Personnel training in production: how to organize effective training of workers. Training company employees: examples and common mistakes

How to organize on-the-job training? Are there standard industrial training programs? Where to start learning, how to control the process? Let's figure it out together.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is on-the-job training?
  • What does the on-the-job training program consist of?
  • How is vocational training organized in production?

On-the-job training: what are its features?

Personnel training at an enterprise is usually typical for industrial companies. It is aimed at professional training of working personnel. It is assumed that during individual, team, course training at a production base (for example, in a workshop), the necessary skills and knowledge for a specific profession are acquired.

When does an employer need to improve the skills of workers and organize on-the-job training?

  1. When there is a tendency towards a decrease in the average category of workers or a lag between the category of workers and the category of work performed. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly analyze the compliance of worker qualifications with technological changes in the production process.
  2. With an increase in the number of cases of defects due to the fault of workers. The situation requires analyzing the causes and making an appropriate decision. For example, it is necessary to organize vocational training in production if the qualifications of workers are low and the equipment is high-tech, requiring special knowledge.

Personnel training in production: how to organize?

In what form is vocational training organized in production? Organization of on-the-job training can be in the following forms:

Industrial and technical courses

Outwardly, it is similar to traditional personnel training at an enterprise through courses with lectures in the classroom. But there is also a difference. There are a large number of practical exercises on mastering the equipment. Practice is carried out on special simulators (if any) and in production workshops under the guidance of an industrial training master. The industrial training program is based on professional standards (again, if any), existing educational standards. It may also include a variable part (that is, training production personnel in the specifics of the equipment that is only available in this production). Courses can be organized, for example, on the basis of a training and production plant attached to a given enterprise and licensed to train personnel in the relevant profile. Upon completion of training - final certification with assignment of qualifications, rank and issuance of relevant state-issued documents.

Courses for training in second and combined professions

Such educational programs allow for staff rotation. Let's consider the situation: equipment is becoming obsolete, new equipment is being introduced, and it is necessary to reduce the number of workers servicing this equipment. Some workers can be retrained for more relevant professions while maintaining jobs. Those who cannot or do not want to learn new things - subject to compliance with labor laws - can be transferred to other departments for other jobs or laid off.

The on-the-job training program and requirements for it are the same as for organizing industrial and technical courses. Upon completion of training - final certification with assignment of qualifications, rank and issuance of relevant documents. For example, state-issued certificates, if the training and production plant that implements such programs has a license to conduct educational activities.

Courses on studying new products, equipment, technology

The program is developed by experts (masters), human resources workers. The courses are aimed at developing the working skills necessary to operate new equipment and the like. At the same time, the enterprise’s operating experience and production standards are taken into account. The on-the-job training program is arbitrary and is developed at the discretion of the employer, based on the current needs of the personnel (skills, knowledge). There are no special program requirements for these courses. Upon completion of training, as a rule, educational documents are not issued. But it is possible to issue a certificate (in any form).

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In this case, professional training of workers in production is as follows. The most experienced workers and foremen share their methods of effective work and methods of organizing working time. Training takes place in the form:

  • communication on production topics with analysis of complex cases, organized in the classroom;
  • practical activities in the workshop, with demonstration of work techniques and the like.

In one case or another, when organizing employee training, an enterprise personnel training program will be required. About her in the next paragraph.

Personnel training at an enterprise: how to create a program

Some recommendations on how to create a training program and what it should contain. So, if we are talking about an educational institution of secondary vocational education (technical schools, vocational schools, training and production plants), then the entire educational process is regulated and controlled by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Accordingly, the content of the training program is determined by the federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education.

How is it developed content of variable on-the-job training programs(for example, if we are talking about courses on studying new products and technologies)? To do this, we have to answer the questions:

  • what will we teach(we make a list of specific technologies to be mastered, name the required professional skills, etc.);
  • why are we going to teach(for what purpose are we organizing the educational process: determining the learning outcomes; for example, reducing the number of defects through deep mastery of work technology);
  • how we will teach(we determine teaching methods (observation of the actions of a master, practical activities); we draw up thematic planning (topics, dates of classes), the number of hours for theory and practice, a list of necessary equipment, etc.).

Training- is a purposeful process of mastering the knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of communication under the guidance of experienced teachers, specialists and managers necessary to work in accordance with established standards, as well as preparing workers for more complex work.

This is a complex and continuous (throughout the entire production activity of the employee) process. Long-term and current (annual) personnel training plans are being developed. This ensures control over the quality of work and professionalism of employees.

Learning process includes:

1. Determining training needs based on the goals of the organization.

2. Formation of the training budget.

3. Setting goals and planning training:

1) determination of evaluation criteria;

2) determining the content of training: planning training programs and training modules;

3) choice of forms and methods of teaching;

4) choice of educational institution and teachers;

5) calculation of the financial budget of educational programs.

4. Implementation of training:

1) educational and methodological, material and technical, information and personnel support for educational programs;

2) staffing study groups and organizing the educational process.

5. Professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

6. Monitoring and performance evaluation educational projects.

It is the personnel service of the enterprise that is responsible for organizing personnel training and conducts this activity in the following areas:

1. Planning :

Analysis of the qualification structure of personnel;

Analysis of educational organizations;

Determination of priority areas of training;

Analysis of the company's resource capabilities;

Formation of a training plan.

2. Organization :

Determination of the list of positions subject to mandatory training and certification;

Drawing up a list of “scarce” specialties at the enterprise;

Drawing up training topics and schedules;

Concluding agreements with educational institutions and specialists;

Organization of the learning process;

Selection of premises, provision of equipment, questionnaires, meals, etc.;

Determining the effectiveness of training.

3. Creation of material base training center.

Determination of training needs is carried out at several levels of the company:

1) the need of the organization as a whole;

It is determined in accordance with the company’s production goals and its personnel policy with the participation of line managers;

2) the need for training of the department (division);

This need is determined by the head of the unit with the participation of training specialists;

3) this is the level of work performed, i.e. the need for training is related to the performance of specific production duties; it is determined on the basis of requests from line managers and the workers themselves through a survey (or questionnaire) of workers.

Methods for determining training needs : assessment of information about the employee available in the personnel service, certification results, analysis of long-term and short-term plans of the organization and its divisions, monitoring the work of personnel, analysis of problems (work efficiency), collection and analysis of applications for training, organization of work with the personnel reserve and career planning , of course, taking into account the opinions of the workers themselves.

Factors influencing training needs : plans for training the personnel reserve, carrying out mandatory certification in accordance with current legislation, proposed changes in staffing, technological changes in production, required professional level of personnel, age of employees, their work experience and abilities, features of work motivation.

Formation of the training budget.

The size of the budget, as well as the choice of methods and types of training, is greatly influenced by personnel policies. The budget is formed based on training plans and staff training needs. Every year, large Western corporations spend from 2 to 5% of their total budget on employee training and development. Which, for example, in the USA is more than 200 billion dollars a year.

Defining learning goals.

It is necessary to obtain answers to the following questions: What is the scope of the organization’s activities and the prospects for its development? What professional knowledge, skills and abilities are required for the company's employees? When and for what period does the training take place? What is the most appropriate teaching method? Who can suggest the optimal training content? Where is the best place to conduct training?

In more detail, the learning objectives can be described as follows:

1) maintaining and increasing the required level of personnel qualifications, taking into account the requirements of existing production and prospects for its development;

2) increased productivity and quality of personnel;

3) preservation and effective use of the company’s potential;

4) increasing the competitiveness of manufactured products;

5) increasing the level of labor motivation of personnel;

6) strengthening corporate culture;

7) increasing the level of commitment of employees to their organization;

8) creating conditions for the professional growth of employees and their self-realization;

9) preparing workers for rotation.

Determination of training content.

1) providing information and knowledge important for his successful professional activities;

2) development of skills necessary to solve standard professional tasks;

3) development of interpersonal communication skills (establishing psychological contact, listening, persuasion, understanding the feelings of other people, conflict resolution);

4) development of the ability to make decisions and analyze problems (methods of individual and team work, the ability to structure problems, collect and analyze information, develop alternative solutions and choose the best).

Types of training. The subject of training is knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of communication (behavior). Knowledge- theoretical, methodological and practical, necessary for an employee to perform his duties in the workplace. Skills- the ability to perform the duties assigned to an employee at a specific workplace. Skills- a high degree of ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice; skills require a high degree of mastery of work (fixed knowledge and skills).

Ways of communication or behavior- a form of personal activity, a set of actions and deeds of an individual in the process of communicating with the surrounding reality, the development of behavior that meets the requirements of the workplace, social relationships, communication skills.

There are three type of training :

1. Professional training personnel - the acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills and training in communication methods aimed at performing certain production tasks. Training is considered complete if qualifications for the relevant activity are obtained.

2. Training personnel - training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills, abilities and methods of communication in connection with increasing requirements for the profession or promotion.

3. Professional retraining (retraining)- training of personnel in order to master new knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of communication in connection with mastering a new profession or greatly changed requirements for the content and results of work. Based on the results of professional retraining, students receive a state diploma, which gives them the right to carry out professional activities in a certain field.

Advanced training is the main way to ensure that the qualifications of workers correspond to the modern level of development of science, technology, and economics. Advanced training is cheaper than training specialists, the duration of training is shorter, and narrow targeted training is possible.

Training can take place on or off the job. The choice of type of training depends on the ratio of expected income (growth in economic performance) and training costs. The type of training determines the set of teaching methods used.

All teaching methods can be divided into three groups:

Teaching methods used during the work- on-the-job training; these include: targeted acquisition of experience and knowledge, production instruction (adaptation), rotation, training of interns, training in project groups, mentoring, delegation of authority, the method of increasingly complex tasks, the use of training methods, instructions.

Advantages of on-the-job training: the content and timing of training can be tailored to the needs of the organization, it is possible to use real technological equipment, the training material is directly related to the job, it is cost-effective;

Teaching methods outside the workplace(job responsibilities); they can be divided into traditional methods: lectures, seminars, etc.; active teaching methods with practical testing of taught knowledge and skills: trainings, role-playing and business games, group discussions, computer training, role modeling, analysis of practical situations.

Advantages of training outside of work: participants can exchange information, share experience in solving problems, you can use expensive training equipment that is not available to the enterprise, qualified training staff, in a neutral environment participants willingly discuss issues;

Methods equally suitable for the first and second groups.

The listed teaching methods do not exclude, but complement each other.

Evaluation of training effectiveness.

The effectiveness of training programs and the cost-effectiveness of training can be assessed.

Objectives of the assessment effectiveness of training programs: determining the degree of achievement of learning objectives; evidence that the improvement in performance indicators occurred as a result of training; implementation of corrective actions.

Definition goals economic efficiency of training: determining the optimal amount of training costs, making decisions on the development of forms and methods of training, comparing various training technologies and places of training, comparing the economic efficiency of training with the effectiveness of other investment options. The economic efficiency of training is determined by the ratio between the costs of training and its financial results (an increase in the useful results of the company’s activities, an increase in its potential, a reduction in costs and the level of risk of activity).

