Where does saliva come from? What is included in human saliva and what are its functions? Disorders of the salivary glands

Saliva I Saliva (saliva)

secretion of the salivary glands, secreted in. Normally, an adult excretes up to 2 l saliva. The rate of S. secretion is uneven: it is minimal during sleep (less than 0.05 ml per minute), when awake outside of meals is about 0.5 ml per minute, with stimulation of salivation S. increases to 2.3 ml in a minute.

Mixed S. is a viscous (due to the presence of glycoproteins) liquid with a specific gravity from 1001 to 1017. Some turbidity of S. is caused by the presence of cellular elements. Fluctuations in the pH of saliva depend on the hygienic state of the oral cavity, the nature of food, and the rate of secretion (at a low rate of secretion, the pH of saliva shifts to the acidic side, and when salivation is stimulated, it shifts to the alkaline side).

Approximately 99.5% of saliva consists of water, in which organic and mineral substances are dissolved. The main organic substances of S. are synthesized in the salivary glands (some glycoproteins, mucins, class A) and outside them. Some of the proteins of S. are of serum origin (some enzymes, albumins, β-lipoproteins, immunoglobulins of classes G and M, etc.). Most people's S. contains group-specific antigens corresponding to blood antigens. The ability to secrete as part of S. is inherited. Specific proteins were found in saliva - salivoprotein, which promotes the deposition of phosphorocalcium compounds on teeth, and phosphoprotein - a calcium-binding protein with high affinity for hydroxyapatite, which is involved in the formation of tartar and plaque.

The main enzymes of S. are (α-amylase), which converts polysaccharides into di- and monosaccharides, and α-glycosidase, or α-glycosidase, which breaks down maltose and sucrose. Lipases, phosphatases, etc. are also found in saliva. In mixed S., its esters, free glycerophospholipids (estrogens, testosterone), various and other substances are also present in small quantities.

The mineral substances that make up S. are represented by anions of chlorides, bromide, fluorides, iodides, phosphates, bicarbonates, cations of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, strontium, etc.

By wetting and softening solid food, S. ensures the formation of a food bolus and facilitates the swallowing of food. After soaking, S. already in the oral cavity undergoes an initial chemical treatment, during which it is partially hydrolyzed by α-amylase to dextrins and maltose. The dissolution of chemical substances that make up food in saliva contributes to the perception of taste by the taste analyzer. S. has a protective function, cleansing the oral mucosa from bacteria and their metabolic products, food debris, and detritus. The immunoglobulins and lysozyme contained in S. also play a protective role. As a result of the secretory activity of the major and minor salivary glands, the mouth is moistened, which is a necessary condition for the two-way transport of chemicals between the oral mucosa and saliva.

The quantity, chemical composition and properties of S. vary depending on the nature of the causative agent of secretion (for example, the type of food taken) and the rate of secretion. Thus, when eating cookies and sweets in mixed S., the level of glucose and lactate temporarily increases; when salivation is stimulated, sodium and bicarbonates sharply increase in the S., the level of potassium and iodine does not change or slightly decreases; the S. of smokers has several times more thiocyanates than non-smokers. The chemical composition of calcium is subject to daily fluctuations; it also depends on age (in older people, for example, the amount of calcium increases significantly, which is important for the formation of tartar and salivary stone). Changes in the composition of S. may be associated with taking medications and intoxications. The composition of S. also changes in a number of pathological conditions and diseases. Thus, when the body is dehydrated, there is a sharp decrease in salivation; with diabetes mellitus, the amount of glucose in saliva increases; with uremia in S. the content of residual nitrogen increases significantly.

II Saliva (saliva)

secretion of the salivary glands; contains digestive enzymes, mainly amylase.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.


