About tympania (bloating). Bloating in a guinea pig: how to help, advice from a veterinarian Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are common

If you give your pet unusual food or too many greens, your pig may have problems digesting the food. The intestines become overloaded and bloating occurs. Particular care must be taken when accustoming the animal to fresh grass, otherwise painful bloating can occur very quickly.

What food most often causes bloat? First of all, it's all legumes and cabbage. Green onions, clover and lawn grass can also harm the pig.

If your pig has bite problems (improper position of teeth), then due to the fact that the pig cannot eat its usual food, it may develop bloating.

Tympany can be caused by many reasons:

* chemically treated grass,
* unripe vegetables and fruits,
* wet vegetables and herbs,
* less commonly, the cause of bloating is a bacterial infection.

Signs of bloating (tympany).

You can very easily determine that your pig is bloated: carefully feel the tummy. You will immediately feel that your tummy is bloated and tense. In case of acute tympany, the pig refuses to feed. In the initial stage of the disease, she sits in the corner of the cage, “ruffled” and breathing heavily. With more severe bloating, the pig breathes as if it does not have enough air (blood circulation is impaired); the animal may lie or sit with its eyes wide open in panic or completely indifferent. With severe colic, animals may also grind their teeth in pain.

If you notice that your pig has a bloated belly, you should consult a doctor immediately. Severe bloating within a few hours leads to the death of the animal!

For bloating, antibiotics should not be used until the doctor has determined the exact causes of the disease. Antibiotics disrupt the intestinal flora and, most often, do not help in the treatment of tympany. It is often advised to give Bascopan, but recently doctors have been refusing this drug because it paralyzes the pig’s intestines, so it is better not to give it.
Your veterinarian will prescribe medications for your pig to combat pain and spasms, as well as to combat increased gas production. It also makes sense to give your pig a mild pain reliever such as Metacam.

First aid for bloating (tympany).

* Green and succulent food should be immediately excluded from the diet.
* Make sure that your pig always has hay in his feeder and clean water in his drinking bowl.
* To ease your pig's suffering, you can give her dried herbs such as peppermint, dill, chamomile, lemon balm or yarrow.
* The drugs Sab Simplex and Lefax help well against increased gas formation. The doctor may prescribe any other medication with the active ingredient simeticon (simethicone).

It should be given according to the following scheme: from 0.1 to 0.3 ml mixed with the same amount of water and given 3-5 times a day. Then you can lightly massage your tummy in a clockwise circular motion. (Gently stroking, not pressing!)

If there are no medications mentioned above, give the pig dill water (buy at any pharmacy), fennel, cumin or mint tea. Since these drugs may not be available in Russia, doctors use No-shpa injections as a pain reliever (the dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the weight and age of the pig). To normalize stool - "Cerucal" (injections). And to restore the intestinal microflora, if the pig has diarrhea - "Linex".

Intestinal flora

With a disease such as tympany, the natural intestinal environment (intestinal flora) is damaged. It does not return to normal on its own, and you must help the animal restore it. To do this, you can give Bird Bene Bac, Bene Bac powder or Omniflora N capsules.

For at least seven days, the pig can only eat hay, dried herbs, drink water and tea.

As the pig’s health improves, its usual food (greens, vegetables) should be gradually introduced into the diet. Give her a green apple little by little: cut it into slices and hold it in the air until it turns brown (but not spoiled), you can give her some finely chopped or grated carrots.
Please note that during illness you need to give your pig vitamins, especially vitamin C. You can add a small amount of powder to the drinking bowl or sprinkle a thin layer of your favorite treat (for example, cucumber).
If the disease is advanced, and even after treatment the pig continues to refuse to eat, immediately begin force-feeding. The reason for refusal to eat can also be teeth that have grown during the illness; in this case, it is necessary to show the pig to a veterinarian.

The guinea pig is an ideal pet. It is small in size, easily tamed, and easy to care for, even for children. But, before purchasing a guinea pig, study the characteristics of keeping the animal and some signs of the most common diseases. Noticing signs of illness in a timely manner means taking timely measures to treat your pet and prolong its life. With good care and proper feeding, pigs can live up to 10 years of age.