The learning outcomes include the following: improving the quality of work, increasing the speed of staff work, expanding the number of options considered when making decisions, reducing losses due to incorrect assessments and incorrect actions, preventing damage in the event of risk situations, reducing the likelihood of equipment breakdowns, strengthening corporate culture , improving coordination of employee actions, increasing the ability to work in a team and communication.

Training is effective if the costs associated with it will be lower in the future than the organization's costs of increasing labor productivity due to other factors or costs associated with errors in hiring labor. Cost reduction can be accurately calculated, while it is not always possible to determine the results of training.

More promising is to view training as an investment in human capital, i.e. Is this the best way to invest?

There is also the social effectiveness of training, which is expressed in increased job security, opportunities for promotion, expansion of the external labor market and increased self-esteem.

Performance assessment involves collecting data:

1) before training: level of professional indicators, knowledge, skills and characteristics of professional behavior and attitudes related to professional activities;

2) during training: about the motivation of students, about their interest in various educational topics, about assessments (to correct the educational process and increase its effectiveness);

3) assessment of the degree of assimilation students of educational material (tests, tests, exams) and development of production skills;

4) after training to compare data before and after training.

Experience shows that the effectiveness of training is influenced by the following factors: motivation for training, understanding of training goals, practical orientation, creation of a learning environment, consistency and continuity of training, management’s attitude towards training.

Personnel adaptation.

We discussed the essence and types of adaptation in the section on recruiting employees.

Note that there are two areas of labor adaptation:

1) primary- adaptation of young personnel, as a rule, graduates of educational institutions who do not have professional experience;

2) secondary- adaptation of workers who have experience in production activities, but are changing the object of activity or professional role.

Personnel adaptation is managed by personnel service employees who develop general and specialized personnel adaptation programs.

General adaptation program refers to the enterprise as a whole and includes the following issues: general characteristics of the enterprise, the remuneration system at the enterprise, additional benefits (insurance, benefits, advanced training, canteen, sports complex, housing loan, etc.), occupational health and safety, trade union activities, consumer services (food, parking, rest room). These can be excursions around the enterprise, lectures, conversations with leading specialists.

Specialized adaptation program relates to the activities of a specific unit, is usually carried out by its head and includes the following questions: general information about the unit, duties and responsibilities (types and content of work, requirements for them), rules and regulations (daily routine, safety precautions, lunches, smoking , monitoring violations), getting to know employees, introducing an employee to a position (workplace, initial work plan, mentor), employee training.

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From this article you will learn:

  • What are the stages of the company’s employee training process?
  • What to consider when training new company employees
  • Why training company employees does not bring the desired results

A company that invests in employee training can a priori be considered stable, successful, investing not only in short-term, but also in long-term projects. The willingness to pay for staff development is evidence of management's foresight and business wisdom. But even the most successful companies sometimes face difficult questions: How to organize training for company employees with maximum efficiency? Why is the desired result not achieved as a result of training? How to make the training process one of the company’s “tricks” that attracts competent employees? Let's try to answer all the questions.

What does training give to company employees?

To begin with, let’s define once and for all why, in fact, the company’s employees need training, because the work is going on, there is a profit, there is no staff turnover. If you are, in principle, satisfied with this kind of stability, which is more like running in place, then there is really no need to train employees. If you plan to develop, increase your turnover, or expand your geography, then training your company’s employees is necessary. It gives:

  • Ability to work as a team. All employees work for a common result, so the training process helps them unite and get to know each other a little better in an informal setting, learn to trust within the framework of professional necessity, and feel the “elbow”.
  • Survival in a highly competitive business. Even the most stable company is not immune from a sudden attack by competitors, in a figurative sense, of course. A team that has learned to work as a team and is able to quickly absorb and use new information will more easily cope with a competitor’s breakthrough and will quickly find development options for their company.
  • Investment in training pays off in increased productivity. Training a company's employees typically pays for itself many times over through increased productivity.
  • Improvement of employee qualifications. This is one of the most important aspects of training a company's employees. Employees acquire new professional knowledge and subsequently use it in practice for the benefit of the company.
  • On-the-job training for specific job specifics. Each enterprise and organization, even if they work in the same field, has its own differences and “highlights”. Therefore, even a qualified worker with extensive experience cannot always immediately become fully involved in the production process. To achieve this, the company provides training to employees. This is also relevant for young professionals, yesterday’s graduates of educational institutions.
  • Practice. In the process of training company employees, as a rule, all possible mistakes are “played out” in theory. Subsequently, these shortcomings either are not repeated in practice at all, or trained employees promptly and competently eliminate them.
  • Increasing employee motivation. Company employees who have undergone training feel that the company cares about them and values ​​them as professionals. As a rule, purely human gratitude motivates them to work better.

Why is it so important for company employees to undergo training?

Employee training becomes vital when a company begins to place higher demands on their work. The level that was quite adequate a month ago may no longer meet current requirements today. One of the common mistakes of management in such a situation is to try to update the staff without first trying to organize the process of training employees. But it is important to clearly formulate the tasks that must be solved using this measure, that is, to identify the specific result that needs to be obtained at the end of the preparation.

For example:“Goal: to train call center employees to conduct a survey of potential clients. As a result of the training, the employee should be able to: make 8-10 productive calls within an hour, fill out a potential client’s questionnaire at least 70%. Duration of training: two days, one day is allocated for the exam. The training process for company employees must be completed by May 15.”

Clear and understandable formulations help both to organize the employee training process and to help the employees themselves understand why this is needed, and therefore gain motivation.

Therefore, when hiring a trainer on staff or to conduct one-time training, it is important to consider his willingness to adapt the program to the specific requirements of your company. There should be no abstract formulations, vague figures, or examples from other areas of the economy. All possible errors should also be worked out using the company’s material. This simplifies the training process for employees (it is easier for them to perceive the information they work with on a daily basis) and prepares them for surprises in a particular area of ​​work.

A little about motivation. Personnel is a group of individuals with will, consciousness, and behavioral characteristics. Because of this, there may be refusals from training, and absences from classes for personal reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to create a desire among employees to gain new knowledge. They must understand that employee training at the company’s expense is also carried out in their own interests, as it leads to improved qualifications and, as a result, increased value in the labor market.

External and internal training: what's the difference?

External training is primarily academic training at educational institutions outside the company. This can be either a full program (for example, obtaining higher education via correspondence) or short-term courses. External training is carried out by specialists who are not employees of the company.

Internal training is carried out by company specialists. These could be seminars, meetings, master classes, etc. The purpose of such training is usually to learn something new in the company's work, be it new equipment, technology, software, etc. In this case, internal training, as a rule, is a continuation of external training: when several employees are sent to courses (seminar, master class, internship, etc.) outside the company, and then they share the acquired knowledge with others. In addition, the goals of internal training may include deepening existing knowledge (for example, when a less experienced employee is trained by a more experienced one, so-called mentoring), changing the employee's behavioral reactions (workshops on business etiquette and communication), or developing and emphasizing common tasks.

Upon completion of training, it is necessary to immediately determine its effectiveness. The full picture will be visible a little later, but still, according to some criteria, it is possible to evaluate the training of company employees literally in the first 2-3 days after its completion.

  • want continuation;
  • are able to convey the studied material to others;
  • use more than a third of the acquired knowledge in their work;
  • increase efficiency indicators (sales volumes, production, etc.).

Basic principles of training company employees

Whatever goals you pursue when organizing the training process for company employees, consider several fundamental points:

  • Be persistent in achieving your goals. Two parties always take part in the learning process - the trainer (teacher, teacher, specialist, coach, etc.) and the listener (student). When requiring employees to take a responsible attitude to learning, do not ignore their wishes.

Classes should be held in a suitable form and at a time convenient for employees. In addition, in the process of training employees, all their questions must be taken into account. For example, you are introducing new software that the sales department employees will have to work with. You are confident in its effectiveness, but you need to convey the value of this product to every employee. In addition, they will be the ones who will have to deal with all the nuances and details of interaction with the new program.

Don’t force them to study (although sometimes it’s easier), but draw visible and compelling parallels between new knowledge and the value of each specialist in the labor market.

Something similar happened during the period of widespread computerization: some workers chose to quit rather than acquire new knowledge, others agreed to study under pressure from management. But the winners were those who voluntarily and willingly completed the training. Today they are in demand in the labor market because they have both work experience and the necessary skills.

And don’t forget: if the training is internal, then both employees and the instructor should be interested in it. A well-motivated teacher is 50% of success.

  • Get the support of the administration. If you organize training, try to involve management in this process. Within reason, of course. First of all, you need moral support and interest in your activities. This will convince employees of the need for training better than any persuasion.
  • Relate training goals to the goals of the company as a whole. Training the company's employees is part of its development strategy. Therefore, the training goal must correspond to the company’s goals for the future. Take this into account when drawing up programs and plans. Each employee undergoing training must strive not only for personal success, but also for the success of the company, since these concepts must be inextricably linked for him.
  • Focus on applying what you have learned in practice. The process of employee training is progress in its purest form, gaining new knowledge, moving forward. So why should the methods of presenting new material remain old? Of course, there is no need to completely abandon the classic “instructor-student” system, especially since in some cases it is the most effective (for example, if it is necessary to train an employee to work on new production equipment, a machine, etc.). But where possible, it is worth using distance learning technologies - webinars, online trainings. This not only allows employees to save time, but also introduces them to high technology. Research shows that approximately a fifth of companies provide training only using electronic technologies, and the same number of organizations prefer the classic option. Without assessing the effectiveness of such approaches for specific companies, we still recommend sticking to the golden mean.

How to organize internal training for company employees on your own

At this point, in essence, the preparation stage ends, and the actual process of training company employees begins. It can also be divided into two stages: transfer of knowledge and its consolidation, evaluation. Assessment and reinforcement are most often carried out simultaneously (exam).

Finally, it is necessary to analyze the result of the training.

Usually the most difficult are the few preparatory stages. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. Highlighting staff training needs.

In fact, at this stage it is necessary to identify weak points, “blank spots” in knowledge in order to determine what employees actually need to be trained. It's not that hard to do. First, interview the employees themselves to find out what exactly they don’t understand, requires clarification, or more detailed information. Secondly, conduct an assessment, which will immediately identify gaps in knowledge. And finally, analyze the work of the staff: at what stage problems arise most often, and the lack of professional knowledge is especially acute.

  1. Staff training format.

Ideally, a company should have its own training center for training and advanced training of employees. However, not every company can afford such a center, since it requires not only a permanent staff of instructors, but also appropriate technical support.

However, periodic courses and trainings can be organized without special costs, using information freely available on the Internet. Each course should include: theory (lectures on the topic), visual information materials (videos with comments from experts taken from the Internet, infographics), practical assignments based on material from your enterprise, and a final test.

Simple programs for initial employee training can be prepared using electronic libraries, online testing resources, videos posted on the YouTube channel, and other free Internet services.

However, at some point you will have to either prepare your own courses with unique content, or resort to the help of third-party professional trainers.

  1. Search and preparation of training trainers (mentors).

At this stage, the company must decide two important issues: select trainers from its own team or determine the need for hired personnel on the basis of outsourcing. An employee trainer can be either a manager or one of the department employees. As a rule, these are the people who can most accurately define learning objectives and identify pressing issues. It is also easier for them to choose the format for training company employees: remote, directly at the workplace or with travel outside the enterprise.