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    Saliva, saliva, saliva, saliva, saliva, saliva, saliva, saliva, saliva, saliva, saliva, saliva, saliva (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    Transparent viscous secretion of the salivary glands, secreted into the oral cavity. The composition of saliva includes water (98.5–99.5%) and inorganic substances dissolved in it. and organic connections. S. has a slightly acidic or slightly alkaline reaction (pH 5.6–7.6). In a day a person... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Y; and. A liquid secreted by special glands in the oral cavity of humans and animals that helps wet and digest food. Swallow saliva. Spit out saliva. Abundant village To splash saliva (also: to speak excitedly, with heat, with anger). ◁… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    SALIVA, a liquid secreted by the SALIVARY GLANDS into the oral cavity. In vertebrates, saliva is 99% water, in which small amounts of sodium, potassium, calcium and the enzyme AMYLASE are dissolved. Saliva softens and moistens food, making it easier... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

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    SALIVA, s, female. A colorless liquid secreted in the oral cavity of humans and animals and moistens food when chewed. Abundant village To splash saliva (also translated: to speak excitedly, with heat, with anger). | adj. salivary, oh, oh. Salivary glands.… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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Digestion in the human body is carried out with the assistance of various biological fluids, which include saliva. The gradual breakdown of organic substances in the sections of the digestive system contributes to the most complete dissimilation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats received from food and the release of energy. It is partially converted into heat and is also accumulated in the form of ATP molecules.

The primary biochemical processing of the food bolus occurs in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva. The composition of this biologically active solution is quite complex and depends on the age, genetic properties and nutritional characteristics of the person. In our article we will characterize the components of saliva and study its functions in the body.

Digestion in the mouth

Flavoring substances in food irritate the nerve endings located in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and on the tongue. This causes a reflex secretion of not only saliva, but also gastric and pancreatic juice. Irritation of the receptors, which turns into the process of excitation, provides salivation, which is necessary for the primary mechanical and biochemical processing of the food bolus. It involves chewing and breaking down complex sugars into simple carbohydrates. The secretion of enzymes in the oral cavity is carried out by the salivary glands. The composition of saliva necessarily includes amylase and maltase, which work as hydrolytic enzymes.

Humans have three large pairs of glands: parotid, submandibular and sublingual. Also in the mucous membrane of the lower jaw, cheeks and tongue there are small salivary ducts. During the day, a healthy adult produces up to 1.5 liters of saliva. This is extremely important for the physiologically normal digestion process.

Chemical composition of saliva

First, let's take a general overview of the components secreted by the glands of the oral cavity. This is primarily water and the salts of sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus dissolved in it. The content of organic compounds in saliva is high: enzymes, proteins and mucin (mucus). A special place is occupied by substances of a bactericidal nature - lysozyme, protective proteins. Normally, saliva has a slightly alkaline reaction, but if foods rich in carbohydrates predominate in the food, the pH of the saliva shifts towards an acidic reaction. This increases the risk of tartar formation and causes symptoms of tooth decay. Next, we will dwell in detail on the features of the composition of human saliva.

Factors influencing the biochemistry of salivary gland secretions

First, let's distinguish between concepts such as pure and mixed saliva. In the first case, we are talking about fluid directly secreted by the glands of the oral cavity. The second talks about a solution that also contains metabolic products, bacteria, food particles and blood plasma components. However, both of these types of oral fluid necessarily contain several groups of compounds called buffer systems. The composition of saliva is determined by the characteristics of the body's metabolism, age, diet, and depends on what chronic diseases a person suffers from. For example, in the saliva of young children there is a high content of lysozyme and components of the protein buffer system, as well as low concentrations of mucin and mucus.

An adult is characterized by a predominance of elements of the phosphate and bicarbonate buffer systems. In addition, an increase in the concentration of potassium ions and a decrease in sodium content are recorded in comparison with the composition of the blood plasma. In elderly people, saliva contains an increased content of glycoproteins, mucin and bacterial microflora. A high level of calcium ions can provoke increased formation of tartar in them, and a low concentration of lysozyme and protective proteins leads to the development of periodontal disease.

What microelements are found in the secretion of the salivary glands?

The mineral composition of oral fluid plays a leading role in maintaining a normal level of metabolism and directly affects the formation of tooth enamel. Covering the crown of the tooth from above, it is in direct contact with internal contents of the oral cavity and therefore is the most vulnerable part. As it turned out, mineralization, i.e., the intake of calcium, fluorine and hydrogen phosphate ions into tooth enamel, depends on the composition and properties of saliva. The above ions are present in it both in free and protein-bound form and have a micellar structure.

These complex compounds ensure the resistance of tooth enamel to caries. Thus, oral fluid is a colloidal solution and, along with sodium, potassium, copper, and iodine ions, creates the necessary osmotic pressure that ensures the protective functions of its own buffer systems. Next, we will consider the mechanisms of their action and their importance for maintaining homeostasis in the oral cavity.

