Are roasted sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds healthy? Benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds Roasted pumpkin seeds benefits and harms

Do you love pumpkin seeds? For many years now, pumpkin seeds have remained the most sought after and most popular seeds in the world. And the point here is not only in the size and amazing taste of the seeds. It’s just that this is the same product that, in addition to pleasure, gives us invaluable benefits.

Pumpkin first appeared in Central America, where this vegetable was one of the staple foods of the local Indians. Much later, the conquistadors learned about the pumpkin, who highly appreciated the juicy pulp of the vegetable and brought it to Europe, from where the pumpkin spread throughout the Earth. Here humanity learned that the true value of pumpkin is not in the pulp, but in the seeds, which are the most important component of human nutrition, giving him health, youth and beauty.

Valuable composition of pumpkin seeds

To understand what benefits pumpkin seeds can bring to the body, you need to look at their composition. And it is truly diverse and unique. The seeds of this vegetable are a generous source of vitamins C, E, A and K. Moreover, vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, is presented in all forms, which makes pumpkin seeds an ideal product for cleansing the body and strengthening defenses.

Pumpkin seeds also contain various minerals in abundance. So, in terms of zinc content, these wonderful seeds are second only to oysters. In terms of the presence of phosphorus, pumpkin seeds are real record holders, because 100 g of this product contains 153% of the daily requirement of the mineral. Plus, this product contains 148% of the DV for magnesium and 100% of the DV for manganese! But besides them, pumpkin seeds contain potassium, copper, selenium, iron and many other minerals needed by the body.

But fatty acids give white pumpkin seeds special value, among which the most useful are: caffeic and phenolic, sinapic and ferulic, nicotinic, coumaric and vanillic acids. It is thanks to beneficial acids that the fat content in this product reaches 45.8 g per 100 g of seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are a generous source of vegetable protein (24.5 g per 100 g of raw material). Moreover, what’s interesting is that over time the nutritional value of this product only increases, because when seeds are stored for more than 5 months, the amount of protein in them increases significantly!

Finally, fans of proper nutrition will be interested to know that the calorie content of pumpkin seeds reaches 541 kcal. However, this product is still included in the diet of people on a diet, and all thanks to the large amount of fiber.

Beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds

Now let’s talk about the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds that this amazing product has.

1. Strengthens the immune system. Thanks to the high zinc content and the presence of vitamins E and C, pumpkin seeds seriously strengthen the immune system, reducing the body's susceptibility to infectious diseases. In addition, selenium helps strengthen the body's defenses.

2. Fights infections. The seeds in question have a pronounced antimicrobial effect, and all thanks to lignans - phenolic compounds that actively eliminate fungal and viral infections.

4. Helps produce serotonin. The seeds in question contain a lot of tryptophan - another valuable amino acid, which, when ingested by the body, is converted into serotonin - the “happiness hormone”, which improves mood and prevents the effects of stress. And closer to night, serotonin turns into melatonin - another valuable amino acid that regulates the day and night patterns, normalizing our sleep, and perfectly calming the nervous system.

5. Strengthens the cardiovascular system. Due to the high content of magnesium and potassium in the seeds in question, the functioning of the heart muscle and vascular system is supported. This means that literally one handful of white seeds per week will be an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, eliminating vascular spasms, dissolving blood clots and preventing the development of heart failure, and therefore protecting our body from heart attacks and strokes. The seeds are useful for hypertension and effectively stabilize blood pressure.

6. Strengthens bones and joints. The high content of phosphorus and zinc in pumpkin seeds strengthens bone tissue, thereby preventing bone fractures and significantly reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis. Moreover, it has been noticed that people who regularly consume seeds are less likely to suffer from spinal diseases and do not suffer from joint pain. According to doctors, the numerous oils present in this product have such a beneficial effect on the skeleton. It is not without reason that such oils are widely used in the treatment and prevention of arthritis.

7. Strengthens the nervous system. Pumpkin seeds contain B vitamins and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which strengthen the nervous system and guard the body, protecting it from neuroses, nervous tics, nervous disorders and other consequences of stress.

8. Prevents urolithiasis. Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds prevents the formation of calcium oxalate in the urine, which is an excellent prevention of urolithiasis. An effective diuretic.