Employee trainers should be distinguished by high professionalism, stable performance indicators, pedagogical abilities (the ability to convey and convey information to the listener in an understandable form and answer questions), loyalty to the company and communication skills.

Implementation of internal training and personnel development at first, they do not always go smoothly, since some employees simply do not fit the above criteria, some will not want to “stand out,” and some are not confident in their own abilities. But over time, when internal training becomes the norm, staff will begin to actively engage in self-development, and employee productivity and efficiency will increase. The main thing, as mentioned above, is to organize competent motivation.

What is the company's employee training system?

The development of a training system is naturally entrusted to employees of the HR service and begins with the usual organizational issues: Who and what needs to be trained? What budget should I allocate for training? How to motivate employees? Where to conduct training?

To obtain answers to each question, there are special algorithms that can be used in practice sequentially or in parallel, involving third-party organizations. Let's take a closer look at some of the fundamental stages.

Diagnostics of employee motivation for training

The best reason to motivate employees is the prospect of career growth, which includes a salary increase, more interesting and responsible work, and other bonuses. However, in some established companies there are simply no prospects for career growth for objective reasons. In such a situation, it is difficult to find training motives that would primarily interest the employees themselves. In this case, it is necessary to diagnose ways to stimulate the desires of employees in order to identify their needs. To implement it, it is better to involve third-party specialists, since they have a more objective view of the state of affairs, and besides, the staff trusts them more, since they do not depend on them for work.

Diagnosis of training needs

The need for training is most often inextricably linked with the development of the organization. This could be geographical expansion, modernization of production, increased efficiency, reorganization within the company, work on a new investment project, and much more. Therefore, when identifying the need for training, the right approach is important. For example, in the next six months your company is going to open a new branch in a neighboring region. What knowledge should your managers have in order to work effectively in the new department? When diagnosing the need for training, you need to rely on information from heads of departments, divisions, as well as top managers of the company and, of course, the employees themselves. Asking the right question plus careful analysis of the information is the key to success.

Development of the concept and approval of the training system in the company

The company’s employee training system is a “long-term” project, so when creating it, you need to take into account the possibility of mobile modernization to suit the requirements of the moment. In addition, it should cover all categories of employees: ordinary, top managers, and personnel reserve. And finally, this technique must be comprehensive.

The most effective training system must be selected for each group of workers. For example, especially valuable employees can receive a professional or second (third, etc.) higher education at the expense of the company, the personnel reserve can attend long-term courses, and ordinary employees can periodically take part in seminars, trainings, master classes and transfer the acquired knowledge colleagues. In the latter case, the so-called cascade learning system will be used.

The cascade training system will include the following:

  • training for company employees outside of the company;
  • organization of a seminar by competent employees directly in the company;
  • placement of handouts in the public domain (in an electronic library or on paper).

To summarize, I would like to emphasize once again: ideally, the training system is a well-oiled mechanism that works for the common cause and in the interests of both the company and its employees. This mechanism should be quite mobile and easily adapt to the requirements of today. And in order to ensure the success of the training process for company employees, it is necessary to take a serious approach to evaluating the results of training.

Basic principles of work when training new employees of the company

Both experienced and new employees may need training. Let's talk about newbies.

Succession program

During the Soviet years, there was so-called mentoring. This is when an experienced specialist was assigned to a newcomer who had just arrived at the plant after school. Particularly successful curators were awarded certificates and even cash prizes. The succession program is in many ways similar to mentoring, only any new employee can be assigned to the “old-timer”, regardless of his work experience.

As practice shows, it takes a new employee two to three months to “acclimatize” in a team. During this period, any difficulties seem insurmountable to him, problems - global, and tasks - unsolvable. A newcomer will quickly join the team and earn full potential if he is assigned to a more experienced employee. It is believed that this method of training company employees does not cost the employer a penny, but many managers still reward supervisors. Let's look at the path of a newcomer to the company in more detail so that we know what nuances to pay attention to during his training process.

  • Observation. In the first days, the employee mostly observes, analyzes, and makes a first impression about the team and the work that he will subsequently have to do. At this stage, his instructors are almost all of his colleagues, who by their example teach him how to negotiate with clients, work with objections, conclude contracts, and communicate on the phone. From the total mass of workers, he singles out those who inspire him with the greatest trust and respect, whose work style is closest and most understandable to him. During this period, there is no particular need for full-fledged training; the person himself absorbs information in large quantities.
  • Education. The most serious stage of “acclimatization”, on which the success of the newcomer’s activities in the company will subsequently depend. At this point, he knows only the general principles of work, how the labor process is structured, but the details are still unknown to him. For example, if we talk about a sales manager, then at this stage it makes sense to introduce him in more detail directly to the product being sold. You can ask him to show how he will use the products, ask difficult questions and help find answers to them. This will help him in the future when working with clients.
  • Practice. After completing the “theoretical course,” the beginner must consolidate his knowledge in practice. This will become a kind of check, testing, a kind of exam. He can already be entrusted with more or less serious operations - drawing up an agreement on his own, talking with a client (a more experienced company employee can act as a client). However, he is not yet ready to go on a “big voyage”; he needs to discuss all the mistakes and answer any questions that have arisen. This stage must be completed with testing.
  • Shadow. The theoretical knowledge gained has already been tested in practice, and now the task of the still inexperienced employee is to independently reproduce the workflow without errors. At this moment, a “veteran” is still attached to him, who serves as an example, template, example. When a newcomer completes the work from start to finish without errors, he is ready to emerge from the shadows and become a full-fledged member of the team. At this point, the employee’s training process can be considered complete; then he will have “free swimming.” And the effectiveness of his work will subsequently depend on how attentively they treated the newcomer and how well the training was carried out.
  • Proof. In fact, this is no longer training, but independent work, the first steps. Some companies use an interesting system that can be adopted by any company, regardless of the size and specifics of the products sold - involving customers in a training program. Its essence is as follows: the client negotiates with the newcomer, places an order, and signs an agreement. Since certain risks still exist when working with inexperienced employees, the client is offered bonuses or discounts. The newcomer receives invaluable, much-needed experience, the client receives a pleasant gift, and the company receives a full-fledged employee ready to work.

Getting started with simple tasks

It is very important to give the newcomer a feeling of self-confidence, because if his professional path in the company begins with a series of failures, then there will be no desire to work. Therefore, at the initial stage of training a company employee, give him simple tasks. For example, if you hire a manager, then first let him practice on the most popular products, bring him together with the most loyal customers. After two or three successful sales, the newcomer will gain experience, self-confidence, communication skills and filling out documentation. Some companies that produce (sell) complex, “long-term” products even open a side activity to train company employees. The costs are small, but the effect is colossal.

Appointment of a curator

The work process is always a combination of creativity and technology. A good manager should be a bit of a dreamer, be able to inspire, offer original solutions, and be able to find a common language with any client. At the same time, he is efficient and careful in maintaining documentation. Sometimes it is difficult for newcomers, especially in large companies, to understand the internal hierarchy. They don’t know who to contact with questions, who to call, who is responsible for the different stages of the production process. To prevent this situation from arising, assign a supervisor to the newcomer. Let him tell you who is responsible for different areas of the work, what phone number to dial in case of problems with the accounting or supply department. The supervisor should also introduce the newcomer to ways of exchanging information between company departments and individual employees (telephone, corporate email, software, etc.).

Training based on success stories

Other people's success stories motivate new employees to self-development and self-improvement - “if he can do it, then I can too!” Supplement the stories with practical advice and suggestions, try to make them both interesting and as informative as possible.

Manager support

A good leader makes it clear to employees that he cares about their work and, most importantly, their success. Check with the newbie every day to see how things are going and if he has any questions. But do not overdo it, so that the manifestation of goodwill and interest does not become perceived as constant surveillance and pressure.

How company employees can be trained: examples

Russian companies use different options for employee training systems. We have collected the most interesting and unusual of them. Each option can be modernized to suit the needs of a specific company and put into practice.

  1. Comprehensive training for Alfa Capital employees

The company's employees undergo comprehensive training. In addition to advanced training courses, Alfa Capital employees acquire knowledge in the field of art and collection wines, attend leadership training and generally broaden their horizons. Every employee has access to training sessions, and it is absolutely free. In total, the curriculum includes almost 130 courses on various topics, each accompanied by video material, infographics, a textbook and a self-test. Moreover, as practice shows, courses for general development are the most popular among employees. And courses on professional knowledge are required. The result is an ideal balance between benefit and leisure.

METRO Cash and Carry employees are trained in a playful way. With the help of a specially developed program, employees learn to build the correct sequence of actions when working with goods. Currently, the company employs more than one hundred thousand people from around the world. And about five thousand have already tried the new simulator. Moreover, the reviews about the “game” are only positive.

  1. Training of sales representatives inEfes Rus

It is interesting that at first, difficulties arose with the training methodology for Efes employees in Russia, which can be considered technical. The distance education system did not interact correctly with the SAP system. This made it difficult to create a uniform standard and made it impossible to train on mobile devices. But by 2015, the technical problems were overcome. This was announced by senior distance learning trainer Alexander Galenko. A video of his speech at the iSpring Days 2016 conference can be found online.

  1. Training of employees to work with specialized banking programs at BINBANK

The Corporate University of PJSC BINBANK also works with iSpring software. Distance education is available to all employees; training is based on video lessons, the use of simulators and video instructions on various aspects of the bank’s work.

  1. RosEvroBank: comprehensive assessment of the trainee

At RosEvroBank, the training process for a new employee allows not only to give the trainee theoretical knowledge in the financial sector, but also serves for an initial assessment of the employee’s potential. Self-study takes place on a remote basis using iSpring Suite theoretical courses. For better learning, most of the material is given in the form of videos, and after completing the training, trainees take a test. At the same time, the newcomer’s questionnaire is filled out by his supervisor, who indicates how many times the employee logged into the system, what materials he viewed and how many times. Dry statistics allow us to draw the first conclusions about the employee: how interested he is in studying (and, as a result, working in the company), which operations turned out to be difficult to perceive and understand (he had to watch the video lesson several times).

  1. MFC Directorate: dialogue simulators are a step towards successful interaction with clients

The network of multifunctional public service centers in Russia began to actively develop just a few years ago. Naturally, the need immediately arose for employees who could serve clients at a high professional level. The task was further complicated by the fact that the MFC provides hundreds of different services, and even experience in the field of state and municipal administration did not always allow a new employee to cope with all the necessary tasks.

It was necessary to develop a unified training project that would be equally useful and accessible to all MFC employees. This program was created by iSpring Suite specialists. In addition to standard training videos, it contains dialogue simulators that help develop the communication skills of workers.

  1. Distance training of medical workers: all of Russia is studying

As you know, doctors always study on a full-time basis; there are simply no correspondence departments in medical universities. Therefore, the phrase “distance learning for doctors” at first glance sounds quite wild. However, in reality there is nothing unusual about this, since the courses are intended for practicing doctors who have already received the appropriate diplomas. A special training project was commissioned by the First Moscow State Medical University and is intended for advanced training. So far, such a program has been made for urologists and consists of theory, examples of step-by-step solutions to clinical problems, lectures from leading domestic and foreign specialists and a final test. In the future, doctors of other specialties can also receive such training courses.

