Purification rituals. How to remove negativity or a dark streak in life. Purification rituals - get rid of negative energy

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The rite of purification is a simple but very effective magical ritual that allows you to get rid of any Dark influence. With this tool you can cleanse yourself, your internal energy, your loved ones, your home, etc.

With the help of fire

Most popular rituals to get rid of Dark influence are carried out using the power of the fire element. In rituals, this power is often symbolized by the flame of a candle; this small flame allows the performer to clear his own thoughts and concentrate on the magical ritual of getting rid of any filth.

Purification rituals are simple and safe, however, for such magic to work as effectively as possible, the performer requires sincere faith, mental strength and will. Without your faith in the power of the ritual, it will not be able to act and help.

A simple ritual that works on the power of the element of fire. He will help you cleanse your own home, get rid of Darkness and evil. Light a candle, concentrate on its flame and try to feel how everything bad burns out in this small flame. Approach the front door with a burning candle and walk around the entire house with it, moving clockwise along the walls. At this time, you need to continuously look at the candle flame, think about how good it is at home, how cozy, warm, and dear your home is. Try to feel the atmosphere of peace and love in your home, think that here the walls help you in all matters, you and all the other residents.

When you feel confident that your home is really helping you, think that inside these walls you will be protected from any evil, from people with bad intentions, from Dark influence.

As you move around the house, try to think that the candle flame really helps you protect your own home from evil, hatred, envy and other negative feelings and emotions.

While walking through the rooms with candles, pay special attention to the vibrations of the flame; if the fire at some point becomes restless, you will hear distinct crackling sounds, which means that the negative energy impact is especially strong in this place. Stop for a while and read any cleansing spells you know.

When you have gone through all the rooms in the house, return to the front door, place a candle on the threshold and leave it there to burn out. Place the candle in such a way that people entering will not knock it over.

A candle can be used to cleanse not only your home, but also your own thoughts and feelings. If something is really bothering you, if you are tormented by doubts and fears, just light a candle, put it on the table, sit next to it and concentrate on its flame. Try to enjoy contemplating the sacred fire, admire its yellow tongues, and then simply tell the flame what really worries you, what prevents you from living and feeling happy. Tell sincerely about all the grievances and pains, about doubts, about everything that lies a heavy burden on your heart. After that, just imagine that all your negative thoughts and emotions are a pile of garbage that you threw away and gave to the sacred flame. Now you will definitely feel better.

Using a chicken egg

Our distant ancestors viewed themselves in an inextricable connection with nature, in which they especially revered the Gods and the Mother of all things. Moreover, the Slavs considered themselves descended from the Gods and called themselves the grandchildren of Dazhdbog.

Few people know, but one of the most common cleansing rituals, egg rolling, has roots in ancient Slavic rituals. This simple technique allows you to remove any energy damage to the body and spirit. The ritual is completely safe and, if used correctly, can be used any number of times.

Home protection

Our ancestors paid special attention to protecting family and home from Darkness. They believed that there should always be some object located next to the front door that would catch the eye of everyone entering. It was this object that was supposed to absorb all the negative energy.

As such a protector, the Slavs used small wooden or straw houses, wreaths of various herbs and flowers, old clothes and shoes, as well as jewelry with various seeds, fruits and berries, bags of herbs and amulets.

The same item can be used today, you just need to know the basic properties of the listed items.

Salt cleansing

In many cleansing rituals, the Slavs used salt, which was considered one of the most powerful means for collecting Dark manifestations.

A simple way to cleanse a room of any filth is to take a small amount of coarse salt, pour it into plates or pots, and place it in all corners of the room. Leave the plates for a week, and then pour all the used salt into one bag and bury it outside. Do not use waste salt in food under any circumstances, as you will take on all the accumulated Dark energy.

Cleansing the home with fire

To cleanse yourself or a room with the help of fire, light several candles, place them in a circle and say, for example, the following spell: “In the name of Svarog the Father, in the name of Dazhdbog, and in the name of Perun the Thunderer. You, Svarog the Father, separate truth from falsehood, you, Dazhdbog, separate day from night, and you, Perun, separate Reality from Navi. I conjure (name), by the power of heavenly fire, by the power of the fire that is between heaven and earth, by the power of earthly fire, and by the underground I conjure. Let all the dark spells, all the teachings and slander, all the dry spells of Navya burn out in the Pekelny Fire. May what has been said come true. Exactly".

Purification by fire and water

Before performing this ritual, place three or twelve candles on the table in a semicircle, and place a small bowl, preferably clay or wooden, with settled water in the center of the circle. Water and Fire are the elements that are at the core of the universe, therefore they must be treated with all respect and reverence. Sit at the table and say the words in a whisper: “I ask you, spirits of fire and water, help me cleanse myself, take away all the anger and misfortunes from me, burn them in fire, drown them in water, so that they never come back to me. Let it be so".

After this, move the candles from the table to the floor and sit in the center, place the bowl in front of you, reading the same words seven times. Try to relax and watch the candles burn around you. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a boat in the middle of a large lake, feel the waves rocking your vessel. If at this moment you feel a negative influence, which may manifest itself in nausea or other sensations, then you have a large amount of negative energy.

