Male circumcision: what's best for sex? Circumcision of the foreskin in men: causes and consequences. Male circumcision surgery: before and after photos

After the circumcision procedure, the groin area, scrotum and penis itself may become inflamed and red. This is due to the use of a specific chemical to wash the entire skin before the surgical process. The part of the penis from which the skin has been removed will appear damaged and may also begin to swell dramatically. After some time, such swelling should automatically go away.

After the procedure, the child should be observed for 2-4 hours. Doctors must make sure that the penis is not bleeding, and after the circumcision process, they can wrap it in a special gauze bandage containing a Vaseline substance. If you wrap your penis in additional bandages, you don't have to remove them for the whole day. Before removing the bandages, they should be soaked in hot water and gently unwound.

Differences between a simple and a circumcised genital

In complete tranquility, the penis is covered with a special narrow fold of skin, which stretches and moves away during an erection. As a rule, the male sex does not tolerate almost any problems with the foreskin, except that sometimes, due to severe allergies, it happens that a large amount of secretions begins to accumulate under the skin, and a large number of bacteria give off an unpleasant odor. Regular washing will quickly eliminate this problem.

On the other hand, circumcised men are almost not concerned about the cleanliness of their own organ, which their sexual partners may notice. If the penis is in a tense state, then this difference can be very easily seen visually - in a circumcised man it is impossible to see the frenulum (a strip that extends 1-2 centimeters from the head) as a result of the fact that it simply is no longer there.

How to perform male circumcision

For a newborn child, anesthesia is not used; for children after eleven months and up to 14 years, a single anesthesia is used, and circumcision for men occurs under local anesthetics. The penis should be disinfected with a special disinfectant. Then you need to press it with a tourniquet. The treating specialist injects an anesthetic into the tissue on the penis.

Doctors from our country, in most cases, focus on the eye during the procedure, which can result in the threat of removing the necessary tissues on the surface of the genital organ or preserving the “extra” part of the foreskin.

In foreign hospitals, they use the formation of personal patterns that completely repeat the configuration of the head of the penis; it is for this reason that the process of removing the foreskin is much easier and more efficient.

The principle of working with patterns can be seen in the video materials. The peel is removed using a scalpel or special scissors.

At the end of this procedure, sutures are placed, which do not need to be removed or removed after the operation - after the tissue has healed, all the threads will dissolve on their own. The penis should be wrapped with a medical disinfectant bandage. In some cases, foreign doctors perform circumcision using clamps; in this case, the flesh must be fixed using special devices that do not allow access to blood, after which the “pinched” skin begins to die over time.

The foreskin on the penis is removed in the area of ​​the entire circumference according to medical requirements. Circumcision is most often performed using local anesthesia.

The male penis should be treated with an antiseptic, after which the base of the organ is tightened with a small tourniquet, an injection with anesthetic substances is injected into the penis; the most commonly used substances are lidocaine, ubezin, and ultracaine. This is the final moment in the entire procedure, when the patient is able to feel at least some pain.

Afterwards, the flesh is strongly pulled back and secured for support with specialized means. The peel is cut and then trimmed along the established circumference.

Types of operation

The decision to choose the type of operation is made by the surgeon. The method of carrying out the procedure should be directly dependent on the size of the foreskin that needs to be removed.

Main ways:

  1. Partial circulation- the foreskin on the penis should be cut off, but not completely. Ultimately, the head will not be completely exposed.
  2. Minimal circulation- cutting one place of the flesh. This type of operation is used in the absence of round-shaped scars, for example, those formed due to excess foreskin.
  3. Free circulation- after the circumcision procedure, the head opens completely. The indication for it is the development of a groove in the coronary sphere.
  4. Tight type of circulation- during such a procedure, the entire foreskin is cut off from the very beginning of the male organ, this can lead to stretching of the skin at the very base of the organ, while the head becomes almost completely immovable. This method is used very rarely.
  5. High circulation- eliminating most of the skin. As a result of this operation, a postoperative round scar is formed, which can develop at different distances from the base of the genital organ.
  6. Low circulation- complete elimination of tissue in the last flesh.

