Obesity leads to. Obesity and its effects on various human functions. Preventive measures for obesity in adults

Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive accumulation of extra pounds and increased levels of body fat. Today, the problem of obese people is considered the most pressing in the world. According to WHO, over 600 million people on the planet suffer from this pathology. What measures are most effective for preventing obesity?

What is obesity?

Before moving on to prevention, it is necessary to understand where this condition comes from. Obesity is a disease characterized by excess body weight and fat accumulation.

From a medical point of view, this condition is characterized by an increase in weight from 20% above normal, due to the growth of fat deposits. This disease not only brings psychological discomfort, but can also lead to disruption of the functioning of many organs. A person is at risk for such dangerous pathologies as heart attacks, strokes, etc. All these diseases can worsen his quality of life and lead to disability.

Obesity prevention aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing such diseases.

Obesity classification

In individuals who have a genetic predisposition to obesity, nutritional obesity is observed. It appears when the calorie content of food exceeds the body’s energy expenditure, which is observed in some members of the same family. When asking patients about their diet, it turns out that they constantly overeat. Fat deposits are distributed evenly under the skin.

Hypothalamic obesity develops in individuals who develop diseases of the nervous system with damage to the hypothalamus (due to tumors, injuries). Fat deposits are located on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks.

Endocrine obesity occurs with hypothyroidism. Fat deposits throughout the body are unevenly distributed and other signs of hormonal disorders are noticeable.

Degrees of obesity are classified according to the following scheme:

  1. Pre-obesity. This degree is characterized by the appearance of 25-29.9% excess weight compared to normal.
  2. Obesity 1st degree. It is characterized by 30-34.9% extra pounds. It is considered not as a pathology, but as a cosmetic defect.
  3. Obesity 2 degrees. The appearance of 35-39.9% excess weight. In this case, serious fat deposits are noticeable.
  4. Obesity 3 degrees. Characterized by 40% or more excess body weight. This degree is noticeable in appearance and requires urgent treatment.

Prevention of obesity should be aimed at combating extra pounds, but first find out the reasons for its occurrence.

Obesity symptoms

The main symptoms of this pathology include:

  • the appearance of extra pounds;
  • drowsiness, decreased performance;
  • shortness of breath, swelling;
  • increased sweating;
  • stretch marks, which are located in places where excess fat accumulates;
  • constipation;
  • pain in the spinal column and joints;
  • disruption of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory and digestive systems;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • nervousness;
  • low self-esteem.

Causes of obesity

Let's consider what are the causes and prevention of obesity? Initially, the development of pathology occurs due to an imbalance, which is characterized by the amount of energy received from food and its expenditure by the body. Excess calories, not fully processed, turn into fat. It begins to accumulate in the abdominal wall, internal organs, subcutaneous tissue, etc. The accumulation of fat leads to the appearance of extra pounds and disruption of the functions of many human organs. In 90% of obesity is caused by overeating, and only in 5% of cases by metabolic disorders.

Let's consider what causes of metabolic disorders exist. Prevention of obesity should be based on them, so it can be very different for different categories of obese people.

The following factors lead to excess weight:

  1. Physical inactivity.
  2. Decreased physical activity.
  3. Genetic predisposition.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  5. Unbalanced diet.
  6. Physiological conditions (pregnancy, menopause, lactation).
  7. Stressful situations.
  8. Age-related changes in the body.

Obesity is a multifactorial disease. It is influenced by both genetic predisposition and lifestyle.

Obesity, which is caused by endocrine disorders, can develop after surgery (removal of the uterus in a woman), as well as during therapy with hormonal drugs.

Sometimes extra pounds appear in the body of women during pregnancy or breastfeeding. According to statistics, they are 2 times more likely to be obese than men.

Causes of obesity in children

Depending on the factors that cause excess weight, obesity can be divided into:

  • nutritional, which occurs due to an unbalanced diet and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • endocrine - appears in children and adolescents with various diseases of the endocrine system.

The causes of obesity in adolescents and young children are determined by a specialist after examining the patient, necessary research and conversations with parents.

If the child is overweight, and the parents are also obese, and the diet contains high-calorie foods high in carbohydrates and fats, then most likely the baby suffers from nutritional obesity.

Extra pounds are caused by a discrepancy between energy consumption and energy expenditure. This is due to the increased caloric content of the diet and a sedentary lifestyle, which results in the accumulation of fat.