You need to stay inside the circle of candles until you feel relief. If it doesn’t get better, then you can leave at any time, but at the same time, be sure to thank the forces of Fire and Water for their help and support.

This ritual must be performed every day until you feel that there is no trace left of everything negative and negative.

After each ritual, the water must be poured onto the ground and fresh water must be collected again.

To get rid of negative programs, envy and witchcraft, there are unique purification rituals that help remove evil and protect against it in the future. These are prayers and conspiracies in which they turn to the spirits of ancestors or gods.

In the article:

Rituals of human purification

To make it easier for the sorcerer to work, negative programs that may have accumulated over many years are removed from the client. Purification rituals are used for this.

You can carry them out yourself, but only if you are confident in your strengths and magical abilities. An important role is played by the belief that you can have a family. Rituals that do not require assistants -, and.

Purification by prayer

For the ritual, arm yourself with three wax church candles and holy water. Take the liquid from the temple the day before. Every morning for 3 days, sit the person facing east, hold one lit candle in his hands and read the text above him three times:

The power of the Lord will heal the servant of God /servant of God/ (name), from the powers of the curse. I will be cleansed from all uncleanness, from human evil, from illnesses. Truly, everything that has entered into him/her will come out with miraculous power, the power of the Lord will wash the blood with purity. The rays of the Divine Light will give the servant of God /servant of God/ (name) health, healing, purification. Everything will be renewed by the touch of the Lord. Lord grant the power of renewal, cleansing, healing in Your holy name. (name) will feel the power of the Lord’s help throughout. Amen.

Then send him to wash himself with holy water. Place the used candle on the windowsill and let it burn out on its own. Light a new one every morning. After completing the entire ritual, be sure that poverty or bad luck has been removed.

A simple and effective ritual of cleansing from the evil eye and damage

Suitable for light evil eye and severe damage. Take 3 candles if the problem is minor or 12 if the curse is severe.

Three attributes are placed in a triangle around the negativity being cleared, 12 are placed in a circle. When everything is ready, light another candle, cross the person standing in the circle and say:

Lord, bless us for the cleansing in this triangle (circle) of candles. Spirit of Fire and Spirit of Water, I bless you to cleanse the servant of God (name) and take away the negativity.

After this, the person repeats the text of the prayer “Our Father” 9 times. This is where his role ends. Your task is to imagine a cocoon around it, which symbolizes the negative program.

It is necessary to tear it apart, remove it, cut it, mentally eliminate the bad energy from the biofield. At the same time read “Our Father.”

Depending on the strength of the negative program, your well-being may change. If you feel nauseous, dizzy, have a lump in your throat, or heaviness in your legs, you can sit on the floor, but you are prohibited from leaving the circle.

The ritual cannot be carried out for a long time, as the person can really become very ill. Repeat it several times in a row to completely remove the curse. This usually takes from 3 to 12 days. After each session, thank your higher powers, take a warm shower and go to bed.

How to cleanse a family from a curse

Often a strong black magician, instead of poisoning the life of one person, curses the entire family. This is a common practice, and people who complain about constant problems do not even realize that they are carrying someone else's curse.

It is better to entrust such a complex procedure to a professional, but if you have enough strength and energy to protect your family, you can carry out the family cleansing ritual yourself.

Algorithm of actions

You will need:

  • unused dishes;
  • church candle;
  • icon;
  • a new pack of rice.

Dishes candle icon rice

A ritual is performed on the waning moon. If you are a follower of the Slavic tradition, choose the week of veneration of the family (Maslenitsa).

Act in the morning before you have time to accumulate the negativity of the working day and are ready to fill yourself with new strength. The ritual is performed at home. Before carrying out, take a shower and put on clean white clothes.

Let the rice cook, and while it is cooking, read the Lord's Prayer. Don't taste the food. Transfer the finished dish to two clean plates and place one in front of the icon and candle. Say three times:

Lord Jesus Christ our God, bless our food and drink with your prayers.
Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy Saints, for blessed art thou forever.
Save my family, Lord, save me from the black eye, avert inevitable misfortune, do not let all my loved ones leave. We pay for the sins of our fathers and mothers, but we grieve not of our own free will. Help us remove the heavy cross from our family, for the sins of our ancestors have been atoned for. Amen.

Cross the food and let it stand in front of the icon for a while. Remember, rice is not for you. You can't eat it. After the candle burns out, take the plate outside. Do not eat from this dish again.

Throwing away the dish is prohibited. Let the stray animals eat it, leave it along with the dishes on the road. Divide the rice on the second plate among all family members.

Cleaning the house

Often a negative program transfers from a person to his home. There may be another situation when the place of residence is cursed, and now it draws all the vital forces from the victim. In this case, be sure to clean your home. There are many ways to get rid of negativity.

Cleansing ritual with salt

Rituals with salt are common when removing negative programs. This simple action will get rid of the evil eye and envy of ill-wishers. Take a small packet of salt and heat it in a cast iron frying pan. While heating, read prayers. It is best to say “Our Father” - it works flawlessly in any situation.

