Why do huskies have different eyes? Huskies with different eye colors: a breed feature or a defect? What eye color should you choose a husky with?

That is, for example, one is blue and the other is brown. Eye color is not a sign of purebredness.

Typically, photoreceptors in the retina develop after birth until 8 weeks of age. Retinal dysplastic dogs are usually affected within two months of birth and may be completely blind for up to one year. Dogs with retinal degeneration are affected from one to eight years, and symptoms progress slowly.

The affected animal experiences night blindness initially because the rods are affected first. The condition progresses to poor daytime vision. Owners may notice a change in their dog's personality, such as a reluctance to go down stairs or down a dark hallway. This is typical for night blindness, in which vision may improve during the day. As the disease progresses, owners may experience dilation of the pupils and reflection of light from the back of the eye. If blindness progresses slowly, the owner may not notice any signs until the dog is in an unfamiliar environment and the lack of vision is more obvious.

A characteristic feature of the breed is something else - thick wool, which is odorless and self-cleaning. It’s not for nothing that needlewomen knit various things from husky wool that have no equal in warmth.

The husky's running is so light that it feels like the dog is floating above the ground. These dogs are designed to carry light loads over long distances. In Kyrgyzstan, this breed has established itself as a show-class dog (participation in beauty exhibitions) and as a companion (a dog capable of giving love and attention).

In some animals, the lens of the eyes may become opaque or cloudy. More complex tests such as electroretinography may also be used. Both tests are painless and the animal does not require anesthesia. If no abnormalities are found during the exam, the dog can be certified free of inherited eye disease through the Canine Registration Foundation by a board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist.

Dogs adapt remarkably well to progressive blindness and can often function normally in their normal environment. Evidence of blindness is more pronounced if furniture is rearranged or animals are in unfamiliar surroundings. Affected animals should not be bred and should be spayed or neutered.


The Siberian Husky breed was bred to help the Chukchi at very low temperatures. The Chukchi relied on huskies and entrusted them with more than just a riding function. The Chukchi believe that two huskies guard the gates of heaven, turning away anyone who was cruel to dogs during their lifetime.

Legend claims that during times of famine, when people and dogs were in danger, the last two remaining puppies were nurtured on a woman's breast to ensure the breed's survival. Breeding life revolved around dogs: women chose which puppies to keep. It was the man's responsibility to teach the dogs how to ride. Huskies were also children's guardians. They also served as living heating pads. It was even measured how many dogs it took to warm the whole body. This is how the term “Two dogs = night” came into being.

Thus, developing a genetic test for this disease that could identify both affected animals and those simply carrying the gene would be particularly useful. Thus, dogs that are positive for the gene marker may either be false, may be carriers of the disease, or may have the disease. The marker test can be performed at a very early age, so potential breeding animals can be selected while they are still puppies.

The medical term for cherry eye is nyctitan gland prolapse or third eyelid gland prolapse. Unlike humans, dogs have a "third eyelid" that contains a tear hole and is located at the corner of each eye. Under normal circumstances, this gland is not visible and helps in the production of tears. For some reason that is not yet fully understood, the third eyelid gland protrudes or moves out of its normal position and swells, creating a condition known as cherry eye.

The breed standard was first registered in 1932 in the USA. Today, the popularity of the husky is so great that we can safely say that it has become the favorite of the entire planet. In Kyrgyzstan, the first breeders of this breed appeared only a few years ago, and the first official and so far only nursery “Snow Magic of the Tien Shan” was registered in 2013. Huskies are still rare in our country, but the popularity of this breed is growing every year.

Which dogs are likely to get cherry eye? Any dog ​​can develop cherry eye, but there are a few breeds that appear to have a higher rate of development in both eyes. These are Beagle, Bloodhound, Boston Terrier, Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Lhasa Apso, St. Dogs can acquire this condition at any age and it affects men and women equally.

The exact cause is unknown, but it is strongly suspected that it is due to weakness of the connective tissue that attaches the gland to the surrounding structures of the eye. Weakness of connective tissue allows gland prolapse. Once the glands are spilled and exposed to dry air and irritants, it can become infected and begin to swell. The gland often becomes irritated, red and swollen. Sometimes mucous discharge occurs, and if animals rub or scratch, they can injure the gland further or possibly create an ulcer on the surface of the eye.

Character traits

Husky is a cheerful, energetic breed of dog. But huskies do not like it when anyone tries to dominate them, showing their superiority. If you try to get around all the sharp corners, you will get not only a beautiful pet, but also a loyal friend. They are responsive to affection and generous in showing their goodwill. With the right approach, they are easy to learn. They are not annoying, but love to be the center of attention. Another significant advantage of this breed is the fact that they practically cannot bark; instead, they “talk” and “sing” excellently. Huskies are selfish dogs that require a lot of attention. Such a dog does not like to be left alone and will wait for you from work all day, and if the husky gets bored, then a “surprise” may await you - chewed things, torn wallpaper, completely destroyed phones and remote controls, and if there is an opportunity to also sneak out of the house, then she will definitely do this, because by nature huskies are prone to wandering. Unfortunately, Siberian Huskies fight with small dogs because they are too similar to cats or rabbits, so in order to safely introduce huskies to such dogs, a preparatory period is needed, or huskies must be kept separately from such dogs.