Postoperative period

As a rule, after any surgical intervention, special care is required. The issue of care after circumcision should be discussed with the treating specialist.

Let's look at how to care for the penis after circumcision:

  1. The most important thing is to maintain cleanliness. After surgery, you should carefully monitor the genital organ and carefully observe hygiene.
  2. Doctor's supervision. It is imperative to undergo recovery under the full supervision of a treating specialist. In addition, you should carefully monitor the general condition of the penis, so that if obscure signs of abnormalities arise, immediately seek help from a doctor.
  3. Bandages. It is worthwhile immediately after the operation to regularly keep the genital organ in a bandaged state. The main dressing should be done immediately over two days, and the first wash should also be done. By the way, this procedure must be done using hot and soapy water.
  4. Bactericidal drugs. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can use various types of antibacterial ointments.
  5. Comfortable underwear. It is very important to choose comfortable post-operative underwear for the patient. If circumcision was performed on an infant, then it would be best to choose thicker underwear so that the child, while playing and having fun, could not accidentally touch the organ and would not experience pain. If circumcision was performed on an adult, then it would be best to choose spacious underwear.

Pros of the operation

Circumcision has the following benefits:

  1. The risk of contracting various infections and STDs is significantly reduced.
  2. The possibility of developing diseases such as pyelonephritis (an infection that impairs kidney function) is greatly reduced.
  3. The process of smegma development is significantly reduced, which allows for better hygiene.

The main disadvantages of the procedure

There are no disadvantages to carrying out circulation as such. But we should not forget that circumcision is a fairly serious intervention, which means it can have its negative results.

Circumcision can cause a number of complications to develop: scarring on delicate tissue, the likelihood of infections, mechanical defects of various forms. These consequences may arise if the procedure was carried out in bad faith.

In addition, there are cases when real deformation of the genital organ occurred. It is worth noting that this happens extremely rarely and largely depends on individual characteristics.

Of course, before you begin such an operation, you should weigh all its advantages and disadvantages, as well as consult with your family and friends. If you still decide to go for circumcision, then you should discuss all its features with your doctor, and also follow all his instructions for maintaining the body during the procedure and after it.

Truth and myths

The circumcision procedure is surrounded by quite a lot of myths. Below we will try to dispel them (or confirm):

    1. It will be easier to maintain general hygiene if the organ is circumcised - smegma no longer continues to accumulate under the lower flesh. This is often considered a real advantage for a man with a circumcised penis. That is why circumcision is most often performed in countries where there is a particular lack of water and a hot climate prevails.
    2. There is a claim that penile cancer is much less likely to develop in those who are “circumcised.” If we take into account the fact that cancer of the intimate organ is already a very rare phenomenon, then circumcision will not be able to significantly affect such statistics.
    3. During sexual intercourse with a partner, in most cases, deformation of the foreskin occurs, and infections can penetrate through such small cracks. Men whose penis is circumcised are less likely to become infected during unprotected sex. In the preputial sac, various microbes develop, which influence the formation of sexually transmitted infections. That is why the risk of infection of a circumcised genital organ is lower.
    4. Doctors have noticed the fact that the possibility of developing cervical cancer in women who have had a circumcised sexual partner is much less. But this opinion has not been scientifically confirmed.
    5. Some women become instantly sexually aroused when they see a circumcised penis. But this directly depends on the culture and upbringing of the woman.
    6. On the inner surface of the foreskin there are special sensitive receptors, which also take an active part in the process of arousal in a man. By eliminating this skin fold, you can lose them too, which negatively affects the entire body as a whole. Many people who are circumcised at will already regret this operation at an older age, as they are deprived of the thrill of sensation during sexual intercourse. It is quite difficult to argue with this fact, since every person has individual sensitivity, and even those males who were circumcised as children simply do not know any other option.
    7. Most women say that oral sex is much more pleasant with circumcised men: everything happens simply, and there is no unpleasant odor. But if you follow the basic rules for an uncircumcised man, then there will definitely be no unpleasant odors.

