Increasing pensions for disabled people of group 2. Pension payments to disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood. How to apply for a pension

Disabled people's pension is a state benefit that is paid monthly to persons with severe health impairments. The program of the 3-year state budget of the Russian Federation for 2017-2019 provides funds to increase payments to this category of the population.

In the Russian Federation, there are 3 options for payments to persons with disabilities:

  1. Insurance - provided exclusively for disabled people with a certain number of years of work experience (who at one time paid contributions to the Social Insurance fund). However, its duration is not taken into account in the calculation.
  2. Social – paid to citizens who do not have a basis for receiving an old-age insurance pension (a sufficient number of years of work experience). They are prescribed to disabled people of any group, including children.
  3. State - assigned to citizens with limited ability to work who have a work experience established by law, and in some cases - regardless of its duration. Military personnel, cosmonauts, persons who suffered/were involved in the liquidation of man-made or radiation disasters, and World War II participants are eligible to receive.

Increase in payments

According to statistics, about 20% of the total number of people with disabilities can afford to work, and therefore earn an income. For the rest, state benefits remain their only income, so the issue of increasing the disability pension in 2018 is especially acute.

For the coming year, an increase in the size of pensions for disabled people is planned only through indexation, since there are no additional funds in the budget to increase social assistance to citizens. The authorities assure that its coefficient will accurately reflect the inflation rate of 2017, which fluctuates between 4-5%. It should be borne in mind that official inflation figures are often lower than real figures, so the premium will have virtually no effect on material well-being and is unlikely to compensate for rising prices.

From January 1, 2018, only recipients of insurance payments can count on an increase. The government decided to shift the deadlines a month earlier: previously, the increase was accrued from February 1 after Rosstat submitted data on calculating inflation rates. The increase coefficient is planned at 3.7%, which will be equivalent to an additional payment of 300-500 rubles. The average amount of insurance pensions in 2017 is 13,657 rubles, and taking into account indexation it will increase to 14,045 rubles.

For recipients of social benefits, indexation is scheduled for April 1 at 4.1%. The average payment amount for 2017 is 8,742 rubles. But you need to take into account that for group 1 the average figures are 13,241 rubles, and individuals receive 5,000-6,000 rubles, so in monetary terms the amount of the benefit paid will be increased by 175-500 rubles.

Payments to disabled children

There are about 617 thousand disabled children living in the Russian Federation who receive disability benefits, in addition to the payments established for their parents. The pension increase for them is planned for April 2018. The indexation coefficient will be about 2.6%, and the average amount will increase to 12,500 rubles, whereas today it is 12,200 rubles. In addition to social benefits for disabled children, it is possible to receive a monthly allowance of 2,527.06 rubles (from February 1, 2017). It will also be indexed in due course.

Indexation of EDV

In addition to pension provision, a monthly cash payment (MCB) is also established for disabled people, which, after contacting the local department of the Pension Fund, can replace the assigned benefits. It is credited to a special account and, as a rule, is paid along with the main benefit.

For 2017, the size of the EDV is:

  • for group 3 – 2,022.94 rubles;
  • for group 2 – 2,508.08 rubles;
  • for group 1 – 3,538.52 rubles.

From January 1, 2018, these amounts will also be indexed by 4.1%. Along with the revision of the EDV, the cost of a set of benefits that citizens will be able to receive in kind or in cash will also be increased.

On a note! In 2017, pensioners received a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles, which was compensation for the lack of timely indexation of benefits. But such events are not planned for 2018, since pensions will be revised in accordance with the procedure established by law.

At the same time, the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin recalled that there will still be no disabled pensioners in Russia whose monthly income is below the level of the pensioner’s subsistence level (PL) for his region of residence. For these categories of citizens, additional payments are provided in an amount that increases the monthly income to the amount of PMP.

Video on increasing pensions for disabled children:

Providing assistance to people with disabilities, as well as older citizens, is the primary task of any worthy country. After all, the mentioned sections of the population are unable to feed themselves, unlike the working masses. This material will tell about 3 groups in 2019.

Officials promise to increase the current type of state material support as a result of the transformation of the social sphere. So, what should the disabled categories of the Russian population expect in the new year?

What are the nuances of the issue under consideration?

Today, the domestic legislative framework acts as a guarantor of federal and regional social obligations. It is not difficult to understand the importance of such assistance from the state apparatus, because this is the main condition for maintaining the stability of residence of our compatriots. Otherwise, the life activity of disabled people within the bounds of their vast homeland would have considerable problems.

Municipality employees can assign a number of regional concessions, so this unprotected layer of Russians is not prevented from constantly keeping abreast of the news. As for the size of the disability pension of group 3 in 2019 in Moscow, it is quite natural that its value will be increased compared to regions remote from the capital.

So, there are three categories of disability, among which the third contains the most insignificant signs of developmental deviation. Therefore, those with such a mild form of disorder are able to perform professional duties. However, people of category 3 disability can only do a certain list of non-burdensome work. The amount of the benefit is determined by the group, therefore, representatives of group 3 cannot count on impressive rates.

