Why does my puppy urinate a lot? Reasons why a dog often urinates, specialist recommendations and treatment. Disadvantages of the structure of the urinary system organs

Any person who has a dog is faced with the phenomenon when the dog begins to pee at home. This problem is especially acute for city residents, where the dog is kept in an apartment and there is little time for adequate walking.

Everyone copes with the physiological needs of their animals in their own way, but let's figure out why dogs defecate and urinate in the wrong place, and also try to find ways to correct this behavior.

It is worth noting that for a dog, performing natural functions is never inappropriate; it is inconvenient for the owner, and not for the animal. Therefore, in order to achieve our goal, we need some knowledge of animal psychology and dog physiology.

The main reasons for unclean behavior in the home

Please note that in this article we will look at situations in which unwanted behavior appears in an adult dog, and you can read how to toilet train a puppy in the next article.

So, why does a dog shit at home:

  1. Marking the territory. It has been noticed that a dog has a strong desire to leave its mark in the following cases:

– sexual stimulus, at this time the animal shows that it is ready for mating (expressed not only in males, but also in females during estrus, when they often urinate in small portions). It has been proven that the smell of urine contains a large amount of information, for example, it can be used to identify an individual, its gender, physiological state and much more.

- the appearance of something new in the house. Let's say you bought new furniture, got another pet, or had a small child. New objects bring unfamiliar smells that need to be made familiar - “your own”.

– social status. The dog is a pack animal, so if there is a decrease in the hierarchy of the pack (family), this may be a reason to leave feces on the bed or urinate on the furniture. This often happens when a new pet appears or an older child takes on raising an adult dog.

2. Incorrectly installed reflex. As an example, consider a situation: a person is in a hurry to go to work - there is little time for walking, and as soon as the animal has done its job, it quickly takes him home.

In this case, if the dog loves to walk, then it will endure until the last minute in order to prolong the walk and then relieve itself at home.

A negative reflex is also reinforced when punished incorrectly. Often the owner pokes the dog's muzzle into feces or a puddle of urine, but in this case he will only achieve fear; the animal will be afraid to defecate in the presence of the owner and will not understand why he is being scolded.

The appearance of a phobia can occur when an emergency event occurs during the process of defecation: a firecracker exploding or a tree falling, then the dog will be afraid of the place where it happened.

3. Health problems and old age. Many diseases can lead to uncleanliness, for example, with pain in the joints, a dog will not be able to take a normal position for defecation or go for a walk painlessly, so it will tolerate it and then defecate reflexively at home. We will not dwell on this point for long; here we need to find the cause and treat it.

4. Increased anxiety and urination as an expression of submission. The causes of this problem must be sought in puppyhood. The fact is that until 2 weeks of age, the bitch stimulates urination and defecation by licking the puppy, and he gets used to urinating, exposing his stomach to the dominant creature - the mother.

In some individuals, this reflex does not fade and is transferred to a person, most often to a man, because he has a lower timbre of voice. Dogs with this disorder begin to pee when people try to pet them or encourage them with words.

Of course, the reasons discussed above that lead to unscrupulous behavior in an adult dog are not all, but knowing some of them we can understand why our pet behaves this way. Now let's look at the basic techniques that will help us correct the animal's behavior.


Several methods on how to teach your four-legged friend to perform physiological needs on the street.

  1. We organize the correct walking regime; if the dog does not have health problems, then it needs to be walked at least 2 times a day, preferably more. During a walk, you need to visit places where the animal prefers to defecate and immediately after the job is done, you need to praise the dog and give a treat. And we repeat this every day for several weeks, which will allow us to establish the correct reflex. After using the toilet, we continue to walk for at least another 10 minutes.
  2. Confinement in a cage. This method is not suitable for everyone; if the animal reacts inadequately to confinement, then it is better to use another method. When restricting freedom, the pet should not be left alone; it is advisable for him to see people, and he also needs to go for a walk regularly. The method is based on the fact that the dog will not defecate when in a confined space (naturally, until the moment when it can no longer endure it), the main thing is not to allow defecation in the cage, otherwise it will get used to the smell of excrement and the method will stop working. This method should be used together with the recommendations from the first point, that is, regularly walk your pet.
  3. "Binding with the umbilical cord." The owner ties the dog to himself or to the furniture on a short leash and, when signals appear, leads the animal outside. Characteristic signs that it’s time to walk your pet:

– heavy breathing appears due to the fact that a full bladder puts pressure on the diaphragm;

– periodic touching of the owner with his paw and gaze;

– position, standing, not lying down.

– walking with hind legs slightly apart and sniffing the floor.