9. Improves digestion. Due to their high fiber content, seeds improve digestion, normalizing stool, relieving stomach cramps, preventing gas formation and eliminating other problems with the functioning of this organ.

10. Normalizes blood sugar levels. Many people do not know about this, but eating literally 20-30 g of seeds per day allows you to normalize insulin levels in the blood. Doctors are well aware of this and recommend introducing this product into the diet of people suffering from diabetes.

11. Improves cognitive functions. Their significant zinc content improves the functioning of the brain, strengthens memory, and reduces overall human fatigue.

12. Normalizes liver function. Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, which supports liver function and even reduces cravings for alcohol.

13. Remedy for seasickness. The beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds include the fact that they help during nausea caused by severe motion sickness when traveling in automobile, water or air transport.

14. Helps with toxicosis. Pregnant women in the early stages are saved from severe nausea with pumpkin seeds.

15. Cleanse the body of heavy metals. Doctors believe that pumpkin seeds remove harmful lead and cadmium from the human body.

16. Remedy for burns. Pumpkin seeds perfectly treat various burns and difficult-to-heal wounds. To do this, a paste is prepared from them, applied to the wound, and left for several hours.

Raw or fried

Many people wonder what is the best way to consume pumpkin seeds – raw or roasted? Scientists are categorical in this regard: during the heat treatment process, this product is deprived of valuable substances. At temperatures above 90°C, essential oils evaporate from the seeds, and an oxidation process occurs, which not only does not contribute to the health of the body, but also provokes an increase in the number of free radicals. In this state, the product becomes dangerous to the body. Thus, you can get the maximum benefit from pumpkin seeds if you consume them raw. Roasting the seeds, much less salting them, is not at all necessary. Just place them on a baking sheet and dry them a little in the oven so that they acquire a delicate aroma and a pronounced nutty taste.

Harm of pumpkin seeds

Despite all the benefits pumpkin seeds can provide to the body, uncontrolled consumption of this product can have the most negative consequences for health. Doctors warn that excessive consumption of pumpkin seeds can threaten a person with indigestion, disruption of the nervous system, and even anaphylactic shock (in case of an allergic reaction).

In addition, we should not forget that pumpkin seeds are quite high in calories, which means that people with excess body weight should consume this product with caution. And people with high stomach acidity, as well as people with gastritis and ulcers, during periods of exacerbation of the disease, should refrain from eating seeds.

Seeds and husks

The husk contains no less useful substances than the seeds themselves. However, given that the husk is tasteless, and is also completely indigestible by the stomach, it should not be eaten. But the use of such husks for the preparation of medicines, for example, decoctions and infusions, is not only welcomed by traditional healers, but also strongly recommended.

Moreover, there is a way to multiply the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds. To do this, you just need to germinate them. This is done simply: rinse the unshelled seeds and place them in an even layer on the bottom of the plate. Then fill the seeds with water so that it slightly covers them, and cover with gauze. All that remains is to send the plate with the seeds for 2 days in a dark place, not forgetting to change the water every 12 hours. According to experts, 2-centimeter sprouts are considered the most useful. You can eat the peeled seeds with sprouts as a separate dish, or you can chop them into a salad.

The use of pumpkin seeds in folk medicine

Man's health

It should be noted that pumpkin seeds increase libido and help in the treatment of male impotence. To do this, you just need to eat 30–40 seeds (preferably sprouted) per day. Among other things, such therapy will improve the functioning of the urinary system and will be a good prevention of prostatitis. But if prostatitis has already appeared, take note of the following recipe.

Treatment of prostatitis

Take 500 g of peeled pumpkin seeds and pass them through a meat grinder. From the resulting mass, prepare balls (the size of a walnut) and place them in the refrigerator. Every morning, place one of these balls in your mouth and slowly dissolve them. This treatment helps not only with prostatitis. Doctors recommend that every man undergo it at least once a year.

Improving potency

For men who have problems with potency, this treatment can be recommended. Rinse and dry 2 cups of unhulled seeds on a baking sheet. After grinding the raw material, pour a liter of boiling water over it, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. Mix the warm mixture with 3 tbsp. honey Take the finished product, half a glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months, after which a six-month break and a repeat course are required.

