Aquarium maintenance. An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem. Aquarium maintenance How to maintain aquariums

Do you want to have some kind of animal at home, but can’t choose the right pets? Perhaps you are allergic to wool, and therefore you do not want to get a cat or dog, you are not yet ready for exotic animals, or maybe the constant chirping of birds at home will bother you?

In this case, an aquarium may be an excellent option for you.

The seabed or the underwater river world right in your room - what could be more beautiful? Multi-colored fish, crustaceans, frogs, turtles – the choice of inhabitants for your aquarium is quite varied. Whatever you choose, these creatures need to create comfortable living conditions, imitating the natural environment as much as possible.

Types of aquariums and their specifications

Let's start with the fact that an aquarium can be for both freshwater and marine inhabitants. The size of the aquarium varies depending on how many creatures will live in it and what kind.

You should also choose the size based on the area of ​​your room. This can be either a small round aquarium that can be placed on a desktop or on a regular shelf, or a large aquarium built into furniture.

In addition, it is worth remembering that any aquarium can decorate your interior, be it an apartment or an office. The original design and bold decision will allow it to fit into the overall ambience in style.

To make the fish comfortable, the aquarium needs to be equipped and maintained, but do not forget about such points as: algae, stones, soil, decorative elements, as well as a water purification system, compressors, and a lamp will create the right conditions.

However, it is quite difficult for non-professionals to set up an aquarium on their own and maintain it in proper condition. It is better if you entrust the care of your pets to professionals. Then it will be easy and simple for both you and your fish.

What does a novice aquarist need to remember?

You should also know that each fish, like any living creature, has its own characteristics and character. Each creature is characterized by one or another type of behavior. You can’t just put everyone in one aquarium: some species may not get along with each other.

Some people need space, others live in colonies, and the natural habitats of some may differ from those of others. While you are making your choice, consult with experts: find out which fish are best for you, who lives in what conditions and how different species get along with each other.

The Aqua-Mir company offers you aquarium maintenance in Kyiv at a good price. Our team of professionals will be happy to assemble a unique, inimitable aquarium for you, select the required dimensions, decorate it and move it to residents who will delight you.

Just tell us your wishes, tell us where the aquarium will be located, what size it should be, what the desired design is, and we will do everything for you!

The surveyor will collect the data, and we will create the aquarium of your dreams. To contact us, go to the contacts section. In addition, we will develop a convenient lid and, if necessary, a cabinet or stand.

If you don’t have time to regularly care for your aquarium, just order this type of work from us. Our experts will tidy up your aquarium and take care of its pets. Just leave it all in good hands! Waiting for you!

Every aquarist knows that as soon as the “house” for the fish begins to operate (the equipment is installed and running, and the fish are introduced), the problem of regular cleaning procedures will immediately arise. They are of great importance both for the life of the aquarium inhabitants themselves and for the long-term functioning of the equipment. Today we will talk about how home aquariums should be maintained.



Remember that each aquarium is individual, and the requirements for the timing of its cleaning will vary. Thus, maintenance of an aquarium depends on a number of factors: the size of the water space, the size of the inhabitants, equipment, soil, design and decor, the presence of vegetation. In general, it is worth noting that daily aquarium cleaning procedures take from 10 to 20 minutes a day, and in addition – about 2 hours for deep cleaning once a week.

The main task of regular care comes down to feeding the fish. In addition, the condition of fish families is regularly inspected, as well as equipment is checked. Next we will talk about how to properly care for an aquarium.

Fish inspection

Remember that there is no better time to inspect your fish than during feeding. Usually at this moment even the most timid inhabitants of the aquarium get out of their hiding places. If your pets prefer to be nocturnal, then the examination will have to be carried out in the dark, using small additional light sources. Please also note that some types of fish prefer to hide in special shelters. The owner should inspect them too, knowing where these secret holes are located.

If everything is fine with the fish, then you can safely feed them and start the second part of your daily care. But if you notice any oddities in the behavior of your pets, then further maintenance of the aquarium needs to be interrupted and you need to start looking for the cause of the fish’s ill health. Do not forget: in the event of a fish death, the corpse is removed from the aquarium immediately.

Equipment check

This stage, aimed at the holistic maintenance of aquariums, is best carried out in the morning or evening (at the time the light sources are turned on or off). Pay attention to whether the water temperature is set and maintained at the correct level. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the operation of aquarium filters. So, the liquid should pass freely through all the tubes, and the air pump could easily supply oxygen. Don't forget to check that the lighting fixtures are working correctly.


