The earth's axis has shifted greatly. The Earth's axis has shifted greatly, the Sun sets in the WRONG WAY! And many people already see this

I noticed a long time ago that the time had shifted significantly, but I chalked it up to games with summer-winter time, as a result of which we were deceived by two hours.
Here is the time on an unsynchronized computer and a synchronized tablet, here and there GMT+3 (Moscow)

And here is the time on the sundial.
The photo was taken at 13:45

And now another version.
Original taken from wowavostok c The Earth's axis has shifted greatly, the Sun sets in the wrong place! And many people already see this

The topic of shifting the Earth's rotation axis has been discussed on the Internet for several years now - since the time when some people who had been living in the same place for a long time began to note that the Sun rises and sets in a different place from where it always was during the corresponding period. When people try to discuss this phenomenon, crowds of trolls and ordinary brainless people howling at them always appear, starting to talk about refraction-diffraction and so on. However, let's look at the facts.

Alaska is home to a tribe of local aboriginals who call themselves Inuk or Inuit. The words “raw meat eater” sound like “Eskimo” in their language, which gave another name to the tribe. Living in the far north and not having new-fangled satellite devices, the Inuit have been carefully observing the Sun and stars for centuries, and have their own unshakable calendars of all seasonal phenomena. But since the beginning of the 2000s, these calendars have been greatly shaken, which the elders even tried to inform NASA about.

According to their observations, the Sun rises and sets in the WRONG WHERE and WRONG WHEN. The Inuit, who have some knowledge of conventional astronomy, suggested that since the Earth is round and rotates, then the axis of rotation must have changed if the Sun does not rise above the hill over which it has risen for centuries on that day. Enlightened adepts from NASA laughed at the ignorant Indian guys and hushed up the topic. However.

Hal Turner, founder of the opposition superstation95 closed by the US government with 2,000,000 listeners and readers per day:

Most likely today they will tell me again that I need to wear a tin foil hat, however, I cannot help but note: the Sun still sets farther north than before.

I live in North Bergen, NJ 07047. My home is on the west slope of the Palisades, 212 feet above sea level. When I first moved here in 1991, I lived on the top (third) floor, with a terrace facing west. I enjoyed a beautiful sunset on this terrace. Early in the summer I noticed the sun was exactly in the middle of its natural fall on a ridge perhaps 7 miles west of me near Clifton, New Jersey.

This evening I watered the flowers on the terrace. I turned to look west, expecting to see the sunset - Sun over the ridge and all. Imagine my surprise when I discovered a natural dip in the ridge line about 7 miles to the west. There was no sun there! It didn't sit there!

I even had to turn my head a little more to the right to make sure that the Sun was there. It really was in the sky, but not in the West, but in the North-West. I was so amazed by this change that I immediately ran to my Apple iPhone and clicked a lot of photos.

I am not an enlightened academic adept or some other glorified space diver. I'm an ordinary American guy who has lived at the same address for the past twenty-six years. The sun is setting below the horizon definitely not where it should be. It is located much further to the right (to the north) than before.

Perhaps the Earth has changed its tilt on its axis. The continent may be moving and rotating. I don't know. However, the NASA guys are definitely in the know. Why don’t they tell people about all this?!

Much further north, much higher in the sky and much brighter than it should be. This has recently been observed and recorded in America and Europe. This means an opposition tilt, that is, when the Earth's North Pole is steadily pointed closer to the Sun and Planet X. An opposition tilt creates a comfortable position for the Earth along the magnetic flux lines of Planet X, aka Nibiru.

On June 9, 2013, late afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in Blackpool, UK, the Sun was “almost at its zenith,” judging by the shadows. The Sun at this time, according to the Skymap program, should have cast long shadows, rising to approximately one third of the sky (Altitude 30), being closer to the horizon than to the top of the sky. However, judging by the angle, it apparently rose twice as high, to two-thirds of the sky. In Wisconsin, when the Sun was sufficiently visible, the measurement showed 20 degrees or more north of expected. The sun also rose early and was higher in the sky by approximately the same amount, 20 degrees.

9 June: Sun at 16.30 in Blackpool in the North West of Great Britain. Pay attention to the shadows under the cars on the road - the Sun is almost at its zenith!
June 11: Wisconsin, 6:55 a.m. Daylight Saving Time. According to my measurement, the Sun was at Azimuth 53 in the northeast and at Altitude 40, but according to Skymap it should have been at Azimuth 73 and Altitude 17. This is a full 20 degrees North and a full 20 degrees higher in the sky than it should be!
June 17: The sun is much more north than expected. Skymap says it should be at Azimuth 68, but it is at Azimuth 43, a full 25 degrees North of where it should be!

