Why does one feel nauseous during menstruation? Why do you feel sick during menstruation and how to deal with it? Nausea before menstruation: anatomical causes

Many women face the problem of nausea before or during menstruation. At this time, some people experience vomiting, severe weakness, and feel dizzy. Is this normal? What causes nausea during menstruation?

This condition can cause especially strong anxiety in those who previously tolerated menstruation calmly, without significant changes in well-being. What does nausea before menstruation mean?


Premenstrual syndrome is one of the most common reasons why it feels so bad before your period. Its manifestations can appear either a few hours or a couple of days before the onset of menstrual bleeding.

The fact that he is the cause of poor health can be judged by the following signs:

  1. In addition to nausea and vomiting, there are other signs of the syndrome: weakness, dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, swelling or tenderness of the chest, appetite decreases or sharply increases, mood changes very often, you want to cry or everything irritates you, pimples appear. In most cases, there are only a few of the signs listed above.
  2. This condition occurs monthly or almost every month at the same time - before menstruation.
  3. During menstruation or immediately after it, the condition returns to normal.

Although PMS has become almost the norm for many women, in fact, menstruation is a natural phenomenon and therefore should be well tolerated by the body. What then causes nausea and dizziness?

Reasons why nausea occurs during menstruation:

  • Changes in hormone levels. During the menstrual cycle, the body, in fact, prepares for pregnancy, but if it does not occur, the level of progesterone drops sharply, which triggers a restructuring of the hormonal system to begin a new cycle. This is normal and should not be noticeable. But if the body is weakened and therefore very sensitive to the action of hormones, or the amount of hormones produced differs from the norm, such changes will be felt very strongly.
  • Incorrect or non-standard anatomical structure of the internal genital organs. For example, if the uterus is tilted back, periods are usually painful and accompanied by nausea from the very first period.
  • Inflammatory processes or adhesions. After hypothermia, complications of an infectious disease, or sexually transmitted diseases, pain during menstruation and other symptoms of PMS may appear, even if they have never existed before.
  • Physical or emotional overload. In an exhausted body, many processes do not proceed correctly, including hormonal changes.

What causes nausea during menstruation?

If nausea before menstruation is associated with premenstrual syndrome, then in most cases it goes away with the onset of menstruation. But what does it mean if your period is already underway, but your health remains the same or has worsened?

Here are two reasons why you feel very nauseous and dizzy during your period:

  1. Increased serotonin.
  2. Excessive fluid content in the body (minor swelling of the face or feet may occur).

These factors lead to increased intracranial pressure and impaired blood circulation throughout the body, especially in the brain. This causes headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.


But nausea during menstruation does not always indicate some problems, even if you feel it for the first time. This may be a sign of pregnancy. In order to exclude or confirm this option, you need to take an hCG test or do a pregnancy test.

You can suspect that nausea during menstruation is associated with an imminent addition to the family in the following cases:

  1. This condition had never been observed before.
  2. During the last or previous month, you had at least one sexual intercourse (even if methods of protection against pregnancy were used).
  3. Menstruation started about two weeks later.
  4. The amount of blood is significantly less than the usual volume.
  5. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness are repeated for several days in a row in the first half of the day.

The reason why it suddenly becomes very bad before menstruation may be the pathological course of pregnancy. In the case of an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, if the fetus dies at a time when the woman does not know that fertilization has occurred, bleeding may appear, similar to another menstruation. In this case, the stomach almost always hurts very badly, there may be clots or pieces in the blood, and the bleeding may not coincide in time with the expected menstruation.

In this case, you need to urgently go to the hospital for an emergency operation that will save the woman’s life.

Other reasons

Nausea and other unpleasant conditions (vomiting, dizziness, headache, weakness) can be associated not only with problems in the structure of the genital organs, hormonal changes or pregnancy. The reasons for poor health sometimes lie in some other problems of the body.