Buffer complexes

In order for the secretion of the salivary glands that enters the oral cavity to perform all its important functions, it is necessary that its pH be at a constant level ranging from 6.9 to 7.5. For this purpose, there are groups of complex ions and biologically active substances that are part of saliva. The phosphate buffer system is especially important to maintain sufficient concentration hydrogen phosphate ions, which are responsible for the mineralization of dental tissues. It contains the enzyme alkaline phosphatase, which accelerates the transfer of orthophosphoric acid anions from glucose esters to the organic basis of tooth enamel.

Then the formation of foci of crystallization is observed, and complexes of calcium phosphates and protein are embedded in the dental tissues - mineralization occurs. Dental studies have confirmed the assumption that a decrease in the concentration of calcium cations and acidic anions of phosphoric acid leads to disruption of the saliva-tooth enamel system. This inevitably causes destruction of dental tissue and the development of caries.

Organic components of mixed saliva

Now we will talk about mucin - a substance produced by the submandibular and sublingual glands. It belongs to the group of glycoproteins, secreted by secreting epithelial cells. Possessing viscosity, mucin glues and moisturizes food particles that irritate the root of the tongue. As a result of swallowing, the elastic food bolus easily enters the esophagus and then into the stomach.

This example clearly illustrates how the composition and functions of saliva are interconnected. In addition to mucin, organic substances also include soluble proteins bound in complex compounds with glucose and galactose. They promote the transition of calcium hydrogen phosphate from oral fluid into the composition of tooth enamel. A decrease in the concentration of soluble peptides (for example, fibronectin in saliva) leads to the activation of the enzyme - acid phosphatase, which enhances the demineralization process that provokes caries.


Compounds that exhibit the properties of enzymes and are part of saliva include the antibacterial substance - lysozyme. Acting as a proteolytic enzyme, it destroys the walls of pathogenic bacteria containing murein. The presence of the enzyme in saliva is especially important for the microflora of the oral cavity, since it is a gateway through which microorganisms can freely enter air, water and food. Lysozyme begins to be produced by the baby's salivary glands from the moment he switches to formula feeding; until this moment, the enzyme enters his body with breast milk. As you can see, saliva is characterized by protective functions that help maintain the normal functioning of the body and protect it from pathogenic microflora. In addition, lysozyme promotes rapid healing of microcracks and wounds on the oral mucosa.

Importance of Digestive Enzymes

Continuing to study the question of what composition human saliva has, we will focus on its components such as amylase and maltase. Both enzymes take part in the breakdown of foods containing carbohydrates. A simple experiment is well known that proves that starch undergoes hydrolysis in the oral cavity. If you chew a piece of white bread or boiled potato for a long time, a sweetish taste appears in your mouth. Indeed, amylase partially breaks down starch into oligosaccharides and dextrins, and they, in turn, are exposed to the action of maltase. As a result, glucose molecules are formed, which give the bolus of food in the mouth a sweet taste. Complete breakdown of carbohydrates will then take place in the stomach and especially in duodenum gut.

Blood clotting function of saliva

The secretions of the oral fluid contain plasma elements and blood clotting factors. For example, thromboplastin is a product of the destruction of blood platelets - platelets - and is present in both pure and mixed saliva. Another substance is prothrombin, which is an inactive form of protein and is synthesized by hepatocytes. In addition to the substances mentioned above, saliva contains enzymes that prevent or, conversely, activate the action of fibrinolysin, a compound that exhibits pronounced blood clotting properties.

In this article, we studied the composition and main functions of human saliva. We hope the information was useful to you!

The process of digesting food is complex, it consists of several stages. The very first begins in the oral cavity. If disturbances are observed at the initial stage, then a person may suffer from gastritis, colitis and other diseases and not even suspect that they were caused by, for example, insufficient saliva production. The functions of saliva, what it is - questions that we now have to understand.

  • What is saliva and its role in digestion
  • Compound
  • Functions of saliva
  • Enzymes of human saliva
  • Ptyalin (amylase)
  • Bactericidal substance - lysozyme
  • Maltase
  • Lipase
  • Carbonic anhydrase
  • Peroxidases
  • Nucleases
  • Interesting Facts

What is saliva and what does it consist of?

