One-day fasting dry and on water: rules of cleansing. How to do a one-day fast correctly

It is best to start the practice of fasting gradually. After the stage of preliminary cleansing procedures, which will help you free your body from major impurities, you need to master one-day fasting. Of course, you can immediately fast for a long period of time, but without experience and without medical supervision you should not do this. One-day fasting in itself is quite a powerful healing tool.

They increase immunity, help cleanse the body and rejuvenate it. Among other things, regular one-day fasting will help you exit fasting correctly, teach you to control the feeling of hunger and form the right attitude towards food. The minimum development period is one month. Desirable - 3 months.


The main thing in any business, and especially if you are starting it for the first time, is attitude. Therefore, during the week, focus your attention on the upcoming event. Determine the date in advance and plan your affairs so that nothing can interfere with you on this day. At every meal, try to think about the upcoming event, and try to restrain your appetite, which involuntarily increases from such thoughts. Every evening before going to bed, concentrate your attention, tune yourself to this small feat. Try to convince all your loved ones of the necessity and usefulness of this step, at least from the standpoint of a healthy lifestyle. All this is necessary in order to create an energy component for the upcoming event, a kind of invisible frame of the future building. This will help you achieve your plans much easier by taking advantage of the additional energy provided by other people and the energy concentrated by yourself while focusing on a future event.

On the day before fasting, be restrained in food, do not drink alcohol, and do not eat much at night. You will have to go without food the entire next day, which means a lot of extra free time. Therefore, if you are fasting for the first time, try to find something to do. It’s better if it’s done in the fresh air, at the dacha, in the forest, but you can spend this day at home. Don't do your first fast at work. Excessive attention to your person can only harm your business, plus possible problems in the form of various unpleasant sensations, such as headaches, dizziness, weakness, bad mood, bad breath, can ruin your relationships with others and make fasting itself difficult. In the future, you will be able to fast “on the job” and no one will even notice what you are doing. But for the first time, a day off is best.

Try to drink more water, ordinary fresh water without any additives./It is better to take baths.Water will flow through the skin./But if you are very attached to food and simply physically cannot survive this day, you can add a little honey to the water - teaspoon per glass of water. Remember that the main thing in one-day fasting is a change in our understanding of the world, about ourselves, a change in thinking stereotypes, i.e. manipulation of one's own consciousness. And only secondarily – a healing effect on the physical body, which, however, is a consequence of the first.

I'm already spending my third Friday hungry)

I decided to gradually introduce this positive ritual into myself. I have repeatedly heard about the benefits of short-term fasting, which allows you to remove harmful substances from the body.

It was also important for me to overcome the fear of hunger in my head, because... in my entire life I have never gone hungry or felt hungry.

The sensations are very unusual, the mind brightens and it becomes easier to think.

The most difficult time is when you usually eat (for me it's lunch). At this time you are especially hungry.

Today I couldn’t stand it and went to bed at lunch; after sleep it was much easier to bear the hunger.

Practical tips for fasting:

1) Select 1 day of the week for fasting, convenient days for this Mon. or Fri.

2) On this day, drink as much water as possible (for example, 1-2 glasses every hour). This will remove a lot of waste and toxins from the body.

3) Try not to think about food on this day, try to drive these thoughts away from yourself in every possible way, and do not communicate with people who talk about it or eat in front of you.

4) Less physical activity on this day, because... You won’t have the energy that comes with food today.

5) Try to be less upset on this day. The senses are very heightened and irritation spreads very quickly. If you are upset, watch funny videos or a comedy movie and cheer yourself up.

6) Go to bed early and get a good night's sleep

7) The next day, start with a light vegetable breakfast, this will allow your body to calmly enter its usual rhythm.

As for the benefits - decide for yourself, I believe that it is useful, that’s why I do it. I also read the following on

Scientists conducted a study that showed that people who abstain from food every first Monday of the month have a 40% reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

The main thing to remember is that you need to get out of bed or from a chair slowly. It is advisable to hold on to something (wall, chair, table, etc.).

