Tumor antigen ca 125 is normal. Tumor markers are the norm, is it possible not to be afraid of cancer? Who needs to undergo a tumor marker test?

A blood group is a set of characteristics of erythrocytes (red blood cells that carry oxygen) in terms of their antigenic characteristics.

Currently, about 46 classes of antigens are known, but the main classification is based on the ABO system and the Rh system.

How are blood group and Rh factor formed?

The AB0 system, which determines the blood group, is based on the fact that the blood plasma contains alpha or beta aglutinin antibodies, and the erythrocytes contain antibodies A and B. Moreover, of the alpha and A aglutinins, as well as beta and B proteins, only one antibody. Therefore, there are four blood groups:

  1. The combination of alpha and beta agglutinins is the first (0) group. Zero indicates that there are no antibodies A and B on red blood cells in the blood.
  2. The combination of A and beta is the second (A) group.
  3. The combination of alpha and B antigens is the third (B).
  4. The combination of A and B is the fourth blood group (AB).

This or that combination of genes appears in men and women inherited from their parents. And there are certain patterns here. For example, a father’s fourth negative group (or positive) means that he will never have a child with the first blood group, regardless of the mother’s parameters. However, even from this rule there are rare exceptions, when the AB combination is suppressed by other genes, for example, from group h.

The second Rhesus antigen system was discovered in 1948 and includes more than 40 different types of antigens, among which the D antigen occupies the main place. In recent decades, it has been discovered that the D antigen is under the control of the RHD gene, and additional antigens influencing the Rh factor C, c, E, e are controlled by the RHCE gene. If a person has the RHD and RHCE genes in his blood, then he is Rh positive, if only RHCE is present, he is Rh negative, since there is no gene responsible for the production of the D antigen. A person’s genotype in terms of the Rh factor is formed on the basis of the Rh factors of the parents , while the presence of antigens C, c, E, e allows for a negative blood group in two Rh-positive parents.

Every representative of the stronger sex should know his blood type, because... Male occupations often involve trauma, and emergency transfusions may be required. Until recently, it was believed that the first blood group with a negative Rh reaction was suitable for all other groups, but the identification of the presence of additional antigens showed that this is not so. Today it is believed that patients should have the same blood phenotypes. Transfusion of other types is allowed according to vital signs (with the exception of children) in quantities of up to half a liter.

Rare phenotype compatibility

Rare, 4 negative blood group can be combined with negative first, second, as well as third and fourth groups. Therefore, people with this phenotype are lucky. Although the best situation is for owners of the fourth with a positive Rh reaction, because they are compatible with all phenotypes, regardless of the Rh factor. It is believed that men with the fourth group have excellent prospects for healthy offspring if the Rh factor coincides with the Rh factor of the potential mother of the unborn child, because it is believed that the higher the group a man has, the better for his children.

However, people with negative Rh characteristics make up about 15% of the planet's population, while those with the fourth blood group make up only half a percent of all earthlings. Therefore, a person with a similar phenotype occurs one in 200 people. But it is in Russia that things are somewhat better than in the rest of the world. Here, about 8% are carriers of such data, which makes it possible to obtain a large number of engineers, scientists and simply geniuses. Men with the fourth group have character traits such as spirituality, versatility, the desire to embrace the immensity, and often have the habit of scattering their thoughts, ideas, and achievements. They are not distinguished by great loyalty to any narrow idea or party; other phenotypes feel good with them, since the fourth blood group “supplies” its owner with balance, calmness, the need for justice and the ability to delicately entertain their partners.

This blood composition gives the stronger sex a stable nervous system, wonderful relationships with the opposite sex, love of love and a tendency to have frequent sex. If someone refuses him, he will not be upset for long and will quickly find new partners who will flock to him like butterflies to a light. John Kennedy, still adored by Americans, was a representative of this particular blood group. In addition, the remains of blood on the Shroud of Turin suggest that Jesus himself had elements of the fourth group in his veins, assuming that the relic is genuine. Of the most famous women, the fourth group belonged to Marilyn Monroe, a style icon for many decades.

