Copious discharge in girls. Causes of white discharge in women that causes itching

The presence of a small amount of vaginal discharge in women is a normal physiological phenomenon. But their abundance, uncharacteristic color or unpleasant odor may be a symptom of a gynecological disease. Many women do not immediately pay attention to such changes. And during this period the disease begins its active development. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to white discharge in women in time. What changes in the normal secretion process signal should be considered in more detail.

Normal condition of a woman

Healthy women secrete a certain amount of vaginal secretion every day. The reasons for this process in normal condition are:

  • mucous discharge from the cervical canal;
  • dead epithelial cells;
  • lactobacilli.

It is important to know! If the discharge is not abundant, there is no pus in it, it appears odorless and without itching, then this is normal! A different consistency of the secretion indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the vagina in a woman.

Causes of pathological discharge

A woman may experience copious discharge with a strong, unpleasant odor. What could it be? There are many reasons for their development, depending on the nature:

  1. Curdled discharge. Most often accompanied by severe itching and yellowish in color. This indicates the occurrence of thrush. A specialist can diagnose this disease using a laboratory smear test.
  2. Secret with a sour smell. It may also signal the appearance of thrush. It occurs as a result of infection with fungi of the genus Candida against the background of hormonal imbalance, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, and taking antibiotics.
  3. Grayish discharge with a fishy odor. Over time, their abundance increases. It is a characteristic symptom of the development of bacterial vaginitis. Sometimes accompanied by external itching.
  4. Thick white discharge can also accompany the development of the inflammatory process. Therefore, you need to contact a gynecologist. After all, this secretion may not be pathological in nature, but may be a consequence of the use of vaginal suppositories for preventive purposes or as a method of contraception.
  5. Liquid discharge. If they are not accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching or an unpleasant odor, then they are considered normal during ovulation or pregnancy.
  6. Secretion during sexual intercourse is a normal physiological state in a woman. At the moment of sexual arousal, the white discharge should be mucous and odorless. If they are of a different nature, this may indicate the development of an infectious disease.
  7. Creamy discharge most often occurs before menstruation, so it is not dangerous.
  8. Foamy discharge most often begins to bother a woman with trichomoniasis. Usually accompanied by redness and swelling of the labia, itching, and painful sensations in the vagina.

Important to remember! In a normal state, a woman should experience white or mucous, odorless, stretchy discharge! A secret of a different nature appears with the development of infectious, fungal, and viral diseases in the vagina.

This unpleasant symptom overshadows the normal life of every woman, especially in intimate relationships. In order to get rid of the sharp unpleasant odor of discharge, it is necessary to establish the cause of its appearance. The most characteristic prerequisites are:

  1. Candidiasis. The fungi that cause this disease are not themselves representatives of the pathogenic microflora of the vagina. They begin to cause harm during reproduction as a result of exposure to unfavorable conditions.
  2. Vaginal dysbiosis, also called bacterial vaginosis. The cause of this disease is a violation of the composition of the normal microflora of the vagina and the active reproduction of opportunistic bacteria. The disease is accompanied by an unpleasant smell of rotten fish.
  3. Purulent inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Occurs as a result of infection by pathogenic microflora.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases resulting from sexual contact with an affected partner. One of the signs of these pathologies is the pungent odor of the discharge.
  5. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Every woman should shower and change her underwear daily. If she neglects these procedures, an unpleasant odor will soon arise.

Important to remember! If a sharp odor uncharacteristic of discharge appears, you need to contact a gynecologist!

Treatment of pathological white discharge

In order to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, you need to consult a specialist. He will conduct a thorough examination and refer you for a laboratory smear test, the results of which will help identify the cause of discharge that is uncharacteristic for a healthy woman. After which the gynecologist will prescribe the most effective treatment in each individual case. Most often, the following methods of influence are used for this:

  1. Taking antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral or antifungal medications. The drugs are used both topically and in tablet form. The type of medicine depends on the cause of the disease.
  2. Biological products containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, and helping to restore normal vaginal microflora.
  3. Physiotherapeutic activities.

It is important to know! Both partners should undergo diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment for such an unpleasant symptom in a woman! This will help avoid the recurrence of the pathology.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers many recipes for preparing medications to eliminate pathological white discharge. They can easily be used independently at home.


