Petrova A.S. Leadership strategies in Russian companies using the example of an oil and gas company. Missions and goals of Russian oil companies

Goals of the host state:

· efficient development of any discovered oil

· obtaining a real share of profits for the government

· development of domestic technology and expert knowledge

· optimization of hydrocarbon development to improve economic development while protecting the environment

· sales of crude oil on domestic and export markets at prices consistent with national energy policy

Goals of oil companies:

· the presence of appropriate fiscal provisions, including a reasonable rate of return, depreciation rates, which allows for the reimbursement of capital investments

· obtaining long-term rights to crude oil and gas and the possibility of the company retaining the corresponding share of production

· ensuring fiscal and contractual stability throughout the entire contract period

· providing adequate reward for the risk associated with investments and a fair rate of return

It is obvious that there is a certain mutuality of interests that must be adequately reflected in the development of an oil agreement. The host country is competing for foreign capital to invest in the enterprise, which is risky, and should therefore create incentives to attract capital investment from oil companies while protecting the long-term interests of the state.

Tax agreement or royalty agreement

Tax and royalty agreements. The host country grants certain rights to extract natural resources to an individual entity, authorizing him to explore and then exploit the discovered natural resources. In exchange for these rights, the entity agrees to pay rent, royalties and taxes to the Host Country.

The Host Country (HCO) grants the International Oil Company (IOC) an exclusive license to explore for or exploit crude oil deposits in specified areas at its risk and expense.

The oil in the well becomes the property of the oil company, which can freely dispose of this oil, perhaps with the condition of supplying the local market.

During all stages of oil exploration and production, the IOC agrees to pay rent to the subsector in accordance with predetermined rates.

The oil company pays the Royalty to the Host Country in cash or in kind, usually at its option.

The IOC pays taxes on profits derived from oil production in accordance with the rates established by law or the specific conditions applicable to the field.

Equipment and installations used in petroleum operations remain the property of the IOC.

Such licenses may include a requirement to allow the national oil company to engage in operations under the conditions detailed in the license. There may also be provisions for the transfer of information to the PS, the transfer of technology, or the training and use of local personnel, as well as requirements for informing the PS. There are often requirements for permission or to perform duties associated with operations. Decisions related to the management of petroleum operations, including exploration and production, are made by the IOC.

The most attractive feature of this type of agreement is its flexibility.

The disadvantages of the agreement for MNEs are as follows:

· a tendency towards increased oversight of licensed operations

· the possibility of unilateral legislative changes, especially fiscal ones, if they were not agreed upon in advance

The disadvantages of the agreement for the Host Country are:

· The impossibility of participating in the ownership of produced oil, which leaves the PS only a passive role. However, at present this is not a particular problem, since provisions can be included in the agreement to provide for state participation

· requiring additional clauses on payments to maximize profits, such as discounts upon signing a contract (on receipt of oil or reaching a stable level of oil production), taxes on profits from windfalls, or agreement on tax refund rates

Risk sharing agreements

Risk sharing agreements are similar to production sharing contracts. The difference lies in the cost recovery mechanism and the payment to the contractor, i.e. money, not oil. This type of agreement has very few supporters. These types of agreements are most often used in South American countries, which currently have difficulty competing with other countries in terms of investment opportunities.

MNCs take on enormous financial and technical risks in exchange for high rewards if successful. By operating in many countries, they can reduce the risk.

Regardless of the form of contract, the following provisions are common to all contract types, except in special cases. The provisions can be divided into five main groups:

rights of MNEs

· responsibilities of MNEs

rights of the host state to control

· financial position

· general provisions

Typically, IOCs are granted exclusive rights to explore, develop and produce hydrocarbons.