Childhood obesity occurs due to energy imbalance, which manifests itself in increased energy intake and decreased energy expenditure.

It has been proven that if the parents have obesity, then the risk of it developing in the child is 80%. If only mom is overweight - 50%, only dad is overweight - 38%.

At risk are children who had a high birth weight (over 4 kg) or had a large increase in weight while being bottle-fed. In infants under one year of age, obesity can occur due to overfeeding with artificial formula or improper introduction of complementary foods.

In many children, weight loss occurs due to an unbalanced diet and low levels of physical activity. Typically, an obese child's diet includes: fast foods, sweet carbonated drinks, sweets, but there is no food containing proteins or fiber in sufficient quantities.

Many children devote all their free time to watching TV or the computer, but do not play sports at all.

Sometimes obesity in a child does not appear as a result of hereditary predisposition, but due to serious pathological conditions (Down's disease, Cohen's disease, meningitis, encephalitis, brain tumors, etc.).

In children, obesity can appear due to psychological trauma (loss of loved ones, accidents, etc.).

Preventive measures for obesity in adults

It is important to prevent obesity in adults over 40 years of age if they lead a sedentary lifestyle. People who tend to be overweight need to give up excess nutrition from an early age. They cannot expand their diet even on holidays.

To keep your weight stable, you need to constantly engage in sports and special physical exercises in your daily life. Eating restrictions and walking for 40 minutes will help maintain a stable weight.

To a greater extent, weight gain occurs with constant alcohol consumption. In this case, appetite improves and high-calorie food intake increases. For many drinkers, all the extra calories they eat go towards storing fat. Any amount of alcohol should be completely avoided in patients who are overweight.

Due to various situations, a person develops prerequisites for the development of obesity (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, etc.). A decrease in metabolism after 40-45 years can lead to excess weight. Such periods are critical and you need to know how to react to them correctly. Primary prevention of obesity will help you accurately adjust your diet and physical activity to avoid the onset of obesity. Elderly people, who due to their age are not able to perform increased physical activity, should make it a rule to walk, for example, in the park, and should also reconsider their diet.

Sweets, flour products, fruits, vegetables, which contain easily digestible carbohydrates, lead to rapid weight gain. The best prevention of obesity is homemade food, because it is prepared without the use of preservatives and any “chemicals” that are present in abundance in products such as chips, crackers, and snacks.

Doctors dealing with the problem of obesity prohibit their patients from going to bed immediately after eating and recommend that they walk a little. In this case, you can solve the problem of not only excess weight, but also concomitant diseases. These include diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, joints, etc.

Consultation and preventive examinations with a nutritionist will help identify early weight gain and begin early treatment.

Preventing obesity in adolescents and children

Prevention of obesity in children requires a careful approach. If a diagnosis is made, then two components are used for therapy - exercise and proper nutrition. The teenager’s entire future life will be based on these principles. Drug treatment is prescribed only in case of concomitant diseases.

Diet preparation is carried out by a nutritionist, who must correctly calculate the growing body’s need for proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The menu should contain protein products (low-fat fish and meat, cottage cheese, eggs, milk).

It is necessary to exclude from the diet: fast food, sweets, margarine, hydrogenated fats, pasta and confectionery.

The diet should include vegetables and fruits that are rich in carbohydrates. It is better to remove foods and dishes from the diet that increase appetite (rich broths, smoked meats, seasonings, spicy dishes).

Obese children retain fluid in their bodies, so they need to reduce their salt intake. You should not give your child anything to drink between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The daily diet should be distributed in such a way that the main meal occurs in the first half of the day, when the child moves more and, accordingly, spends a lot of energy. Dinner should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

One of the important aspects of preventing obesity in adolescents is playing sports. After all, physical activity will allow you to spend the energy received from food, and not turn into fat deposits.

Childhood obesity is treated faster than adult obesity. Therefore, when a pathology occurs, parents must begin to act urgently.

Complications of obesity

In addition to psychological problems, overweight patients have many serious diseases, which include diabetes, strokes, angina pectoris, arthritis, arthrosis, decreased fertility, menstrual irregularities, etc.

Obese people are at high risk of sudden death from existing diseases. The mortality rate for men aged 15 to 69 years who are 20% above their ideal body weight is one third higher than for people of normal weight.

In the distant past, the accumulation of weight allowed a person to survive during periods of forced starvation. Fat women served as a symbol of fertility and health.

In the records of Indian, Greek and Roman culture, excess weight appeared as a vice. Hippocrates noted that overweight people live short lives, and overweight women are infertile.