How much is the benefit for disabled people?

The amount of group 3 disability pensions for non-working people approved by politicians in 2019 will not undergo significant changes. Only the due annual indexation will certainly be carried out in relation to the current category of our compatriots. So it makes sense to talk about making a decision to pay Russian citizens 4,279 rubles. monthly, which also applies to people with developmental defects from an early age.

The situation with labor benefits is somewhat different from the above, since in this case a certain length of service is also taken into account. The standard value of this type of material support from the state apparatus is equal to 2403 rubles regulated by law. per month. The indicated amount is valid if the pensioner does not support anyone, but when there are dependents, the amount of the benefit increases to 4004 rubles. for 1 person, up to 5606 rub. for 2 survivors and up to 7208 rubles. for 3 dependents.

From April 1 for group 3 in 2019, the disability pension, as well as all other benefits, will be indexed. Therefore, the scale of the increase will be 5.5%, the indicator coefficient adopted by employees of the highest echelons of power. So the considered stratum of citizens with disabilities should not hope for a qualitative increase in payments.

And recently, the head of government approved legitimate amendments, the essence of which is the cancellation of additional allowances and a one-time charge instead of them amounting to 5 thousand rubles. Disabled people and all other socially vulnerable categories of the Russian population will receive this money.

Incentives for employed people with disabilities

There is often a situation where disabled people are members of the working class, thereby ensuring their own material well-being. They do not only have the resources to support their native Fatherland, therefore, officials provide them with a sufficient list of concessions. Although the size of the disability pension of group 3 in 2019 for working citizens with developmental disabilities will be approximately the same as for unemployed disabled people.

In particular, these compatriots are not affected by waves of layoffs, as well as refusals at the stage of accepting a new job due to “unsuitability.” Such citizens are accrued additional vacation days and are exempt from night work. Existing benefits can be turned into money by filing an application for

Pension provision for citizens is an obligation assigned to the state. This is written in the code of laws of the country - the Constitution. Among disabled people in need of material support, children occupy a special place - the most dependent part of society. They have the right to cash benefits - this expense item is included in the budget. The article will discuss who falls into this category, what are the conditions for receiving funds, and what the pension will be for disabled children in 2018.

A child with limited life activity due to birth defects, injuries or mutilations is recognized as disabled and has the right to a social pension. Depending on the severity of the health condition, subsidies are provided for one, two years or until adulthood. The period is determined by a medical and social examination.

Types of assistance

The package of state support for families with disabled children includes:

  1. The pension as such is paid to parents or guardians caring for the child.
  2. Monthly cash payment. Its size depends on the presence, absence or partial provision of social services. This amount is not subject to indexation.
  3. Social services in kind:
    provision of prescription medications and nutritional therapy;
    treatment in a sanatorium with the provision of a voucher;
    free travel by land transport to and from the place of treatment; If the presence of an accompanying person is necessary, then he will be paid for the trip and round trip travel.

Conditions for receiving social assistance and required documents

According to the law of the Russian Federation, the following have the right to receive a disability pension and monthly financial assistance:

  • a child with disabilities living in Russia;
  • able-bodied parent or guardian caring for him.

Social payments are made only upon provision of a certificate of permanent residence in a specific locality. The pension is paid from the month in which the fact of disability is confirmed, other benefits - from the month of filing an application for them. To complete it, you must submit documents to the Pension Fund at your actual place of residence:

  • statement;
  • passport and identification code of the authorized representative;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of disability;
  • insurance policies for adults and children.

Procedure for assigning and receiving funds

Documents can be brought in person or sent by mail. The issue of appointment is resolved within 10 days from the date of submission of the application or the date on the envelope. If an incomplete package is provided, the submission deadline is counted from the day when all the necessary papers have been collected. The authorized person, when submitting an application, can indicate the method of delivery of the money. There are two options:

  • receive at home (brought by postal worker);
  • transferred to a bank account.

Increasing pensions for disabled children in 2018

The reality is that the prices of goods and services rise, and money depreciates. Therefore, increasing the size of the pension is vital. The only way to do this is an annual increase. Its value depends on the level of inflation. Indexation will definitely be carried out as planned in April 2018. According to various forecasts, its coefficient will be from 2.6 to 4%. The pension amount will be approximately 13,340 rubles. In addition, the government intends to provide additional assistance and a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles.

The state will continue to take care of its young citizens with poor health in 2018. Pensions will be paid in accordance with the established procedure and indexed in due time.

Those citizens who, due to the state of their health, can no longer work in their profession, but are able to perform other, simpler work or work in their original specialty, but in a lighter mode, belong to disability group III.

Let's look at what the disability pension for group 3 is in 2019.

Pension for the third disability group

Regardless of which group is assigned based on the results of the ITU, you can choose only one of two social security options:

Social disability pension 3 groups + EDV = disability pension, or Labor pension + EDV = disability pension, where EDV is a monthly cash payment.

Those permanently residing in the Russian Federation, including minors, have the right to become recipients of a social pension (Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001).