The essence of the operation

The essence of the operation is to shorten the skin that covers the man's penis. Depending on what goal the patient is pursuing, as well as what the urologist’s verdict is, the question of what part of the skin needs to be removed during surgery is decided.

From a medical point of view, it is believed that only the necessary area of ​​skin needs to be removed, which directly interferes with the necessary vital processes.

If we talk about aesthetics, here it is necessary to listen to the patient’s opinion. Tight circumcision is one of many types of surgery to circumcise the foreskin. A significant difference from ordinary classical circumcision lies in the style of such an operation.

In medical practice there is no such thing as tight circumcision of the foreskin. It was developed by doctors who performed surgical interventions in order to give the penis an aesthetic appearance. Let's look at what this type of intervention involves.

We have already said that such a procedure is performed only at the request of the patient, and cannot become a consequence of the doctor’s verdict. The idea is that the fold of skin is removed in such a way that it disappears completely.

Unfortunately, sometimes this type of circumcision causes the visual size of the manhood to become somewhat shorter. Therefore, owners of not so impressive sizes should think several times before agreeing to such an intervention.

This is the peculiarity of such circumcision, however, there are a lot of nuances that can accompany such an operation, and are also its consequences.

How the circumcision operation is performed in this video:

Indications for the procedure

Let us remind you that There are no medical conditions that would justify tight circumcision. This type of surgical intervention depends entirely on the wishes of the patient. Tight circumcision is also called full circumcision, and, according to men, their sexual dignity will look somewhat more aesthetically pleasing.

Typically, this type of operation is performed for religious reasons, in families that respect traditions. If a man is very bothered by the hanging skin from the penis, and he believes that moderate circumcision cannot help him with this problem, then he can do a complete one.

The advantage of this type of circumcision is the fact that the skin does not cover the head of the penis even when it is relaxed. For many, this turns out to be a significant plus, since this position prevents infections from accumulating inside, under the skin.

Otherwise, everyone chooses for themselves the pros and cons of carrying out this procedure, and comes to the decision whether to agree to this type of influence or not.

The following video talks about the indications for removing the foreskin and the types of procedure, including high tight circumcision:

What is affected?

With such an operation, many men are interested in the question of what part of the skin will be affected during circumcision. It is very important to prepare in advance in order to predetermine the outcome of the operation.

With tight circumcision, surgeons deviate somewhat from the rules of moderate circumcision; the skin is captured, which is concentrated not only in the area of ​​the foreskin, but also in the area of ​​the shaft of the penis. That is why the head is not covered with skin after the operation.

Tight circumcision acquired its name due to the fact that if a man wants to at least partially pull the skin over the head of the penis, it will be very difficult to do, due to the fact that the bodily tissue wraps quite tightly, or rather even tightly, around the shaft, interfering with it move.

Which circumcision is better: full or tight?

Some are trying to figure out what is the difference between full circumcision and tight circumcision. Let's understand these concepts.

As we have already explained above, tight circumcision is a type of surgical intervention in the male genitourinary system, in which the skin covering the head of the penis is removed, capturing a small part of the skin on the shaft.

Thus, after the operation, a man can observe that the skin is stretched, or partially stretched over the head. This is the specificity of tight circumcision.

Well, what is a complete education? After all, this is what is carried out in religious families, occasionally, at the request of the man himself, replacing it with a tight one.

Like tight circumcision, full circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin that crowns the penis.

The essence of this operation is that the leaf inside the foreskin is shortened. Because of this intervention, the head of the penis is constantly open, while it is completely impossible to stretch the skin over it.

Making a tight cut is not at all difficult. If you believe the statistics, then almost a fifth of the male population filling our planet has undergone this type of operation.

