Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops and the history of the Egyptian pyramids

general information

Among the Egyptian pyramids there are huge and smaller ones, with a smooth surface and stepped ones, very well preserved and reminiscent of a pile of ruins. They can be observed in Saqqara and Memphis, Hawar and Upper Egypt, Medum and Abusir, El Lahun and Abu Rawash. However, only a few are considered the main tourist sites, namely the pyramids in Giza, a suburb of the Egyptian capital, built, as is commonly believed, during the reign of the IV-VI dynasties of the pharaohs, which occurred in the XXVI-XXIII centuries BC. e.

Looking at these grandiose creations of human hands, you can’t help but wonder: how much effort and time was spent on the construction of such structures that seem, at least in their scale, to be absolutely useless. Either the pharaohs who ruled 45 centuries ago thereby wanted to emphasize their own divinity and the greatness of their era, or these buildings contain some hidden meaning that is still inaccessible to our understanding. But it is difficult to comprehend it, because the secrets are securely hidden under a layer of millennia, and we have no choice but to make guesses and versions, hoping that sooner or later everything secret will definitely become clear...

Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids

The Egyptian pyramids are shrouded in an aura of myths and secrets, and with the passage of time and the development of science, there are still more questions than answers. As the proverb says: “Everything in the world is afraid of time, but time itself is afraid of the pyramids.” Interest is also fueled by various theories about the appearance of these majestic monuments. Lovers of the mystical consider pyramids to be powerful sources of energy and believe that the pharaohs spent time in them not only after death, but also during life, in order to draw strength. There are also completely incredible ideas: for example, some believe that the Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens, and others that the blocks were moved by people who owned a magic crystal. Let's look at the generally accepted and most likely scenario.

Religion occupied a dominant position in the life of Ancient Egypt. It shaped both the worldview of the people and their entire culture. Death was perceived only as a transition to another world, so preparation for it had to take place in advance, even during earthly life. However, the privilege of remaining “immortal” was, as it was believed, only with the pharaoh and his family members. And he, at his discretion, could bestow it on those around him. Commoners were deprived of the right to an afterlife, with the exception of servants and slaves, whom the powerful ruler “took” with him. Nothing should have interfered with the comfortable “existence” of a high-ranking deceased, so he was provided with everything necessary - food supplies, household utensils, weapons, servants.

At first, rulers were buried in special “afterlife houses”, and in order for the pharaoh’s body to be preserved for centuries, it was embalmed. These early funerary buildings - mastabas - appeared during the period of the first dynasties. They consisted of an underground burial chamber and an above-ground part in the form of a stone structure, where prayer rooms were equipped and burial goods were located. In cross-section, these tombs resembled a trapezoid. They were built in Abydos, Nagadea, and Upper Egypt. The main necropolis of the then capital of the first dynasties - the city of Memphis - was located in Saqqara.

Actually, pyramid-shaped tombs began to be built about 5 thousand years ago. The initiator of their construction was Pharaoh Djoser (or Necherikhet), the first in the III dynasty of the Old Kingdom. The construction of the necropolis named after this ruler was led by the supreme dignitary and famous architect of his time, Imhotep, who was almost equated to a deity. If we discard all the fantastic versions about the contacts of the then rulers with aliens and proceed from the fact that these structures were built by people on their own, then the scale of the work and their labor intensity cannot but impress. Experts tried to establish their chronology and nature, and this is the results they came to. Since the pyramids are made of stone blocks, the question immediately arose: where and how were they mined? It turned out to be in the rocks...

Having marked out a shape in the rock and hollowed out grooves, they inserted dry trees into them and watered them with water. They expanded from moisture and created cracks in the rock, facilitating the process of extracting blocks. Then they were immediately processed on the spot with tools and, having been given the desired shape, were sent by river to the construction site. But how did the Egyptians lift these heavy masses to the top? First, they were loaded onto wooden sleds and pulled along gentle embankments. By modern standards, such technologies look backward. However, the quality of work is at the highest level! The megaliths are so closely adjacent to each other that there are practically no discrepancies.

The Pyramid of Djoser, located in Saqqara, is considered the very first pyramid in Egypt and the oldest surviving such large stone structure in the world (its size is 125 by 115 meters with a height of 62 meters). It was built in 2670 BC. e. and has the appearance of a structure with six huge tiled steps. Because of such an unusual shape, in those distant times it was called a “false pyramid.” The pyramid of Djoser began to attract the attention of travelers since the Middle Ages, and this interest has not dried up to this day.

The architect did not initially plan to build such a pyramid. The tomb became stepped during construction. The presence of steps clearly reveals a symbolic meaning: it was along them that the deceased pharaoh had to ascend to heaven. This structure also differed from previous necropolises in that it was built of stone rather than brick. And one more feature: the presence of a very wide and deep vertical shaft, covered with a dome on top. There is nothing like this in the pyramids built later. Of no less interest to archaeologists and Egyptologists are the marble fragments under the sarcophagus, on which carved images resembling stars can be seen. These are clearly fragments of some unknown structure, but no one knows which one.

The pyramid of Djoser was not intended only for himself, and this also differs from other similar structures. The ruler and members of his family were buried in the burial chambers, 12 in total. Archaeologists have discovered the mummy of an 8-9-year-old boy, apparently a son. But the body of the pharaoh himself could not be found. Perhaps the mummified heel found here belonged to him. Even in ancient times, it is believed that robbers entered the tomb, probably kidnapping its dead “owner.”

