Why do dogs love beef tripe so much? Methods for preparing tripe for dogs

Beef tripe is very healthy for dogs. It replaces a bunch of medications from the veterinary pharmacy. Let's try to figure out how to prepare this delicacy four-legged friend, and in what quantity to give.

What is beef tripe for dogs, price, where to buy, reviews, benefits and harms, beneficial properties

Tripe is called beef stomach. It is covered inside with villi Brown, which produce enzymes to digest grass.

Tripe is sold in two types: untreated and processed, cleared of lint. The first one is unpleasant in appearance with a sharp disgusting smell, but this is exactly what is useful for the animal. The processed scar is clean and white, without a pungent odor.

The cost of 1 kilogram of unpeeled tripe on the market ranges from seventy to 90 rubles. It is usually not put on the counter, so you need to ask the sellers who sell meat about availability.

Owners who feed their dog tripe from the age of five or six months say that this product replaces a huge number of medical supplies and multivitamins. In addition to complete protein, the rumen contains digestive enzymes, beneficial bacteria, a complex of vitamins and microelements that a dog needs. An animal that eats raw tripe has beautiful shiny fur, excellent health and strong immunity.

How to process fresh beef tripe for dogs

Pre-raw tripe for dogs must be processed:
- rinse well;
- divide into portions;
- put it in the freezer.

Before your dog eats the treat, it should sit in the freezer for three days. The frozen stomach is taken out of the freezer, doused with boiling water, and cut into small pieces. When it cools down, give it to the dog with porridge and vegetables.

Tripe for dogs recipe, how to prepare and give, from what age, stomach, how long to cook

Puppies are fed tripe for six months, monitoring their well-being. If a new dish causes gastrointestinal upset in a dog, stop giving it temporarily until it grows up.

It is advisable not to cook the tripe, but to give it raw, having frozen it in the freezer for three days. If you use cooking, then lower the tripe into boiling water; when it boils, turn it off immediately.

Boiled tripe is given with porridge, raw tripe is given with fresh vegetables. Fresh tripe is cut into pieces about two centimeters in size and mixed in a bowl with different vegetables: shredded white cabbage, grated pumpkin or carrots, fresh finely chopped cucumber. Season the mixture vegetable oil, add pieces of fresh meat (beef), scalded with boiling water.

Tripe for dogs as a treat for training

If training takes place daily, then using the scar as a reward during training will not work. You cannot feed your dog tripe often.

Tripe for dogs contraindications, dosage per day

The rate of beef tripe per day is 100 grams per 10 kilograms of body weight. It is given no more than two or four times a week, replacing one feeding with this dish.

Continuous feeding with tripe is contraindicated, as this can lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Tripe for dogs, dried or through a meat grinder

Dried tripe from a pet store contains flavorings instead of nutrients. It is useless for dogs and is just a teething toy.

At four months, puppies are given processed tripe, finely chopped and passed through an electric or manual meat grinder. Tripe can be given in the same form old dog who no longer has teeth.

Many dog ​​breeders as an alternative ready-made feed chosen as food tripe for dogs. Let's try to figure out what kind of product this is, whether it is useful and how to give it to your pet.

What is tripe for dogs

Tripe is part of the stomach of a cow, so on the shelves you can find it under the price tag called “beef tripe.” This gastric section is very important for a cow, because it is in it that the first stage of digestion of grass and hay takes place. The muscular section of the stomach can hold up to fifty kg of food and has thick but at the same time elastic walls.

The inside walls are lined with special villi, which secrete enzymes necessary for the breakdown of food. The color of unpeeled tripe is unattractive for dogs - ranging from light brown to black. Releases during cooking bad smell.

What kind of scar is there?

This product can be divided into two categories:

  • Crude;
  • Purified.

The latter differs in color, it is light gray, closer to white. It is obtained industrially: the untreated stomach, after washing, is placed in a drum, at the bottom of which there is a ribbed disk. Under the influence of steam and boiling water in the drum upper layer The scar, namely the villi, are welded and then removed with a rotating disk. The final product, ready for use, is practically odorless and pleasant in appearance.

Why is tripe so popular among dog breeders?

It is believed that such nutrition has a full range of vitamins and minerals necessary four-legged pet. Among the vitamins we can highlight B1, B2, minerals: potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and others. Puppies can also be fed this product. Vitamins for puppies contained in the product, provide beneficial influence on a young body.