Women Health

Pumpkin seeds are no less useful for women. Thanks to vitamins A and E, which are also called “beauty vitamins,” as well as a high zinc content, the skin of the fair sex will be cleansed of free radicals, thereby eliminating acne, boils and blackheads. Moreover, your nails will become stronger and your hair structure will improve, which will make them stronger and stop breaking.

But more importantly, the seeds contain those same phenolic compounds, lignans, which are natural phytoestrogens. In this regard, pumpkin seeds are a real salvation for women during menopause, because the use of this product reduces the severity of hot flashes and eliminates headaches. In addition, pumpkin seeds have a beneficial effect on a woman’s reproductive function, and therefore obstetricians and gynecologists recommend that expectant mothers regularly add a handful of white seeds to their diet.

Treatment of cystitis

Peel 2.5 tbsp. nucleoli. Place them in a deep plate, pour 80 ml of water on top and add a tablespoon of sugar. Place the prepared mixture in the refrigerator for literally three hours, after which you can take it on an empty stomach, 10 g three times a day.

Eliminate menopause symptoms

To reduce the severity of menopause symptoms, you will need pumpkin milk. To prepare it, beat 50 peeled seeds in a blender along with 80 ml of water and 20 g of honey. You need to take this mixture twice a day, 1 tsp. before meals.

Removing worms

To remove helminths present in the body or to prevent infection with worms, you should eat a handful of peeled seeds daily for 2-3 weeks. Moreover, the highest content of cucurbitin, a substance that kills helminths, is found in the film between the husk and the kernel of the seed.

Treatment of helminthiasis with seeds and castor oil

During the day, you should eat 25 peeled grains 4 times after meals, and an hour later drink 1 tsp. castor oil. Duration of therapy is 2-3 days.

Treatment of helminthiasis with seeds and garlic

Grind 200 g of dried seeds, 5 cloves of garlic in a coffee grinder, and add 2 tbsp to the mixture. honey Let the product brew for 12 hours and you can take it a tablespoon once a day on an empty stomach. Duration of treatment – ​​3 days.

Treatment of helminthiasis in children

Treatment of pancreatitis

Take 5 parts honey and 1 part pumpkin seeds. Grind the seeds in a mortar, mix with honey until smooth and take the medicine 20 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Treatment of asthma and bronchitis

To effectively fight asthma attacks and cure bronchitis, simply eat 20 unroasted seeds every day.

Lack of growth

The zinc present in the seeds is a kind of growth activator, and therefore if your child’s body is delayed in growth, give him 25 peeled pumpkin seeds daily.

Kidney treatment

In case of kidney inflammation, pour a tablespoon of peeled white seeds into a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil, then remove from heat and let cool. After 30 minutes, filter the decoction and take a glass 3 times a day (the decoction must be fresh each time).

Blood purification

To cleanse the blood you will need to grind 5 cups of peeled pumpkin seeds in a mortar. The resulting mixture is poured into a glass container, into which 0.5 liters of vodka is then poured and the juice of one lemon is added. Such a sealed bottle should infuse for 3 weeks, and it must be shaken every other day. All you have to do is strain the finished medicine and you can take it 1 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals three times a day. Doctors recommend one such course per year.

Eliminate constipation

Pumpkin seeds are good at loosening stool, so this product can be used to treat constipation, including chronic ones. For this purpose, it is enough to just chop 1 tsp. peeled seeds and pour 150 ml of boiling water over it. After 30 minutes, the infused mixture will be ready for use. Take it 1-2 tbsp. up to four times a day. And for people with chronic constipation, it is recommended to consume 10–15 peeled kernels daily.

Good health to you!

Such a wonderful vegetable as pumpkin came to us from South America. It was a favorite delicacy of the ancient Incas. We also appreciated this orange beauty: who doesn’t like wheat porridge with pumpkin or baked pumpkin with feta cheese - it’s delicious, needless to say. And how many benefits: pumpkin has an incredibly large amount of magnesium and potassium - what people suffering from heart disease need. It also contains vitamin K - a very rare vitamin, it must be said, which is responsible for protein synthesis, normal kidney function, and plays a significant role in the metabolic processes occurring in connective tissue and bones. In addition to the incredibly tasty and healthy pulp, pumpkin contains equally tasty and healthy seeds. Housewives never throw them away; just dry the seeds in the sun or in the oven - and you can eat them to your health. In this article we will try to understand this issue: pumpkin seeds - benefits and harm. What will outweigh?

