Increased basophil levels in a child: reasons for decrease and increase, norms in children, necessary tests and treatment. Causes and dangers of increased basophil levels in children Increased basophils in the blood of a child causes

Large granular white blood cells called basophils, despite their small presence in tissues and blood, are very necessary for health. They recognize the foreign agent and use their powers to attract lymphocytes and other blood particles to destroy the enemy. It happens that a child’s blood test shows elevated basophils . Let's look at what this means and whether it's worth sounding the alarm.

These blood cells are formed in the bone marrow and make up about 1% of all white blood cells. Within 2 hours after formation, they enter the tissues with the bloodstream, where they remain for about 12 days. However, the short period of existence of these particles is enough for them to participate in very serious processes. The absolute content of basophils indicates the concentration of this type of leukocytes in the blood circulating through the vessels.

In the body they perform the following functions:

  • improve blood flow;
  • promote the formation of fresh capillaries;
  • support the movement of other leukocytes;
  • protect the intestines;
  • ensure the vital activity of tissues;
  • take part in inflammatory and allergic processes.

Reasons for the increase

If the child has elevated basophils in the blood , this may indicate a weakened immune system and the influence of negative factors such as allergens, toxins, various infections or helminths on the body. The reasons for the increase in this indicator are also diseases:

  • myeloid leukemia and other blood pathologies;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • interruptions in the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • influence of radiation;
  • anemia.

When a child has elevated basophils, only a professional can identify the reasons. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is not enough to just take a blood test - the doctor will conduct an examination and refer you for additional tests.

What does promotion mean?

- leukocytes, which are elements of immunity, and if they are higher than normal in the child , this is a sign of danger. These cells quickly react to processes unusual for the body (inflammation, allergies), quickly recognize them, contribute to the concentration of toxic substances in the body and prevent their further spread. This sensation is manifested by swelling, redness, burning and itching. This means that as a result of recognition of “enemies”, the number of defender cells increases. If inflammation continues for more than 72 hours, then new blood cells are intensively produced in the bone marrow, which is manifested by an increase in body temperature.

At different children's ages, the number of basophils may change. In newborns, the norm is 0.75%, in one-year-olds – 0.6%. In adolescence, this figure reaches 0.7%. A rate of 0.5% -1.0% is considered normal for an adult.

One of the tasks of basophil cells is to promote the movement of blood through small vessels and increase the number of capillaries. During the period of active growth of a child, this is the main reason for a higher basophil rate.

Simultaneously with basophils, ESR, monocytes, and eosinophils may increase. If the ESR is increased, this indicates inflammation; monocytes increase during purulent-inflammatory processes (hepatitis, tuberculosis, congenital syphilis). The number of eosinophils increases with allergies, including angioedema, some childhood infections, dermatitis, and helminthic infestation.

Dr. Komarovsky advises parents not to panic if any blood test indicator is exceeded, and to follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

To overcome basophilia, it is recommended to follow a diet rich in vitamin B12, which promotes hematopoiesis and ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system. Dairy and fermented milk products, liver, meat, and eggs are rich in this element. Sometimes vitamin B12 is additionally prescribed in injections or capsules. Sometimes it is enough to stop taking hormonal medications so that the ratio of basophilic cells decreases and the baby’s health improves.

To increase the level of iron in the body, it is advisable to take appropriate medications or eat foods containing this element (seafood, liver, vegetables, fruits, red meat).

If the level of basophils is increased, they can be reduced only by promptly starting treatment of the underlying disease. An increase in content in itself is not a disease

White cells in a child's blood are represented by several types. One of them is basophils, the name of which is due to the staining of leukocytes with special dyes. Although such formed elements are contained in a small percentage in the peripheral blood, they are very important for maintaining the health of the child. What is their function, what is the level of basophils in healthy children and why can it change?

Why are basophils needed?