If the above signs appear, then we take him for a walk and reward him after each bowel movement.

4. In the case when a dog urinates when the owner meets after separation, then you need to:

– ignore the animal until it calms down;

– teach the dog the command to fetch a toy and, when entering the house, distract the animal by asking him to find his favorite object.

5. It is probably the most difficult thing to wean off marking, because in this case strong natural instincts are involved. You can try the following method: keep your dog on a leash at home and ignore all attempts to attract attention.

When you need to approach your dog, demand that it unquestioningly follow the commands “Lie down!” or “Sit!” During a walk, prohibit your dog from marking vertical objects, especially in areas where other animals are walking.

The ability to leave a mark increases your pet's self-confidence. If the dog stubbornly refuses to be trained, then it may be necessary to resort to castration, which will significantly reduce the manifestation of instinct.

Of course, the article does not list all the ways to solve the problem when a dog began to pee at home and the author did not pursue the goal of publishing all the methods, but wanted to draw attention to the fact that behavioral problems can and should be solved. In conclusion, I would like to say that any sick animal requires an individual approach and for proper therapy it is necessary to identify the causes, especially if the disease is associated with behavioral disorders.

Puddles on carpets are not surprising only if they are left by a small puppy. However, if you experience urinary incontinence in dogs, you may wonder if there is a problem. Naturally, conflict situations are possible when the pet defiantly relieves itself. But these are relationship problems.


Natural causes

Urinary incontinence in dogs is a sign of a problem. And they arise not only in old age. It should be understood that a pet is an emotional creature that lives guided by its instincts. In male dogs, the smell of urine is an indicator of dignity.

A pet can often pee for the following reasons: fear, stress, pain, threat, etc. In such a situation, treatment is not required. Simple adjustment needed

Behavioral features

If urinary incontinence in dogs is due to behavioral characteristics, kicking and screaming will not help the matter. Even treatment won't help. In such situations, you need to raise your pet, showing your patience and perseverance.

Males are capable of marking territory in this way. The dog most often pees in the corners. In such a situation, treatment involves sterilization, which will reduce the sexual instinct.

Age characteristics

Why does my dog ​​pee often? This may be due to age-related characteristics, with weakening of smooth muscles. What to do in such a situation? Treatment will need to be maintained with medication.

The reasons why a dog begins to pee frequently may be due to being in heat. Quite often, a similar problem makes itself felt during the first “hunt” in young girls. Due to the presence of nagging pain, they often try to “empty” the bladder. Due to this, you can get rid of additional pressure.

Treatment is not required in this situation. You just need to go for walks with your girl more often. What you shouldn’t do is scold. She realizes that constantly wiping up puddles does not make you feel good. But she is unable to improve.

Perhaps the dog simply drinks a lot of water and cannot wait to go outside. But the need for large amounts of water can also indicate the presence of diseases.

Presence of deviations

True incontinence is very difficult to treat. This is due to the presence of congenital or acquired abnormalities, which are accompanied by weakness of the contractile muscles of the urethra. In such a situation, urine leaks regularly. Treatment will not completely eliminate this problem.

What to do in such a situation? It is important to contact a veterinarian immediately. If you “catch” the pathology at a very early stage, it can be cured. Incurable problems can be controlled in most cases.

Occurrence of diseases

Why did the dog start peeing often? This may indicate that some illness has occurred. And most often they are inflammatory in nature. It is difficult to determine the causes even if you undergo a clinical examination. What to do in such a situation?

Start writing down all the characteristic features of the keeping, describe the diet and nature of walks, tell us about the events that the pet has encountered, how much water it drinks. The more information the veterinarian is given, the faster the causes will be found.


Treatment involves the need for tests. A laboratory urine test can help in many situations. In some dogs, the causes of incontinence are hidden in the presence of cystitis. In case of extensive inflammation, urine begins to leak constantly. Also, a puppy or adult pet may defecate while sleeping.

The causes of cystitis mainly lie in hypothermia. Treatment involves taking antibiotics. Once therapy is started, clinical progress can be seen within a few days. If you do nothing, your puppy or adult pet will begin to urinate blood. Gradually, he will not be able to relieve himself at all.

It is imperative to carry out a full course of treatment. It is not recommended to stop treatment even if the symptoms have completely disappeared. Relapse is possible. The symptoms of cystitis will be discussed in more detail in the video.


The dog begins to pee frequently due to polydipsia. In such a situation, she drinks a lot of water, exceeding several times the daily norm. If the female drinks a lot of water, you should think about the presence of pyometra. In such a situation, an ultrasound is required. It is not recommended to treat your pet on your own.