  1. TravelLine: training helped increase sales volume

The international IT company TravelLine uses the distance learning system as one of its performance criteria. The logic is simple: if after training the income per employee increases, then the LMS is effective. Observation of students occurs virtually online. Each department head quickly receives data on the progress of “students”. This allows you to identify gaps in knowledge and subsequently build training programs taking into account the “blind spots” of each employee. At the end of the training, each employee receives a certificate. By the way, in the future it may be useful to him in the event of dismissal from this company.

What do these eight distance learning systems for company employees have in common? Firstly, the effectiveness has been proven in practice. Secondly, an individual approach and non-standard solutions. And finally, the obvious interest of the organization's management in business development.


Training- this is the development of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, taking into account the goals of the relevant departments, which in turn are determined by the company’s strategy . The main goal of training is not just to demonstrate certain professional skills, but to change the specialist’s attitude towards his work, to develop an optimal program for performing the tasks assigned to him.

First of all, a work plan for organizing training in the company is drawn up, which can be as follows:

1. Determination of the organization’s development strategy and the learning objectives arising from it;

2. Preparation of a package of documents accompanying the training process: regulations on training;

· lesson plan/program for the academic year;

· education budget for the academic year;

· questionnaire for monitoring training organizations;

· list of students;

· feedback form;

· adaptation/initial training program;

· contract/agreement on training.

3. Determination of training needs based on the “Training Need” application forms filled out by managers, data obtained during certification, individual employee development plans (drawn up during certification).

4. Determining the positions for which employees will be trained, based on planning (who is needed) and calculation (how much is needed) of personnel requirements.

5. Establishing evaluation criteria.

6. Formation of a development plan for each employee for a year (or for another period).

7. Filling out the content of programs (creating “Portfolios” for training).

8. Determining the teaching method.

9. Determining the place of study.

10. Direct training.

11. Evaluation of training effectiveness.

Any training program ideally includes four stages:

1. Preliminary assessment. The purpose of this stage is to identify training needs.

2. Setting learning goals. The purpose of this stage is to clarify in visual, measurable terms the predicted results that employees will achieve upon completion of training.

3. Training. The purpose of this stage is to select methods and conduct the actual training.

4. Evaluation. The purpose of this stage is to compare the results before and after training and evaluate the effectiveness of the program.

The first step in training is to determine what training is required and whether it is required at all. The main thing here is to find out what processes this work involves. There are several methods for identifying training needs:

· analysis of the results of interviews and professional testing when applying for a job;

· analysis of the performance of new employees;

· Questioning of department managers and employees;

· analysis of decisions of management departments;

· Interviewing managers and employees

Methods for identifying training needs



Evaluating employee information

Information is available in the personnel service (length of service, experience, basic education, whether the employee has previously participated in training or professional development programs, etc.)

Regular assessment of work results (certification)

During the procedure, not only strengths, but also weaknesses in the employee’s work may be revealed. For example, a low score on professional knowledge indicates that there is a need for training. After this, you can determine its specific form and content

Analysis of long-term and short-term plans

The plans of the organization and individual departments are analyzed. The required level of qualifications and professional training of personnel is established to allow the successful implementation of plans

Supervision of staff work

Non-compliance with the standards and requirements of job descriptions identified as a result of work observation may serve as an indicator of the need for appropriate training.

Analysis of the sources of problems that interfere with effective work

If the organization has problems related to poor performance, defects, safety violations, or unreasonably large losses of time, then this information can be used both in preparing training programs and to justify applications for training of personnel of certain categories

Collection and analysis of applications

Applications from department heads for personnel training are analyzed

Employee suggestions

Such proposals can be obtained through surveys or questionnaires of employees

Organization of work with personnel reserve and career planning

In the process of working with the personnel reserve and when planning the careers of employees, HR specialists receive additional information about the training needs of personnel of different categories

The simplest situation is if the company has a built-in personnel assessment system. In this case, no matter how such an assessment is carried out, its results always form the basis for making management decisions. Based on this data, a training plan is built, which is created for the entire company. It includes employees of various categories: everyone has different goals, and the system for monitoring results also differs. A systematic approach to training is especially important here, when all acquired or updated skills must be linked to the company’s development strategy, the adopted work technology and control system.

If a personnel evaluation system is not built, then, as a rule, responsibility for decisions on employee training rests with department heads: who, what and how to teach is decided by the employees’ immediate supervisors. In this case, there is subjectivity, there is practically no connection with the company’s development strategy, with its goals and objectives. It is difficult to control and structure the training budget in such a situation. But, as practice shows, any structuring of the budget, as well as a systematic approach to training based on personnel assessment or analysis of applications received from department heads, immediately produces a direct economic effect. In other words, it allows you to either save the allocated training budget or train a larger number of employees.

So, the need for training can be planned (i.e., based on systematic assessment tools, depending on the company’s development strategy), related to solving certain business problems, and spontaneous (for example, because competitors have already trained or are training personnel on this topic) .

The second step is setting learning goals . The training policy is the basis for organizing training in the company. The implementation of the training policy (training in information technologies; professional development; studying a foreign language) is carried out by setting and implementing specific training goals. For example, such as:

· acquisition by employees of new knowledge and skills necessary for work;

· maintaining the professional level of staff;

· preparing employees to replace colleagues during vacation, illness, dismissal, etc.;

· preparation for promotion;

· familiarizing employees with the company’s operating standards, development strategy, and operating technology;

· maintaining a positive attitude towards work;

· creating a sense of belonging to the company, motivation for further work

You also need to create a budget for training:

When choosing one or another training, its cost plays a significant role. The training budget is directly dependent on the number of students, their place in the organization and how great the organization’s need for this training and this employee. When planning the annual training budget, 80% of the budget for personnel training is allocated for planned training; 20% of budget funds are allocated for unscheduled training based on operational needs. In some cases, the cost of tuition is a critical factor in the decision to pursue study. In order not to deprive yourself and your employees of the opportunity to gain knowledge in a timely manner, you have to look for alternative methods, forms, training programs, and new organizations providing educational and consulting services. In such cases, only a careful analysis of the current situation allows you to find the right way out.

Track. stage- conducting training.

There are different types of employee training. For example:

· self-education of employees;

· long-term additional education of employees related to the strategic objectives of the company;

· short-term compulsory education of employees, caused by the need to maintain technological processes at a modern level;

· short-term additional education of employees related to the strategic objectives of the company;

· mentoring.

Self-education of employees includes studying specialized literature, visiting thematic exhibitions and seminars, collecting and systematizing information. The main difference between self-education and additional education is that, as a rule, it is not systematic in nature and may have nothing to do with the strategic objectives of the company.

Long-term additional training employees related to the strategic objectives of the company includes obtaining a second higher education, as well as participation in long-term training programs and events. From a business point of view, such education can be considered as an investment in personnel, who begin to work after a certain time.

Short-term compulsory and additional training employees related to the operational tasks of the company - this is a very large range of different activities that are necessary for effective operational management related to the strategic tasks of the organization. This category includes seminars and business trainings that are of interest to the company, both at the current stage and in the future. These could be conferences and exhibitions where experience is exchanged. This also includes the participation of company specialists in the work of various professional clubs and communities.

Training can be short-term or long-term. Short term training is professional trainings and seminars. In the process of such training, several skills and abilities are developed. Its duration ranges from one to three days. As a rule, in the modern business environment, the effect of short-term training is noticeable within three to four months, maximum six months. The company is more interested in it to solve its business problems, so it is usually paid for entirely by the organization.

IN long term training (long-term programs, obtaining a second education, advanced training programs) is of course interested in both the company and employees. It increases the cost of a worker in the labor market. In this case, both the employee’s motivation and his loyalty increase. On the other hand, the company has compensation for part of the costs, and by concluding an agreement with an employee, it receives certain guarantees of his work in the organization and the use of the knowledge he has acquired.

At the moment, the trend of increasing the number of organizations that attract full-time specialists is becoming more and more clear. First of all, this affected the hiring of full-time business trainers and training specialists. From a manager’s perspective, this is due to the following factors:

· desire to reduce costs. Because purchasing a conditional “training day” from a specialized company costs approximately 1,000 to 2,000 euros, and this amount is comparable to the monthly salary of a full-time business coach;

· a desire to ensure higher quality, efficiency and consistency with other processes. A third-party specialist, in fact, does not bear actual responsibility for what happens after he completes the agreed order. Also, the quality of training services is significantly influenced by the degree of their adaptation. Full-time employees in this regard seem preferable to external mercenaries;

· the desire to gain greater control over the process, greater opportunities for leadership and direction. For example, when engaging a consultant, the parties precisely determine the scope and requirements for the work, which subsequently may limit the customer company in adjusting the decisions made. A full-time employee is forced to respond to all the wishes of management.

But when hiring a full-time coach, the following costs are not taken into account:

· a significant part of the working time (up to 60%) is spent on preparing training programs, on logistical support of the learning process: preparing the premises, printing materials;

· In any case, one full-time specialist cannot provide training for all categories of personnel on all relevant topics - there will still be a need to involve third-party organizations.

However, taking these factors into account is not sufficient to make an informed decision on this issue. Internal and external organizational consultants and trainers differ not only in their affiliation with the company, but also in the scope of their activity, position in a particular organization for which they perform work.

This is due to the intangibility, one might say - the abstractness of the product of their work (exaggerated - the product of the activities of consultants - advice, recommendations, which can cause changes in the organization, in the behavior of employees).

The undoubted advantage of attracting a specialized company is: not only the work experience of its trainers, but also the fact that they can quickly take advantage of the work of any other employee of their company. Another advantage may be the availability of standard, detailed solutions in relation to a specific situation (training programs, technology implementation).

Also, external consultants can obtain the necessary information and reporting for analysis faster and more fully than any in-house specialist, because the request goes directly through the head of the company. A very significant factor is that external trainers are practically in no way bound in their actions and decisions by the established practice of relationships in the organization.

From a psychological point of view, it is easier for an outside specialist to assess the current situation impartially, to consider it, taking into account only significant factors from the point of view of the final result.

But a specialized company also has disadvantages compared to internal specialists:

· a training company, when working with a customer, is usually focused on receiving a positive assessment of its work by the customer’s representatives immediately after the work is completed, which is not always associated with obtaining real business results (when people quit after training);

· the training company is responsible only for the implementation of work in a limited area in a limited time. Those. the company cannot guarantee certain changes in the activities of the customer company after completion of training;

· the process of formulating an order and monitoring its implementation requires high qualifications and knowledge of the subject area by customer representatives. If the customer does not know what exactly he wants, why he needs it and how he will use it, then the training company actually has no chance of making an effective project.

Involving specialized third-party organizations is advisable:

· to implement short-term and long-term training for top managers and middle managers;

· for an independent assessment, the results of which may affect the state of affairs in the organization (mystery shopping type research);

· to conduct training from time to time (master classes, seminars) for different categories of personnel on different topics.