This type of leukocyte belongs to granulocytes along with neutrophils and eosinophils, since granules are present inside these cells.

The basophils in these granules contain compounds that include histamine, prostaglandins, serotonins and many other substances involved in inflammatory and allergic reactions. Such cells do not stay in the blood for long (only a few hours), after which they settle in the tissues and remain there for about 10-14 days. After moving from the bloodstream into tissues, basophils are called “histiocytes” or “mast cells.”

Basophilic leukocytes are actively involved in immediate type allergies (anaphylactic reactions). In addition, due to the content of heparin, basophils are important for the regulation of blood clotting. Getting to the site of inflammation, encountering an allergen, infectious agent or toxin, basophilic leukocytes release the contents of their granules into the bloodstream, resulting in increased vascular permeability, increased blood flow and the attraction of other granulocytes. Basophils also have the ability to absorb foreign particles.

Normal in children

Basophils in a child’s blood test are determined as part of the leukocyte formula(it is also called a leukogram), therefore such cells in the analysis form are presented as a percentage of all leukocytes. The normal content of basophils in a child of any age, whether a newborn, a preschooler or a teenager, is considered to be 0-1%. If we take into account the absolute number of such cells, then the norm will be 0.01-0.065 x 10 9 / l.

Increased level

When children have elevated basophils, this is called basophilia or basophilocytosis. In this condition, the absolute number of basophilic leukocytes will exceed 0.2 x 10 9 /l.


The most common cause of an increased number of basophils in a child's blood is an allergic reaction, such as to an insect bite, eating a certain food, or taking a medication. In this case, there will be no basophilia in the acute period, since these leukocytes, in response to exposure to the allergen, leave the bloodstream and pass into the tissues.

Basophils also increase in many chronic pathologies and when infected with worms. A long-term inflammatory process or allergy are factors that activate the formation of basophils in the bone marrow and their increased entry into the bloodstream.

An increased percentage of basophils occurs in diseases such as:

  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Chronic sinusitis.
  • Nephrotic syndrome.
  • Polycythemia.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Chronic leukemia.
  • Chicken pox.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis.
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.
  • Hemolytic anemia.
  • Tumor processes.
  • Diabetes.
  • Poisoning.

If the child was treated with hormonal drugs, basophils in his analysis will also be elevated. In addition, an increase in these white blood cells can be caused by removal of the spleen, exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation, or iron deficiency.

What to do

If a child’s content of basophilic leukocytes exceeds 1% of all white blood cells, then the baby should be shown to a doctor. The pediatrician will assess the child’s general condition, complaints and other parameters of the blood test, after which he will look for the cause of increased basophils (primarily allergies or inflammation).

As soon as such a cause is discovered, the child will be prescribed treatment, during which the level of basophils is normalized. For example, if basophilia is provoked by medications, after their withdrawal the level of basophilic leukocytes will drop to less than 1%. The doctor will also recommend adding foods to the diet from which the child will receive enough vitamin B12 (eggs, offal, meat and others).

Absence of basophils

A decrease in the percentage of basophilic leukocytes in the leukogram is considered normal in many children. If the result of a child's blood test shows a complete absence of basophils, this is not considered by doctors to be any diagnostically important criterion. A similar picture is observed under stress, during the period of recovery from infectious diseases, after chemotherapy or endocrine pathologies, however, changes in such diseases will not be limited only to basophilopenia.

An experienced specialist will be able to determine the presence of abnormalities in the body based on a blood test. One of the informative indicators is the number of basophilic leukocytes. Their increase or decrease indicates pathology or violation of the regime. That is why it is important to undergo routine examinations with a pediatrician and take tests on time. Constant monitoring of children's health makes it possible to identify diseases at an early stage of their development.

What does a high basophil level mean in a blood test? What is the normal percentage of these cells in children? Can they be completely absent, why does this happen? What to do if the baby’s indicators are significantly increased?