And here is more evidence of the displacement of the sun, moon or stars:

01/11/11. In Murmansk the sun rose 4 days ahead of schedule. Information began to appear online that the polar winter ended prematurely in the northern hemisphere. According to the solar calendar, it turns out that in Murmansk the Sun should appear only on January 15, and these data are actually confirmed by the calculation plate.

January 11, 2011 | 15:31
Along with the Christmas holidays, the polar night ended in the Arctic. At the latitude of Murmansk it lasted 40 days and nights. For Murmansk residents it was not only a dark, but also a cold period. At the end of the second ten days of December, frosts of 30 degrees were observed, and on New Year's days the temperature did not reach more than 10˚ to normal. Now the sun will make up for lost time by leaps and bounds, adding 10-15 minutes of daylight time every day.

It turns out that the Sun rose 4 days ahead of schedule, and this can only happen if the tilt of the Earth’s axis changes.

01/24/11. The sun rises in the morning and makes you happy and warms your soul. I enjoy seeing where it leaves a shadow on the wallpaper. So I noticed where the shadow was last winter and last summer and the summer before last. This winter is cloudy and there wasn't much to see in the mornings. Yesterday on a sunny morning I just went crazy. The sun rose and cast a shadow in the inexplicable distance of last year's memo!

05.15.11. The latest measurements simply shocked me! What 80 degrees there!? On May 12, the precession of the Earth's axis exceeded 90! hail! It's still 40 days until the spring equinox! And after that believe scientists who do not notice obvious facts? One thing is certain - climate change will continue and worsen...

05.27.11. My apartment windows face both sides. One side is east, the other is west. I have watched the sun set many times. The area is full of landmarks such as trees, power transmission towers, thermal power plant pipes, etc. The disk of the sun, already quite low, was shining through my window before setting. Now the point of entry has clearly moved about 30-35 degrees north and is now in the north-northwest, which cannot be! Moreover, another person noticed changes today. The person is extremely skeptical, indifferent and down to earth. He is servicing refrigerators. According to him, he always hung radiators exclusively on the north side, so that the sun would not shine on them and would not heat them up too much. Today he was surprised to find that they were illuminated by the sun...

06/14/12. Of course, I am zero in Astronomy, but I have always observed the Big Dipper, looking from my point of view, towards the north (I don’t know how best to explain), and now it is right in front of me, i.e. became closer to the southern point. And the Sun somehow doesn’t set where it usually does.

06/14/12. The sun sets much further north. Many people have already noticed this.

07/16/12. Now, I also noticed this. A decent shift in the sunset point! Not less than 15 degrees. In principle, it never sat behind the barn before, I mean, it sat before it, but now it shoots out rays, passing behind it. The barn did not move))

07/16/12. So I don’t understand why people don’t see the obvious. The sun rises and sets in a different place than usual. You don’t need to look at the cards, it’s obvious that way. You will also notice the sunrise. All changes in the weather are explained very simply.

07/18/12. I read on the Internet that the tilt of the earth’s axis had changed, and that this was true, I had no doubt. But I myself did not notice this with the naked eye, and last summer on the beach in Odessa at 8:00 Kiev time, a neighbor told me that at this time the sun always shone exactly in the middle, and today it shines from the side on my left thigh, and I even I didn’t notice this. This year, my mother noticed that when the bank minibus turns at 7:15 in the morning, the driver no longer lowers the visor, but previously he did this in the summer for three years in a row. For me personally, this is indisputable evidence of a change in the tilt of the earth's axis.

07.26.12. That's how you want it - and the center of rotation of Ursa Major has shifted significantly to the southeast. 15 degrees. Besides, she behaves quite strangely. In past years, the rotation was clearly visible for 2-3 hours. And at this time of year, it was higher at night. Now it is located quite low and there is almost no dynamics observed.

04/23/14. I loved watching the sunrise since childhood, and the sunset too. I've been watching for 50 years now. It has moved, our sun... It has moved. Not the sun, of course, but our planet relative to its axis. Previously, the sunrise was visible from the window, but now it rises behind our house. And the approach also shifted accordingly. Probably this factor somehow influenced the climate, like many others.