Weekly maintenance of aquariums is aimed at replacing part of the water mass with a clean and fresh one. Also important in this process is the removal of any remaining detritus that was not collected by the filters. In addition, complete cosmetic cleaning is carried out: washing glass, inspecting and strengthening plants. Next we will take a closer look at each of the points.

Water change

Proper aquarium care requires regular water changes. The amount of water changed will always vary. The fact is that this indicator is determined depending on the level of nitrates in the water. On average, every week you need to clean at least 20% of the total mass of the liquid. Remember that if the amount of nitrates becomes critical, the fish will be poisoned. Except for situations where the amount of contaminants is at a critical level, it is not recommended to remove more than one third of the liquid in one cleaning.

The procedure itself is carried out using a special siphon, which, while cleaning the soil, takes the required amount of water along with detritus. In addition, after this, clean water is poured, the temperature and chemical parameters of which do not differ from those in the aquarium.

Soil cleaning

Typically, the same device is used to clean the soil as for replacing water. But here you need to be careful and understand that such mechanical soil cleaning will damage the fragile biological filtration system. However, in a large number of cases, large fish waste does not sink to the lower layers of the soil, but accumulates on its surface, which, if properly cleaned, will make it possible to treat the bacterial layer as neutrally as possible.


As for waste, there are a number of difficulties associated with keeping fish. The fact is that waste, even if it accumulates in special filter materials, still causes harm to the aquarium. They participate in the general process of water circulation, which means that while continuing to decompose, they somehow end up with the fish. It is also worth remembering the fact that solid fish waste is unpleasant to look at and can carry infectious diseases, but in general it is harmless to their bodies.

Filter care

Remember that the regularity of filter cleaning in a process that serves as aquarium maintenance is carried out based solely on the type, model, brand of filter, and in addition, taking into account the filter material. As a rule, chemical filtration media need regular replacement (coal and peat), while mechanical components (sponge or synthetic threads) can only get by with regular washing.

If problems with filter clogging often occur, then the entire mass of solid particles should be removed using mechanical filtration. Usually sponges are used for this, which can be washed once a week until they are worn out. The moment the filter needs maintenance, the first thing you need to do is reduce its load. Also, remember that if you clean a biological filter, you will have about 60 minutes before the beneficial bacteria in it die, which should be enough to get the filter back to working.

Plant care

Remember that the plant world of the aquarium also needs regular care. Dead leaves should be trimmed and some types of plants should be pruned regularly. This is important because some species of aquatic flora grow in such a way that they reach towards the surface, leaving most of the aquatic stem completely bare. By pruning them, you can achieve the appearance of additional side shoots, which will remain green and thick for a long time. In addition, there is a group of plants that need regular thinning, otherwise they can easily take over the entire aquarium.

A common food for aquarium flora is nitrates. If their supply to the root system is disrupted, the plant begins to weaken and die. In order to help him at this moment, you need to feed him, which will be part of the process responsible for maintaining the aquarium.

  • During regular inspection of the aquarium, you need to monitor the water level. If some of it evaporates, then you must add new portions.
  • In addition to cleaning the filter, you must also clean other equipment in the aquarium, such as the aerator.
  • It is best to feed aquarium plants with special complex fertilizers.

Video “Cleaning the Aquarium”

From the video “Cleaning the Aquarium” you will learn a lot of interesting things.

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Of course, carrying out all this work primarily requires your personal time, which is always in short supply. In addition, there are often situations when you need to go on a business trip or are going on vacation. Who will take care of the aquarium, feed its inhabitants and change the water on time? But this is extremely important, since an aquarium is a balanced, stable ecosystem, and any disturbances in it can very quickly affect the well-being of all its components.

And, finally, the most important thing: all these manipulations must be performed competently, otherwise you risk losing your scaly pets. Therefore, maintaining an aquarium is a task that requires experience and professional skills to successfully complete. And the best solution to this issue will be the help of specialists.

The AQUAMED company is a team of true professionals who are always ready to provide you with a full range of aquarium maintenance services.

What exactly is included in the list of works?

Manipulation of the aquatic environment:

  • general monitoring of the water condition in the aquarium;
  • replacing all the water or only the required amount;
  • checking water hardness, as well as the content of harmful and beneficial components in it;
  • adding medications and microelements if necessary.


