active. However, it must be taken into account that such animals need regular care for their eyes, ears, claws, paws and, of course, fur.

You should always pay attention to the condition of the animal’s eyes, since they are one of the indicators of the dog’s health. Lumps of discharge may form in the corners, but they are small. They need to be removed with cotton pads, soaked in tea leaves, clean, a little warm water or chamomile decoction.

You should always look at the condition of your ears. They need to be kept clean, and for this purpose use special means For ears. Cotton swabs are used for cleaning.

It is very important to monitor the condition of your pet's paws. If the dog usually walks on soft surfaces, then the claws, of course, will grow quickly. Because of this, they cause a lot of discomfort to the dog. To prevent this problem, you should purchase a special device in the form of nippers to trim the claws. Paw pads should always be washed with water after going outside, especially after winter walks, as the paths may be sprinkled with chemicals. If cracks appear, creams must be used. You rarely need to wash your dog - only before competitions or if he is very dirty. This is approximately 4 times a year.

Beagle puppy (video)

Raising and training a puppy

It is not enough to just care for a beagle puppy; it also requires proper upbringing. In general, dogs of this breed are quite difficult to train, so the owner requires not only understanding, but also patience, perseverance, and perseverance. For novice owners who are unlikely to cope with a young hunting dog on their own, it is recommended to enroll the pet in special courses. Then you can be confident in the results.

The puppy is very active and naughty, so it should be raised from the first days after arriving in a new home. Under no circumstances should he be punished or suppressed. Otherwise, the puppy will grow into a too cowardly dog. It is best to accustom your beagle to standard commands through games. Eg, best time for this purpose - on a walk. In addition, you need to remember that the dog must feel the attention of its owner and his love. While learning standard commands, a puppy may be distracted by various animals due to its breed instincts. He is much more willing to chase the cat than to follow his owner's orders, so this should also be taken into account. It is necessary to achieve 100% completion of all basic commands.

Raising such dogs is very difficult. At about 5 months, Beagle puppies become very stubborn. They don't listen to their elders at all. It is very important for a dog to be socialized early age. In addition, it is necessary to accustom her to cleanliness, the toilet and discourage her from the habit of biting.

If the owner is absent from the apartment, the beagle will begin to howl without him. In addition, he may show his curiosity and begin to climb into various crevices, cabinets and other places. Then he will begin to restore his own order in the house. Proper education will solve this problem. Puppies should know from the very first days how to behave properly indoors. You need to show the dog where his sleeping area is. By the way, the dog prefers comfortable or soft beds. From time to time he will bring his favorite toys there. Beagles have such a character that they can choose their own place to spend the night. Then the owner will only have to move the sunbed there.

Puppies love to chew on objects, so it is very important to childhood rid them of this habit, otherwise the adult dog will ruin a lot of shoes and other things. When leaving your dog alone, it is better to put away all the items so that he cannot get them.


In general, beagles are resilient immune system, like other varieties hunting dogs. Animals of this breed most often develop the following health problems:

  1. Binge eating. Because of this, there is a risk of developing obesity.
  2. Epilepsy. This disease is considered genetic. If there are seizures, then you need to immediately contact a veterinary clinic.
  3. Hypothyroidism. This is a pathology in which the dog’s body is not good enough thyroid gland certain hormones are produced.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the ears. Due to the fact that the ears are long, they are poorly ventilated. This creates an excellent environment for the proliferation and development of bacterial infections.
  5. Eye diseases. As a rule, these are glaucoma, iris dysplasia, cataracts.
  6. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Most often, beagles are found to have an abnormal location and condition of the discs between the vertebrae. If the puppy whines, it is difficult for him to stand up or lie down on his own, or disturbances in movements appear, then it is necessary to contact the clinic as soon as possible.

If you give it to your pet proper nutrition, good attitude and do various preventive procedures, he will be able to live up to 15 years.

A Beagle puppy is easy to keep. The main care for him is the timely implementation of various preventive, therapeutic and hygiene procedures, proper feeding and raising a child. Then he will grow up healthy, beautiful and happy.

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