12/25/13. Why such strange behavior of the Sun? In 2012, I noticed the sunset point on December 22, and this year it has moved significantly to the right (west). Why? After all, in theory, the sunset point should be in one place?

06/17/12. I went to the village, it seemed to me that the sun began to set closer to the North. Don't you think something abnormal is happening?

I’ve been going fishing for a long time, and I noticed that the sunrise has shifted to the northeast, and the sunset to the northwest. This didn't happen before. We have 66 degrees north latitude. I came to the conclusion that it is not the warming of the planet that is happening, but a pole shift. Therefore, the latitude has changed, and the ice in the Arctic and Antarctica is melting. But other areas became colder. Apparently the poles ended up in these territories.

06/19/14. I'm not good at astronomy (unfortunately), but there is no doubt in which direction the sun rises in relation to my window! I don’t know what happened before the first observation, since I’m not a fan of getting up at dawn. But exactly on January 24, 2012 there was an early wake-up call about leaving. Almost perpendicular to the window, in the east there was such a charming sunrise that I photographed the sunrise points for several minutes. Many months passed before I needed to wake up at the dawn hour. Well, I saw the sunrise in the north. Then I thought that the sunrise point could change depending on the month of the year. But time fled, January approached, and the sun was also in the north and rising; It’s June now, and it’s still there. I told my friend about this and met her puzzled and disbelieving gaze. I don’t understand the degrees of deviation of objects of observation, but in layman’s terms, it seems to me that the sunrise (at the equator, where I observe it) has shifted north by about 70 degrees.

06/19/14. Today I took a new photo of the sunrise, where I “captured”, due to the general plan, the landmarks present in last year’s photo. Yes, exactly, last year, I clarified this in the archive (January 23, 2013). I tried even more meticulously to determine the angle of the sunrise. Perhaps it is not so large-scale, but not less than 45 degrees. About observing the night sky, I also had a slight shock when the brightest star in the southern sky - Venus - changed its location. But then I thought that I simply could not distinguish one star from another, and my beloved Venus was currently in its place covered from me by clouds...

08/13/14. I don’t know what the Moon is, but I know for sure that it is not what is written in textbooks. A lot of people, not burdened with astronomical knowledge, noticed something that is impossible not to notice: different speeds of the Moon’s movement in the night, following one after another, as well as different points of rising and setting of the Moon, also in the night, following in a row. I once decided that I had hallucinations when I realized that last night I was standing on the porch at exactly this time, minute by minute (the beginning of the news on Channel One), and detected the position of the disk (it was a full moon) at the level of the top of the spruce tree, on the edge ravine The next day at the same time, the Moon was not in the visible sector at all. In horror, I ran around the corner of the house and discovered that the Moon was almost in the northeast, and barely appeared above the horizon!

09.16.14. Even I have noticed with the naked eye for a long time (every day at the same time I go outside and compare) that the sun sometimes moves chaotically, like the moon, which does not have a constant orbit. Strangely enough, this started in October last year. And the polar star is not in the same place as last year. For me, just evidence would be enough, but for people who are determined to reject everything from the very beginning, no photographs will help; after seeing them they will invent something else.

09.16.14. That's right, the sun now rises not in the east, as before, but in the south, and sets in the south. Sometimes the stars are almost invisible, and sometimes they are visible, but they are located in the wrong place. The Ursa Major is also displaced, and so is the Ursa Minor. And the earth, I’ll tell you, is already shaking strongly, especially in the evenings and at night, believe it or not, but this is exactly the case.

20.10.14. Today at 14.20 I noticed the sun - it was not at all where it usually is at this time (much lower). I'll take another look tomorrow, maybe I'm wrong.

06.11.14. The sun rises in a completely different place than last year; the sunrise point has shifted by 40 degrees. The Moon is also out of place, as is the Big Dipper. This is Central Sayan.

22.11.14. Has anyone noticed that the Sun (Earth) began to move strangely? Now in the morning at sunrise the Sun is in the place where it was on January 21 and December 7, 2013. That is, it has shifted by 15 days. And the Sun rises 25 minutes earlier (at the point where it rose a year ago).