When the salt begins to crackle, take the frying pan in your right hand and walk around the room with it. Stop at every corner and say a prayer at least once.

After completing the first part of the ritual, throw the salt as far away from the house as possible. Now heat the second part of the pack in a frying pan, let it cool slightly and scatter into small bags. Place at least one in every room. After three days, remove them and also throw them away from your home.

Incense for home cleansing

Frankincense is a unique product that our ancestors used when necessary to drive away an evil spirit or negative energy. If you want to say goodbye to negative programs in your home, use incense.

Fumigation methods are different. It is best to walk around the room with a burning candle and lit incense. Stop in each room in the center and say:

Incense, salt of the earth, fire!
Bowl full of water!
I'm coming to bow to you!
Protect from trouble!
My favorite bright house!
May happiness be in him!

The ritual takes place shortly before sunset.

Purification by fire - ritual

Our ancestors endowed fire with magical properties. It was considered sacred, capable of cleansing from any negativity. With the help of this ritual, you can remove a negative program from both a person and a home.

Rite of purification through the power of fire

Purification ritual with water and fire

Powerful ritual of purification

Purification ritual with water and fire

Slavic ritual of cleansing an apartment with fire

Salt for clearing negativity

Ritual for home protection

In many cleansing rituals, the Slavs used salt, which was considered one of the most powerful means for collecting negative information.

A simple way to cleanse a room of any filth is to take a small amount of coarse salt, pour it into plates or pots, and place it in all corners of the room. Leave the plates for a week, and then pour all the used salt into one bag and bury it outside. Do not use waste salt in food under any circumstances, as you will take on all the accumulated negativity.
Slavic ritual of cleansing an apartment with fire

Fire has always been revered by the Slavs, and bonfires were an integral attribute of any holiday. As an example, consider the holiday “Kupala”. The fire was always led by a sorcerer or sorcerer, who chose from among the young men those who would maintain the sacred fire throughout the sacrament.

To cleanse yourself or a room with the help of fire, light several candles, place them in a circle and read the words of the ancient conspiracy: “In the name of Svarog the Father, in the name of Dazhdbog, and in the name of Perun the Thunderer. You, Svarog the Father, separate truth from falsehood, you, Dazhdbog, separate day from night, and you, Perun, separate Reality from Navi. I conjure (name), by the power of heavenly fire, by the power of the fire that is between heaven and earth, by the power of earthly fire, and by the underground I conjure. Let all the dark spells, all the teachings and slander, all the dry spells of Navya burn out in the Pekelny Fire. May what has been said come true. Exactly".
Purification ritual with water and fire

Before performing this ceremony, place three or twelve church candles on the table. Water and Fire are the elements that are at the core of the universe, therefore they must be treated with all respect and reverence. Sit at the table and whisper the words: “Lord God, bless you for cleansing. I ask you, spirits of fire and water, help me cleanse myself, take away all the anger and misfortune from me, burn them in fire, drown them in water, so that they never return to me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, move the candles from the table to the floor and sit in the center, reading the Lord’s Prayer nine times. Try to relax and watch the candles burn around you. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a boat in the middle of a large lake, feel the waves rocking your vessel. If at this moment you feel a negative influence, which may manifest itself in nausea or other sensations, then you have a large amount of negative energy.

You need to stay inside the circle of candles until you feel relief. If it doesn’t get better, then you can leave at any time, but at the same time, be sure to thank the forces of Fire and Water for their help and support.
This ritual must be performed every day until you feel that there is no trace left of everything negative and negative.
Powerful ritual of purification

Moonlight is a powerful energy force, the main thing is to direct it in the right direction.

This is an extremely effective ritual that will not only help you get rid of negative thoughts and feelings, but will also teach you how to enter a state of meditation, which can be successfully used in other magical practices.

To perform the ceremony you will need some kind of silver vessel. This could be a cup or a vase. If you do not have a suitable silver vessel, then you can replace it with a jug made of another material, but in this case you will need to put a silver coin on the bottom of the vessel (the presence of silver is a prerequisite for this ritual).

Pour water into the prepared vessel and place it on a windowsill or balcony so that moonlight falls into the water. The water should be exposed to the moon for several hours. Then place the vessel in front of you and place both hands on its neck. Close your eyes and try to imagine that the moonlight is touching your palms through the water. As soon as you manage to catch this first sensation, begin to transmit it to your whole body, as if moonlight is spreading throughout your body.

When you feel that you have taken the entire energy flow from the jug, read the words of the spell: “Silver moonlight, you give strength, you bring purity. Cleanse me, God's servant (name), from all filth, from all evil, from envy and sadness. Let it be so".

Now scoop up some moon water with your palms and moisten selected points on your body with it. Most often they choose: temples, forehead, solar plexus area, neck, wrists, etc. When you feel that energy is beginning to flow into your body again, read the words: “My Mother Moon, strengthen my spirit, fill me with your strength, light, creative power, cleanse me from everything dark, everything evil and unworthy. Cleanse, Moon, your child (name). Let it be so".