Human saliva is a fluid produced by the salivary glands. Small and three pairs of large glands secrete it into the oral cavity (, and). Let's look at the composition and properties of saliva in more detail.

The functions of this liquid are to envelop food entering the oral cavity, partially digest it, and help in the further “transportation” of food to the esophagus and stomach.

Table 1. Composition of human saliva

A pH value of 5.6 to approximately 7.6 is considered normal. The higher this number, the more healthy the environment is created in the oral cavity.

The saliva reaction should not normally be acidic. Increased acidity indicates that microflora is present in the mouth. The more alkaline the environment, the better the oral fluid performs protective functions, in particular, it protects tooth enamel from the development of caries. In such an environment, bacteria hardly multiply.

What functions does human saliva perform?

Functions of human saliva:

  • breakdown of complex carbohydrates;
  • acceleration of the digestion process;
  • bactericidal effect;
  • facilitating the advancement of the bolus of food from;
  • wetting the oral cavity.

Saliva is not only enzymes, protein compounds and microelements. These are also bacteria, as well as the remains of their vital activity, decay products found in the mouth. It is due to the presence of these organic substances that the salivary fluid in the oral cavity is called mixed. That is, in the human mouth there is not a substance produced by the salivary glands in its pure form, but a mixture of this liquid and microbes that “live” in the oral cavity.

The composition of saliva is constantly changing. In a dream he is alone, but after a person wakes up, brushes his teeth and has breakfast, he changes.

Some enzymes contained in saliva change in percentage with age. The value of any of the elements is great. It cannot be said that some of the enzymes are more important and some are less important.

Enzymes contained in saliva

Enzymes in human saliva are of great importance. These are organic substances of protein nature. In total, 50 types of enzymes are known.

There are 3 large groups:

  • enzymes that are produced by salivary gland cells;
  • waste products of microorganisms;
  • enzymes released during the destruction of blood cells.

Enzymes disinfect the oral cavity. Let us list the main “subgroups”:

  • amylase (aka ptyalin);
  • maltase;
  • lysozyme;
  • carbonic anhydrase;
  • peroxidases;
  • proteinases;
  • nucleases.

Another active ingredient is mucin - we will return to it and its role a little later.

Amylase (ptialin)

What is amylase needed for? This is an enzyme that breaks down complex carbohydrates. Starch begins to “decompose” into simple polysaccharides. They enter the stomach and intestines, where substances are present that digest them and allow them to be effectively absorbed.

Monosaccharides and disaccharides are the results of the “work” of amylase. Knowing what function the salivary enzyme ptyalin performs, we now understand: without this element, normal digestion of any products containing saccharides would be impossible.

Lysozyme is a disinfectant in saliva.

Lysozyme in saliva is extremely important. This protein has a bactericidal effect: it destroys the cell walls of bacteria, thereby protecting humans from many diseases.

Gram-positive bacteria, as well as some types of viruses, are sensitive to lysozyme.


Among the enzymes of primary importance, we note maltase. What substances are broken down under its influence? It is a maltose disaccharide. As a result, glucose is formed, which is easily absorbed in the intestines.


Lipase is an enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of fats to a state in which they are able to be absorbed into the blood from the intestines.

There is another group of enzymes - proteases (proteinases). They help preserve proteins in an unchanged (that is, natural, “natural”) state. Thanks to this, proteins retain their functions.

Carbonic anhydrase

Let us note several more groups that are also part of saliva. This, in particular, is the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which accelerates the process of cleavage of the C-O bond. The result is water and carbon dioxide. After a person has a snack, the concentration of carbonic anhydrase increases. Why does a person need carbonic anhydrase? It contributes to the normal buffering capacity of saliva, that is, it helps it maintain the properties necessary to protect tooth crowns from the effects of “harmful” microorganisms.


Peroxidases accelerate the oxidation of hydrogen peroxide. As is known, this element has an adverse effect on enamel. On the one hand, it helps get rid of plaque, but on the other hand, it weakens the enamel coating.


There are also nucleases in saliva - they take part in improving the health of the oral cavity, fighting DNA and RNA of viruses and bacteria. The source of nuclease formation is leukocytes.