Chapter Two

Organizational forms of a company in the oil and gas industry abroad

Corporations: a legal entity that is separately taxed. As a corporate structure, it may become tax inefficient for the individual equity holder. Liability is limited to the amount of assets the company owns, such as cash, land, securities. Holders of capital shares are not liable for the obligations of the corporation beyond the limits agreed upon with each contribution to the joint capital. The relationships between the members of the corporation and their respective rights and obligations to each other and to the corporation are governed by the articles of association. Income from activities belongs to the corporation, and its members receive dividends only if they are declared by the corporation. Dividends are declared only at fixed intervals, usually once a year.

Partnership: It is a corporate form of enterprise in which its members retain their individual and separate identities. In this case, an additional legal entity is not created, but a separate partnership business is organized. The essence of partnership, according to Anglo-American legal terminology, is that partners in a joint venture carry out joint activities for joint profit. The responsibilities of a partnership are limited only to the pooling of assets of the individual partners. Partnership legislation imposes strict rights and obligations on partners and limits the freedom of participants in the enterprise. All partners jointly own the assets of the partnership without division into shares, unlike a corporate structure where the assets are owned by a joint venture rather than individual equity holders, also placing limitations on the rights and obligations of the partners towards third parties. In addition, rights and obligations are determined by a partnership agreement, which is much more easily adaptable to changing circumstances than a corporation's charter.


The results of a typological analysis of the missions of commercial organizations, as well as a component analysis of the missions of domestic vertically integrated oil and gas companies are presented. The main factors determining the internal content of the mission have been identified: features of production, products and business conditions in the oil and gas industry. The factors were decomposed into components. The relationships between the conditions determining the content of missions are indicated. The complexity of oil and gas companies and the presence of contradictions between the goals of individual subsystems are pointed out. At the holding level, the need to find a compromise between targets in the field of sustainable development and in the field of operating profitability is becoming more urgent. A decomposition of goals along the links of the technological chain is given using the example of one of the largest vertically integrated oil and gas companies. The necessary explanations for individual goals are given. Possibilities for finding a compromise and resolving conflicts of goals within the company are indicated.

oil and gas company

1. Deberdieva E.M., Lenkova O.V. Corporate development strategy of an oil and gas company. – Novosibirsk: IEOPP SB RAS, 2011. – 168 p.

2. Lenkova O.V. Deberdieva E.M. Restructuring of oil and gas enterprises: theoretical and methodological aspects. Scientific publication. – Tyumen: TyumGNGU, 2007. – 152 p.

3. Lenkova O.V. Corporate management of business restructuring of oil and gas enterprises: dis. ...cand. econ. Sci. – Tyumen, 2006.

4. Lenkova O.V., Moldovanova E.V. Features of the formation of the mission of oil and gas companies // News of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Sociology. Economy. Politics, 2011. - No. 2. – P. 10-14.

5. Official website of the company OJSC NK LUKOIL [Electronic resource]. - URL: (access date: 01/18/2011).

6. Gazeev M.H., Volynskaya N.A., Lenkova O.V. Implementation of the Life Cycle Concept in Strategic Development of Oil Company // World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2013. - No. 24 (5). – R. 644-648.

7. Lenkova O.V. The Peculiarities of Mission Formation in Russia’s Oil and Gas Companies // World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2013. - No. 27 (3). – R. 345-348.

8. Lenkova O.V., Osinovskaya I.V. Implementation of the concept of sustainable development in Russian oil and gas companies // Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. - 2013. - No. 15 (4). – R. 482-486.

The relevance of establishing a mission and goal setting in the modern conditions of the functioning of companies is currently difficult to overestimate. In conditions of uncertainty in the external environment, the mission sets the general vector of the company's development and allows it to be identified among other business entities, and also serves as a serious element of the internal corporate culture. Goals, in turn, specify the general direction and make it possible to translate strategic goals into the implementation of management decisions.