The role of basophils in the body

Basophils are a separate group of leukocytes that play an important role in human life. They are formed in the hematopoietic organs, from where they spread throughout the circulatory system. The main task of basophilic leukocytes is to protect the body from the harmful effects of an aggressive environment and normalize metabolism.

The role of basophil cells for humans:

  • neutralization of allergens from the external environment;
  • blocking the entry of toxins and their movement in the general bloodstream;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • fight inflammation;
  • regulation of metabolic processes in the skin;
  • participation in normal blood clotting.

When an inflammatory process occurs, basophils are released from blood cells and rush to the affected areas - their number in the bloodstream decreases. With prolonged inflammation, their number, on the contrary, increases, because the bone marrow begins to actively produce the necessary cells in response to the disease.

Basophils help stop bleeding and participate in the production of heparin, which is responsible for this function. They provide significant support to children's immunity, preventing harmful substances from spreading throughout the body.

Norms of basophils in the blood of children

Laboratory testing occurs by counting basophilic white blood cells under a microscope along with other cells. In a child, the level of basophils in the blood may be higher than the prescribed values ​​due to the active growth of the circulatory system, because they take part in normalizing blood flow and creating new capillaries.

The content of 0–1% of basophilic cells of the total number of leukocytes is considered normal. The following gradations are established for children:

Doctors say that a slight increase in values ​​may be normal, linking this with the characteristics of the body. However, it is necessary first of all to understand the reason for the deviation from the accepted indicators. Particular attention is paid to infants, because their immune system is imperfect, and diseases can develop rapidly.

What is the absolute content of basophils?

The absolute number of basophilic leukocytes provides more accurate information about their content in the blood. It refers to the actual number of desired cells in a blood sample, while the relative number is tied to the total number of white blood cells. The relative content indicator will be different for a newborn and a 4-year-old child, because the child’s body has age-related characteristics.

The absolute value does not depend on the age and gender of the patient and is equal to 0.01–0.065, multiplied by 10 to the ninth power g/l. In the transcript of the study, the laboratory assistant indicates the absolute and relative values.

Reasons for increased basophils

Basophilia (increased content of basophilic leukocytes) in children indicates the following disorders:

  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • acute and chronic infectious diseases;
  • chicken pox;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • acute course of hepatitis;
  • taking medications;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • consequences of numerous insect bites;
  • intoxication with poisons and heavy metals;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in acute form;
  • infection with worms;
  • anemia;
  • severe stress.

All these disorders are united by a significant decrease in immunity, which is primarily signaled by an increased level of basophilic cells. An allergic reaction is most often diagnosed in children. Do not forget that basophilia is also characteristic of oncological diseases (leukemia), when early diagnosis can save the patient’s life.

Why does the level of basophils in the blood drop?

Pediatricians are no less concerned about the reduced level of basophils in the child’s blood (basopenia). This condition is typical for disorders of bone marrow function or metabolism during the rehabilitation period after chemotherapy.

A slight decrease indicates an allergic reaction or stress. A serious decrease in them indicates an inflammatory process in the body, such as pneumonia. It is important to consider the level of basophils in conjunction with other blood parameters and symptoms, because basopenia itself does not indicate a disease. That is why deciphering the analysis should be entrusted to a child health specialist.

Diagnostics and necessary tests

If you detect a deviation from the norm in basophils, you should not panic, however, there is no need to delay visiting a doctor. There is a possibility that the situation will normalize on its own, but in no case should you miss the disease at its initial stage.

A specialist will be able to determine the reason for the increase or decrease in basophils in the blood after examining the baby and additional research. If necessary, the child will be sent for consultation to a pediatric hematologist. Further examination and treatment depend on the preliminary diagnosis and the patient’s condition.

A blood test is taken from a finger or a vein. To obtain a reliable research result, you need to properly prepare for it:

Adjustment of basophil levels

The increased level of basophils returns to normal after the primary disease is cured. During therapy, the indicator must be monitored - for this, blood tests are regularly taken.