The most common non-gynecological reasons why you feel bad before your period:

  • Poisoning.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels or the heart.
  • Acute viral infections.
  • Fatigue due to physical overload (excessively strenuous exercise in the gym, heavy homework).
  • Diseases of the stomach or intestines.
  • Psychological trauma.
  • Anemia.
  • Low blood sugar, fasting or malnutrition.

Any factor can simply coincide in time with the onset of menstruation, so if there were no problems before, but now you feel nauseous and dizzy, you need to check the general condition of the body.

What can cause nausea after menstruation?

Just like nausea before menstruation, nausea after menstruation may be due to abnormal position of the uterus. In this case, you usually also feel aching pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

Feeling unwell after menstruation may be due to the fact that during her period the woman actively worked out in the gym and lifted weights. During physical activity, the pressure of the paravertebral tissues on the spinal cord increases, which is undesirable during menstruation.

Other reasons why you feel sick before and after your period may be pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, or taking hormonal contraceptives or other medications. In any case, if nausea is severe, it would not be superfluous to consult a gynecologist and undergo a thorough examination.

Nausea and vomiting during menstruation

It is no secret that for each individual woman, critical days proceed in their own way, not like other representatives of the fair half of humanity, which is due to the individual characteristics of her body, which determine the duration of menstruation, the daily volume of discharge, and well-being during menstruation. However, there are a number of problems that any woman faces, regardless of age, lifestyle and health status. Nausea and vomiting during menstruation, too heavy or, on the contrary, scanty periods, unreasonable increase/decrease in the intermenstrual interval - the occurrence of such problems can be caused by hormonal imbalances, the onset of pregnancy or menopause, premenstrual syndrome.

Of course, it will not be difficult for an experienced gynecologist to identify the cause of such changes based on the patient’s complaints and the results of her tests, but making a correct diagnosis is made difficult by the fact that many women skip routine examinations with a doctor and are in no hurry to seek help from a specialist if alarming symptoms arise. in particular, nausea and vomiting during menstruation. This position is fraught with various kinds of complications, so doctors remind: any change in the established menstrual cycle is a reason for a visit to the gynecologist, because the sooner the cause of the deviation is diagnosed, the higher the chances of its elimination without serious consequences for health. Further in the article, we will go into detail about why vomiting and nausea occur during PMS, what reasons there may be if during menstruation you often feel sick and nauseous. Also important is the question of how to treat such painful symptoms, what to do to get rid of nausea and vomiting during menstruation.

Causes of nausea and vomiting during menstruation

Nausea and vomiting, a feeling of nausea, as if sick, that occur on the eve of and during menstruation can be a consequence of:

1 premenstrual syndrome or PMS (in this case, the woman also experiences symptoms such as swelling, bloating, pimples and acne on the face and torso, increased sensitivity of the breasts, swelling of the mammary glands, pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, increased sensitivity to odors, headache);

2 fluid retention in the body can cause nausea and nausea during menstruation;

3 high intracranial pressure and nausea during menstruation (associated symptoms - a feeling of squeezing, fullness in the skull, pain that increases with walking and sudden movements, a feeling of pulsation in the eyes and ears, pallor of the skin, dizziness, in rare cases - loss of consciousness);

4 increase in the concentration of serotonin in the cerebrospinal fluid;

5 the anatomical structure and location of the uterus (in some women, the uterus is slightly deformed and tilted back, resulting in compression of the nerve endings, causing nausea and vomiting, bloating, pain in the lumbar and sacral spine);

6 hormonal imbalance can cause not only nausea, but also vomiting (imbalance of progesterone and prostaglandins, accompanied by frequent mood swings, increased appetite and sweating, skin rashes);

7 excessive physical activity, lifting weights (experts recommend either completely abandoning physical activity during menstruation, or adjusting the training regimen in such a way as to reduce the load on the abdominal muscles and spine);

8 taking oral contraceptives, or rather, incorrect selection of hormonal oral contraceptives can cause nausea and other painful symptoms and side effects;

9 acute intoxication of the body due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, poor-quality food, expired medications;