Features of behavior

Men with the fourth blood group are distinguished by such features as the desire for beautiful speech without swearing and correct sentences. They willingly participate in charity programs, and many of them are volunteers. In war, they are often included in volunteer groups. In peaceful life, such representatives of the stronger sex willingly give up part of their wealth in favor of poor people, since it is uncomfortable for them to prosper against the backdrop of the bad life of others. Perhaps this is why in Russia before the revolution it was not customary in high circles to be proud of their fortune and demonstrate it publicly.

Some experts believe that there are “genetic likes and dislikes” in the world based on blood groups. It is believed that a man can instantly, on an intuitive level, determine what blood type his opponent belongs to. At the same time, people with the first and second blood groups (the main qualities are leadership and perseverance, respectively) do not like representatives of the 3rd and 4th groups for their openness, higher speed of thinking, which is combined with low physical strength. This happens because the first and second blood groups imply submission only to physical strength. A striking representative of the aggressive phenotype was Hitler (second group), and in a country characterized by increased aggression towards the rest of the world - the USA - about 80% of the population have the first and second blood groups.

Not very powerful physical characteristics nevertheless give men with the fourth blood group decent health (based on a stable nervous system). They are less at risk of cardiovascular disease than others and are less likely to get cancer. The level of cortisol in the blood returns to normal faster, which makes it possible to be more resilient.

Risk factors in men with negative group 4

Representatives of the stronger sex with the fourth group, however, have a set of weaknesses based on the metabolic characteristics of this phenotype. First of all, it is necessary to note the absence of antibodies to the A/B antigen, which is expressed in the body’s reduced ability to distinguish “friend/foe” elements from external attacks. This gives you a higher chance of contracting viral diseases.

Men with the fourth blood group experience increased clotting, which leads to the development of blood clots and can lead to strokes and heart attacks in old age. Low levels of immunoglobulin antibodies lead to an increased risk of ear, gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases. Various types of allergies, asthma, kidney disease, rheumatoid heart disease are possible.

In stressful situations, people of this phenotype produce increased levels of catecholamines, which creates a need for solitude and can cause depression, manic disorders, drug addiction and alcoholism. And finally, the fourth blood group gives a low level of acid in the gastric juice and reduced volumes of photophtase (alkaline), which leads to poor processing of proteins and fats. The consequences of this include gallstones, possible stomach/colon cancer, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease and osteoporosis.

Diet for rare blood types

To avoid the last group of diseases, it is enough to eat regularly according to certain rules drawn up by P. D’Adamo (diet based on a particular blood group). According to it, men with the fourth group can expect a diet of the following composition:

  1. Meat and poultry - no more than four times a week, portions up to 150 g, it is better to eat rabbit and lamb, turkey is fine. Next in terms of usefulness is the liver. It is better to avoid other types of meat products.
  2. Fish - no more than five times a week, in the same portions. It is necessary to exclude shrimp, turtles, shellfish, crabs, crayfish, octopus, halibut, and haddock.
  3. You can eat up to four eggs weekly, no more than one at a time (so as not to increase cholesterol levels).
  4. You can also eat dairy products not every day (up to 4 meals weekly). Portions up to 200 g with fat content no more than 2% (milk), kefir, yogurt without additives. It's better not to overdo it with cheese. Suitable varieties: feta, ricotta, goat/house, farmer and mozzarella. Avoid blue mold varieties, brie, camembert and parmesan, provolone and American cheese.
  5. Mushrooms are allowed no more than 4 times a week as an alternative source of protein. All non-poisonous ones can be consumed.
  6. Vegetables can be consumed in large quantities, with the exception of avocados, artichokes, burgundy/variegated beans, radishes, black olives, and corn. Use yellow/red bell peppers in limited quantities.
  7. Fruits and nuts are also good for people with phenotype 4. But you should avoid or rarely eat sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, oranges, persimmons, bananas, pomegranates, poppy seeds, hazelnuts and hazelnuts.
  8. Cereals form the basis of the diet for people of the fourth group. Rice, oats, and rye (in the form of porridge or bread) are optimal. They can be supplemented with a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. But it is not advisable to include sunflower, sesame and flaxseed oil in your diet.