Hiring a full-time employee is justified:

· to develop systems and implement regular training (for example, sales personnel);

· to develop the implementation of systems related more to HR management than to strategic management issues (for example, business assessment and certification systems);

But in any case, success depends on the qualifications of the management of the customer company or the one hiring a full-time trainer.

On-the-job training involves learning by actually doing a specific job. Ultimately, every employee receives some degree of on-the-job training. On-the-job training is distinguished by its practical orientation, direct connection with the employee’s production functions, and, as a rule, provides significant opportunities for repetition and consolidation of what has been newly learned. Here we can highlight such methods as: mentoring, rotation, production instruction, internship and other methods.

Off-the-job training: lecturing, conducting business games, holding conferences and seminars, trainings, self-study and other methods. Methods of learning outside the workplace give the student the opportunity to abstract from the current situation in the workplace and go beyond traditional behavior. Such training contributes to the formation of fundamentally new behavioral and professional competencies.

Traditional methods of personnel training

Lecture - is traditional and one of the most ancient methods of vocational training. A lecture is an unsurpassed means of presenting a large volume of educational material in a short time. The limitations of lectures as a means of professional training are due to the fact that listeners are passive participants in what is happening. As a result, there is practically no feedback, the instructor does not control the degree of mastery of the material and cannot make adjustments to the course of training.

Seminars involve greater activity of participants and are used to jointly discuss a problem, develop common solutions or search for new ideas. The most famous and popular are seminars on the development of corporate culture, strategic sessions, and brainstorming. For example, you can discuss with invited experts specific problems that arise in companies - problems of debt collection, optimization of document flow, management accounting.

Selfeducation is the simplest type of training - it does not require an instructor, a special room, or a specific time - the student learns there, when and how it is convenient for him. Organizations can greatly benefit from self-learning if they develop and provide employees with effective support tools - audio and video CDs, textbooks, and computer training programs.

Active methods of personnel training

Briefing is an explanation and demonstration of work techniques directly at the workplace and can be carried out either by an employee who has been performing these functions for a long time, or by a specially trained instructor. Instruction, as a rule, is limited in time, focused on mastering specific operations or procedures that are part of the student’s professional responsibilities.

Rotation is a self-study method in which an employee is temporarily moved to another position in order to acquire new skills. Rotation is widely used by enterprises that require employees to have multiple skills. In addition to the purely educational effect, rotation has a positive effect on employee motivation, helps overcome stress caused by monotonous production functions, and expands social contacts in the workplace.

Mentoring is a traditional teaching method, especially common where practical experience plays an exceptional role in the training of specialists. This method requires special preparation and character from a mentor, which is almost impossible to become by order from above.

Consideration of practical situations (cases) allows to overcome this disadvantage to a certain extent. This method involves analysis and group discussion of hypothetical or real situations, which can be presented in the form of a description, video, etc. The consideration of practical situations is based on discussion, discussion in which students play an active role, and the instructor directs and controls their work.

Business games represent a teaching method that is closest to the real professional activities of students. The advantage of business games is that, being a model of a real organization, they simultaneously provide the opportunity to significantly shorten the operating cycle and, thereby, demonstrate to participants what final results their decisions will lead to. In the conditions of business games, extremely favorable opportunities are created for participants to engage creatively and emotionally in relationships similar to actual relationships in production. In the game there is a rapid replenishment of knowledge, its addition to the required minimum, and the practical development of skills.

Unlike a specific situation, where the production situation is reproduced, in a business game the situation is expressed in dynamics, the production process in development.

Training is an active form of learning using practical exercises. The trainings are designed to develop certain managerial and commercial skills - execution management, planning, delegation, motivation, effective sales, negotiations, presentation. Thanks to trainings, it is possible to increase the personal effectiveness of employees - to develop a result orientation, the ability to manage conflicts, communication skills, and leadership. During the trainings, more than 70 percent of the time is devoted to business games and their analysis, reinforcing the most effective strategies of behavior in typical business situations. The effectiveness of learning new information at trainings is much higher than at lectures and seminars, since here not only theoretical knowledge is acquired, but practical skills are developed in various role-playing games and educational situations. The effectiveness of training is enhanced by the use of video equipment, when participants can analyze video recordings of business games.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. And the main criterion when choosing a particular method is its effectiveness in achieving the training goals of each specific employee.

Table. Advantages and disadvantages of different teaching methods

On-the-job training

Off-the-job training

Unlikely to exactly meet the needs of the organization

Availability and frequency are usually determined by an external organization

Participants meet only with employees of the same organization

Participants can exchange information, share problems and experience in solving them with employees of other organizations

+/- Participants can be withdrawn by simple notice due to the operational need to solve problems that have arisen at work

+/- Participants cannot be recalled by simply notifying them that they need to resolve problems that have arisen at work.

Real technological equipment available in your organization, as well as procedures and/or methods of performing work may be used

Expensive training equipment may be used that may not be available within the walls of your organization.

Participants may be interrupted more frequently by mere notice than if paid for external courses using a non-refundable form of payment.

If participants are withdrawn from courses, fees may not be refunded.

Can be cost-effective if there are a sufficient number of workers with the same training needs, the necessary funds, and teachers who can provide training at the enterprise

It may be more cost effective if you have a small number of workers with the same training needs.

Qualified training personnel may be available outside the organization rather than within your organization.

Participants may be reluctant to discuss certain issues openly and honestly among their peers or in the presence of a supervisor.

In a relatively safe, neutral environment, participants may be more willing to discuss issues.

It is easier to move from learning from examples to actually doing the job if the training material is directly related to the job.

Problems may arise during the transition from training (using the example of training situations) to the actual performance of real work

Legend: + advantages; - flaws

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training programs

The point of evaluating the effectiveness of training programs in which employees of an organization participate is to determine whether this form of training is effective and how much benefit the organization receives from the training of employees. The main reason why organizations seek to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs is the need to find out to what extent the learning objectives were ultimately achieved . A curriculum that does not allow one to achieve the required level of knowledge, performance indicators, or achieve a change in the skills or attitudes of students in the right direction must be changed or replaced by another program.

The second reason why training programs are evaluated is the need to ensure that changes in student performance indicators occurred as a result of training . To do this, you can compare the professional effectiveness of workers before and after training or compare these indicators with the effectiveness (production indicators) of workers who did not participate in training.

The average employer in industrialized countries devotes approximately 4% of its training and development budget to evaluating the effectiveness of training programs.

After training its employees, an organization does not always achieve the desired result. In this case, there is a need to identify the reasons for failure. Good programs may not be effective enough for many reasons: the training goals may have been unrealistic or too general, the training process itself may have been poorly organized, there have been some failures due to reasons beyond the control of those involved in organizing the training (for example, teacher illness, equipment breakdown or staff error). Analyzing the reasons why a given training program failed allows for necessary action to be taken in the future. corrective steps.

Training programs should also be assessed in terms of cost effectiveness. Since training costs can be viewed as an investment in personnel, training should be beneficial to the organization, that is, it should strive to ensure that the benefits that will be received upon completion of the training exceed the costs of providing the training. Training is designed to promote the efficiency and productivity of employees or the formation of such work behavior that the organization needs to achieve its goals.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training can be carried out using tests, questionnaires, exams, etc. The effectiveness of training can be assessed by both students and teachers, experts or specially created commissions. The point of assessing the effectiveness of training is so that the information obtained can be further analyzed and used in the preparation and conduct of similar training programs in the future. This practice allows us to constantly work to improve the effectiveness of training and get rid of such curricula and forms of training that have proven to be ineffective.

There are four criteria commonly used to evaluate the effectiveness of training:

· Students' reaction . In this case, the students' impression of the curriculum in which they took part is determined. How do they evaluate the benefits of training? Was the course load excessive? Did you like the training program? How do they evaluate the work of teachers?

· Mastering educational material . In accordance with this criterion, the volume of learned material is determined. Typically this information is collected through examinations or tests.

· Behavior Changes . In accordance with this criterion, it is determined how the behavior of workers changes after they have completed a training course and return to their work. The main issue here is to identify the extent to which the knowledge and skills acquired during training are used in the process of performing work.

· Working results . This is the criterion by which the real benefit that the organization received as a result of the training is determined. (For example, the incentive to initiate employee training may be that the level of waste or defects is too high. In this case, the goal of employee training will be to reduce waste, for example, from 10 to 3 percent. If this result is achieved, the training can be considered successful ).

The effectiveness of training can also be assessed some time after completion of training. (For example, IBM has adopted the practice of testing employees who have completed training 6 and 9 months after completion of training).

Assessing the effectiveness of training requires a lot of time and high competence of the specialists conducting this assessment, and many organizations refuse such assessment, simply relying on the fact that any training of employees benefits the organization and is ultimately worth it. Of course, such an approach has a right to exist, but one must be aware that staff training is too expensive a “pleasure” to rely on chance or luck. The effectiveness of training is not a matter of faith or belief, but rather specific results that can be assessed quantitatively or qualitatively.

How to monitor training effectiveness? This question always causes the greatest difficulties. Surprisingly, the answer has to do with learning goals and objectives. It is necessary to evaluate effectiveness according to the criteria that were included in the goals and objectives of training. Before assessing the effectiveness of investment, the company needs to build a system for monitoring training results. The most common mistake that customer companies make is the lack of control over training results.


Summing up the consideration of such an important problem for Russian organizations as personnel training, I would like to pay special attention to those most important conditions, the consideration of which will help increase the return on every ruble invested in training:

1. Effective training of all categories of personnel is impossible without the active support of senior management;

2. Preparing and conducting personnel training requires the fullest possible consideration of organizational conditions that can affect its results, and determining by increasing the impact of training;

3. The more carefully the personnel training needs are determined, the better the content and forms of training will be correlated with the goals and objectives of the organization;

4. High returns from training are possible only if the organization keeps under constant control issues related to the effectiveness of training of its employees.

List of used literature:

1. Parkhomenko S.. External or internal // Personnel management No. 4, 2008

2. Shipilova O.A. . On the path to excellence: training planning // Handbook of Personnel Management No. 11, 2008;

3. Virkovskaya A.V. Training system as a company’s competitive advantage // Handbook of Personnel Management No. 10, 2008


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One of the conditions for the company’s development is the professional growth of employees. Training is beneficial not only to the employee himself, but also to the employer, because by investing money in employee training, the employer will receive even more income in the future. By studying, an employee improves his qualifications, which can contribute to career advancement and an increase in wages. And the employer receives qualified personnel who will perform the work efficiently.

Why employee training is important

New technologies are emerging, new equipment is being introduced into production, which requires certain qualifications of employees. If the staff has the required skills and knowledge, then the organization will not stand still, will develop and remain competitive. For these reasons, training an organization's employees is very important to the company's success.

Every enterprise strives for high production and increased labor efficiency. By training employees and improving their skills, a company can achieve its desired goal. The following are the areas of personnel training:

  • when a new employee joins the company, he undergoes training;
  • if the scope of work changes or the employee moves to another position, training is required;
  • if staff perform their immediate duties poorly, training is needed;
  • developmental training is provided for those who want to improve their skills and for managers;
  • training is organized if work technologies or the order of interaction between structural departments have changed.