Treatment is very simple and consists of surgical relocation of the gland. Topical or injectable treatments with antibiotics and steroids are rarely effective in shrinking the gland and allow correction without surgery. Because the exposed gland is at greater risk of further injury or infection, prompt surgical replacement is the best choice.

At one time, surgical removal of the gland was popular as a way to correct this condition. Although this procedure is often effective, it can create a variety of problems later in the animals' lives. The gland of the third eyelid is very important for the production of tears. Without the tears produced by the third eyelid, many dogs may suffer from a condition known as dry eye. Dry eye or keratoconjunctivitis sicca is a serious condition caused by decreased tear production. When the third facial gland is removed, we significantly increase the chances of developing this condition.

Relationships with children

Huskies will do an excellent job as a friend for your children, because it is not for nothing that they are considered the most good-natured of all dog breeds. Historically, in the conditions of the Far North, all aggressive dogs were mercilessly destroyed, and this led to the consolidation, so to speak, of the “good gene.” Therefore, you should not be surprised if the dog licks the first person or child it meets. Hence the conclusion that huskies are not intended for protection or protection.

A much better and preferred surgical option is to surgically pull the gland back into place using a suture that attaches the omentum to the deeper structures of the eye socket. Most of these surgeries are performed quickly and have very few complications and allow the gland to return to normal function. After surgery, some animals may be placed on antibiotic ointment for several days.

Have you ever seen a pair of demonically glowing green or red eyes in the dark, only to realize they belong to your cute and cuddly dog? But of course, "It" is your dog's eyes glowing in the dark. It turns out there's even a very scientific and reassuring reason why their eyes glow so eerily in the dark.


Typically, Huskies shed twice a year, although males can shed once. Quite quickly, all the old fur comes off from them, which needs to be combed out. Americans call this "blowing the coat." The rest of the time, the fur does not fall off from them. Huskies feel great both in an apartment and in an enclosure. But, of course, it is better to keep them in a private house with a spacious yard. In our climate in the summer, they do not feel any particular discomfort, since the breed is adapted. This also affected the muscles of the dogs - our huskies are more “dry” than Siberian ones. But despite this, it is not recommended to keep this breed under the scorching sun for a long time in the summer.

No, this is not the starting phrase of an exorcism, although it is Latin. It means "bright tapestry". The words are also the scientific term for the reflective surface between a dog's optic nerve and the retina. Tapitum lucidum is what causes a dog's eyes to react to light exposure differently than human eyes, essentially reflecting light back through their eyes like a mirror. Rods and cones use increased light to help you see better in the dark. Dogs and other structured animals such as cats and deer can use very low levels of light.


Good natural immunity protects huskies from infectious diseases. Therefore, she rarely gets sick, but, as they say, “aptly.” Basically, all diseases are associated with the eyes (for example, corneal dystrophy) or with the heart (for example, hypertension).


Only one nursery is registered in Bishkek - "Snow Magic of the Tien Shan". The cost of a purebred puppy with documents is from $1000 to $1500. The price depends on the quality of the puppy.

My chocolate lab, Uppi, has brown eyes that are predominantly phosphorine green. One of our mixed breed dogs, Cody, has one blue eye and one brown eye. His eyes glow dark red when light shines on him in the dark, although the blue eye is more intense. Dog eye colors are not limited to just red and green. They can be all shades of blue, orange, yellow, turquoise or even purple. The reflected color depends on the amount of zinc or riboflavin in the eye cells.

Red glowing eyes at night are the result of blood vessels reflecting light. This is common in white dogs with blue eyes. Some dog breeds are known for having a certain eyeball color, although the trend is not a guarantee that they will have the color. Yellow labs have a light yellow sheen, while black labs have a dark yellow or green sheen. Miniature Schnauzers are known for their turquoise glow.

Personal experience

Our family was trying to get a husky. That's what my mother wanted. She said that this breed will not only protect the house, but also please the eye. True, our husky dog ​​was only on the father's side, and on the mother's side - a Siberian husky. But this directly affected the price - the puppy cost $300. We named her Blanda.

The dog turned out to have character: as soon as we forgot about it, it immediately made itself known. This mainly manifested itself in damage to property: chewing wires, chewing a car bumper, digging holes, getting another dog, and so on.