Then lower your hands and say: “I (name) am pure, I am perfect, like a baby at the beginning of his life’s journey. Thank you, O Moon Goddess. Stay with me in my life, help me preserve the lily of my soul in the silver of your rays. Exactly".

A candle can be used to cleanse not only your home, but also your own thoughts and feelings. If something is really bothering you, if you are tormented by doubts and fears, just light a candle, put it on the table, sit next to it and concentrate on its flame. Try to enjoy contemplating the sacred fire, admire its yellow tongues, and then simply tell the flame what really worries you, what prevents you from living and feeling happy. Tell sincerely about all the grievances and pains, about doubts, about everything that lies a heavy burden on your heart. After that, just imagine that all your negative thoughts and emotions are a pile of garbage that you threw away and gave to the sacred flame. Now you will definitely feel better.
Slavic rituals for cleansing

A very ancient ritual of egg rolling, very simple and effective.

Our distant ancestors viewed themselves in an inextricable connection with nature, which they identified with the Gods and the Mother of all things. Moreover, the Slavs considered themselves descended from the Gods and called themselves the grandchildren of Dazhdbog.

Few people know, but one of the most common cleansing rituals, egg rolling, has roots in ancient Slavic rituals. This simple technique allows you to remove any energy damage to the body and spirit. The ritual is completely safe and, if used correctly, can be used any number of times.

The most effective amulets for the home will be amulets and amulets made by yourself.
Ritual for home protection

Our ancestors paid special attention to protecting family and home from negativity. They believed that there should always be some object located next to the front door that would catch the eye of everyone entering. It was this object that was supposed to absorb all the negative energy.

As such a protector, the Slavs used small wooden or straw houses, wreaths of various herbs and flowers, old clothes and shoes, as well as jewelry with various seeds, fruits and berries, bags of herbs and amulets.

The same item can be used today, you just need to know the basic properties of the listed items.

Most popular rituals to get rid of negative energy are carried out using the power of the fire element. In rituals, this power is often symbolized by the flame of a candle; this small flame allows the performer to clear his own thoughts and concentrate on the magical ritual of getting rid of any filth.

Purification rituals are simple and safe, however, for such magic to work as effectively as possible, the performer requires sincere faith, mental strength and will. Without your faith in the power of the ritual, it will not be able to act and help.
Home cleansing ritual

This is a simple ritual that works on the power of the element of fire. It will help you cleanse your own home, get rid of negativity and evil. Light a candle, concentrate on its flame and try to feel how everything bad burns out in this small flame. Approach the front door with a burning candle and walk around the entire house with it, moving clockwise along the walls. At this time, you need to continuously look at the candle flame, think about how good it is at home, how cozy, warm, and dear your home is. Try to feel the atmosphere of peace and love in your home, think that here the walls help you in all matters, you and all the other residents.

When you feel confident that your home is really helping you, think that inside these walls you will be protected from any evil, from people with bad intentions, from negative energy.

As you move around the house, try to think that the candle flame really helps you protect your own home from evil, hatred, envy and other negative feelings and emotions.

You need to slowly walk around all the corners of the house and watch the candle flame very carefully.

While walking through the rooms with candles, pay special attention to the vibrations of the flame; if the fire at some point becomes restless, you will hear distinct crackling sounds, which means that the negative energy impact is especially strong in this place. Stop for a while and read any cleansing spells or prayers you know.

When you have gone through all the rooms in the house, return to the front door, place a candle on the threshold and leave it there to burn out. Place the candle in such a way that people entering will not knock it over.

Feng Shui problems are not always solved by simple correction. Many people make the huge mistake of starting to “fix” their home with methods that require a complete cleansing first. Remember: if your problem is obvious and disappeared after a simple correction (for example, you hung a mirror and destroyed poisoned arrows sha), then no other serious actions need to be taken. But if the problem persists, then most likely you need to re-create the clean distribution paths qi. And then a complete cleansing of your home from all filth is required. Today, during a period of magnetic field instability, this is often the only correct decision. Do not put on mirrors, plants, or animals what you should do yourself. In addition, it is useful to cleanse your home at least once a year, even if everything seems to be in order. This way you clear the clogged vessels of your home and give it the opportunity to live and breathe freely.

Cleaning the house in Russian

Cleansing the house is a ritual familiar to many peoples, because since ancient times people have felt that it is simply necessary to cleanse their home of energetic dirt. Russia also has its own methods and rituals.

For example, they lit incense and, walking along the perimeter of the house, burned it in all rooms, especially in corners, closets, closets and other places where there were accumulations of things. Or they threw small pinches of a mixture of chaga broken into pieces and crushed dry celandine and thistle leaves into the fire of the stove or into a frying pan. The smoke itself spread where it was needed and drove away all the evil spirits from especially negative zones.

You can use the strongest and most effective cleansing method - cleansing with a candle and holy water.