Many people in the world suffer from the ingenious invention of nature - fatty deposits. In European countries, 25% of the population is obese. There is an increase in excess weight in children and adolescents around the world.

Obesity is becoming a pressing threat and causing social danger. The pathology causes disability in young able-bodied people due to the development of dangerous concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, infertility in women, cholelithiasis).

The problem of well-being of obese people in modern society is becoming relevant and socially significant. Society unintentionally causes its citizens to become overweight by consuming high-calorie foods, and technological progress encourages a sedentary lifestyle.

Obesity prevention in many countries leaves much to be desired. Doctors have the idea that obesity is a problem of the person himself, which arises from poor nutrition and lack of exercise.

Therefore, the main goal of excess weight therapy is not only to bring weight back to normal, but also to control metabolism and prevent the development of serious diseases that occur in obese patients.


Obesity is a serious disease that requires the right approach to its treatment. Turning to specialists will allow you to reduce weight without gaining it again after the end of therapy and without harming the body, and will increase the patient’s life expectancy.

He always encouraged people to have complexes about their appearance. It is known that the psychological aspect of this problem particularly affects women. In addition, he often becomes the subject of ridicule from peers in children's groups. It is worth remembering that obesity is not just one of the constitutional features, but a rather serious problem. Firstly, it affects a person’s psycho-emotional state. But that's not the worst thing. After all, there are more serious consequences of obesity. These include severe diseases of the heart, liver and other organs.

"Obesity" from a medical point of view

Excess body weight is quite common. Many people are predisposed to obesity. Others “gain” extra pounds throughout their lives. This is often facilitated by endocrine pathologies, poor diet, passive lifestyle, etc. It is worth understanding that obesity is a disease that requires medical attention. Some people who are overweight do not want to admit this problem, citing the fact that they are happy with their body. Indeed, not everyone suffers emotionally. However, even if a person feels comfortable, excess weight must be lost. After all, the negative consequences of obesity are the scourge of most patients. From a medical point of view, excess weight is considered to be an increase in the index. This indicator is calculated using a special formula: weight / height (2 meters). Normal BMI is 18-25 kg/m2. If this indicator is 25-30, then doctors draw the patient’s attention to excess body weight. If a BMI is more than 30 kg/m2, a diagnosis of obesity is made. Depending on the body mass index, the severity of the pathology is distinguished. When identifying this disease, it is necessary to find out the causes and consequences of obesity, and assess the patient’s awareness of the seriousness of such a diagnosis. A correct presentation of the problem will help set a person up to fight excess weight.

Damage to internal organs due to obesity

The physical health consequences of obesity are damage to internal organs. Almost all functional systems suffer due to excess weight. Obesity is particularly harmful to the heart and liver. With long-term pathology, organ degeneration occurs, as a result of which they cease to function normally. In addition, excess weight can cause the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With a BMI of more than 40 kg/m2, it is difficult for a person to perform not only any physical activity, but also everyday movements. Walking even short distances leads to shortness of breath and increased heart rate. The consequences of obesity in women are also a disorder of reproductive function. Often overweight patients complain of menstrual irregularities and infertility. The disease can also contribute to the formation of gallstones, the development of pancreatitis, and osteoarthritis.

Fatty liver: consequences of pathology

One of the serious consequences of obesity is liver dystrophy (steatohepatosis). This disease leads to a gradual disruption of the functioning of the organ. Despite the fact that the pathology is quite serious, it rarely has clinical manifestations. Steatohepatosis is a disease in which normal liver cells are replaced by fatty tissue. As a result, the organ increases in size and its consistency becomes flabby. The affected liver is not able to neutralize toxic substances entering the body. Besides this, it does not perform other functions. These include: the formation of blood components and bile. As a result, the process of food digestion is disrupted, hormonal changes occur, etc. Chronic liver failure gradually develops.

Obesity: Psychological Consequences

Excess weight is considered not only a physical, but also a psychological problem. To a greater extent, women suffer from complexes due to obesity. Some of them begin to feel embarrassed about their own body, which results in problems in their personal lives and behavior. As a result of developed complexes, patients become suspicious and self-esteem suffers. It is believed that the consequences of obesity are apathy and depression. Similar problems can occur in both women and men.