Why is saliva viscous and foamy?

Normally, the liquid present in the mouth is clear and slightly viscous. Mucin gives the secretion viscosity; as a result of articulation (the work of the speech apparatus), air penetrates into the saliva and bubbles form. The more bubbles there are, the more light is refracted and scattered, which is why the saliva appears white.

If the oral fluid is collected in a transparent glass container, it will settle and become homogeneous and transparent again. But this is normal.

Changes in color, consistency and increase in foam volume may be due to pathological processes in the oral cavity and nearby organs. In particular, saliva may become completely white, like foam. This is due to the fact that mucin in saliva is formed in excess quantities (for example, during physical activity), it “saves” water and the secretion becomes more viscous, as a result of an increase in the concentration of mucin.

White and foamy drool can be produced due to galvanism, a disease of neurological origin. With this disease, the nerve center is irritated, headaches and poor sleep are possible.

Local signs:

  • foamy saliva;
  • metallic or salty taste;
  • burning in the palate.

The disease usually affects people who have old metal crowns in their mouths. They secrete substances that negatively affect the nerve center, resulting in changes in the composition and functions of saliva. For a complete cure, it is necessary to replace the crowns, and also regularly rinse your mouth with anti-inflammatory solutions and take sedatives.

Saliva acquires a white color during candidiasis (it develops due to excessive proliferation of the fungus due to decreased immunity). Here, treatment tactics are aimed at restoring the immune system and suppressing the proliferation of the fungus.

The salivary fluid contains lysozyme, which is recognized by scientists as a strong disinfectant.

We have already talked about the fact that saliva normally has a slightly alkaline reaction. But we have not yet thought about the amount of this fluid that the glands secrete. So, imagine: from 0.5 to two liters of saliva are released per day!

What do enzymes break down in the mouth? Mainly polysaccharides. As a result, glucose is formed. Have you probably noticed that bread or potatoes acquire a slightly sweet taste when chewed? This is due to the release of glucose from complex sugars.

Another interesting thing is that saliva contains an anesthetic substance - opiorphin. It helps to cope, for example, with toothache. If you learn to isolate and use this painkiller, you will get the most natural medicine in the world that cures many ailments.

Saliva is a very necessary liquid. Any irregularities in its composition or quantity should alert you. After all, poorly digested food will not be able to be fully absorbed, will not receive enough nutrients, and therefore will weaken the immune system. Therefore, let's not consider disturbances in the production of saliva as a trifle - any ailment should force you to consult a doctor as quickly as possible to find out its causes and try to completely eliminate it.

The excretory ducts of three pairs of large salivary glands open into the oral cavity: parotid, submandibular and sublingual. In addition to them, in the oral mucosa there are numerous small glands, which, according to their location, are called: labial, buccal, palatal and lingual. In the area of ​​the tongue there are: the anterior salivary gland on the lower surface of the tip of the tongue; at the root of the tongue there are glands, the ducts of which flow into the spaces between the foliate and villoid papillae. The excretory ducts of the labial and buccal glands open into the vestibule of the mouth, and the submandibular, sublingual, palatine and lingual glands open into the oral cavity proper. According to the nature of the secretion, the glands are divided into protein, mucous and mixed.

Saliva is a mixture of secretions from three major and many minor salivary glands. The secretions secreted in the oral cavity are mixed with epithelial cells, food particles, salivary bodies (neutrophil leukocytes, lymphocytes), mucus, and microorganisms.

Composition and properties of saliva.

The secretion of the salivary glands contains 98-99% water, and the rest is a solid residue, which includes mineral anions of chlorides, phosphates, bicarbonates, iodides, bromides, fluorides, and sulfates. Saliva contains sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium cations and trace elements - iron, copper, nickel, lithium and others. The concentration of substances such as iodine, potassium, strontium is much higher than in the blood. Organic substances are represented mainly by proteins (albumin, globulins, enzymes), but in addition to them, saliva also contains nitrogen-containing components (urea, ammonia, creatinine, free amino acids, gamma aminoglutamate, taurine, phosphoethanolamine, hydroxyproline, vitamins). Some of these substances pass into saliva from the blood plasma without changes, and some (amylase, glycoproteins) are synthesized in the salivary glands.