Speaking about the essence of the mission, it should be noted that there is a broad and narrow understanding of this term. In a broad sense, a mission is the philosophy and purpose of an organization in general terms without strict reference to the range of products produced, a group of consumers, etc. At the same time, the content of the mission is revealed through the values, beliefs, principles that underlie the organization’s activities, as well as the actions that it intends to carry out. Emphasis is placed on creating opportunities to produce a wide range of products (services), simultaneous coverage of many market segments and consumer groups, and flexibility in maneuvering in managing an organization. With a narrow approach, a mission is a statement that reveals the meaning of the organization’s existence, in which the difference between this organization and similar ones is manifested.

There are different types of missions, differing in content. Thus, the mission-purpose contains information about the directions of the organization’s activities, categories of clients and work markets, concern for the survival and growth of the organization, the technologies used and other basic properties of the company. The mission-policy is a concentration of the most basic financial and strategic development goals of the company. Mission orientation clarifies the nature of the company's behavior, identifying the values ​​that management adheres to. The unit's mission is developed for key functional and support units, and the range of issues covered is narrowed.

At the same time, the choice of the type and content of the mission can be influenced by a large number of factors and conditions, among which industry ones are not the least important. In order to identify the most important components when formulating a mission by industry companies, as well as the features of disclosing these components, it seemed interesting to analyze the composition of the missions of oil and gas companies in Russia. The results of such a study can be taken into account when formulating (adjusting) the missions of oil and gas companies in the future.

To implement component and typological analysis and increase the degree of visualization of the results obtained, based on the systematization of the relevant general theoretical provisions, an analytical form was developed containing a list of possible components of the organization’s mission (Table 1).

Table 1

Availability of individual components in the missions of vertically integrated oil companies

Mission Component




Gazprom Neft





2. Products, works, services.

5. Concern for survival, growth and profitability.

6. Technology.

7. Competitive advantages.


1. Financial goals.

2. Strategic goals.

Mission orientation

1. Theoretical values.

2. Economic values.

3. Social values

The analysis allows us to conclude that the features of the formation of the mission of a vertically integrated oil company are decisively influenced by the following features:

1) production and technological processes in the oil and gas industry;

2) products of the oil and gas industry;

3) doing business in the oil and gas industry.

The production and technological features of the functioning of oil and gas companies imply high capital intensity of production processes and the need to constantly make large investments to maintain production volumes, a high environmental load on the environment, uneven distribution of production facilities across the country and the concentration of the bulk of production in several constituent entities of the Federation. Among the product features, the greatest influence on the formulation of missions is exerted by: widespread industrial and personal consumption of products; strategic importance of products (as a consequence of the first point).

The features of doing business in the oil and gas industry follow from the above features: the most acceptable organizational and legal form of organizing a business is an open joint-stock company; there are a limited number of large oil companies operating in the market; The activities of oil and gas companies are under strict regulation and control by the state.

Under the influence of the mentioned factors, a list of the most important components is formed when formulating the mission of a vertically integrated oil company:

1. Indication of place in the ranking. An indication of the company’s market position carries a great deal of meaning for users of the mission and is necessarily mentioned when it has an advantageous position. For example: “OJSC Slavneft is one of the ten largest oil companies in Russia, etc. The company’s strategic goals are set in terms of increasing the rating: “...(the company) seeks to strengthen its position among the world’s leading energy corporations and take a leadership position” (JSC NK ROSNEFT), “ transform LUKOIL into a leading global energy company” (JSC LUKOIL").

2. Products, works, services, categories of target consumers, markets. Due to the widespread industrial and personal consumption of company products, their limited number and wide profile, the mission of oil and gas companies is formulated, as a rule, in a broad sense, without strict reference to the range of products produced, the group of consumers and markets. For example: “...meeting the needs of society for energy resources” (JSC NK Rosneft), “we were created to use the energy of natural resources for the benefit of people” (JSC LUKOIL), etc.

3. Concern for survival, growth and profitability. The mission statement often indicates the company's focus on long-term growth, which guarantees stable income to the owners. For example: “The company ensures sustainable business growth and increased shareholder income” (JSC NK Rosneft), “The company is aimed at profitability and effective growth” (JSC TNK-BP), etc.