The psychological consequences of obesity most affect patients of childhood. Excess weight causes ridicule from others, as a result of which the child’s emotional state worsens. As a result, low self-esteem, self-doubt, depression, and psychopathy are formed. Because of the desire to lose weight, teenagers take extreme measures, which can only worsen the situation (the development of anorexia).

Visceral obesity: consequences of the disease

In most cases, visceral obesity occurs in middle-aged people. It is characterized by an increase in the upper half of the body. Fatty tissue is especially pronounced in the abdomen, arms, and face. With a high BMI and a waist circumference of more than 90 cm, a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is made. This condition is not considered an independent disease. Nevertheless, it is a risk factor that provokes severe cardiovascular and endocrine pathologies. Metabolic syndrome leads to the development of the following diseases:

  1. Angina pectoris. This pathology is characterized by ischemic changes in the myocardium. If left untreated, it can lead to heart attack and heart failure.
  2. Atherosclerosis is a pathology in which fatty plaques accumulate on the inner walls of blood vessels. Leads to blockage of the arteries, resulting in organ ischemia.
  3. Diabetes mellitus type 2. Occurs when blood glucose levels increase in people over 40 years of age. Diabetes mellitus aggravates the course of vascular pathologies, leads to progressive visual impairment, nephro- and neuropathies.
  4. Arterial hypertension. Despite the fact that increased blood pressure is not associated with obesity, the risk of developing this pathology in overweight people increases by more than 2 times.

Patients often experience a combination of these pathologies. It is worth noting that these diseases are one of the main causes of mortality in the population.

Severe complications of obesity

The severe consequences of obesity are complications of the listed diseases, which can lead to disability and death. In addition to liver failure, these include the following conditions:

  1. Myocardial infarction. It is characterized by sudden acute ischemia and necrosis of the heart muscle. Develops against the background of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries and unstable angina.
  2. Acute ischemic cerebrovascular accident. Occurs due to blockage of blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques and thrombus.
  3. Acute heart failure. This group of pathologies includes pulmonary embolism, cardiogenic shock, and pulmonary edema. In most cases, these conditions are fatal.
  4. Deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities. Causes the development of gangrene.

The listed conditions are not directly related to obesity. However, with excess body weight, the risk of their development increases.

Obesity in children: causes and consequences

The etiological factors for the development of obesity in children include poor nutrition, hormonal disorders (increased production of the hunger hormone - leptin), endocrine diseases, and a genetic predisposition to excess body weight. The sooner the cause of the pathology is found out, the lower the likelihood of complications developing. The consequences of childhood obesity are the same as in adults. But, given the early onset of the disease, dysfunction of internal organs may appear faster.

Prevention of the consequences of obesity in adults and children

The main preventive measure is weight loss. For this purpose, consultation with a nutritionist and endocrinologist is necessary. It is recommended to reduce gradually. It is important to reduce your intake of fats and carbohydrates. To prevent cardiovascular diseases, special drugs are prescribed - statins and fibrates.

Obesity - this is a gradual increase in the amount of fat in the body, as a result of which excess weight appears and there is a risk of developing many diseases that can cause serious harm to your health and shorten your life expectancy.

There are two types of obesity:

Abdominal obesity (or android)

If the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference is more than 0.8, then such obesity is called Abdominal obesity. It is considered the most negative form of obesity, due to the fact that the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands increases, the skin becomes unpleasant in appearance, and umbilical and inguinal hernias are possible.

Gynoid obesity (gluteal-femoral type)

Symptoms of manifestation are similar to abdominal ones. Fat deposits are located in the thighs, buttocks, and legs.

The causes of obesity are quite obvious - the most common passion for food, overeating, eating unhealthy foods high in saturated fats and trans fats. If you don’t eat in moderation, you may begin to increase the amount of dangerous visceral fat, which envelops all internal organs.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

Large fat deposits in the abdominal cavity significantly impede the functioning of the heart. In this case, the diaphragm rises upward, thereby complicating its movement. The heart is enveloped in fat, leading to pathological changes in the myocardium, complicating its contractile function. Such serious changes in the myocardium can lead to a serious risk of decreased contractility of the heart muscle.

The size of the heart increases along with an increase in body weight; it can become1.5 - 2 times more. Severe disturbances in the function of the cardiovascular system in obesity are manifested in the following symptoms:

  • Severe shortness of breath when walking or exercising
  • Excessive sweating
  • Decreased ability to work
  • Sudden pain in the heart area, tingling
  • High blood pressure

Conducted studies of obese people show on the electrocardiogram slow conduction, heart rhythm disturbances, deviations of the electrical axis of the heart to the left (due to increased load on the left ventricle). All of these symptoms are treatable if you begin the process of losing weight.