However, the version of the robbery does not seem so clear. When examining the internal galleries, gold jewelry, porphyry bowls, clay and stone jugs and other valuables were discovered. Why didn't the thieves take away all this wealth? Historians were also interested in the seals affixed to small clay vessels. The name “Sekemhet” was inscribed on them, translated as “mighty in body.” It clearly belonged to an unknown pharaoh of one of the powerful dynasties. Everything indicated that in ancient times the construction of another pyramid had begun here, but for some reason it was not completed. They even discovered an empty sarcophagus, the internal state of which led to the conclusion that no one was buried here...

As for the Pyramid of Djoser itself, the attraction has been well preserved to this day and is open to tourists. The entrance to it, like to other buildings on the territory, is located on the north side. A tunnel equipped with columns leads inside. The northern temple, the location of which is clear from the name itself, forms a single architectural ensemble with the pyramid. Funeral services were held there and sacrifices were made in the name of the pharaoh.

Egyptian pyramids in Giza

The most famous among all the Egyptian pyramids are the so-called great pyramids located in Giza - the third largest city in the modern Arab Republic of Egypt, with a population of almost 3 million people. The metropolis is located on the western bank of the Nile, about 20 km from Cairo and is a virtual suburb of the capital.

The Great Pyramids of Giza are today the most popular ancient monuments in the country. Over the years, visiting them has become almost a ritual for tourists. Fly to Egypt and not see these majestic buildings with your own eyes? This is impossible to imagine! Many travelers even consider this place to be spiritual, connected to space, and visiting here becomes akin to some kind of healing. Recent studies have shown that the builders of the necropolises surprisingly accurately directed them to the belt of the constellation Orion, which has an as yet unsolved meaning. It is also interesting that their edges are oriented to the sides of the sun, and this is done with the same precision.

The Egyptian pyramids at Giza are undoubtedly an extremely impressive sight. Their sandstone facades reflect the sunlight: they are pink in the morning, golden in the afternoon and turn dark purple at dusk. It is impossible not to admire the feat of engineering and organization that resulted in millions of stone blocks being transported from one location to another and precisely stacked on top of each other without power plants or lifting equipment.

The complex of the great pyramids consists of the tombs of three ancient rulers - Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. Unlike the previous “houses after life” (macabs), these necropolises have a strict pyramidal shape. Moreover, the first of them is the only one of the seven wonders of the world that has survived to this day.

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

You can talk about the pyramid of Cheops (or Khufu) for a long time and a lot, but the story in any case will be incomplete, because it continues to keep many unsolved secrets. One of them is the orientation towards the North Pole exactly along the meridian: with its top, the monumental structure “looks” at the North Star. It is amazing how ancient architects could make such accurate calculations without having modern astronomical instruments in their hands. This accuracy has even less error than the famous Paris Observatory.

Cheops, the second pharaoh of the fourth dynasty of Ancient Egypt, who reigned for 27 years, has the reputation of a cruel and despotic ruler. He literally exhausted the resources of his kingdom, directing them to the construction of the pyramid. He was also merciless to his people, forcing them to do back-breaking work to build their posthumous “dwelling.” The Great Pyramid was built in three stages, as evidenced by the corresponding number of chambers. The first, its area is 8 by 14 meters, was carved deep into the rock, the second (5.7 x 5.2 m) - under the top of the pyramid. The third chamber - it is the only one of them completed - became the tomb of the pharaoh. Special mention should be made about her. It stretches 10.4 m from west to east, and 5.2 m from south to north. The granite slabs that line the room fit together flawlessly. Nine monolithic blocks form the ceiling, their total weight is 400 tons.

Each cell has its own “hallway”, connected to neighboring corridors-shafts. At first, the entrance to the tomb was on the north side and was located above the base at a height of 25 meters. Currently, you can enter the pyramid from another place, and this entrance is not so high. The builders could hardly have imagined that after several thousand years their creation would become a tourist attraction, so the 40-meter corridor was made not only narrow, but also low. Numerous tourists have to cross it crouching down. The corridor ends with a wooden staircase. It leads to the same low room, which is the center of the entire necropolis.

The height of the Cheops pyramid is more than 146 meters - this is the “height” of a 50-story skyscraper. After the Great Wall of China, it is the largest structure ever erected in human history. The attraction is not “alone”; there are several other buildings around it. Of these, only three companion pyramids and the ruins of a mortuary temple have survived to this day. It is obvious that no less effort was put into their construction. According to the most common version, the companion pyramids were intended for the wives of the ruler.

Pyramid of Khafre (Khafre)

A pharaoh named Khafre was either the son or brother of Cheops and reigned after him. His pyramid, located nearby, is somewhat smaller, however, at first glance, it is perceived as more significant. And all because it stands on some elevation. The Pyramid of Khafre was found during archaeological excavations in 1860. The tomb of this ancient Egyptian ruler is “guarded” by the famous Sphinx, which looks like a lion lying on the sand, whose face may have been given the features of Khafre himself. Being the oldest monumental sculpture preserved on our planet (its length is 72 m, height is 20 m), it is interesting in itself. Egyptologists are inclined to think that the tombs of the two pharaohs, together with the sphinx, constitute a single burial complex. Slaves, it is believed, were not involved in the construction of this pyramid: free workers were hired for this purpose...

Top of Khafre's pyramid

Pyramid of Mikerin (Menkaure)

And finally, the Pyramid of Mikerin is the third in the complex of great monuments of Giza. It is also known as the Pyramid of Menkaure, named after the fifth pharaoh of the fourth ancient Egyptian dynasty. Little is known about this ruler - only that he was the son of Cheops (at least, this is what the ancient Greek historian Herodotus claimed). This necropolis is called the “younger brother” of the two above-mentioned tombs: it was built later than the others and the lowest of them, its height is just over 65 meters. Such modest sizes indicate the decline of the ancient kingdom and the lack of resources necessary for construction.