4. Technology and competitive advantages. Since large oil and gas companies operate both within the national market and abroad, that is, they are part of the global energy supply system, they recognize that the key factors of competition in the global market are currently the latest technologies. Mention in the mission of the innovative nature of production activities creates the image of a leading successful participant in the global market. For example, “...the company focuses on the use of the most advanced high-tech technologies...” (OJSC “Surgutneftegas”), etc.

5. Economic and social values. Due to the scale of activity, strong negative impact on the environment and close attention from the state, an obligatory element of the mission of oil and gas companies is an indication of the impact of the company’s activities on economic and social development and environmental safety in the regions of presence. For example: “the company strives to fully contribute to the development of the regional economy and the well-being of their residents, directing significant tax payments to local budgets, creating new jobs, building new production facilities in the regions” (JSC RussNeft), “the company’s activities are based on the belief that that effective and sustainable business development is inextricably linked with national economic competitiveness, social well-being, conservation of natural resources” (JSC Gazpromneft), etc.

In general, we can say that the missions of vertically integrated oil companies are formulated based on a broad understanding of mission and most often represent a combination of mission-purpose and mission-orientation. As a result, the missions of vertically integrated oil companies remain unchanged for a long time, and the strategic planning process is more focused in the area of ​​structuring goals.

Since any vertically integrated oil company is a complex structured object that includes a number of subsystems, the specific goals of the subsystems turn out to be contradictory. The goal of the supporting subsystem - stability and sustainability of the company's functioning - to a certain extent contradicts the goal of the product sales subsystem - the efficiency (profitability) of the company's functioning. This ambivalence is due to the fact that in order to maintain the stability of the company’s functioning, sufficiently large funds must be diverted into long-term projects for the exploration and development of hydrocarbon reserves, which have a long payback period and a lower level of profitability compared to the production and sale of petroleum products and petrochemical products production In this regard, the general goal of the development of an oil and gas company is always to ensure a balance of criteria for the sustainability and efficiency of its operation, depending on environmental conditions and current potential (Fig. 1). As a result of the economic crisis, the decline in demand for raw materials, and uncertainty in the financial and consumer markets, it becomes advisable for OJSC LUKOIL to reorient itself from increasing production volumes to increasing free cash flow. The Company has the resource potential to make such a decision: in terms of oil reserves, OAO LUKOIL is in first place among the largest private oil and gas companies in the world, and in sixth place in terms of gas reserves.

It is convenient to decompose the general goal of the operation of an oil and gas company into the following areas:

1. Extensive and intensive development of the raw material base - reflects how the sustainability criterion is taken into account in the general goal.

2. Maximizing income from product sales - reflects how the profitability criterion is taken into account in the general goal.

3. Rationalization of costs in all links of the technological chain - reflects the operational aspect of the enterprise’s activities (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Tree of vertically integrated oil companies’ goals

Taking into account the designated general goal, a gradual decrease in the gas reserves replenishment coefficient, for example, for the oil company LUKOIL is no longer considered a problem. Given the high supply of gas reserves for the long term, it is rational in the current situation to focus on the monetization of gas reserves. Gas production should grow at an accelerated pace both in Russia and abroad, the share of gas should be increased to a third of total hydrocarbon production. The resource base for realizing this goal is the fields of the Bolshekhetskaya Depression, the Caspian Sea and the Central Astrakhan field in Russia, as well as international gas projects - Kandym-Khauzak-Shady in Uzbekistan and Shah Deniz in Azerbaijan. At the same time, full compensation of production by the increase in reserves must be maintained. Thus, a stable increase in gas production must be ensured in the medium term. The main problem in the subsystem “exploration and production of oil and gas” is the negative growth rate of oil reserves. This is due, first of all, to the high degree of knowledge of the territory of Western Siberia, the main region where the Company’s reserves and production are located. In order to ensure a stable increase in oil production in the medium term, the Company needs to ensure that oil production is fully compensated by the increase in reserves by expanding geographic diversification both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

In order to rationalize costs within the “oil and gas exploration and production” subsystem, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of selecting the most effective projects, as well as to optimize the asset portfolio (including the transfer of ineffective assets to a specialized company). In addition, efforts should be aimed at using modern technologies in exploration and production, utilization of associated gas, optimization of the well fleet and field development systems.