How can subtle natures survive?

Men with the fourth blood type must follow certain rules of behavior in society in order to maintain health for many years. They are advised to take time to relax alone, do two to three strength training sessions a week, plan their lives for a long period, and make changes in their lives gradually. In addition, you should not drink coffee and alcohol, because... carriers of the fourth group often have high levels of adrenaline in the blood. A representative of the stronger sex with this phenotype will feel good in a friendly society without obvious competition and if he does not get hung up on something. This is especially true if there is “something” he cannot change.

Experts believe that the fourth blood group arose relatively recently, in the last millennium, on the basis of the third and second groups. Men with the fourth phenotype more often appear in a favorable environment, because for extreme living conditions for a long period, the first and second groups are more suitable. The higher a particular nation becomes in its development, the more people with group 3-4 appear, and the greater the potential for development, which is necessary in a world with declining natural resources and new types of diseases. Scientists do not rule out the emergence of new blood groups, and in Russia there are all the prerequisites for this, because the number of nationalities, each of which has an original genotype, in our country exceeds one hundred and fifty.

Blood type is not determined by gender, age or race. An indicator of personality and a hereditary phenomenon that does not change throughout life. Designation – AB (IV). Type AB plasma, which appears as a result of mixing blood types A and B, is quite young. The fourth group has a more complex biological composition. Thanks to numerous antigens, this blood sometimes acquires similarities with, and sometimes with 2. It is able to adapt to environmental changes and nutritional characteristics. This gives it a great advantage over other types of plasma. It is believed that the fourth blood group was formed as a result of mixed marriages and changing life factors.

There is also an opinion that the formation of the fourth group was facilitated by viral infections, which changed. People with plasma group 4 are quite rare, especially those with negative Rh factor. They are characterized by physiological characteristics, sometimes quite unusual.


According to statistical indicators, people with blood group 4 are less than 10% of the total population of the planet. The mystery of the formation of this type of plasma, the composition of which is thicker than others, arouses genuine interest among medical scientists.

People with blood type 4 are prone to diseases such as alcoholism and drug addiction. A lack of enzymes in gastric juice is a common cause of excess weight problems, as cholesterol is increased and the process of fat breakdown is hampered. With uncontrolled food consumption, anemia and intestinal inflammation develop. The hearing organs and joints are also considered vulnerable spots. But those with blood group 4 are resistant to peptic ulcers. The development of diseases of the genitourinary system is also unlikely.


It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. To do this, it is enough to follow a number of preventive measures in which people with diabetes can easily avoid all these diseases.

Intellectual activity accompanied by physical activity will perfectly relieve stress and lift you out of depression. In this case, walking and cycling are very useful. Such activities help control weight and stress on the heart.
Correct, balanced blood for the fourth group will eliminate excess weight.

To do this, it is enough to avoid products made from wheat and legumes, as they prevent the production of insulin and slow down the metabolic process:

  • Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet and eat less meat. Especially for people with negative Rh factor.
  • Add seafood to the menu and reduce the consumption of eggs.
  • Dairy products will increase insulin production.
  • Do not smoke or abuse alcohol.
  • Control blood sugar and control cholesterol levels.
  • Limiting the consumption of fatty foods will prevent the occurrence of anemia.
  • Regular intake of vitamins and microelements will have a good effect on the immune system, and taking enzymes will improve digestion.
  • Reducing the amount of caffeine consumed and including natural juices and ginger tea in the diet will benefit blood vessels.
  • Taking antioxidants will ensure safety from adverse environmental influences.
  • Butter and whole milk should be avoided.