The effect of obesity on the body:

Spinal curvature occurs in those with large amounts of fat. This is explained by a displaced center of gravity of the body, a high position of the diaphragm, deformation of the chest and a decrease in the level of its elasticity.

Respiratory system:

Suffer from being overweight. The volume of the lungs decreases noticeably, this is due to changes in the boundaries of the lungs, their compression, difficulty breathing, and metabolic processes in the lung tissue are disrupted.

Obesity of the lungs is accompanied by a violation of gas exchange in them, and a decrease in the level of ventilation occurs. Such symptoms lead to insufficient blood supply to the lung tissue, and areas of the lungs can be damaged by microorganisms. Obesity is the cause of various associated diseases, such as:

  • Flu
  • Bronchitis, severe cough
  • Pneumonia, pneumonia

The treatment process takes quite a long time, some drugs may not have an effect on the disease, unlike people whose body weight is fine.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

Overeating leads to overload of the gastrointestinal tract and contributes to an increase in the size of the small intestine, the weight of which can increase by 20 - 40% of normal. Initially, there is an increase in the level of food digestibility, and after some time, on the contrary, its decrease. Research shows that changes in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract affect more than 55% of obese people, and 64% of patients, in turn, suffer from an increase in the secretory function of the stomach, which leads to the development of chronic gastritis.

Liver Diseases:

Severely suffers from obesity.As a rule, there is a violation of the synthesis and metabolism of fats, which leads to excessive accumulation of fat in the tissues of this organ. Severe liver disease may begin to develop - Fatty Hepatosis .

This is followed by dysfunction of the biliary excretory system, which in turn leads to cholelithiasis, inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts. The formation of stones may begin, which are accompanied by great pain and are often cured only through surgery.

Diseases of the circulatory system:

Also highly exposed to danger. The most common complication of obesity is an increase in blood clotting, which leads to thrombosis and impaired blood supply to all organs and systems of the body.

A large amount of fatty substances in the blood contributes to the development of serious illness atherosclerosis - which threatens to block blood vessels, arteries, capillaries and veins.

Pancreas diseases:

As body weight increases, problems begin with the islet apparatus of the pancreas; obese people experience significant insulin spikes in response to glucose load. Research shows that obesity is a companion to a terrible disease called diabetes mellitus, and occurs in more than 60% of cases in obese people. Scientists have scientifically proven the effect of obesity on the body's sensitivity to insulin and carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

Diseases of the genitourinary system:

Dysfunction of the gonads is quite common in obese patients.Men are susceptible to impotence even despite their young age. Women experience menstrual irregularities. The majority of obese women examined suffer from infertility.

The amount of water in the body of obese people is significantly higher than normal. There is a violation of the body's water and electrolyte balance.

Metabolic disorders lead to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Pain appears in the upper and lower extremities and spine.

In general, we can conclude that there is not a single organ or system that does not suffer from obesity. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that obesity is the cause of severe psychological problems associated with low self-esteem and isolation. These conditions contribute to the development of an impressive number of complexes that have an extremely negative and dangerous effect on a person’s quality of life, and which are sometimes even more difficult to get rid of than the extra pounds themselves.

I advise you to think about what is happening inside you, both at the health and psychological levels. You need to start losing weight now. I wish you all health and success in all your endeavors and endeavors!

The well-being of an obese person depends on the degree of obesity and the presence of various complications. The first degree of obesity in some young and middle-aged people may not cause noticeable consequences in well-being and performance. Such people are distinguished by a calm, balanced and sociable character, and a good, cheerful mood. But, as excess weight increases, it worsens a person’s health.

Numerous observations by scientists convincingly indicate the negative impact of excessive obesity on the functional state of many organs and tissues. Tens of thousands of indisputable facts confirm that the consequences of obesity are expressed in the development of many concomitant diseases and complications.

The list of complications caused by obesity is extremely long.