Polydipsia is a formidable symptom. And his main problem is not that the dog constantly requires water and pees more often. Polydipsia indicates the possibility of diabetes, genitourinary infection, kidney failure and other serious diseases. And if your dog is noticed to be drinking a lot of water, contact your veterinarian immediately.


The dog is able to pee more often due to spinal injuries. This case is accompanied by damage to the nerve endings or the spinal canal. It is difficult to completely get rid of the problem. Most often it occurs in dogs that have an elongated spine, such as dachshunds.

During labor or after the puppy is born, your dog may experience pinched nerves. This disease is accompanied by weakness in the limbs, a sickly appearance, and abandonment of one’s puppy. The veterinarian will determine how to treat the dog when he conducts a comprehensive examination.

If your veterinarian suggests surgery, tests and treatment are recommended first.


A puppy or dog can suffer from increased urination due to the presence of ectopia. This is a congenital disease. Quite often observed in females. The disease is diagnosed at a young age. The diagnosis is based on anamnesis.

If any problems arise during the diagnosis, a visual examination and urography are performed. The disease can be corrected through surgery.

Treatment should begin first by identifying the problem (drinking a lot of water, whining, blood in the urine, etc.).

If the pathology was caused by disturbances in the contractility of the sphincter, hormonal drugs should be used. A similar problem occurs quite often in spayed or neutered pets. It is associated with a lack of hormones.

If there are other problems, medications that are part of the group of tricyclic antidepressants may be effective. They are aimed at relaxing the bladder muscles. However, this also causes the sphincter to contract. This is exactly what is required.

The above remedies have a potent effect. Side effects often occur after taking them. It is recommended to use after consultation with a doctor. It is he who must choose the exact dosage.

If a puppy pees

If a small puppy urinates frequently, know that he will learn to control this process when he is 3-4 months old. The period will depend on how correctly the owner is able to explain what the puppy should do. We need to suggest where he should relieve himself.

It should be understood that it is extremely rare for a puppy to start urinating just like that. In many situations, this is accompanied by the presence of congenital pathologies. And the puppy will be able to return to normal life only after surgical intervention.

Video "Reasons"

Does your dog drink a lot of water, pee often, or experience pain when he relieves himself? The video talks about the reasons why bitches have problems with frequent urination.

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The appearance of a puppy in the house inevitably entails puddles on the floor. Frequent urination is normal when a dog is just a few months old. But when I'm an adult the dog urinates frequently and a lot, it could be sign not only bad upbringing, but also health problems.

Natural Causes of Frequent Urination in Dogs

Every pet owner must remember that his pet has its own emotions, feelings, and character. Dogs, especially purebred ones, are very emotional - they show their joy not only by wagging their tail, but also by circling, jumping in place, etc. Such dogs urinate frequently when experiencing joy or extreme fear. For example, if there is heavy rain outside with thunder and thunder. In such a situation, you just need to patiently explain to the animal that this is not necessary, and over time the problem will go away.

Some male dogs urinate at home, because this is how they mark their territory. Unfortunately, there are no conservative methods of treatment or education in this case. Owners of such dogs should contact a veterinary clinic to have the animal castrated. In addition, in some cases you can call a veterinarian to your home and carry out a simple operation at home - this way the dog will be less nervous.

Frequent urination in dogs and age

Sometimes age characteristics are the only answer to the question, why does a dog urinate often. Young puppies, like little children, urinate frequently due to accelerated kidney function and lack of proper education.

Dogs older and elderly urinate frequently due to weakening muscles. In this case, drug treatment may help, but this measure will be temporary, so you should not count on one course of medications to solve all problems.

If elderly The dog drinks and urinates frequently, then this may be a sign of some disease. Frequent urination in this case will be natural due to the large amount of fluid you drink. But constant thirst is a direct symptom of the disease.

Possible diseases in dogs due to frequent urination

If the dog often urinates blood, then this is a sure sign of disease of the kidneys, bladder or reproductive organs. In this case, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible, since such urination are accompanied by severe pain and torment the dog.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a veterinary clinic, then you can call a veterinarian at home, describing all the symptoms of the disease over the phone.

An experienced specialist will conduct an external examination at home, take all the necessary tests and alleviate the animal’s condition until an accurate diagnosis is determined and the correct treatment is prescribed.

For many people, their favorite animal, or even just a four-legged friend, is a dog. Owners try to walk their pets as often as possible in order to avoid such an unpleasant situation when the dog relieves itself in a living room.

Why does a dog urinate frequently, and how to treat it?

