The benefits of fish and fish products. The benefits of sea and river fish

Why do we love fish?

Fish is one of the most popular products. It is consumed boiled, fried, salted, pickled, stewed, baked. And freshly caught - even raw. Many recipes allow chefs to prepare delicious fish dishes, capable of delivering true pleasure even to gourmets. There is an established opinion that the meat of the inhabitants of the seas, rivers and lakes has a beneficial effect on the human body. Some picky consumers are trying to thoroughly understand what the benefits and harms of fish are?

Which fish is healthy?

Everything is useful: oceanic, sea, river, lake; fatty and lean; with white meat and red.
Its meat contains vitamins A, D, E.
Macro and microelements: calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, amino acids.
Contains high-quality protein that is easily absorbed by the human body.

Saturates the body with high-quality protein. Strengthens cardiovascular system, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Has a beneficial effect on thyroid gland.
Improves blood clotting function.
Helps improve vision.
Strengthens nervous system.
Improves memory.
Reduces the level of human irritability.
Improves the condition of hair, nails, skin, teeth, bones.
Normalization of the metabolic process.
According to scientists, eating fish 3 times a week increases life expectancy by 5%.

The effect of fatty fish on the human body

Scientists from Harvard University concluded that lovers of fatty fish, on average, live much longer than those who have practically eliminated seafood from their diet. On average, regular consumption of halibut, mackerel, salmon, tuna and herring prolongs life by 2 years.
The conclusions are based on a large study that was conducted over 16 years.
The subjects - three thousand people over 65 years of age - were divided into two groups. One of them regularly ate fatty fish, the second did so rarely. Doctors monitored the health status of patients, regularly took blood tests, measured arterial pressure. The state of the cardiovascular system was monitored.
Patients from the first group were 30% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Their life expectancy was on average 2.2 years longer.

Is it possible to eat fish for those who want to lose weight?

Fish - dietary product. For those who control their weight, it is indispensable. Fills the body with vitamins, macro and microelements, normalizes vital functions. Even fatty fish, due to its unsaturation with fatty acids, does not provoke weight gain. However, nutritionists warn that it is better to consume it baked, boiled or stewed. Fried food is prohibited. Vegetable oil will increase the calorie content of the dish.

Harm to fish

If the opponents' theses fish menu If you're not convinced and you're not going to listen to their warnings, it's time to figure out how to determine the freshness of your favorite food.

How to choose fish?

Fish is a perishable product and requires special conditions storage Therefore, before purchasing in a store or on the market, carefully inspect the selected specimen. Check its quality.
If you choose chilled, the fish’s eyes will tell you about the freshness of the product. Take a closer look at them. A clean look is a confirmation of freshness. Mutny should be wary about its shelf life.
The color of the meat should not have a green or yellow tint.
The pulp should be elastic.
There should be no spots or unnatural creases on the body. Otherwise, it can be assumed that this individual was frozen several times.

Fresh fish (especially river fish) may have bad smell. It should not be associated with the quality of the product. Most likely, it indicates the habitat of the selected specimen. The problem can be solved simply - keep the fish in salt water for several minutes, then wash thoroughly. The smell will disappear.
There is no clear answer to the question about the benefits and harms of fish. Listen to your body, it will tell you whether you should include meat from aquatic creatures in your diet.
Be happy and healthy.

Fish is a favorite food of millions of people around the world. The number of types of fish and recipes for their preparation is amazing in its diversity. At the same time, debate among experts about the benefits and harms of fish has become increasingly heated over the past few years. In this article we will try to understand what they are beneficial features fish and how it can harm our health, as well as how to minimize possible harm for the body. But it’s up to you to decide whether to use it or not delicious product Each person will have to decide for themselves.