It can be more likely to be classified as plastic rather than medical, due to the fact that the reasons for carrying out such an intervention are religious views, as well as the aesthetic appearance that men want to give to their genitals. Therefore, we can conclude that these two types of operations have more in common than differences.

Therefore, before deciding on one type or another, be sure to weigh the pros and cons, because it is quite possible that a small nuance, which is a difference, will be important to you.

Types of process

Tight circumcision has its own classifications, due to the fact that it can be performed using various techniques.

This or that doctor performing the intervention has his own opinion on how the operation should be performed. Let's look at the main types of tight circumcision.

Depending on where a particular suture is located, the level of intervention also depends, namely, what level of the inner or outer layer of the foreskin was excised.

This means that the patient may experience pain and discomfort in the first few days after surgery. However, do not think that you will endure severe pain. This is wrong.

Detailed description of the procedure

  1. Tight circumcision is rarely performed under local anesthesia. This is explained by the fact that the operation is quite long, and in this case it is better for the patient to sleep so as not to experience the painful waiting time. Therefore, you will most likely be offered full anesthesia.
  2. Next, the doctors will talk with the patient again about how he would like to see his genitals after the intervention. They consider how open the head of the penis should be, whether the skin will extend over it or not. After this, the operation begins.
  3. After the patient has fallen asleep, the foreskin is excised to the desired size. Depending on the type of tight trim chosen, a seam is left. It can be at the base of the head, in the middle, and also at the base of the root of the penis.
  4. As a result of the operation, the penis will look like it will be in a non-erect state. The doctor applies a special cooling bandage to the intervention site and puts on a suspensor.
  5. After this, the patient is transferred to a ward, where he comes to his senses, and also spends several days until full recovery. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure; doctors make just a few incisions and apply a suture.

    It is very important to choose a competent doctor, because applying a circular suture is a piece of jewelry work that should only be carried out by a proven professional with extensive experience. Then your genital organ will definitely look attractive, and at the same time, it will not bring you any pain.

High tight circumcision: before and after photos

Below are photos of tight circumcision:

Sex life of a man after

Many men are afraid that after the intervention their sex life will come to naught. Indeed, in the first week after the operation it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • Firstly, there is a great possibility of infecting a newly operated organ with various sexually transmitted infections, which, due to the nature of the immune system, will immediately begin to multiply and settle in a weakened environment.
  • Secondly, there is a high risk that the stitches may come apart, which means that the operation will be carried out in vain, and you will face negative consequences in the form of repeated surgery and suturing. Therefore, in the first weeks after the procedure, you will be prescribed sexual rest.

Then, you can begin sexual activity, without bothering yourself too much, choosing only standard positions that are comfortable for you.

Over time, you will return to normal, and within a month your sex life will be full of different colors.

Another fear of men who decide to undergo such an operation is that you will lose sensitivity.

Well, for the first time after the operation, you will actually feel a little pain due to the fact that the nerve endings cut during the operation have not yet healed.


If you are going to have a tight circumcision operation in the near future, then you should not be afraid of it. Tune in to the fact that after a couple of weeks you will return to the normal rhythm of life, and your male organ will completely suit you and arouse the admiration of your fair half.

Therefore, you should not be afraid of the operation itself and its consequences. It is plastic, which means that it will not carry with it any serious complications, the main thing is your attentiveness and fighting spirit.

Who performed it as a religious ritual, circumcising male children at an early age.

Today, not every man agrees to undergo circumcision. According to some studies, about 20% of the male population around the world decide to undergo circumcision, following the lead of their partners, who are dissatisfied with the unattractive appearance of wrinkled skin.

Video on the topic


  • Why circumcision?

Circumcision is an operation in which a man's foreskin is cut off. For some this is a forced procedure, for others it is a religious obligation, which is common primarily among Muslims and Jews.

Why circumcision of the foreskin?

For many centuries, it has been perceived as the simplest and most affordable way to keep the head of the penis clean and tidy. For Muslims and Jews, circumcision is a mandatory procedure.