In particular, it includes:

☀ diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

☀ gallbladder disease. In obese women, the risk of developing gallstones directly depends on their body mass index. In men, this complication is less common;

☀ pancreatitis. Regardless of the origin of the disease, obese patients will have a worse prognosis than normal-weight patients. In addition, the latter have a much lower risk of developing local complications or severe pancreatitis;

☀ liver disease;

☀ arterial hypertension (2.9 times more often than in persons without obesity). For every 10% increase in body weight, blood pressure increases by 6.5 mmHg. Art.;

☀ diabetes mellitus type 2 (2.9 times more common than in non-obese individuals). Moreover, the causes of diabetes and the risk of its development increases even in women of normal weight when the body mass index exceeds 22 kg/m2. And with an increase in abdominal fat mass, waist circumference and waist/hip ratio, the likelihood of diabetes increases at any value of the body mass index;

☀ coronary heart disease (CHD). The presence of abdominal obesity increases its risk at any value of the body mass index. Women with a lower body mass index but a higher waist/hip ratio are more likely to have a myocardial infarction (including death) than women with a higher body mass index but a lower waist/hip ratio. ;

☀ ischemic stroke. The likelihood of its development (including death) in obese patients is two times higher than in thin people. Abdominal obesity increases the risk of venous stasis, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism;

☀ vascular diseases of the lower extremities;

☀ diseases of the respiratory system: respiratory dysfunction, hypoventilation syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea;

☀ diseases of the musculoskeletal system: gout, osteoarthritis - a disease of joints that bear increased load;

☀ reproductive function disorders in women (menstrual cycle disorders, amenorrhea, infertility) and in men.

Development of obesity-related diseases

࿋ Overweight from 5 kg and primary obesity of 10 kg

The first loads appear on the spine and joints of the lower extremities.

Metabolism begins to disturb

࿋ Obesity 20 kg

Stable adipose tissue is formed, which requires a significant amount of energy.

Significant and constant overload of the spine, joints of the lower extremities, heart and blood vessels, especially veins.

Fatigue, shortness of breath, chronic fatigue, headaches, increased blood pressure.

࿋ Obesity 30 kg

The processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as intracellular processes, are disrupted.

Most of the food eaten (even in small quantities) goes to support and further growth of adipose tissue.

Fluid begins to be retained in the body.

Blood pressure rises even more, heart function becomes more difficult, shortness of breath appears, diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney diseases develop, and immunity decreases.

Constant depression and feeling tired.

Complete dependence on medications in the absence of treatment effect.

࿋ Obesity 40 kg or more

Severe metabolic disorders in all body systems due to disruption of intracellular processes.

Fatty degeneration of the heart and liver.

Absolute dependence on medications with complete absence of treatment effect.

Depression, poor sleep, decreased physical activity, dissatisfaction with oneself and appearance.

Unsuccessful attempts to combat obesity and related problems that deplete the spiritual and physical strength of the body.

Complete victory of fat over the body and mind.


How to eat healthy

  • Avoid fast food completely.
  • The basis of nutrition should be hard-to-digest carbohydrates: cereals, group A pasta, wholemeal bread, vegetables, legumes, berries and fruits.
  • Vegetables in any form are the healthiest. They contain a lot of fiber and healthy carbohydrates. An excellent option is a combination of vegetables with lean meat or fish.
  • Low-fat cheeses and other dairy and fermented milk products are also very healthy. They, as well as vegetables, are ideal for an evening meal that needs to replace a full dinner.
  • Close attention should be paid to the serving size, as well as the calorie content of the product.
  • It is necessary to minimize the consumption of mayonnaise, sausages, cream, nuts, seeds, cakes, chips and other foods high in fat.
  • Sweet drinks, jam, confectionery, sugar - products containing easily digestible carbohydrates - are not recommended.

As a result of proper nutrition and increased physical activity, your body will receive:

  • improvement of fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduction of pain in joints and spine;
  • reduction of swelling and shortness of breath;
  • improvement of general well-being.

What is obesity and why is it dangerous? This term refers to the presence of an excess amount of fat mass, which provokes excess weight in a person of any age. This disease can affect both children and adults of both sexes. Fat deposits can be located in places where the placement of such a layer is physiologically determined - in the hips, abdomen, mammary glands and others. In modern medical practice, obesity is spoken of as a chronic metabolic disease that provokes many negative processes in the body. Also, excess weight is one of the reasons for high mortality in developed countries of the world.

In medical classifiers, obesity (this disease implies excess weight, which exceeds the statistical average by more than 20%) is assigned its own code. In ICD-10 – E66. This disease develops against the background of an increase in energy that enters the human body along with food, with low energy consumption. The greater the imbalance between these indicators, the more rapidly obesity and overweight develops.

Why is this happening? Regulation of a person's weight is carried out by turning on many body systems that constantly interact. People with obesity achieve such a negative phenomenon as physical inactivity - a positive energy balance.