  • general assessment of the quality and performance of aquarium equipment;
  • mechanical cleaning of glass, decorative elements and filters;
  • shunting, or siphoning, of soil;
  • replacement of mechanical cartridges and absorbent fillers in filters;
  • replacement of metal halide, fluorescent (spectral) and ultraviolet (bactericidal) lamps;
  • setting up thermoregulation, lighting and filtration;
  • General cleaning of the aquarium.

Working with aquarium inhabitants:

  • assessment of the condition of representatives of the animal world;
  • fish treatment;
  • caring for plants and other aquatic organisms.

AQUAMED specialists always recommend carrying out such work in a comprehensive manner. The reason for this is simple: only an integrated professional approach and complete interconnection of complementary components will ensure the stability of the aquarium ecosystem.

5 advantages of cooperation with our company

  1. Here you will find the widest range of aquarium maintenance services. Therefore, by contacting us, you will certainly save your time, because you will not need to look for specialists in other companies.
  2. We are true professionals. Our employees have extensive knowledge, rich practical experience and all the necessary modern equipment. And this guarantees you prompt order fulfillment and excellent results.
  3. We pay close attention to each of our clients. If you choose to cooperate with our company on an ongoing basis, a personal curator will be assigned to you. He will give all the necessary advice under any circumstances and provide assistance in resolving any issues.
  4. If you need to monitor the condition of several aquariums in one place, then you can always count on receiving discounts on maintenance.
  5. With constant cooperation, our clients will receive a pleasant bonus for each month of partnership.


Our specialist will launch and decorate the new aquarium.

He will come and assess the condition of the aquarium.
Cleans a neglected aquarium.
Will teach you how to use the aquarium system.
Will take action and cure sick fish.
For serviced aquariums, the specialist will recommend the necessary equipment for the organization and law firms, you can sign a contract for monthly maintenance

Aquarium volume One-time service Service 2 times a month Service 4 times a month
up to 100 2000 3000 4500
200 2500 3500 5000
300 3500 4500 5500
400 4000 5000 5500
500 4500 5500 6500
600 5000 6000 7000
700 5500 6500 8500
800 6000 7500 9500
900 7500 8500 10500
from 901 negotiable negotiable negotiable

Change of work schedule:

Aquarium salon Aquatoria offers subscription service for aquariums (aquarium cleaning) on ​​an all-inclusive basis. We service freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Aquarium maintenance equipment for sale.

Unfortunately, there are no maintenance-free aquariums. Therefore, a person purchasing an aquarium must remember that even such small and silent pets as fish require care. But this care is much less labor-intensive than caring for, for example, a dog.

A significant part of the worries about maintaining the required climate in the aquarium can be entrusted to the equipment. The filter and compressor work constantly, the light can turn on and off on its own according to a timer, and the heater in the aquarium is also automatic.

Even feeding fish is no longer a daily human responsibility, since you can install an automatic feeder (of course, only for fish that eat dry food). But at the same time, regular human intervention is still necessary to carry out preventive measures to maintain the aquarium in a healthy and clean condition.

What is included in aquarium maintenance and why are these activities necessary?

When servicing an aquarium, the following actions are performed:

  • Regular replacement(replacement 20-30%) parts of water for fresh- the main task when maintaining aquariums. The fact is that the very toxic ammonia released by fish into the water during their life processes is oxidized in several stages by beneficial bacteria inhabiting the aquarium filter to a much less toxic nitrate. But nitrate, although not so dangerous in small concentrations, when accumulated, becomes just as harmful to fish, and a significant increase in its concentration can lead to poisoning of fish and their death. Therefore, it must be removed from the water. The most effective way to do this is to replace some of the water with new water.
    If the aquarium is decorated with live plants, then an increase in the concentration of nitrogen compounds is also harmful for the plants, slows down their growth, and worsens their condition. Moreover, an increased content of the mentioned nitrogen compounds in water leads to the growth of unwanted algae - green or brown plaque on the walls and decorations, thread-like growth on plants, unsightly black fringe on leaves and decorations.
    The water in the aquarium never changes completely during normal maintenance! Only 20-30% (sometimes up to 50%) of water is replaced. It should be mentioned that, contrary to popular belief, there is no need to settle water for partial replacement; water is poured directly from the tap, and to obtain a water temperature equal to the temperature in the aquarium, it is permissible to mix hot tap water with cold tap water.
  • The next thing that is necessary when maintaining an aquarium is the basic removal of debris, food residues, dead parts of plants, fish excrement remaining in the soil and on its surface. This removal is usually combined with draining part of the water for replacement. Soil cleaning is done with a siphon - a hose with a socket at the end.
  • In aquariums, the walls and decorations almost always become dirty over time. Removing dirt from walls and decorations(usually mechanical) is also necessary to maintain the aquarium visually attractive.
  • Other work when maintaining an aquarium depends on the type of its design. When maintaining aquariums with artificial plants or in the “pseudo-sea” style, regular maintenance is necessary. scenery bleaching using household chemicals. When maintaining an aquarium with live plants - pruning and cuttings of plants, applying fertilizers. When servicing a marine aquarium - adding microelements, water testing and so on.
  • In addition, aquarium equipment requires washing, replacing filter media And regular monitoring of work.
  • You also need to remember about fish condition monitoring. And if they show signs of illness, it is necessary to take appropriate measures - their treatment.