Eye color can also depend on other factors, such as the type of light that shines into the dog's eyes. Headlights, halogen lights, flashlights, and lights with colored filters can all cause a different glow in the same dog's eyes. Light intensity is also a factor, as is the distance between the light source and the dog, and where you stand depending on the dog's location.

I have photos of Whoopi where his eyes glow green. But in other photographs taken during the same nighttime rhythm, the colors range from red and orange to yellow. You can often indicate eye color by photographing your dog with flash while looking at you. Just try not to get them directly in your eyes with the flash. If your dog is younger than 16 weeks, their tapetum will likely be blue or purple. The color of their glow may change as they grow older.

Three months later, we first thought about giving our Bland to other people. Then I tried again to find contact with her. In general, we feed our dogs twice a day: a snack in the afternoon and a hearty dinner in the evening. Bland had to be fed three times a day: breakfast in the form of cottage cheese was added to the main meals. At the pet store I purchased various toys, bones, and anti-rodent sprays. I started going for walks with her. Initially, a circle around the house was enough for her, then the distance grew to approximately 2-3 kilometers. It became difficult for me to walk with her, and combining walks three (!) times a day with study and work was unrealistic. Therefore, her father began to walk with her, but he quickly got tired of it.

Known Eye Problems in Siberian Huskies

What color of your pet's eyes glow in the dark? Unfortunately, those beautiful Siberian Husky eyes are known for their share of common problems. Eye color does not change the risk value, these are general problems associated with the breed. Hereditary or juvenile cataract.

This terrible eye disease can appear in huskies when they are puppies. The lens of the eye develops cataracts, which reduces the amount of light that can enter the eye. This disease can cause vision loss or even wheezing blindness. It has been discovered that there is a recessive gene in the breed that causes this disease.

And Blenda began to attract attention to herself again: she broke roses with her paws through the fence, crawled out onto the summer playground at night, jumped on the table and smashed everything that was there.

So we gave it to family friends who have a small pasture. She lives there to this day. But even there she had already managed to do something bad: at night, having made her way into the chicken coop, she strangled the entire bird.

Progressive retinal atrophy. This disease causes damage to the rods in the retina of the eye. This will initially result in the dog being unable to see at night, and as time goes on it will develop into daytime vision blindness. It has been established that this disease is caused by a mutation on the X chromosome of female wheezing and is transmitted to her puppies. If the father is not a carrier of the gene, the disease will not appear in puppies. In a male puppy who has both parents with the defective chromosome, the disease can be severe, causing complete blindness before the puppy is 6 months old.

It should be noted that during the month during which we paid maximum attention to her, she did not bother us at all. She behaved quietly and strictly followed commands. Therefore, if you are seriously thinking about getting a dog of this breed, then weigh the pros and cons a million times. It is advisable that you have a house, not an apartment. And also get ready to spend all your free time on it, since huskies are selfish. Otherwise, you risk not only your money, but also your nerves.

Siberian Huskies suffering from corneal dystrophy will have a clear opacity or haze on the cornea of ​​the eyes. The disease usually does not affect the dog's vision or cause any vision loss. This eye disease affects males of the breed more than males. There is currently no cure for this disease.

It is extremely important to regularly check your Siberian Husky's eyes to ensure that the dog is not showing any signs of breed-specific eye problems. The Siberian Husky is an incredibly beautiful breed with the temperament of an Arctic dog. Huskies do best with knowledgeable owners who understand their unique temperament and need for physical and mental stimulation.

Husky eyes attract the attention of everyone who sees a representative of this majestic, proud breed, because it is precisely the intent “wolf” look that can be called their distinctive feature.

Husky - eye color

The breed standard assumes the presence of variations regarding both iris color and coat color.

The coat has a pronounced undercoat, it can be black, white, various shades of gray, brown, tan. Most often you can meet black-and-white or white-gray blue-eyed individuals; there may also be brown-eyed or black-eyed representatives, but husky with white eyes No.

If you're thinking about adding a Siberian Husky to your family, be sure to check out your local shelters and rescue organizations. The Siberian Husky arrived in Alaska during the Gold Rush. The Siberian Husky originated in northeastern Siberia and was bred by the Chukchee Eskimos of northeast Asia to pull heavy loads long distances over rough terrain in difficult conditions. Huskies were also used to herd reindeer and as guard dogs.

Also known as the Chukchi or Chuksha dog and nicknamed Husky or Sibe, the Siberian Husky belongs to the Spitz family of dogs. Today, "Husky" is primarily a pet or dog. The Siberian Husky has a wild, wolf-like appearance. The handsome husky is a medium sized dog with a light compact frame. His body is well balanced and muscular. His head may have an interesting black and white or red and white pattern. His triangular ears open forward and his almond-shaped eyes add to his anxious, piercing expression.

Each dog has a calling card of the breed on its face - a clearly defined mask, which only increases the external resemblance to a wolf. Unique and expressive eyes are also the hallmark of the husky; they can be blue, brown, olive, amber, heterochromic (representatives with multi-colored eyes are called “harlequin”). Let's talk in more detail about each color.