However, the monumentality of the structure as such did not suffer from this. For example, the weight of one of the blocks used in the construction of the mortuary temple exceeds 200 tons, making it the heaviest on the Giza plateau. Just imagine what superhuman efforts had to be made to hoist this colossus into place. And the majestic statue of the pharaoh himself, seated inside the temple! It is one of the largest sculptures that personify that mysterious era... The pyramid of Mykerinus, as the smallest one, could have begun the destruction of the entire historical and architectural complex in Giza, conceived by Sultan al-Malik al-Aziza, who ruled at the end of the 12th century. Work to dismantle the necropolis lasted about a year, but the practical result was minimal. The Sultan was ultimately forced to curtail them, since his, frankly speaking, stupid and unjustified undertaking entailed exorbitant expenses.


At the base of the sacred causeway that once connected the pyramid of Khafre with the Nile, there is the Sphinx - a mysterious sculpture with the head of Khafre attached to the body of a lion. In Egyptian mythology, sphinxes were guardian deities, and this sculpture is a protective monument 73 m long and 20 m high. After the death of the pharaoh, the body of the Sphinx was gradually covered by the desert sands. Thutmose IV believed that the statue spoke to him and told him that he would become pharaoh if he cleared the sand, which he hastened to do. Since then, the ancient Egyptians believed that the monument had prophetic powers.

Solar Boat Museum

Behind the Pyramid of Cheops is the Museum of the Solar Boat, which houses a beautifully restored cedar boat on which the body of the dead pharaoh was transported from the east to the west bank of the Nile.

Useful information for tourists

The Great Pyramid complex of Giza is open to the public from 8:00 to 17:00 daily. The exceptions are the winter months (opening hours until 16:30) and the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when access closes at 15:00.

Some travelers believe that if the pyramids are located in the open air and are not a museum in the literal sense of the word, then here you can feel free to climb and climb onto these structures. Remember: doing this is strictly prohibited - in the interests of your own safety!

Before you agree to enter the pyramids, objectively assess your psychological state and physical health. People who have a fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia) should skip this part of the tour. Due to the fact that the inside of the tombs is usually dry, hot and a little dusty, it is not recommended for asthmatics, hypertensive patients and those suffering from other diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system to enter here.

How much will an excursion to the area of ​​the Egyptian pyramids cost a tourist? Cost has several components. The entrance ticket will cost you 60 Egyptian pounds, which is equivalent to about 8 euros. Do you want to go to the Cheops pyramid? For this you will have to pay 100 pounds or 13 euros. A tour from the inside of the Pyramid of Khafre is much cheaper - £20 or €2.60.

A visit to the Solar Boat Museum, which is located south of the Cheops Pyramid, is also paid separately (40 pounds or 5 euros). Photography is allowed in the pyramid area, but you will have to pay 1 euro for the right to take pictures. Visiting other pyramids in Giza - for example, the mother and wife of Pharaoh Khafre - is not paid.

Many tourists admit that, after getting to know the main attractions, they do not want to leave this amazing place, literally imbued with the spirit of antiquity. In such cases, you can rent camels for leisurely walks. Their owners wait for clients right at the foot of the pyramids. They may charge an inflated price for their services. Don’t agree to it right away, bargain and you’ll get a discount.

  • The Pyramid of Cheops is the only surviving wonder of the world.
  • The pyramids took two centuries to build and were erected several at a time. Now, according to research by various scientists, their age ranges from 4 to 10 thousand years.
  • In addition to precise mathematical proportions, pyramids have another feature in this area. The stone blocks are arranged in such a way that there are no gaps between them; even the thinnest blade will not fit through there.
  • Each side of the pyramid is located in the direction of one side of the world.
  • The Cheops Pyramid, the largest in the world, reaches a height of 146 meters and weighs more than six million tons.
  • If you want to know how the Egyptian pyramids were created, you can learn interesting facts about construction from the pyramids themselves. Construction scenes are depicted on the walls of the passages. The edges of the pyramids are curved by one meter so that they can accumulate solar energy. Thanks to this, the pyramids could reach thousands of degrees and emit an incomprehensible hum from such heat.
  • A perfectly straight foundation was made for the Cheops pyramid, so the edges differ from each other by only five centimeters.
  • The first pyramid built dates back to 2670 BC. e. In appearance, it resembles several pyramids located next to each other. The architect created the type of masonry that helped achieve this effect.
  • The Cheops Pyramid is made of 2.3 million blocks, perfectly aligned and matching each other.
  • Structures similar to the Egyptian pyramids are also found in Sudan, where the tradition was later picked up.
  • Archaeologists managed to find the village where the pyramid builders lived. A brewery and bakery were discovered there.
Camels against the backdrop of the Giza pyramids

How to get there

Tourists from Russia and the CIS countries usually prefer to spend their holidays in Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada and often want to combine a holiday on the magnificent beaches with a visit to the pyramid complex in Giza. Since the resorts are located quite far from the named city, you can only get there as part of an excursion group. If you go by bus, you will have to spend 6 to 8 hours on the road. It's faster by plane: you'll get there in just 60 minutes. You can also get there by car with a driver. This is much more comfortable, but it will take a significant hit on your wallet.

Those who are on vacation in Cairo or are in the Egyptian capital on a business trip are in a more advantageous position. They can take the bus (routes no. 900 and 997) or the metro (yellow line no. 2, exit at Giza station). Alternatively, you can call a taxi or catch one in Tahrir Square. The trip will cost more than using public transport, but you will get there faster, in just half an hour. You can go back and forth with the same car, but you will have to pay a little more.