How often should you maintain your aquarium?

As for the frequency of maintenance of the aquarium, it’s almost like cleaning an apartment - The canonical norm is once a week.

Sometimes, when keeping the most demanding fish or if you want to maintain your lush garden (when decorated with live, fast-growing plants) in a consistently neat condition, maintenance 2 times a week is appropriate. But this is rather an exception to the norm.

Under certain conditions, a normal service schedule would be once every 2 weeks. Such conditions may be: a relatively small number of fish in the aquarium, installation of an expanded set of equipment (for example, the use of an ultraviolet sterilizer), short daylight hours (regulated by a timer), the use of mostly dark decorations on which fouling is invisible.

Maintenance of aquariums from the aquarium salon AQUATORIA

Almost all of the freshwater aquarium maintenance procedures mentioned above can be performed by anyone. But often the aquarium user either does not have the time or does not have the desire to do this. And some people just stick to the simple rule that everyone should mind their own business. In this case, we are pleased to offer you our professional aquarium maintenance services.

On a permanent basis aquarium maintenance under contract We offer our customers two schedule options:

  • once a week;
  • once every two weeks.

More infrequent service is possible at one-time rates.

The price for servicing aquariums includes all consumables.

Consumables include:

  • fish food,
  • medicines for fish,
  • water conditioners,
  • preparations to combat unwanted algae,
  • fertilizers for plants, filter materials,
  • replaceable equipment elements (lamps for lamps and ultraviolet sterilizers, membranes and compressor nozzles, etc.),
  • refilling cylinders with carbon dioxide (for living plants),
  • sea ​​salt for marine aquariums,
  • microelements for marine aquariums,
  • tests, etc.

Do-it-yourself aquarium maintenance

For those who still decide to maintain the aquarium themselves, our assortment always has special equipment:

  • scrapers on the handle
  • magnetic scrapers
  • ordinary siphons
  • siphons with adapter for tap
  • hoses
  • nets
  • tweezers and scissors
  • special aquarium chemistry: water conditioners, anti-algae agents, fertilizers for plants, medicines for fish.

Breeding fish is a very responsible occupation, since the process of caring for the inhabitants has a number of difficulties. In order for the fish to feel comfortable and live as long as possible, special attention must be paid to the maintenance of their home - the aquarium.

Fish feeding procedure

First of all, you should decide on the procedure for feeding the fish. The frequency and type of food depends on the type of fish that will live in the aquarium. Large individuals can be fed once every 3 days, while small and medium-sized ones can be fed more often. It is always important to pay attention to the appearance of the fish, their condition and activity, since illness and improper feeding can affect one of these indicators.

Aquarium Maintenance

In general, the entire process of maintaining and caring for an aquarium can be divided into daily and weekly care. You can do this work yourself, or you can entrust it to companies such as. Daily procedures include:

  • establishing the integrity of the aquarium;
  • regulation and control of water temperature;
  • control of filter operation;
  • checking the purity and transparency of water;
  • a close inspection of all the inhabitants of the aquarium.

All these procedures will not take much time, and their regular implementation will reduce adverse risks, which will allow pets to live in comfort.

Weekly procedures are reduced to:

  • cleaning the aquarium;
  • air supply control;
  • soil cleaning;
  • removal of damaged and rotten parts of algae and other vegetation;
  • fertilizing vegetation and thinning it;
  • changing water.

The health and appearance of the inhabitants of the aquarium depend on the listed procedures, so it is impossible to skip or irregularly perform a set of daily and weekly procedures. If you cannot independently maintain the microclimate in the aquarium or monitor the health of the fish, you should contact professionals and specialists. You can also get advice from any pet store.

Thus, with a competent and responsible attitude towards the maintenance and maintenance of the aquarium, its inhabitants will delight their owners for a long time!

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