If a change in basophil levels is caused by taking a medication, it must be discontinued. After some time, your blood counts will return to normal.

In case of iron deficiency, the pediatrician will prescribe medications (“Maltofer”, “Ferrum Lek”), sometimes vitamin B12 is prescribed (we recommend reading:). Be sure to include meat, vegetables, fruits, eggs, liver and dairy products in your diet. Baked apples, which contain a large amount of iron, are good for recovery. Proper nutrition can play a decisive role in normalizing a child’s blood test.

Parents should create a favorable atmosphere at home, because this disorder often occurs under stress. The child needs to be protected from emotional stress at school and kindergarten and helped to reduce anxiety.

What does Komarovsky say about basophilia?

Well-known and respected by many parents, pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky says that basophilia is only a consequence of the underlying disease. There is no need to devote all your efforts to normalizing the level of basophils. It is necessary to identify the disease and cure it - then the child’s basophils will also return to normal.

If the disease cannot be detected, the child’s diet needs to be adjusted. Perhaps the reason for the deviation is a deficiency of nutrients in the diet.

To make a diagnosis, in some cases, a doctor just needs to look at the result of a laboratory test. A change in the shape of basophils is characteristic of poisoning by toxins, including as a result of insect bites. With ARVI, there is no change in the level of basophils, so this diagnosis is immediately excluded. Using the leukocyte formula, you can determine what kind of infection has struck the child - viral or bacterial.

The absence of basophils is not a diagnostic sign, so this indicator is not taken into account. The most important thing is not to engage in deciphering the analysis on your own, let alone treatment, but still turn to a competent specialist.

Basophils are small cells from a group of leukocytes whose main role is to protect the body. They release specific substances into the blood, which, when they enter the inflamed area, send signals to other participants in the immune response of our defense system - lymphocytes, monocytes, antibodies.

If these cells are elevated in a child, this indicates that a disease is beginning to develop in the body. In order to better understand how these cells work, let's find out what they are, where they come from and what norms are typical for childhood.

There are fewer basophils than other cells of the immune system, but they are everywhere - in the skin, connective tissue, serous membranes. If necessary, their level in the body can increase. Basophil cells or white cells () are formed in the bone marrow and enter the bloodstream when fully mature.

They are divided into two types: agranulocytes and granulocytes - cells that are granules that contain serotonin, prostaglandin, histamine and heparin.

Basophils live very short lives; once they enter the bloodstream for a short period of time, they almost immediately penetrate the tissues and settle there for 10–14 days. You can often find another name - histiocytes or “mast cells”. These cells themselves do not fight the threat; they only attract attention and give rise to further diagnostics.

The mechanism of action of these cells can be schematically explained as follows:

  1. A foreign agent enters the child's body.
  2. Receptors signal this to basophils and histiocytes.
  3. Blood cells become activated and begin to release the contents of their granules at the site of infection.
  4. Vessels and capillaries at the site of inflammation expand. Wall permeability increases and blood flow increases
  5. Fluid accumulates in the tissues around the site of infection.
  6. The remaining cells of the immune system are sent to the site of inflammation.

The main function of basophils is protective or signaling. Also they:

  • nourish cells and support tissue vital activity;
  • participate in tissue repair;
  • normalize trophic processes;
  • create new capillaries - small blood vessels;
  • improve blood flow in the riverbed;
  • protect the gastrointestinal tract;
  • participate in blood clotting;
  • support immunity;
  • absorb toxins, harmful microorganisms and foreign substances;
  • take part in phagocytosis;
  • participate in maintaining colloidal water balance in the body.

Both the child and the adult basophil perform the same functions.

Norms for children

In the child’s blood, the level of basophils is determined by the leukogram or leukocyte formula. Unlike other blood indicators, the number of basophil cells in children is almost the same in a newborn and in a teenager. Very minor differences will be observed as the child grows older.