The major and minor salivary glands normally secrete secretions of different composition and quantity. The parotid glands secrete liquid saliva containing large amounts of potassium and sodium chlorides, enzymes - catalase (hydrolyzes hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen) and amylase. The latter contains calcium, without which it does not work. To perform its functions, amylase requires chlorine ions. There is no alkaline phosphatase in this secretion, but the activity of acid phosphatase is very high.

The submandibular glands secrete a product that contains a large amount of organic substances (mucin, amylase) and a small amount of potassium thiocyanate. The predominant mineral substances are sodium chlorides, calcium chlorides, calcium phosphate, and magnesium phosphate. Amylase is significantly less than in the secretion of the parotid gland.

The sublingual glands secrete saliva, which is rich in mucin and has a strong alkaline reaction. The activity of alkaline and acid phosphatases in this saliva is very high. The consistency of saliva is viscous and sticky.

In the oral cavity, saliva performs a digestive function, as well as protective and trophic functions for tooth enamel. The digestive function is to prepare a portion of food for swallowing and digestion. Chewed food is mixed with saliva, which makes up 10-12% of its amount. Mucin promotes bolus formation and swallowing; it is the most important organic component of saliva.

In the oral cavity, saliva acts as a digestive juice. It contains about 50 enzymes, which belong to the classes of hydrolases, oxyreductases, and transferases.

The protective function of saliva is that it protects the mucous membrane and teeth from drying out, physical and chemical damage from food, equalizes the temperature of food, binds acid as an amphoteric buffer and washes plaque from the teeth, promotes self-cleaning of the oral cavity and teeth; the presence of lysozyme, an enzyme-like protein that has bactericidal properties, gives it the ability to take part in the body’s protective reactions and in the processes of epithelial regeneration in case of damage to the oral mucosa.

  • Water (about 99% of the total composition of saliva). Provides wetting and dissolution of food components for the emergence of a sense of taste and primary digestive reactions. Moisturizes the oral cavity. Promotes speech.
  • Bicarbonates. Maintains a slightly alkaline reaction of saliva (pH: 5.25-8.0).
  • Chlorides. Activate salivary amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch.
  • Immunoglobulin A (IgA) Part of the salivary antibacterial system.
  • Lysozyme. Bactericidal enzyme, prevents caries, takes part in the processes of regeneration of the epithelium of the oral mucosa
  • Mucin. A glycoprotein that promotes the formation of mucus and the formation of a food bolus.
  • Slime. Participates in the formation of a food bolus. Promotes swallowing. Provides buffering properties of saliva.
  • Phosphates. Maintains saliva pH.
  • Salivary alpha-amylase (ptialin). Catalyzes the breakdown of polysaccharides into disaccharides
  • Urea, uric acid. They do not perform a digestive function; are excretion products.
  • Maltase (glucosidase). Breaks down maltose and sucrose into monosaccharides.

Digestion begins in the oral cavity in the form of mechanical processing of food and wetting it with saliva. Saliva is an important component that prepares the bolus of food for further digestion. It can not only moisten food, but also disinfect it. Saliva also contains many enzymes that begin to break down simple components even before food is processed by gastric juice.

  • Water. Makes up more than 98.5% of the total secretion. All active substances are dissolved in it: enzymes, salts and more. The main function is to moisten food and dissolve the substances contained in it to facilitate further movement of the food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract and digestion.
  • Salts of various acids (microelements, alkali metal cations). They are a buffer system that is able to maintain the necessary acidity of the food bolus before it enters the stomach. Salts can increase the acidity of food if it is insufficient or alkalize it if it is too acidic. With pathology and an increase in salt content, they can be deposited in the form of stones with the formation of gingivitis.
  • Mucin. A substance that has adhesive properties, which allows food to be collected into a single lump, which will then move in one conglomerate through the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lysozyme. Natural protector with bactericidal properties. Able to disinfect food, provides protection to the oral cavity from pathogens. If the component is insufficient, pathologies such as caries and candidiasis may develop.
  • Opiorphin. An anesthetic substance that can anesthetize the overly sensitive oral mucosa, rich in nerve endings, from mechanical irritation with solid food.
  • Enzymes. The enzyme system is able to begin digesting food and prepare it for further processing in the stomach and intestines. The breakdown of food begins with carbohydrate components, since further processing may require energy expenditure, which is provided by sugars.