Before we conclude whether these seeds are needed in our diet, let's look at what substances and microelements they contain. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of oils - 35-50%, they are also a rich source of microelements, proteins, pectins, resinous substances, vitamins E, C, B. But perhaps the most important element contained in pumpkin seeds is zinc!

Pumpkin seeds. Benefits and harms

Hypertensive patients should pay attention to pumpkin seeds, since a small amount of these seeds (100 g) can normalize blood pressure. They will also come in handy for expectant mothers: just a few seeds eaten in the morning on an empty stomach will relieve toxicosis. These seeds can lower blood sugar levels in cases of such a dangerous disease as diabetes. Pumpkin seeds are used in folk medicine to get rid of worms. With their help, heavy metals are removed from the body. The only warning is that these seeds should not be consumed by people suffering from gastritis, because the salicylic acid contained in the seeds can provoke an exacerbation of the disease by increasing the level of stomach acidity.

Pumpkin seeds. Benefits and harms of obesity

As we mentioned above, pumpkin seeds contain a large amount of zinc, about 10 mg per 100 g of product, with a daily requirement of 15 mg of zinc per day. With a deficiency of this element in the body, obesity can develop, since in this case glucose is not processed, but is stored as fat. Therefore, consumption of pumpkin seeds will have a beneficial effect on overweight people. But since they contain a large amount of fat, you should not get carried away with them. If you have problems with weight, eat no more than 100 g of seeds per day.

Pumpkin seeds. Benefits for men

For men's health, consuming enough zinc per day plays an important role. Zinc prevents connective tissue from growing in the prostate gland. And to prevent adenoma, it is simply necessary to include pumpkin seeds in your diet.

Pumpkin seeds. Benefits and harms in cosmetology

You can make a whitening lotion from this product. To do this, grind two handfuls of seeds in a mortar and fill them with approximately the same amount of hot water. Let it brew. Add a tablespoon of honey. Wipe your face and neck with this lotion twice a day. Allergy sufferers should use this recipe with caution. Coming back to the zinc contained in these seeds, it can be said that it is the main element in the production of collagen in the skin. This is another argument in favor of consuming pumpkin seeds.

Bottom line

Let pumpkin seeds be present on your table every day: the harm from them is simply negligible, and the benefits are difficult to overestimate!

Pumpkin is a storehouse of everything beneficial for human health. But today we are not talking about it, but about seeds, which we simply call pumpkin seeds. We've all heard that pumpkin seeds are healthy, but we don't even think about the fact that they can harm someone.

So, the topic of today’s article is “ The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds ».

We eat pumpkin seeds as a treat. You probably remember newspaper bags with sunflower seeds mixed with pumpkin seeds, which you could buy from grandmothers on the street. Both the aroma and the unforgettable taste evoke childhood memories. Yes, now it’s becoming less and less common to find such a grandmother, because in every supermarket you can buy sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds of any taste: salted, deep-fried, and even peeled. You could try the seeds from your grandmothers before buying them. What about in the supermarket? You can't open the package.

How to choose, dry, store pumpkin seeds

Of course, it is better if you grow a pumpkin in your garden, remove the seeds from it, rinse them thoroughly to remove pumpkin fibers, and dry them on a soft cloth, stirring occasionally. You can also dry it in a preheated oven, also stirring for uniform drying. What if there is no garden?

We buy pumpkin seeds at the collective farm market. There they are sold in large bags for jars. That is, they measure with banks. That's where you can choose them. I pay attention to how dry, smooth and crumbly they are. By the way, high-quality pumpkin seeds have no odor. Only spoiled pumpkin seeds have a rancid smell.

In an apartment, raw pumpkin seeds are stored in a hermetically sealed container in the refrigerator for no more than two months. So the fatty acids of the product are not oxidized there. They do not receive light, heat or humidity.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are actively used to treat certain diseases and prevent them. But before we talk about the specific benefits of pumpkin seeds, let’s pay attention to their composition.