Any excess accumulates in the body in the form of triglycerides, which make up adipose tissue. To maintain energy balance in the body, it is necessary to regulate the level of certain hormones, adjust eating habits, increase energy expenditure and the degree of absorption of nutrients. Each of these actions is controlled by certain genes, which determine the functioning of certain organs and systems.

Obesity and its consequences on the human body is a topic that is carefully studied by many scientists. This problem is quite acute in many developed countries. According to the latest report of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, various types of obesity are especially widespread among the populations of Mexico, the USA, Syria, Venezuela, Libya and other countries. In Russia, this problem affects about 25% of the population, which is also a fairly high figure.

According to research, obesity as a disease is much more common in women than in men. This is due to the activity of estrogens, which lead to excessive accumulation of fat in the body. The most critical age when female obesity is most often diagnosed is 30-60 years. A man, in the presence of certain negative factors, is prone to developing this disease at approximately the same time. The difference between the sexes lies in which types of obesity predominantly develop. In men, fat most often accumulates in the upper body. For representatives of the fairer sex, on the contrary, it is slightly lower - on the hips and buttocks. Although it is not uncommon for women to develop male-type obesity.

Causes of the disease

What most often leads to obesity? It has been noted that excess weight is sometimes a hereditary disease. This problem is visible when, against the background of decreased physical activity and other negative environmental factors, the body is unable to effectively use all the energy supplied with food.

The main causes of obesity in women and men are as follows:

  • consumption of food that has high energy value with low activity. As a result, all excess is transformed into fat and accumulates in the human body;
  • genetic disorders, when the problem of obesity has a clearly defined hereditary factor;
  • disruption of the pancreas, intestines and liver. Most often, these pathological conditions are not of an endocrine nature.

Recent studies prove that the main signs of obesity develop as a result of unhealthy eating behavior (more than 90% of all cases). And only 5% of all registered patients acquired this problem due to metabolic disorders.

What negative factors lead to this disease?

What most often leads to the development of a disease such as obesity, the types of which are determined after taking into account all factors? The reasons why excessive weight gain occurs are:

  • slight physical activity;
  • poor nutrition. In particular, consuming foods that are rich in easily digestible carbohydrates (sweet drinks, confectionery and others);
  • the presence of disorders leading to a decrease in enzymatic activity, which is caused by genetic factors. This pathological condition is accompanied by an increase in the activity of lipogenesis enzymes. There is also a decrease in the activity of substances in the human body responsible for lipolysis;

  • the presence of certain diseases. In this regard, a person is especially negatively affected by conditions when the endocrine system does not work properly. This is observed in hypothyroidism, insulinoma and other diseases;
  • eating disorders that are associated with psychological disorders. Psychosomatics plays an important role in this process. Some people may overeat due to stress. Psychosomatics can be combined with other negative factors and lead to excess weight;
  • tendency to stress, psychological stress;
  • sleep disturbance or lack of sleep;
  • taking certain psychotropic drugs.

The mechanism of formation of fat reserves in the body

What leads to the accumulation of fat reserves in the human body? This process is carried out thanks to a complex neurohormonal mechanism, which includes the cerebral cortex, nervous system, subcortical formations and glands and secretions.

Most often, excess weight gain occurs due to disruption of the central nervous mechanisms of the brain. The main centers that regulate the presence or absence of appetite are located there. Excessive activity of these mechanisms leads to uncontrolled absorption of food. As a result, there is a significant discrepancy between the energy entering the body with food and its consumption.

The imbalance that leads to the accumulation of fat deposits is provoked not only by hereditary factors and the functioning of all organs and systems, but also by eating habits. They are formed incorrectly from childhood, which provokes the problem of excess weight throughout life. Also, disruption of the functioning of the brain centers that control appetite can occur as a result of their damage to the inflammatory process, or due to injury.

An important role in obesity, the symptoms of which are very pronounced, is played by the relationship between the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, thyroid gland and gonads. Any disruption of these systems can provoke excessive accumulation of fat reserves. In particular, a decrease in the somatotropic activity of the pituitary gland leads to a decrease in the activity of fat oxidation processes in the liver. With pathologies of the thyroid gland, the consumption of the body's energy reserves is significantly inhibited. This negative process is observed against the background of a decrease in the concentration of thyroid hormones. A condition in which the production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands is reduced also contributes to the accumulation of fat in the body.