You can get to Giza from the capital by taking a bus in the New Cairo area (aka Heliopolis) that follows one of two routes: No. 355 or No. 357. These comfortable vehicles, running every 20 minutes, are marked with STA letters, along which they are easy to recognize. The final stop is located just before the entrance to the pyramid zone, at the intersection.

The pyramids are undoubtedly silent witnesses to the millennia-long history of mankind. What makes them unique structures for tourists and mythologists is the fact that they were built in a period when construction equipment and advanced technologies did not exist. They are interesting both from the point of view of architecture and culture of that period of human history. We offer an overview of the main pyramids of the Ancient World, revealing the secrets and traditions of that time.

Majestic structures in different parts of the world have been built in a variety of complex shapes, types and sizes due to various reasons. In the history of Egypt and China, pyramids played the role of burial chambers and monuments dedicated to emperors and leaders of the country. The pyramids of ancient American tribes and Hindus were built as religious buildings and tombs. Almost each is unique, has its place in history and is a popular tourist attraction.

Listed among the Seven Wonders of the World, the majestic Pyramid of Giza is the oldest structure on the planet. Everyone knows that the Cheops pyramid is a tomb built in 2560 BC. There are many scientific theories regarding the principles and methods of its construction. There are three rooms inside the structure, the tomb is located in the lowest of them. The other two are called the halls of the pharaoh and queen. It is the only Egyptian pyramid to contain both descending and ascending galleries.

Nubia is located in the Nile Plain, so the structures that were found here are known as the Pyramids of Nubia. They were built by the kings of the ancient Kushite dynasty. A total of 255 pyramids were found, including el-Kurra, Nuri, and Meroe. These are examples of stepped structures ranging from 6 to 30 meters in height, the stone blocks of which were located horizontally. Many of them were places of worship.

The Pyramids of Helliniko are the remains of the mythological pyramids of Helliniko, an ancient city in Greece. At that time they were considered military installations. Although there is a theory that they were built in honor of those killed in battle. The pyramid is entirely stone, not polished. They date back to the Mycenaean era (1600 – 1000 BC).

The Pyramids of Guimara are a complex of 6 structures located in the Chacona region of the Canary Islands. They have a rectangular shape, have terraces and are built from volcanic stones, without the use of mortars. There were 9 pyramids in total, but only 6 of them have survived to this day. The appearance of terraces during the construction of the pyramids testifies to the agricultural culture of that period, which is reflected in the architecture.

The pyramid, located in the former Indian city of Cholula, Mexico, is known as Tlachihualtepetl and is considered a man-made mountain. The majestic structure was a temple complex dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl. By its type, the architecture of the pyramid belongs to the Teotihuacan style.

It is one of the largest structures in the Yucatan Peninsula and the largest structure in Teotihuacan. The stone pyramid is located in the center of a large religious complex, on the Avenue of Death, between the Pyramid of the Moon and Quidadela, in the shadow of the majestic mountain Cerro Gordo. It is valuable not only for its antiquity or architecture, but also for its location to the northwest, relative to sunset. At the top of the pyramid there was a temple.

This is a pyramid of Ancient Rome. It is located near the Protestant cemetery and St. Paul's Gate. The pyramid, the tomb of Gaius Cestius, a member of one of the priestly colleges of Epulona, ​​dates back to 18-12 AD. BC. As one of the greatest buildings in Rome, it was included in the fortification complex of the city.

In South India, archaeologists have discovered a number of pyramids, which today are places of worship for pilgrims. Srirangam, built in honor of Lord Ranganatha, is the largest temple of India and is located in the Tiruchirappalli district of Tamilnadu. There are 21 gopuras in the stepped temple. Another majestic structure in India is the Brihadishwar Temple, a site built of granite and listed as a UNESCO historical and cultural heritage site.
However, modern architects decided that pyramids could be built not only for pharaohs or kings, but also for ordinary mortals, which is why they proposed

One of the outstanding mysteries of humanity are the pyramids. Engineers are still amazed by the scope and complexity of the work, and historians cannot understand what exactly prompted the ancient peoples to build these structures. There is also still debate about the true purpose of these monuments of ancient architecture. Some believe that the structures of Yucatan and Egypt are related, but this is not so. This is indicated by both the age of the pyramids and the aspects of their construction.


The Great Pyramid, located on the Giza plateau in Egypt, has long captured the imagination of all researchers and ordinary tourists. In general, the same can be said about her “sisters”. Despite the seismic activity of the construction site and the past thousands of years, these amazing and bizarre monuments of ancient culture are surprisingly well preserved.

Scientists suggest that in the past there were many more pyramids, but... But then the Romans came. The first rule of Rome is more good roads! After all, it’s so convenient to transfer new legions along them! So a considerable part of the “medium-sized” pyramids turned into material for Roman road builders. Today, tourists and local residents who still use the ancient roads “knead” the remains of the ancient structures with their feet!

The first of the pyramids and its age

It is impossible to discuss the age of the pyramids without talking about the time when the first such structure was erected in Egypt. It is believed that this happened about five thousand years ago, and construction began on the initiative of Pharaoh Djoser. It is in these five thousand years that the total age of the pyramids in Egypt is estimated. By the way, the famous Imhotep supervised the construction. He was such a good “contractor” that in later centuries, grateful Egyptians even deified him.

Caring for relatives

At that time, the area of ​​the building was huge - 545 by 278 meters. The perimeter of this structure was protected by a wall ten meters high, in which 14 gates were made at once... of which only one was real. In addition to himself, Djoser ordered to take care of the afterlife of his family members: for this, the builders prepared 11 additional smaller burial chambers.