Many breeders prefer to feed their animals with unpeeled raw tripe, since it contains the most nutrients. However, such nutrition is fraught with helminth infection.

Frequency of rumen feeding, portion

Do not forget that tripe for dogs is a by-product and the amount of microelements needed by a growing body is limited. Therefore it is not recommended to give this product puppies and adult dogs daily. It is enough to use two or three feedings per week, preferably daily feedings with regular natural nutrition.

In the case of puppies, use is possible from six months. Digestive system The baby must become stronger to digest this product, so it should be introduced into the diet gradually. Otherwise, diarrhea may occur.

It is strictly not recommended to give this product along with dry food. The fact is that the enzymes necessary for the breakdown and “drying” of the rumen are different. And this leads not only to increased stress on the gastrointestinal tract, but also to stomach upsets. In this case, the puppy also experiences diarrhea.

Product portion for adult dog It is calculated simply: 100 g per 10 kg of weight. It is clear that Irish Terrier breed will require more product than Chihuahua or Bolognese.

Methods for preparing tripe for dogs

This delicacy is easy to prepare, here are some recipes:

Raw tripe:

Uncleaned beef stomach is purchased. When choosing pieces, you must be guided by the minimum amount of fat.

Tripe for dogs is washed and cut into pieces according to the dog’s weight for exactly one feeding. You can also immediately cut the portion into smaller pieces or do it later.

The pieces are packaged in bags, after which they are placed in the freezer for three days. It is necessary to do this, as this will kill a number of harmful microorganisms, including helminths.

When feeding, the portion is defrosted and doused with boiling water. Boiling water also serves as a disinfectant. It is important to remember that such food should be given at room temperature, otherwise the pet may simply get sick.

Boiled tripe:

Pieces of the stomach are washed and excess fat is removed.

Place in boiling water and keep there until it boils.

Take out and cool.

Cut into portions and place in the freezer.

The portion is taken out and doused with boiling water.

It is worth noting that during cooking the smell is not very pleasant and the pan is difficult to clean afterwards. Accordingly, to prepare this dog dish It’s better to get separate dishes.

There are other cooking methods.

When feeding a dog tripe, it is important to remember that such a product should not be the main one in the diet, moreover, regardless of heat treatment while cooking

Most novice dog breeders are very particular about choosing a diet for their pets. They know that it should be based on meat and offal. What is beef tripe? How is it useful, and how can it be prepared for tailed friends?

Briefly about the product

This offal is a section of the cow's stomach. It looks completely unsightly. But very useful for dogs. Beef tripe is a bag of muscle. The first stage of digestion of hay, grass, and silage, which the cow feeds on, takes place in it. Interior The scar is covered with growths. They resemble villi. The color of the scar can be light brown or grayish green. Perhaps the most disgusting smell is the smell of tripe. Many dog ​​breeders say that you almost have to wear a gas mask to handle it. Despite this only drawback, the offal is very useful in the diet of dogs. What exactly? In its raw form, the product contains many enzymes that improve the dog's digestion. It contains many microorganisms that improve the health of the canine intestinal microflora. The product has a reasonable price. You can buy it on the market unpeeled or purified. By the way, in Rus' they liked to fry the latter with onions, and it was a very common dish on the table in villages.

Note that unpeeled tripe is still healthier for dogs, since it contains the above useful material, which we buy in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores as special additives, paying for them amounts several times greater than for this by-product.

Let us remember that all dogs descended from wolves. Predators, as a rule, eat the stomach and contents of their prey first. This is why it is recommended that dogs be given raw tripe. But to avoid infection with worms, this product must be frozen for three days.

About the intricacies of feeding the product

Breeders recommend feeding young pets beef tripe from 6 months. The amount of it the first time should be small, because it is not an easy product to digest and can cause digestive upset. Observe your pet after eating the first portion of a new dish. Beef tripe should not be a common component of the diet. It is enough to give it 3-4 times a week, replacing one feeding. As for the portion, it should be no more than 100 grams of product per 10 kilograms of pet’s weight.

Experienced dog breeders recommend buying an offal and immediately rinsing it thoroughly; if there is a lot of fat on it, then cut it off. Then you need to divide it into portions, put it in bags and place it in the freezer. This makes it easier to defrost and cook later. The product must be frozen for at least three days.

How to cook beef tripe for dogs?

The product is taken out of the freezer, defrosted, cut into 2 cm pieces and scalded with boiling water. It is in this form that the offal for pets will be most useful. But you can prepare a variety of dishes from it. This depends on the owner’s availability of free time and the taste preferences of his pet.