Benefits of fish:
First of all, fish is a source of easily digestible high-quality protein, rich essential amino acids. In addition, fish, especially sea fish, contains many (, D,) and minerals (, phosphorus, and others), as well as unsaturated fatty acid. It is the rich composition that makes fish very healthy. Regular use Fish has a beneficial effect on the condition of almost all organs and systems of the human body.
You can read about the beneficial properties of specific types of fish in the relevant articles:

Harm to fish:
There are a number of reasons that can make even very healthy fish extremely dangerous to human health.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

For those who honor fasting, it is very important to saturate the body with protein. What, if not fish, will help to do this? But before we consume this food product, let's think about maximum benefit it for the body. After all, fish are different. Which type do you prefer - sea or river?

Fish are divided not only by habitat, but also by the fat content of their meat. It is also important to know where this creature was caught. After all, fish absorb into their flesh all the negative substances from an ecologically unfavorable environment. And carp, perch and crucian carp grown in artificial reservoirs are often fed with food waste, which makes their meat taste like pork. In this article we will consider the question of which fish is the healthiest for humans.

Food value

Russians in Lately underestimate the inhabitants of seas and rivers. Meat is increasingly appearing on tables. Is it any wonder that oncological diseases, myocardial infarction and stroke came out on top as causes of death? Let's take a closer look at the benefits of fish as a food product.

Its most important quality is the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are also called Omega-3. You will not find such compounds either in animal meat, or in vegetables, or in fruits. Some types of fish have more Omega-3, others have less. Below we will talk about beneficial effects on the body of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Another substance essential for health, found in all types of fish, is phosphorus. When there is a lack of this mineral in the body, problems with teeth, bones, and memory begin. rich in iodine content. This mineral has a beneficial effect on brain function. But the most important thing that fish is useful for is the digestibility of protein. Despite the fact that the meat of some varieties of sea creatures exceeds beef in calorie content, these fats are quickly broken down by the body. That is why fish, as nutritionists advise, should be on the table at least three times a week.

Panacea for health?

There is no “universal pill” that cures all diseases. Therefore, there is no such product, by eating which one could live a long and long life. happy life. Fish is quite low in iron, so you should get this mineral from other sources. But chemical composition The inhabitants of the waters are quite rich. When looking for an answer to the question of which fish is healthier, we should focus on the problem that worries us.

Is your heart racing? Lean on fish varieties rich in Omega-3 (salmon, sardines, mackerel, ocean herring). This acid helps to establish heartbeat, reduces blood clotting, cleanses blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.

Want to reset excess weight? Then low-fat fish varieties (pollock, hake, navaja) are suitable for you. These species contain a lot of proteins.

Increase muscle mass Cod with sea bass (sea wolf) will also help. To improve your liver health, eat halibut. To saturate your body with iodine, eat sea fish. River inhabitants (perch, crucian carp, carp, carp) will useful to people with problems gastrointestinal tract. Pike meat is an antiseptic that helps fight infection. The benefits of catfish fish have long been proven. Its sweetish meat has medium fat content and is good for the skin and nervous system.

Which fish is healthier - wild-caught or captive-bred?

This question is not as simple as it seems at first. On the one hand, the fish in its natural environment habitat feeds varied food. She moves long distances in search of food, which does not allow her to accumulate unnecessary fats. Such individuals are not exposed to stress from living in small bodies of water. All this affects taste qualities meat. But on the other hand, unfavorable ecology directly affects the benefits of fish for human body.

Individuals that live in polluted lakes and rivers may do more harm than good. Some marine inhabitants are no less dangerous to health. To the question “Which fish is healthier?” asked one hundred or two hundred years ago, the answer would be the following: Atlantic tuna. But now its population has declined catastrophically. And the meat of the animals that are caught contains dangerous mercury.

Fish living in their natural habitat are more likely to be infected with helminths than those raised in captivity. But often the inhabitants of ponds are fed with ordinary food waste, which negatively affects the taste characteristics of their meat and reduces their beneficial properties.

by fat content

All inhabitants of salt and fresh water bodies are divided into three large groups. The main criterion for classification is the saturation of their meat with Omega-3 acids. We mentioned the benefits of this acid above. It lowers the level of triglycerides in the blood, and therefore has a beneficial effect on those at risk of strokes. Fish fat also strengthens nails, teeth, makes healthy skin and hair, helps fight depression and other nervous diseases.