The table shows the content of each component of saliva

Saliva enzymes


An enzyme capable of breaking down complex carbohydrate compounds, converting them into oligosaccharides and then into sugar. The main compound that the enzyme acts on is starch. It is thanks to the action of this enzyme that we can feel the sweet taste of the product during its mechanical processing. Further breakdown of starch continues under the action of pancreatic amylase in the duodenum.


The main bactericidal component, which, in essence, performs its properties due to the digestion of bacterial cell membranes. In fact, the enzyme is also capable of splitting the polysaccharide chains located in the bacterial cell membrane, due to which a hole appears in it through which liquids quickly flow and the microorganism bursts like a balloon.


An enzyme capable of breaking down maltose, a complex carbohydrate compound. This produces two glucose molecules. It acts in combination with amylase up to the small intestine, where it is replaced by intestinal maltase in the duodenum.


Saliva contains lingual lipase, which is the first to begin processing complex fatty compounds. The substance it affects is triglyceride; after treatment with an enzyme, it is broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. Its action ends in the stomach, where it is replaced by gastric lipase. For children, it is lingual lipase that is of greater importance, since it is the first one that begins to digest the milk fats of breast milk.


The conditions necessary for adequate protein digestion are absent in saliva. They are able to break down only already denatured protein components into simpler ones. The main process of protein digestion begins after the protein chains are denatured by hydrochloric acid in the intestine. However, proteases contained in saliva are also very important for the normal digestion of food.

Other elements

Other elements include equally important compounds that ensure the correct formation of the food bolus. This process is important as the beginning of adequate and complete digestion.


A sticky substance that can hold together a bolus of food. Its action continues until the processed food leaves the intestinal tract. Promotes uniform digestion of chyme, and due to its mucus-like consistency, it significantly facilitates and softens its movement along the tract. The substance also performs a protective function by enveloping the gums, teeth, and mucous membranes, which significantly reduces the traumatic effect of solid unprocessed food on delicate structures. In addition, the sticky consistency promotes the adhesion of pathogenic agents, which are subsequently destroyed by lysozyme.


A natural antidepressant, a neurogenic mediator that can act on pain nerve endings, blocking the transmission of pain impulses. This allows you to make the chewing process painless, although hard particles often injure the mucous membrane, gums, and surface of the tongue. Naturally, microdoses are released in saliva. There is a theory that the pathogenetic mechanism is an increase in the release of opiates; due to the addiction that forms in a person, the need for irritation of the oral cavity increases, and an increase in the secretion of saliva - therefore, opiorphin.

Buffer systems

Various salts that provide the necessary acidity for the normal functioning of the enzyme system. They also create the necessary charge on the surface of the chyme, which helps stimulate peristaltic waves and mucus of the internal mucous membrane lining the gastrointestinal tract. These systems also contribute to the mineralization of tooth enamel and its strengthening.

Epidermal growth factor

A protein hormonal compound that promotes the launch of regenerative processes. Cell division of the oral mucosa occurs at lightning speed. This is understandable, since they are damaged much more often than any other as a result of mechanical stress and bacterial attacks.

  • Protective. It consists of disinfecting food and protecting the oral mucosa and tooth enamel from mechanical damage.
  • Digestive. Enzymes contained in saliva begin digestion already at the stage of grinding food.
  • Mineralizing. Allows you to strengthen tooth enamel due to solutions of salts contained in saliva.
  • Cleansing. The abundant secretion of saliva promotes self-cleaning of the oral cavity by washing it.
  • Antibacterial. The components of saliva have bactericidal properties, due to which many pathogenic microorganisms do not penetrate further than the oral cavity.
  • Excretory. Saliva contains metabolic products (such as ammonia, various toxins, including drugs), when spat out, the body gets rid of toxins.
  • Anesthetic. Due to the content of opiorphin, saliva can provide short-term pain relief to small cuts and also ensures painless processing of food.
  • Speech. Thanks to the water component, it provides hydration to the oral cavity, which helps articulate speech.
  • Healing. Thanks to the content of epidermal growth factor, it promotes the fastest healing of all wound surfaces, therefore, as a reflex, with any cut we try to lick the wound.

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