Treatment with soda in folk medicine has several options, with the help of which you need to make local baths:

  1. You should take 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 1 tsp. iodine, add 1 liter of purified water. You need to sit in this solution for about 20 minutes. Carry out this procedure before bed every day for a week.
  2. Soda can be used as a douching solution. This will require 1 tsp. and 1 liter of purified water. You should douche 3 times a day.

Baking soda has a destructive effect on fungus that appears in the vagina.


To prepare the medicine you will need 20 g of pine buds, which should be poured into 2 liters of boiling water. Simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes. After the time has passed, leave to infuse for 1 hour. Then use the resulting solution to perform the douching procedure 2 times a day.


You will need 20 g of juniper fruits, which should be poured with 1 glass of hot water. Leave for approximately 4 hours. After the time has passed, use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.


Chamomile treatment has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. To prepare medicine from this medicinal plant, use 5 tbsp. l. dry flowers pour 3 liters of boiling water. Leave for about 1 hour. Then do a local bath for about 30 minutes. The procedure should be performed once a day before bedtime.

Important to remember! Before treatment with folk remedies, you need to consult a gynecologist! He will help you choose the most effective medicine in each individual case.

Prevention of pathological discharge

In order to avoid gynecological diseases, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • using condoms during intimacy;
  • get rid of bad habits, because smoking and excessive drinking have a negative impact on women’s health;
  • do not use other people’s hygiene products;
  • eat more fermented milk products, which have a positive effect on the vaginal microflora.

We should also not forget that the greatest protection against viral, infectious and fungal diseases during sexual intercourse is a condom.

It is believed that white discharge in girls is natural. Is this always the case? Perhaps their presence indicates a hidden disease or infection. How to identify pathology? Let's try to find answers to these exciting questions.

About female discharge

Discharge from the genitals is a normal physiological process. Their type and quantity depend on the vaginal microflora, which, in turn, regulates and determines hormonal levels. That is, each girl’s discharge is different.

Normal vaginal discharge. They have: thick consistency; homogeneous structure, similar to not very thick sour cream, or resembling small lumps; the smell may be absent or have a very slight sourness; the color is white or transparent, there is no itching or irritation. This natural discharge is not caused by infection, but is a product of the glands located on the cervix.

Their main task is to cleanse the uterine wall, vagina, and genital tract from epithelial cells and various pathogens. It is thanks to this white discharge that most infections are eliminated from the genitals naturally.

The amount of white discharge in girls is not constant. It increases before the start of the menstrual cycle, during ovulation, during pregnancy, due to taking hormonal medications, during sexual arousal, and in the presence of an intrauterine device.

White discharge that appears before sexual intercourse is not a pathology. This is a natural lubricant necessary for normal sexual intercourse.

Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, due to the increased concentration of hormones in the body, there is copious discharge, usually liquid.

How white discharge in girls changes depending on the phases of menstruation

  • Before your period begins, white discharge comes from your vagina. They are not too plentiful, and not very thick.
  • In the middle of the menstrual cycle, white discharge of a thick consistency and odorless appears. This “speaks” that ovulation will soon occur - the maturation of the egg, and the beginning of its movement through the fallopian tubes. During the same period, for 6-7 days, you can observe clear, odorless discharge. Their slimy nature “helps” male sperm reach the egg.
  • After the end of the menstrual cycle, discharge is also present, but in small quantities.

Pathological vaginal discharge - leucorrhoea. Such discharge causes a lot of unpleasant sensations - burning and itching of the external genitalia, a feeling of increased humidity. Leucorrhoea is abundant in quantity, has a greenish or yellowish color, and a strong, unpleasant odor.

Pain may appear in the lower abdomen, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and there are difficulties with urination. The main types of leucorrhoea that require consultation with a gynecologist.

  • Vaginal leucorrhoea.
  • Trumpet leucorrhoea.
  • Uterine leucorrhoea.
  • Cervical leucorrhoea.

In the female vagina there are necessarily opportunistic organisms that, for the time being, do not cause harm. Everything can change if the rules of personal hygiene are violated, immunity is noticeably decreased, or hormonal disruptions occur. The vaginal microflora changes, and inflammatory processes occur.