You have breakfast, lunch, skip dinner and breakfast and have lunch again! And 24 hours of fasting have already come.

And also, the first food after fasting should be natural (excluding seeds, pits, nuts and legumes), or, if you do not eat raw food, then thin semolina or oatmeal (without oil). And then, after 2 hours, eat whatever you want, but try in moderation.

Sometimes with such a 24-hour fast you will feel a little uncomfortable. The places where you have problems will ache a little. You can make your fast easier by not eating meat the day before.

Hello dear readers.

Today I continue to talk about dry fasting. Due to the fact that it has a very beneficial effect on health, this topic will always be relevant.

In the previous publication, I talked about the features and positive effects of the technique on the body. In this article we will dwell in detail on the indications and contraindications for the method. I will introduce you to the amazing effects on organs and systems that dry fasting causes 1 day a week. If you decide to try the technique on yourself, be prepared for changes in your body and life in general. I will give an example of several reviews from people who practice the dry method of refusing food. With regular use of this method, you can improve your health, increase the body's immune strength, prevent the development of chronic diseases, and improve overall well-being and ability to work.

Refusal of food, and most importantly water, is a difficult step for every person. We are used to drinking whenever we want and eating at least three times a day. There are so many temptations at every step - sometimes candy, sometimes cookies, a delicious cake for a light snack. All foods that we think are delicious, almost all of them, are harmful to health. They contain colossal energy value, but a minimal content of vital nutrients, vitamins, and microelements.

Modern industry produces products stuffed with preservatives, dyes, and emulsifiers, which can accumulate in the body and poison it. Excess calories turn into subcutaneous fat, obesity develops, and metabolism is disrupted. Intoxication and excess weight lead to malfunction of internal organs. This is how chronic diseases arise, leading to disability and early mortality.

I painted an unsightly picture, but this is not fiction, but the reality of the modern world. We are what we eat, as healers said hundreds of years ago. If only they knew how true their statement is in the modern world. Proper nutrition is a necessary condition for maintaining health. But, unfortunately, not all people can stick to a diet every day, year after year.

If you belong to this category of people, then there is a good way to cleanse the body and improve health - dry fasting, the results of which you will feel from the first procedure. Refusal of food and water changes the functioning of all organs and systems, rebuilds metabolism, activates the immune system, which does not give any chance to diseases. This is stress for the body, as a result of which internal reserves are triggered to cleanse toxins and normalize the functions of the main systems: digestive, urinary, respiratory, cardiovascular, immune.

I talked about the specific influence of the dry technique on the functioning of cells and tissues of the body systems in the previous article. I would like to remind you that fasting for 3 days in a row, as some people do, is quite difficult. This diet is prescribed to people who have been fasting for a long time and are accustomed to refusing food and water. Long-term abstinence is indicated for people with normal heart, kidney, and liver function. More often it is recommended to refuse food and water for 36 hours - night, day, night. This method is easier to tolerate and does not lead to deep stress for the body, which is not accustomed to being left without liquid and food for a long time, and it is also very beneficial for the body. But there are contraindications.

Indications and contraindications

Like any method of therapy, dry fasting has its contraindications and limitations. Before using the technique, you must carefully read the recommendations for use and strictly follow them. Otherwise, the healing technique may have the opposite effect - exacerbation and progression of diseases, decreased immune defense, deterioration of digestion, malfunction of the heart, kidneys, and respiratory organs. So what does dry fasting cure? Let's figure it out.

Indications for use of the dry technique:

  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system (polyarthritis of an infectious and reactive nature, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • respiratory diseases (hay fever, bronchial asthma, sarcoidosis, chronic pneumonia);
  • pathology of the nervous system (neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, migraine, complications after traumatic brain injury):
  • gynecological diseases (endometriosis, adnexitis, polyps, adhesions in the pelvic cavity, fibroids, fibroids, some types of infertility);
  • diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer, bile duct dyskinesia);
  • pathology of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis, prostate adenoma);
  • skin diseases (dermatoses, eczema, trophic ulcers, polyneurodermatitis);
  • endocrine pathology (type 2 diabetes, obesity);
  • helminthic infestations (opisthorchiasis, echinococcosis, ascariasis).