Many men agree to surgery for various reasons. Firstly, dirt can accumulate under the foreskin, which increases the likelihood of contracting infectious diseases, and secondly, many decide to undergo circumcision because of their sexual partners, who may not be happy with the wrinkled appearance of the flesh that covers the head of the penis. Thus, the reasons why surgery is performed to circumcise the foreskin in men are related not only to religion, but also to aesthetic or medical reasons.

How is surgery to remove the foreskin performed?

Surprisingly, the operation is absolutely simple to perform and painless: the foreskin is strongly retracted and clamped with special forceps. An incision is made in the skin, after which it is removed in a circle.

In domestic medical practice, surgery to remove the foreskin in men is performed using scissors or a scalpel. The surgeon, as they say, determines by eye the amount of skin that needs to be removed from the head of the penis. After the operation, sutures are placed, which subsequently dissolve on their own. That is, they will not cause discomfort and will not require a second trip to the doctor.

The procedure is criticized and defended, but doctors admit: the process is not a relic of the past, it has a number of significant advantages. Firstly, the risk of cancer of the male genital organs is reduced, and secondly, this operation is recommended for those who suffer from phimosis. This is a disease in which the opening of the foreskin is very narrow, which is why men may experience not only pain during sex. Secretions from the glands of the foreskin - be it urine or sweat - can contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances under the skin covering the head of the penis, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria multiply under the skin, causing irritation, itching, various kinds of pain and damage to sensitive tissues. Thirdly, doctors admit that men are less likely to suffer from infectious diseases, which is a strong argument in favor of circumcision.

Circumcision surgery is criticized primarily for its pain, because this operation is most often performed without anesthesia. Circumcision performed on an infant can cause a number of hygiene problems. Moreover, circumcision of the foreskin can lead to complications in men who have not reached puberty, including complete loss of sensitivity, fusion of the cut with the head of the penis, bleeding, painful sex, and others.

Circumcision is a surgical operation during which the foreskin of the penis is cut off or completely removed. This procedure has been known since ancient times. Now they also do such operations. What is the use of this - doctors around the world still cannot come to a common opinion.

And the secretion (smegma) does not accumulate in the preputial sac, thereby reducing the risk of inflammation and many other diseases.


There is much controversy about the benefits of this procedure. What are the advantages of this procedure? Urologists believe that after circumcision, the risk of developing penile cancer is reduced. The incidence of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) is also reduced.

“Lengthening” sexual intercourse. Since the head of the penis becomes less sensitive, this helps delay orgasm. If a man often experiences premature ejaculation, only circumcision can solve this problem.


Circumcision is a surgical procedure, so like any other operation, there may be complications after it. Since it is not complicated and there is a lot of the latest equipment, the risks of complications are minimized, the main thing is the professionalism of the surgeon.
Since after the operation the head is constantly exposed, its constant rubbing against underwear greatly reduces sensitivity (although some agree to circumcision just for this reason) and can lead to decreased erectile function and delayed ejaculation.

Video on the topic

Half a century ago, circumcision was a mandatory procedure only for Jews and Muslims. But since the 60s of the last century, this event has been gaining popularity. Today, many men, regardless of religion, undergo circumcision. The fact is that after certain studies, a connection was established between circumcision and genital cancer.

Uncircumcised vs circumcised penis: advantages of the latter

Firstly, as mentioned above, the risk of developing malignant tumors in this area is significantly reduced.

Secondly, the duration of sexual intercourse increases. The skin of the head of the penis without the foreskin becomes rougher and somewhat loses sensitivity, which delays the moment of orgasm. Sometimes doctors recommend circumcision to combat premature ejaculation.

The appearance of the organ is significantly improved, because for many, the wrinkled foreskin causes an unpleasant impression.

In addition, scientists have proven that a circumcised organ protects to some extent from AIDS. The virus primarily affects the foreskin, which is often injured. Microtraumas pose a great danger, since infection enters through them.