The table shows the percentage of specific gravity:

You can see that the fluctuations are very small, everything is in the range from 0.5 to one. Research shows that minor deviations are also normal. Moreover, in children, the level of basophils can fluctuate throughout the day for various reasons:

  • change in diet, transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, introduction;
  • emotional states, the baby is capricious or crying.

Elevated levels – sometimes called basophilia.

If the number of these cells is small, they speak of basopenia or basophilocytopenia. Typically, these diagnoses are not used in medical practice. Many pediatricians believe that a decrease in basophils in the blood is not a deviation at all, but we will talk about this later. Their increase in a child will reveal a general blood test.


Main reasons for the increase:

The reasons for the increase in basophils in a child are temporary or appear periodically, for example, in warm weather the number of midges increases and children constantly suffer from allergic reactions to bites.

There are also more serious diseases in which the number of leukocytes increases:

  • sugar;
  • chronic;
  • viral diseases – , ;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers;
  • diseases of the urinary system -;
  • hematological diseases - erythremia;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • initial stage ;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland - ;
  • oncological and tumor processes.

If a child is treated with hormonal drugs, the level of basophils will also be increased. In addition, leukocytes in the blood will increase during surgery. Radiation, even minor exposures such as x-rays, will definitely affect the increase in white cells.


Doctors consider a slight decrease in basophils in a child’s blood to be normal - this is not a diagnostic criterion and can be observed, for example, during stress. Even taking a general blood test can be stressful.

A decrease in the level of these cells in tests can also be seen at the end of an acute infectious disease, especially when a small patient is recovering. After chemotherapy and in case of endocrine pathologies, the number of leukocytes will decrease, but this will not be the only indicator that will deviate from the norm.

The most common causes of basophilia are:

  • thyroid diseases – hyperthyroidism;
  • large doses of hormonal drugs;
  • malfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • constant stress and hospitalization.

You should only worry when, according to the results of a blood test, a complete absence of basophils is observed. This may already indicate a disruption in the functioning of the bone marrow or endocrine abnormalities, or oncology.

What to do

Don't panic if you see that your test results are not normal. Repeat the blood test again, as laboratories can also make mistakes. If the second result shows the same numbers and the child’s basophils are elevated, you need to contact a specialist.

The doctor will assess the baby’s general condition, your complaints, compare all tests and look for the cause of the increase in basophils - primarily inflammation or allergies. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medications and look at the dynamics of changes in a blood test.

During treatment, tests do not need to be taken frequently, since the basophil cell matures and develops from 36 to 120 hours. The basophil level will not change the next day.

Pay attention to the medications your baby is taking, read the side symptoms - they can also affect the increase or decrease in basophils. If basophils are elevated due to taking medications, then withdrawal will also equalize their number. Also, eliminate foods that make your child break out and his white blood cells will drop.

Soy milk contains a lot of vitamins. Products containing iron will also help normalize the level of white blood cells: offal, liver and meat. Often basophilia and basopenia are not the result of any disease, and improving nutrition will bring their levels back to normal.

Pay attention to the child's emotional state. Frequent stress, anxiety and worry will affect the leukogram. A calm home environment, silence, lack of stress, a positive attitude and goodwill of kindergarten teachers or teachers at school will stabilize the child’s blood counts.

If an increase in basophils is detected in a child’s blood test, he needs examination. Basophils perform a protective function and respond to any pathological process in the body. Their number varies in one direction or another depending on the nature of the disease. This is an important indicator that is taken into account during diagnosis.

The norm of basophils in a child

Among all types of blood leukocytes, basophils are the fewest, but quite large cells. They are involved in inflammatory, tumor and allergic processes in the body and are very sensitive. Their amount in the blood varies depending on the state of health of the child, and its determination is an important indicator in diagnosing diseases.