  • chronic circulatory failure grade 3;
  • hypertension 3 degrees;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and internal organs;
  • malignant tumors, hemoblastosis;
  • tendency to increased thrombosis;
  • endocrine diseases in the acute stage;
  • tuberculosis in the acute stage;
  • exhaustion;
  • children's age (up to 16 years);
  • old age (after 70 years);
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • loss of self-care skills due to serious illness;
  • any problems with the liver and kidneys.

Let me remind you that dry fasting is used only when compensating the functions of organs and systems, in other words, internal reserves are not depleted and can withstand stress.

It's also important to remember. Dry fasting is a powerful healing method. And like any powerful method, it requires careful application. It should not be done too often.

If you fast frequently, your main practice should be water fasting.

Effects of the dry technique

Dry fasting benefits and harms – what the technique will bring to your health depends only on you. The dry method must be taken seriously. You can’t fast for too long; it’s better to fast regularly once a week for 24-36 hours. Contraindications must be taken into account. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

The profound effect of diet on the body can be judged by the amazing effects experienced by adherents of this technique:

  • intuitive abilities develop;
  • willpower is trained;
  • there is a true understanding of how much food and water you need to consume to maintain health;
  • the attitude towards products changes, a person is able to intuitively identify low-quality food and the harmful composition of the product;
  • there is a feeling of energetically weak and strong parts of your body;
  • people become more responsive to the misfortune of others, and a feeling of compassion for others appears.

Amazing effects are associated with increased functioning of all senses during abstinence from food and water, improved mental functioning, development of internal potentials, and increased internal energy.

Beneficial effects of dry fasting:

  • strengthening bones;
  • increasing the elasticity of ligaments, fascia, cartilage;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • burning excess fat;
  • improvement of microcirculation, which prevents chilliness of the limbs;
  • rejuvenation of skin, hair, nails;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • cleansing the body of toxins accumulated over the years;
  • improvement of liver function;
  • restoration of sleep and wakefulness;
  • healing of wounds, abrasions, trophic ulcers;
  • increased ability to work and mental processes;
  • long-term remission of chronic diseases;
  • normalization of sexual activity and sexual desire.

The dry method heals the entire body and promotes active longevity.

Many people who are planning to use fasting immediately try to go for long periods and skip the stage of mastering one-day fasting. And this is precisely a very big mistake, which in the future may not allow you to use this accessible and useful method of healing.
Why do you need to learn to fast for one day or what can a one-day fast do?
1. Fasting for a period of one day allows you to gradually accustom the body to do without food for a certain time. We can all go without eating for quite a long time - each person’s body has enough reserves for this. But in order for the body to start using them, it needs to use certain mechanisms and switch to a different type of energy production. Since breaks between meals in modern humans rarely last more than 4-6 hours, this ability atrophies and such a transition is very often accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. That we could do this again without any problems, let alone starve for a long period of time - we needed training. One-day fasting is precisely the necessary training for our body.
2. One-day fasting helps break the stereotypes of our thinking. The fact that it is possible not to die of hunger while being completely without food for a whole day is beyond the understanding of modern man.
By fasting for a day, you expand your human capabilities.
3. One-day fasting allows you to gain initial skills in managing your body, teaches you to understand your body, and also allows you to master the simplest hygiene procedures.
4. Daily fasting allows you to learn minimal control over food consumption after fasting. The lack of such control is perhaps the most important obstacle to mastering longer periods of fasting.

All this is given to us by such a simple action, at first glance, as one-day fasting.
Therefore, do not under any circumstances skip this stage of mastering fasting.
Among other things, even if you do not fast for longer periods, you can always use one-day fasting as fasting days.

