Pitbull dog tips. How to properly train a pit bull. General description of the breed

Pit bulls were brought to the United States by crossing a Staffordshire terrier and a bulldog. The result was a powerful animal, distinguished by its protective qualities and training abilities. Only at first, pit bulls, along with bull terriers, were exploited in dog fights and continued to do so, even when such competitions were declared illegal.

Description of the breed

Until now, the breed is reaping the benefits of its notoriety - in some European countries there is a ban on breeding these animals. In other countries they are treated with caution: their developed muscles, menacing gaze and terrifying grin have created a stereotype about killer dogs.

Only pit bull puppies can cause tenderness, but not for everyone - as soon as a person learns the name of the breed, distrust of the animal automatically creeps in.

People don’t even think that under the aggressive mask created by myths hides a wise, calm and devoted creature. Any dog ​​can be turned into an inadequate monster - it depends only on the owner. If he raises the pit bull correctly, he will receive in return a loyal friend who will never show aggression towards people.

Breed characteristics:

  • height – 45-50 cm;
  • weight – on average 14-28 kg;
  • muzzle – rectangular, medium size, widening towards the forehead;
  • ears – cropped according to the standard or remain intact;
  • physique – strong, fit, with pronounced muscles;
  • tail – shortened, located low, tapering towards the tip;
  • coat – short, guard;
  • color - any, only merle (marble) is prohibited.

Pit bull standards fall into wide ranges as the breed is not internationally recognized by dog ​​handlers. You can get a pedigree for your pet, but you cannot participate in exhibitions with it.

What is the price

Due to the fact that the American Pit Bull Terrier is not registered with the FCI, the breed is not considered an elite breed. And yet in nurseries the cost of puppies sometimes reaches a fabulous sum. Often it is a reflection of the owner’s ambitions, rather than the real qualities of the animal. Although pit bulls do not participate in competitions, they are still divided into 2 groups:

  1. Pet class. Pets intended for home keeping. They do not participate in competitions or breeding. Dogs in this class can participate in agility, but do not win prizes. The cost of such puppies is 7-10 thousand rubles.
  2. Brid and show class. Bright representatives of the breed with a typical exterior. The parents are titled; distant relatives may include American manufacturers. Puppies cost from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.

If the price of a pit bull is too low, it may be a mestizo - a cross with another breed or mongrel due to an unplanned mating. The older the puppy, the less it costs. After six months, some owners give the animal away for free.

At this age, it is more difficult to retrain a dog; you will have to spend a lot of time so that it begins to consider you the owner. Although in other countries it is customary to buy a pit bull terrier at the age of 6-8 months, when the animal already knows all the commands.

It is better to buy a puppy from a nursery. Private breeders, especially those found through advertisements, can deceive the buyer. The kennel must have a good history, it must be clean, and all dogs must be properly cared for.

How to choose

You cannot choose a dog based on photographs. It is necessary to visit the nursery in person, preferably several times. The breeder must socialize pit bulls from an early age, so there should already be a noticeable difference in personality between puppies older than 2 months. It will be immediately clear what kind of dog will grow up - affectionate or aggressive, withdrawn or sociable.

The puppy must be examined from all sides. You need to pay attention to the following components:

  1. Appearance. A well-developed kitten has a medium-sized head (not large, as is commonly believed), a strong and strong neck, well-fed, straight and powerful paws, and a small hump on the back.
  2. Color. Pitbulls with a solid color - white, black or gray - are most valued.
  3. Character. The puppy should not be overly cowardly or aggressive, he should not hide behind his mother or, conversely, rush at everyone around him and bite. It’s good if you and he show mutual interest in each other.

It is advisable to decide in advance the issue of the pet’s gender. Boys are distinguished by pronounced protective qualities, girls are more affectionate and smart.

But, if you take a male, there will be no problems with planned and sudden matings and births, or estrus. But the girls don’t mark their territory.