Husky dog ​​with blue eyes

Blue eyes surrounded by an almost black rim are the most common type of exterior of the breed. This color can be found in animals of gray-white, grey, black-and-white colors. But blue-eyed snow-white dogs are rare, so connoisseurs of the breed want to get just such a dog. Dog handlers claim that similarly colored animals are always interested in communicating with their owner, in general they are friendly towards people and cannot live without active games. As for the color of the nose of a snow-white husky, it can be either coal-black, beautifully in harmony with the rim of the eyes, or light cream, pale brown.

Blue-eyed dog breeds are quite rare, which is why the icy transparent look always attracts the attention of others. It should be noted that this iris color is allowed by the standards only for these “Siberians”.

Photo of a husky with blue eyes:

Husky dog ​​eyes - brown, black

Husky dogs are often found with a brown, almost black, tint to the iris. The coat color of such bright-eyed individuals is also quite bright, most often we are talking about a predominance of black, with white splashes.

When we talk about brown-eyed representatives, we can also talk about a pronounced reddish-amber hue. The fur of such dogs is brown in warm shades, it can be diluted with white wide stripes and spots.

Husky with different eyes

The heterochromic color always arouses the interest of ordinary people and fans of the breed. There is nothing strange in this, because they are multi-colored husky puppy eyes or an adult individual (most often brown and blue, but other combinations are quite possible) look very extravagant and exotic. Such dogs are called “harlequins” by dog ​​handlers.

Of course, you are probably wondering what could cause such an interesting phenomenon. It can be caused by a number of reasons, but only a veterinarian can reliably confirm one or another option.

Heterochromia can be complete or sectoral; in the first case, one iris is completely different from the second in color, while in the second case, different colors can be combined in one iris. "Different eyes" can also occur in cats, cows, horses and even people.

Most often, hereditary heterochromia is observed, i.e. The puppy is already born as a "harlequin". Heterochromia occurs due to a lack or excess of the natural pigment melanin, on which (the concentration in the body) the intensity of the color depends. Also, discordance of eyes is often observed in puppies obtained from crossing brown-eyed and blue-eyed individuals.

Heterochromia can occur due to illness, as well as as a result of treatment with potent drugs. If your pet suddenly changes eye color randomly, an urgent medical examination is required to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

There is an opinion among admirers of the breed that the “harlequin” is a real talisman that attracts good luck to its owner’s home. Of course, this opinion has no scientific basis, but do not hesitate to purchase a small “Harlequin” if all other exterior indicators satisfy you. Divergence of eyes is absolutely normal, it does not imply any negativity associated with the puppy’s health.

Husky eyes - photo:

Husky with blue eyes - care and maintenance features

The piercing gaze and beautiful exterior captivate many, but before you get a husky, you need to think carefully about whether you can provide the pet with proper care and withstand the willful “wolf” character.

The main purpose of this breed is sled racing, cargo transportation, and harness work, which is why if you decide to take just such a dog into your home, you should make every effort to ensure that it moves a lot. Lazy doing nothing in the backyard is not for a husky. If there are children in your family, they will be simply delighted, because they will have their own sled dog, which will pull the sled in winter. The child will be able to independently drive a sled during the cold season, and perhaps even participate in races.

Huskies also have a well-developed hunting instinct, which is why they will be simply irreplaceable for a hunter. But when keeping them at home, owners should definitely take into account the hunting inclinations of the pet. Huskies can be unfriendly towards other animals, however, such aggression is extremely rare.

Representatives of the breed do not like to be left alone, which is why, when leaving home, small puppies are recommended to be locked in a cage purchased specifically for pets. If this is a completely unsuitable option, then you can leave a wide variety of toys so that the puppy does not get bored.

In the summer, worry about your pet’s access to water and a cool place, because if you live in a private house, then “underground passages” will soon appear on the property, in which the animal will escape from the high temperature. You cannot walk your dog in the sun or practice commands with him outside at noon.

You can also keep huskies in the apartment by equipping a separate corner, located away from heating devices and not in a draft. A soft rug should be placed in the corner. The best choice, however, would be a pre-equipped enclosure, and both the bars and the flooring should be equipped taking into account the dog’s activity, energy and intelligence.

Even inexperienced dog breeders will very quickly figure out exactly how to care for the Siberian. If the pet lives in an apartment, then maximum attention should be paid to the fur (this applies primarily to the molting period). To comb out the fur, use a slicker brush, a stiff brush and a medium-sized fine-toothed comb. You should not wash the dog, this is allowed only when the dog rolls out in some kind of natural “flavor”. For an individual living in a private house, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the fur even more carefully, especially if we are talking about an exhibition specimen.