This work needs to be done together, and it is advisable that there is no one else in the house at that moment and no one disturbs you with phone calls or unexpected visits. One person holds a lit church candle in his hands, the second holds a vessel with water blessed in the church. You need to start work from the front door. Light a candle, take it in your right hand and, standing with your back to the door, looking at the fire, read the prayer “Our Father” (you can do it out loud, or you can do it silently): “Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen".

After reading this prayer, you need to start moving along the walls counterclockwise, continuing to read the prayer over and over again and crossing the walls with a candle flame. Particular attention should be paid to corners, including those formed by furniture, as well as mirrors, windows and sleeping places: they are baptized with a candle three times. The telephone and TV also accumulate a lot of negativity, and you can linger here longer. The second person follows the first and also crosswise sprinkles the walls, corners, mirrors, furniture, etc. with holy water. If somewhere a candle begins to smoke or goes out, it means there is a lot of negative energy there: you need to stop and stand with the candle longer , especially intensively baptize this place with flame and sprinkle it with holy water.

You don’t need to go into closets, bathrooms, or toilets; just open the doors there and cross the space behind the door with a candle, mentally bringing into the room the fiery cross formed by the candle flame.

Having walked around the entire apartment in this way, you need to stop again in front of the front door, but now facing it, cross it three times with a candle and water, then open the door and splash holy water on the area behind the door. This way you will finally drive all negative energy away from your apartment. Close the door and read the Lord's Prayer again while looking at the candle flame. Now you can blow out the candle. The work is finished.

If there are places in the house where a seriously ill or dying person spent a long time, or where someone died, special work must be done with such areas. After all, in the place where a person died, a stable communication channel with the afterlife is formed. This is a kind of black hole into which the energy of both the apartment itself and the people living in it is sucked. In such a place you need to put a candle, light it and not extinguish it until the candle itself burns out completely. This may have to be done more than once. Then you need to take another lit candle and make counterclockwise circular movements over this place, as if burning out the remaining negativity. Then light another candle and, looking at the flame, imagine how the golden glow emanating from the candle flame completely fills the purified space - it’s like we are “darning” a black hole, filling it with a golden glow and closing the entrance to the afterlife.

However, the home cleansing ritual developed by the teachings of Feng Shui has a much greater effect. But before you begin the cleansing ritual, you must do general cleaning in the house, that is, prepare your home for further work. People who begin a cleansing ritual without first doing a thorough cleaning can never completely get their home in order. They complain and write me letters that they don't see any improvement. And I want to warn you: if you are thinking of cleaning your house, then initially you just need to thoroughly clean it, sweep it and wash it, throw out everything unnecessary from it, and only then cleanse its energy.


I'm not saying that you have to clean out your apartment in one day or evening and throw away everything possible. You can't do this in a day. Often it can’t be done in a week. But the energy of any home depends on whether it is able to breathe. If your lungs become clogged with dust and dirt, you will die. The house will die too. Only after being cleared of debris will it begin to perform its protective functions for you again. It is not for nothing that all nations attached such great attention to cleanliness and order. In Rus', large cleanings were carried out before all major church holidays, and the most significant ones were carried out at the change of seasons: at the beginning of winter and at the beginning of summer. People came to these troublesome chores after they had cleansed themselves physically - by long fasting and spiritually - by constant prayers. That is, first they carried out “spring cleaning” in their body and in their soul. This is no accident. How can you make a home clean and bright if your body is filled with waste and your soul is lazy and empty? After all, every home is a cast of your soul. That’s why I advise you, before taking such a decisive step as spring cleaning, that is, preparing your home for important changes, to first put your body and soul in order. Well, everything is clear with the body. There are now plenty of recommendations in popular literature for proper and effective cleansing of organs and body systems. Choose and follow them. But how to cleanse the Soul?

I'll give you a hint. First, pay off old debts - forgive those who did something bad to you, and those you envy. Secondly, mentally ask for forgiveness from those to whom you yourself are guilty. Remove a heavy burden from your soul. After all, envy, anger, and one’s own guilt are an unbearable burden, so how can you drag it into a new life?

When you have done all this, only after that, with a calm, clear conscience, begin preparing for spring cleaning.

First of all, sort all the things into necessary and unnecessary ones. Very often we keep things that should have been thrown away a long time ago, justifying this by the fact that everything might come in handy someday. Most of us have a developed hamster instinct: to hide everything we can in a hole. But the mink is not rubber! Gradually, things clog all the pores of the house, so that it is impossible to turn around; they lie somewhere on the mezzanine for years, gathering dust and spoiling in cramped spaces in various closets and pantries, huddling forlornly under sofas and shelving.

