Increasing immunity in oncology can be done in different ways. How to strengthen the immune system of cancer patients. Strong immunity - powerful protection and the best treatment for cancer What boosts immunity in oncology

If the immune system regains its strength, then even the most dangerous disease stops progressing and undergoes reverse development. By stimulating the immune system, we can influence the disease indirectly. Published on the web portal

Today it is reliably known that a clinically malignant tumor manifests itself after immune surveillance has failed. As a result, protective (immune) cells cease to eliminate tumor “degenerate” cells that are constantly formed in the body.

It is important that chemotherapy, radiation therapy, as well as surgical therapy deal a significant, insidious blow to the already “barely breathing” human immune system. Stimulating and increasing the effectiveness of the immune response is what treatment with medicinal herbs, bee products and other means that constitute the property of traditional medicine is mainly aimed at.

It should be noted, however, that scientific medicine has also intensively taken up the search for immunostimulating effects. Cancer vaccine development appears to be showing promising results. Thus, a researcher from Southern California, M. Mitchell, received positive results when testing the first specific vaccine against breast cancer in 13 women considered hopeless by doctors. Under the influence of vaccines, in 8 patients, the breast cancer tumor shriveled and resolved. An attempt to treat melanoma with a vaccine was less successful.

Among the factors that reduce immunological reactions and, therefore, contribute to the occurrence of cancer, one can name a passion for hormonal drugs and tranquilizers. They began to be used too often, which negatively affects the protective forces. Thus, synthetic sedatives are good at relieving tension, anxiety, drowning out worries, etc. However, they pollute the internal environment of a person (especially microdoses to overcome stressful conditions), since regular use of tranquilizers leads to the detraining of special defense mechanisms against stress.

There is also an assumption that a long-term decrease in body temperature (normal limits 36-36.9 ° C), the absence of inflammatory processes or their rapid relief with the help of antipyretic drugs are prerequisites for the occurrence of cancer. Apparently, in mild forms of acute respiratory diseases, influenza, etc., one should not rush to reduce the temperature by taking antipyretics, but give the body the opportunity to overcome the disease on its own, because, having defeated it, it strengthens its immune system.

The immune system not only protects the body from infectious and non-infectious foreign agents, but also participates in the regulation of the functional, proliferative (associated with cell reproduction) and reparative (associated with the restoration of biological objects from damage) activity of cells in different organs and systems of the body.

Thus, the human immune system is his main bodyguard. These are armed forces that never sleep, are always on duty and selflessly serve those who often abandon them to their fate.

What helps strengthen the immune system?

Antioxidant system

In increasing the body's resistance to harmful influences, a significant role is played primarily by its antioxidant system. It is one of the adaptive and protective systems of the human body. By participating in free radical oxidation reactions, antioxidants are a kind of buffer that prevents the transition of peroxidation processes from physiological to pathological, reducing their intensity.

The main role in this system is given to vitamins E, C, A, its provitamin - carotene, antioxidant enzymes and other agents. Provitamin A has an antioxidant effect (prevents intracellular fat oxidation). Thanks to this, it counteracts the development of aging processes, as well as cancer.

It is necessary that the body receives enough vitamins (especially C, A and E) and microelements, which, among other things, helps cleanse the internal environment (blood, lymph).

Vitamin C, supplied by plant products, mainly fresh, as well as essential oils and organic acids found in vegetables, fruits and plants, has a preventive effect.

I note that some foreign authors (for example, Ian Gowler and others) recommend that cancer patients take an average of 18-20 g of vitamin C per day, focusing on the individual dose of saturation. How to determine it? Quite simple. When it is exceeded, diarrhea (diarrhea) occurs; when it decreases, intestinal upset decreases or goes away, which indicates that the individual norm in ascorbic acid has been reached.

It should also be said that in Japan, a group of compounds characterized by antioxidant properties was isolated from peppers of the genus Piper, the activity of which was as high as that of synthetic antioxidants. Scientists have concluded that these compounds can be included in antimutagenic diets, and they are preferable to synthetic drugs of similar action, since the latter in most cases have undesirable side effects on the body. Parsley also has an antimutagenic effect.

Recently, it has been found that carotenoids (provitamin A), which are especially rich in yellow-green and red vegetables (carrots, red peppers, onions, etc.), have an antitumor effect. The carotenoids of these vegetables are resistant to heat treatment and almost do not lose their color.

Special scientific studies have established that in those areas where residents eat enough vegetables or fruits rich in carotene, there is a low incidence of cancer. For example, in the southern regions of Russia, where fresh vegetables, fruits and juices are consumed regularly in significant quantities, cancer is less common than in the middle and especially the northern zone.

In addition to carotenoids, anthocyanins are also a very common pigment with an antitumor effect (beets, red cabbage, blue eggplants, etc. are rich in them). In addition, anthocyanins have a bactericidal effect on putrefactive intestinal microflora, enhance the biological effect of vitamin C and have P-vitamin activity.


Adaptogens are a group of substances, mainly of plant origin, that have a stimulating effect and increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences. They activate the functions of human organs and systems, increase mental and physical performance. Adaptogens have quite broad therapeutic and preventive properties. They expand the sites of metabolism, preventing disturbances in plastic and energy processes in tissues, maintain the constancy of the internal environment for a long time, and harmoniously mobilize the body’s defenses. All this is important for normal human life and health.