Let's understand what is meant by training employees of an organization. This is the acquisition by employees of knowledge, skills and abilities under the guidance of managers, specialists, experienced teachers, and mentors. The learning process has a specific purpose. If circumstances are favorable, then it performs an important function, which is to motivate staff and make the best use of them.

What is important is continuing education. The following are factors that confirm this:

  1. In a competitive environment, the leader is the one who constantly trains his employees and has a modern system of engineering work. Currently, there is a high level of competition between countries.
  2. It is not profitable for the employer to attract new employees who have knowledge. The most economical and effective option is to train staff to increase productivity.
  3. Technology is constantly changing, so ongoing employee training is essential.
  4. Production of modern goods, introduction of new technology, equipment, growth of communication capabilities.

Employer and employee have different ideas about learning objectives.

The employer considers the following goals to be:

  • personnel reproduction and integration;
  • adaptation;
  • organization and formation of management personnel;
  • the ability to identify a problem, understand its causes and solve it;
  • flexible personnel formation;
  • introduction of innovations.

The employee believes that the goals of continuing education are the following:

  • acquisition of professional knowledge that affects the work of the enterprise: about product suppliers, buyers, various organizations, in particular banks;
  • maintaining qualifications at an appropriate level;
  • staff development;
  • improving skills in planning and organizing the production process.

How to train employees in the Toyota style

Toyota often says: “We don’t just create cars, we create people.” The leaders of this company are convinced that 90% of an employee’s talent is formed through hard work and constant practice, and only ten% depends on natural inclinations.

How Toyota develops talent on a mass scale, the editors of the General Director magazine told.

Main objectives of employee training

  1. Increased labor productivity. In fact, the training of an organization's employees and their motivation are closely interrelated. If the training system at the enterprise is built correctly, then in this way you can easily influence the increase in employee motivation.
  2. Increasing the effectiveness of the period of time when a new employee adapts to the company. During this period, the newcomer adopts the professional knowledge of employees, he understands what relationships have developed within the enterprise, what the corporate culture is. Therefore, adaptation training for employees will be effective. The new employee understands the company’s strategy, what determines the newcomer’s activities and his training in the future. Relationships between an organization and a person can only develop if he accepts the values ​​of the company he came to work for.
  3. Training of management personnel. In the recent past, at Russian enterprises, employees who were striving for career growth were not sent for training. They assumed a new position and began work. Of course, in this case, the employee’s professional competencies will take a long time to develop, as a result of which the efficiency of his work will be lower than it could be if he had undergone appropriate training. Accordingly, the company will suffer losses from this.
  4. Renewal of personnel. We must try to retain and develop talented employees.
  5. If you add an employee to the personnel reserve, this can serve as a good incentive for his development. Most likely, this will even help increase motivation. This is also a plus for the organization, because there will be no problem finding a worthy employee for the vacant position, and it will help prevent “personnel failure.”
  6. Preserving the knowledge of employees who have been working in the company for a long time and have reached retirement age. On the one hand, the employer wants to hire a young specialist, but on the other, the knowledge of an experienced employee is valuable, so he wants to retain it. This can be called “knowledge utilization”.
  7. Quick solution to business problems. Recently, organizations have been using employee training methods to help solve problems of companies and departments. You can also notice that “general education” programs are moving to the side.
  8. Knowledge management, continuous development of the company thanks to new knowledge and its application in practice.

The practitioner tells

Oksana Zhiguliy, certified trainer, Moscow

Recently, one successful Western businesswoman said the following phrase: “Personnel is not one of the most important values ​​of a company. This is her only value." I agree with her 100 percent. Well, for those who are not convinced of this and are accustomed to trusting only facts, I would like to cite the latest research data from the consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). So, last year, for every dollar invested in personnel, Russian companies received $1.5, while the European average was $1.2. I think that's the argument.

In connection with the global financial crisis, Russian organizations have become more selective, that is, they are now more focused on their resources and capabilities.

Managers understand perfectly well that they cannot stop, they need to develop the company, otherwise they can lose positions gained with difficulty. The managers asked themselves how to create a system within the enterprise that would allow them to continue the best traditions and build on successful experience.

But such a problem cannot be solved quickly, unfortunately.

If you decide to send employees for training, then answer three questions: for what purpose do you want to train employees? What result do you need to achieve? Why has the issue of training become acute now? These questions will help you define tasks for trainers and save both time and money.

Types and methods of training company employees

Highlight three main types of training workers:

  1. Preparation. Training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities that employees need to perform specific tasks.
  2. Retraining. Retraining is required when an employee has changed profession or the requirements for the current profession have changed. In such situations, the employee needs new knowledge, skills and abilities.
  3. Training. It is carried out if an employee moves to a higher position, or the requirements for his profession have increased. The employee must acquire additional knowledge, skills and abilities.

Training of employees of an organization can be carried out on-site or off-site. In the latter case, the worker will be cut off from the production process.

If employees are trained at their workplaces, the following training methods are used:

  1. Copying. A newbie does the same thing as an experienced employee.
  2. Production instruction. The employee receives the general information he needs to adapt to a new place.
  3. Mentoring. The employee is assigned a mentor who supervises the performance of the newcomer’s work.
  4. Rotation. An employee changes jobs for several days or months in order to gain professional qualifications or new experience.
  5. Delegation. Employees are given the authority to make decisions on a specific task.
  6. Method of increasingly complex tasks. First, the employee is given simple tasks, then more complex ones. Each time the tasks become larger, more complex, and their importance increases.

The listed methods of employee training do not cover all methods used in enterprises.

If employees are trained outside their workplaces, the following training methods are used:

  1. Lectures. The lecturer imparts theoretical knowledge to employees. Lectures are a passive method of teaching specialists.
  2. Seminars and conferences. Discussions are held between employees. During the discussion, they can learn the correct behavior in various situations, as well as think logically.
  3. Business games. Each participant in the game is given a specific role and given a real situation.
  4. Trainings. During the training, employees are taught the basics of their activities.
  5. Modeling. As part of the simulation, real working conditions are recreated.
  6. Quality circles, working groups. Employees form several groups and generate ideas for solving a specific problem. Then the developed options are transferred to the manager. In this way, you can find an effective solution to any problem.
  7. Selfeducation. Employees learn new material themselves (without instructors).

Other methods of employee training are also used. The methods determine how employees will be trained: on the job or on the premises of other companies.

On-the-job training. The advantage is that the employee is trained in a familiar environment. He uses those working tools, documentation, equipment that he will use in the future (after the course). If the course takes place at the employee's workplace, the learner is considered partially productive.

Off-the-job training is conducted outside the workplace. During training, simplified tools and equipment are used. From the beginning to the end of the course, students are not productive units. They begin their work with exercises. If training is not carried out on the job, then a training center, production facility or college is allocated for these purposes. The training course does not have to be attended by employees of the same company. As a rule, the course is taken by employees of different organizations.

  • Mentoring as an ideal method for adapting newcomers to a team

How to save money on employee training without sacrificing quality: a company case

The company made training not an obligation, but a reward, and received motivated employees with advanced qualifications. Read how she managed this in the article in the electronic magazine “General Director”.

Methods for training employees in the workplace

Teaching methods

Gaining experience

A training plan is drawn up for the employee, which describes the training objectives

Production instruction

The employee is immersed in a new specialty and introduced to the environment in which he will work. He gradually adapts, masters general information

Change of workplace (rotation)

Employees periodically change jobs, so they constantly gain new knowledge and experience. Programs for young specialists are being implemented. Employees understand how diverse the organization's production tasks and activities are

Workers as trainees

The employee is trained and exposed to completely different tasks. The employer takes responsibility


The student is assigned a mentor who monitors the employee’s work performance and provides feedback. The method is especially effective if an employee does something wrong and needs to be corrected. It can be used systematically

Preparation in project groups

The company has project groups that are engaged in developing tasks, the solution of which is limited by a certain period. Employees in groups interact with each other for learning purposes

Some of the listed methods of employee training are only possible if training is carried out on the job. These forms include training, changing the workplace, training to perform work that is rarely carried out at a production enterprise. Therefore, it is not practical to train an employee to perform such work outside the workplace. Lectures, that is, theoretical training, most likely will not give the desired effect if they are conducted at the workplace. It is best if students go to college, which will make it impossible for them to fulfill their work responsibilities.

Professional off-the-job training necessary for studying theory and in order to learn to behave as required by the work environment.

Off-the-job training methods

Teaching methods

Characteristic features of the method

Students receive theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Lectures are considered a passive teaching method

Programmed courses

Effective if employees need theoretical knowledge. This method of employee training is more active than the previous one.

Conferences, round tables, discussions, meetings with management, excursions

Students conduct discussions, during which they learn how to behave in certain situations, and also develop logical thinking. This method of employee training is active

A method of training managers in which they independently solve problems from production practice

A problem is simulated and group members must solve it by combining their theoretical and practical skills. Participants process information, make creative decisions, and develop their thinking at the same time.

Business games

A certain industrial situation is simulated, students are given roles, and they must offer alternative points of view. Thus, employees will learn how to behave in different situations, for example, in negotiations

Trainings are held every day. One employee teaches another the basics of the activity. Demonstrations, intensive training and practical work are carried out to increase operational efficiency


The simplest method of training employees of an organization. The employee is trained at his convenience. But nothing will work if he himself does not want to acquire new knowledge. A room and a trainer are not needed in this case.

Methods for solving production problems using models

As part of the training, the processes of competing enterprises are simulated. Each employee chooses to play the role of a fictitious enterprise. Students are given initial data on which they make decisions for certain stages of the production process. This could be financing, production, HR tasks

Quality circle “instead of studying”, working group

Employees of the organization are united into working groups. They are told the problems of running a company and must propose solutions to management. Suggestions made by each group are passed on to company management. Managers make a decision on the proposals made, after which the working groups are notified of the decision

As already mentioned, where (on or off the job) training will be carried out for employees of an organization depends on the method. But there are forms of training in which a combination of both methods of training is possible:

  • experiential or experiential learning - employees learn independently, while maintaining a logical learning order;
  • demonstration and practice under guidance - the trainee first watches the trainer perform a certain job, and then he himself does the same, but under the supervision of the trainer;
  • programmable training - a machine or book that trains an employee, periodically asking him questions to test his knowledge;
  • computer-assisted training - the trainee interacts with a computer (programmed training), which requires the Internet;
  • Action learning is a form of learning in which employees perform actions that help them learn, for example, a new type of work. The student, together with other employees, completes a task or develops a project. Also, a newcomer can work “in the second team” of another department.

If training of qualified personnel is carried out, it will bring the desired effect only if the costs associated with it in the future do not exceed the costs of increasing labor productivity through factors associated with errors in hiring employees to the company. Determining whether training an organization's employees has produced the desired results is problematic. But it is easy to calculate the economic efficiency of training in the form of cost reduction. Training of qualified personnel affects social efficiency, namely:

  1. Improving the professional skills of employees. This guarantees the employee that his job will remain his.
  2. Possible promotion of the employee's position.
  3. Company income.
  4. Expansion of the external labor market.
  5. Possibility of self-realization.
  6. Self-esteem.