In this light, the answer to the question of which fish is the healthiest for humans is obvious. First of all, these are all types of salmon (salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon) and sturgeon (sterlet, stellate sturgeon). Their fat content is at least 8%. This group also includes some types of herring, eel, halibut, and mackerel.

And finally, hake, pollock, cod, saffron cod, river perch, grenadier, flounder, pike, bream, blue whiting contain less than 4% fat. But these types of fish contain a lot of proteins. The caloric content of representatives of this category is only 80-100 calories per 100 grams. product. Therefore, such fish is good for those who want to lose weight.

Let's take it apart: what do heart patients and hypertensive patients need?

To solve health problems, it is important to eliminate cholesterol plaques that can block blood vessels. And this is the best way to deal with it polyunsaturated acids Omega-3.

Which category is fat? This is mackerel. It contains many of the acids in question. But saturated fats, which can harm people with reduced gastric secretion, are quite small. Again, you need to consider in what form you consume mackerel. It is often sold smoked. It is important to understand that such processing of meat, especially with hot smoke, reduces the consumption of baked or cold smoked mackerel.

A storehouse of beauty and youth

What fish is good for healthy hair, skin, nails and teeth? One that contains a lot of vitamins E and the B line. And in this regard, how can one not remember the so-called red species of fish. These are chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, salmon, salmon. Their meat is very fatty, not inferior in calorie content to pork. But don't worry. This fat is well absorbed by the body and does not contain harmful cholesterol. On the contrary, it contains dissolved vitamins A, E and D. But most of all vitamin B, which is responsible for healthy shine of hair, ideal skin condition and strong nails, is found in salmon. There is so much of it that 100 grams of fish is enough to replenish daily norm this vitamin.

You are afraid that along with the thickness of your hair they will pester you overweight due to frequent consumption of fatty salmon? Then switch to freshwater fish species. Perch, pike perch, carp, carp, and crucian carp are considered dietary, but no less beneficial for healthy skin and hair.

For expectant mothers

Trout - healthy fish for pregnant. It is less fatty than salmon, but it contains no less Omega-3. If a woman expecting a child eats a fish dish at least once a week, she will more easily endure all the hardships associated with pregnancy (toxicosis, hair loss, etc.). Docosahexaenoic acid, which belongs to the Omega-3 type, lowers the level of prostaglandins, which affect the activity of the uterus and thus reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Any fish included in the diet of pregnant women helps normal development fetus Unsaturated acids have a positive impact on brain activity, protect a pregnant woman from nervous breakdowns. Expectant mothers should alternate sea fish with freshwater fish.

For obese people

What advice can you give to those who are losing weight? What kind of fish is healthy? For health, we can recommend pollock and hake fillets. It is also worth including dietary meat of navaga, cod and other types of low-fat fish in your diet. Such a popular product is especially tasty Mediterranean cuisine like sea wolf (another name for sea bass). 100 grams of this fish contains only 112 calories. Obese people often suffer from liver disease. In this case, they should eat halibut more often. The meat of this fish contains selenium, a substance that synthesizes antioxidants and protects the liver from free radicals. Tuna perfectly normalizes metabolism and thereby also promotes weight loss.

Fried fish: benefits and harms

This otherwise healthy food product can be dangerous when it:

  • stale,
  • grown in an environmentally unfavorable reservoir,
  • infected with helminths.

It is equally important to know how to cook fish. After all, then the accompanying products should be taken into account. Boiled fish is especially good for health. The benefits of a fried product are much less. After all vegetable oil When heated, it begins to release carcinogenic substances. But, on the other hand, fried fish such an appetizing crispy crust... No other type of product processing can produce this. There is only one conclusion: you need to fry fish in a non-stick frying pan without oil.

Many people are accustomed to perceive fish as important product nutrition. The most different fish and fish products are regularly included in our diet. We know for sure that fish is good for health, but can it To harmbody under certain conditions? The topic of today’s article on the site “Beautiful and Successful” is this is fish, the benefits and harm associated with its consumption.

Let's start with the benefits of fish

Almost any fish, both river and sea, contains many elements. For example, from our school days we remember that fish is rich in phosphorus.