A completely different picture is observed when using doping stimulants (for example, amphetamine, ephedrine, cocaine, heroin, etc.). On the contrary, they lead to rapid depletion of the body's reserve resources. Stimulation by them cannot continue for a long time without harm to health. When exposed to doping, against the background of increased physical and mental performance, a decrease in the activity of the immune system may be observed. The effect of taking them appears quickly, but it is short-lived and non-physiological (as it leads to exhaustion).

Adaptogens, being anabolic steroids, antioxidants and energy-producing compounds, protect the human body from damaging influences. Their effect is similar to the action of protective substances formed in the body itself. Adaptogens increase the stability of cell membranes. Penetrating into the cell, they activate the activity of various systems and cause an adaptive restructuring of metabolism. As a result, the body begins to function in an economical mode, using less energy. In addition, its protective systems, such as antioxidant, are mobilized. Thanks to such a restructuring, the body acquires the ability to resist the development of various pathological conditions. Among other things, adaptogens stimulate the synthesis of a number of endogenous biostimulants that activate the immune system (interferon, interleukin, etc.)

Thanks to this, the body's resistance to a number of infections increases.

Relict forms of living organisms that survived global cataclysms have learned to produce biologically active substances with adaptogenic effects. These are, for example, ginseng, eleutherococcus, zamaniha, aralia, Rhodiola rosea and other plants, as well as bees, snakes, etc. Thanks to this ability, they are sufficiently resistant to extreme influences.

Biologically active substances that have a protective, adaptogenic effect are synthesized in the human body itself. Thus, their formation is activated during intense and exhausting physical activity, during prolonged fasting, hardening procedures, bloodletting with significant blood loss, etc.

Modern man is increasingly exposed to exogenous factors (polluted air, water, increased radiation, etc.), which reduce the body's defenses, already weakened due to insufficient physical activity, poor nutrition, abuse of alcohol, tobacco, medications, and the like. Our body is not always able to cope with overloads and adapt to new living conditions, which leads to the emergence of a variety of pathological conditions.

Thus, data from the World Health Organization indicate that 80% of all diseases are caused by a tense environmental situation. The list of the most common ailments of our century includes cardiovascular, neuropsychic, allergic and oncological diseases. All these are so-called diseases of civilization. Their number can only be reduced through environmental protection measures and the use of adaptogenic agents that increase the body’s resistance.

Adaptogens include: ginseng, eleutherococcus, aralia, Schisandra chinensis, Rhodiola rosea, zamaniha, sterculia, leuzea, pollen, royal jelly, pantocrine and others.

According to the latest data, pronounced adaptogenic properties have been identified in plantain juice (in its effectiveness it is not inferior to the famous eleutherococcus extract). Adaptogenic effects are also characteristic of aloe juice and birch buds. Scientists suggest that many plants exhibit adaptogenic activity to one degree or another. Thus, there are plants whose adaptogenic properties have not yet been studied and are not currently used, although for many centuries they have been used in Eastern medicine to increase the body's defenses. These are, for example, blood-red hawthorn, elecampane and others.

Previously, it was believed that adaptogens have no effect in the absence of any significant changes in the body. But later it was found that the protective effects, on the contrary, are especially pronounced when used prophylactically.

A very important advantage of adaptogens is the lack of toxicity.

So, we can say that adaptogens are harmless drugs that increase performance and cause physical stimulation of the body’s protective functions, increasing its nonspecific resistance.

Recent studies indicate that adaptogens can and should play an important role in the fight against the main non-infectious human diseases - cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

It's time to talk about the role of adaptogens in the prevention of cancer. It is well known that surgical, radiation and cytostatic treatments used today are not effective enough. New cytostatic drugs are constantly being created, but this does not bring anything fundamentally new to the treatment of cancer patients.

Any oncologist will tell you that disease is easier to prevent than to treat. But how to achieve this?

Certain preventive measures are possible at various stages of development and treatment of tumor disease. However, they are most appropriate primarily in cases where the mass of the tumor is relatively small and the body’s defenses can prevent its development. Even after removal of the cancer focus, it is possible to prevent cancer through medicinal effects on metabolism. Adaptogenic agents can be of great help with this.

Let me note that the main requirements for preventive measures are as follows: harmlessness, the ability to optimize homeostasis in the body and the breadth of therapeutic effects. Adaptogens fully meet these requirements.

Modern studies conducted on animals also support their use. Thus, it was found that under the influence of adaptogens, malignant changes occur later and develop more slowly. Adaptogens significantly increase the body's antitumor resistance and significantly inhibit the metastasis of malignant neoplasms.

In short, adaptogens may play a very important role in the treatment and prevention of tumors.

One of the areas of prevention is the treatment of precancerous diseases. The most common of them are gastric ulcer and chronic gastritis (in 14.9% of cases it turns into cancer, and after 5-11 years, 9% of ulcer patients have stomach cancer). Ulcerative colitis is also very dangerous. In more than 65% of cases it leads to colorectal cancer.

Can adaptogens help at this stage of prevention? Yes they can. They have an antiulcer effect and stimulate healing.

Previously, oncologists believed that if a tumor metastasizes, then, therefore, the last stage of cancer has arrived. This was a death sentence for the patient. Now even in the stage of metastasis, drug treatment is carried out. Moreover, the most promising drugs for this purpose are adaptogens, because they prevent the spread of tumor disease.

After stressful effects (including surgery), in some cases there is an increase in tumor growth and metastasis. In such cases, adaptogens can also help, since they have a pronounced anti-stress effect.

The main drugs used in the treatment of cancer patients are cytostatics. However, in the vast majority of cases they cause only temporary inhibition of the development of the tumor process, without leading to a radical cure. In combination with adaptogens, the therapeutic effect of cytostatics increases significantly, since adaptogens weaken the toxic effect of these medications and enhance their antitumor effect.