The scientist K. Landsteiner, at the beginning of the twentieth century, formulated a system for dividing blood into four groups depending on the individual characteristics of human red blood cells. The blood division system is called ABO, from which it follows that the presence of proteins (antigens) on the surface of red blood cells determines whether the blood belongs to groups A and B, and their absence - to group O. But after some time, scientists discovered another group blood - the fourth (av), where both antigens were present at once.

Thus, four blood groups appeared:

  • 1 (o) – without the presence of antigens in erythrocytes;
  • 2 (a) – with antigen A;
  • 3 (c) – with antigen B;
  • 4 (av) – with a combination of A and B antigens.
The main feature of the fourth blood group is that it is the rarest in the world. Of the total population of the planet, 7% of people have blood group 4 (av).

Characteristics of the fourth blood group

The fourth blood group appeared later than the other three, and today there are several assumptions about the history of its origin:

Blood group 4 is obtained as a result of mixing 2 (A) and 3 (B) groups, but is recognized as a genetic mutation. Rare ab blood has special characteristics:

  • The universal compatibility of group AB is truly unique; any donor is suitable for transfusion to people with blood group IV, and this ability of blood can save a person’s life in the most unforeseen circumstances. However, the owner of the rare 4 (av) group can only become a donor to people with an identical blood group.
  • As a result of mixing antigens A and B, group 4 combines the advantages of both proteins; the characteristics of this blood are increased endurance and stable immunity.
  • A negative feature of blood group 4 ab is considered to be its increased coagulability, which entails the formation of blood clots and the development of circulatory disorders.

Characteristics of people with blood group IV

Until now, the fourth blood group has not been fully studied, therefore it is an interesting object for further research. Scientists have tracked the influence of blood type on a person’s character and health. As for people with blood group 4 (ab), their health status is characterized by the following characteristics:

Japanese scientists have learned to identify the relationship between a person’s blood type and character. As for the owners of the fourth ab blood group, they also have characteristics for which their blood type is responsible.

Representatives of the 4th (av) blood are creative individuals, they are characterized by fantasies, a love of art and a subtle perception of life. Increased empathy and a sense of compassion give people of group 4 ab the ability to altruism.

Men and women tend to take every little thing too seriously, which causes extremes in their behavior. The inability to curb emotions even entails fanaticism.

Men with the fourth blood group are less susceptible to melancholy, but are prone to instability in their personal lives; women are sociable, friendly and economical, but at the same time touchy.

Positive character traits of a child with blood type IV will be developed emotionality and boundless imagination. A child of group 4 ab has such a multifaceted character that parents cannot understand where the child got these or those qualities. A child with the fourth blood type knows how to sincerely make friends; as an adult, he strives to improve the world and is interested in religion and spiritual practice. The main disadvantage of the child is his special sensitivity, which makes it difficult to exist in the real world.

Human blood is fraught with many mysteries. Belonging to a certain blood group brings a person information about his roots and imparts character traits, and representatives of the rare blood group 4 in the world still have a lot to learn about its effect on the body.

Firstly, these are people with a developed soul, sensitive, kind, open. Men with blood group 4 (negative) are responsive, people who are always ready to help. Among them are many psychologists, doctors, and priests.

Men are a little mysterious: you can expect unpredictable actions from them. It has been noticed that many mentally ill people have this blood type. Psychiatrists claim that among maniacs there is an amazing number of people with the 4th negative group. Moreover, they cannot be distinguished by appearance.

Here is such a diverse and contradictory characteristics of the owners of group 4 with negative Rh.

It should be noted that this is a very rare blood type. It was formed when different races mixed. Therefore, it contains different types: A and B. Probably the mixture of different types gave them such a contradictory characteristic. They seem to have good mixed with evil.

Health status

Men with blood type 4 and Rh negative usually have a strong nervous system. But the weak side is the gastrointestinal tract. From this side, we can expect failures and the penetration of rotaviruses into the body. As a result, severe diseases of the digestive system develop. Sometimes dehydration occurs.