In the far northern reaches, the Sun is not visible for many days during the winter months. In these places the exact day when the Sun appears again is known as a holiday. This is the case for most of Greenland, northern Norway, and for Barrow, Alaska. This topic first arose when the people of Ilulissat, Greenland, saw the Sun appear two days ahead of schedule. Scientists have suggested that global warming is causing the ice sheet to shrink, an explanation called bullshit.

If the ice sheet was the cause in Greenland, what could be the reason for the similar early appearance of the Sun in Norway and Barrow, Alaska? In Barrow, Alaska, the Sun also appeared two days early, which the establishment dismissed as a "false sunrise."

'False Sunrise' Raises Expectations for Sun Appearance in Barrow, Alaska
January 21, 2011
No, the sun didn't appear early in the country's northernmost community, although a blazing mirage and misleading internet information may have given the impression that the polar night had already ended. The magical moment of the sun's return, the time for Tequila Sunrise cocktail parties when Barrow residents toast to the light that turns the horizon purple, will arrive this Sunday afternoon at 1:05 p.m., said Dave Anderson, the official who runs the National Weather Service office in the community. According to Anderson, who gets the information from the US Naval Observatory website, it will land at 2:14 p.m. But last Sunday, some locals saw brief appearances of the new sun.

And then there is a documented case where the Sun appeared a full day early in Tromsø, Norway. Once can be an accident, twice is a pattern, and three times is a clear pattern.

Welcome Back, Dear Sun
January 20, 2011
At 11:57. The plan was that it would first appear in the morning. But it seemed to know that the weather forecast for Friday was not good, and therefore realized that it should show off today. And when it shone upon us for a few short minutes, it was as beautiful as ever. Welcome back, dear Sun.

Despite the fact that the topic of the shift of the Earth’s axis has been discussed on the Internet for several years, official science continues to ridicule everyone who touches on this topic, at best simply keeping silent about facts that contradict traditional dogmas (
Despite this, many independent researchers have long noticed that the Sun rises and sets differently than it did decades ago. This is confirmed by the semi-wild tribes living in Alaska - the Inuit, whom we also call Eskimos (literally - eaters of raw meat). So these Eskimos, unlike modern man, who pays little attention to the changes occurring with our luminary, noticed that the Sun, which for them, together with the stars, is both a clock and a calendar, has “shaken” compared to the year 2000. The sun is already rising and setting in a completely different place from where the Inuit are accustomed to seeing it. The Eskimo elders even turned to NASA management about this (I don’t know who put them up to this), but employees of the US Aerospace Agency laughed at the Inuit.
Although independent researchers are confident that NASA is well aware of the shift in the earth's axis, there simply appears to be an unspoken instruction from above to keep all this secret from the general public. The United States government's greatest fear is that its own people will panic.
Hal Turner, an American oppositionist, also speaks about this, who at one time created Superstation95 with an audience of two million readers and listeners, but the US government quickly closed this “shop.” So Hal Turner also recently made a statement that our Sun has long been rising and setting in places other than where it was before. Living in one place for 26 years at the address North Bergen, NJ 07047, the American, possessing the nature of an explorer, noticed this strange phenomenon, like the Eskimos. The change in the sunset speaks only of one thing, he argues, the Earth’s axis is shifting, which is apparently why all these weather misunderstandings, climatic and environmental disasters have been happening lately, there has been increased activity of volcanoes on the planet, and so on.

Independent researchers are confident that the awakening of the Yellowstone supervolcano is primarily associated with a shift in the Earth’s axis; there are even unofficial data on the Internet - the Earth’s axis is shifting by 40 kilometers per year. It’s hard to say whether this is true or not, but the facts... For example, since June 12, a swarm of (there’s no other way to call it) tremors in Yellowstone Park is approaching a thousand, and the most powerful of them on June 15 reached 5 points on the Richter scale. 910 tremors in three weeks is the annual norm...

We draw conclusions and hope for the best. What remains if governments and official science continue to claim that nothing is happening in the world. Everything is as usual…

There are those who have noticed that the Sun seems to rise too far north, or a little earlier, or is too high overhead or too low above the horizon. But there are few who have bothered to prove it. The daily wobble of the Earth became apparent.

We have previously encountered a case where eyewitnesses noticed that the sun seemed to first set and then briefly reappear. How is this possible? The reason is the Earth wobble, when people notice that the sun, moon and stars are not where they usually are. And now a video has appeared on the Internet that unmistakably shows such anomalous behavior of the sun at sunset. I express my gratitude to Vladislav Radovich, who found this video.