I note that the use of adaptogens gives the best results in the case of a small mass of tumor formations, as well as after removal of their main focus or intensive chemotherapy.

It must be said that adaptogens have a pronounced anti-sclerotic effect, reduce the incidence of hypertension, coronary heart disease, influenza and many other diseases, and therefore they are used for the treatment and prevention of not only neoplasms, but also cardiovascular diseases. Adaptogens help normalize metabolic processes in the body, increase its resistance to stress, and strengthen the function of the immune system. All this helps prevent a number of diseases.

So, by using adaptogens to treat and prevent cancer, we simultaneously help the body fight many diseases.

The human immune system functions by influencing foreign antibodies that enter the body. During periods of weakened protection of the internal environment, resistance to pathogenic microorganisms is reduced, which significantly increases the risk of developing serious diseases.

Among such diseases are oncological ones, during the development of which the functioning of internal organs and human immunity is disrupted. Therefore, during the period of oncology, it is important to pay special attention to ways to increase immunity.

Cough is a nonspecific protective reaction of the body. Its main function is to clear the airways of mucus, dust or foreign objects.

Greetings, dear readers and guests of Alexey Shevchenko’s blog “Healthy Lifestyle”. Today we will again talk about immunity.

This aspect is of great importance in the fight against cancer. Cancer is known to be one of the leading causes of death in our time, and every year millions of people around the world are faced with this terrible disease.

Doctors never stop searching for more and more effective treatment methods, and increasing immunity in oncology is one of the most promising areas.

Immunity and oncology

The development of cancer is always associated with a severe disruption of the immune system. Modern research shows that cancer cells regularly appear in everyone, even in a completely healthy body.

This happens under the influence of unfavorable factors or due to pure chance. A properly functioning immune system immediately notices a cell with a “broken” genetic code and destroys it.

All this happens absolutely naturally, and the person does not feel the slightest discomfort.

But if for some reason the immune system does not recognize the cancer cell in time, then the uncontrolled growth of the malignant tumor begins.

These processes, as well as the possibilities of cancer treatment, are studied by special branches of medicine: oncoimmunology and oncoimmunotherapy.

With immunotherapy, you can either induce an immune response or, conversely, suppress it, if necessary.

In cancer immunotherapy, scientists try to stimulate the immune system and force it to recognize and kill the tumor. Sometimes immunotherapy methods are combined with already traditional means, and more effective treatment is obtained.

Immunity restoration after treatment

Most immunotherapy methods today are at the stage of innovative development and are not widely available. Tested methods of treating malignant neoplasms in many cases can not only significantly prolong the patient’s life and improve its quality, but even completely defeat the disease. But, unfortunately, this is an aggressive treatment that has multiple side effects.

During surgical treatment, doctors often have to remove not only the tumor itself, but also large amounts of adjacent tissue affected by the disease process. In addition, to treat the tumor, in any case, a course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy is prescribed. These methods have severe side effects, and patients require a long recovery period after treatment is completed.

The immune system has many enemies

Modern medicine has a huge number of effective drugs. But, unfortunately, this powerful arsenal is often used too thoughtlessly, and as a result, all body systems suffer, including the immune system.

Hormonal drugs for weight loss and to prolong youth, all kinds of calming pills, drugs for depression, strong antibiotics - all this is absorbed by people in huge quantities.

In many cases, oncology leads to death. Modern medicine, in order to reduce the mortality rate in cancer patients, is constantly looking for new ways to defeat the disease. Chemotherapy and surgery are common. But besides this, doctors recommend immunotherapy to patients. Its effect on the body is much safer for humans and causes fewer complications.

What is immunotherapy for oncology

Oncological diseases occupy second place in the list of the most common diseases of this century. Many perceive such a terrible diagnosis painfully, although they know that the overwhelming majority of cases were successful. Despite the success of treatment, scientists are constantly developing and applying new methods of therapy that will be safer and more effective.

In addition to universal treatment methods, such as surgery, chemical therapy, radiation treatment, while using a pill, there are other methods of getting rid of cancer formations. One of these methods is called "immunotherapy." This method should justify the safety expectations of the treatment used, rather than conventional methods.

How does immunotherapy interact with oncology?

In order to understand what immunotherapy is, you should define the concept of what is called immunity.

Immunity is the body’s ability to protect itself from the effects of harmful agents that are not characteristic of the body. Harmful agents are bacteria, cancer cells, and viral pathogens.

That is, when oncology forms in the body, this indicates a violation of the body’s immune system as a whole. Immunotherapy is designed to restore the body's immune functions and is also aimed at increasing the body's protective functions after radiation therapy.

All of the above indicates that immunotherapy methods in the field of oncological diseases are intended to stimulate the body’s protective properties and combat cancer formations.

Immunotherapy treatment methods and their effectiveness

First of all, the vaccination procedure, which is intended to prevent the development of the disease and combat an existing disease, can be considered as a measure of immunological therapy. For preventive purposes, the most common is vaccination of cancer cells in the cervix, which follows as a result of the appearance and development of the papilloma virus in the human body.

To defeat cancer and increase the body's defenses, vaccination is used, created using the basis of malignant tumors. Here, cancer cells are obtained from the body, so that they can later be examined in the laboratory, and after dividing has stopped, they are introduced back into the body.

The immune system will definitely respond to the appearance of new cells, activating the function of fighting these cells, and, consequently, cancer.

Another method of fighting cancer is the use of special proteins - cytokines. After all, the activity of the immune system is a complex process, where each cell is designed to perform a specific function.