Why does my pig sneeze and cough?

Pigs sneeze, cough, and clear (or yellowish, green) discharge appears from the nose and eyes. Animals eat poorly, breathe heavily and lose weight. If left untreated, mumps can develop pneumonia and die. The most common cause of cough and runny nose is bacteria and viruses. In any case, a visit to a veterinarian is necessary for examination and adequate treatment.

How to warn?

Before placing a newly purchased pig with other animals, keep the new resident in quarantine for at least two weeks;

The use of bedding with dust particles (fine sawdust, peat, etc.) causes allergic rhinitis in pigs. There is no need to use such bedding; medium-sized sawdust, fine shavings, unscented cat litter and peat pellets are preferable.

Pigs do not tolerate drafts and sudden changes in temperature. There is no need to place a pig cage near the front door or in the kitchen.

The pig has a tumor

Along with respiratory diseases, tumors in rodents are the most common reason for visiting the clinic. Pigs are no exception here. Both benign and malignant tumors occur in pigs. Benign tumors have borders and grow slowly. Malignant neoplasms, as a rule, grow into surrounding tissues, quickly increase in size and metastasize. Most often, tumors form in the tissue of the mammary glands (in females), and in males tumors of the testes occur. Subcutaneous tumors can be localized in the back, neck and abdomen.

It is believed that the likelihood of tumors is higher in those pigs whose parents had this problem. It is believed that the risk of tumors is higher in those animals that are overweight and whose diet contains a lot of fat. Treatment of tumors is surgical. Benign tumors are easily removed and in most cases do not recur.

An abscess, a capsule with purulent contents, must be distinguished from tumors. An abscess may appear after an injury. Therefore, if any swelling or lump appears on the body, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Guinea pig teeth

One of the main causes of dental disease in guinea pigs is an insufficient amount of roughage in the diet and an excess of high-calorie concentrated feed. The incisors grow, become curved, and injure the mucous membrane of the lips and cheeks, causing ulcers and inflammation. Eating becomes impossible, the pig loses weight. Using a special tool, the veterinarian will give the teeth a normal length and sharpen the sharp edges.

How to warn?

The pig should always have fresh logs and branches of fruit trees in his cage;

The pig needs to be examined regularly and monitored for tooth regrowth.

Constipation and diarrhea in guinea pigs

In most cases, the cause of intestinal dysfunction is an incorrect diet. A bloated belly, lethargy, poor appetite, dirty fur around the anus are signs of problems in the tummy. Feeding a pig “human” foods, rotten or moldy feed, sweet fruits and sugar, unripe or overripe fruits leads to fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract and loose stools.

Severe bloody diarrhea is usually caused by intestinal infections (bacteria and protozoa). As a result of this disease, pigs die within 2-3 days.

How to warn?

- carefully select fruits, vegetables and greens for feeding. Everything should be fresh, without rot or mold;

The guinea pig's diet should consist of wheat bran, oats, branches of fruit trees, good quality forb hay, vegetables and fruits (turnips, carrots, green salad, apples), granulated food (10% of the diet);

All newly purchased animals must be quarantined for at least 2 weeks.

Guinea pig itches

Skin diseases occur quite often in pigs. Owners notice hair loss, dandruff, redness of the skin, and areas without fur. Your pig may be itching all the time. There can be several causes of skin problems: skin parasites (lice eaters), fungus and an allergic reaction. To exclude parasitic and fungal diseases, it is necessary to scrape the affected areas. Allergies can occur to certain food components or household chemicals.

Constipation in a guinea pig occurs infrequently, since this animal has excellent immunity and, in principle, rarely gets sick. Problems with intestinal function in pigs usually occur due to improper feeding.

The main cause of intestinal dysfunction in guinea pigs, which is manifested by poor fecal output or its complete absence, is an incorrect diet, namely:

  1. excess solid dry food;
  2. constant overfeeding;
  3. long interval between feedings;
  4. lack of minerals;
  5. feeding your pet food intended for humans.