  • Genital candidiasis - thrush. With this disease, the girl develops a white discharge that resembles a cheesy mass. The disease is caused by a yeast microorganism, Candida fungus. It is constantly present in the vaginal microflora, maintaining the required level of acidity. In the presence of a number of conditions, its rapid reproduction occurs and, as a result, the disease thrush. The disease spreads to the tissue of the genital tract - the epithelium, and a number of internal organs.

In addition to white cheesy discharge, thrush is characterized by the following symptoms: itching, burning, white coating on the walls of the vagina, sleep disturbances, pain when urinating. The disease is not dangerous to health, is easily treated, but can negatively affect sex life.

Prevention measures

  • Perform the washing procedure correctly. The action must be performed from front to back. This will prevent infection from entering the vagina from the rectum.
  • To wash, you only need simple boiled water. As additional products, intimate care products that do not contain alkali should be used.
  • If the girl is healthy, then she does not need to wash herself often. Frequent performance of this procedure adversely affects the vaginal microflora.


Any white discharge in girls, especially one that causes discomfort, is a reason to immediately visit a gynecologist. If their nature is not determined and, if necessary, treatment is not started, the consequences can be serious, including infertility in the future. Good luck

At different periods of the monthly cycle, a woman may experience discharge that varies in consistency and quantity. Depending on the general condition of the body, their smell and color may also change. But if in the middle of the cycle there is active mucus secretion from the vagina, or more unusual discharge appears, this often makes a woman worry. After all, it is always important to know whether such a condition is normal, and whether these manifestations are a sign of a developing disease. Below we will talk about why lingering discharge in the form of mucus appears, as well as when white lingering discharge in women can be evidence of pathology.

Why does mucous discharge appear?

Why does abundant mucous discharge appear in women, what is it, and is it normal - such questions at certain periods of life become relevant for almost every woman. Normally, slightly white mucous discharge in women appears in small quantities. They are opaque because there are epithelial cells in the vagina, which gradually acquire a yellow-white tint on the underwear throughout the day. Before menstruation, mucous discharge may be more abundant; after menstruation, for several days it has a pinkish tint.

When is mucus discharge normal?

During the monthly cycle, mucus secretion in women occurs differently at different periods. Therefore, it is important to know in what cases the discharge is related to physiology and indicates a normal state of health.

The volume and consistency of discharge may vary due to the following factors:

  • Period of the monthly cycle. Throughout the cycle, changes occur in the consistency and volume of mucus. In the first half, the discharge is colorless and liquid, in the second it is more viscous, “snotty”. Just before your period, they become creamy and have a sour smell. After menstruation, the amount of mucus decreases and the smell disappears.
  • Age. In girls up to about ten years of age, vaginal discharge does not appear at all, since her eggs have not yet matured, and there are no cyclic changes yet. But if a little girl has discharge in the form of white clots, mixed with pus or blood, she needs to urgently consult a doctor - a pediatric gynecologist.
  • . During menopause, women are often bothered by vaginal dryness, which manifests itself due to a sharp reduction in mucus secretion due to a decrease in the amount of hormone. Therefore, during menopause, very little mucus is secreted.
  • Treatment with hormones and oral contraceptives. When using such products, some women secrete mucus in smaller quantities than usual.
  • Strong stress . With constant fatigue and tension or after experiencing stress, vaginal dryness is often noted. Therefore, the volume of clear mucus decreases.
  • Sexual intercourse. Before sexual contact, the amount of discharge increases sharply.
  • . Watery discharge becomes more abundant after conception. During pregnancy, the nature of the discharge changes.
  • Consequences of childbirth. Lochia – of blood and mucus gradually give way to clear mucus.
  • . During lactation it is actively produced. Less mucus is produced during this period.

More information about discharge at different periods of a woman’s life will be discussed below.

Discharge during ovulation

In the first phase of the monthly cycle, very abundant transparent discharge, as a rule, does not appear. But then, at the ovulatory stage, the mucus in the cervical canal liquefies. It becomes stringy and viscous to make it easier for sperm to enter the uterine cavity.