So, let's take a closer look at this video. The black dot shows the sun; at 20:09 it set behind the mountain.

At 20:11 it was already a little dark.

But suddenly at 20:12 the sun and the black dot appeared again from behind the mountain.

At 20:14 the sun rose even higher and began to shine even brighter.

Then at 20:16 the sun and the black dot disappeared behind the mountain again.

At 20:22 it had already become significantly darker.

But at 20:23 the sunset brightened.

At 20:28 the same thing happened again - the sun seemed to rise up and the brightness of the sunset increased.

This happened several times throughout the sunset. At 20:40 and again at 20:44.

At 20:41 the brightness increased further.

Again the sun set a little at 20:44.

But it came back immediately.

It seems that the sun not only rose up, but also moved to the left.

It continued to shine for some time until it became completely dark.

Another observation from Germany shows that the sun first set and then returned briefly. On Friday, February 5, 2016, sunset was expected at 5:38 p.m. It seemed like the sun had set at 5:30 pm as it was already dark at 5:50 pm. Then suddenly, for about 5 minutes, the light came back on at 6:10 p.m. Similar changes in the position of the Sun were caught on camera in Mexico in 2013, where the setting Sun was reflected in the clouds. First it sat down and then came back. Oscillation in action!

The weather has become more extreme due to the earth shaking. All of this is in the process of transitioning to a blending of the seasons. Very soon, the mixing factor of the seasons will manifest itself to such an extent that the weather will jump from average summer to average winter during the day, and the fluctuation will create high tides on the coasts and sudden flooding due to sloshing.

When we see the Sun appear further and further in the north, we will know that the time of the end is approaching and that we are all heading towards disaster.

Much further north, much higher in the sky and much brighter than it should be. This has recently been observed and recorded in America and Europe. This means an opposition tilt, that is, when the Earth's North Pole is steadily pointed closer to the Sun and Planet X. An opposition tilt creates a comfortable position for the Earth along the magnetic flux lines of Planet X, aka Nibiru.

On June 9, 2013, late afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in Blackpool, UK, the Sun was “almost at its zenith,” judging by the shadows. The Sun at this time, according to the Skymap program, should have cast long shadows, rising to approximately one third of the sky (Altitude 30), being closer to the horizon than to the top of the sky. However, judging by the angle, it apparently rose twice as high, to two-thirds of the sky. In Wisconsin, when the Sun was sufficiently visible, the measurement showed 20 degrees or more north of expected. The sun also rose early and was higher in the sky by approximately the same amount, 20 degrees.

9 June: Sun at 16.30 in Blackpool in the North West of Great Britain. Pay attention to the shadows under the cars on the road - the Sun is almost at its zenith!
June 11: Wisconsin, 6:55 a.m. Daylight Saving Time. According to my measurement, the Sun was at Azimuth 53 in the northeast and at Altitude 40, but according to Skymap it should have been at Azimuth 73 and Altitude 17. This is a full 20 degrees North and a full 20 degrees higher in the sky than it should be!
June 17: The sun is much more north than expected. Skymap says it should be at Azimuth 68, but it is at Azimuth 43, a full 25 degrees North of where it should be!

And here is more evidence of the displacement of the sun, moon or stars:

01/11/11. In Murmansk the sun rose 4 days ahead of schedule. Information began to appear online that the polar winter ended prematurely in the northern hemisphere. According to the solar calendar, it turns out that in Murmansk the Sun should appear only on January 15, and these data are actually confirmed by the calculation plate.

January 11, 2011 | 15:31
Along with the Christmas holidays, the polar night ended in the Arctic. At the latitude of Murmansk it lasted 40 days and nights. For Murmansk residents it was not only a dark, but also a cold period. At the end of the second ten days of December, frosts of 30 degrees were observed, and on New Year's days the temperature did not reach more than 10˚ to normal. Now the sun will make up for lost time by leaps and bounds, adding 10-15 minutes of daylight time every day.

It turns out that the Sun rose 4 days ahead of schedule, and this can only happen if the tilt of the Earth’s axis changes.

01/24/11. The sun rises in the morning and makes you happy and warms your soul. I enjoy seeing where it leaves a shadow on the wallpaper. So I noticed where the shadow was last winter and last summer and the summer before last. This winter is cloudy and there wasn't much to see in the mornings. Yesterday on a sunny morning I just went crazy. The sun rose and cast a shadow in the inexplicable distance of last year's memo!