10 pregnancy (embryo implantation is often accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood from the vagina, which is mistaken for menstruation);

11 ectopic or frozen pregnancy;

12 spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the early stages;

13 exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (in this case, in addition to nausea and vomiting, “hungry” pain and a burning sensation in the stomach, sour belching, and bad breath may be observed);

14 inflammation of the uterine appendages and nausea during PMS (with acute adnexitis, a woman may suffer from nausea, vomiting, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen, fever, indigestion, abdominal bloating, migraine, fluctuations in blood pressure, dizziness, chills);

15 dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation, resulting from congenital or acquired defects of the reproductive organs, inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, uterine deformation, constant stress or diseases of the central nervous system).

What to do if you feel very nauseous, feel sick, or vomit during menstruation (menstruation), treatment

In what cases does a woman urgently need to see a specialist if she has severe nausea during her period? According to doctors, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist if:

1 nausea and vomiting are accompanied by unbearable pain in the genital area, which does not go away over time, but, on the contrary, intensifies (may indicate appendicitis, apoplexy (rupture of the membrane) of the ovary, peritonitis);

2 the volume of menstrual flow has increased several times compared to previous periods;

3 there is a suspicion of the presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs (characteristic symptoms are high body temperature, fever, chills, sweating, nausea leading to vomiting, severe pain in the lower abdomen, localized from the right or left appendage);

4 showed symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (copious vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor and a purulent/mucous/cheesy consistency, itching and burning in the genital area, rash in the genital area, suspicious plaque on the labia, pain during urination and defecation).

What to do, how to get rid of nausea and vomiting during menstruation, during menstruation

If the critical days are accompanied by mild nausea that does not turn into vomiting, then moderate physical activity (yoga, walking in the fresh air), adequate sleep and a change in diet (preference should be given to foods high in calcium and magnesium - legumes) will help get rid of it , sesame seeds, poppy seeds, nuts, seaweed, peaches, apricots, broccoli, rose hips, cauliflower, citrus fruits, seafood, cereals, carrots, dried fruits, sprouted wheat seeds, cocoa, natural chocolate). Of the medications used to eliminate nausea during menstruation, the most popular are drugs that provide antispasmodic (“Drotaverine”, “Spazmolgon”, “Papaverine”, “No-shpa”, etc.) and anti-inflammatory (“Ibuprofen”, “Paracetamol”, etc.). ) effect, as well as antacids. If there are indications, the doctor may prescribe drugs that normalize hormonal levels, for example, “Mastodinon” - a drug based on an extract from twigs. If nausea and vomiting during menstruation are caused by an infectious disease, then their elimination is achieved by taking antibiotics, selected individually.

It should be noted that the use of any medications must be agreed with a specialist. If nausea and vomiting during menstruation are caused by inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis), abdominal walls (peritonitis) or rupture (apoplexy) of the ovary or fallopian tube, painkillers taken to eliminate unpleasant symptoms will make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis, which can lead to death due to untimely provision of medical care. To avoid such developments, do not forget to visit a gynecologist regularly (once every six months in the absence of complaints, once a quarter in the presence of chronic diseases) and do not delay a visit to a specialist if your critical days are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, coupled with fever, high fever, weakness and pain in the lower third of the abdomen.

Vomiting during menstruation, causes of vomiting and gagging during menstruation

Nausea and vomiting often accompany the first weeks of pregnancy, but if you are not pregnant, these symptoms may be due to hormonal imbalance. It is difficult to find a woman who does not know what premenstrual syndrome is - a condition characterized by mood swings, swelling, breast tenderness and nausea.

This is due to changes in the level of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen before the onset of menstruation and during ovulation. As a result, fluid retention occurs in the woman’s body, intracranial pressure increases, nausea and vomiting appear. In addition, other hormones - prostaglandins - also affect the deterioration of well-being. Their production coincides with the beginning of menstruation. Nausea and vomiting during menstruation, provoked by hormonal imbalance, in most cases are their “merit.” Prostaglandins:

1 promote vasodilation;

2 worsen blood clotting ability;

3 give hardness to the muscles;

4 negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system;

5 I provoke the appearance of uterine pain;

6 interfere with the full production of gastric juice.