Pumpkin seeds. Compound

100g of dried pumpkin seeds contains:

  • fat— 50g
  • vegetable proteins– 30g
  • carbohydrates– 5g
  • dietary fiber(fiber and pectins) – 6g
  • water– 5.23g
  • ash substances– 5g
  • Amino acids– 100g of pumpkin seeds contains the daily norm of all twelve essential and eight nonessential amino acids necessary for human life.
  • Fatty acid(omega 3 and 6) – they have anti-inflammatory properties, slow down the occurrence of tumors, lower cholesterol
  • Natural acids
    • folic
    • argitine
    • linoleic
    • glutamine
    • L-tryptophan (β-(β-indolyl)-α-aminopropionic acid) - is a natural antidepressant; stimulates deep night sleep


  • Groups B - B1, B6, B12
  • PP – nicotinic acid
  • Folic acid
  • K, D, A, E, C

Micro- and macroelements:

  • Phosphorus– there is more of it in 100g of pumpkin seeds than in some types of fish
  • Magnesium– is part of the structure of DNA, proteins and bones; regulates the functioning of muscles and nerve fibers; stabilizes blood pressure; normalizes blood sugar
  • Manganese– participates in the growth and development of the skeleton; participates in hematopoiesis, supports reproductive functions, participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism
  • Potassium– participates in muscle function; regulates the volume of fluid in the body, the balance of minerals; maintains blood pressure.
  • Iron— normalizes blood composition, enriching it with oxygen
  • Zinc– by the way, WHO recommends eating pumpkin seeds as a good way to replenish zinc, which strengthens the immune system, is involved in the prevention of prostatitis, and strengthens bone tissue
  • Calcium– an active participant in the coordination of intracellular processes, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, maintaining the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, bone formation and mineralization of teeth, blood clotting.
  • Copper– necessary for the body to absorb iron, maintain blood pressure, and participate in the metabolism of cholesterol and glucose.
  • Selenium– strengthens the body’s defenses, or human immunity

Pumpkin seeds. Beneficial features

Having analyzed the composition of pumpkin seeds, there is no doubt that this product is very useful for humans as a means of preventing diseases and maintaining health. Pumpkin seeds have the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiseptic
  • Painkiller
  • Diuretic
  • Laxative
  • Eliminating gas formation
  • Improves metabolism
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Antihelminthic
  • Hepatoprotective

Eating pumpkin seeds is beneficial for the following diseases:

Many people really like the taste of pumpkin seeds, lightly toasted. They have a slightly audible nutty smell. Peeled pumpkin seeds are used in preparing various dishes. They are added to ready-made dishes: salads, vegetable stews. Grind and add to pastes, sauces, dough.

But when consuming pumpkin seeds, you need to remember that this is a very high-calorie product. And I never tire of reminding you about moderation in everything, including nutrition.

Table of calorie content and nutritional value of pumpkin seeds, per 100 grams

Product: pumpkin seeds Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calories
Raw 24,50 45,80 4,70 538
Dried 24,54 45,85 13,91 541
Fried 28,00 46,70 15,70 600
Salty 30,00 48,00 13,00 600

Harm of pumpkin seeds

Despite the obvious fact that raw high-quality pumpkin seeds are useful for maintaining human health, you need to remember about contraindications and their harm.

  • The most important! This their excessive use . Remember, in the article about sunflower seeds it was said about the quick addiction to this product and the very process of clicking the seeds. So, this applies to any seeds, including pumpkin ones.
  • In addition, pumpkin seeds contain salicylic acid . This is an aggressive acid; if the stomach is not healthy, then it can inadvertently provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  • Since pumpkin seeds very high in calories, it is better not to use them for patients with

Pumpkin seeds are often called a “miniature pharmacy.” They got this name for a reason. The thing is that the seeds of the vegetable have absorbed almost the entire list of existing trace elements, minerals and vitamins that are so necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

What do pumpkin seeds contain?

Pumpkin seeds are enriched with a number of useful substances. They contain oils, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, and proteins. Minerals include selenium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, as well as arginine, folate, glutamine, niacin, lutein, choline, cucurbitin. They contain seeds and many vitamins: all B vitamins, vitamins E, K, C, A.

Pumpkin seeds: treatment of a variety of diseases

From the outside looking in, it seems like such a small seed, but in reality it has just a huge list of beneficial properties for our body.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds have been known for a long time. They have been considered medicinal since ancient times and are used in the treatment of many diseases.