Puppy care

It will take time for your little pit bull to get used to his new surroundings. He will start by examining all the rooms. It is necessary to give him a “tour” of the house, show him the places where he can go. On the first night, the baby may whine because he misses his family. Sometimes this lasts a week.


Before you bring your puppy home, you need to create a comfortable environment. The pet should have its own separate corner. There you need to put a bed, put several toys in it, preferably rubber ones. It is better to place it in the corner of the room, away from radiators and drafts.

A pit bull should have 2 bowls - for food and water. First you can take regular ones, then buy them on a stand. For walks, the puppy needs a strong leash and muzzle. If you raise a dog correctly, it will not show aggression towards other people, but it will still not be possible to destroy the stereotypes of others. Everyone will be calmer if the pit bull terrier is muzzled.

The dog needs to have a diaper on which to go to the toilet; it is better to put an oilcloth or car mat underneath so as not to spoil the floor. At first, the puppy will “mess” in the apartment, and it is necessary to teach him to do this in one place. Later, the dog is trained to use the toilet outside.

Fragile things and wires are removed from the pet's access area. A pit bull quickly learns that only toys can be chewed, but at first puppies try everything.


Newborn pit bulls feed from their mother. After a month, the breeder adds cow's milk to the diet, then porridge, meat, and vegetables. You should buy a puppy no earlier than 2 months, so that the mother can teach him everything he needs. From this age, the dog’s feeding schedule is as follows:

  • 2 months – 6 times a day, serving size up to 1 glass;
  • 3 months – 5 times a day, serving size up to 2 glasses;
  • from 4 to 6 months – 4 times a day, serving size 3-4 glasses;
  • from 6 to 12 months – 3 times a day, serving size 4-6 glasses;
  • after 12 months - 2 times a day, serving size 6-8 glasses.

The basis of the dog’s diet should be meat, mainly beef, and chicken by-products can be given 1-2 times a week. Pitbulls love fish, but you can give it no more than 2 days a week. The diet is diluted with chicken eggs (raw and boiled), vegetables, dairy products, and cereals.

From the age of two months, the puppy can be switched to ready-made food. Premium and super-premium brands are suitable for this breed. At first, dry food is soaked in water or milk, and then it can be given as usual. For adult dogs, mixtures containing no more than 25% protein are suitable.

Even if ready-made food is chosen, it is advisable to regularly give your pet raw vegetables and cartilage so as not to provoke dental problems.


Pit bull terriers do not require regular water treatments. It is enough to bathe your dog twice a year. On the street, she will not deliberately roll in the mud, so the owner is only required to wipe her paws after a walk. The coat should be cleaned with a rubber dog glove (available at a pet store) and then with a suede cloth to add shine. Pit bulls don't smell like some other breeds.

It is necessary to examine your pet's eyes daily. There should not be copious discharge from them. Minor ones can be removed with a cotton pad soaked in tea leaves or chamomile decoction. Ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab once a week, and after a walk they should be inspected for mites and inflammation.

Paws must be inspected after every trip outside. If there are wounds, they are treated with healing ointment. Puppy up to six months old should have their nails trimmed once a week, for older dogs – once every 2 weeks. To do this, you need to buy dog ​​clippers at the pet store.


After 2 months, pit bull terrier puppies receive their first comprehensive vaccination. It recurs after 4 months. When the rehabilitation period is over, the pet is accustomed to walking outside.

If the owner wants to crop the ears, this is done in the first 10 days of the puppy’s life. Subsequently, it is difficult to find a veterinarian who will agree to perform the operation, and it will be performed under general anesthesia, which is harmful for the dog.

Pit bulls are prone to the following diseases:

  • allergy;
  • joint diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • demodicosis;
  • hypothyroidism


Training a pit bull requires patience. It is good if a person already has experience in raising dogs. The breed is intelligent and inquisitive, so the pets are happy to learn new commands - you just need to find an approach.

A pit bull should not be kept at bay and should be treated in the same way as family members.