It is the last point that affects the appearance of vomiting during menstruation. For example, if a woman eats too salty or spicy food these days, her body reacts to this with a feeling of nausea. That is why women should adhere to a healthy lifestyle during menstruation. There is another hormone that can provoke nausea and vomiting even in absolutely healthy women. This is serotonin - a hormone that is synthesized in the brain. When there is an excess of it in a woman’s body, fluid retention occurs, resulting in intracranial edema. This is what causes the feeling of nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Menstruation is a process in which women experience shedding of the functional layer of the endometrium, that is, the lining of the uterus, accompanied by bleeding. Most women and girls during their “critical days” experience a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations. Perhaps the most unpleasant sensation is constant nausea during menstruation and dizziness. These symptoms are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, aching in the back and lower back, and sometimes even vomiting. At the same time, the girls' breasts swell and hurt, they become lethargic and powerless.

More often, beautiful representatives experience nausea and dizziness. These symptoms interfere with daily life. They are considered hormonal changes, but at the same time they are natural for the female body. The menstrual cycle is a regular monthly process, so discomfort and painful symptoms must be learned to deal with and prevent.

What is PMS or if you feel bad before your period...

So, menstruation is stressful for the female body. Basically, every third girl experiences general malaise even before the start of the process. It is known that nausea during menstruation can appear both before the start of the cycle and after. Blood pressure may also change dramatically, and headaches and dizziness may become more frequent. The stomach inflates so much that it is noticeable. The chest is filled and aches. The lower abdomen constantly aches and hurts, sometimes the temperature may even rise or some kind of rash may appear on the skin. These are all symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. During this period, it is advisable to use protection during sexual intercourse to avoid unwanted pregnancy. During this period, the egg is released from the follicle into the ovary, so there is a possibility of pregnancy.

Nausea begins due to the release of large amounts of serotonin in the spinal cord fluid. Similar nauseating symptoms remain during menstruation.

Why do you feel sick during menstruation?

At the onset of menstruation, women experience hormonal changes. The body produces such a complex compound that affects a woman’s muscles, as well as the entire circulatory system. This is called prostaglandin. In this case, the blood slowly clots, and the muscles become excessively hard.

But the main reason why you feel sick during your period every month is the effect of produced prostaglandin on the upper layer of the uterus, which leads to cramps. The compound also affects the nervous system of girls, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and gag reflexes, heaviness in the legs, severe dizziness, and so on. By the way, prostaglandin contributes to a low secretion of gastric juice when a person eats, hence the discomfort and nausea. Medical observations claim that if a woman experiences severe pain and nausea during the menstrual cycle, it means that this is due to the abnormal structure of the uterus in the body. Namely, if it is tilted a little back, it will experience back pain, a pulling sensation on the spine and legs. And if the uterus moves more forward, then the stomach hurts severely, nausea occurs, and sometimes vomiting occurs.

Vomiting during menstruation is caused by nauseating gusts. This occurs due to the woman’s body producing the substance serotonin. It is produced in the spinal cord and negatively affects the removal of fluid from the girl’s body. And this causes severe headaches, severe dizziness, and nausea.

As a result, nausea during menstruation leads to vomiting. In such cases, it is better not to overload with weights or exercise. You need to relax, you can lie down or sit, pressing the mass on the lower pelvis.

The structure of the uterus in the body provokes constant nausea in girls, especially in nulliparous women. After childbirth, symptoms often go away. Many women suffer during their periods due to the individual location of the uterus. This leads to an imbalance of the hormones progesterone and prostaglandin.

Nauseous sensations can be caused by physical exertion or excessively sudden movements. During this period, you should not play sports or go to the pool, as the body is weakened. Overexertion during nausea will again cause vomiting. Stress and unnecessary worries can also play a bad role in a girl’s health during the menstrual period, so you need to try not to worry and take care of yourself.