A lack of fluid in the body can also trigger stool retention, so it is important to ensure that your pet always has drinking water in his bowl. In addition, a common cause of constipation is inactivity of the animal. This is usually observed in older pigs or when the pet is overweight.

If we talk about more serious causes of constipation in guinea pigs, these include:

  • weakening of the intestinal muscles;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflection of the gallbladder;
  • gastrointestinal oncology;
  • cysts, adhesions and other formations in the intestines.

If constipation in an animal caused by improper feeding can be eliminated independently, then the above factors require medical treatment.

How does constipation manifest in guinea pigs?

The presence of symptoms of constipation depends on many factors. So, with a long absence of defecation, the animal becomes passive, lies all the time and refuses food.

In advanced cases, the guinea pig becomes lethargic, attempts to go to the toilet are accompanied by tension and usually end in nothing. The fluffy pet sits in an unnatural position all the time (with a hunched back), his eyes are half-closed, and his breathing becomes shallow. These symptoms may indicate the onset of intoxication or intestinal obstruction. The animal should be taken to the veterinarian as quickly as possible.

If the pathology is accompanied by partial excretion of feces, then the pet’s behavior does not change much. In this case, constipation in a guinea pig has the following symptoms:

absence of feces in the cage for more than a day;
dry or too dense stool;
hardness of the abdomen when palpated;
restless behavior;
loss of appetite;
soreness of the peritoneum (the animal cannot be handled).

In addition, when a guinea pig is constipated, protrusion of the anus is often observed. If the cause of poor bowel movements is torsion of the gallbladder or gastrointestinal disease, then vomiting may accompany the symptoms.

How to help a pig with stool retention

Constipation in a guinea pig, what should you do if the reason is feeding? First of all, you should exclude foods that you eat yourself. Remember, pigs should not eat fried, smoked, fatty or sweet foods! The diet must be special: contain dry grains and fiber, which is quite abundant in dried hay and fresh grass.

Fiber is also found in vegetables, which guinea pigs simply adore. Treatment for constipation regarding nutrition requires the following:

  • regularly give your pet boiled beets and carrots;
  • Feed cabbage once a day and in small quantities;
  • In summer, cucumbers, lettuce, dill, spinach and sweet peppers are great for constipation;
  • give raw pumpkin and zucchini;
  • apples and dried rose hips;
  • useful herbs include dandelions, nettle, yarrow, alfalfa, clover and

The pet's diet must be balanced. Guinea pigs should be fed about 3-4 times a day. Don't overfeed. In one sitting, 1–1.5 tablespoons of food is enough for the animal.

Guinea pigs often have digestive problems. Most often, this is tympany - bloating in a guinea pig. Let's look at why this problem occurs and how to treat it point by point.

First, let's consider a factor such as nutrition. If you abruptly start feeding your pet a different type of food or give a lot of greens, then the animal’s intestines become overloaded and, consequently, the pig’s stomach begins to bloat. This symptom can often develop due to a malocclusion that prevents your pet from chewing food normally.

Causes of bloating:

  • chemically treated grass;
  • unripe fruits and vegetables;
  • wet vegetables, fruits and herbs;
  • rarely bacterial infection.

Bloating is easy to spot. On palpation, a distended and tense abdomen is felt. In the acute form of the disease, the animal refuses to eat. Also, you will notice that the pet sits in the corner of the cage and snores heavily, and if it is in severe pain, it grinds its teeth.

What to do

If you notice these symptoms in your guinea pig, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Note! If the pig has an acute form of the disease, the animal may die within a couple of hours.

The doctor will prescribe medications for cramps and severe gas, as well as mild pain relievers. Under no circumstances should antibiotics be given in this situation.

First steps for bloating:

  • remove fresh and succulent food from the diet;
  • there should be fresh water in the animal’s drinking bowl, and dry hay in the feeder;
  • dried peppermint, chamomile, yarrow will relieve pain;
  • You can give your pig a drink of dill water, mint or fennel tea.