The Pyramid of Djoser is not only considered the oldest in Egypt, but also the most unique, since its sides represent a “staircase”, which can be seen on structures in the center of Yucatan. There is no need to look for mystical coincidences here, since in both cases such a design had a sacred meaning, implying the ruler’s ascension to heaven.

How old are the structures on the Giza Plateau?

It is believed that the age of the Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau is 4.5 thousand years. But difficulties arise with the dating of many structures, since they were partially rebuilt and restored, and therefore even radiocarbon analysis cannot give absolutely accurate answers. The remaining pyramids were presumably built during the Old Kingdom - around 2300 BC. e.

To this day, 80 pyramids have survived in Egypt, and the most beautiful are those that remained after the fourth dynasty. But since ancient times, only three have been considered real Wonders of the World. Their names are known to everyone - the pyramid of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. The age of the Cheops pyramid and the other two is about four thousand years, which cannot but surprise.

Pyramids of Mexico

The Mexican pyramids are an equally impressive and majestic monument to human architecture and incredibly hard work. To this day they amaze everyone who sees them, and even at the time of their first discovery the impression was tenfold greater!

They were erected by the Aztecs, Toltecs, Mayans and some other South American peoples. It is sometimes very difficult for scientists to understand all this “vinaigrette”, since almost all written sources of these cultures were destroyed during the Spanish conquest. But what about the age of the pyramids that were built by the ancestors of modern Latin Americans? First you need to familiarize yourself a little with the history of the peoples who lived here.

The Cuicuilco civilization flourished most brightly here. The peak of its maximum power occurs from 1500 to 200 BC. Why are we all saying this? The fact is that the largest and most impressive pyramid of Cuicuilco was built precisely at this time (southern part of Mexico City). Moreover, this structure is unique, since its cross-section is... round, perfectly fitting into the surrounding landscape.

How did the Pyramid of Cuicuilco end up forgotten?

But scientists did not find it right away. When the massive eruption of the Shitle volcano occurred at the beginning of our era, this unique one was completely buried under a layer of ash, lava and tuff. Only in 1917, during archaeological research, scientists discovered this pyramid completely by accident.

The eruption of the same volcano put an end to the development of civilization in this region, and therefore no other magnificent architectural monuments were found here. If we talk about modern ideas, the inhabitants who left these places became the “foundation” of the people of Teotihuacan, who also built their pyramids.

Pyramids of other nations

The civilization of Teotihuacan dates back to 200 BC. The same approximate age of the pyramids in that region. This people existed until 700 AD. The place they chose for themselves is today known throughout the world. Teotihuacan. By the way, this name was given by the Aztecs, who came here a thousand years later. Today we do not know what this area was originally called. So when were the majestic pyramids erected here, which still amaze the imagination today?

Today it is not entirely clear who exactly built them: either the Teotihuacan people themselves, or the Aztecs who came to take their place. The latter had a legend that the three great pyramids were actually built by giants. So, three buildings. Three pyramids: Solar, Lunar and Quetzalcoatl. The latter, by the way, is the most beautiful and majestic. It is believed that they were built somewhere around 500 BC. e.

Why was the city abandoned?

So the age of the pyramids at Giza is much older. Most likely, initially there were much more ancient architectural monuments in these parts, but the whole thing was ruined by volcanoes. A lot of interesting things are probably hidden under a thick layer of solidified lava, but it is unlikely that we will ever see it. The ongoing excavations clearly indicate that the construction of the city was carried out according to a very strict and logically completed plan. Scientists suggest that around 200 thousand people lived in the city! And this is even before the beginning of our era!

The destruction of the city and part of the pyramids today is “blamed” on both some natural disasters and a social split, when numerous poor people were simply tired of enduring the ever-increasing tyranny on the part of the highest nobility. The city of Teotihuacan was barbarically plundered and destroyed. But both hypotheses are very controversial, since no evidence of violence was found, and as for the looting, anyone could have done it. If the city was abandoned for some reason, then neighboring nations can also be blamed. They obviously wouldn’t pass by such a “tidbit” piece.

How are Egyptian and Mexican pyramids different?

Many believe that they are almost identical, and due to this they put forward various (in terms of the degree of absurdity) theories about the Atlanteans and “heavenly descendants” who fled from the cataclysm, but this is not so. The pyramids of Egypt and Mexico are similar only in appearance (and even then relatively), but in everything else they have a lot of differences.

Firstly, in Egypt these buildings were absolutely smooth, while the Aztecs, Toltecs and Mayans originally built them in steps. Secondly, the pharaohs considered the pyramids solely as a place of rest from earthly worries, and in Mexico the pyramids were used exclusively as temples, and even carried out very bloody rituals of sacrifice there.

Other differences

Thirdly, the tops of the structures in South America are completely flat, since it was there that the priests did their bloody work. Moreover, there is also an additional building there, which actually served as a temple and a “slaughterhouse” part-time. In principle, you can also climb to the top of the Egyptian pyramid, but it is impossible to do anything there due to the banal lack of space.

Fourthly, Mayan and Egyptian. In Mexico, almost all of these buildings were erected literally at the beginning of our era, while the tombs of the pharaohs were built three to four thousand years BC.

Fans of conspiracy theories may argue that all this is nothing, because the main characteristic of these structures, that is, the pyramidal shape, is the same in all cases. But this is not an argument, since similar forms are found in nature, and a gap of several thousand years fully suggests that the Toltecs or Mayans themselves reached the most convenient form for their temples.

How is the age of the pyramids determined?