The average duration of a walk is 4-5 hours; unfortunately, not everyone can devote that much time, and dogs languish in apartments. Therefore, before buying a puppy, think about whether you can provide the animal with the necessary time and how well it will feel in the conditions of your apartment.

The Siberian Husky never suffers from a lack of appetite (if this is observed, then this is a reason to think about his state of health), he easily digests fatty and protein foods, which is why he can be offered both dry food and natural products.

Husky puppy with blue eyes - nicknames

Considering the origin of these dogs, it should be noted that American, Turkic, and Russian names are suitable for them. Do not limit yourself in your imagination, but make sure that the nickname is in harmony with the appearance and character of the pet.

Nicknames for husky boys

Abur, Agate, Adis, Air, Aitash, Aris, Baikal, Bayan, Bek, Beryl, Bryce, Bran, Butuz, Whirlwind, Wulf, West, Thunder, Count, Green, Zeus, Don, Huntsman, Esaul, Irkut, Cairo, Kibish, Kingo, Kumer, Kurtz, Kuchum, Cam, Luke, Loki, Lord, Mage, Markus, Mirage, Mishuk, May, Matt, Nord, Nick, Nemo, Pirate, Pole, Raj, Radar, Rain, Remmy, Romulus, Ruf, Rambo, Sadyr, Sky, Silver, Sultan, Suar, Tagir, Terry, Taishet, Thibo, Thor, Topaz, Ural, Phil, Frost, Khazar, Khan, Cold, Caesar, Iago, Yarosh, Hawk.

Nicknames for husky girls

Aza, Alpha, Aida, Aska, Asta, Atika, Berna, Bea, Bitta, Bassey, Blizzard, Vaida, Vega, Vesta, Volya, Daza, Daira, Delta, Donna, Haze, Egoza, Elka, Jozi, Winter, Indira, Kaffy, Kera, Kena, Moon, Avalanche, Lucy, Blizzard, Marel, Maya, Nora, Norda, Oda, Octave, Puma, Blizzard, Bullet, Flame, Rassie, Rally, Rudy, Fairy Tale, Siberia, Arrow, Pine, Mystery, Tundra, Taiga, Tigra, Ulya, Uma, Helma, Chloe, Herry, Celli, Tsita, Tsya, Chaika, Chara, Chita, Shella, Shahinya, Eira, Elsa, Esther, Ugra, Yula, Yurma, Java, Yara.

The optimal number of puppies in a litter should be 4-5, but often more babies are born. 500-600 g is the average weight of a newborn. In the first days, the only food for babies is mother's milk. If you notice that the puppies are acting restless, then most likely they need supplemental feeding; there is not enough mother's milk.

As soon as the puppy appears in the owner’s apartment, it is necessary to immediately accustom him to commands in an unobtrusive manner. The main commands that a pet must master: “Fu”, “Place”, “Come to me”, “Lie down”, “Sit”. Give commands with strict intonation; if everything is done correctly, then do not forget about tasty encouragement and kind words. An eight-month-old puppy must master all the commands and also clearly know the rules of behavior in the apartment and on the street, because from this age huskies usually demonstrate disobedience and love of freedom.

Now you know, what kind of eyes does a husky have? Maybe you know how to properly care for the breed and what name to give the puppy.

Huskies are incredibly beautiful dogs. They were given to us by the vast snows of the Siberian expanses.

There, people needed a reliable assistant, a devoted friend, in whose veins the blood of representatives of the wolf pack and northern breeds was mixed.

Despite their kinship with wild animals, they are very friendly, completely unsuited for hunting and fierce battles.

In contact with


Description of the breed

Most dog breeders are unable to resist the angelic appearance of these unearthly creatures.

They have a proud posture, elegant gait, luxurious fur, a fluffy sable tail, and erect ears. The variety of colors is amazing - from exclusively white tones to pure black shades. There are also gray, fawn, red or brown markings on the coat.

All representatives of this breed have a mischievous, cheerful appearance, but they are all different by emotional nature. Animals with brown or blue eyes look at the world around them differently, and huskies with different eyes differ in that each shade of the eye leaves an imprint on the expression of the muzzle.

Some even have a nose of different colors, combining black, brown or beige tones. There are dogs with snow-white noses with pink splashes.

People from snowy Siberia have different eyes – a fairly common occurrence. A pet's left eye can be brown and the right eye blue and vice versa. However, this is not at all a sign of pathology. Breed standards allow them to be classified to full-fledged huskies.

Features of character and intelligence

Both in terms of external appearance and other characteristics, these are the same members of a dog pack as their relatives with the same eye color. The difference in their shade does not in any way affect the animal’s disposition or state of health. Their behavior is peculiar, but it is characteristic of all huskies:

  • craving for open space, spirit of freedom;
  • Availability sleeping hunting instincts– if you don’t train your pet, he will be kinder than a cat, but after targeted 2-3 sessions he is quite capable of tearing small game to shreds;
  • tendency to stubbornness, attempts to dominate;
  • the ability to understand gestures and facial expressions of the owner;
  • can manipulate a person in order to receive a treat or praise;
  • They do an excellent job with the bolts on the doors, and then mask the traces of their mischief.