They are also at risk of increased blood clotting and the formation of blood clots. This can lead to dire consequences: stroke, heart attack, thromboembolism. They need to pay attention to this.

Doctors most often recommend taking medications that normalize blood composition, or using. And also constantly undergo examinations and tests. If you suspect blood clots, you should immediately start taking blood thinning medications.

They are also prone to asthma and allergies. You need to pay attention to this and adjust your diet - this is the basis for a long life for people with 4 negative blood group. It's good if a doctor prescribes it. But you can create your own diet. But more on that later.

Compatibility with other blood groups

Here we will talk about two aspects: compatibility with other blood groups for the sake of conceiving healthy offspring and blood transfusions.


Blood group 4 (negative) in men has good compatibility with all other blood groups. This applies to blood transfusions. Any blood type, but with Rh negative, is suitable for these purposes. But they can only give their blood to representatives of a similar group. This is explained by the combination of both antigens in it.


When it comes to pregnancy, you have to be careful. After all, if a pregnant woman experiences a Rhesus conflict, the child may die. This blood group in men can be dangerous for women with positive Rh.

Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to have children in such a situation? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. If a woman with positive Rhesus marries a man with group 4 negative, then the child can take over the father’s Rhesus. The consequences can be very sad - miscarriage, illness of the child. Sometimes, when a fetus is rejected, the mother's life is at risk.

To avoid complications, look for a partner who is also Rh negative. In this case, the life of the mother and baby will not be in danger.


The importance of diet for representatives of blood group 4 with negative Rh was mentioned above. It's worth talking about this in more detail.

Men should limit the amount of meat food and chicken eggs. But vegetables and fruits can be consumed in unlimited quantities (except for exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases).

These products are best not consumed by people with blood group 4:

  • beef, pork, lamb;
  • seafood (squid, shrimp, octopus, crab, etc.);
  • blue cheese;
  • sesame, sunflower seeds;
  • oranges;
  • bananas;
  • pomegranate;
  • hazelnut;
  • sunflower, linseed oil.

You should definitely eat these foods:

  • turkey, rabbit meat;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products;
  • edible mushrooms;
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice);
  • vegetables and fruits.

They should eat little and often. Also monitor the quality and freshness of products so as not to cause digestive upset. Men with blood group 4 (negative) should completely avoid coffee, alcohol and smoking.

It is very important that people in this group have less stress and less global changes in their lives.

Inheritance of a child's blood type

At the beginning of the last century, scientists proved the existence of 4 blood groups. How are blood types inherited by a child?

The Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner, mixing the blood serum of some people with red blood cells taken from the blood of others, discovered that with some combinations of red blood cells and serum, “gluing” occurs - red blood cells stick together and form clots, but with others - not.

While studying the structure of red blood cells, Landsteiner discovered special substances. He divided them into two categories, A and B, highlighting a third, where he included cells in which they were not present. Later, his students - A. von Decastello and A. Sturli - discovered red blood cells containing A- and B-type markers simultaneously.

As a result of research, a system of dividing blood groups emerged, which was called ABO. We still use this system today.

  • I (0) – blood group is characterized by the absence of antigens A and B;
  • II (A) – established in the presence of antigen A;
  • III (AB) – B antigens;
  • IV (AB) – antigens A and B.

This discovery made it possible to avoid losses during transfusions caused by incompatibility of the blood of patients and donors. For the first time, successful transfusions were carried out before. Thus, in the history of medicine of the 19th century, a successful blood transfusion was described to a woman in labor. After receiving a quarter liter of donor blood, she said, she felt “as if life itself was penetrating into her body.”

But until the end of the 20th century, such manipulations were rare and were carried out only in emergency cases, sometimes causing more harm than good. But thanks to the discoveries of Austrian scientists, blood transfusions have become a much safer procedure, which has saved many lives.

The AB0 system has revolutionized scientists' understanding of the properties of blood. They are further studied by genetic scientists. They proved that the principles of inheritance of a child's blood type are the same as for other characteristics. These laws were formulated in the second half of the 19th century by Mendel, based on experiments with peas, familiar to all of us from school biology textbooks.