If one of the cells is damaged, this leads to a malfunction of the entire immune system. It is the immune system drugs based on cytokines that facilitate the transfer of data from one cell to another.

Drugs based on this protein have been used for a long time, which makes the fight against cancer quite effective.

In addition to the methods listed, you should know which drugs are used for cancer patients to stimulate the body's protective functions. The body must fight cancer and also remove toxins that accumulate in the body during the period of therapy.

Today, a diagnosis of cancer has ceased to be perceived as a death sentence. Medicine has found and uses several productive methods of treating the disease. Chemotherapy and radiation kill abnormal cells. During surgery, it is often necessary to remove both the tumor itself and nearby tissue. This weakens the person who finds it difficult to regain health after treatment.

After chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, all organs suffer - the liver, lungs, stomach, kidneys, but they must work hard to successfully remove substances harmful to it from the body. This is why it is so important to boost the immunity of any cancer patient.

Interaction of immunotherapy with oncology

To understand how resistance occurs, we need to understand some of the nuances of immune function. The fact is that our immune system works as follows.

It detects foreign elements, such as microbes, viruses, cancer cells and begins to kill them. If, under the influence of potent drugs, toxic substances or other factors, the protective function does not work, then the body stops fighting the disease.

Cancer is easier to treat with high immunity. However, in a person weakened by cancer, natural defenses do not always work well. For example, fibroids often occur with severe uterine bleeding. So, a cancer patient is weakening and the system requires support, which can be provided if resistance is increased. This is done in several ways.

  1. Vaccination.

The essence and objectives of immunotherapy

We all know that human immunity is a kind of defense of the body from foreign cells. These include viruses, bacteria, cancer cells, etc.

If oncology is detected in a person’s body, this means that his immune system cannot independently fight foreign cells. In such a situation, it is necessary to strengthen the body’s defenses using the method of immunotherapy for these purposes.

In other words, the main goal of this therapeutic method is to stimulate the immune system to produce special cells that will fight cancer. Let us consider in detail the types and methods of immunotherapy.


Traditional recipes for boosting immunity

In combination with traditional oncology therapy, many patients use traditional methods of immunotherapy. These include vitamin therapy, herbal and aerotherapy, and diet. Let us consider these methods of strengthening immunity in oncology in detail.

This article will give you a brief understanding reasons for decreased immunity. pay attention to it in a timely manner signs of immunodeficiency and finally realize what we can do to strengthen the immune system .

The mechanisms of immune defense are so complex that some questions are not yet completely clear even to scientists. Simply put, immunity is a protective reaction of the body aimed at neutralizing, deactivating or compensating for any damaging factors, be it fungi, bacteria, viruses or radiation.

The well-coordinated functioning of the immune system is not only protection against common colds and flu, it is the body’s only reliable defense against cancer. Cancer is called a "disease of the genes." "epidemic of our time." sparing neither children, nor people in their prime, nor the elderly. According to disappointing forecasts from CRUK (cancer research organization; UK), over the next 15 years every second person on the planet will be diagnosed with cancer. The main reason, according to researchers, is that thanks to many modern factors, life expectancy has increased significantly. In the barrel of honey of the benefits of civilization there is a fly in the ointment - the likelihood of developing cancer with age increases significantly. Bowel, prostate and melanoma cancers are predicted to increase. But the chances of curing cancer in the next 15 years will also increase significantly, thanks to timely diagnosis and the hope of developing new effective drugs for the treatment of cancer.

It is reliably known that a clinically malignant tumor manifests itself only after the mechanisms of the immune response are disrupted: the protective mechanisms cease to adequately respond and destroy the cancer cells that form daily in our body. But the diagnosis of cancer today is no longer synonymous with death, and not only thanks to timely diagnosis and effective medications. Many people, albeit belatedly, but consciously turn to a healthy lifestyle - they become physically active, try to think positively and choose healthy foods, winning life away from illness.

Yes, and a correct lifestyle does not exclude the development of cancer, taking into account the multifactorial causes of development (genetic predisposition, characteristics of the hormonal system and immune reactions), but SIGNIFICANTLY reduces the risk of developing cancer. Some chemical carcinogens can also be formed inside the body itself during various metabolic reactions, so the possibility of tumor transformation of a cell cannot be theoretically excluded even if all possible carcinogens are eliminated from the environment. Therefore, among oncological risks, the greatest attention should be paid to the state of immunity, so that emerging cancer cells are destroyed by a healthy immune system, without having time to develop into a global tumor process.

The immune system not only protects the body from infections and its own tumor cells, but also participates in the restoration of damaged cells of various organs and systems of the body. A decrease in the body's resistance can serve as a prerequisite for the development of non-infectious diseases. If the immune system is supported in a timely manner, there is a high probability that the disease will stop progressing and recovery will occur. By supporting the body's immune forces, we can influence any disease indirectly, so EVERYONE needs to strengthen the immune system, and not just occasionally, but constantly.

If you are curious and don't feel intimidated by the terms, the table below provides a summary of how the immune system works:

Educational program on immunity. Basic Concepts

Immunity is divided into congenital (hereditary, specific) and acquired.

Innate immunity- immunity of certain species to pathogens that infect other species. For example, people are resistant to canine distemper, and animals under natural conditions do not suffer from measles, scarlet fever, or smallpox.