Therefore, during the period when a woman ovulates - approximately on days 12-16 of the cycle, light transparent discharge is replaced by viscous, stretchy and thicker ones. During ovulation, women experience more transparent mucous discharge, like egg white, sometimes jelly-like. The woman notices that there are many such leucorrhoea for several days. In addition, sometimes during ovulation there is pain or a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen. Such sensations go away after a few days.

During ovulation, pink discharge may appear. This is due to a slight release of blood as a result of follicle rupture. Such manifestations should not frighten or alarm, provided that they go away in a day or two.

After ovulation, the clear mucous vaginal discharge becomes sticky and sticky again. After ovulation, the functioning of the female reproductive system is determined by the hormone, so at this time the discharge is less abundant. But at the same time the mucus becomes thicker. Sometimes in the second half of the cycle, vaginal discharge is so scanty that a woman may think that she has no discharge.

But if white discharge appears after ovulation, and at the same time discomfort is felt in the genital area, one can suspect the development. In this case, it is better to ask a specialist about why women secrete white mucus.

Before sexual contact

The causes of transparent mucous discharge in women and girls may also be associated with strong arousal. Immediately before sexual contact, when excited, their number increases, as well as after sexual contact. In most cases, clear, odorless vaginal mucus causes genital irritation without causing itching or burning. Such manifestations are completely normal.

In the second half of the cycle

During this period, after the end ovulation , the discharge is normally more scanty, it has a creamy consistency. Often, clear discharge before menstruation becomes more abundant again - this happens 2-3 days before menstruation. A woman needs to worry only if leucorrhoea appears with an odor, pronounced white or yellow-green. This may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process or other pathological conditions. Therefore, if you are bothered by leucorrhoea with a smell, a strange consistency and color, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

Thus, throughout the entire cycle, the nature of the discharge changes. Immediately after menstruation, practically no clear mucus appears from the uterus, that is, immediately after menstruation, the so-called “dry” period begins. During ovulation, mucus becomes similar to egg white. In the second period of the cycle, the discharge again becomes sticky and sticky. And just before menstruation, clear liquid discharge appears in women, like water.

If there is a delay in menstruation, then instead of menstruation, mucous discharge also appears. After all, during pregnancy there is also discharge.

During pregnancy

Often, when a pregnant woman secretes mucus from the vagina in the form of snot, the woman begins to seriously worry about whether the process of bearing her baby is proceeding normally. To do this, it is important to know the characteristics of such manifestations at each stage of pregnancy.

Until the 12th week, the functioning of the reproductive system is determined by progesterone , under the influence of which mucous discharge appears - like “snot” from the vagina. Discharges as clear as snot are considered a sign of pregnancy.

But already from the 13th week, transparent discharge, like snot, without odor, becomes more liquid and abundant, as the phase of hormone activity begins. Normally, mucous, snot-like discharge in women does not cause discomfort and has no odor. If the eggs are a little stretchy, white-like, a little whitish, but at the same time uniform, this is normal.

If the mucus secretion is too intense, you should use panty liners. It is better not to use tampons during pregnancy.

Pregnant women often develop candidiasis , .

Too strong leucorrhoea, in which lumps, flakes, clots are detected, as well as very intense white discharge, like snot, with cheesy inclusions and an unpleasant odor, and also if the lower abdomen hurts, this is a reason to contact your gynecologist. He will determine why this is happening and prescribe the correct treatment. After all, this condition can cause termination of pregnancy.

Mucus discharge instead of menstruation

Often a woman experiences heavy discharge before her period. But, despite the fact that the answer to the question whether it is normal to have white discharge before menstruation is positive, it is important not to miss the onset of a developing disease. If the departments have acquired an unpleasant odor or any symptoms develop that alarm the woman, she should not delay contacting a doctor.

It happens that on those days when menstruation is supposed to begin, a woman experiences white discharge instead of menstruation. If there are no unpleasant sensations, then it is quite possible that we are talking about a slight delay, and menstruation will begin soon. But if the secretions are cheesy, white-yellow, causing itching and burning, then most likely candidiasis or an infectious disease develops.

Sometimes abundant white discharge before menstruation is evidence of pregnancy. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body - mucus should protect the uterus from infections.

This is also possible with hormonal and endocrine disorders, after severe stress or after too intense physical activity. But in this case, it is still better to consult a doctor and make sure that everything is fine with your health.