So what about the science of the Egyptian pyramids and their Mexican “relatives”? On the basis of which they began to actively use only in 1984. At that time, Egyptologists examined at least 64 samples of organic matter from the pyramids. Measurements have shown that many of the structures on the Giza Plateau are 400 years older than previously thought. However, some of them were “only” 120 years older, but in some cases this may also be significant.

After this, the Giza pyramids, whose age turned out to be noticeably older than the “official” values, began to attract even more researchers from all over the world. However, this circumstance did not cool the heated debate about the nature of these structures.

Thus, it was reliably established that the Cheops pyramid was built no earlier than 2985 BC. e. This is five centuries more than previously thought! However, this is already enough to refute the version about “the Atlanteans who built these structures tens of thousands of years BC.” The age of the pyramids of the pharaohs turned out to be much more modest. It should be noted that even radiocarbon dating raised several new questions for researchers.

Thus, it is already known for sure that the Pyramid of Khafre was erected somewhere around 2960. This gives logical grounds to assume that its construction was carried out almost simultaneously with Cheops. It is also possible that it was a separate complex of two structures, the construction of which could have been carried out by the same pharaoh. It would be quite normal to assume that it was built somewhere in the next 50 years...

But radiocarbon dating showed that it was built no earlier than 2572 BC. e. This one is almost 400 years later than the expected date! Moreover, in 1984, scientists established that the famous Sphinx was built in 2416 BC. e. Simply put, a full five centuries after the pyramid of Khafre! But historians have long assumed that these two objects were built together...

The age of the Mayan pyramids was determined similarly. Moreover, in this case there were practically no problems, since the cities of these people were abandoned, no one was involved in completion or restoration, and therefore the result of radiocarbon analysis was much more accurate.

The first pyramid, which gave rise to all Egyptian pyramid construction, is located at Saqqara, about 17 km south of Giza. It was built in 2667-2648 BC for Djoser, the first pharaoh of the third dynasty.

History of the construction of the Pyramid of Djoser

The invention of masonry dates back to the beginning of Djoser's reign. The Pyramid of Djoser is considered the oldest stone structure on Earth; its prototype was the mastaba of the pharaohs of the first dynasty, built of unbaked brick. At first it was also a mastaba made of stone, but then it went through five stages in its development.

First, the pharaoh's architect Imhotep built a large mastaba, similar to the previously built tomb of Djoser in Upper Egypt. This time the mastaba was made not of brick, but of stone blocks. Subsequently, during the reign of the pharaoh, it was expanded in four directions, and then made oblong. The decision to expand the building a fourth time resulted in a tomb unlike any built before. Imhotep built three more mastabas, placing them on top of each other, each smaller than the previous one. This is how the first pyramid appeared, which became the prototype of all Egyptian pyramids.

However, Djoser wanted to make the pyramid even larger; he ordered to enlarge its base and make six terraces on its top. The pyramid was faced with limestone, which was brought from the opposite bank of the Nile, from the hills of Tura.

Design Features

To create Djoser's step pyramid, several independent layers of masonry were used, they rested on a central base of. All the pyramids that appeared in the future were built in a similar way - Khafre, Khufu and other pharaohs who reigned later. However, unlike later pyramids, here the stone blocks are inclined inward at an angle of 74° in order to give the structure greater strength. In the pyramids built later, the layers of masonry are arranged horizontally.

Djoser's tomb was located under the foundation, it was carved into the rock, and a square shaft led to it. The entrance to the mine was located far outside the pyramid, to the north of it. A massive ten-meter wall was built around the pyramid, and inside it was a square on which several temples and

For several centuries now, the mysteries of Ancient Egypt have been the focus of attention of historians and archaeologists. When it comes to this ancient civilization, the first thing that comes to mind is the grandiose pyramids, many of whose secrets have not yet been revealed. Among such mysteries, which are still far from being solved, is the construction of a great structure - the largest of all the Cheops pyramids that have survived to our time.

Famous and mysterious civilization

Of all the oldest civilizations, the culture of Ancient Egypt is perhaps the most well studied. And the point here is not only in the many historical artifacts and architectural monuments that have survived to this day, but also in the abundance of written sources. Historians and geographers of Antiquity also paid attention to this country and, while describing the culture and religion of the Egyptians, did not ignore the construction of the great pyramids in Ancient Egypt.

And when in the 19th century the Frenchman Champollion was able to decipher the hieroglyphic writing of this ancient people, scientists gained access to a huge amount of information in the form of papyri, stone steles with hieroglyphs and numerous inscriptions on the walls of tombs and temples.

The history of ancient Egyptian civilization goes back almost 40 centuries, and there are many interesting, vibrant and often mysterious pages in it. But the greatest attention is drawn to the Ancient Kingdom, the great pharaohs, the construction of the pyramids and the mysteries associated with them.

When were the pyramids built

The era that Egyptologists call the Old Kingdom lasted from 3000 to 2100 BC. e., just at this time the Egyptian rulers were keen on building pyramids. All the tombs erected earlier or later are much smaller in size and worse in quality, which affected their preservation. It seems that the heirs of the architects of the great pharaohs immediately lost the knowledge of their ancestors. Or were they completely different people who came to replace a race that had disappeared inexplicably?

Pyramids were built during the period and even later, during the Ptolemaic era. But not all pharaohs “ordered” such tombs for themselves. Thus, currently more than a hundred pyramids are known, built over 3 thousand years - from 2630, when the first pyramid was erected, to the 4th century AD. e.

Predecessors of the Great Pyramids

Before the great ones were erected, the history of the construction of these grandiose buildings spanned hundreds of years.