How to do a one-day fast?
One-day fasts can be better done without prior preparation.
Of course, it will be useful if, before starting fasting, you carry out cleansing procedures, such as cleansing the intestines, liver, and using a plant-based diet. But in practice, it is quite possible to fast without any preparation.
Try to time your first one-day fast to coincide with a weekend. This must be done in order to calmly endure all the possible troubles and difficulties that may arise during your first fast.
Stock up on various things to do for this day. It is very good if you have the opportunity to spend most of the time of this day outdoors.
How to do it?
In the evening, after having a light dinner, you don’t need to eat anything else. A couple of hours before bedtime, you can do a cleansing enema.
I don't eat anything the whole next day. It is advisable to drink water in an amount of at least 1.5-2 liters per day.
If you are bothered by severe headaches or weakness, you can drink Harlequin’s anti-stress mixture (dilute a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water and add lemon juice).
In the evening, you can eat a fresh cabbage salad with carrots, vegetable oil and a slice of bread and drink herbal tea with honey.
The next morning you can eat as usual. But, still try not to pass on this day and use light food, salads, cereals, fruits and vegetables. This will only enhance the cleansing effect of a one-day fast and gain appetite control skills, which will be very useful during longer fasts.

How to fast for 36 hours?

After you have fasted for 24 hours several times, you can safely move on to fasting for 36 hours.
With such fasting, the procedure remains the same, the only difference is that the first meal is transferred to the morning of the next day and you will have the opportunity to understand what a night spent without food is like.
The next morning you start with a vegetable salad: cabbage with carrots and herbal tea with honey. Then after a couple of hours in the afternoon you can eat some fruit (apple, orange, grapefruit, pear). Lunch: salad, porridge, glass of kefir.
For dinner you can cook stewed vegetables with fish.
Also try not to overeat on the first day after fasting.
Fasting for a period of one day can be safely carried out once every one to two weeks.
One-day fasting has a stimulating effect on the body, allows you to cleanse the body and reduce weight.
Over time, the body adapts to such fasting and the effect of their use decreases.

Every day the human body consumes a large amount of food. For many of us, it is many times higher than the required norm. This leads to problems such as excess weight and poor health. If you periodically fast on water for 1 day, you can solve these problems.

The benefits of fasting for the body

Most people have a lot of junk food in their diet. This leads to the body becoming overwhelmed with toxins, wastes, and fats that it cannot get rid of. The benefit of one-day fasting is precisely to help the intestines cleanse and give it a little rest. This is recognized by nutritionists and traditional medicine, paying attention to contraindications such as serious illnesses and pregnancy.

A daytime break in eating food is not a full-fledged fast, when the work of the digestive tract completely stops and deep cleansing occurs. But this time is enough to:

  • give the digestive system a rest;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • increase immunity;
  • with systematic practice, the attitude towards food is revised and food addiction disappears;
  • start burning fat;
  • recover from certain diseases.

One-day water fasting

If you decide to spend a day without food, it is very important to learn how to properly fast 1 day a week and carefully prepare for this time. Both psychological and physical preparation are needed. If this is your first time, then choose a daily water fast. Water makes it easier to endure hunger and reduces intoxication. It is important to spend the right time before the fasting day:

  • Three days before you start, eat more plant foods.
  • Limit yourself to meat, fish, alcohol.
  • On the day before the procedure, eat only vegetables and fruits, porridge with water.
  • It is better to start in the evening before the day off, so as not to struggle with weakness during the next day.
  • You are allowed to drink only water, but not juices or teas, otherwise a one-day fast will turn into a starvation diet.
  • If a headache begins during the process, you can add a spoonful of honey or lemon juice to the water.