More than once, you probably had a feeling of melancholy when you found yourself in the room of a lonely ancient old woman. Do you know why? It was not only the old age of the owner of the apartment and not only the pity for her helpless loneliness that had such an effect on you, but also the smell, the specific smell of a hamster’s home. Because in this old woman’s closet, mixed with relatively new things, lay dresses that she had once worn in her youth, and moth-eaten hats that had gone out of fashion half a century ago; in her sideboard there were broken mugs, neatly glued together in places where they had been chipped, plates with chipped edges and even pieces of half-eaten bread. They all carried information about decrepitude, lack of vitality, and readiness to crumble into dust at the very first touch... That’s why you should never regret throwing anything away. If you have clothes that you haven't used in a year or two, feel free to donate them to someone who needs them. If you have shoes with patches and worn out soles, don't expect that the time will come when you can repair them and wear them. You won't. So give it... to the trash heap. If, just in case, you store a lot of old printed materials - in case of repairs or you just don’t get around to sorting them out - without reading, without revising, take them out of your house. Use torn sheets that you will never sew up for your spring cleaning. This will be a completely worthy use for outdated items.

Often we even get sick because we keep all sorts of junk at home. What many people with asthma don't know is that they wouldn't need any pills if they could just get rid of the piles of old stuff that accumulate in their apartments. Good feng shui cannot be created if the house is filled with all sorts of things. That is why your task is to, without regret, give away or remove from the house everything that you no longer need. Usually parting with old things brings back a lot of memories. Don't remember. What is past is past. Long-ago events cannot be brought back with faded dresses and skirts that are tight at the waist. Moreover, looking at old things, we not only resurrect the past days, but also lay down a program for the future. Holding with regret in your hands a jacket that will now only fit on a cat, you suddenly realize how you have changed, thoughts about old age, about the passage of time, sadness and grief overwhelm you. And you yourself do not realize that at this moment you have programmed your future not for preserving vitality, youth, joy, but for withering and death. So part with the past without pity, it will only make you feel better.

Old unnecessary things and junk are real energy eaters. Just know this: if you do not dare to part with them, they gradually accumulate and begin to simply eat up your own energy, your vitality. In our time, there are Plyushkins who value every rusty nail, every old button, every piece of string... As a rule, such people look lifeless, apathetic, unable to enjoy life. This is not surprising: after all, they spend all their strength, all their energy on protecting their treasures.

It is especially dangerous to keep things of deceased people in the house - Russian villages have known this for a long time, and ministers of the Orthodox Church have warned about this. The only exceptions are things that were once given to you with love and kindness by a now deceased person. Such things can and should be in the house - as a memory of a loved one, of a relative who has passed away. The same things that belonged personally to the deceased do not bode well for you. Even if the deceased was a very good, kind person and treated you well, this does not change anything: in this case, the point is not in his personal qualities. The fact is that after the death of a person, things belonging to him also begin to carry information about death; one might say, they bear the indelible stamp of death.

God especially forbid you to wear the things of a deceased person - his suits, dresses, coats, shoes. In this way, you will connect yourself with an energy channel to the afterlife, and your energy will flow through this channel until you are exhausted. And it won’t be long before you go after the former owner of the things yourself. Be careful! Remember that your life, health and well-being are more valuable than all the most expensive things in the world. Therefore, do not regret it, throw it away, take it to the trash heap, and finally burn it!

Now, unfortunately, many people, and not always these are homeless people and beggars, pick up things from garbage dumps and landfills that seem quite suitable to them. They do not think that these things may have belonged to a now deceased person. Well... Here, as they say, it’s who God sends to. So this is the fate of these people. It must be said that a sensitive person, a person with developed intuition, or at least a little literate in energy-informational matters, will never pick up someone else’s thing anywhere, much less in a trash heap or landfill. Such a person feels (or knows): this thing has alien energy, which can be very negative. Why should we pick up and drag someone else’s negativity into our home? Isn’t our own enough?

But if it’s hard for you to part with your favorite thing, try performing a complete cleansing ritual on it. This ritual is performed before the negativity is removed from the house itself.

How to clean an item

Cleansing with candle flame and water. Take a candle, preferably a church candle, light it and circle the flame several times around the item being cleaned counterclockwise, imagining how you are burning out all the negativity. Then cross the item several times with the candle flame. If you also read a prayer, for example, “Our Father,” the cleansing effect will increase significantly. Then take holy water (or self-charged water) and sprinkle it several times in a crisscross pattern on the item to be cleaned.

If the item can be washed or washed, rinse it thoroughly under running water, imagining how the water washes away all the negativity.

After the cleansing ritual, do not forget to check with the help of the frame whether a positive effect has occurred, whether the energy of the thing has been cleansed, whether it has become positive. If not, perform the ritual two more times. If after this the energy does not improve, nothing can be done, it means that the charge of negativity on things is so powerful that you cannot remove it. You'll have to get rid of the thing.

Purification by imaginary flame. This method is suitable when you are cleaning a large item (for example, a large piece of furniture). Crossing such a thing with a candle flame also won’t hurt, but this may not be enough. To clean a large object, try the following: first, look at the candle flame for a few minutes, remembering your sensations and the very appearance of the flame. Then look at the object being cleaned and imagine that it is completely engulfed in fire. Now the flame penetrates inside - you can imagine how it burns through every cubic centimeter of the thing being cleaned. There is nothing left of the negative. Do this several times if necessary, then also sprinkle the item with holy water. Don't forget to check the result with a frame.