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Pension size for disabled people of group 3 in 2019

The size of the social disability pension of group 3 in 2019 is 4403.24 rubles/month, including for minors.

How much they pay for the third disability group under a labor pension is calculated using a special formula, taking into account the length of work experience.

The basic (minimum) size of the labor pension is also fixed:

  • RUB 2667.10/month - lonely;
  • RUR 4,445.16 rub./month - with 1 dependent;
  • 6223.22 rubles/month. - with 2 dependents;
  • RUB 8,001.28/month - with 3 dependents.
The total amount of disability pension for group 3 in 2019 takes into account not only the need for benefits, but also marital status.

Algorithm and formula for calculating pension payments

If the recipient only expects to receive a social pension or minimum wage, then the total amount is known in advance with great accuracy, since the size of the EDV is a fixed value.

The calculation will need to be performed in the case where there is length of service and it is necessary to take it into account to determine the size of the retirement pension, which differs from the minimum (basic) value.

You can find out how much disabled people of group 3 are paid using a special formula.

Attention! How much a group 3 disabled person should receive in each case must be found out from the Pension Fund.

To calculate a disability pension based on length of service, the formula looks like this:

TPPI = PC/(T x K) + B, where

  • PC - the amount of pension capital accounted for in the Pension Fund, determined as of the date from which the disability pension will be transferred in the future
  • T - fixed value of the expected time of payment of the old-age pension (in 2019 T = 252 months);
  • K is the proportion between the standard length of insurance service on the date of pension assignment and 180 months. At the age of 19, the standard length of service is 12 months, after which 4 months are added per year. The total sum cannot be more than 180, that is, K< 1 или К=1;
  • B - the basic amount of disability pension of group 3.

You can find out how much they pay for disability group 3 (working) at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Monthly cash payments

EDV is the monetary equivalent of various social benefits, their material expression (additional payment for group 3 disability).

Benefits include:

  1. Free medications with a doctor's prescription (or with a 50% discount).
  2. Free travel on public and suburban transport.
  3. Free spa treatment.

A disabled person has the right to decide for himself and inform the Pension Fund what payments are due to a disabled person of group 3, and in what form he wishes to receive (in kind or in the form of EDV).

Refusal from a set of social services

You can refuse the social package completely, or some part of it, and the amount of daily allowance will be recalculated, which will be accrued to the disabled person after acceptance of his application.

To receive EDV, you must:

  1. Give up some component of the social package.
  2. Submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund before October 1 of the current year.
In the future, you can refuse your daily allowance and receive a social package again. To do this, you will need to submit a new application to the Pension Fund.

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EDV size

As of 02/01/2019, the total amount of EDV was 2162.67 rubles. As part of the EDV, 1121.42 rubles were allocated for the payment of the social package, incl.

In 2018, state support for people with disabilities will continue. The government has decided to index pensions for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3. The size of the allowances will not be significant.

People with disabilities will be able to continue to receive payments and benefits in accordance with their group in 2018. Government support programs provide several support tools. This includes a disability pension, all kinds of benefits, social services and one-time payments. In addition, it became possible to monetize some benefits by submitting an application.

Changes planned for 2018 in the payment of disability pensions

The methods for calculating disability payments will not change in 2018. It is too early to talk about a significant improvement in the lives of this category of citizens, since the level of payment will not be increased. Only annual indexation will be carried out.

Despite the difficult financial situation in the country, it was decided to index payments for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3. The figure of 5.5% will not make citizens with disabilities very happy. However, this is the rate of inflation for 2018 and the state will compensate for losses from it with a premium. Such a step could cover the rise in prices of food and some other goods.

It is worth recalling that disability groups differ in a person’s ability to work and the ability to take care of themselves throughout life. Thus, people with the first group cannot perform simple physical functions on their own, or it is extremely difficult for them to do this, and they need the help of another person. And the third group includes people who have certain limitations, but at the same time can live on their own, and carry out the simplest work in small quantities and receive little remuneration for it.

Official amounts of labor and social pensions for disabled people for 2018

To correctly calculate the amounts for labor pensions, you need to know the basic coefficient and the level of disability of the citizen. Experience also greatly influences the final figure. In addition to these parameters, which significantly increase payments, there are also minimum fixed rates, below which the labor pension cannot be. For disabled people of the first group, this rate is 8,767 rubles, for the second group – 4,383 rubles, and people with the 3rd group are guaranteed to receive 2,191 rubles.

Social benefits for disabled people serve as additional financial support. From April 1, 2018, the first group will receive about 4,000 rubles of a social pension, the second will be able to count on 5,000 rubles, and the first group - 10,000 rubles. These payments are not tied to official length of service and will go to all categories of the population.

Social assistance for people with disabilities is provided for both people who have reached retirement age and those who received a disability group earlier. Citizens whose employment was not considered official, that is, their employers did not make contributions to the Pension Fund, can also apply for payments.

You can apply for a disability pension in several stages. First, you need to prepare the necessary documents, then submit them to the representative of the regional Pension Fund and receive a response. After this, payments will begin to accrue.

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