Many people use pumpkin seeds for deworming because it is the safest method of control. Not only folk medicine, but also traditional medicine will tell you this today. The advantage of the seeds is obvious: they are non-toxic and absolutely harmless to humans. And worms are afraid of them thanks to the cucurbitin present in the seeds, which is harmless to humans. This property will not interfere even with small children. The antihelminthic recipe looks like this: seeds (300 g) are ground into powder and honey is added to them. The resulting pulp is eaten before breakfast, then any laxative is taken. Or you can do this: for 2 weeks, consume one handful of seeds per day with cottage cheese or milk. And at the end of the course, take a strong laxative, for example, a spoonful of castor oil.

The seeds of this vegetable also contain a lot of linolenic acid, which is necessary to strengthen the arteries.

Pumpkin seeds are quite unusual, as they contain large amounts of omega-3 and -6 fats, which protect against cancer, counteract inflammatory processes, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases.

As we already know, pumpkin seeds contain a lot of magnesium and calcium, and they are necessary for bones, muscles and nerves, and the presence of iron determines the property of treating anemia.

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc. And it is of great importance in the life of the human body. Zinc normalizes pancreatic function, helps produce insulin, balances blood sugar levels, normalizes digestion, helps you look young longer, accelerates cell regeneration, fights excess weight, blurred vision and strengthens the immune system.

The male body is especially in dire need of zinc than the female, since the mineral has a beneficial effect on the function of the prostate gland, normalizes the secretion of testosterone, and in addition, it is also used for prevention and treatment in men. In addition, scientists say that abundance in Zinc in the body helps reduce alcohol dependence.

Pumpkin seeds also treat diseases of the bladder and the genitourinary system in general. Often, seeds help children with cases of bedwetting.

Pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Pumpkin seeds also have antidiabetic properties.

Pumpkin seed oil is one of the richest vegetable oils in composition. It is effective for diarrhea and dry nasal mucosa. Pumpkin seed oil is the basis for the medicine “tykveol”.

To treat the kidneys, a decoction of pumpkin seeds helps, and you can also apply compresses to the kidneys. To do this, 100 grams of pumpkin must be crushed in a mortar, diluting it to a paste. It is also possible to use pumpkin seeds for angina pain, and the microelements they contain have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and arteries. Pumpkin seeds are used in the treatment of baldness, because... The zinc in it has a great effect on the hair follicles.

Thanks to the seeds, it is also possible to get rid of depression.

For cystitis, cholecystitis, and chronic hepatitis, pumpkin milk is used. It is made from 50 grams, 20 grams of sugar and 80 grams of water. Grind into a mass and take before bed.

The seeds contain many substances that have diuretic and mild laxative properties. Therefore, you can take them for constipation, flatulence, and they also remove heavy metals from the body, in particular lead.

They are simply necessary for anorexia, as they help to regain weight.

For a common cold, the seeds will lower the temperature and significantly soften the cough. If you have problems with restless sleep, you need to drink seeds infused with milk or water. This will help you relax, calm down and fall asleep faster.

Even if you do not have the above disorders and ailments, a handful of pumpkin seeds will be an excellent preventive measure against them.

Use of pumpkin seeds for healthy skin and beautiful hair

The large amount of vitamins, fats and minerals in pumpkin seeds allows us to classify them as very important products for maintaining your beauty. A mixture of omega-3 and -6 fats makes the skin moisturized, soft, elastic, and adds shine to the hair.

The presence of zinc helps maintain healthy skin; it is especially important for teenagers who lack this mineral, because its deficiency leads to acne and infectious skin lesions.

The iron in pumpkin seeds helps with gray and dull skin, which occurs precisely when there is a lack of this mineral in the body.

Vitamins B3 and B6, together with zinc, help renew skin cells and maintain hormonal balance, ensuring clear skin.

Pumpkin seeds in cooking

Oil and paste are prepared from the seeds, and they are also often added to cereals, soups or baked goods (bread or muffins).

Pumpkin seeds have no side effects, so they can be safely consumed by all people of any age. You just need to take into account that the substances described above apply to the top layer of seeds, but not to their interior. And to preserve the healing properties, the seeds should not be processed (that is, not peeled or fried).