It is important to consider one rule: raw meat products should only be mixed with raw vegetables, and boiled - with boiled porridge or other dishes. Therefore, you can cut the tripe into pieces and mix with raw broccoli, carrots, and beets. It depends on the dog's preferences. If she likes porridge, then you can cook one of them and cut the offal into pieces, season vegetable oil. In its raw form, tripe can be mixed with quail eggs- many dogs like this dish, and it is very healthy due to its vitamin and mineral composition.

The product scalded with boiling water can be offered to the dog with herbs and sliced ​​cucumbers. It can also be combined with beef broth, a small amount of rye bread.

Some pets just love it green beans and pumpkin. They can also be scalded and combined with healthy offal.

So, beef tripe can be an excellent and valuable component of your menu. pet. What to combine it with - choose for yourself, focusing on the dog’s taste preferences. Introduce it into the menu gradually, observe the animal’s reaction and be sure to freeze the product before feeding it.

Is there such an extravagant dish as beef tripe on your dog’s menu? Maybe you just don’t know how to give and how to properly prepare this product? Then we will help you figure it out and tell you everything about beef tripe in a dog’s diet!


What is beef tripe?

Beef tripe is the first section of a cow's stomach. This section is quite large; it serves to “storage” the plant food eaten by the cow: hay, silage, grass. The scar looks like a large sac-like organ, which inside covered with a kind of pile. The color of the product can range from greenish to almost gray or black, depending on the age of the cow and the feed she consumed. Considering that food is collected and stored in this organ throughout the cow’s life, its smell leaves much to be desired.

Its appearance, unpleasant odor, and mucus make beef tripe an extremely unattractive food product, according to owners of four-legged pets. The same cannot be said about them, because beef tripe is a favorite treat for dogs.

And not at all because our pets have such perverted gastronomic preferences, but because their stomach is a source of valuable vitamins and enzymes. The fact is that all predators and dogs are no exception, when they caught prey, the first thing they ate was the stomach and the contents of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is there that the necessary digestive enzymes are contained, which the predator’s body does not produce, but can obtain by eating the appropriate food. In addition to the enzymes that beef organ is rich in, it contains vitamins and minerals. Therefore, some breeders believe that this type of food is the best for dogs.

After all, you can find in it:

  • vitamins - B1, B2, PP;
  • minerals - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sulfur, sodium, calcium, iodine, ash compounds.

Surely most breeders have noted a strange craving for eating excrement in their dogs. So, this is precisely due to the shortage of those digestive enzymes, which beef tripe has in abundance. Therefore, any normal veterinarian, if you complain to him about the indecent behavior of your pet, will recommend that you introduce tripe into his diet!

How to give correctly?

The following trend has been noticed: novice breeders and inexperienced owners treat beef stomach with caution, and, to tell the truth, with obvious disgust. They do not always include this product in the diet of their pets, which cannot be said about seasoned breeders and dog breeders. They praise tripe with all their might and give it to their animals almost every day and, I must say, they do this for good reason.

Tripe can be purchased in two forms: peeled and unpeeled. In markets, a cow’s organ is most often sold in its “pristine” form: in mucus and in villi. In stores you can find an industrially purified version, in which case it will have a more attractive appearance and smell. Of course, giving cleaned tripe is more pleasant for the owner, but it is this smelly and ugly organ that is most useful for dogs.

In addition, stomach cleansing occurs in a special drum, where the organ can be treated not only with steam, but also chemicals, which, naturally, is not very healthy for dogs. By the way, processed products that remain after cleansing the stomach can be used as vitamin supplement for puppies or older dogs.

So, we decided that it is better to give tripe in an unpeeled form. Next, you will need to thoroughly rinse the organ, especially its fleecy part, which sometimes gets stuck in foreign objects and pebbles. Wash it in a large basin using gloves, because the pungent smell of a cow’s stomach can linger in your hands for a long time. After hygiene procedures you can cut the tripe into strips, their size will depend on the size of your pet, the smaller it is, the smaller pieces it will need.

Do not forget that it is better to use a separate container in which you will wash or boil the tripe. This again has to do with pungent odor, which the scar has.


It can be introduced into the diet of puppies when they reach 4 months of age. At first, puppy tripe is either finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder.