The norm of basophils in children by age is presented in the table:

Indications for analysis

Basophils are counted when a clinical (detailed) blood test is prescribed, in which the leukocyte formula is determined. That is, in addition to the total number of leukocytes, they count each of their types per unit volume of blood, determine the percentage of the total number of leukocytes, which is taken as 100%.

Analysis is prescribed in the following cases:

  • In the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • For allergies;
  • For oncological diseases (tumors, leukemia) or suspicion of them;
  • For infectious diseases;
  • After injuries and surgeries.

In any case, during a laboratory examination of a child today, medicine is not limited to the “troika” of blood (,), but almost always a detailed analysis is prescribed.

Increased basophils in a child

An increase in the number of basophils in the blood is called basophilia in medicine. Increased basophils in the blood of a child can occur in many pathological processes, as well as without the presence of any pathology in the body, due to a deficiency of any components.

Reasons why basophils in a child’s blood may be elevated:

  • Various infections (bacterial, viral), especially influenza, tuberculosis, chicken pox;
  • Inflammatory diseases (colitis, hepatitis, polyarthritis, eczema);
  • Systemic autoimmune inflammatory processes (Crohn's disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Leukemia;
  • Lymphomas;
  • Allergies in various manifestations;
  • Hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function);
  • Injuries;
  • Bleeding;
  • Ingestion of poison into the body (bites of poisonous insects, snakes).

In all these conditions, the production of basophils in the red bone marrow is stimulated. In increased quantities they enter the blood, and with it they are the first to rush to the painful focus. Therefore, they are called “scout cells”: in response to a pathological factor, their granules release special mediators that enter the blood (for allergies, inflammation, toxins, tumors).

This is a signal to other types of leukocytes, which have their own “specialization”. For example, eosinophils neutralize the allergen, T-lymphocytes neutralize tumor cells, and so on.

Basophilia, not associated with diseases, can develop with a lack of iron, vitamin B12, B9 in the body(folic acid). This happens with insufficient nutrition (for example, among vegetarians) and is easily eliminated by normalizing the diet.

Consequences of elevated basophils

If a child has elevated basophils, examination and finding out the reasons should not be delayed. Otherwise, there may be various consequences:

  • Anemia (headaches, dizziness, pallor, weakness);
  • Loss or sudden weight gain;
  • Pain in muscles and joints;
  • The appearance of a rash on the skin;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Impaired function of internal organs (liver, kidneys, intestinal tract);
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Persistent increase in body temperature.

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All of the above and other consequences, in fact, are manifestations of diseases that are accompanied by basophilia. For example, anemia is a sign of cancer, weight gain develops with hypothyroidism, lymph nodes enlarge with lymphogranulomatosis, and so on. Consequences develop when these diseases are not diagnosed on time, and treatment that is not started in a timely manner takes much longer and is less successful.

Treatment of basophilia

There is no universal answer to the question of how to cure basophilia in a child, because basophilia is not a diagnosis, not a disease, but only one of the symptoms of a disease in a child. Therefore, treating basophilia means treating the underlying disease that accompanies it.

Basophilia in children is especially alarming for the presence of cancer, most often leukemia, which today is successfully treated in pediatric oncohematology, precisely in the acute stage. If the disease is advanced and has a chronic course, it is much more difficult to treat.

Another question is when the reason for the increase in basophils is a lack of iron ions in the body and B vitamins. This can happen with a low protein content in food, a lack of meat products, hypovitaminosis, and also during a period of increased growth.

This problem can be solved with the help of iron-containing medications, which should be prescribed to the child by a doctor. Vitamins B12, B9, C are also needed, which should be taken on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

The inclusion of foods high in iron and vitamins in the diet plays an important role: meat, liver, fish, eggs, legumes, buckwheat, nuts, milk, berries, apples, carrots, tomatoes, herbs. If the child is an infant, nutritional recommendations should be given by the pediatrician, taking into account the type of feeding.

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