CEO speaks

Vladimir Shchur, General Director of the Salyut company, Moscow

We always train newcomers: we tell them about the company’s product and introduce them to the corporate culture. We explain how our product functions. Since we cooperate only with wholesale buyers, the staff does not need to know the product thoroughly; it is enough to have knowledge of the basic characteristics of the product.

Not all employees understand that if managers do not provide the required level of sales, then there is no way to pay wages. Therefore, we conduct an educational program for the staff, during which we examine in detail where the money comes from at the enterprise. Sales employees and department managers do not always need such explanations, but, as a rule, service and maintenance personnel do. Educational program helps prevent conflicts and motivate staff to work properly. To confirm this, I’ll give an example: we deliver goods within Moscow for free, but drivers do not agree with this approach and believe that delivery should be paid. We have to explain that the costs of transportation and wages of drivers pay off if a large volume is delivered. The more cargo, the better for the organization. And the fact that the service is free is an additional advantage for customers.

4 Fundamental Principles of Employee Training

According to research and business publications, the lack of a company's training program can negatively impact employee turnover. Employees want to gain new knowledge, so the employer will be able to retain the best employees and attract new ones if the company provides employee training. Anyone who thinks that it is not necessary to make efforts to organize training in an organization is very mistaken. The effectiveness of training a particular employee does not always have equal value for the enterprise.

Follow the fundamental learning principles listed below to avoid wasting your time and money.

  1. Be persistent in achieving your goals. You need to prepare for training no matter in what form (seminar, online courses) it will be conducted. Everyone involved in the learning process must plan carefully. Before training, conduct a survey among employees to find out their wishes regarding the method of conducting classes. Do not force anyone to train, it is useless, because the employee must be interested in what is happening. Then he will be more willing to learn. Use new methods of training employees even though old approaches led to good results. Give employees choice.
    Try to convince staff that their success in their professional activities depends on their level of education. If training is carried out on the job, do not forget that the instructor is also interested in the result. If this is not the case, then your time will be wasted.
  2. Get the support of the administration. If you get the support of the administration, you will receive more than passive permission and funding. The enthusiasm of management will help convince employees that training is important for business planning, corporate communication, and achieving personal goals. You need to correctly allocate resources, time, and prioritize.
  3. Relate training goals to the goals of the company as a whole. If every employee of the organization achieves personal success, then the company will be successful. Analyze the strategic development plan of the enterprise and think about whether the staff has the knowledge, skills and abilities that will help the company achieve its goals in the future. Most likely the answer will be “No”. In this case, it is necessary to increase human potential. The rate policy should be comparable to the company's potential. When choosing a training strategy, decide what professional competencies of employees you plan to improve. Any competence is associated with certain knowledge and skills. When training, you need to pay special attention to them.
  4. Focus on applying what you have learned in practice. If an enterprise uses new technologies when training employees, then it is confident that it provides staff with the opportunity to gain knowledge using modern techniques. The American Training and Development Association conducted research that found that 18.3% of companies provide training using the latest methods (online universities, online training, distance learning). The traditional approach (lessons with an instructor) is used by 15% of organizations. But based on these results, one cannot draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of training. We can only say that most employers care about the convenience of training for employees. Certain standards are needed to ensure that the atmosphere for learning is conducive. Do not forget that if the acquired knowledge is not applied by employees in practice, it is useless.

If a new employee joins an established team, and the employer wants him to achieve success, both working alone and together with other employees, then most likely the employer is counting on a long-term employment relationship with the newcomer. After all, frequent layoffs negatively affect the entire company. It turns out that the money allocated for training a new employee was wasted. If a company changes employees frequently, customers do not trust it. Despite this, some businesses aren't too worried about it.

Typically, a senior manager in a company is employee training plan. This task is very responsible and important. In this case, the manager must take into account the following articles. Without them, you can't make a plan.

  1. First of all, in terms of employee training, you need to take into account whether the company has a special status, that is, positions in which only specialists with special qualifications can work. As a rule, government agencies have such positions, but private enterprises are no exception. For example, private hospitals, schools. Doctors undergo advanced training/confirmation courses on a regular basis, like many other specialists.
  2. If a specialist must have a special qualification, then where can he get it? For example, this can be done in a special institution on a planned basis if the position requires the presence of issued certificates. For the second (most important) positions, the company manager trains specialists independently.
  3. Qualification deadlines. If the position requires a certificate, then everything is simple: there are schedules defined by law. What about the remaining positions? When a new employee is hired, he is trained during a probationary period, after which he passes an interim certification. It is necessary for the employer to be confident that the newcomer is able to continue his activities in the company.

As a rule, within a year a new specialist becomes fully accustomed to the company. Therefore, after about a year, a second certification is carried out. If necessary, the employee is sent for advanced training. If the position does not require strictly defined advanced training, then the person who has not done it the longest will be trained first.

Do you send employees for training? Don't Make One of These Eight Mistakes

Directors see staff training as a “magic pill” that will allow them to solve pressing business problems. In practice, this does not always happen. The editors of the General Director magazine identified eight mistakes made by managers when planning employee training.

How to organize employee training

To understand how to organize employee training, answer four questions:

Question one: who will be trained?

Managers, probationary employees, or all employees of the company? Maybe only those who have shown good results in their work over a certain period of time, were proactive, and have shown loyalty will be trained? Perhaps someone in the organization is eager to gain new knowledge and is even willing to pay for the training themselves? The criteria for selecting candidates for training depend on the financial capabilities and goals of the enterprise.

Question two: What are the training conditions?

It is very important whether the employee makes efforts to develop as a professional. A person always values ​​more what he invests his own money in and what he spends his leisure time on. During training, the employee masters sales techniques, management functions, and develops communication skills. It is impossible to take it back upon dismissal. Thanks to the acquired skills, the employee’s value in the labor market will increase. The staff must understand this. When a company invests money in an employee, it hopes for a guarantee that it will be returned with financial gain.

Question three: how to teach?

Training of the organization's employees can be carried out in the system, episodically, with periodic monitoring of the acquired knowledge and evaluation of the students' results. If a company follows an integrated approach, it takes into account the potential of employees, their individual characteristics and role in the company, and this approach also reflects changes in the professional level in the motivation of students. The integrated approach is used by a large number of enterprises. Although it is quite expensive, it is actually beneficial from an economic point of view because it helps strengthen the relationship between the employee and the company and motivates the former to show good results.

Question four: who and how controls how employees apply the knowledge and skills that they acquired during training?

This is the most important question.

According to statistics, organizations devalue their contribution to personnel development if they do not convey to employees that they are obliged to use new rules and techniques in their work. After sales personnel have been trained in sales techniques, it is necessary to analyze how the new knowledge affected the managers’ performance, and also to monitor that employees use the new techniques in working with clients. After training, work standards do not change, and new rules are not taken into account when calculating salaries. A similar situation occurs with management personnel. The following pattern is observed: if after training the working conditions do not change, then approximately 90% of workers continue to work according to their usual patterns of activity. The conclusion follows from this: the effectiveness of employee training depends not only on themselves and how they relate to training. Mainly, it is influenced by the extent to which management is ready to control the work of those trained, taking into account the competencies they have mastered. In addition, this readiness must be formed even before training.

Form of study employees are selected by the HR department based on the topic of training. The forms may be as follows:

  • on-the-job training by invited instructors;
  • open short seminars, trainings, conferences;
  • internships;
  • personal educational programs.

Internal corporate training with the involvement of external specialists. Employee training is called corporate if it is organized according to the requests of a department or organization. The amount of funding and principles of organization are individual for each project.

Short-term training programs, advanced training, open trainings. Seminars, conferences and trainings are considered a short-term form of training and last from one day to three months, but not more than one hundred academic hours.

2. When the HR department receives an application, a study of the educational services market begins, based on the results of which the provider of educational services is determined. The department makes its choice based on the combination of “price and quality” of services.

3. When a provider is selected, the HR department enters into an agreement with it to train employees within the time frame specified in the plan.

4. The Human Resources department identifies the employees who need to undergo training, after which the selected employees are notified when and where the courses will be held.

5. If it is decided to conduct training for the organization’s employees on its territory, the HR department submits an application to the administrative and economic department for organizing a lecture/seminar. For training purposes, it is necessary to allocate premises, provide food and prepare equipment.

6. Before training, employees are tested to test their knowledge and skills. It is conducted by a teacher or an independent expert using the provided methodology. An independent expert is hired by the HR department. The test results will be useful to evaluate the effectiveness of training in the future. Test results are transferred to the HR department in the form of a report as part of the reporting documentation.

7. Within a week after the training, the HR department organizes a survey of participants in the educational program about how satisfied they were with the quality of the services provided.

8. If employee training is short-term, it can be carried out not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. If an employee spends working time on training, it is paid in full. The best option is that training is organized both during work and free time. For example, on Friday and Saturday.

9. When an employee completes a training, seminar or participates in a conference, he prepares a message for interested parties who were not present at the training on the topic covered.

10. If an internal seminar is planned, then the entire organization is carried out by specialists from the HR department.

11. The employee must make copies of materials issued for training at trainings and seminars and give them to the HR department.

12. In some cases, the organization enters into an apprenticeship agreement with an employee. The contract stipulates the period that the employee is obliged to work after completing training, as well as the amount of compensation if he quits during the specified period.

Long-term individual educational programs. The training of an organization's employees is considered long-term if these are advanced training or retraining courses that last more than one hundred academic hours (more than three months), an MBA or a second higher education.

1. The HR department analyzes the needs of the company and the requests of department heads, and then draws up a training plan.

2. When the HR department receives an application, research into the educational services market begins. The department also analyzes where it is best to place an order for educational services.

3. When a training organization is selected, the HR department enters into an agreement with it to train employees within the time frame specified in the drawn up plan.

4. The HR department conducts intermediate assessments of students to assess whether the training is effective. As part of the certification, the dynamics of knowledge, skills and abilities of employees are assessed.

5. Long-term educational programs are financed by the company (in full or in part). If these are modular courses, then employee training takes place outside of production. Training can be scheduled on weekends or after working hours, so as not to distract staff from work.

6. If an employee spent working time on training, then it is paid in full. If an employee goes on a business trip to take a session or modular courses, then travel expenses are reimbursed according to the training program financing scheme. If only half of the training costs are financed, the company pays 50% for travel to the training site and for the employee’s accommodation.

7. The employee must make copies of the materials and teaching aids issued during the training and give them to the HR department.

8. If an organization finances long-term training of an employee, then an apprenticeship agreement is concluded with the employee. The contract stipulates the period that the employee is obliged to work after completing training, as well as the amount of compensation if he quits during the specified period.

Internships. The head of the department forms an application for organizing an internship, determines its goals and the companies that will act as host organizations.

The HR department negotiates with the internship organizers, the host party, internal departments, and also coordinates work on organizing the internship.

  • Business games in training enterprise workers: how to make the impossible possible

The practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova, Director of the HR Department at Arpicom, Moscow

When we first started conducting systematic training in the organization, classes were held at the workplace. The instructor traveled to restaurants and conducted training in groups formed by areas. Later it became clear that this method was ineffective for training on sales techniques and conflict management. Employees use these skills every day. Accordingly, it is better to support them locally. The coach travels to all the restaurants, which is why he cannot devote enough time to this. We came to the conclusion that we need to move the location of the training to our training center. Now we are again conducting training in restaurants, but this time with the help of our employees.