They have a very kind character and excellent mental abilities. The only negative is gullibility. Don't let your dog out of your sight while walking, otherwise she will become a victim of scammers.


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Why do they have different eyes?

In science, this phenomenon is called pigment imbalance of the iris or heterochromia. Different colors can be congenital or acquired during the pet's life.

Scientific explanation

The variety of colors in the irises is a consequence of the lack or excess concentration of a special pigment - melanin in the animal's body. The concept has Greek roots, and translated into Russian means “a different color.” The content of this pigment becomes a decisive factor in determining eye color. If its balance is upset, heterochromia occurs. This means that there is too little or too much melanin.


This feature can be expressed in full or in part - by sector. The first type implies a clear difference in the shades of the irises. In the second case, different tones are present in one eye, part of which is painted in a different color. Therefore, one eye can be blue, and the other half brown with blue splashes.

Pigment imbalance is typical not only for representatives of this breed. This is typical for cats, horses, and cows. Sometimes it happens to humans.

How do they socialize?

Huskies treat their owners with warmth and tenderness. They love communication with people or with their relatives. You should be careful so that the dog does not fall into the hands of kidnappers.

She is not suitable as a security guard. The exception is when the animal goes through all stages of quality training. Most of all, pets with heavenly or brown eyes are suitable for family entertainment and a pleasant pastime with their participation.

Relationships with other animals

Representatives of this breed are pack dogs, so they prefer cheerful company. They get along well with their brothers, even if they are not of the same breed. They get along well with cats. A kitten that grows up with it has a better chance of making friends with a dog. Older dogs can take children under their care.

How do they behave with children?

This is an ideal option for families with children. Huskies will find a common language with toddlers, preschoolers or teenagers. You can safely trust them to look after the children while you are busy with household chores. They love to play together and become good friends.

Pets with a beautiful fur coat and a heavenly look have unusual voice timbre, the manner of sound reproduction. They don't bark. Instead, you can hear a soft sound reminiscent of a melody. This gives them the opportunity to calm and lull crying babies with their voice.

Price of a dog

Multi-colored eyes do not in any way reduce the number of fans of this breed. Its shaggy representatives are also loved very much, despite this phenomenon.

Some people are frightened by the possible reaction of others, but in reality you are taking a dog for yourself, and not for passers-by. What they may think or say is just your illusion. Differences in color may not be noticed, especially when such a mischievous face is looking at you with sincere interest.

A husky puppy will cost you within 120-250$. A funny little one in a beautiful fur coat will become a good friend, your source of positive emotions. If you want to buy a dog cheaper, look for amateur breeders. In dog kennels the price will be high.

Command training

Pets with different irises are also trainable, like the rest of their fellow tribesmen. In this case, certain conditions must be met. It is advisable that during training they at least a little fulfill their natural mission - drag something behind their back. It could be a person, a sled, a backpack.

Even in the process of becoming familiar with the commands, there should be game element. Huskies need dynamics; they find it difficult to stand still or perform monotonous tasks.

Nuances of training

It is better to start training from six months. You can do this yourself if:

  • choose a single line of behavior that all household members will adhere to;
  • eliminate physical punishment - use distraction instead;
  • praise and give treats more often for worthy execution of a command;
  • repeat 10-15 times.

The psychology of this breed is such that the whip method does not work here. You will achieve more kind but demanding attitude.

The need for loads

Huskies are typical sled dogs. Their muscles constantly require movement. Ordinary walks are not enough. Organize an obstacle course and take your pet with you while cycling. In winter, feel free to harness your pet to a sleigh.

A dog with different colored eyes will be your good friend. Perhaps it will bring you good luck, becoming a lucky talisman for its owner.

American biologists discovered an unusual mutation in the genome of Siberian huskies. This genome is responsible for the piercing blue “icy” eyes. As the scientists said, in 2 years of work they managed to collect a set of dog genomes and conduct the largest study. Currently, scientists are trying to find mutations and genes that are associated with many changes in dogs' traits and their susceptibility to various diseases.

Scientists have concluded that people were able to domesticate dogs back in the Stone Age, even before the large-scale domestication of other animals. As many researchers explain, this happened due to the omnivorous nature of the ancestors of dogs, who were able to eat the same food as people. It remains unclear when our ancestors were able to tame them; some scientists believe that this happened 10-18 thousand years ago, others claim that it happened more than 36 thousand years ago.