Intestinal microflora

Bloating in a guinea pig often leads to damage to the intestinal flora. It cannot recover on its own. In this case, give your pet hay, teas and herbal decoctions for a week. If you see improvements appearing, introduce regular foods (fruits, vegetables, juicy greens) into the diet gradually. Also, during illness it is necessary to give vitamin C. If the pig refuses to eat after an illness, then force feeding and a second trip to the veterinarian are necessary.

The most common illness in guinea pigs is diarrhea. It can be the result of an unhealthy diet, stress, being kept in unsuitable conditions, or a symptom of dangerous diseases. The main danger of diarrhea is that it causes severe dehydration and exhaustion of the body. In the absence of adequate treatment, the animal may even die, so do not delay a visit to the veterinarian.

Pig health and breastfeeding are closely interconnected. Mother's milk is a source of useful substances and valuable bacteria, which subsequently ensure complete absorption of food and also provide healthy microflora in the intestines. If the cub is taken away from its mother early, it will grow up weak and will be constantly sick, including indigestion.

If a cub is taken from its mother early, it will grow up weak

The second reason for the development of diarrhea is a violation of the feeding regime. The rodent's intestines are quite long, and incoming food moves through it only under the pressure of new food. This is why the pig is constantly eating. Digestion takes a long time, and if the food is not supplied regularly, negative consequences are possible, including severe stomach upsets.

Abrupt changes require special caution. All new dishes should be introduced in small portions, over several days, and only as an addition to traditional dishes. If you give the animal a lot of new food, diarrhea is inevitable. It can also be caused by fatty or salty foods. But sometimes the reasons are more serious:

Diarrhea can be caused by a sudden change in your pet's diet.

The most dangerous causes of diarrhea that occurs in guinea pigs are salmonellosis and the distemper virus. In some cases, the disease causes the death of the animal.

Diarrhea symptoms

Many guinea pig owners consider softened feces in the form of pellets to be diarrhea and immediately give their pet medications, which causes constipation. In fact, soft feces are observed after eating succulent food. Diarrhea manifests itself in different symptoms in each rodent. But there are several common signs characteristic of diarrhea:

  1. Clumping of fur in the anal area.
  2. The appearance of a pungent odor.
  3. Presence of tiny pieces of feces in the fur.
  4. Gas formation and bloating.
  5. Rumbling and seething in the intestines.
  6. The pig poops a lot and often.

With diarrhea, the animal may become lethargic, refuse food and hide in corners. Possible rapid heartbeat, chills, and abdominal pain. If you notice any changes in your furry pet's behavior, do not ignore them. Consult a veterinarian to detect the disease in time, carry out treatment and avoid negative consequences.

Loose stools and changes in color are a characteristic sign of diarrhea.

In some cases, stool looks like foam or water mixed with mucus. If there is blood, you should immediately go to the veterinarian, as this is a very dangerous symptom. In this case, diarrhea is caused by serious reasons - intestinal diseases, internal bleeding or tumors.

If there is blood in your pet's stool, you need to go to the vet immediately

The most severe type of diarrhea is infectious. The cause is the plague virus, pseudotuberculosis bacteria, and salmonellosis. The mumps can die from these diseases. Therefore, severe diarrhea is a reason for an urgent visit to the veterinarian. The consequences of diarrhea are very dangerous. It leads to severe exhaustion: during illness, the rodent does not eat or drink, moves little, and the functioning of its lungs and heart is impaired. Often diarrhea is accompanied by an increase in temperature, which causes the animal’s body to weaken even more. If treatment measures do not produce results, specialist intervention is mandatory. Your guinea pig may need powerful antibiotics, probiotics, and other medications.

Every owner should know what to do if a guinea pig has diarrhea. First, the animal needs to be transplanted into a separate cage so that it is at rest. Remove all succulent foods and fruits from the usual menu - the rodent should eat greens and vegetables. Place dried and fresh hay and high-quality dry food in the feeder.