There may be several explanations for this: from gaps in education to illness of your animal. To begin with, it is worth noting that as soon as you have adopted a puppy, you need to begin the process of raising it. If you cannot cope with this yourself, contact a dog trainer, who will certainly help teach your pet good manners. The reason why your dog urinates frequently may also be that your pet is a young dog who has decided to mark his territory.

If re-education does not work in this case, then the option of contacting a veterinarian with a subsequent procedure is possible. Another reason why your puppy urinates very often could be due to strong emotions of fear or excitement. Often similar incidents happen to puppies during play or when their owner pets them. To prevent such situations, you need to interact with the puppy after he has relieved himself, so as not to trigger conditioned reflexes in the future. Try not to overstimulate your dog's nervous system.

Also, the reason why a puppy often urinates may be various situations that are unusual for him, when he simply does not know how to behave. Raising a dog in fear, excessive severity and physical punishment can also lead to similar behavior in an animal. Do not forget to have your animal examined by a veterinarian from time to time, since frequent urination can be caused by various diseases, including poor diet for the animal or excess sodium.

In any case, to protect your pet, pay attention to it in a timely manner and provide assistance.

01/16/2017 by Eugene

Urinary incontinence in dogs can indicate the presence of various types of diseases. Such an unpleasant moment, by the way, can occur not only in elderly dogs, but also in small puppies. It should be remembered that any dog ​​is a living being. It is guided by instincts and various emotions. And for sexually mature males, the smell of urine is a sign of their own dignity and superiority, and therefore they can begin to mark their own territory.

Practice shows that most often a dog urinates for the following reasons:

  • fright;
  • stress;
  • fear resulting from contact with other, more aggressive animals;
  • painful sensations.

No therapeutic action is required if the dog urinates for the above reasons. The only thing that is necessary is to make some adjustments to your own actions.

But it also happens that urination is caused, for example, by urolithiasis. In this case, it is simply impossible to do without the intervention of doctors.

Features of behavior

Urinary incontinence in pets may also be due to behavioral characteristics. Believe me, in this case, you should not scold and punish your dog, since this will not bring any expected effect. Even if the animal urinates, the owner only has to be patient and persevering in order to wean the animal from this action.

If a male dog pees because he wants to mark his own territory, it will simply be impossible to wean him off this. Bitches, in turn, try to go to the toilet in a small way somewhere in the corner.

The best way to treat this type of incontinence is to sterilize or castrate the animal, since after this procedure their sexual instincts disappear.

Age characteristics

Urinary incontinence can also be caused by age-related changes that have occurred in the dog's body. The fact is that as an animal ages, its smooth muscles weaken. In this case, you simply cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. The dog will need to be given special medications on which it will live for the rest of its days.

It should be remembered that if the smooth muscles weaken, the dog experiences nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which can only be relieved by emptying the bladder.

It is also not worth scolding the dog, since the previously obedient, but now sick, dog already understands perfectly well that it is impossible to act in this way, but cannot do anything about it. Treat a pet who has started peeing due to old age with understanding and respect.

A pet may also go to the toilet unscheduled because it drinks too much water. Then you should take him out for walks more often, and also deal with the problems that result from excessive fluid intake.
Incontinence due to illness

Incontinence in a dog can also be caused by incontinence associated with inflammatory processes in its body. The most common diseases causing incontinence are:

  1. Cystitis. It is most often possible to identify such a problem simply by passing a general urine test. Cystitis is directly related to hypothermia, as well as the presence of microbes in the dog’s body. This disease can be overcome with a course of antibiotics. You should not delay starting treatment, as soon there may come a time when blood appears in the animal’s urine. In this case, the treatment process will drag on for quite a long time.
  2. Polydipsia. If an animal consumes two or even three times more water than it needs per day, and at the same time it experiences incontinence, this may be associated with a disease called polydipsia. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a preliminary ultrasound examination. Unfortunately, it is unrealistic to cure this disease using conservative methods.

Among other things, the manifestation of this disease indicates that the dog has a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, as well as some other serious diseases. Therefore, a dog that has been diagnosed with this condition requires constant care.

  1. Ectopia. This disease is not acquired, but congenital. Most often it affects representatives of the fair canine sex. Ectopia is usually diagnosed in a dog that is in puppyhood or adolescence. The disease can be cured only by surgery.

Incontinence in a puppy

But incontinence in a puppy is absolutely normal and natural. Veterinarians say that by about four months of age, puppies should learn to control their own urges to go to the toilet. However, we should not forget about the characteristics of various breeds, due to which the period of the puppy’s awareness of the need to go to the toilet can drag on for much longer.

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