Several regions claim to be the homeland of dogs, including Europe, Altai and Nepal. Recently, scientists were able to find out that all dogs descended from one common ancestor. This forced the American scientist Aaron Sams and his colleagues to study the genetics of dogs more deeply, for this they helped breeders accurately determine the breed of the dog and learn about possible diseases. To do this, they analyzed sets of small mutations in their DNA. During their work, they collected a huge collection of genomes of various breeds of dogs, which gave them the idea to solve one of the most interesting mysteries - how the eyes of Siberian huskies, one of the oldest breeds on earth, became bright blue.

Sometimes blue-eyed dogs are found among other breeds, but this is extremely rare, unlike husky dogs, where every second dog is born with “icy” eyes.

Scientists, after analyzing all genotypes, came to the conclusion that all blue-eyed dogs had mutations near the PMEL17 and ALX4 genes. It is worth noting that anomalies in the structure of the last gene were found in almost all huskies, but were absent in other breeds. Upon further analysis, it became obvious that part of this gene doubled in blue-eyed dogs, becoming longer by about 100 thousand “letters”-nucleotides.

This section of DNA controls the activity of another gene, which is associated with the work of melanocytes, pigment cells of the eyes, skin and other parts of the body. It is assumed that thanks to it, the cells of the iris release more light pigment molecules.

As the researchers noted, the discovery of this gene will help trace the history of the evolution and domestication of huskies, and will help breeders understand what kind of eyes their offspring will have, reports.

These undoubtedly popular and cute dogs attract the attention of animal lovers not only with their soft long hair, pleasant beautiful color and kind, friendly character, but also with their unusual eyes.

The resemblance to a wolf is given by a face frame, or a mask, which can start on the very bridge of the nose and extend onto the forehead. This variety of colors is sure to be found among representatives of the Siberian breed.

The most striking feature of this northern breed is, of course, blue eyes.(photo will follow). Previously, they believed that a dog with such an appearance was a defect, since it was believed that such puppies might have visual impairment. In the exterior of the Siberian Husky breed, the blue color of the iris is the most common and is actually stated as the standard for this particular breed variety. The most common are black and white huskies with blue eyes.

Reference. There is such a variety of huskies as white-haired, which have the same color of the iris. These dogs are a real treasure for dog lovers and are extremely rare. The exterior options also include brown and black eye colors, which is also the norm for pure origin.

Different eye color

The possible relationship of the breed with the Taimyr wolf gives the dog’s gaze a special coldness and mystery, especially if the eyes are blue. But, in addition to the light, sky blue or gray color of the eye iris, the Siberian Husky has black and brown. It is found very often, has a rich, deep tone and goes well with different nose colors (they are not only black, but also beige, flesh-colored with pink streaks) or the color of the dog’s coat: red, beige and white. Representatives of other variants of the breed, not Siberian, have eyes that are reddish and light brown, and also with an olive tint.

Husky with different eye colors

The rarest case is the presence of heterochromia of the eyes, colored differently, which gives the dog’s appearance even more mystery and beauty. This is a special sign when one eye of a dog is blue and the other is brown, such heterochromia is called complete. It also happens that one eye can be a completely even tone, without any inclusions, and the second will not only be a different color, but will also include a different shade, as well as spots and dots. This case is called sectoral heterochromia.

What is the name of

Odd-eyed dogs are very popular among breeders, as they are of great interest at various exhibitions. And, in principle, any owner will be pleased to boast of such a faithful friend at home. Huskies with this feature received the nickname Harlequins from dog handlers. They say that such a puppy will bring good luck and happiness to the house.

Norm or defect in the breed

This phenomenon is normal for this breed and does not imply the presence of any disease, etc. Puppies with heterochromia are sometimes sold for a higher price, although, in fact, such a cub will not differ from others in anything except the eyes.


The main reason for the appearance of this feature may be a hereditary deficiency or, conversely, excess of melanin - a substance that is responsible for the color, intensity and brightness of the color of fur, skin and eyes. It is also likely that crossing a blue-eyed dog with a brown-eyed dog will result in a mixture of the two colors.

IMPORTANT! If the eyes have become different over time, that is, this was not a congenital sign of the puppy, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, as this may indicate the first manifestation of a possible pet illness. This breed, unfortunately, has a predisposition to eye pathologies.

What eye color do albinos have?

Albinism from birth deprives the pigmentation of color, which means that the eyes should be light. Albinos themselves are very rare and may have a light blue tint to the iris. However, cases of heterochromia in an albino puppy cannot be ruled out.

When is puppy eye color determined?

Almost all newborn dogs' eyes always have a bluish, bluish tint. Just like everyone else, Husky cubs begin to open their eyes on the 18th–20th day of birth, and the retina is fully formed on the 21st–22nd day. Then, when the puppy is six months old, the color begins to change rapidly and does not always remain blue.

IMPORTANT! If the iris appears cloudy or there is some swelling, you should consult a specialist.