One-day dry fasting

Refusing food and water at the same time is the most difficult. There is no need to decide on one-day dry fasting if this is your first experience. Although there are few differences, only the lack of drinking, spending one day completely without food is psychologically much more difficult than drinking water. The body will survive this easily, since during the absence of food the active process of fat breakdown begins. At this moment, a lot of water is released, but you want to deceive your stomach, twisted from hunger, with at least something.

How to break fasting

Refusing to eat food even for one day is not an easy task. But no less difficult and important is breaking a one-day fast. Correct behavior the next day allows the body to continue working at a normal rhythm and will not result in negative consequences. Whatever type of fasting you do, consider the following recommendations:

  • Coming out of fasting takes the same amount of time as the process itself lasted.
  • The best result is achieved if you consume a minimum amount of food 1-2 days after the health procedure.

Breaking out of a one-day water fast

There is a special nutrition system that will allow you to get out of fasting on water correctly. In the morning, it is recommended to carry out a stomach cleansing procedure. To do this, you need to drink 1 liter of water in which 1 teaspoon of soda and salt are dissolved, then induce a gag reflex. Next, cleanse your taste buds by chewing a few pieces of apple without swallowing. After half an hour, you can drink herbal tea, then freshly squeezed juice or another natural drink. Avoid store-bought ones, as the body will immediately absorb all the chemicals.

During the first day, it is necessary to abstain from heavy foods; it is recommended to eat only fruits, vegetables, and drink teas. The body will perfectly accept fresh cabbage salad with carrots. If hunger overcomes you, you can cook lean porridge and drink a glass of yogurt or kefir in the evening. On the second day, it is allowed to return regular foods to the diet.

Exit from one-day dry fasting

You need to end a fast that took place without food and liquid a little differently. The way out of a one-day dry fast according to the rules begins with drinking. Add a little lemon juice to half a liter of water and drink. After a couple of minutes, you are allowed to eat a banana, which helps coat the stomach and neutralizes the acid accumulated there. After 30-60 minutes, it’s time for a light breakfast.

The dangers of fasting

As with everything, going without food every week also has its downsides. The harm of one-day fasting occurs when it is carried out incorrectly. The main danger concerns weight. What we think of as lost pounds is water and intestinal contents. If immediately after finishing the procedure we start filling the stomach, we overload it even more and knock it out of normal functioning. Fasting every other day is especially dangerous, when the body completely loses its rhythm.

The main danger lies in the increased feeling of hunger. Most people underestimate the importance of getting out right, rushing to eat as soon as the time is up. The need to eat food of plant origin during the first day after cleansing is perceived extremely negatively by them. But if this is not done, there will be no improvement.

Video: is fasting beneficial?

For 6 years I have been trying to fast once a month. During this time I lost 3 kilograms and am almost never sick. Helpful habits and tricks have emerged that help cope with hunger and survive these days. To make your first experience comfortable and without fainting, I’ll tell you about the rules and benefits that made fasting a part of my life.

Why starve?

Fasting on water heals and rejuvenates the body by cleansing and removing toxins and waste from cells and organs.

Water fasting means that during the fasting period you do not eat, but only drink water. It is important to drink, preferably warm water. To ensure that fasting does not harm you and is relatively easy, consider a few rules:

  • Choose the right fasting method based on your health and condition.
  • Prepare your body for fasting, get ready for a day without food and don’t give up if you want to have a snack, even just a little. The feeling of hunger is in your head and can be controlled.
  • A day or two before fasting, add more vegetables and fruits to your diet, exclude etc.
  • Drink more water - every 1-1.5 glasses of water.
  • Consult your doctor in advance if you have chronic illnesses or doubts.
  • Observe your sensations; slight weakness and headache occur. But if you feel extremely unwell, consult a doctor.
  • Coming out of fasting is also important, so don’t neglect the day after and help the body smoothly return to its usual eating pattern.
  • It is more comfortable to end fasting in the morning, without the risk of overeating in the evening and straining the digestive system.