Weight standards

The types of obesity are determined by different factors. The list of types of the disease is primarily formed on the basis of body mass index. BMI is specifically developed by the World Health Organization. It determines how normal a person's weight is relative to his height. This indicator is relevant for all people whose age ranges from 18 to 65 years. To calculate BMI, take your current weight (in kg only) and divide it by your height squared (take the figure in meters). Based on the result obtained, a conclusion is made whether there is an excess of fat deposits, leading to serious negative consequences for the body.

BMI may be as follows:

  • below 18.5. Indicates lack of weight, which is quite dangerous for the human body;
  • 18.5-24.9. A normal indicator, which indicates the best ratio of fatty tissue to a person’s total weight;
  • 25-29.9. Indicates excess weight that requires adjustment;
  • 30-34.9. Indicates the initial degree of obesity;
  • 35-39.9. This indicator is established to indicate the 2nd degree of development of the disease;
  • more than 40. Indicates a serious pathology that is life-threatening.

Classification of the disease

The consequences of obesity are largely determined by its type:

  • android obesity (upper type). The disease is characterized by excess fat deposition in the upper torso. This is an apple type of obesity. The disease most often develops in men and is quite dangerous to health. In the presence of android type obesity, the risk of developing hypertension, heart attack, stroke and diabetes mellitus significantly increases;
  • femorogluteal or gynoid obesity. The human figure resembles a pear because fat is mainly deposited on the buttocks and thighs. Gynoid obesity is most common in women. It is less dangerous because the accumulation of fat does not interfere with the normal functioning of internal organs. Such obesity leads to negative changes in the joints, spine, and the formation of varicose veins;

  • intermediate or mixed type. The disease is characterized by an even distribution of fat throughout the body;
  • nutritional type. The disease develops against the background of an energy imbalance, when the body does not use up all the energy that comes from food. A hereditary factor may be visible;
  • hypothalamic obesity - observed in serious diseases of the central nervous system, when there is a disruption of the hypothalamus. Characterized by rapid weight gain. Fat is predominantly deposited on the lower abdomen and thighs. In the presence of a diencephalic type of disorder, accompanying symptoms are observed - dry skin, formation of stretch marks, hypertension, increased sweating;
  • endocrine obesity - develops against the background of certain... This type of disorder is characterized by uneven deposition of fat in different areas of the body. There are also other symptoms of hormonal imbalance -,.

How dangerous is this disease?

The consequences of obesity are quite serious. This disease is especially dangerous for children, who are just developing all their organs and systems. This disorder is often accompanied by abnormal functioning of the digestive system, which causes constipation, cholecystitis and other problems.

Children may also develop abnormally high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, gonadal dysfunction, flat feet, apnea, and arthrosis. There are frequent cases of eating disorders of a psychological type - anorexia, bulimia and others.

What are the risks of obesity in adults? This disease is no less dangerous in adulthood. It provokes the development of diabetes mellitus, reflux disease, and increases the risk of stroke or heart attack. Any type of disorder that threatens the occurrence of arterial hypertension, arthritis, pancreatitis and other disorders not only reduces a person’s quality of life, but also leads to a decrease in life expectancy.

Treatment of the disease

Everyone understands what obesity leads to, but how to fight it? Most often they resort to the following methods of therapy:

  • diet adjustments. A special diet is prescribed that allows you to reduce the calorie content of food entering the human body. At the same time, products must contain the entire necessary complex of nutrients in order to avoid negative consequences in the form of certain diseases;
  • psychotherapy. It is aimed at changing eating behavior, developing stable habits leading to the consumption of food sufficient for normal life. Problems with self-esteem and stress should also be eliminated with the help of psychotherapy;
  • drug treatment. Involves taking medications that reduce appetite - Phentermine, Orlistat, Fluoxetine and others;
  • herbal compositions. The positive effect of some plants on a person who wants to lose weight has been proven. Their consumption reduces appetite and accelerates the breakdown of fats in the body;
  • surgical intervention. Gastric bypass, banding, and sleeve gastroplasty are used to reduce the capacity of the stomach.

To prevent any disease associated with obesity, you should adhere to a balanced diet and closely monitor your weight. Parents are advised to teach their children good eating habits from an early age. Any disease associated with obesity will not improve if you systematically engage in physical education and lead an active lifestyle.


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⚕️Melikhova Olga Aleksandrovna - endocrinologist, 2 years of experience.

Deals with issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system: thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, etc.

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