The following rules should be followed:

  1. Reward and punish the dog immediately after its action. There is no point in doing this after a few hours - the pet will not understand anything.
  2. Bans are in effect all the time. You must not give in and allow the dog to control you through its pitiful eyes.
  3. You should only praise your pit bull for actions that will be useful in the future.
  4. You cannot give commands in an aggressive tone. The puppy should not feel afraid.
  5. Training should be regular and consistent.

First, the pet is trained in obedience. The dog must understand what is forbidden and what is allowed, and in what tone the owner does it. Only then can you move on to basic commands, and then to complex ones. It is better to start training from 3 months.

It is always pleasant to watch a dog that obediently and clearly follows the commands of its owner. Raising a pet always requires strength, perseverance and patience, especially if this pet is a pit bull. A cheerful, playful, but powerful and strong dog that requires special care and supervision. How to train a pit bull? You will learn about this below.

In order for your pet to always be in good shape, strong and resilient, training must begin from early childhood. This will not only keep the puppy in shape, but also cultivate tolerance, respect, calmness and obedience. A small dog can play with both people and other dogs - the main thing is that everyone has a stable psyche and does not cause injury to the baby.

Cardio training, like any endurance exercise, begins primarily with running. Pit bull training begins with running and walking in the fresh air for at least 5 kilometers approximately 3 times a week. You shouldn’t overload your pet either, as this can lead to dire consequences. Upon reaching 6 months, the pit bull terrier begins real exercises and training that develop stability and endurance in him. The duration and distance of walks increases, and a number of other exercises are added.

Features of strength training

Do not forget that any dog ​​also requires proper strength training for normal development. A good exercise would be to hang the toy from above, but at such a distance that the dog can catch and grasp it. This develops dexterity. Don't rule out games with a ball and throwing it, frisbee, and even a stick and rope. This complex will allow your pet to learn to breathe correctly with its jaws closed while under stress. You can also train him to run behind his owner who is riding a bicycle.

The development of strength abilities begins with approximately one workout per week, the load gradually increases, as does the duration. How to build muscles? It all starts with running, for example after a ball or frisbee, and gradually we teach the dog that such running should be constant. You can start doing weightpulling, but only after a year and always with a trainer in the area. This will not only pump up the pit bull, but also further develop its agility and strength. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to reinforce previously learned commands.

The bottom line is that the dog is trained to run longer and longer distances with a load. At home, a simple tire may be suitable for this; you can buy specialized equipment at a pet store - a kind of harness to which a load is attached.

The point is that the load itself will cling to the ground and slow down the pet, and in any case it must reach the finish line. This allows you to pump up not only the muscles of the paws and back, but also the jaw if the dog is dragging the target in its teeth. Waitpulling allows you to learn the commands “Bring” and “Come to me”.

Since the puppy was accustomed to Frisbee from childhood, this should have taught the dog to be obedient and to clearly understand and follow commands. Agility, like frisbee, can fully raise a worthy representative of the species. In addition, as the load increases, it is advisable to work with a trainer, at least for the first few times, until you get used to giving such clear commands that the dog will immediately follow them.

Since the jaw is the main weapon of any dog, another exercise is recommended, which is called the “Ring”. Pitbulls use it to perfectly develop power, strength and depth of grip. You can buy a device for the game or make it yourself. It's very simple: a thick piece of rubber, such as part of a tire, is twisted into a ring through which a strong rope is passed, and its other end is attached to a thick branch or crossbar. The dog should reach this ring on its hind legs and hang on it.

But feeding is still a very important point. The more time and energy a pet spends on the playground, the more protein it needs. The diet must include meat, dairy products, and vegetables. Alternatively, you can use food, but it must be perfectly balanced and of high quality. But if you choose the latter option, then it should be the only type of food, since transitions can have a bad effect on the dog’s digestive system.