Give it a couple of times a week in an amount not exceeding 10% daily value nutrition. As the puppy grows, the portion of cow's stomach for him is increased and given more often - 4-5 times a week. The product is given both raw and cooked. It is imperative to give tripe to older dogs. Since it is often difficult for them to chew, their stomach is also ground into minced meat and given approximately 200 g per day.

If you have a large dog who leads active image life or participates in exhibitions and competitions - cow stomach will help him stay in shape and gain muscle mass, you can give him daily. However, remember that tripe should not be the main source of protein for the dog; meat and offal are required.

You can see with what appetite a dog eats a cow’s stomach in the video below!

Best Recipes

Let us note that beef tripe is a delicacy not only for dogs; in some countries, and ours is no exception, cow stomach is also eaten by humans. Eat special recipes, which will help prepare it so that it becomes suitable for human consumption. For dogs, it is not particularly recommended to get too sophisticated, but if the raw version confuses you, you can prepare the stomach according to the recipes given below.

Dried tripe

A cow's stomach can be used to make a long-lasting dog treat. To do this, you only need the organ itself and a pinch of salt.

  1. First of all, the stomach is washed out.
  2. Then boil for literally 3-5 minutes, boiled tripe easier to cut into strips.
  3. Cut the strips to the desired thickness and dry them in the oven for 2-3 hours until they harden.

Such strips will replace your dog treats and will also be useful for your pet.

Stomach with vegetables

You will need:

  • cow's stomach;
  • vegetables - carrots, zucchini, peppers, cabbage.


  1. We wash the tripe and cut it into small pieces or strips.
  2. Boil it until it becomes soft, then add vegetables (you can use those you have at home).
  3. If at your home little puppy or old dog, this cocktail can be blended with a blender, which will make it much easier to consume.

Video "Beef stomach"

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Which useful elements does this treat contain?

Beef tripe is a section of the cow's stomach consisting of smooth muscle fiber. The rumen is a large muscular sac in which the initial digestion of green food occurs: hay, grass, silage.

The appearance of the stomach is unattractive: it is black-green and slimy to the touch. The inside is covered with thick pile, reminiscent of faux fur. The color of the “pile” ranges from greenish-gray to almost black.

The scar has an outgrowth in the form of another small muscular sac, the so-called mesh. Inside it is covered with small folds, similar to a honeycomb.

Why do dogs love beef tripe so much?

Tripe is the best meat food for dogs. In its raw form it contains a large number of enzymes that improve digestion, it contains many vitamins and microorganisms that heal the dog’s intestinal flora.

By offering the dog raw tripe every day, the breeder helps the pet get the substances it needs and at the same time saves on the purchase of expensive pharmaceutical drugs, containing microelements necessary for a dog.

What elements are contained in dog treats?

IN 1
AT 2

- Ash compounds.

Tripe can be purchased both unpeeled and peeled.

To cleanse the stomach, it is processed industrially. After shaking and rinsing warm water the stomach is placed in a drum, where it is steamed and hot water, as well as scraping off the thin top film.

Processing waste - small grayish parts of the stomach mucosa - is a good dietary food for puppies, old dogs and dogs recovering from serious illnesses.

The treated stomach is almost white, with a slight specific odor.

How to cook beef tripe?

When cooked, the tripe loses some beneficial properties, essentially turning into ordinary boiled meat, however, many dog ​​owners prefer to boil this product, which prevents the possibility of infection with helminthiasis.

Uncleaned tripe must first be washed before cooking, especially the “mesh”, where small pieces of wire, nails and other foreign objects may be found.

After washing, it is cut into portions and frozen, taking out as needed.

There are several heat treatment methods.

Cleaned tripe is usually already boiled, so you can simply cut it into small pieces and feed it to your pet.

What portion should I give my dog?

Uncleaned tripe serves not so much as food, but as a dietary supplement, so you should not give it in large quantities. Some small pieces per week will help normalize the functioning of the dog’s stomach.

Puppies can be given tripe from 4 months, for them would be better suited processed version.
You need to cut it very finely or mince it, give it in an amount not exceeding 10% of the total portion, 2 times a week. As the puppy ages, the frequency of feeding with rumen should be increased to 4-5 times a week, alternating the cooked product with a raw stomach.

In the same form, you can give the treat to older dogs that have difficulty chewing. To maintain intestinal microflora, 200 grams of tripe per day is enough for them.

Large dogs for which the set muscle mass is a priority, feed tripe 100 grams 6-8 times a day.

A medium-sized dog is given raw tripe daily at a rate of approximately 100 grams per meal.

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