Child's blood type

Inheritance of a child's blood type according to Mendel's law

  • According to Mendel's laws, parents with blood group I will give birth to children who lack A- and B-type antigens.
  • Spouses with I and II have children with the corresponding blood groups. The same situation is typical for groups I and III.
  • People with group IV can have children with any blood group, with the exception of I, regardless of what type of antigens are present in their partner.
  • The inheritance of a blood group by a child is most unpredictable when the union of owners with groups II and III occurs. Their children are equally likely to have any of the four blood types.
  • The exception to the rule is the so-called “Bombay phenomenon”. Some people have A and B antigens in their phenotype, but do not manifest themselves phenotypically. True, this is extremely rare and mainly among Indians, which is why it got its name.

Rh factor inheritance

The birth of a child with a negative Rh factor in a family with Rh positive parents causes deep bewilderment at best, and mistrust at worst. Reproaches and doubts about the fidelity of the spouse. Oddly enough, there is nothing exceptional in this situation. There is a simple explanation for such a sensitive problem.

Rh factor is a lipoprotein located on the membranes of red blood cells in 85% of people (they are considered Rh positive). If it is absent, they speak of Rh-negative blood. These indicators are denoted by the Latin letters Rh with a plus or minus sign, respectively. To study Rhesus, as a rule, one pair of genes is considered.

  • A positive Rh factor is designated DD or Dd and is a dominant trait, while a negative Rh factor is dd, a recessive trait. In the union of people with heterozygous presence of Rh (Dd), their children will have positive Rh in 75% of cases and negative in the remaining 25%.

Parents: Dd x Dd. Children: DD, Dd, dd. Heterozygosity occurs as a result of the birth of an Rh-conflict child from an Rh-negative mother or can persist in genes for many generations.

Inheritance of traits

For centuries, parents have only wondered what their child would be like. Today there is an opportunity to look into beauty far away. Thanks to ultrasound, you can find out the gender and some features of the anatomy and physiology of the baby.

Genetics allows us to determine the likely color of eyes and hair, and even whether a child has an ear for music. All these characteristics are inherited according to Mendelian laws and are divided into dominant and recessive. Brown eye color, hair with small curls and even the ability to curl the tongue are signs of dominance. Most likely, the child will inherit them.

Unfortunately, dominant signs also include a tendency to early baldness and graying, myopia and gaps between the front teeth.

Gray and blue eyes, straight hair, fair skin, and a mediocre ear for music are considered recessive. These signs are less likely to occur.

Boy or...

For many centuries, the blame for the lack of an heir in the family was placed on the woman. To achieve the goal of having a boy, women resorted to diets and calculated favorable days for conception. But let's look at the problem from a scientific point of view. Human sex cells (eggs and sperm) have half the set of chromosomes (that is, there are 23 of them). 22 of them are the same for men and women. Only the last pair is different. In women these are XX chromosomes, and in men they are XY.

So the probability of having a child of one sex or another depends entirely on the chromosome set of the sperm that managed to fertilize the egg. To put it simply, the father is entirely responsible for the gender of the child!

Table of inheritance of a child's blood type depending on the blood groups of the father and mother

Mom + dadChild's blood type: possible options (in%)
I+II (100%)- - -
I+III (50%)II (50%)- -
I+IIII (50%)- III (50%)-
I+IV- II (50%)III (50%)-
II+III (25%)II (75%)- -
II + IIII (25%)II (25%)III (25%)IV (25%)
II + IV- II (50%)III (25%)IV (25%)
III+IIII (25%)- III (75%)-
III + IV- II (25%)III (50%)IV (25%)
IV + IV- II (25%)III (25%)IV (50%)

Table 2. Inheritance of the blood type of the Rh system, possible in a child, depending on the blood groups of his parents.

Blood type

Father's blood type

Rh(+) AnyAny
rh(-) Any Rh negative

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