Rationalization of costs in the processing system includes optimization of the asset portfolio. It is necessary to select the most promising refineries available to the Company and carry out modernization in order to increase the complexity of processes and the yield of light petroleum products. Selective investment within the existing portfolio would allow the Company to develop extensively. The company produces more oil than it can process at its own refining facilities. The development of the refining and marketing sectors would allow the Company to reduce its dependence on high price volatility in the oil market and improve its competitive position in its main regions of operation through the production and sale of high-quality products with high added value. To expand the range of products offered, it is necessary to develop petrochemicals simultaneously with processing. In this way, the Company could protect investments in exploration and development of deposits, which would serve as a guarantee of stable growth in shareholder income.

In the area of ​​sales of the Company's products, maximizing total free cash flow involves selective development of sales networks in priority regions. Further optimization of logistics operations and improvement of the gas wholesale trade scheme without intermediaries would help to significantly reduce costs.

In order to maximize the Company’s income at the level of wholesale oil trade, it is necessary to develop export schemes, bypassing the Transneft system and selling oil at a premium to the Urals price. At the level of retail trade in petroleum products - to improve the quality of petroleum products, expand the range of related products, and promote the brand.


Golovnina L.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management in the Fuel and Energy Complex Industries of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen.

Volynskaya N.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, General Director of LLC “Fuel and Energy Independent Institute”, Moscow.

Bibliographic link

Lenkova O.V. MISSIONS AND GOALS OF RUSSIAN OIL AND GAS COMPANIES // Modern problems of science and education. – 2013. – No. 6.;
URL: (access date: 03/31/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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The concepts of mission and goals of the organization, their characteristics, formulation and properties

1 Goals of the organization

Mission and goal of the organization using the example of Transneft OJSC



business mission goal


In conditions of fierce competition and a rapidly changing situation, firms must not only focus on the internal state of affairs, but also develop a long-term strategy of behavior that would allow them to keep up with changes occurring in the external environment. Acceleration of changes in the environment, the emergence of new demands and changing consumer positions, increased competition for resources, internationalization of business, the emergence of new unexpected business opportunities opened up by the achievements of science and technology, the development of information networks that make possible the rapid dissemination and receipt of information, the widespread availability of modern technologies, the changing role of human resources, as well as a number of other reasons have led to a sharp increase in the importance of strategic management.

There is no strategy that is the same for all companies, just as there is no single universal strategic management. Each company is unique in its own way, therefore the process of developing a strategy for each individual company is unique, since it depends on the company’s position in the market, the dynamics of its development, its potential, the behavior of competitors, the characteristics of the goods it produces or services provided, the state of the economy, cultural environment and many other factors. And at the same time, there are some fundamental points that allow us to talk about general principles for developing a behavioral strategy and implementing strategic management.

One of these points is the fact that the starting point of strategic management of any organization is its mission and goals. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that it is the mission and goals of the organization that set the main direction of the organization’s development. Therefore, a very significant, and perhaps the most important decision in strategic management is the design of mission and goals.

The mission of the organization is the most important component of the strategic development plan of any company. It defines the main purpose of the company. A company usually begins its activities with a clear mission established by senior management. However, over time, the mission is gradually erased as the company develops new products and conquers new markets.

Many companies develop formal mission statements. A mission statement is a statement of a company's core purpose: what it wants to achieve in the broadest sense. A clear mission statement acts as an "invisible hand" that guides the company's employees, allowing them to work independently and at the same time collectively to achieve the overall goals of the company.

1. Concepts of mission and goals of the organization, their characteristics, formulation and properties

There is a broad and narrow understanding of mission.