It has also been proven that uncircumcised men are more susceptible to sexually transmitted infections than circumcised men.


The main disadvantage is pain shock. Circumcision in infancy is most often performed without anesthesia, but recently, due to numerous requests from parents, it has begun to be used.

Then there are hygiene problems. In babies, the head of the penis cleanses itself, but after circumcision there is a need for more careful care. The difference, albeit insignificant, between a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised one is that the folds and depressions in the area of ​​the frenulum and corolla are a suitable place for the development of bacteria.

Medical indications

In official medicine, this procedure is called circumcision. In some cases, it is necessary, for example, with narrowing of the foreskin (phimosis), which leads to the impossibility of exposing the head and pain.

Patients suffering from phimosis complain of pain when exposing the head of an uncircumcised penis during an erection, and problems with urination. There are also a number of hygienic problems associated with the accumulation of smegma in the preputial sac.

An indication for such surgical intervention is paraphimosis - pinching of the head by the foreskin. This pathology is dangerous because the blood supply to the head is disrupted and its tissues die. In such cases, emergency surgery is performed.

If, after an injury or bruise to the foreskin, a scar has formed that interferes with normal sexual activity, then there is also a need for circumcision.

The circumcised penis, its hygiene, and the uncircumcised penis

Under the skin covering the head, smegma accumulates - the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the foreskin, mixed with moisture and dead epithelial cells. If hygiene rules are not followed, this substance will accumulate in the preputial sac. As a result, a breeding ground will arise for bacteria and microbes, which will cause inflammation and other problems.

It is for this reason that young mothers, even in the maternity hospital, are told how to wash their sons. Adult men are no exception and should also properly care for their genitals.


During the procedure, including for medical reasons, the foreskin is cut off along its entire circumference. At this time, the patient is under general anesthesia, which can sometimes be replaced with local anesthesia.

Most often, various clamps are used for the event, which are selected depending on the size of the penis. They also act as protective screens that protect the head from accidental herbs during surgery. They are left until the wound heals. Sometimes stitches are required.

During separation of the foreskin, bleeding may occur because there are a lot of blood vessels in this area. This phenomenon is temporarily eliminated using the same clamps, and then the doctor ties the bleeding vessels with self-absorbing threads.

The duration of such a procedure often does not exceed 40 minutes.

The operation can be partial or complete. The difference between the first option is that part of the foreskin remains, covering the head halfway. In the second case there is none.

After operation

During this period, you may experience pain, the severity of which depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In this case, the doctor will recommend painkillers, which must be taken for 3 days.

At first, the head of the circumcised penis will become more sensitive and will react sharply to irritation, but this phenomenon is considered normal. It is worth abstaining from sexual activity for a month or even longer to ensure complete tissue recovery.

The danger in the postoperative period is infection, which can get into the wounds and cause inflammation. Also, a small amount of blood sometimes accumulates under the skin, but with proper treatment these phenomena quickly disappear.


It is worth summing up by considering the advantages and disadvantages of circumcision.

The good thing about this event is that:

  • Hygienic procedures are significantly simplified;
  • Such pathologies as phimosis and paraphimosis are completely excluded;
  • Circumcised men rarely suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, widespread cystitis and pyelonephritis. This occurs due to the fact that the accumulation of smegma, which is a breeding ground for microbes and bacteria, is eliminated;
  • What else differs a circumcised man from an uncircumcised one: the likelihood of developing genital cancer is significantly reduced. It is worth noting that the wives of those who are circumcised are much less likely to suffer from cervical cancer;
  • Increased duration of sexual intercourse.

Cons of the procedure

The opinion of doctors regarding the advisability of performing an operation without indications differs; for example, after such an event, a child develops post-traumatic stress, which in the future can lead to a number of psychological problems.

And adults do not always tolerate such manipulations well. Although modern painkillers make it possible to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon.

Reduced sensitivity of the head is a positive thing only for those men who suffer from premature ejaculation, but for others it is a rather unpleasant moment.