There is also a lot in fish iodine, calcium, zinc, selenium, vitamins and other elements we need.

Surely you have heard about Omega-3 and Omega-6– fatty acids found in fish fatty varieties, for example, trout, salmon, mackerel.

Undoubtedly, each of these elements is important for our body and healthy life.

The rich composition determines numerous beneficial properties of fish. For example, regular use of this product:

  • Reduces cholesterol concentration in the blood;
  • Strengthens the heart muscle, blood vessels and brain;
  • Makes the brain work much more efficiently;
  • Improves general state body;
  • Improves blood quality;
  • Normalizes fat metabolism;
  • Keeps the body young and strong longer;
  • Serves as an excellent preventive measure serious illnesses, for example, angina pectoris, diabetes.

Note! Regular consumption of fish - This is an excellent prevention of strokes, heart attacks and other dangerous conditions.

Some types of fish (for example, sturgeon, herring) have a beneficial effect on immune system, eye health, skin, nails and hair condition.

It is impossible not to note the “unifying” property of fish. After all, it is around fish (most often dried, smoked or dried) that companies gather, communication in which can bring you pleasure.

That is The benefits of fish are undeniable.

But! Fish has the described beneficial properties only if it lives in natural conditions, spawns at the time set by nature and is not subject to regular “attacks” from humans.

Why can fish be harmful?

The benefits and harms of fish are determined by a similar characteristic - her rich composition. Health benefits come from a variety of natural components in the body of fish. And the harm is explained by the ability of fish to absorb all the poisons and harmful substances contained in the water.

Imagine how many of them can accumulate if Waste is regularly dumped into water bodies!

In addition, in fish living in harmful dirty water, salts of heavy metals accumulate. For example, salts of cadmium, chromium, lead, arsenic and other radioactive substances (for example, strontium-90) often accumulate in tuna and salmon. And it is the salts of these elements that can have a detrimental effect on human health.

Also, the benefits and harms of fish are “combined” age of the fish. How older fish, the more different elements accumulate in it.

Beneficial substances weaken with age. And quite a lot of harmful substances can accumulate in fish. Accordingly, and The harm from eating old fish can be quite severe.

In addition to the state of the water harmful properties fish are influenced by the conditions in which the fish are kept.

In addition to rivers, lakes, seas a large number of fish reaches the counter from the so-called "fish farms"

Did you know that fish feels pain? And what is it like for her, poor thing, to be in such habitats? Moreover, infections and diseases– a fairly common occurrence for such “fish farms”.

Undoubtedly, such fish have much less benefit than harm.

What harm can a sick fish cause?

Eating diseased fish can have very serious consequences negative impact to your health. For example:

  • Strontium-90, cadmium and others heavy metals can cause harm kidney function, adrenal glands and, worst of all, ovaries;
  • A large number of harmful substances can cause infertility in men;
  • Heavily infected fish may provoke cancer of various organs;
  • Old sick fish can spoil the blood, disrupt metabolism and provoke hormonal imbalance;
  • It is very easy for infected fish to poison and cause gastrointestinal irritation. Especially if you buy ready-to-eat fish.

Especially Sick fish is dangerous for pregnant women. Such fish not only does not bring benefits, it is harmful to the health of the unborn child, negatively affects its development, and can provoke physical disorders and mental disabilities.

And even the so-called “fish phosphorus” may not have the desired effect on the body, if the fish contains a lot of other harmful and difficult-to-digest substances.

It’s sad that there can be quite a lot of benefits and harm from fish. And the site recommends that you seriously think about such an important issue.

Fish - benefits and harm to the body. To eat or not to eat?

The question is, of course, interesting. And only you can answer it. But if you really love fish and are not going to exclude it from your diet, then Please pay attention to the following recommendations.

What kind of fish can you eat?