Cleansing with your own energy. This method is suitable for small objects that fit in the palm of your hand or, in extreme cases, for those that can be held in weight with both hands - figurines, jewelry, table lamps, inkwells, stationery, watches, etc. It is best to perform cleansing in your favorite a corner specially designed so that positive energy accumulates there, as we talked about in the previous chapter. Rub your palms together until you feel warm. Now spread your palms slightly to the sides so that they remain parallel to each other at a distance of 20–25 centimeters. Again, slightly bring your palms together, then again slightly move them away from each other - make such oscillatory movements with your palms, now towards each other, now in opposite directions, until you clearly feel some elasticity between your palms - your palms will seem to spring, as if something -that doesn't let them see each other. Now imagine that this “something” springs between your palms and does not allow them to close - a bright yellow shining energy ball. Try to mentally make this ball larger and brighter - add energy to it from your own palms. When the sensation of the ball is clear and distinct, move it with both palms to the object being cleaned and mentally combine it with the object - so that the object is completely inside the ball. Continue to hold your palms on both sides of the object, imagining how the energy of the ball between your palms literally enters the object, enveloping it entirely, to the very core. When the sensation of the ball wears off, rub your palms together again and create a new ball. Do this until you feel that the object is glowing from the inside, completely saturated with bright yellow light and positive energy.

Sound cleansing. Church singing, the sound of bells or chanting mantras are best suited for this purpose. If you can sing yourself, that’s good, but it will be better if you purchase an audio cassette with the corresponding recordings. All you have to do is turn on the tape recorder and place it next to the item being cleaned. All you have to do is imagine how sound vibrations literally enter the object being cleaned and the object also begins to sound, responding, like a sensitive string, to sounds from the outside. This “sounding” of an object in tune with high sacred sounds is a wonderful way of purification.

In what cases will none of the cleansing methods give the desired result? Firstly, if there is some kind of dark history associated with the item - for example, it was obtained as a result of a crime or by fraud. This does not mean that you were the one who deceived someone to get this item, but you may not know what twists and turns it went through before it came into your home.

Secondly, this can happen with things that the deceased person used before death. Especially if he was very attached to these things and loved them.

In both cases, you need to get rid of such things. I warn you: it is impossible to clean them, no matter how hard you try! This is especially true for things that the deceased was in direct contact with at the time of death, that is, a bed, blanket and pillows, bed linen, etc. Information about death is very heavy, and it eats into things very deeply. You may have heard that at the front, during the Great Patriotic War, there was such a terrible omen: whoever puts on an overcoat taken from a dead man will soon die himself. The sign really came true. And this is not surprising: a thing that has witnessed the death of its owner literally absorbs the very spirit of death, a kind of deadly program. And he passes it on to the one who inherits this thing and puts it on after the deceased person. So this program begins to work in relation to its new owner, inevitably leading him to death.

Remember this and never wear things that once belonged to deceased people, do not sleep on the bed on which a person died, do not use his things. This is more than serious. If your life is dear to you, do not regret old things, take them out of the house, do not keep them for yourself!

In memory of a departed loved one, you can leave photographs (but do not rush to hang them on the walls, it is better to store them in a secluded place, in a special album), jewelry, personal items (but not clothes, but, for example, equipment, stationery, badges , awards, any special things - such as an icon or a kind of “amulets”, which may include antiques, various kinds of valuable things, ancient things) with which the deceased did not come into direct contact in the last years of his life.

When you clear your home of unnecessary, old things saturated with unwanted energy in this way, you will immediately feel better. The air itself in your home will seem to become cleaner and more transparent. And you will become healthier, more cheerful, calmer and internally freer. You will begin to like your home, even if you never felt that way about it before. And it’s not surprising: now it’s not just a house - it’s a house whose aura you create with your own hands, it’s a house that you create in your own image and likeness, so that you feel cozy, comfortable, calm, light and joyful in it.

So, you have cleared your apartment of junk. Now, first carry out dry cleaning, that is, sweep away the rubbish from all corners, shake out the covers from sofas and armchairs, collect dust with a vacuum cleaner, sweep away cobwebs from the walls, and then wash the entire floor well and thoroughly so that there is not a single crack left where they could accumulate. dirt and debris. If possible, wipe down the walls. Remove all books from the shelves and carefully wipe each of them, do not forget about the shelves themselves. In the kitchen, treat all dishes in the same way. Be sure to wet-wash all soft items, wash curtains, capes, rugs, and all dirty clothes. Combine your spring cleaning with a spring wash. And only when you don’t have a single dirty thing left, not even a handkerchief hidden under the pillow, only then can you breathe a sigh of relief: everything in the house shines and sparkles. All that remains is to open the windows, which you have previously thoroughly washed, cleaned and repaired if necessary, and let in fresh air.

Now you can begin the most difficult and important process - cleaning your home using Feng Shui methods.