Opponents of circumcision argue that the procedure leads to disruption of the functioning of the organ. There is discomfort during sex, and in adulthood the likelihood of erectile dysfunction increases significantly, so an uncircumcised organ has many advantages.

The essence of the operation is to shorten the skin that covers the man's penis. Depending on what goal the patient is pursuing, as well as what the urologist’s verdict is, the question of what part of the skin needs to be removed during surgery is decided.

From a medical point of view, it is believed that only the necessary area of ​​skin needs to be removed, which directly interferes with the necessary vital processes.

If we talk about aesthetics, here it is necessary to listen to the patient’s opinion. Tight circumcision is one of many types of surgery to circumcise the foreskin. A significant difference from ordinary classical circumcision lies in the style of such an operation.

In medical practice there is no such thing as tight circumcision of the foreskin. It was developed by doctors who performed surgical interventions in order to give the penis an aesthetic appearance. Let's look at what this type of intervention involves.

We have already said that such a procedure is performed only at the request of the patient, and cannot become a consequence of the doctor’s verdict. The idea is that the fold of skin is removed in such a way that it disappears completely.

Unfortunately, sometimes this type of circumcision causes the visual size of the manhood to become somewhat shorter. Therefore, owners of not so impressive sizes should think several times before agreeing to such an intervention.

IMPORTANT! Another nuance of this operation is that during the ejaculation procedure, as well as erection, the skin on the penis is very stretched, which can lead to some discomfort in the initial stages.

This is the peculiarity of such circumcision, however, there are a lot of nuances that can accompany such an operation, and are also its consequences.

How the circumcision operation is performed in this video:

Indications for the procedure

Let us remind you that There are no medical conditions that would justify tight circumcision. This type of surgical intervention depends entirely on the wishes of the patient. Tight circumcision is also called full circumcision, and, according to men, their sexual dignity will look somewhat more aesthetically pleasing.

Typically, this type of operation is performed for religious reasons, in families that respect traditions. If a man is very bothered by the hanging skin from the penis, and he believes that moderate circumcision cannot help him with this problem, then he can do a complete one.

The advantage of this type of circumcision is the fact that the skin does not cover the head of the penis even when it is relaxed. For many, this turns out to be a significant plus, since this position prevents infections from accumulating inside, under the skin.

Otherwise, everyone chooses for themselves the pros and cons of carrying out this procedure, and comes to the decision whether to agree to this type of influence or not.

The following video talks about the indications for removing the foreskin and the types of procedure, including high tight circumcision:

What is affected?

With such an operation, many men are interested in the question of what part of the skin will be affected during circumcision. It is very important to prepare in advance in order to predetermine the outcome of the operation.

With tight circumcision, surgeons deviate somewhat from the rules of moderate circumcision; the skin is captured, which is concentrated not only in the area of ​​the foreskin, but also in the area of ​​the shaft of the penis. That is why the head is not covered with skin after the operation.

REFERENCE! It turns out that quite a lot of fabric is taken, and this is what contributes to the above effect.

Tight circumcision acquired its name due to the fact that if a man wants to at least partially pull the skin over the head of the penis, it will be very difficult to do, due to the fact that the bodily tissue wraps quite tightly, or rather even tightly, around the shaft, interfering with it move.

Which circumcision is better: full or tight?

Some are trying to figure out what is the difference between full circumcision and tight circumcision. Let's understand these concepts.

As we have already explained above, tight circumcision is a type of surgical intervention in the male genitourinary system, in which the skin covering the head of the penis is removed, capturing a small part of the skin on the shaft.

Thus, after the operation, a man can observe that the skin is stretched, or partially stretched over the head. This is the specificity of tight circumcision.

Well, what is a complete education? After all, this is what is carried out in religious families, occasionally, at the request of the man himself, replacing it with a tight one.

Like tight circumcision, full circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin that crowns the penis.