In a broad sense, mission is the philosophy and purpose, the meaning of existence of an organization.

In a narrow sense, a mission is a statement that reveals the meaning of the organization’s existence, in which the difference between this organization and similar ones is manifested.

What does the mission provide directly for the organization’s activities:

1.The mission gives subjects of the external environment a general idea of ​​what the organization is, what it strives for, what means it is ready to use in its activities, etc. In addition, it contributes to the formation of a certain image of the organization in the representation of subjects of the external environment.

2.The mission promotes unity within the organization and the creation of a corporate spirit.

.The mission creates the opportunity for more effective management of the organization (it is the basis for setting goals, helps develop the organization's strategy, provides a general approach to the distribution of the organization's resources and creates a basis for assessing their use).

The mission should not contain specific instructions as to what, how and in what time frame the organization should do. It sets the main directions of movement of the organization and the organization’s attitude to the processes and phenomena occurring inside and outside it.

An organization's mission as a stated statement is usually developed by its top management. Often the mission is formulated by the founder of the organization. However, it is not always possible to say that an organization has a mission, even if it is formulated and written in the form of a so-called mission statement. In order for one to really consider that an organization has a mission, it is necessary that the statements formulated in the mission statement are shared, if not by all, then by the majority of the organization’s employees. Therefore, the formation of a mission is by no means only the development of mission provisions, but the communication of these provisions to employees and the acceptance of these provisions by the latter. An organization acquires a mission when the members of the organization agree with it and follow its provisions in their activities.

A well-formulated mission explains what the organization is and what it strives to be, and also shows how the organization differs from others like it. To do this, the transcript accompanying the mission must reflect:

§ target guidelines of the organization, reflecting what tasks the organization’s activities are aimed at solving, and what the organization strives for in its activities in the long term;

§ the scope of the organization's activities, reflecting what product the organization offers to customers, and then

§ in which market the organization sells its product;

§ the philosophy of the organization, which is manifested in the values ​​and beliefs that are accepted in the organization;

§ capabilities and methods of carrying out the activities of the organization, reflecting what the strength of the organization is, what its capabilities are for survival in the long term, in what way and with the help of what technology the organization carries out its work, what know-how and advanced technology are available for this.

1 Goals of the organization

Goals are the parameters of a company’s activities, the achievement of which is determined by its mission and the implementation of which its economic activities are directed.

The significance of goals: they are the starting point for planning activities, they form the basis for building organizational relationships, the motivation system is based on goals, goals are the starting point in the process of monitoring and evaluating the performance of individual employees, departments and the organization as a whole.

Types of goals:

Long-term goals - achievable in 3-5 years.

Short-term goals - achieved within 1-2 years.

If the need arises, between long-term and short-term goals, intermediate goals are also set, which are called medium-term.

There are four areas in which organizations set their goals:

1)income of the organization;

2)work with clients;

)employee needs and welfare;

)Social responsibility.

In any large organization that has several different structural divisions and several levels of management, a hierarchy of goals (a tree of goals) is formed, which is a decomposition of high-level goals into lower-level goals.

common goal

Subgoals (goals of structural units)

Tasks (work)

Requirements for goals:

1)goals must be achievable - an unrealistic goal leads to demotivation of employees and their loss of direction, which has a very negative impact on the economic activity of the organization;

2)goals should be flexible - goals should be set in such a way that they leave room for adjustment in accordance with changes that may occur in the environment;

)goals must be measurable - goals must be formulated in such a way that they can be quantified or can be assessed in some other objective way as to whether the goal has been achieved;

)goals must be specific - the goal must clearly state what needs to be obtained as a result of the activity, within what time frame must be achieved and who should achieve it;

)goals must be compatible - it is important that long-term goals are consistent with the mission, and short-term goals are consistent with the long-term

2. Mission and goal of the organization using the example of Transneft OJSC

Economic and organizational characteristics of the Company

Open Joint Stock Company "Joint Stock Oil Transport Company "Transneft" was established in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 1993 No. 810 in pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 1992 No. 1403.