Preparation for the ceremony

So, you have fully prepared your home for the most important Chinese ritual - the home cleansing ritual. We are accustomed to having such a cleansing performed by an invited priest: he reads prayers appropriate to the occasion and sprinkles the rooms with holy water. In China, no one invites the priest with church water, but there is a whole series of actions that allow you to remove negative energy information fields and make your home livable. This ritual can be performed by both women and men, but women are forbidden to do this on menstruation days, and both sexes are forbidden to do this when they have open wounds, because, according to Feng Shui, the secreted blood brings dirt, what a cleansing then! It attracts all the lower entities that are just waiting for a minute to pounce on the person who disturbed them. It is also forbidden for pregnant women to do this, since the energy during pregnancy changes dramatically, the woman seems to be turned inward, she is focused on her unborn child, so she cannot be torn away from her blissful state during this period.

Before the ceremony, you must take a bath or go to the sauna - after all, your body and hair must be clean, and you also need to dress in everything clean. It is best to have a comfortable, loose suit with sleeves that reveal the elbows. Remember: you must be full of strength for the cleansing ritual. Don't be afraid of letting the genie out of the bottle, that is, encountering negative energy fields that can affect you in a negative way. Nothing like that will happen because you will simply disperse stagnant energy, pull it out of dark corners into bright light and transform it into positive energy.

Before you begin the ritual itself, you need to think through everything carefully. Ask yourself a question: what do I want to change in my life with this ritual? After all, I’m not starting this just to simply rearrange the furniture. Sometimes this may not improve anything. The ritual is needed for something else - to remove energy blockages, release qi, transform stagnant energy into good, active energy. So what do I want to achieve?

Take a pen and paper and write down all the areas where you need to improve your life. You can also use the bagua zones. Having made such a list, think over a specific plan on how best to achieve the desired result. Therefore, it’s good to ask yourself another question: what prevents my life from being full and joyful? Write down the reasons that seem obvious to you. Only after fully understanding what and how can be changed, proceed to the ritual itself.

Before the upcoming cleansing, put all foods and drinks in the refrigerator, because the negative energy released from secluded corners, expelled by you from your holes, will certainly affect food primarily. Do not leave a glass or jug ​​of water on the table - water immediately considers negative information, and after drinking such water you will not feel full of energy. During the ceremony you are always very thirsty, so take care of your drinks, just put them in the refrigerator in advance, where they will be completely safe.

Be sure to remove all metal jewelry: metal is an excellent conductor, it can accumulate static electricity, which is not at all necessary during energy operations. Your clothes should also not have any metal buttons, snaps, or rivets; it is also undesirable if they are made of synthetics, which also tend to accumulate static electricity. The smartest thing is to wear linen or cotton. Don’t forget to take off your watch, and generally remove all watches from the room where you are doing the cleansing, because during the ritual they will be exposed to a powerful energy flow that will disable them. If you wear glasses, take them off while working because glasses often have metal parts that can also get in your way. Very often depression or headaches occur because the frame of the glasses becomes an excellent conductor and begins to negatively affect you.

Turn off all appliances because appliances run on electricity or batteries that produce electric current. Don't use any background music - you should be able to hear what you're doing and not sway to the music. To make it easier for you to disperse energy stagnation, open a door or window - a flow of negative energy will rush there.

To start the ritual, choose exactly the best place - usually this is the intersection of diagonals from windows to doors, the geometric center of the room, but keep in mind that all objects have their own energy, so the center point can shift, and you just need to understand where it is. To do this, stand in the middle of the room, stretch your arms in front of you, close your eyes. Now tune in to search for the energy center: slowly turn to the sides and “taste” the air by touch. In some directions you will feel weak vibrations, in others strong. Move towards the strong vibrations until they too begin to weaken. Then return to the point where the vibrations seemed strongest to you. This will be the center you are looking for.

To perform the ritual you will need to be very receptive to energy fields, which is usually achieved through preliminary training.

I will give you several exercises to develop hand sensitivity. You need them to accurately read information about the positive and negative areas of your apartment and fight manifestations of dark energy.

However, remember: these exercises require increased concentration. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed at first. Over time, you yourself will be surprised that you doubted your own abilities! And you simply need to master these exercises, otherwise how will you be able to set up your room? After all, the tuning fork is inside you!

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Specialist in village magic. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

Purification rituals involve a magical ritual that rids a person of negative energy. With the help of a fire ritual, you can heal yourself and your loved ones, cleanse your home of the presence of entities and negativity. A candle flame is considered a symbol of purity and light. Therefore, it is better to carry out cleansing rituals using a church candle.

Cleansing ritual with flame

Rituals in magic based on rituals and practices aimed at healing all living things from accumulated negativity in the aura are quite popular, and they also have a positive effect. The entire process of liberation takes place under the influence of the fire element. In ritual magic, candle fire allows you to cleanse yourself of the past, remove the seal of negative thoughts, and let light and strength into your consciousness.

The fire cleansing ritual is performed in an open space. A ritual with fire is not dangerous, but all actions must have positive intentions and faith in the magical property of fire.

The home cleansing ritual also consists of the element of fire. The ritual of fire helps to free the house from evil and defilement. It is carried out with a pre-prepared candle, which must be lit from a torch. When the candle lights up, the performer should tune in to the positive and imagine how the flame takes away everything unnecessary and negative from his home.

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