For a long time, pumpkin seeds have been famous for their unique qualities and beneficial properties. They are considered “women’s medicine” - doctors recommend that the fairer sex include them in their diet. Let's look at why this product is so valuable and useful in this article.

Calories and nutritional value

The calorie content of pumpkin seeds depends on the method of processing. Number of kilocalories in 100 grams of raw seeds amounts to 450 . Calorie content dried a bit higher - 550 kcal. Fried contain in oil 600 kcal.

Ratio of BJU in 100 grams of product:

  • - 24.5 g;
  • - 45.8 g;
  • - 4.7 g.

Pumpkin seeds contain all the necessary amino acids (glutamic, linolenic, etc.) and plant fatty acids. The product contains dietary fiber, fats and proteins of plant origin.

Important! Round pumpkin seeds are healthier than oblong pumpkin seeds.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Pumpkin seeds are valued for their rich content of vitamins and minerals.


What are the benefits for women?

Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds has a beneficial effect on the female body:

  1. The content of phytoestrogens normalizes hormonal levels and copes with menstrual irregularities.
  2. Seeds increase the reproductive function of the body and increase the likelihood of occurrence.
  3. Preserve beauty and youth, prevent the formation of wrinkles.
  4. They normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the process of digesting food, reduce nausea during toxicosis and motion sickness, relieve bloating and constipation.
  5. They improve blood counts, increase hemoglobin levels, and reduce levels.
  6. Pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on the nervous system and help with depression and stress.
  7. The content of vitamins A, B, E, K improves the body, relieves fatigue.
  8. Thanks to pumpkin seeds, they improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  9. Moderate servings of seeds are beneficial for weight loss.

Is it possible

Women often have doubts: whether pumpkin seeds help to lose extra pounds, whether they can be consumed during pregnancy so as not to harm the unborn baby, how beneficial they are during breastfeeding. Let's figure it out.

Did you know?It takes about 35 pumpkins to make one liter of pumpkin oil.

When losing weight

Despite the high calorie content of the seeds, they are used in diets for weight loss: effectiveness is achieved when consumed in reasonable quantities. It is recommended to use them in combination with other products. A small handful as a snack relieves hunger and provides the body with essential minerals and vitamins.

During pregnancy

Pumpkin seeds as a valuable source of microelements are useful in. They contribute to the normal, healthy development of the embryo. They help cope with such troubles as pregnant women and relieve heartburn. Availability of vitamin A, since many women complain of its deterioration during pregnancy.

Pumpkin seeds are an effective means of preventing iron deficiency in the body. A sufficient amount of elements in the seeds replenishes the body's need for calcium, improves skin condition, strengthens and.

When breastfeeding

Doctors recommend that women consume pumpkin seeds during the period, but with extreme caution. A large number of microelements and active substances in the seeds can cause allergic reactions in the baby. Therefore, it is better for a nursing woman to eat them lightly fried and in small portions. Roasted seeds increase the nutritional value of milk and increase lactation. Together with milk, the child receives everything necessary for his growing body.

Important! The daily intake of seeds for a nursing woman is 50–70 grams.

In what form is it better to consume and how much can you afford per day?

Pumpkin seeds are most beneficial for our health in their raw form, since after heat treatment some of the beneficial components are destroyed or evaporated. Before use, be sure to peel them. Rough shells can damage the intestinal walls and sometimes cause an attack of appendicitis. It is better to eat the seeds without salt. To make them even healthier and tastier, you can mix them with honey.

The daily value of pumpkin seeds is no more than 100 grams in two doses.

How to choose when purchasing

When buying pumpkin seeds, you need to pay attention to their external characteristics and smell. You cannot buy seeds in their purified form - under the influence of oxygen, all the beneficial substances contained in them are oxidized. The shell should be dry, intact, without any signs of darkening. A high-quality product does not have a rotten or rancid odor. When buying pumpkin seeds, be sure to taste them - they shouldn't be bitter.

Important! When purchasing, pay attention to the fact that the pumpkin seeds should have a thin green skin: it - a storehouse of useful substances.

Is it possible to fry

The need for heat treatment depends on the purpose of using the seeds. For medicinal purposes and for the prevention of diseases, it is better to use raw dried grains: they contain more nutrients. But when added to food as a seasoning, roasted seeds will enhance the taste and aroma.