According to the generally accepted version, the pyramids served as tombs in which pharaohs were buried. Long before the construction of these structures, the rulers of Egypt were buried in mastabas - relatively small buildings. But in the 26th century BC. e. The first real pyramids were built, the construction of which began in the era of Pharaoh Djoser. The tomb named after him is located 20 km from Cairo and is very different in appearance from those called great.

It has a stepped shape and gives the impression of several mastabas placed one on top of the other. True, its dimensions are rather large - more than 120 meters around the perimeter and 62 meters in height. This is a grandiose building for its time, but it cannot be compared with the Cheops Pyramid.

By the way, a lot is known about the construction of Djoser’s tomb; even written sources have been preserved that mention the name of the architect - Imhotep. Fifteen hundred years later he became the patron saint of scribes and doctors.

The first of the classical pyramids is the tomb of Pharaoh Snofu, the construction of which was completed in 2589. The limestone blocks of this tomb have a reddish tint, which is why Egyptologists call it “red” or “pink.”

Great Pyramids

This is the name of the three cyclopean tetrahedrons located in Giza, on the left bank of the Nile.

The oldest and largest of them is the pyramid of Khufu, or, as the ancient Greeks called him, Cheops. It is the one that is most often called the Great, which is not surprising, because the length of each of its sides is 230 meters and the height is 146 meters. Now, however, it is a little lower due to destruction and weathering.

The second largest is the tomb of Khafre, the son of Cheops. Its height is 136 meters, although visually it looks taller than Khufu's pyramid because it is built on a hill. Not far from it you can see the famous Sphinx, whose face, according to legend, is a sculptural portrait of Khafre.

The third - the pyramid of Pharaoh Mikerin - is only 66 meters high, and it was built much later. Nevertheless, this pyramid looks very harmonious and is considered the most beautiful of the great ones.

Modern man is accustomed to grandiose structures, but his imagination is also stunned by the great pyramids of Egypt, the history and secrets of construction.

Secrets and riddles

Even in the era of Antiquity, monumental buildings in Giza were included in the list of the main wonders of the world, of which the ancient Greeks numbered only seven. Today it is very difficult to comprehend the intention of the ancient rulers, who spent enormous amounts of money and human resources on the construction of such gigantic tombs. Thousands of people were cut off from the economy for 20-30 years and were engaged in the construction of a tomb for their ruler. Such irrational use of labor is questionable.

Since the time the great pyramids were built, the mysteries of construction have never ceased to attract the attention of scientists.

Perhaps the construction of the Great Pyramid had a completely different purpose? Three chambers were discovered in the Cheops pyramid, which Egyptologists called funerary, but in none of them were mummies of the dead or objects that necessarily accompanied a person to the kingdom of Osiris found. There are also no decorations or drawings on the walls of the burial chambers; more precisely, there is only one small portrait in the corridor on the wall.

The sarcophagus discovered in the pyramid of Khafre is also empty, although many statues were found inside this tomb, but there are no things that were placed in tombs according to Egyptian customs.

Egyptologists believe that the pyramids were looted. Perhaps, but it is not entirely clear why the robbers also needed the mummies of buried pharaohs.

There are many mysteries associated with these cyclopean structures in Giza, but the very first question that arises in the mind of a person who saw them with his own eyes: how was the construction of the great pyramids of Ancient Egypt?

Amazing facts

Cyclopean structures demonstrate the phenomenal knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in astronomy and geodesy. The faces of the Cheops Pyramid, for example, are precisely oriented to the south, north, west and east, and the diagonal coincides with the direction of the meridian. Moreover, this accuracy is higher than that of the observatory in Paris.

And such a geometrically ideal figure has enormous dimensions, and is even made up of separate blocks!

Therefore, the knowledge of the ancients in the field of construction art is even more impressive. The pyramids are built from giant stone monoliths weighing up to 15 tons. The granite blocks that lined the walls of the main burial chamber of Khufu's pyramid weighed 60 tons each. How did such colossuses rise if this camera is at a height of 43 meters? And some stone blocks of Khafre’s tomb generally weigh 150 tons.

The construction of the great pyramid of Cheops required the ancient architects to process, drag and raise more than 2 million such blocks to a very significant height. Even modern technology does not make this task easy.

A completely natural surprise arises: why did the Egyptians need to drag such colossuses to a height of several tens of meters? Wouldn't it be easier to build a pyramid of smaller stones? After all, they were able to somehow “cut” these blocks out of a solid rock mass, so why didn’t they make their task easier by sawing them into pieces?

Besides this, there is another mystery. The blocks were not just laid in rows, but were so carefully processed and pressed tightly together that in some places the gap between the slabs was less than 0.5 millimeters.

After its construction, the pyramid was still covered with stone slabs, which, however, had long been stolen by enterprising locals to build houses.

How were ancient architects able to solve this incredibly difficult problem? There are many theories, but they all have their shortcomings and weaknesses.

Herodotus' version

The famous historian of Antiquity Herodotus visited Egypt and saw the Egyptian pyramids. The construction, described by the ancient Greek scientist, looked like this.

Hundreds of people on drags dragged the stone block to the pyramid under construction, and then, using a wooden gate and a system of levers, lifted it to the first platform, equipped at the lower level of the structure. Then the next lifting mechanism came into play. And so, moving from one site to another, the blocks were raised to the required height.

It’s hard to even imagine how much effort the great Egyptian pyramids required. Their construction (photo, according to Herodotus, see below) was indeed an extremely difficult task.

For a long time, most Egyptologists adhered to this version, although it raised doubts. It is difficult to imagine such wooden lifts that could withstand a weight of tens of tons. And dragging millions of multi-ton blocks on drag nets seems difficult.