05.15.11. The latest measurements simply shocked me! What 80 degrees there!? On May 12, the precession of the Earth's axis exceeded 90! hail! It's still 40 days until the spring equinox! And after that believe scientists who do not notice obvious facts? One thing is certain - climate change will continue and worsen...

05.27.11. My apartment windows face both sides. One side is east, the other is west. I have watched the sun set many times. The area is full of landmarks such as trees, power transmission towers, thermal power plant pipes, etc. The disk of the sun, already quite low, was shining through my window before setting. Now the point of entry has clearly moved about 30-35 degrees north and is now in the north-northwest, which cannot be! Moreover, another person noticed changes today. The person is extremely skeptical, indifferent and down to earth. He is servicing refrigerators. According to him, he always hung radiators exclusively on the north side, so that the sun would not shine on them and would not heat them up too much. Today he was surprised to find that they were illuminated by the sun...

06/14/12. Of course, I am zero in Astronomy, but I have always observed the Big Dipper, looking from my point of view, towards the north (I don’t know how best to explain), and now it is right in front of me, i.e. became closer to the southern point. And the Sun somehow doesn’t set where it usually does.

06/14/12. The sun sets much further north. Many people have already noticed this.

07/16/12. Now, I also noticed this. A decent shift in the sunset point! Not less than 15 degrees. In principle, it never sat behind the barn before, I mean, it sat before it, but now it shoots out rays, passing behind it. The barn did not move))

07/16/12. So I don’t understand why people don’t see the obvious. The sun rises and sets in a different place than usual. You don’t need to look at the cards, it’s obvious that way. You will also notice the sunrise. All changes in the weather are explained very simply.

07/18/12. I read on the Internet that the tilt of the earth’s axis had changed, and that this was true, I had no doubt. But I myself did not notice this with the naked eye, and last summer on the beach in Odessa at 8:00 Kiev time, a neighbor told me that at this time the sun always shone exactly in the middle, and today it shines from the side on my left thigh, and I even I didn’t notice this. This year, my mother noticed that when the bank minibus turns at 7:15 in the morning, the driver no longer lowers the visor, but previously he did this in the summer for three years in a row. For me personally, this is indisputable evidence of a change in the tilt of the earth's axis.

07.26.12. That's how you want it - and the center of rotation of Ursa Major has shifted significantly to the southeast. 15 degrees. Besides, she behaves quite strangely. In past years, the rotation was clearly visible for 2-3 hours. And at this time of year, it was higher at night. Now it is located quite low and there is almost no dynamics observed.

04/23/14. I loved watching the sunrise since childhood, and the sunset too. I've been watching for 50 years now. It has moved, our sun... It has moved. Not the sun, of course, but our planet relative to its axis. Previously, the sunrise was visible from the window, but now it rises behind our house. And the approach also shifted accordingly. Probably this factor somehow influenced the climate, like many others.

12/25/13. Why such strange behavior of the Sun? In 2012, I noticed the sunset point on December 22, and this year it has moved significantly to the right (west). Why? After all, in theory, the sunset point should be in one place?

06/17/12. I went to the village, it seemed to me that the sun began to set closer to the North. Don't you think something abnormal is happening?

I’ve been going fishing for a long time, and I noticed that the sunrise has shifted to the northeast, and the sunset to the northwest. This didn't happen before. We have 66 degrees north latitude. I came to the conclusion that it is not the warming of the planet that is happening, but a pole shift. Therefore, the latitude has changed, and the ice in the Arctic and Antarctica is melting. But other areas became colder. Apparently the poles ended up in these territories.

06/19/14. I'm not good at astronomy (unfortunately), but there is no doubt in which direction the sun rises in relation to my window! I don’t know what happened before the first observation, since I’m not a fan of getting up at dawn. But exactly on January 24, 2012 there was an early wake-up call about leaving. Almost perpendicular to the window, in the east there was such a charming sunrise that I photographed the sunrise points for several minutes. Many months passed before I needed to wake up at the dawn hour. Well, I saw the sunrise in the north. Then I thought that the sunrise point could change depending on the month of the year. But time fled, January approached, and the sun was also in the north and rising; It’s June now, and it’s still there. I told my friend about this and met her puzzled and disbelieving gaze. I don’t understand the degrees of deviation of objects of observation, but in layman’s terms, it seems to me that the sunrise (at the equator, where I observe it) has shifted north by about 70 degrees.