We also need to consider simply physiological disturbances in the functioning of the female genital organs. After all, this directly affects unpleasant symptoms during menstruation. For example, nausea can be caused by simply inflamed ovaries (or not treated in time). In this case, there is nausea and dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen and bloating. You need to go to a medical facility, as you can incorrectly determine the cause of these sensations and be poisoned by medications.

It follows that the causes of nausea during menstruation can be caused by both the physiological characteristics of the girl’s body and hormonal disorders. Self-medication is not recommended, since only a doctor can determine the cause of nausea during menstruation.

What is the danger of nausea during menstruation?

Menstruation is an individual physiological phenomenon, which is easy and painless for some, while others suffer from pain and cannot eat due to nausea and gag reflexes. Then why do you feel sick during your period?

Gynecologists have found that if nausea is constantly present during menstruation, supplemented by painful manifestations, then this is a disease. This diagnosis is called “algomenorrhea”.

There are two stages:

  • primary. It occurs in women who have anatomical disorders in the body, that is, structural features of the genital organ if its location is incorrect. Primary algomenorrhea can be treated with medication. It happens that after childbirth the disease goes away. If you don’t let the illness get worse, you can get rid of both nausea during menstruation and signs of vomiting;
  • secondary. This is a more serious stage. It is observed in patients with gynecological diseases if adhesions are found in the tubes or intestines, fibroids or cysts. Doctors' intervention is necessary to prevent the situation from leading to surgery.

What ailments do beautiful women experience during the menstrual process:

  • depression, anxiety, irritability;
  • loss of appetite (or refusal to eat or excessive consumption);
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • prostration;
  • drowsiness, general weakness, absent-mindedness, insomnia;
  • reluctance to make sudden movements or move at all;
  • headache;
  • strong vomiting and nausea;
  • fainting and abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion;
  • sudden mood swings, sometimes despondency, sometimes aggression;
  • increased sweating;
  • body temperature rises to 37;
  • body weight increases, legs swell. The mammary glands become engorged and painful sensations are felt.

Should you see a doctor if you feel nauseous and vomiting during menstruation?

  1. When you realize that your periods and the nausea associated with them are prolonged, the nagging or sharp pains in the lower abdomen become stronger, then this may already be a hormonal disorder. Medical assistance required.
  2. If nausea has caused you to vomit, food is poorly digested and you have an upset stomach, you should not delay visiting a doctor.
  3. Heavy bleeding may occur, which is not typical for the normal course of menstruation. Their number is increasing. The temperature rises, there is chills, sweating, severe pain in the head and pelvis, and vomiting. An inflammatory process may begin.
  4. If there is pain when urinating, an unpleasant odor or redness of the genitals, then you should consult a gynecologist for examination. It could be an infection. You need to go for a checkup!
  5. The menstrual cycle occurs when pregnancy is already present in the body. To accurately verify or refute this, you can purchase a pregnancy test. If the result does not seem correct enough, it is better to be examined by a specialist.

To avoid nausea and vomiting during menstruation

  • if there is a fever, it is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. Spasmalgon, No-shpa, Drotaverine. They will relieve abdominal cramps and relieve pain;
  • the drug Mastodinon - eliminates hormonal imbalance. Removes nausea and discomfort in the stomach;
  • you need to take a sedative: Trioxazide, Seduxen;
  • in special cases - antacid drugs.

If you feel sick during menstruation, then:

  • It is necessary to give up physical activity, sports, and visiting swimming pools. This may increase the duration of your period;
  • do not visit baths, steam baths, saunas. Where it is hot, pressure may rise and bleeding will increase. There is a risk of contracting an infection;
  • you need to give up alcohol. Drinking will increase the amount of discharge and increase blood pressure;
  • get rid of unhealthy and unhealthy diets. Balance your diet, add magnesium and calcium. The following will NOT cause nausea: seafood, fruits, chicken, grains. If vomiting is present during menstruation, then you will have to give up fatty, salty, smoked, and sweet foods;
  • you should limit yourself to unprotected sex;
  • You should use medications for nausea, pain, and blood pressure only as prescribed by physicians. Since some pills can help, but thin the blood even more and increase the number of periods. And others affect blood vessels and the stomach;
  • you need to drink more water and stay outside. This will reduce nauseating hot flashes.