Terminp acquired immunity speaks for itself: it is acquired as a result of a previous illness. Acquired immunity (artificial) also occurs after vaccination. Acquired immunity is created as a result of the functioning of central ( thymus gland (thymus), bone marrow) and peripheral ( spleen, lymph nodes, lymphocyte clusters in different organs and tissues: the mucous membrane of the small intestine (Peyer's patches), tonsils, appendix) organs of the immune system. Lymphocytes are the most important cells responsible for the final implementation of immunological defense mechanisms.

In addition to the organs of the immune system, the effectiveness of acquired immunity is influenced by some cells, tissues and various mechanisms that provide nonspecific defense of the body. A number of mechanical, physicochemical, and biochemical mechanisms of nonspecific protection against infections can be distinguished:

Natural barriers made from skin and mucous membranes(increased acidity of sweat and gastric juice serves as an obstacle to the penetration of microbes into the body)

Saliva, tears, blood, macrophages and neutrophils contain lysozyme. destroys bacterial membranes

- hyaluronic acid- the most important structural component of the intercellular matrix, inhibits the spread of microbes

Interferons are low molecular weight proteins that prevent the virus from infecting other cells and can even prevent the proliferation of bacteria; interferon is produced by leukocytes and dendritic cells, fibroblasts and T-lymphocytes. Interferons have a variety of activities - antiviral, antiproliferative, antitumor, radioprotective.

Phagocytosis is the most important factor in nonspecific cellular resistance; phagocytes capture and destroy microbes

Difensins are arginine-rich peptides that destroy microorganisms

After activation by immune complexes, platelets synthesize and secrete biologically active substances (lysozyme, histamine, β-lysines, prostaglandins)

When immunity decreases, the body does not react actively enough to infections and other foreign agents, but there is also the opposite condition - overreaction on the part of the immune system (hyperactivity). With an inadequate immune response, autoimmune diseases(rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, myasthenia gravis, etc.) and various allergic reactions(allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, etc.). The immune system, in fact, becomes the enemy of its own body and destroys its own tissues. The causes of autoimmune diseases have not yet been fully studied, but it is believed that exposure to toxic organic substances, lead salts, and infections (measles viruses, hepatitis B, retroviruses, streptococci, staphylococci) may be of no small importance.

Causes decreased immunity

immune defense decreases in winter and spring

pregnancy (for the mother’s immune system, the fetus is foreign, because it has half of the paternal chromosomes; to prevent rejection from occurring, a natural mechanism is activated that suppresses the activity of the mother’s immune system and reduces immunological reactions)

old age (with age, the body’s immune system increasingly fails)

critical periods of the immune system during the active growth of children (newborn period, 3-6 months, 2 years, 4-6 years, adolescence)

genetic causes (primary or congenital immunodeficiencies); it is indicative of a family history of deaths at an early age due to infections or an identified immunodeficiency state

long-term stressful situations

sleep disorders, overwork, chronic fatigue

poor nutrition (especially with a deficiency of protein and zinc; plus the body is forced to constantly get rid of toxins from “junk” food)

metabolic disorders, prolonged fasting

chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, enteropathy, sarcoidosis)

illiterate use of medications, especially antibiotics, hormonal agents, tranquilizers (sedatives reduce anxiety by “deceiving” the body, and thereby lead to an imbalance in the mechanisms of defense against stress, which, in turn, reduces immune defense)

any surgical interventions (including blood transfusions)

chemotherapy and radiation therapy

artificial suppression of immunity (immunosuppression; used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, organ and tissue transplantation)

radiation, radiation sickness

unfavorable environmental conditions, work in hazardous industries (xenobiotics create a constant load on the immune system, which leads to its depletion)

bad habits = conscious intoxication of the body (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse)

insufficient physical activity

I especially want to emphasize that with long-term use, almost ANY medicine can cause a weakening of the immune system, so if you are constantly taking any medicine, you should take doubly care about strengthening the immune system.

Determine how seriously you should be concerned about the state of your immunity.

I want to warn you right away: Even a doctor cannot judge the presence or absence of immunodeficiency without a laboratory blood test (immunogram)!

Signs decreased immunity :

Frequent colds (preschoolers - 9 or more times a year, schoolchildren - 5-6 times, adults - 3-4)

Transition of acute inflammatory diseases into chronic, frequent relapses, complications

Sinusitis more than twice a year

Pneumonia more than twice a year

More than two severe infectious processes in history (sepsis, osteomyelitis, meningitis, etc.)

Repeated severe purulent processes (boils, pyoderma)

Enlarged lymph nodes and spleen

Persistent candidiasis (thrush)

Frequent relapses of herpes (more than 4 times a year)

Chronic infectious diseases (chronic pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis, etc.)

Lack of effect from long-term antibiotic therapy

Infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms (Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Clostridium, Mycobacterium, Candida, etc.)

Immunosuppression. or immunodeficiency - a state of immunosuppression, a violation of the body’s immune response to foreign viruses and its own degenerating cells.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, herbalist Alexey Fedorovich Sinyakov in his book “Life without Cancer” describes another hypothetical sign of decreased immunity:

"There is an assumption that long-term decrease in body temperature(normal limits 36-36.9°C), absence of inflammatory processes or rapid relief of them with the help of antipyretics are prerequisites for the occurrence of cancer. In mild forms of acute respiratory diseases, influenza, etc., one should not rush to reduce the temperature by taking antipyretics, but give the body the opportunity to overcome the disease on its own, because having defeated it, it strengthens its immune system.”