Water fasting is divided into 2 types - preventive and therapeutic. Preventative care can be practiced independently for 1 to 5 days. The treatment lasts up to 3 weeks, but must be under the supervision of doctors.

Water fasting should be taken seriously so as not to harm your health. Follow the rules and days on the water will bring you only benefit and ease.

Benefits of water fasting

The healing effect of 1-3 days of fasting on water has a cumulative effect. If you make it a habit to do a short water fast 1-2 times a month, you will feel the difference and all the benefits that come from not eating.

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cleanses and rejuvenates the body;
  • heals intestinal microflora;
  • the digestive system rests;
  • fresh look and healthy complexion;

Water fasting activates the immune system and cleanses the body by releasing energy normally used to digest food.


The first and most important thing is attitude. The purpose of fasting is the conscious cleansing and healing of the body, the transition to a high-quality standard of living. After a day on the water, you gain pride in your own willpower. If you are fasting for the first time, start with one day.

To avoid torment, a couple of days before fasting, exclude: alcohol, fatty foods, fast food and overeating at night. Choose a day without running around and solving important tasks. Weekends are suitable, when you can take a nap during the day to save energy.

The day before fasting I do. For me it is preferable to laxatives and enemas. To each his own, but it is advisable to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract so that during fasting there is no intoxication from waste and toxins.

My diet the day before fasting. Oatmeal with water for breakfast, nuts, dates and fruits for a snack. At 6 pm, a portion of steamed buckwheat.

Tuna salad for lunch

Planning the timing, time and location of the fast is as important as the fast itself.

A day without food

In fact, I fasted from 6 pm on Thursday, all of Friday until 9 am on Saturday. It turned out to be 39 hours. The Thursday evening period passed unnoticed, because on ordinary days I don’t eat after 6.

The hardest thing was to give up my favorite and usual breakfast in the morning. But I planned my day to keep myself busy and think less about food.

And in order to stay in good shape. By lunchtime the feeling of hunger had passed. By the evening I felt weak, but I still didn’t want to eat. It said that the day before the food was vegetable and light and there was no experience in fasting. The weakness was overcome naturally - I went to bed by 11 pm.

In order not to forget to drink water, I fill 3 liters in bottles for the whole day. I take small bottles with me on errands.

One-day fasting as training for a longer distance. It expands the boundaries of human capabilities, trains the will and spirit

How not to lose your temper

Find things to do, which captivate you and leave no time to think about food. Work, procedures or activities that involve fine motor skills help me. For example, lego or putting together a puzzle, massages, making plans and goals for the month.

Baths and water procedures. Toxins, waste products and excess fluid are additionally removed through the skin along with sweat. But do not overdo it with steam to avoid dizziness. The sauna also helps you warm up, because by the end of the day you start to freeze from lack of energy.

Walks in the open air at a leisurely pace, yoga, Pilates, reading or just relaxing are your companions on fasting days. Do not overestimate your capabilities - avoid strength and intense cardio exercises.

Forums and groups out of interest, they help with advice and support. When you realize that you are not starving alone, it becomes a little bit easier.

If you drink only water, you hardly feel hungry. Drink more clean water. Otherwise, the stomach will start digestive processes and an acute feeling of hunger will appear.

Artem Khachtryan

Chief physician, vegetarian

Keep yourself busy with activities or entertainment so that time does not pass so treacherously slowly

The right way out of fasting

During recovery from fasting, cleansing of the body continues. The acceleration of metabolism and the restoration of intestinal microflora on a normal diet depend on it, which is why the output is so important.

Follow the exit rules for the same number of days as you fasted. Proceed with the arrangement. The morning after fasting is the most beautiful. You feel cheerfulness and lightness throughout your body.

The key effect after fasting is a craving for simple and healthy food. On this day, the basis of the diet is vegetables, fruits and grains. The body itself prefers plant foods. Listen to him and watch your portions.