We must always know and remember that health is in our hands. And our future depends on how we treat ourselves.

For the female body, menstruation brings many unpleasant sensations and inconveniences. But this is all natural. Therefore, you need to be prepared for such a period and be able to help yourself with painful symptoms. It is important to create the conditions as much as possible to survive the monthly stress in comfort and balance.

Every woman of reproductive age, if she is not pregnant, experiences menstruation every month. Some menstruation lasts 3 days, and some even 7 days. This is a rather unpleasant period of life. And if you also have nausea during menstruation, then you generally want to climb on the wall and howl.

Why this happens and the reasons that cause nausea during menstruation will be discussed in this article.

Everyone knows that during menstruation, huge hormonal changes occur in the female body. Accordingly, this is stress for the body. The manifestations of stress in each representative of the beautiful part of humanity are individual in nature. The period of stress has been summarized under the name “premenstrual syndrome” (PMS).

Most often, with PMS, a woman is very irritable and hot-tempered. But this condition is explained by poor health.

Every woman has her own PMS symptoms.

The most common complaints can be identified as:

  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Bloating;
  • Breast swelling and tenderness;
  • Nausea;
  • Painful sensations in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
  • May pull where the ovaries are;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant stench;
  • Sometimes, vomiting may occur.

Why does a woman feel such strange manifestations of PMS? The answer is very simple: hormones. Estrogen and progesterone rearrange and cause such unpleasant feelings. Their jump before menstruation creates an imbalance in the body, which leads to depression, nervous breakdowns, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia.

Often, when a woman feels nauseous, quite justified thoughts arise that she is expecting a child. A well-known sign of pregnancy is. And when vomiting and dizziness begin afterwards, the girl no longer doubts her interesting situation. And even more so if within a few days. What can I say, I feel even more nauseous, but because of the experience of “what will happen now?”

In such cases, it is worth doing a rapid pregnancy test. After just a few minutes - the result. Two stripes or a weak second stripe may indicate pregnancy. But if the delay is only a few days, a regular test strip may not detect pregnancy. You can go and donate blood for hCG. This test will show the presence of pregnancy at the earliest stages if the result is positive.

Unfortunately, these tests will indicate pregnancy, but they can mean an ectopic pregnancy or a frozen one. So it is better to consult a doctor immediately to rule out pathologies.

Those situations where symptoms such as nausea and dizziness remain, but menstruation has started or started to smear, indicate a possible pregnancy and problems. In any case, after a positive pregnancy test, you should consult a gynecologist.

If the test shows a negative result, bleeding begins, and vomiting continues, this means a hormonal imbalance in the body. If this is the first time such a picture occurs, then there is no need to worry, but if it recurs periodically, you need to seek help from a doctor to eliminate the cause of such symptoms.

PMS is a frequent guest in a woman’s life before the start of red days. But they should not have a permanent character that prevents you from enjoying life.

Nausea during menstruation

During menstruation, some girls feel sick. This causes weakness and dizziness. All these are not regularities and may not appear every time during critical days.

If you feel nauseous and it happened once, don’t worry too much. There can be a lot of reasons. The main thing is that such sensations are not systematic and do not appear every time during menstruation.

During menstruation, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Dizziness;
  • Vomit.

So why do you feel sick, what could be the reasons for girls who feel absolutely healthy on the remaining days of the menstrual cycle?