In order for fish to bring benefits and not harm, you need to follow basic rules:

  • First of all, that's right choose fish when purchasing. - our site has already told. Pay special attention to the size of the fish. The longer and thicker it is, the more it can contain both beneficial and harmful elements.
  • Secondly, It's better to cook the fish yourself. Nowadays, thanks to the abundance of household kitchen appliances, you can prepare real fish masterpieces. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse and clean the fish.
  • Third, be sure to control the cooking process. For example, keep a clear temperature regime and frying time. Or when steaming, watch how the fish changes color or shape. Care when cooking is the key to ensuring that the fish will bring benefits and not harm.

Finally, if after a fish meal you feel malaise or others discomfort, then do not put off visiting a doctor. It is quite possible that the cause of the malaise is the “wrong” fish.

As you can see, the benefits and harms of fish are complex and rather painful question. And it is unpleasant to realize that over time the level of pollution of water bodies increases, and, consequently, the danger to our health also increases.

We wish the beautiful and successful readers of the site to carefully and carefully treat their health and the health of their loved ones and buy only fresh quality products.

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Along with has always occupied a leading place among the favorite dishes of the world's population. For peoples living near water bodies, the main industry is fishing, and the main food is fish dishes, which are not only tasty, but also very healthy. However, not everyone knows that in addition to benefits, such food can also cause harm to the body.

Which is better - river water or the benefits and harms of consuming this product - what are they? What dishes can be prepared from fish? We will try to answer these and other questions in the article.


It is believed that the protein contained in fish is much better digestible than the proteins found in foods such as eggs or meat. Important component in fish, so necessary for the human body to build proteins, are amino acids. The fish contains vitamins PP, H, D, A, B vitamins, a small amount of vitamin C. Microelements included in the fish: phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, magnesium, potassium, bromine, fluorine, copper, calcium . Since fish contains a large amount of iodine, it is used in the treatment and prevention of diseases. thyroid gland. Its fat contains a large amount of Omega acids, so fatty fish is especially valued.

Benefits and harms

Fish meat and caviar are popular among obese people. Great content protein promotes weight loss, so fish is great product, included in the menu of many diets. However, it should be remembered that dishes containing low-fat varieties, these are: bream, hake, perch, pollock, navaga, pike.

The benefits of fish are as follows:

  • fat metabolism is normalized;
  • is improving appearance skin, teeth, hair and nails;
  • cartilage and bone tissue are strengthened;
  • blood cholesterol levels decrease;
  • the risk of disease decreases diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland, heart;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • brain function and overall well-being improves;
  • aging slows down;
  • Depression goes away.

Today's pollution environment has a detrimental effect on the quality of water in reservoirs, and toxic substances emitted by factories and factories destroy the beneficial properties, and the benefits of fish are called into question. The cleanest varieties, in which the content of toxic substances is the lowest: salmon, sea bass, tuna, trout, scallop, sardine, halibut, herring, cod, catfish.

How to identify low-quality and unfit for food fish?

1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the gills and eyes. The gills should be red, the eyes should be clear and red. If the fish is spoiled, the gills turn brown and gray.

2. Mucus on the skin and scales should not have an unpleasant odor or a yellowish tint.

3. Pressing on the body of the fish should not leave a dent.

4. The pulp should not be loose.

5. If the belly is yellow, this indicates that the fish is rotten.

6. The presence of uneven ice build-ups indicates that the fish was frozen more than once.

There are cases when a seller, under the guise of one type of fish, tries to sell a completely different one, so buyers need to know distinctive features some varieties.

In order not to fall for the bait of deceptive sellers of fish products, it is best to prepare fish dishes at home.

River fish

And dishes from these varieties are very popular. River fish species include: silver carp, bream, pike perch, carp, pike, crucian carp, catfish, sabrefish, asp.

This product contains many useful and nutrients. Use river fish will strengthen blood vessels and help cope with skin diseases. Due to its low calorie content, it is ideal for cooking dietary dishes River fish. The benefits and harms of the product should be known to everyone.

So, you need to know that river fish has a lot of small bones; it should be consumed with caution, especially for children. Due to its short shelf life, it is recommended to buy it while it is still alive.

red fish

Sea fish is considered a noble food. It is divided into red and white. White fish include: salmon, white fish, flounder, haddock, pollock, hake. Red - fish of the sturgeon family: pink salmon, chum salmon, trout, salmon, sterlet, beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon.