The essence of this operation is that the leaf inside the foreskin is shortened. Because of this intervention, the head of the penis is constantly open, while it is completely impossible to stretch the skin over it.

Making a tight cut is not at all difficult. If you believe the statistics, then almost a fifth of the male population filling our planet has undergone this type of operation.

It can be more likely to be classified as plastic rather than medical, due to the fact that the reasons for carrying out such an intervention are religious views, as well as the aesthetic appearance that men want to give to their genitals. Therefore, we can conclude that these two types of operations have more in common than differences.

Therefore, before deciding on one type or another, be sure to weigh the pros and cons, because it is quite possible that a small nuance, which is a difference, will be important to you.

Types of process

Tight circumcision has its own classifications, due to the fact that it can be performed using various techniques.

This or that doctor performing the intervention has his own opinion on how the operation should be performed. Let's look at the main types of tight circumcision.

Depending on where a particular suture is located, the level of intervention also depends, namely, what level of the inner or outer layer of the foreskin was excised.

If we talk about low tight circumcision, then when carrying out this type of intervention, the inner leaf belonging to the foreskin is removed. If we talk about the location, the circular suture will be located in close proximity to the venous groove.

This means that the patient may experience pain and discomfort in the first few days after surgery. However, do not think that you will endure severe pain. This is wrong.

Detailed description of the procedure

  1. Tight circumcision is rarely performed under local anesthesia. This is explained by the fact that the operation is quite long, and in this case it is better for the patient to sleep so as not to experience the painful waiting time. Therefore, you will most likely be offered full anesthesia.
  2. Next, the doctors will talk with the patient again about how he would like to see his genitals after the intervention. They consider how open the head of the penis should be, whether the skin will extend over it or not. After this, the operation begins.
  3. After the patient has fallen asleep, the foreskin is excised to the desired size. Depending on the type of tight trim chosen, a seam is left. It can be at the base of the head, in the middle, and also at the base of the root of the penis.
  4. As a result of the operation, the penis will look like it will be in a non-erect state. The doctor applies a special cooling bandage to the intervention site and puts on a suspensor.
  5. After this, the patient is transferred to a ward, where he comes to his senses, and also spends several days until full recovery. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure; doctors make just a few incisions and apply a suture.

    It is very important to choose a competent doctor, because applying a circular suture is a piece of jewelry work that should only be carried out by a proven professional with extensive experience. Then your genital organ will definitely look attractive, and at the same time, it will not bring you any pain.

High tight circumcision: before and after photos

Below are photos of tight circumcision:

Sex life of a man after

Many men are afraid that after the intervention their sex life will come to naught. Indeed, in the first week after the operation it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • Firstly, there is a great possibility of infecting a newly operated organ with various sexually transmitted infections, which, due to the nature of the immune system, will immediately begin to multiply and settle in a weakened environment.
  • Secondly, there is a high risk that the stitches may come apart, which means that the operation will be carried out in vain, and you will face negative consequences in the form of repeated surgery and suturing. Therefore, in the first weeks after the procedure, you will be prescribed sexual rest.

Then, you can begin sexual activity, without bothering yourself too much, choosing only standard positions that are comfortable for you.

Over time, you will return to normal, and within a month your sex life will be full of different colors.

Another fear of men who decide to undergo such an operation is that you will lose sensitivity.

Well, for the first time after the operation, you will actually feel a little pain due to the fact that the nerve endings cut during the operation have not yet healed.

IMPORTANT! Sensitivity is not lost, but rather the opposite, due to the fact that the head will be open, you will only receive a new range of sensations.


If you are going to have a tight circumcision operation in the near future, then you should not be afraid of it. Tune in to the fact that after a couple of weeks you will return to the normal rhythm of life, and your male organ will completely suit you and arouse the admiration of your fair half.

Therefore, you should not be afraid of the operation itself and its consequences. It is plastic, which means that it will not carry with it any serious complications, the main thing is your attentiveness and fighting spirit.

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