The eyes of a husky can certainly be considered the hallmark of this breed, despite the amazingly beautiful color. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that for many lovers of these animals, the main association with this breed is eye color. And as it turns out, blue is not the only option.

Many people dream of owning a . The variety of dog breeds is huge. Blue-eyed Husky dogs so they attract you with their beauty. Is it worth getting such puppies?

Husky puppies

Husky puppies

This breed of dogs has become popular recently. However, owners do not always take into account the characteristics of these dogs and may be disappointed after purchasing a husky. How to avoid possible dissatisfaction and unpleasant aftertaste after choosing a husky? How are they different from other dog breeds? Is it possible to hold husky puppies and their adults in a small city apartment? What are the features of their behavior, maintenance and care. Laikas and Malamutes are often confused with Huskies. Outwardly they are very similar, but their behavior is different. How to recognize them?

Husky puppies

The peoples of the northern lands: the Eskimos and the Chukchi, were the first owners of this ancient breed. The name "husky" comes from the name of the nationality "Eskimo", "Eski". Subsequently, it passed on to animals with some modification. This is a medium-sized dog breed with a husky muzzle that resembles a wolf's profile. The fur of this animal is quite thick and very beautiful. A special feature of husky dogs' eyes is their color. It comes in bright blue, gray and almost white. Puppies of this breed are distinguished by their unusual playfulness and liveliness, they love their owners and are relatively cheerful.

Husky breed - wolf profile

Is it worth buying husky puppies?

What conditions are necessary for his happy life?

1. Husky breed was bred for riding purposes. They were used to transport goods and transport people over long distances.

2. This type of dog is not suitable for hunting. Therefore, for such purposes it is worth choosing a different breed of dog, since they are completely useless in hunting.

3. Huskies cannot be used as a guard dog, as they do not have the necessary qualities. This affectionate animal loves people so much that it cannot distinguish an enemy or a thief from an ordinary person and will treat all passers-by with equal tenderness. Husky owners share their impressions of huskies, emphasizing that dogs allow strangers to step over them without pouncing on them and giving them a friendly wag of their tail. When dog handlers try to make huskies aggressive towards a stranger, the result is absolutely sad: the huskies receive a blow to their psyche and become dangerous not only for strangers, but also for their owners.

The conclusion is this: Huskies are absolutely not suitable as a hunting dog. They are also not suitable as a service dog.

4. The favorite animal of many people is not picky about where they live. They can live in an apartment, in a rural area or in a country house. However, it should be kept in mind that Huskies are very active animals. They are big fidgets. This breed of dog needs a burst of energy, frequent walks and sufficient physical activity. These cute animals have significant intelligence and curiosity. You can play with them intellectually and use them in frisbee games. The husky puppy will happily run after the flying disc and bring it to its owner in the hope of playing again and again.

When buying a husky, you need to take into account the need to go out for a walk with the dog a couple of times a day or once, but for a couple of hours. You need to run, jump, frolic with them. This breed of dog needs active rest. Otherwise, if you have little free time and a long work schedule, you shouldn’t torture your dog; it’s better to give it to a neighbor’s child, who will provide it with a decent pastime.

A selection of jokes with Husky dogs


Huskies do not like loneliness; being in an apartment for a long time without an owner is tantamount to death for them. There are frequent cases where dogs escaped from the house through the window in search of communication with other dogs or people. If a husky is alone at home for a long time, then it can damage your property, things, and household items, trying to play and avoid boredom. It makes no sense to lock huskies behind a fence; being tall, it is not an obstacle for them. You should not keep such a dog on a leash; it experiences this especially sensitively.

5. Feeding the husky. The Chukchi and Eskimos fed dogs in the winter, releasing them to hunt for food only in the summer. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your husky while walking around the city. Your dog may attack other small dog breeds, mistakenly thinking they are gophers or other small rodents. Village residents should remember that huskies love chickens and other poultry. Keep an eye on your pet as it walks; it may bring you a dead cat or other small pet that it caught as a trophy.

6. Another disadvantage that not everyone knows about is the color of the husky’s eyes ( See photo of husky with blue eyes below). Some aesthetes who chose this breed for its blue eyes may be disappointed by the fact that the eyes tend to fade with age. The special turquoise of a dog's iris can turn white over time.

Photo of a husky with blue eyes

Photo of a husky with blue eyes

7. Husky dogs They don't know how to bark. Never. This magnificent breed may surprise you with its wolf howl, but you will not hear their bark.

These four-legged beauties love people very much. They have the grace of a wolf and captivate everyone with their eye magnetism. Such dogs never bite people or attack them. Unless you spoil their psyche from childhood, trying to re-educate them and instill in them aggression.

A Husky dog ​​will be a real companion for your child; it will not let you rest in peace. Only active recreation, live communication, sports, running, games, obstacles - that’s what this four-legged miracle of nature will require from you.

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