My way out of fasting is standard. A glass of warm water, after 15 - 20 minutes a glass of freshly squeezed diluted carrot-apple juice. After - oatmeal with water

How not to cause harm

Fasting is not a panacea and there are diseases for which it cannot help. Consult your doctor and review the list of diseases for which fasting is contraindicated.

There's no point in starving if you're going to binge on food the next day. This will negate the results and be a strong blow to digestion. Therefore, you need to approach fasting with a clear understanding of why and knowledge of the rules.

Fasting is the shortest way to restore health, rejuvenate the body and cleanse the soul

What else do experts say?

Received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for autophagy in 2016. Osumi proved that due to hunger, the body starts the process of self-consuming cellular debris, bacteria and viruses. It gets the raw materials to work by destroying old cells, which once again proved the benefits of fasting for humans.

Yoshinori Ohsumi

Molecular biologist

Author of the book “Fasting for Health.” Nikolaev spent ten years studying the positive effects of hunger on hypertension, diabetes, arthrosis, ulcers, gastritis, asthma, obesity and other diseases. The scientist called his method fasting-dietary therapy (RDT), so as not to frighten science and people in the post-war years with the terrible word “hunger.”

Yuri Nikolaev

Psychologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Promoted the benefits of fasting in the 50s in America. In the book “The Miracle of Fasting”, he uses his own example to tell how he fasted once a week and 4 times a year he refused food for 7 days. He died at the age of 81, but not from old age. He was hit by a giant wave while surfing off the coast of Florida.

Paul Bragg

Healthy lifestyle promoter

Fasting is a powerful stress for the body, but at the same time it activates a protective reaction, stimulates renewal and rejuvenation of the body

How the body reacts

The reasons for fasting can be different. My main goal is a healthy and slim body. Let me tell you about how fasting affects me:

  1. A clear result of fasting is weight loss. Even in one day the swelling and stomach go away. Weight is about 500-1200 grams. This is not fat, and the next day you will gain weight, but this difference motivates you not to give up.
  2. Six years ago I had. I treated the rashes with hormonal pills and creams, but it didn’t help. Within a year of practicing fasting, my facial skin became smooth and my acne went away. A healthy complexion and blush appeared.
  3. There is no desire or rush to fast food. This is the biggest bonus for me, considering that I have a sweet tooth.
  4. I tolerate illnesses and colds more easily. I don’t take pills or antibiotics; my body copes with the virus on its own in 2-3 days.
  5. A year later, the headaches, which had previously been chronic, stopped.
  6. I realized that the body does not need as much food to function as we are used to eating. The feeling of fullness comes on time.

During 39 hours of fasting, 1100 grams of excess liquid and toxins were lost

The maximum I was able to do was stay on the water for 3 days, after which I didn’t want to go back to fasting for another six months. Now I fast once every 3-4 weeks, but every month. It’s physically and psychologically easier, and the effect of weekly fasting for a year is equivalent to long-term fasting.

The frequency of fasting depends on the timing. More days on the water - longer breaks between unloadings


Before you start fasting, make sure that you have no obvious contraindications, so as not to aggravate the disease:

  • severe exhaustion;
  • malignant diseases;
  • acute coronary heart disease;
  • organic heart and kidney diseases;
  • acute tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • Graves' disease (thyrotoxicosis);
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious polyarthritis.

Take the issue of fasting seriously: fasting is a serious and sometimes unbearable burden on the body. Be sure to consult your doctor to avoid harm.


  1. Set a specific goal that you want to achieve through fasting.
  2. Regular practice of fasting is a powerful aid for cleansing and healing the body.
  3. Tune in to cleanse and unload.
  4. Do not skip the preparation and exit stages - your well-being and the result of fasting depend on them.
  5. On fasting days, drink more clean water. The more and more often you drink, the more intense the cleansing occurs.
  6. Try to make preventive fasting a habit.

In order to consciously approach water fasting, you first need to determine your attitude towards food and eating habits. These 3 services will become your guides and assistants. Enter your email and click the download button ↓

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