Even if we consider Sinyakov’s postulate as controversial, take note: medications for fever do NOT cure, especially for children - antipyretics only relieve the fear of parents, while simultaneously striking a blow to the liver, kidneys and circulatory system. Temperatures up to 40 degrees are absolutely safe for a child, if diagnosis of ARVI, acute respiratory infections or the flu has been diagnosed by a DOCTOR. There are many dangerous infections accompanied by fever, but in this case your child will already be treated in the hospital - including antibiotics. Viral infections (ARVI, influenza) and bronchitis are NOT treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are used only for LIFE-threatening conditions (bacterial pneumonia, for example)! It is precisely because many parents now independently “prescribe” antibiotics to their children that viruses mutate. The more people take antibiotics, the faster these processes will go. And, worst of all, if suddenly the use of antibiotics is really urgently needed, then they may be powerless against infection. This path leads to a dead end. Proper nutrition, walks in any weather or hardening and physical activity work wonders - your child will get sick much less often, try it!

Despite the many factors that weaken our body’s immune system, its normal functioning can be ensured at any age. How can you strengthen your immunity?

The famous Sears family of pediatricians claims that this is quite simple to do: just “feed” the immune system correctly! The conclusions were based on many years of observation of young patients: “correct” mothers, who did not give their children “junk” food, brought their children to appointments extremely rarely. And even if their children got sick, they recovered much faster than those who regularly consumed harmful foods. A balanced diet is one of the many ways to keep your immune system strong.

13 simple s ways to strengthen the immune system:

- get rid of bad habits- they weaken the activity of the immune system;

As far as possible, protect yourself as much as possible from harmful influences and xenobiotic substances. industrial pollution, pesticides, household chemicals, minimize the use of medications; if you cannot eliminate any dangerous factor, take enterosorbents (for example, enterosgel or plant sorbents);

Optimal physical exercise- a proven way to strengthen a weakened immune system (any pleasant and feasible activity - morning exercises, jogging, fitness, dancing, swimming);

- daily walks in the fresh air they enrich the blood with oxygen, tone up, relieve emotional stress; Sun rays promote the production of anti-cancer vitamin D in the skin;

- hardening procedures help strengthen the body, stimulate blood circulation, increase the stability of the nervous system;

General massage courses help improve immunity; acupressure is an effective support for immunity during acute respiratory infections;

Preventive and therapeutic aromatherapy helps the body cope with infections, because... many essential oils have pronounced antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties;

Use antioxidants and adaptogens of plant origin(eleutherococcus, ginseng, etc.); consult a herbalist- these medicinal plants have a number of contraindications;

Try going to balanced diet without semi-finished products, antimutagenic diets(for example, did you know that parsley is effective in preventing certain types of cancer?); include in your diet foods that help strengthen the immune system - broccoli. carrot. pumpkin zucchini. parsley dill. celery. citrus. dairy products. salmon and turkey;

Accept vitamin and mineral complexes in the winter-spring period: vitamin C will help support the immune system and speed up the recovery process from illness, although it is not a panacea;

Follow bowel regularity. the body needs to get rid of bacteria and toxins in a timely manner, otherwise your immune system will be busy with detox;

- avoid stress- the work of the immune system is closely related to the nervous system; As we already know, stress significantly weakens the immune system.

I foresee that some readers will be disappointed: almost all of these tips for strengthening the immune system are familiar to us from childhood.

It is important that you realize: there is no pill that will save you from all diseases, but by changing your lifestyle, you can significantly improve the quality of your life, even if you are seriously ill.

Note: drugs to stimulate the immune system are used ONLY for the concomitant treatment of existing diseases, and NOT for their prevention. Even if you see the line in the instructions for the drug: “Used for the prevention of certain diseases.” - a healthy person does NOT need immunostimulants (including herbal ones, for example, echinacea)! The pharmacist will offer you a wide range of over-the-counter drugs for immunity, but do not rush to use his help without consulting a doctor: Immunostimulants can cause serious damage to the body if used incorrectly. especially in children.

So you want to fill your life with the joy of communication, interesting travels, devote yourself to what you love, be loved and give love, and not fight illnesses. Or are you satisfied with life according to the ostrich principle - head in the sand, and there are no problems? Take care of your health now, and your healthy immune system will be the key to a long and fulfilling life.

Oncological diseases occupy second place in the list of the most common diseases of this century. Many perceive such a terrible diagnosis painfully, although they know that the overwhelming majority of cases were successful. Despite the success of treatment, scientists are constantly developing and applying new methods of therapy that will be safer and more effective.

In addition to universal treatment methods, such as surgery, chemical therapy, radiation treatment, while using a pill, there are other methods of getting rid of cancer formations. One of these methods is called "immunotherapy." This method should justify the safety expectations of the treatment used, rather than conventional methods.

How does immunotherapy interact with oncology?

In order to understand what immunotherapy is, you should define the concept of what is called immunity.

Immunity is the body’s ability to protect itself from the effects of harmful agents that are not characteristic of the body. Harmful agents are bacteria, cancer cells, and viral pathogens. That is, when oncology forms in the body, this indicates a violation of the body’s immune system as a whole. Immunotherapy targets body functions and also aims to enhance the body's defenses after radiation therapy.

All of the above indicates that immunotherapy methods in the field of oncological diseases are intended to stimulate the body’s protective properties and combat cancer formations.

Immunotherapy treatment methods and their effectiveness

First of all, the vaccination procedure, which is intended to prevent the development of the disease and combat an existing disease, can be considered as a measure of immunological therapy. For preventive purposes, the most common is vaccination of cancer cells in the cervix, which follows as a result of the appearance and development of the papilloma virus in the human body.