Doctors identify several reasons for this feeling:

  • Anatomical features. In some women, nature has created a uterus that is tilted back. During bleeding, it increases and begins to put pressure on the spinal nerve endings (roots). After the uterus shrinks, naturally, the signs of nausea disappear.
  • Nausea during menstruation can be caused by excess fluid in a woman's body. It provokes internal pressure on organs. The result is nausea.
  • Serotin, which is produced by the body during menstruation. Serotin appears in the cerebrospinal fluid. Its excess interferes with the removal of water from the body, in this way swelling occurs inside the skull. The result is headache, dizziness, even loss of consciousness.
  • Prostaglandins. Some representatives of the beautiful part of humanity experience an increase in prostaglandins during menstruation. This entails uterine contractions, vascular constriction, the nutrition of the uterine walls is disrupted and as a result: painful sensations, nausea during menstruation, dizziness.
  • Oral contraceptives can also cause nausea and vomiting. This can especially happen to inexperienced girls who are just trying to use it. In the first month there may well be such failures. It is better to consult your gynecologist.
  • The onset of pregnancy. As already mentioned, you may have periods during pregnancy, but this will not bring anything good, everything is fine, you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist.
  • Using regular tampons can also cause vomiting. The reasons are toxic shock. If a woman has such a picture, then she should give preference to pads.
  • If, in addition to vomiting and dizziness, symptoms such as pain in the lumbar region, pain in the lower abdomen and in the ovarian area are added, then gynecologists make a diagnosis of algomenorrhea. The reasons lie in the abnormal structure of the uterus or its underdevelopment. It can be primary or secondary. Primary, appears with the arrival of the first menstruation and goes away after childbirth. Secondary, may indicate problems with women's health. In any case, you should consult a doctor for help and fix the problem.
  • Vomiting during menstruation can also be due to stomach disease. Therefore, a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy state will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

How to solve a problem?

We have already figured out why some women feel sick during menstruation, now we will look at what needs to be done to alleviate this situation. The main thing is not to immediately sound the alarm, but to understand the situation and follow some rules.

But if you choose the medication route to help, do not overdo it with the drugs. Pills are a last resort when you can’t stand it.

  • The first thing you need to do is determine the reasons that cause such problems. To do this, you need to contact a gynecologist. He will order tests and, after the results, prescribe the necessary treatment.
  • If a woman has an elevated body temperature, it is worth bringing it down. For this, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, paracetamol.
  • For headaches and dizziness, you should take painkillers such as no-shpa, spasmalgon.
  • If the cause lies in inflammatory diseases, you need to take a course of antibiotics.
  • Often women are saved by mastodinone. It contains an extract from twig, which perfectly restores hormonal balance.
  • After the onset of menstruation, you need to exclude any physical activity on the body.
  • It’s worth giving your body more rest.
  • Sleep has healing properties, so you should sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Eliminate spicy, fried, alcohol, and nicotine from your diet.
  • Try to live as comfortably as possible.

Menstruation and nausea, nausea during - all this can be alleviated or avoided altogether by adhering to simple rules. Those girls who are constantly examined by a gynecologist, adhere to proper nutrition, monitor their drinking regime, lead an active lifestyle, tolerate PMS and red days of the calendar much easier.

If you do not belong to this type, then you should reconsider your lifestyle and become happier.

The condition of feeling sick during menstruation is known to many women. This unpleasant symptom is accompanied by attacks of headache, abdominal cramps and general weakness. Nausea is not considered a typical condition during menstruation; its occurrence indicates the presence of diseases and pathological processes that need to be diagnosed and treated. Most often, hormonal imbalance, structural features and abnormal development of the organs of the reproductive system are to blame for the occurrence of this condition. Nausea during menstruation can also be caused by the fact that a woman is pregnant.

Why does nausea occur during menstruation?

The stomach hurts, weakness appears, blood pressure rises - these symptoms accompany the onset of menstruation in almost every woman. The intensity of these manifestations depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. A sign such as nausea can be a normal physiological phenomenon, if its intensity is moderate and there is no vomiting, or indicate a deviation, it all depends on the duration and strength of the manifestation.

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