The development of pathological processes should be suspected if the smell of mucus becomes sharp, sour and unpleasant. It may also resemble the smell of rotten fish. Such manifestations are typical for bacterial vaginitis or other sexually transmitted diseases. With genital infections, transparent, stretchy mucous discharge in men may also appear, so representatives of the stronger sex in this case will also need an urgent consultation with a doctor.

If heavy discharge changes color and becomes yellowish-green or deep yellow, sometimes the lower abdomen hurts, this also indicates the development of unpleasant diseases. Even if pain in the lower abdomen appears rarely, but the color of the mucus has changed dramatically, it is better to consult a doctor.

If a woman after forty years has very abundant watery discharge or mucus like jelly, this should also be alarming. The doctor will be able to determine whether the discharge is like jelly, whether it is a pathology or the norm, after examination and testing.

The mucous membranes gradually change their character during thrush - they become white and cheesy. In this case, discomfort, itching, and periodic burning develop. In this case, the use of antifungal drugs will be required. It is quite possible that your sexual partner will also have to undergo such therapy.

In any period other than menstruation, a woman should be concerned about why there is discharge mixed with blood. This may be evidence of dangerous diseases.

Thus, if for a long time the daily amount of mucus exceeds the volume of one teaspoon, if the color of the secretions changes to yellow, green, brown or red and a bad odor appears, you must definitely visit a doctor. Symptoms that should alert you are also pain in the lower abdomen, itching and redness of the genitals, and increased body temperature. If at least some of these symptoms bother a woman, it is important to get tested. After all, we can talk about inflammatory diseases, sexually transmitted infections, cysts , erosions and etc.


Mucous discharge from the vagina in a woman is a physiological phenomenon and absolutely normal. But at the same time, it is very important to carefully monitor whether their character changes and whether symptoms appear that are alarming. It should be understood that the sooner a woman contacts a gynecologist if there are alarming signs, the sooner the treatment prescribed by the doctor will work.

If you have certain doubts about whether everything is normal with vaginal discharge, or if you are periodically concerned about previously uncharacteristic phenomena, for example, mucus during menstruation, it is worth taking a smear test. Provided that the quantity is not more than normal and the flora is dominated by rods, you don’t have to worry about inflammation.

Every woman must strictly follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Mom needs to teach the girls this in a timely manner. After all, with the wrong approach to hygiene, mucus will accumulate on the genitals, and pathogenic microorganisms will multiply in it.

White liquid discharge is a phenomenon that is familiar to many girls and women. Vaginal discharge in small quantities is normal. But there are warning points that are worth paying attention to.

When is a situation normal?

White liquid discharge is called leucorrhoea. Their appearance does not always indicate that something is wrong with the female body. All girls should learn to distinguish the normal state of microflora from the pathogenic one. Discharge in women occurs constantly. In small quantities they do not cause any discomfort, so they are often not noticed. This condition is normal, since it indicates the stable functioning of the glands and internal genital organs.

Normally, abundant white liquid discharge has low acidity.

Its level is controlled by lactobacilli that live in the vagina. They control the state of microflora. The role of the secreted fluid is very important. It lubricates the genitals, protects them from irritation and damage, and helps remove old skin cells from the surface of the mucous membrane. There are some situations in which the appearance of white watery fluids becomes more abundant:

  1. When excited before sex. When a woman experiences arousal, a large amount of lubricant is released. Fluid may come out even a day after sexual intercourse.
  2. A white-yellow liquid appears in the second phase of the cycle. This indicates approaching ovulation. During ovulation itself, there is more fluid in the vagina. It has a stretchy consistency, white, almost transparent color. This condition can be observed for 1-2 days and does not require medical intervention, since these are normal hormonal changes in the body.
  3. First trimester of pregnancy. The hormonal background is restructured, and the amount of discharge in expectant mothers increases. In such a situation, there is also no need to sound the alarm. However, if there is a noticeable admixture of blood in the liquid, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

The formation of the menstrual cycle is also accompanied by the appearance of fluid from the vagina. Abundant white discharge indicates the establishment of stable hormonal levels. During this period, the girls' gonads perform very intensive work, producing watery discharge. During this period, it is recommended to carefully observe intimate hygiene, washing yourself at least 2 times a day. Signs that indicate the normal state of the microflora:

  • jelly-like discharge;
  • on ordinary days the quantity is small;
  • the liquid does not have a sharp, pronounced odor;
  • the surface of the genital mucosa is not irritated, there is no discomfort and the following symptoms: itching, redness, fever, pain, feeling of discomfort.