Pit bulls are more trainable than most other popular breeds. Firstly, pit bull terriers are very smart dogs and are always ready to learn new things. Secondly, they always strive to please their owner and please him. And since dog training methods today are simpler and more effective than ever, there's no explanation why your pit bull can't be the friendliest, smartest dog on your block.

Here are 6 tips for successfully training your Pit Bull Terrier:

1. Remember that all dogs live in the moment. Every time you praise or punish your pit bull, he can only assume that it is a reward or punishment for his actions at that moment. For example, if you discovered a pogrom committed three hours ago, do not drag the sleepy culprit from his rightful place to the crime scene and punish him. He will only think that he was currently being scolded for wanting to sleep in his place.

2. Always follow the established rules. If he wasn't allowed to sleep in your bed last night, then he shouldn't be allowed to sleep in it tonight or any other night, no matter how long and piteously he begs to be let in. Providing what your pit bull asks for will only reassure him that begging sometimes pays off. This will create a pattern of behavior that will be very difficult to change.

3. Your pit bull will repeat the actions that bring the reward. Regardless of whether the rewards are planned by you or not. By letting him out of the cage so that he stops whining, you will, of course, achieve the desired silence. However, you will end up with a Pitbull that whines constantly when in the crate. Make sure you only reward behavior you want to see in the future.

4. Remember that your pit bull is trying to please you. All you have to do is show him the way. Using coercion can teach a dog to become distracted or even intimidate, thereby slowing down the learning process.

5. Do not repeat the command over and over again or shout louder and louder. This will not bring your pit bull any closer to understanding what you are trying to convey to him. Your Pit Bull Terrier is not deaf. If he behaves this way, then it is necessary to direct his actions in the right direction. This will be a sure signal for you to take a step back in your learning. Back to basics.

6. Above all, be patient. Not everything will go as smoothly as you hoped. But that doesn't mean you can't train your dog. Be realistic, confident and consistent. And most importantly, always stay in a good mood when training your pit bull.

Keeping a fighting breed of dog at home is quite a serious risk, especially for American pit bull terriers, which are rightfully one of the most powerful and dangerous representatives of their breed. Therefore, your safety and the safety of people coming to your house largely depends on how correct the upbringing of such a dog will be. It is necessary to consider in more detail all the methods and tips that are necessary for the proper education of your dog.


1. In this case, we can say that you need to start raising pit bulls at the moment when they are still puppies. After all, it is at this age that the dog will more fully absorb everything that you will try to convey to it. All basic commands will be remembered for life, and there will be no desire to violate them.

2. First, you need to remember that training commands must be carried out with hungry puppies. This allows them to achieve maximum concentration and complete concentration. First, you should let the puppy learn its own name. You need to stock up on some treats and call the puppy to you, calling him by name. As soon as the puppy runs up to you, you need to praise him, and only then give him a treat. Following this sequence will ensure that during further training the puppy tries to earn praise from you. But truly exceptional achievements can be rewarded with treats.

3. As soon as the puppy begins to respond to its own name, it is imperative to begin teaching it the command “no” (“fu”). The fact is that aggression begins to manifest itself at a very early age. First during games, then under the influence of external stimuli - cats, children, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to instill in the pit bull that the order “no” (“fu”) is mandatory. As soon as you witness any aggression on the part of a pit bull, you need to approach him, press his tailbone so that he sits down, and say “fu” (“no”). The dog must be held in this position for about 30-40 seconds, not allowing him to run away, and strictly repeating the command. If the puppy has achieved success in this matter, it is necessary to praise him and please him with a treat. Despite the fact that this command will have to be practiced many more times, it is basic in order to be able to curb the aggression of a pit bull.

4. You should never set even a young pit bull terrier against animals or people, as this may become the means that will provoke his aggression in the future. During training, you must behave very strictly with the dog so that he completely obeys you. Only such actions will help avoid excessive aggression on his part in adulthood.
If you follow these instructions, you will be able to raise a good and obedient dog.

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