They can be fried on frying pan uncovered over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Frying time in oven- from 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 100 °C. IN microwave- 5 minutes at full power. During frying, 50% of biologically active components are lost.

How to store at home

Proper storage conditions for pumpkin seeds are the key to preserving all beneficial properties. The best way to preserve seeds for a long time is dry them. The washed seeds should be spread on paper and placed under the sun or on a radiator until completely dry. Dried seeds are stored unshelled in a closed container with small holes or in bags made of natural fabric, in a dark and dry room with a temperature of about 16 ° C. They may deteriorate in the refrigerator and will be unusable. Shelf life is one year.

Use in cooking

Due to their taste and nutritional properties, pumpkin seeds are increasingly used in cooking. They are used dried or fried for cooking with alats, vegetable stews, porridges. Roasted seeds have a peanut flavor, so they are added crushed to flour, sauces, goulash, dough.
Sprinkle the crushed mixture sweet pastries and sandwiches. They are ideal as a snack.

Important!Dried at temperatures up to +75° From seedsretain all necessary vitamins and minerals.

Vegetable salad

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent component of various salads with herbs and fresh vegetables.

Vegetable salad with pumpkin seeds


  • lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • pumpkin seeds - 1/2 cup;
  • Parmesan cheese - 300 g;


Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces, add the tomato cut into slices, fried seeds and diced cheese. Season the salad with olive oil, add salt, sprinkle with herbs and grated cheese.

You can make sauces for meat and fish dishes based on pumpkin seeds.

To do this, you need to grind fresh or lightly roasted seeds and grind them with garlic and herbs to your taste, add olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The sauce is ready! You can mix it with famous sauces to create a new taste.

Did you know?In ancient times, pumpkin seeds were used to make love potions.

How can it be used for cosmetic purposes?

Pumpkin seeds are valued both in cooking and in cosmetology. Thanks to their rich vitamin composition and a complex of micro- and macroelements, pumpkin seeds effectively affect the health of the skin and hair structure. Face masks, lotions and tonics are made from pumpkin pulp and seeds.

These products tone and cleanse the skin, relieve inflammation and prevent the formation of acne, smooth out fine wrinkles.

Pumpkin seed masks are an indispensable tool for hair care. They prevent hair loss, restore split ends, give them natural shine, and eliminate hair loss.

Pumpkin oil gently cares for nails, eliminating their fragility and splitting.

Mask for dry skin

To prepare a mask for dry skin, you will need:

Rejuvenating decoction

To prepare a rejuvenating decoction, you need to grind one glass of raw, peeled pumpkin seeds and add a liter of water. Bring this mixture to a boil and leave for 2-3 hours. Wipe the skin of your face, neck, and hands with the strained tincture. The shelf life of the finished decoction is 1-2 days.

Hair Mask

Grind the peeled pumpkin seeds, pour water into them in the following proportion: 1 part crushed seeds to 10 parts water. After mixing, apply the mixture to your hair and wrap your head in a warm terry towel. After 20-30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

To enhance the effect of the mask and get rid of dandruff, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to it: eucalyptus, lavender or.

Use in folk medicine

Pumpkin seeds are known to be an effective remedy against worms. For kidney diseases and inflammatory processes of the urinary tract, a decoction of pumpkin seeds and compresses on the kidney area will help. A decoction of water or has a sedative and mild hypnotic effect, it helps you fall asleep faster. The seeds are useful for colds - they soften dry coughs and reduce fever. A mixture of 2 tablespoons of seeds ground into powder and 2 tablespoons effectively cleanses the body.


Contraindications and harm

This valuable and unique product can cause harm to human health. High-calorie seeds in large dosages can lead to excess weight gain.

If used incorrectly, the seeds cause digestive system disorders, colic, and bloating. The content of salicylic acid in them can provoke irritation of the gastric mucosa and worsen the health of people suffering from gastritis or ulcers.
So, contraindications Uses of pumpkin seeds are:

  • obesity;
  • individual intolerance, allergic reactions;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • increased acidity and the presence of stomach ulcers.

We can conclude that pumpkin seeds are a tasty and healthy product with a wide range of applications. They have great benefits for the female body, have a beneficial effect on all internal organs, help preserve youth and beauty, the main thing is not to abuse them.

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