The quantity and color of the liquid may vary depending on the phase of the cycle and the general condition of the woman’s body. It is normal for the leucorrhoea to be creamy, white-yellow, white, or transparent.

Malfunctions in the body and pathological state of microflora

If white liquid discharge appears in large quantities, which has a sharp sourish odor, this is the first sign of thrush. Accompanying symptoms:

  • discomfort;
  • pain during urination, sexual intercourse.

Over time, the white liquid in the vagina will turn into a cheesy mass. This indicates uncontrolled activity of Candida fungi.

Thrush should only be treated by a gynecologist. Self-medication can worsen the disease. It is worth saying that the sour smell that mucous discharge has does not always indicate thrush, but it still indicates a violation of the microflora in the vagina. The cause of alarm signals from the body is often a decrease in immunity. Naturally, the microflora is sensitive to such changes, which is manifested by the production of various types of fluid. A depressed state of immunity can also lead to inflammation on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Discharges that should alert girls:

  • white discharge of a cheesy nature;
  • when there is too much liquid;
  • foam consistency;
  • the white color suddenly changed to brownish, bright yellow, greenish, or another unusual shade;
  • when the substance has an unpleasant odor: sour, fish, onion, rot, etc.;
  • substance in the form of lumps;
  • pain, dry mucous membranes, burning, discomfort.

When to start sounding the alarm?

Moderate white discharge, abundant and lasting, in certain phases of the cycle should not cause panic. However, a woman should monitor her body. If, during the abundant production of white fluid, no increase in body temperature, sharp abdominal pain, or other deviations from the norm were noticed, then there is no reason to worry. When two phenomena coincide - a delay in menstruation and the appearance of leucorrhoea in large quantities - this may indicate the onset of pregnancy. It is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

In the case of regular delays in menstruation for more than 5 days, which is accompanied by the appearance of leucorrhoea, one can judge the imbalance of hormones in the body. The reason for this may be stress, dysfunction of some genital organs, etc., so it is recommended to make an appointment with a specialist. During pregnancy, white mucus with an unpleasant odor may indicate the onset of serious illnesses, although heavy discharge may be normal. To clarify the situation, you also need to contact a specialist.

As a conclusion

Leucorrhoea does not always mean a pathogenic state of the female microflora. The occasional appearance of white discharge is normal.

If you experience unpleasant sensations, itching, discomfort in the vagina, an unpleasant odor of the liquid, its color has changed, or other alarming symptoms, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

Today we will look for an answer to a topic familiar to many females: “Why do girls have white discharge and don’t they mean that their owner is sick?”

What healthy discharge looks like

No, not all of them in women are signs of any pathology. Indeed, to maintain a normal level of humidity in the vagina and prevent it from drying out, a secretion is secreted in the female genital organs (up to 2 ml per day).

Different phases of the cycle are characterized by different colors of discharge and the absence or presence of a slightly acidic odor. For example, heavy and women appear a week after the end of menstruation. True, this does not last long. Over time, the discharge turns into a small, yellowish mass. In a healthy girl, they are usually liquid or mucous and are not accompanied by discomfort.

And in the case when leucorrhoea begins to bother you, cause inconvenience and cause discomfort, you should suspect the presence of an infection or some kind of disturbance in the functioning of the body.

Discharge is only one of the symptoms of this disease. They are also accompanied by severe itching, especially during moments when a woman sits with her legs crossed or during sexual intercourse. When it turns red and swells, tiny blisters appear on the mucous membrane, which cause severe burning and pain. In the evening, as a rule, painful sensations intensify and can cause insomnia and even neurosis.

But making a diagnosis on your own, much less taking up self-medication, is unwise, and moreover, dangerous. Thrush can become a chronic condition that will spread to all mucous membranes in a woman’s body, leading to infertility or infection of the fetus during pregnancy.

Therefore, to find out why girls have white discharge that causes discomfort, they only need to see a doctor! He will conduct the necessary examinations and prescribe treatment. Be healthy!

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