Can Herodotus be trusted? Firstly, he did not witness the construction of the great pyramids, since he lived much later, although he may have been able to observe how smaller tombs were erected.

Secondly, the famous scientist of Antiquity in his writings often sinned against the truth, trusting the stories of travelers or ancient manuscripts.

"Ramp" theory

In the 20th century, a version proposed by the French researcher Jacques Philippe Louer became popular among Egyptologists. He suggested that the stone blocks were moved not on drags, but on rollers along a special embankment-ramp, which gradually became higher and, accordingly, longer.

The construction of the great pyramid (photo image below), thus, also required enormous ingenuity.

But this version also has its drawbacks. Firstly, one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that this method did not make the work of thousands of workers dragging blocks of stone easier at all, because the blocks had to be dragged up the mountain, into which the embankment gradually turned. And this is extremely difficult.

Secondly, the slope of the ramp should be no more than 10˚, therefore its length will be more than a kilometer. To build such a mound requires no less labor than the construction of the tomb itself.

Even if it was not one ramp, but several, built from one tier of the pyramid to another, it is still a colossal work with a dubious result. Especially when you consider that several hundred people are needed to move each block, and there is practically no place to place them on narrow platforms and embankments.

In 1978, admirers from Japan attempted to build a pyramid only 11 meters high using drag and mound. They were never able to complete the construction, having invited modern technology to help.

It seems that people with the technology that was in ancient times cannot do this. Or were they not people? Who built the great pyramids at Giza?

Aliens or Atlanteans?

The version that the great pyramids were built by representatives of another race, despite its fantastic nature, has completely rational grounds.

Firstly, it is doubtful that people who lived in the Bronze Age owned the tools and technologies that allowed them to process such an array of wild stone and put it together into a geometrically perfect structure weighing more than one million tons.

Secondly, the assertion that the great pyramids were built in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. uh, debatable. It was expressed by the same Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the 5th century. BC. and described the Egyptian pyramids, the construction of which was completed almost 2 thousand years before his visit. In his writings, he simply retold what the priests told him.

There are suggestions that these Cyclopean structures were erected much earlier, perhaps 8-12 thousand years ago, or maybe as many as 80. These assumptions are based on the fact that, apparently, the pyramids, the sphinx and the temples around them survived the era of floods. This is evidenced by traces of erosion that were found on the lower part of the sphinx statue and the lower tiers of the pyramids.

Thirdly, the great pyramids are clearly objects related in one way or another to astronomy and space. Moreover, this purpose is more important than the function of the tombs. Suffice it to remember that there are no burials in them, although there are what Egyptologists call sarcophagi.

The theory of the alien origin of the pyramids was popularized by the Swiss Erich von Däniken in the 60s. However, all his evidence is rather a figment of the writer’s imagination than the result of serious research.

If we assume that aliens organized the construction of the great pyramid, the photo should look something like the picture below.

The Atlantean version has no less fans. According to this theory, the pyramids, long before the emergence of the ancient Egyptian civilization, were built by representatives of some other race, who had either super-advanced technology or the ability to move colossal blocks of stone through the air by force of will. Just like Master Yoda from the famous movie "Star Wars".

It is almost impossible to prove, as well as refute, these theories using scientific methods. But perhaps there is a less fantastic answer to the question of who built the great pyramids? Why couldn’t the ancient Egyptians, who had a variety of knowledge in other areas, do this? There is one that removes the shroud of secrecy surrounding the construction of the Great Pyramid.

Concrete version

If moving and processing multi-ton stone blocks is so labor-intensive, couldn't ancient builders have used an easier method of pouring concrete?

This point of view is actively defended and proven by several famous scientists, from different specialties.

The French chemist Joseph Davidovich, having made a chemical analysis of the material of the blocks from which the Cheops pyramid was built, suggested that it was not natural stone, but concrete of a complex composition. It is made on the basis of ground rock, and is the so-called Davidovich’s conclusions were confirmed by a number of American researchers.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.G. Fomenko, having examined the blocks from which the Cheops pyramid was built, believes that the “concrete version” is the most plausible. The builders simply ground up the abundant stone, added binding admixtures, such as lime, lifted the concrete base in baskets to the construction site and loaded it into formwork and diluted it with water. When the mixture hardened, the formwork was dismantled and moved to another place.

Over the decades, the concrete became so compacted that it became indistinguishable from natural stone.

It turns out that concrete blocks, not stone, were used in the construction of the Great Pyramid? It would seem that this version is quite logical and explains many of the mysteries of the construction of ancient pyramids, including the difficulties of transportation and the quality of processing of the blocks. But it has its weaknesses, and it raises no fewer questions than other theories.

Firstly, it is very difficult to imagine how ancient builders were able to grind more than 6 million tons of rock without the use of technology. After all, this is exactly the weight of the Cheops pyramid.

Secondly, the possibility of using wooden formwork in Egypt, where wood has always been highly valued, is questionable. Even the boats of the pharaohs were made from papyrus.

Thirdly, the ancient architects undoubtedly could have thought of making concrete. But the question arises: where did this knowledge go? A few centuries after the construction of the great pyramid, not a trace remained of them. Tombs of this type were still being erected, but they were all only a pitiful semblance of those that stand on the plateau at Giza. And to this day, what remains of the pyramids of a later period are most often shapeless piles of stones.

Consequently, it is impossible to say with certainty how the great pyramids were built, the secrets of which have not yet been revealed.

Not only Ancient Egypt, but also other civilizations of the past keep many mysteries, which makes getting to know their history an incredibly fascinating journey into the past.

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