Emergency measures

To rid the body of pathogenic microorganisms, give the pig an enterosorbent. It could be simple activated carbon. The tablets must be crushed and dissolved in water, and the finished mixture must be poured into the animal using a syringe. Other drugs include:

The water in your pet's house must be disinfected. Potassium permanganate will help with this - just a few crystals are enough, and pathogenic bacteria will be destroyed. To compensate for the large loss of fluid, give the animal oatmeal or rice water. They gently envelop the intestines and protect them from irritating factors. In addition, rice perfectly fixes it. A decoction of oak bark or chamomile gives a good effect.

It is necessary to disinfect the water in the pet’s house

What to do if your guinea pig has just started to have diarrhea. Give her raw potatoes, but only in small quantities. It contains a lot of starch, which improves intestinal function.
The quality of the feed is of great importance. Food should be low in calories with plenty of fiber. If you get a guinea pig, provide it with a varied diet from an early age, as in adulthood it is reluctant to get used to new foods.

Professional help

If the measures you have taken do not produce results and the pig’s condition does not improve, you need to contact a veterinarian - he will help identify the cause of the problems. Taking into account the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes antifungal agents for the little patient, and, if necessary, antibiotics. Sometimes for treatment it is enough to switch to a diet. Much depends on the causes of the disease. For example, when detecting bacteria, Tetracycline is used, and when detecting yeast fungi, Nystatin is used.

The veterinarian will not only select the optimal treatment regimen, but also give useful recommendations. It is very important to keep your pet’s cage clean, remove all dirt accumulated on the fur, and, if possible, bathe it. With diarrhea, bloating is often observed, which Espumisan will help get rid of. To normalize the intestinal microflora, the animal can be given Pro-coline and the probiotic Olin. If the diarrhea is very severe, you can use saline solution, glucose and vitamin C. These drugs are injected subcutaneously in the withers area - they will help replenish the lack of fluid.

It is important to keep your pet's cage clean and remove all dirt.

The most common causes of diarrhea are internal bleeding, viral diseases, and liver problems. If the disease lasts for a long time, the animal may die, so the help of a veterinarian is required. A laboratory examination of stool and blood is required, establishing the true cause of diarrhea, and excluding diseases such as hepatitis, tumors and plague.


Treatment of diarrhea that occurs in guinea pigs requires a mandatory adjustment of the diet. It is necessary to exclude from the menu all foods that cause fermentation in the intestines. If you notice your pet has loose stools, do not give the animal cucumbers and salads, beans, peas, or clover. Cabbage and radishes, bread and crackers are prohibited - they contain a lot of starch and sugar, which contribute to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

All foods that cause fermentation in the intestines must be excluded from the diet of a sick pig.

The main food for diarrhea is hay and dried greens. Chamomile infusion will help kill bacteria, and herbal infusions will relieve all symptoms of dehydration. A decoction prepared from dill seeds is very useful. To improve the functioning of the digestive system, give your pet an infusion of anise and cumin. Juicy food can be returned to the menu only after the general condition has improved. At the same time, include carrots, apples, dill and cilantro in your diet.


To prevent diarrhea in your guinea pig, follow these simple rules:

  1. Clean your pet's cage regularly using disinfectant solutions.
  2. Eliminate foods from your diet that cause diarrhea.
  3. If you bought a rodent from another person, find out what he fed it.
  4. Be sure to check the quality of the food you give your animal.
  5. For prevention, give your animal probiotics.
  6. Provide the pig with the opportunity to fully walk, as it cannot always remain in a cramped cage.
  7. Daily food should contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the full functioning of the body.
  8. The room where the cage is located should be well ventilated, but not have drafts.

Despite the fact that guinea pigs are strong and active animals with good immunity, you should not neglect the rules for keeping and caring for small rodents. In favorable conditions, the pet will live eight to ten years and will delight you with its health and playful character. If the animal gets sick and suffers from an eating disorder, do not delay visiting the veterinarian. Guinea pigs have an intense metabolism and lack of therapy will lead to their death.

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