The structure of the Transneft system includes 12 subsidiaries, the main activity of which is oil transportation and operation of main oil pipelines. The company and its subsidiaries operate the world's largest oil pipeline system, approximately 47,455 km.

The main activities of the Company:

· pumping, coordination and management of oil transportation through main oil pipelines to oil refineries in Russia and beyond;

· preventive, diagnostic and emergency restoration work on oil pipelines;

· interaction with oil pipeline enterprises of other states on issues of oil transportation in accordance with intergovernmental agreements;

· coordination of the activities of organizations in solving problems of scientific and technological progress in pipeline oil transport, in the introduction of new technologies and materials:

· attracting investments for the development of the production base, expansion and reconstruction of joint-stock companies included in the company;

· organization of work to ensure environmental protection in the areas of oil pipeline transport facilities.

The main activity of AK Transneft OJSC is the provision of services in the field of transportation of oil, gas and their products through the main pipeline system in the Russian Federation and abroad, dispatching oil supplies.

In addition, the Company provides services for the storage of oil, gas and their products in the main pipeline system, oil compounding, oil sales, and agency services for oil customs clearance.

Mission and goals of Transneft JSC

The mission is to become one of the leaders among the largest oil transportation companies in the region, acting in the interests of society, consumers, shareholders and employees, promoting economic prosperity and social progress, and improving the environmental situation in the regions.

JSC Transneft is aimed at innovative, environmentally safe and cost-effective satisfaction of society's needs for petroleum products, a high technological level and a team of professionals committed to their work.

The company ensures sustainable business growth and increased shareholder returns. We believe that our activities contribute to social stability, prosperity and progress of the country.

The primary goal of the organization is to establish effective work in the interests of shareholders, employees, partners, consumers and society as a whole.

JSC Transneft strives to strengthen its position among the world's leading oil transportation corporations and take leadership positions in operational and financial performance, as well as in shareholder value.

The Company considers the following key conditions for achieving this goal:

continuous improvement of efficiency in all areas of activity;

innovative approach to development;

increasing information transparency and openness;

compliance with high standards of corporate governance;

high social responsibility;

strict compliance with Russian and international environmental and industrial safety standards


Strategic planning is very relevant for Russian business firms. The departure from centralized planning forces enterprises to look into the future, formulate their strategy, determine their main advantages and competitive advantages, eliminate strategic threats and dangers, i.e. directly use strategic planning ideas.

An important place in strategic management is given to the identification and analysis of the mission and goals of the organization, which determine the meaning of organizational activities. The mission, presented explicitly, includes the following concepts and the relationship between them: customers; products or services; markets; technology; concern for survival, growth and profitability, value; self-esteem; image; attitude towards staff.

It is very important that the mission be formulated very clearly so that it is understandable to all subjects interacting with the organization, especially all members of the organization. At the same time, the mission should be formulated in such a way that it excludes the possibility of ambiguous interpretation, but at the same time leaves room for creative and flexible development of the organization.

Derived from the mission are the goals and objectives of the organization. Based on certain goals and objectives, strategic decisions are formulated that reflect the point of view of management and take into account the volume of available resources and the influence of the external environment. Strategic decisions are extremely complex and require a comprehensive approach to managing an organization. They must take into account the expectations of people within and outside the organization.

Open Joint Stock Company "Joint Stock Company for Oil Transport "Transneft" has the following tasks:

coordination and management of the process of transporting oil, gas and their products to consumers;

coordination of activities for the integrated development of the network of main pipelines and other objects of the main oil pipeline (MT) system;

ensuring compliance with industrial and environmental safety requirements for the reliable operation of the oil pipeline system;

exercise of shareholder rights in subsidiaries and dependent joint-stock companies of the MN system;

coordination of activities in solving problems of scientific and technological progress in pipeline oil transport, introduction of advanced technologies, new types of equipment and materials;


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