To defeat cancer and increase the body's defenses, vaccination is used, created using the basis of malignant tumors. Here, cancer cells are obtained from the body, so that they can later be examined in the laboratory, and after dividing has stopped, they are introduced back into the body. The immune system will definitely respond to the appearance of new cells, activating the function of fighting these cells, and, consequently, cancer.

Another method of fighting cancer is the use of special proteins - cytokines. After all, the activity of the immune system is a complex process, where each cell is designed to perform a specific function. If one of the cells is damaged, this leads to a malfunction of the entire immune system. It is the immune system drugs based on cytokines that facilitate the transfer of data from one cell to another. Drugs based on this protein have been used for a long time, which makes the fight against cancer quite effective.

In addition to the methods listed, you should know which drugs are used for cancer patients to stimulate the body's protective functions. The body must fight cancer and also remove toxins that accumulate in the body during the period of therapy.

Immunotherapy specifically uses TIL cells, which are isolated from cancer tissue and eliminated through surgery. Afterwards, they are multiplied in the laboratory and then introduced into the blood in order to subsequently prevent the recurrence of these cells. TIL cells are much more active than lymphocytes, which explains the effectiveness of this method.

All of the above methods for treating cancer are quite effective and are actively used in medicine. Among them are even those drugs that are in the research and development stage. The most important thing is a detailed study of the patient’s body in order to prescribe the most suitable treatment.

Folk remedies

To boost immunity with folk remedies, many oncologists recommend using centuries-old well-known methods of strengthening the body in order, together with drug treatment, to speed up the healing process. Auxiliary methods of immunotherapy for cancer are: vitamin therapy, herbal medicine, aerotherapy, diet.

Vitamin therapy refers to medications that the patient takes in the form of special vitamin complexes that affect metabolic processes, the formation of the immune system, and prevent the development of cancer. Drugs that enhance immunity in oncology consist of a vitamin complex and are distinguished by the presence of:

  • Selenium, which increases the activity of lymphocytes, which are responsible for the reaction to malignant cells. In addition, selenium is intended to reduce the risk of tumors and metastases;
  • Vitamins of group E are involved in the production of antibodies, which can prevent the transformation of tissue cells into malignant cells;
  • Zinc, due to which lymphocytes are formed, which is a natural strengthening of the immune system;
  • Iron, which is against cancer;
  • Magnesium, which prevents the appearance of cancer cells;
  • Folic acid, which takes part in the formation of protection against tumors, as well as protecting tissues from the effects of external factors on them;

All of the above can be consumed both in a vitamin complex and in products that contain them in large quantities.

The use of herbal medicine for the treatment of cancer has positive results. To increase immunity in the presence of oncology, you can use these methods in treatment. The maximum effect in the fight against cancer has:

  • An antitumor plant called licorice. It not only slows down the appearance of cancer, but is also aimed at stimulating and developing special immune properties. The rhizome of the plant contains glycyrrhizic acid, which can prevent the appearance of a tumor, which is clinically confirmed. The use of a medicinal plant restores the immune system much faster and more effectively and rids the body of toxins;
  • Rosemary, rich in active biological substances, contains so much chlorophyll and flavonoids, which is stimulating for the development of immunity against tumors;
  • Birch mushroom as the main component contained in anti-tumor drugs. In the form of a tea drink, the mushroom has a beneficial effect on cancer formations, preventing their reproduction, and also leads to the fact that it kills these formations. Many experiments have confirmed the effect of chaga extract in the fight against cancer;
  • A powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antitumor agent. Its main property in the fight against oncology is the ability to prevent exposure to carcinogens that contribute to the progression of cancer;
  • The medicinal plant ginseng, which, according to numerous studies, has confirmed its ability to reduce the risk of cancer formation by about five times, which is explained by the ability of the plant to inhibit the division of cancer cells, and this effectively increases immunity;

In addition to those listed, a lot of medicinal plants have specific antitumor properties. These include aloe and turmeric. To know how to increase the body’s protective functions with the help of herbal medicine, you must first consult with a specialist to avoid possible allergic reactions.

Application of aerotherapy

Aerotherapy measures are auxiliary in the fight against cancer, but at the same time have a beneficial effect on the tissues and organ systems of the body. Aerotherapy involves the use of air procedures, which include long walks outside. These therapeutic measures are intended for prevention and restoration of the body after an illness.

Vegetables and fruits

Adhering to a specific diet, consuming medications and foods is an integral part of a cancer patient’s fight against the disease. Among the possible products for consumption are:

  • Beets, which should be consumed like freshly squeezed beet juice. This can be explained by the fact that beet fiber contains betaine, which prevents the development of oncology;
  • Garlic, which is able to support the immune system by destroying carcinogens that provoke the formation of cancer cells;
  • Green tea drink, which is a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body. In large quantities they can cause cancer;
  • Red pepper, which is responsible for controlling the level of cancer-causing cells in the body.

So, the immune system is the main defense that a person has by nature. Without immunity, not a single person could exist, as he died from a minor cold. We must constantly strengthen our immune system. Cancer patients should pay special attention to their immunity, since its condition depends on the effectiveness of treatment and the development of the disease.

The immune system is the real defense of our body; it protects the human body from attacks by viruses, fungi, bacteria and other pathogenic organisms and substances. The immune system is capable of destroying body cells if they have degenerated into a malignant tumor. But sometimes the immune system cannot cope with a malignant tumor, for example, it may be a genetic reason, and the tumor begins to grow. A large tumor can affect the immune system in such a way that it stops responding to a malignant tumor. In this case, the tumor can affect the “protective” cells, and they begin to destroy the host body. If doctors can understand how tumors suppress the immune system, this will be a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.