The favorite dish of many is sea ​​fish. Its benefits are undeniable. Red varieties are considered to be especially rich in substances valuable for the human body. Among their beneficial properties, the presence of Omega-3 fats stands out. This is the so-called good cholesterol, consumption of which not only strengthens blood vessels, immune and endocrine system, but also prevents diseases of bones and cartilage - osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis - and even cancer. Omega-3 increases the body's resistance to ionizing radiation, so people who eat red fish can safely sunbathe without the risk of getting burned or sunstroke. The benefit of red fish is that eating it helps preserve vision and makes your eyes clearer. Omega-3 fats speed up brain activity, improve attention and memory. Selenium, as well as vitamins A and D, act as natural antidepressants and protect the nervous system. The beneficial substances of red fish help maintain the functioning of the heart muscle, stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

Smoked fish

Smoking has become a popular way of preparing not only fish, but also cheese, meat, etc. Many people like it smoked fish. Benefit this method processing is that it allows you to extend the shelf life of products. Smoking smoke not only gives them a smell, but also qualitatively preserves them and protects them from harmful bacteria. Fish is not enriched when smoked unhealthy fats, and the beneficial properties are preserved quite well. Cold smoking is more gentle, because when heated, some necessary for the body substances disappear.

Along with positive properties smoking, there are also negative ones. Thus, the smoke used to process fish may contain substances that cause cancer diseases, which is why this problem prompted technologists to invent liquid smoke. It is not as harmful to the body as regular one. It should be said that products subjected to liquid smoking are inferior in taste to those processed using the hot method.


This is one of the most favorite products that decorates any table - both dinner and holiday. The benefit of fish is that herring is low in calories and contains many useful substances: vitamins B, E, A, D, microelements (iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium), polyunsaturated acids (Omega-3). The use of this product has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and lowers cholesterol in the blood. However, you should not overuse herring, especially very salty ones, because salt retains water in the body and disrupts the functioning of all organs: blood pressure rises, heart rate increases, kidneys and blood vessels suffer, and edema appears.

Fish recipes: trout stew

Braising is a cooking method that preserves useful material Moreover, this dish is suitable for diabetics and those who want to lose weight, so the benefits of fish prepared in this way are undeniable.


  • wash and clean 2 pcs. trout, discard entrails, lightly rub with salt;
  • Peel 2 onions and 2 carrots, cut into cubes or slices;
  • greens - parsley and celery - chop, but not too finely;
  • Place vegetables in a shallow pan, add salt and 15 pcs. black peppercorns, place fish on top, pour white wine and olive oil;
  • cook under a closed lid over low heat for about 40 minutes, then place the fish on a plate;
  • remaining in the pan, strain, add 40 g butter, egg white and stir quickly;
  • Pour the sauce over the fish and serve.


Any river fish is suitable for fish soup, but now that the benefits of red fish are known, when preparing traditional fish dishes, white fish is increasingly being replaced with it.


  • you need to throw 200 g of pre-cleaned fish and an onion head into 2 liters of boiling and salted water;
  • While the fish is cooking, peel 2 potatoes and half a carrot, chop;
  • Place the finished fish on a plate and cover;
  • throw potatoes and carrots into boiling fish broth, cook until half cooked, add 80 g of millet;
  • 5 minutes before ready to throw into the pan Bay leaf, 2-3 peas of allspice and ground on the tip of a knife;
  • When the soup is cooked, add chopped herbs (onion, parsley, dill).

Homemade herring

  • To pickle herring at home, you first need to make a marinade: add 2 tsp to water (2 cups). salt, 1 tsp. sugar, 5 peas each of allspice and bitter pepper, 1 bay leaf, 5 pcs. clove seeds. Bring to a boil, cool.
  • After that 2 pcs. Wash, peel, remove the entrails of fresh herring, cut out the gills, cut off the fins and tails.
  • Cut the herring into pieces, put it in a jar or deep, but not wide dish, and pour in the marinade.
  • Place in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 days.

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