06/19/14. Today I took a new photo of the sunrise, where I “captured”, due to the general plan, the landmarks present in last year’s photo. Yes, exactly, last year, I clarified this in the archive (January 23, 2013). I tried even more meticulously to determine the angle of the sunrise. Perhaps it is not so large-scale, but not less than 45 degrees. About observing the night sky, I also had a slight shock when the brightest star in the southern sky - Venus - changed its location. But then I thought that I simply could not distinguish one star from another, and my beloved Venus was currently in its place covered from me by clouds...

08/13/14. I don’t know what the Moon is, but I know for sure that it is not what is written in textbooks. A lot of people, not burdened with astronomical knowledge, noticed something that is impossible not to notice: different speeds of the Moon’s movement in the night, following one after another, as well as different points of rising and setting of the Moon, also in the night, following in a row. I once decided that I had hallucinations when I realized that last night I was standing on the porch at exactly this time, minute by minute (the beginning of the news on Channel One), and detected the position of the disk (it was a full moon) at the level of the top of the spruce tree, on the edge ravine The next day at the same time, the Moon was not in the visible sector at all. In horror, I ran around the corner of the house and discovered that the Moon was almost in the northeast, and barely appeared above the horizon!

09.16.14. Even I have noticed with the naked eye for a long time (every day at the same time I go outside and compare) that the sun sometimes moves chaotically, like the moon, which does not have a constant orbit. Strangely enough, this started in October last year. And the polar star is not in the same place as last year. For me, just evidence would be enough, but for people who are determined to reject everything from the very beginning, no photographs will help; after seeing them they will invent something else.

09.16.14. That's right, the sun now rises not in the east, as before, but in the south, and sets in the south. Sometimes the stars are almost invisible, and sometimes they are visible, but they are located in the wrong place. The Ursa Major is also displaced, and so is the Ursa Minor. And the earth, I’ll tell you, is already shaking strongly, especially in the evenings and at night, believe it or not, but this is exactly the case.

20.10.14. Today at 14.20 I noticed the sun - it was not at all where it usually is at this time (much lower). I'll take another look tomorrow, maybe I'm wrong.

06.11.14. The sun rises in a completely different place than last year; the sunrise point has shifted by 40 degrees. The Moon is also out of place, as is the Big Dipper. This is Central Sayan.

22.11.14. Has anyone noticed that the Sun (Earth) began to move strangely? Now in the morning at sunrise the Sun is in the place where it was on January 21 and December 7, 2013. That is, it has shifted by 15 days. And the Sun rises 25 minutes earlier (at the point where it rose a year ago).

In the far northern reaches, the Sun is not visible for many days during the winter months. In these places the exact day when the Sun appears again is known as a holiday. This is the case for most of Greenland, northern Norway, and for Barrow, Alaska. This topic first arose when the people of Ilulissat, Greenland, saw the Sun appear two days ahead of schedule. Scientists have suggested that global warming is causing the ice sheet to shrink, an explanation called bullshit.

If the ice sheet was the cause in Greenland, what could be the reason for the similar early appearance of the Sun in Norway and Barrow, Alaska? In Barrow, Alaska, the Sun also appeared two days early, which the establishment dismissed as a "false sunrise."

'False Sunrise' Raises Expectations for Sun Appearance in Barrow, Alaska
January 21, 2011
No, the sun didn't appear early in the country's northernmost community, although a blazing mirage and misleading internet information may have given the impression that the polar night had already ended. The magical moment of the sun's return, the time for Tequila Sunrise cocktail parties when Barrow residents toast to the light that turns the horizon purple, will arrive this Sunday afternoon at 1:05 p.m., said Dave Anderson, the official who runs the National Weather Service office in the community. According to Anderson, who gets the information from the US Naval Observatory website, it will land at 2:14 p.m. But last Sunday, some locals saw brief appearances of the new sun.

And then there is a documented case where the Sun appeared a full day early in Tromsø, Norway. Once can be an accident, twice is a pattern, and three times is a clear pattern.

Welcome Back, Dear Sun
January 20, 2011
At 11:57. The plan was that it would first appear in the morning. But it seemed to know that the weather forecast for Friday was not good, and therefore realized that it should show off today. And when it shone upon us for a few short minutes, it was as beautiful as ever. Welcome back, dear Sun.

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