Employee training at the expense of the employer

The law does not stipulate exactly how to formalize sending employees for training. As a rule, employers themselves develop this procedure and enshrine it in some act that is valid only within the organization. Let's consider a typical documentation of sending an employee to training at the expense of the employer:

Conclusion of an agreement with an educational organization which provides training to employees. If an employer plans to apply to the tax office for training expenses, it is imperative to check that the Russian educational company has a license that allows it to engage in such activities, and that this license is valid. Request a copy of the license when concluding a contract. If the training will be conducted by a foreign organization, then request documents confirming the appropriate status.

The institution that will conduct the training must have its own curriculum. It, among other things, contains the number of training hours and is attached to the contract.

Issuing an order from the manager to send an employee for training. The manager draws up an order, and it must state that the training is funded by the employer and carried out in his interests. The manager also indicates the reason for the need to train the employee.

Concluding a training agreement with the employee. When employee training is carried out at the initiative of the employer, the manager draws up an order; a training agreement is not required with the employee. In some cases, the agreement is beneficial for the employer, because in this way he will protect himself from loss of funds if the student suddenly wants to quit.

Note. Upon dismissal, the employee reimburses the funds to the employer that were spent on training, unless there is a valid reason for dismissal, and the period specified in the employment contract or stipulated by the agreement on training at the expense of the employer has not expired. This rule is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 249). “Reasonable” reasons for dismissal must be specified in the employment contract or training agreement, because the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not specify what reasons are considered “respectable.” If the employment contract does not indicate the reasons and period of guaranteed work (on the part of the employee), then it is better to conclude an agreement with him on training and indicate the reasons and period in it.

If the employer is a company, then it can enter into an apprenticeship agreement with the employee. As a rule, it is issued if long and expensive training is planned. In particular, obtaining higher education. The employer must keep in mind that he is obliged to pay the student a stipend during the training period.

Registration of a business trip for an employee required if for training purposes the employee is forced to go on a business trip.

Guarantees for employees during the training period. Employee training (additional vocational education or vocational training) can be organized on-the-job or on the territory of another enterprise. In the latter case, according to Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer undertakes:

  • according to the Government Decree, pay average wages;
  • pay travel expenses related to training;
  • retain the employee's place of work (position).

If an employee works part-time due to training, then wages are calculated based on the time worked or depending on the work performed by the employee (Part 2 of Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Chapter 26 provides compensation and guarantees to employees if they simultaneously work and receive professional education. An example of a guarantee is the provision of additional (study) leave, and the employee is paid an average salary.

If a student agreement is concluded between the employer and the employee, the employee receives a stipend during training, the amount of which must be equal to or exceed the minimum wage. In addition, the employee is paid for the work performed as part of practical training. This is recorded in Article 204 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

  • How to use business process modeling in corporate training and development

Tax accounting of employee training expenses

According to the Tax Code, taxpayers (on a general or simplified taxation system) have the right to take training expenses into tax accounting in basic and additional educational programs for specialists. As well as the costs of training professionals and retraining employees. Letters from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in 2009 and 2013 regulate the conditions that must be met:

  • if the initiator of training is the employer (that is, he is interested in it), then the costs of training employees are considered economically justified;
  • if training is conducted by a Russian organization, then it must have a license giving it the right to engage in educational activities. If it is a foreign organization, then it must have the status of an educational company;
  • An employment contract has been concluded with the student (including part-time students). The amount of expenses can include money spent on training those who entered into an agreement with the taxpayer. According to the contract, they are obliged, no later than three months after training, to sign an agreement with the employer and work for at least one year;
  • even if a person works part-time, in order to be sent to training, he must have an employment contract with the employer.

According to Letters from the Ministry of Finance, employee training costs should be documented. In particular, the following documents are needed:

  • order from the manager that the employee is sent for training;
  • the employer or employee must sign an agreement with the organization that it will provide paid educational services;
  • educational institution's curriculum, which indicates the planned number of hours of training;
  • a copy of a document confirming that the employee has actually received training. For example, a certificate, certificate or other document;
  • act on the provision of educational services by an organization.

Personal income tax and insurance contributions on tuition fees

The Tax Code establishes that if employee training is carried out by a Russian company that has a valid license to conduct educational activities, or a foreign organization that has the status of an educational structure, then the funds allocated for training (under professional educational programs), professional training or retraining of the employee, are not subject to personal income tax.

In accordance with Federal laws, if training is carried out according to professional educational programs, then are not credited insurance contributions from the cost of training neither to the Pension Fund of Russia, nor to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, nor to the Social Insurance Fund.

If employees are trained off-the-job, then during the training period they are paid an average salary, and it is subject to insurance contributions and personal income tax (similar to wages). If a student agreement is concluded between an employee and an employer, then the employee receives a scholarship, which, according to Letters from the Ministry of Finance, is subject to personal income tax, but is not subject to insurance contributions.

How to build an effective and cost-effective employee training system

What benefits can training provide to employees? With the help of training, students receive information about new products, master new technologies and techniques that they will later use in their work. Training also helps speed up the process of adaptation of a newcomer to a new place of work. Highlight categories of employees who simply need to be trained:

  1. Sales managers must know new sales technologies, and during training they can become familiar with the organization’s new service.
  2. Store salespeople and other customer-facing personnel must have a thorough knowledge of the product being sold and the techniques for communicating with customers.
  3. Legislation (labor, tax codes) changes frequently. Department employees (lawyers, accountants, clerks) must monitor all changes and respond to them accordingly.
  4. If the company used the Microsoft Excel product and then implemented the 1C system, then all employees who will work in it need to be trained. In general, training should always be carried out when working in automated systems is planned.

Which training scheme to choose

You can stick to just one way of learning or combine several forms. The most common employee training schemes are listed below:

  1. Company employees, for example, department heads and experienced specialists, conduct internal seminars. Employees of the HR department conduct seminars for newcomers.
  2. Trainers to conduct internal seminars are invited from third-party companies. For example, from organizations that supply products that your company sells, or from companies that specialize in conducting training.
  3. Employees attend external conferences organized by specialized enterprises.

Internal seminars with trainers from among company employees

If a company employee acts as a trainer, then he knows how the organization is structured from the inside, and how students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge when solving their problems. The trainer himself will also improve his skills during training: speaking correctly, speaking in public, etc. Accordingly, the coach will no longer need additional courses. This employee training scheme is relevant and does not require large expenditures of money. Especially when a company is growing, it is very convenient to have employees who know how to conduct training.

  1. One employee of your company attends an external seminar, after which he organizes training for employees within the enterprise. This method is suitable for accountants. That is, the chief accountant goes to a seminar devoted, for example, to changes in legislation, and then passes on the information to his subordinates.
  2. During internal seminars, the company’s specialists share with colleagues their accumulated experience and the approaches they use to solve various problems. This method is suitable for sales managers who are working with a new product and for beginners.

Training of new employees (mentoring). In the first days of work, employees of the HR department tell the employee about the structure of the company and the nature of the work. Then the newbie’s immediate supervisor joins in the training and teaches him how to work in a specific position.

Studying the company's product. If your company sells products, then the most important thing is that the staff is well aware of the entire range of products sold. Sales managers must have knowledge of what each product is characterized by, what its price niche is, what factories manufacture the products, what customer requests are, and whether one product can be replaced by another. Every month, conduct seminars for managers to introduce them to new products (if any) and fill in the missing knowledge about existing products. Such seminars are conducted by representatives of suppliers or the head of the sales department.

Internal seminars conducted by external trainers

Invite a trainer to conduct a seminar at your company if your staff needs information about untested sales or customer communication techniques. This way, all employees will immediately receive new information. At the seminar, let students simulate situations that arise in their work.

Try using video training. They are especially useful for line personnel, because it is clearly visible how to do it and what possible mistakes are. People perceive visual information better. In addition, video trainings can be watched many times. To understand the material well, many employees need to watch the course several times. Beginners will also benefit from video training.

External seminars, conferences

It is better for one employee to attend external events if new information will be presented. He will then convey the information to colleagues in an internal seminar. Send several employees from the same department in their area of ​​activity to an external conference if it is dedicated to skills development.

Send any employee to an external conference if it will serve as motivation for him or will be beneficial for the organization. Before training, enter into an agreement with him that after the seminar he must work in the company for at least one year. Thus, you will save on wages and unified social tax. The costs of training employees are included in the expenses of the enterprise. In such a situation, everyone wins, because the company will receive a highly motivated employee and will spend less than when hiring a professional specialist. And the student will benefit from working in a stable organization in a position that meets market demands.

  • Three examples of how to increase sales by spending money on training other people's employees

How to choose an external trainer, seminar organizer

When the HR department is looking for an external trainer, the following should be kept in mind:

  1. Information about the organizing company. How often the company conducts seminars and on what topics, who exactly will be the trainer, how many years the company has been on the market. A coach should be not so much a theorist as a practitioner.
  2. Composition of the audience that will be exposed to the program. If the seminar will be attended by employees of trading companies, manufacturing organizations, and budgetary enterprises, this is not the best choice. The same processes in companies in different fields of activity are structured completely differently. If you have a manufacturing enterprise, then one seminar with representatives of a public sector company is of no use to your subordinates.
  3. Cost of the seminar. If you like an employee training course that costs more than other organizations, then ask the organizers the question: “Why such a price?” If they don't give a good reason, then it's unlikely that you should cooperate with them.
  4. Names of trainers conducting seminars on a similar topic in other organizations. Research the names of the coaches. It happens that the lectures of one trainer cost differently in different enterprises.
  5. Formulation of the topic of the seminar, its program. The program and topic of the seminar must be specific. Study the program carefully. If more than a third is theoretical information, then do not even think about cooperation with this company, you will waste your money. You should come to the seminar prepared, having studied the relevant literature in advance. Then the student will be able to pay maximum attention to practical work, without dwelling on theoretical information.

The HR department in your company should work closely with the managers whose subordinates are sent for training. Only then will you be able to choose the training that will be most useful. At the same time, it is worth considering all incoming proposals.

When a workshop has been pre-selected, the HR employee and the head of the relevant department do the following:

  • attend a seminar presentation, which is organized by an external provider on the territory of your organization;
  • assess how relevant the seminar is;
  • prepare reports after the presentation, which document the benefits of the seminar. Based on the reports, you can decide whether to attend the seminar.


An employee cannot forever improve his qualifications and acquire the necessary skills simply by attending several trainings. New knowledge gained during the seminar should be applied when solving problems. Employees should study the literature themselves and follow the news in their field of activity in order to improve their level of professionalism. The General Director should provide staff with similar publications, even in small quantities. For example, subscribe employees to periodicals that will help them in their work.

Employee training in many areas is very important for increasing a company's competitiveness. Hiring already trained workers will not solve the problem because:

  • professional employees “cost” a lot;
  • they will still adapt to the enterprise and learn something;
  • Due to constant scientific and technological progress and changes in the market, the qualifications of workers must be periodically improved.

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