Immunity and tumor

For a long time, doctors believed that the immune system reacts poorly to cancer cells. Because the latter are very similar to normal cells. The immune system best resists malignant tumors that are of viral origin; the incidence of viral tumors increases in people with immunodeficiency. After some time, it became clear to doctors that not only the “similarity” of cells is the reason for the poor fight of the immune system against cancerous tumors.

It turned out that malignant tumors not only suppress the immune cells next to them, but also reprogram them, the immune cells begin to “serve” the cancer. The degeneration of an immune cell has several stages: at first it actively fights cancer, but then, dividing, it becomes part of the tumor. Scientists call this process “immunoediting.”

The first stage of immunoediting is the elimination process. External carcinogenic factors or mutations affect a normal cell, and it begins to “transform.” The cell gains the ability to divide unlimitedly, but it stops responding to regulatory signals that come from the body. The cell begins to synthesize “tumor antigens” on its surface and then sends “danger signals.”
Macrophages and T cells respond to these signals. The body’s “messengers” effectively destroy transformed cells, and tumor development is interrupted. But it happens that “precancerous” cells trigger an immune response. The transformed cell is weak and synthesizes fewer tumor antigens. Such cells are poorly recognized by the immune system; “traitor” cells survive the first immune response and then continue to divide.

The second stage of interaction between the body and the tumor begins. Which is called the “equilibrium stage”. The immune system can no longer completely destroy the tumor, but limits its growth. In this state, tumors “live” in the body for years; they are not detected during routine diagnostics.

Microtumors are not static; the properties of the cells they consist of gradually change as a result of the effects of mutations. Next comes selection; those cells that can most strongly resist the effects of the immune system remain to exist. Immunopresor cells appear. These cells passively avoid destruction and suppress the immune response. As a result, this evolutionary process leads to the fact that the body begins to die from cancer.

The third stage begins, which is called the “avoidance stage.” The tumor becomes practically insensitive to the effects of the immune system; the tumor begins to turn the activity of immune cells to its benefit. The tumor metastasizes and grows, there comes a time when doctors can diagnose the tumor. The previous stages proceed unnoticed; ideas about them are only an interpretation of several indirect data.

The significance of the dual behavior of the immune response in carcinogenesis

Today you can find many scientific articles that describe the fight of the immune system against malignant tumors. Almost the same amount of scientific material describes the negative impact of the presence of immune cells in the tumor, which provoke its growth and the appearance of metastases. The concept of immunoediting explained the change in behavior of cells of the immune system.

Cells of the immune system are very plastic, so they can reorient themselves to the side of the tumor. The immune response, in our understanding, is the body’s fight, but in addition to the fight, the body must also spend energy on eliminating the damage that remains after the destruction of harmful cells. Cancer affects the body in such a way that white blood cells begin to perceive cancer cells as if they need help and begin to treat them.

Take for example macrophages, which are called “war cells” or “healing cells.” The tumor “deceives” macrophages in much the same way as leukocytes. Macrophages were discovered by Metchnikoff; these cells are capable of absorbing harmful substances. This phenomenon is called "phagocytosis", which became the basis of all immunology. Macrophages detect the “enemy” and rush towards it; in addition, they attract other cells with them that are responsible for protecting the body. After destroying the “intervenors,” macrophages help other cells clear the “battlefield”; they produce substances that promote rapid healing of damage. It is this ability of macrophages that cancer cells use for their own benefit.

There are two groups of macrophages, each group has its own predominant activity. M1 macrophages are “classically activated”, they are responsible for the destruction of foreign objects, including cancer cells. M1 macrophages can also attract other blood cells, such as killer T cells, to destruction. M2 macrophages are “healers”; they are responsible for tissue regeneration (recovery).

If a tumor contains a large number of M1 macrophages, then it grows poorly, and as a result, complete remission may occur. M2 macrophages, on the contrary, secrete growth factors that promote the division of cancer cells. Experiments have shown that there are always many M2 cells around the tumor. Under the influence of M2 macrophages, M1 macrophages are reprogrammed and turn into the former. The “killers” can no longer cause damage or synthesize antitumor cytokines, but begin to release substances that promote tumor growth.

Proteins of the NF-kB family are the leading “programmers”; they control many genes that are so necessary for the activation of M1 macrophages. Important members of the family are p50 and p65, which form a p65/p50 heterodimer that influences gene activation in M1 macrophages. The p65/p50 heterodimer activates TNF in M1 macrophages, which responds to the acute inflammatory process, chemokines, interleukins, and cytokines. Excitation of these genes in M1 attracts a large number of immune cells to the site. A homodimer of the NF-kB family or p50/p50 binds to the promoters and blocks excitation. The degree of inflammation decreases. It is very important that there is a balance between heterodimer and homodimer in the body. Scientists have proven that the tumor disrupts the synthesis of p65 in M1 and promotes the accumulation of the p50/p50 complex.

Reactivation of the immune response

It turns out that there are cells around the tumor that destroy it, etc. who restore it. The future of cancer will depend on where the proportion shifts.

Experiments in modern medicine have shown that the process of “reprogramming” is reversible. Today, the most promising direction in onco-immunology is considered to be the development of an idea that can reactivate M1 macrophages.

Some types of tumors, such as melanoma, are perfectly treated with reactivation. The lactate molecule appears in tumors when there is a lack of oxygen due to rapid growth. Lactate enters the membrane channels of M1 macrophages. After this, the macrophage changes; oncological therapy will consist of blocking the M1 channels.

If scientists learn to control the immune response the way tumors control it, then the time will come when a person will be able to defeat cancer.

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